Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1963, p. 14

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llnwnnl Allan was hunorcd vilh hirihday dinner marking llh 80th hirlhdayrnnnivcrsary Mcmhm his iamin motored In Ihe home ui Mr Allans xun New and daughter Mr and Mrs Barry Trumhlcy and iam iiv ni Yates Casile Drive Dawns cw fur the party Friends and ncinhhars ai Churchill and com munity extend their cangratula lions and best wishes and hope he conlinucs to enjoy unnd hcallh Other members of the iamin altcnding the dinner were Mr and Mrs Rnnald Allan Brenda Pam and Jnhn Mr and Mrs William Constable and iamiiy Mr and Mrs Edgar Stwncnn Mr and Mrs Ken neih Sturgeon Neil Kent and Miss Elilabelh Sturgeon The Christian lion Grnup oi Churchill United Church pastoral charge me at lhc hnmc oi Mr and Mrs Qangias Hughes Jesus Asks Vital Religion The lollnwng ulliccrs were cl ccled Chairman Gourgc Lucas icc chairman Arlhur Vrighl Secretary Mrs William Kcll Treasurer Cyrll Spence Several from lhe Young Peop les Union went by bus to at lch services at Knox Presby tcrian Church Toronlo when Lelghlnn Ford was the speakcr Some Phnrisecs and scribes came Capcrnaiim as spins mm Jerusalem to find grounds or action agaJnst Christ Seeing llis dlscipics on without Ihu traditional cmmnnial washing they ac cused iim oi heresy He cail Congralumians Mr and Mrs Don Slurgcnn Fournicr Barrie on the birth at son at lhe Royal Victoria Ilnspilnl Barrie on Sunday morning He is the lira grandsan for Mr and Mrs Edgar Slurgcon thcnl vlsilors Prossnrs were Mr and Mn Wesley Hindl and Franco cl Cook own Raymond and Mrs Ada McMaslcr cl Barrie II hxilinry will can be having lobognan parly at Dale Squihbs on Saturday ternnon Mormon scnvice SI Pclern Anglican Chuxch Danicl Paul Ian Mr and Mn Max llafland rccclvcd bap Hsmal rim ympalhy the cummunily cxlcndcdlu Mrs Frank held and son Harold in lhc dcalh of Mr Frank Field Elemn lublcs of enchrn Inns wnre on hand or he Home and School party he Filth Linc nthml whlch was convened by Mr and Mrs Don Henllyr Win ning the prim were Mrs Ken Gnuld Mrs Burns Mrs Andy Graham Ivnn mu Km Gould nnvl Frank Inckhnrlr Thu Inst 01 he ruin will he Fall Mrs Mac Conslnhln entertain ed lhn lnlllrs bridge club Vm ink Ihc prim were Mrs Allnn Tudd nnd Mm Hum Slcwarl Mr null MIL VnHrr Hullml Immul up In win he Indies and nunA hiuh prixu nr the min rurllru wnnwml Ivy Illc Wumm Instilule nnr IIIIll In llw Town Hnll Conimlulnllnnx lhr winnm It Kin11 rudue um lollnwn LIL lll Uliw McClnIn nml Ormn Shumsnn mrn HIM Hllhll mul Lloyd Arrhihalll dnnr ml Ml Frrluly Mill Im IM lunl Mk Il Inlmrr Lury Imuuvll nml lJuyfl Arrhilmhl Hu unwell HII Mrl firmld Walla ll mu ilimrs ilh Mr and Mn anhr Sphkrr wrc Mr and Mn Dull lellkrr ulul Inm Hy nhzmn hurl mu Ilrmlcr mm Mllklun Mu WHIIIIIII raxulnn an nulu II lvrrn hilill hrr NI MIMI mnshm nnl Innllly ML uni lu Huuxhlnn ML and lu Irlry Huuxhlnn Iml lmlnllllv IMflltm Ilul Mr mul MH WIHIMII 1311 Mt nlnl MI Vilmn Ml lur lhr HIMIIIL Ihrir Ilmlglulrr llulnlhy Almr wnmu Ilrv In HINDI llupwyml llmlncrlnwnMnu nm Imu Iiniv will Ikl ulnrn Fr In II III By MRS PRDSSER Mm nllrIuImt In UIIIHHI hum Tnllruhnm um lw Mr nnvl Mu Wall and Mn And Mr mu Mu Lluwl huru nml Mn Invlvlzo inml III Tmlmlu ullh Mu Irnn Ilnu Mn WM and tlmnzhlrr Mu lulu Bclvnmlnm Awnl an ermmn II Mk filln Hluml um llw fonmrn mu lhrr Mn Eulvm Mn ll Malllun rum Vwl muler nu WMJL rnm lltshylnlun Zhuth Ilw TV pmmmlun um llmmrl the unnqu NHL drullnl Ivroahlnd held In Wuh mum They lllllnfll nllly InMm lmMenl Krnnwly unl mfny alhwr SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS him um nmm nllrudmz lhI bmflnl wen Mu Ttd CHURCHILL I1 MRS HT TOTTENHAM Dale Mrs Vince Fcchcly and Mrs Brawlcy The Ladies Lawn Bowling Club at he hum of the presi dent Mrs Cluridge 11le for euchrcs to he held in he luwn hall in he ncnr ulurc There will alsu he draw Tlckcls can he obtained mm the canvcncr Mrs Wice or olhcr member at lhu club Cungralulallons In Mr and Mrs Allan Cranslon on the birth of sun in Slevcnsnn Momnrial Hospital Allislonl Ily MRS CAllll number oi local armors allcndcd meeting al lie LOL linil lo view some films prudA need by he US Atomic Energy Cnmmissinn and ihe Michigan State College it showed the hcneiils derived from use of liquid iurlililcr These includ cu results on oliage coding and row iccdinx ni ihn liquid forl llizcr an some loyal crops Mx and Mix VLurnc Clarkson and son or Bollan spent day 2111 Mr and Mrs Angus Camp ul ung hypycritqs mncern 3d vilh religlnus lrappingsr Mark 113 Christ tried unnhserved in Tyre and SI don but Immediately hero came to Him pagan mmnn who begged Hlm to cure her demon possessed daughter Rev Leonard Varr and Mrs Carr attended Simcoc Pryhylgy pl Or cw weeks wilh her daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Murray lcYanpl Islingun Several of the members Trinity Unilcd Church UCV won by bus to Colliugwmd tn allcnd lhe ancrnnnu mud 0va ning sessions of SimLoc UCV presided over by Mrs Bell Barrio ll MRS HAYES After spending several cck In Tornnm Mr and Mrs James have Murncd to their home In Edgar dgar community prcbcnlrd Miss Minnie Link with sunlm couch and same cups and snu ccrs Min Iink recently last all in Mr and Mrs Cecil Shear down and Mr and Mu Villinm icnrdown risilcd Mr nnd Mrs Morrison Donn Edmnr with quill mmplclcd nl lho home Mn Cecil Shcnrdnwn Mrs Dailcy Mrs New cIE Mrs Shelswcll Mrs Hulchlnaon Mn nidmcll and Mrs 1st Assisted in he quilting The mm is mill or Mr And Mn James Shutdown Vuncnuvrr Vlllrcd Cnnk annnlo spnnl No days wllh nrcnls Mr null Mrs Couk Mr and Mn Mnurire um visited Mr nnd Mn flax Mc Down nnd ilcnn In llcxdnle Mr nnd Mrs Cllmlie Shrub down Snndrn um 5mm Mur ric were guests of Mr and Mrs Cm Shmnlawn Mr and Mn Mman lhlyu Vincrnl lluycl and Mn Ditkcr ummlml he hmch WIiJIlII film In Illliu Mls Alma Gnllnuxhcr ml Dun inllnunlwr AllLlrm nnd Nl nml Mm IL Collilr nml Handy llnrnr vlhilcd Mr nnll Mu Hunlnn thurll Mr nml Mn MrKrmln nnln wrrv mm Mr mum llnyu mu Mm luc Fmmnn Ardm Mnnllnlm and IL Forrmnn lrlnlmrmmh viv NI Mr In Mu Ihnnkl Sunday nml Mn FHHINIII mmnnlnu wk VI llmu nlnnnl HInliwl Hm Numlny Innmlnu HIV Irv and Hum llyunnmrl llmlrd Hum lnmr anunrl Inhml yum Mr null Mu Jmnr IJnvluv wn Impliml Mn Mrlmnu mm In Nmmmkrl llnlpillll lltr mnhy lrlvmlu uhh lpvnly lrrmrry IIrnml mm Mu JIImN Amnm Mrln lu Mum hum Illupllnl or pHle In mu nunmt ll pilnl in Toma Iur uman fllllTlIlM IMITV unxvnlulaumu ln Mu llmllry ulm rclrlnnlrd hrr MU luhnulny on Fund1y Alumni Ilwu nllrmlmz lhr Inmlly um in Hm horny In Mr and WIIHnm Ihrllwl um Mrs lnlmll Mul valn Inw mnnvlllv Mu Hum Hill and Dunclnl Ill MIL Ilnn Tim Inhnwn EIICIIIIE IAIHV 11er um Inhlu playlu Ill Ihu rmhn rm Mnmlny nl Lad prlm um wnn lxy VIM qmn anmllw nnumy ml Eblc Imnom mull Mr Blew THORNTON BOND HEAD EDGAR ILLUSTRATED SUNDY SCHOOLLESSON lur und nml null null null art Ed Campbell and Irwin Valsonl Lucky draws Elva Sutherland Jackle Harvey Edna Hnrvny Velma Grlmsby Mel Stewart 0rvllle Hughcs Bill Mndlll and Bill Wall Dy MRS WORTLEV Nine Iablcs al cuchre were in play In he community halL Irizcs want In Indies Lla Simp son Mrs McFadden and Mrs Murdock mun Pal McCrackcn Les Hutchinson and Gwen Feb man well known summer rcsldenl or shanly Bay Grenville Ilnlph pmsidenl RalphClnrk and Slum Lithographer Tur onto passed away in Torunto General Iospilal Though she did hot allow any Jewish rituals or even Ideol ogy her 1mm failh was vi ta He cured her daughter Mark 72430 In the Dec polis region the people brought adeaIanddumb man to Chris or healing He look Sjfibnlfiiqof the community is extendcd to Mrs Ralph Myy grape axd Frank muc girls hcrc celebrab hair birthday with parties Linda Glrard emerlained xcvcn of her lrionds on her seventh blrfllday Chrissie Sutlnn celebrated her fourth birthday by cntcrtnining hvr grandparents and friend an day and several her friends from he village the day ancr Several me the Ladies Guild have been busy quilting at Mrs Murtins cvsun is patient In SI Michv uclsl goply The will hold corpor nln Communion in St Thomas Church Ihis Sunday at Everyone is welcome In lhls service The Fobruarymucling ul Zion Unilcd Church UCW was held at lhe home Mrs Mnnson Mrs Miller president was In the chair Mrs Kcih gave the devotion Mrs Barb Tnylnr in lmduccd the sludy mm Asia lunch was served by he hnsl Mrs Dinxman and Mrs Pnssich ammom VII4 Miss Suzanne Finlay went Thursday cvcninl wilh Mlsl Dunky Machnnld and amend ml he lchnvalc Sunday school skulin pmly at Mlncsillll Miss Dnan Smith nl Tamnln Vcsmrn Hospital Is all hulldnyl nlhc 1me 9K crparcnlx mi Manila mm mm he ucckcml win nlallvu ln Tur unlu Mr and Mn Alex Finlay and lnmlly wuc suppcr gunsl on Saturday of lhc lormcra mnlller Mu linlny Mlllllursl Sumlny vlsilur wllh ML and Mn Slow llnwn included Mr And Mm Allan Smclnlr and Elrls Collinxwwd Mn Allrcd NEW YORK lAllch In many Iunponln Ilonl IhI Way uu nlmw yuur an vy uhal yuu like In mnll Am ynu mlnluly nn lonncr wring rlvlckrn ynu tun nmrlulwr Mun Immigrale mnnl min on only pnu Idex All HamI Imll lwn wlnll NIII mr lilnln won lenul nnvl ngzlrx man rnuhl wrnr ml Im prmlru ulnmul Mn nmmd nl Irclnl Illuwmll 11m luvln In lhr IltKHnl mm hung up an nunth lIu WM nlwnyl Hazard ullh lulu Inlzhl urnnze IMpln MM llwell nur lm mcrhnm qullo Illa Mnn IWnr 1AM MI rnnunh lllml Ml hfll NHL UlllHV HUN EATI anwly wnmlnml whumr humum lo vmnltvlll II In Illll me we wrln mnu lKIIPrI mml hrndl lhan In lmwl In nllm mm mum paxllmr nnl may Invluplly any lamllln llvll lxul nuly IE mg ml lhcm SHANTYBAY Many lamllln had Mm aim hut nnly lhu luhlnnnhl lutth nl mm mm all him yuu all In Iummcr yum um mmI In ynur awn Imdynn Linn mm yvmlr mm on LN linlduml MIMI By MRS ANLESS NEW FLOS THE LIGHT TOUCH The Cats Pajamas No Longer Stylish Lynn and Mr and Mrs Waller Lynn and family Sunnldale Mr and Mn Lloyd Barthon mew Brim and Judy of Hawke stone and Barthohmew Guthrie visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cline Rnwn and lamlly NEW nos New Flos anena lnstltute met Ncsday at the home at Mn James Kenney Seventeen members and une vlsilnr were present Rel call was answer edby scandy recpe and sample to be aucttened Mrs Bert Kenny president was the auctioneer Members discussed the motto It It were not for the winter wed never love sprlne allowing whleh anen tine verses were read in lieu at the usual pupal Plnns were made to celebrate the even an niversary New Flos WI in the Easter holidays and com mittces were appointed to make arrangements Mrs Gerald King lettered to make the cake and ers Jnek Minnings tn ice it resolution tn abolish pointed toes in childrens shoes was read by Mrs Sam Allen Mrs Archle Vnnlcss held draw which was mm by Mrs Mln nings hlrs Jack Camerons eon test on word conlatning the word dog was won by Mrs Wunless and hlrs ll Smith It hot pot luck supper was en joyed at the close hlm away from the cmw to quiet place and usingsizn language He touched his ears and tongue looked heaven ward to indicate lhe source of H1 power and healed lhe mamMark 73137 In Beth aida blind man was By MRS BERT MULIIOLLAND WOMENS INSTITUTE By HAL BOYLE WONDER VALLEY Miss Icannrllc lcrmvy ls nursing an injured Inner uhich she hurl while plying hnskcla hall Miss Ann nubidgc anullln visilcnl and Mrs No Elgoy pane John and 15 MclJhuy allcndcd hinhday parly the Jackmnns in narric 735 Drury and Miss Shawn Lnlimcr Harrie ltd on cvpnlnz 91 ugmdy REJECTS Mll INCREASE WASHINGTON MP Thu US Civll Acronnullu nnnrd rulccltd Thursday pru poscd new nlcrnnllnnnl air lam which said would In crcnu llckcl ml or aub nlnnllal WM lmvclllnl puhllc by more lhun Iva pct rcnl mmpmlml lhnn lhey mil nn dntlurn Mmhm worrled mnu llluml lhrlr thlldnn xrlllmz lhn muan Ihln duvelnplnx nruroxln hrllhl nl audal mm Wu Io udllm Oh you IIId nr flay lhlll Hm cnll pylamqnfi Comlc nlrlr we nuppnml In mum nml yum mllxl MI um wllhnnl Iutnklng Into lrnrl 1ln lnsl vans Immune hlnk rya nr vml hll In Ilm hull wllh llunl lukk AI um muvlrn Illa npunlnr Mm IlMHnI lhu mm wnyl mulqu rmnlc llln uklnl Will Inqliu virus lb me lhrlr Imlt Vnu will cumlulrrahlr menu In nu rmnmunily lry Kunnn and um urnAlum IMlllr INNHui ul Mn lmlim IIIV mImI all mm unnll Inn MI nun ml 01M lwvr wilt nml vmmlnlul Illrmmn In nanny mnde lnr l01lfMII and IIII have dlme loll nur or linuhlullp Ir Hum run an IM My home llrmtmh Well ynu tun mu ml lhl Ixle you mu yrmln mm lul lawn nuhlnnl mutzeu inn In he fly MRS HANDY STROUD By Alfred Bugsche QUEBEC CMAn earlier spring breakup may he passiblb hy the use of dlrl on ice nnd snow an Ottawa scicnust says The Eastern Snnw Conference was lnld1hursdny by Williams the anianal Re scarchCauncil the mulls at NRC sIudics Ihe eilecl of the sun on Ice and snow brought to Christ He led hlm quietly mm the village lald ills hands on him and the man saw llvls the strong in net lailh nl person which makes hlm religious not ill outward armMark 92126 GOLDEN TEXT Mark 7£7 Black or dark substance ab snrb more of the suns radiant heal lhnnv vhlle substanccs which merely rollch it he said The result is that dirty snuw absorbs the suns heat and melt ilsclL If there Is enough dirt or dust or dark suhstanccs mixed with snnw and ice nn bodiu of water and it then Is enough sunlight the bndics water will have an earlier spring breakup Thu NRC is working on he technical possibilities al dirty ing snow in cases where it might be desirable in get rid ul it laslcr he said The cost would probably be high and lhere were numcrous practical dilliculllcs lml lnslcr mulling could in an aid in early naviga lion Dirty Snow Melts Better Several years ago Russian experimenters lricd spreading powdered charcoal and cinder over large lracls of snow to see how well he technique worked in mclllnglsnuw WW anons +T EATON CQ rm BARN EXAMINER IATUNDAY FEB 18 1961 ScflplilreMark 714 By SPEEE JONES Christ and His disciples are still in or near Capemaum on Ihé nurlhcm shore Ihe Lake oi Galilee when nur icssnn apens From the Jewish capiinl atJerusalem spiesin lhe na lure of certain Pharisees nnd cribeshave been sent in lind out more about this strange Jegus to discredit Him and 529k muse or legal action against Him The Pharisees we knnw were he Influential nulhoritar lan Jews strict formal and hill Iow In Unit warship The scflhes were In ultscllhclr legal counsel The detilcmcnl may object In In the dlsciples omlssian or ceremonial washing is not de lilemcnr from dirt but mm the rellgiously impure The Gun tiles for example were um cqnsidcrud unclean just us curlaln Hindu castes are con sldered unclean by their mum furlunate brethren The scrlbcs and Pharisees lm medlalcly sen Ihal when his ccmmnnial is Ignorcdslhcir cn lire fabric of aulhnrily Is hm1 ennd for all their maximum lnw crumble Impuritfils That Within Man AVE CANADIAN WEEK FANS iCPiéThe city at 011115 abqu 300 miles south here Is celebratinga Cana dian Week innugurnlcd Mon day by Canadian Ambassador Pierre Dupuy Events during lhe week include series at Icclurcs on Canndn nrlicils ahaul Canadn in ideal newspa pers and displays of Canadian photographs and Canadian prnduch senior mnmllh exupuonn mk round Inlemnd In null mmnhuuvlll Indn dhuhunu mum In pumum an yum pumuu bull mum nwnn tnnunne mm onlrnl de um Mu um um umlm mom Plus we gum Inm muon 1n RPIL Nollcn carcmlly that Ihtse an 1h lunln Enmlnr AND llllllll GRADUALLY1 wvuwth gfuum rummm mnuk Kama hmmhup thh Inul hon my murm md mum reh 5mm rm muffin io Malmu 99 IIMITzo ccrcmonlals yer so are nnt criticllcd by Chrislr Much ol an our church rilunl has been de veloped and refined by religious men not by divlno revelation or the ward 66d Yet what Christ ls crlllcillng is not the outward form but the lack of inner meaning behind IL The greatest importance in my church must always be nu word or Gnd nu ma law oi man This word at God is slrcsscd by Jesus In His mrcrcnce lo lhc Ton Commnndmcnls issued Ihrnugh not run by Moses Thus He is able lo point nut Ihal these very Pharisees hang onto their property Instead using it In help ul hnnar lhnir parcms by hiding behind lhv manmade lraditinn de claring certain properly dedi cated In God Cnrban and shimtore beyond seizure or In Mnrklml we find lho longes list sins In any one grnup ever mcnlloned by Christ thc lme dofilomcnu Also In the seventh chapter of Mark we find Ihc record of the most cxlcnsive travels 01 Christ In lheheghmlng otlhe chapter mumlmlr rul lluur mm Hull lllllHr hm mu Mum mm nnrnlvv1 mm mm mnth um 41va HM 0N Kuuhll llk um 530 pm IIOO pm HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY pm 1130 pm GRUB STAKE 75c CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HoiEL nnnxmv Huh Dryurl 99 MonIn 1mm Danni llnullv In In mum in Nm nuy In no um nolad He II in cm mauln Verses zIaov menllnn travels to Tyre and Sldon Im purlant Syrlnn consul metrop oli By the and In clmpler we find Jesus east of Galilee In Ille area of Syria known Dccapngis glisliniqllishfd nnme lmplics by In populous cllics The Syrophuonlcian woman muntiuncd ls lrom the political dlvislou nl Syria and the gem graphical and cultural urea ol lhocnicla the ancient trading race who developed the alpha bet and who carried the culture ol the llirtdln East throughout the Mediterranean by thelr maritime talents These people were worship pers Aslarlc the moon gnd dcss They were really pagan of dogslo Jewish eyes or all aver lhe Ensk he dog considered the symbol im purity Chris here 727 oaks he chs as the children and all olhexjs as dogs This miracle delivnrance powcflul llluslmlion of the lm parlance true purity lnr lack of which He chaslizcd lhe Pharisees and scribes earlier Mllfll WIN DIAMOND Th1 people honors Ma with their lips but 101 Mm Is at from Me In vnln dn lhey warship Me tenhlnl ll doctrines an precept mm erl 67 75 Dunlap Sine Em mm Wilh IOVEAR SECURITY BOND lmplms by In nofiulm In Your Guannlea Our nepnmhn if

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