Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1963, p. 10

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By MAJOR GILLESPIE Tm soul Ihnl slnnelh It shall dc Ezekiel 184 The Old Testament prophet Ezekiel in these wards reinted the alibi the Hebrew people were using ior their captivity in Baby lonr They claimed they were being punished for the sins oi their ioreinihers the particu lar sin being that oi idolatry Ezekiel met their argument oi heredity with doctrine which was new to the Hebrews that oi personal responsibility There Is ample pron that her edin does enter strongly into the nalure man This is borne out In the lilo Pascal Ihu great French philosopher and malhcmaliclnn His lather mind mathematician wished his son lu devule his his to rel iginus mailers lie exerted every effort to train his son lor lhe minlslry and kept irnm him hunks an mathematics However young Pascal is said have solved all the problems of Euc lid even without having had ac cess in the Iexlbonk Man is not rcsponslble or heredily llowcver lhcre is dccn scaled awareness in man llml sin is inexcusable Jesus said the trouble with man is hat men luvcd darkness ralh tr than light because their deeds are evil Paul nlso taught that sin lies in the will paw Be zckicl realized lhcre was actor other than heredity or am vironmcnl which had to he reck nned with He elk that man had an individuality all of his own will which enabled him In make his own dcclsions and bus la decide his own late Heredity Not To Blame Sins Are Individual PA 12 IA UMI mm mm IIMHI new Thu mm hummer Zlnmh Annmmummu THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS 1111 Hum luv umlrn mm hr Imam lrrnull ml nme summ huuw xplullnl nlurn Wllmul mun Hum mum IIrmrmy mmnlinu mm mm mum um um nay my mum mm my Iuly ulul uwu um Hum lhvy 1M mp an lnhln mh mmme 111 mmlnnuny ml mm ml Ihr lnmh nun ulmh nrrrh IHI llmlnl and lmlrlml mmmlL Ilnn mum up my ml My mm duly 1H CHURCH FOR All All FOR THE CHURCH HILL HARRY Ll 5le TATION Nll HIIEARD LTD LIIMHHII IIUIIJHIILS Il Iumny Imp nAmmmoN MONUMENT co lhu Duan llllllon AVE Mundny 1m Shawl lumswlnk not decelved God not mock ed whatsoever man suwelh that shall he also reap he that sowelh lo the flesh shnll nl Ihe flesh reap corruptlon he that sowelh to the splrlt shall at the splri reap lile gvnrlnsllng This Old Testament prophet preached Christian gospel He fully believed that the wages sin is death However he also had the concept of the lat abuse of that same verse hut lhe gm 9f GodJscternal life rough Jesus Christ nur Lard Jle had taught centur les helnre Christs coming to earth that Ike wicked mun mhfiulng alinnrnrf clock in As wnn Ole mar 01 5000 puunds at dynamile mm each day some 15000 mm granile erupt moving hnt much closer to reality Iho giant Aswan high damEgypts dream and Rus sias largest Iorcign aid ven lure We are right on schedule says Osman Ahmed Osman contractor who Is key man In the project which may largely decide Egypts pluée In the moth century and Prcsidcnt Gama Abch Nussnrs rule in histnry Nastser sees lhc dam as the crowning symbol his socialist rcvolulion Russia Foreign Aid Will Mean Giant Dam For Egypt Soon ASWANLFW 5m ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Ti back Nasser lhe Russians Tuany mum Hut Mum and know better than UmUYo cnntphm yaur mnl life or him llnn gut to make Mn own dcclslunn choose dn own mud One thing wo unn decided for Mm hnuxh That hell lining In have all lha murnl and rplrflunl lrnluinx man nccda to make Ilghl de clniuna Ind ollmv nlrnlxhl rond TM God expects un of all pnrcnln Am nur church rrndy lo do in vital 1van Funny how you Elm lookan nhrml When came out shop lmlhy hamwncd In natlw our nlgn the hlg one with my name on It hnt hung over the door And thought to myself maybe someday well add SON MO Hubert Edward Junlar thats lulu name But soon It wlll be Bobby And after while he and will probably be known an 1115 Bob Ind Little Ilob COOKIE AIITAGIi nml SIOHAU LTD PA 9357 pm How JOHNSON St DON MACHINE HOI ML hum Prop Vfllmnlny xmlui 215 tumelh away ran his wicked neisfhefllallh save There ls nathlng man can do to pardon the past slns But wa know that Christ dlerl or our slns The Scriptures plainly teach that without the shed dlng ol blnod lhere ls no It misslan cl sins Christ shed llls blood an Calvnry or that very purpose But to he any value to you It must be per sonally applled If you continue In sin the lnevltnble result will he eternal death Wlll you not turn la God and accept the tar glveness He has promlscd to all film wlll yield thelr hearts to have lenl $000000000 and pledged much again This allowed us relusal tn finance lhe dam an lm poverishcd millions could well depend on the outcome The dam is Egyplslchance In case the relentless pressure 01 an EXI ploding population 27000 000 people lolal which will be dnulgled lungs years The dam WI EIVE Egypt vast electric pnwcr plus almost 1000000 acres new farm land Much lb can by plowed back lnlo Ihe economy wilhouz being oHset by hungry new pmple Egypt hopes the el foct will snowban making her the irsl induslrinl power In the Arab wnrld Huh In Tlmn ul Brrvlml nml milllom Icllvlllu Aswanflfiis the beginning cl un load on Thumb Frin1 nu luau Hunk lass Inch1 PA 02M IA I563 nunon mermxm IA 005 IS VN DERTRAM ROS L111 HILIHNO MATERIALS MECKLEY WNWKL IIOME Frluluy huh 81H The Bremen federal mn tributlan will apply to that part canskucllon carried on be fore Oct on approved project or which contracts have been awarded before April of lhh year mm HARM EXAMINER SATURDAY FEB ll OIIAWA CPLaof Mink er Stan announcedlhmday sixmonth exlenlnnln the Iemporary program under which the federal government pays 75 per cent uflhe cos new and expanded vocational and Ieclmlcal achools spirit whlch could translorm Egypt It spread In the leisurely delta Vlsllars not qulckencd pace even amen or dinary laborers The site Ilse is Impressive The iimeicss Nile has carved gently curving channel through desert sands and stone clifls widening to embrace eroded is innds reminiscent Japanese rock gardens Bilstcrinx in mid summer it is bnimy in the winter and was long retreat for such sophisticated bon vl vants as the late Age Khan whose domed tomb overlooks the rivcrr The ledernlprnvlncfnl pro gram was due to revert lo soisplcgsttsharing basis oyl April Lof this year after exactly M3 year of Increased federal aid Provincial education minis era asked or ouryear ex tension oi the Rpmcent ed erni contribution in meeting with Mn Starr here Jan 21 Filly vcars ago the British built dam here It slill stands but it soon la be pygmy beside lls younger brother 75 Per Cent Is Extended an Won Vupn an Blhlnhy ltlu IIIll lulu M0 mumSunny School 1030 anEnlllsh Senlce 300 Dutch Servlcn 3rd Sign Evry4hlq1lh Both FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Service In English Th Church II 13 lo GM ndlo You cron Emmy uo LUTHERAN CHURCH ATTEND THE CHURCH or YOUKCHOICE Slat 5L Hwy ll Ru Jnuph Molllorls Church Ihnno PA 84022 Pulorl Ruldenca PA Will Sunday School INS lln Warmly um The Church TVI THIS IS THE LIFE El Vlncent Strut Pastor Rev Jae Geuzebrozk Phonp PA 3957 151 Shanty lily Rand flame fibuth Iflirprinrg Sunday School 741 Helium Meeting 1100 mm 700 Mm EVANGELISTIC MEETING MINIMY llUflLll llllm In IIn 100 nme Muun huh Cubl Ind hull HIM Fallallnl OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON THURSDAY Ln BIBLE SCHOOL 00 mm FAMILY WORSHIP Tune In To cxuu It mm and len To Our scnlce nav wiiunms Chpponon St Worsloy SEE THIS GATHERING STORM SUNDAY NIGHT 700 pm First Baptist Church REV IMVII IIIIHVF ILA mqu mum lmumlr II mm Th lilvldod Auynvlud hint CI Army Citadel so coma keel MAJOR AND MR3 GILLESPIE Corpl Milan The Salvation BURTON AVENUE SERVICE SUNDAY FEB I7Ih AT pm EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHUIICH ST VINCENT ST BARRIE Olher Service THE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA TIL LAM BAPTISMAL ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS CdiibITuY mvTifii 945 am Sunday School for all Igu 2nd Frlday McnIhly Ladiu Missionary Group 11 am The Lords Supper 3rd Friday Monlhly Young Peoples 730 pm pm Mr Norman Klon Wha About Russla pm Iunl lmplra Mull lnllnl And TIMI NIVIH HUNer lllfllll 100h 1n Invl Inr no mm lmlr ll mm NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Mll NONIIIT IMH LOOK LIKE IIIIISTMNP Mn INLAND NM Ulllnhl ml lhnumulu Wadnesday me Prayer Bible Shady ALL ARE WELCOME Wesley Jones Minister Mutan Temporarily Codrlnglon SL Pulill School 1030 am 55 Cuak Strut Juhn Illddbl 900 Im Holy Communion 00 flmMumln Scrvlcc 700 Evflllng lrnytr 1050 Junior School Cnmo And Mn 11 anlly To Chunk OfllllNATIUN ST GILES CHURCH REV ll AIYAMs ILA ST ANDREWS Ml Ind Tlmmll Mrull BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST lam Ind Wonley SI Sunday Sarvkas CHRIST FOR THE WORLD Gun Sine llnrnld Ikmpley DIreclor ol lnlu You Are Velmme CENTRAL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH II CFOR 157D 530 pm SUNDAYS PRESENTED BY THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 00 Im Mlnlllrr Vlsirohsifiomw RizéiDENTsWELcoma us Im Sunday Schagl 1100 Morning Worship 100 pm Evnngellsuo Service EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wadnuday at 730 Our Mofher of Perpeiual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 7304115 am 600 pm YMMV Mllfll run um um mm pm 00 um mm am 115 um 30 am IIM wmM IMIIIR ALLIANCE CHURCH flurlnn AVE Cam In Allnndnla STEEL and COOK STREETS 700 pm LIVING F0 SOMEONE CHUIICII SCHOOL no mm to ndulll In Ind umlrr nunon Avnnuent Gnnvllle Slretl KEV Wlllcr Dyrr 900 Im Holy Communlon 00 am Morning Servlcn 700 mm Everlan lmyu Roman Catholic REV nun MJL Mu Wm mum Mnhl¢r ll linnllnrr mu ILI Illnhl lHtlIIalll mm nwrurul mmI ml rm1mqu Rn Gentle on Pastor COLLIER ST In ST MARYS CHURCH 95 MULCASTER 51 PA 82985 SUNDAY MASSES ESSA ROAD lhhy Ind Chllrl Cum New IluiMlnn will Humrd liuuplmis SEXAGESIMA ST GEORGES ALLANDALE IN CANADA GREAT TRIBULATION as HE THE 1567 Sunday School Conlexl in prqgren 1100 mm Mornlng Wérshfipr Plan To AHend Rev 00 mm BETHEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH him the flank mun Fur In and Rev Is let loose on EARTH WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH JOHNSON 5T SCHOOL Ml Id Church Hrhwl Nunrry To Hrnlur Drptl Uln Vnur lvlvllrxu Tu WarMp Gad Mlnhln EV II SUMMKIL IM Dinclot lnha Mm MtKlnnon 0430 mm Mlle Wonhlp MIWIL CIIHHH ll MAKER EN AND IIMITII Free Melhodis Church 200 Dune 5L Rev Gofleen Pillar mm mm Famlly nlbln School 1101 am Morning Wnnhlp 130 pm Evenlng Sznlca WESTMINSTER HIVNIH THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH To bu held In St Jnmu Church at Crown Hill 00 mm mm llrpulmrnll nu Numn 1100 mm DIVINE WOMEN 1100 nanSUNDAY SCHOOL Flul filrlll lnbllo thl MJJN TOMUNHUN IA Mlnlutn Mm IL Lou lhnltludrr nml pllnlll Collkr Slnrl Nu to Pall Duke The th field no lmHaly Communion 930 mm Hnly Communion ILoo mumMornan Prayer 700 pm Human Rev Tunks Pastor Mlnlsler Phonu PA 64024 YOU ARE MOST WEIEOME 700 pm TRINITY CHURCH my Junior and lnlrlmrvllllr 18 Mulcamr Si 1000 mm Sundly School 11w Cnrnell Bonn REV WELDON BULL Scrvlcu 11m mm and pm This Sundly Ynnlh Orcheslrl PA 89757 SERVICES HELD IN llILLCflEST SCHOOL NAZARENE CHURCH 00 IJIL lllUlHH MlllIUL llellI MIIHNINII OF THE Slln lnli Moon become blood Sun gm nut Mcn cry to die Ind cannon Paslnr when

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