Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1963, p. 4

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35 Nfifi Welcome Visitors To Barrie 7th AnnualWinterCarniVal uIrM Jud mv II II mm mu mu lull nu 51w Mulls mm IrnlvpfillIAn immni cumn mm nlmmn mu 3mm mL mm Mun In cumn may Ntwrplfu 15 DIM AnniIla TM Lllllllll Tuu Ind ll Auau nmm ck1m Cunmn mluumy mum William Law Inmy NIHth mum elm null rm lmlu mum ml m4 lnr um um hull luwlm m1 uulm Ilnlldlyc Illanm IA nulltn nun lumln II wnfluo In All WILIoN Mmlmu 1mm mlle In Ilhr allm eml lk Ind 20 IIMIO In Ir III In Mull ea nu mm mo hm mum II mm flth VII IIIII Wont mm Smnlah In Impnmm learn In VIEW lie act lllal ll In the langunuc of all he mnllnmlnl wraiom hemisphere noulh ul lhn Unllrd 5mm wllh ha 110 For Canadian students to concnnlrala vhully an French In learning second lamvuagu would be to ignore the fact that it also Is Important for name Cunadlans lo learn Spanish German or llusslan or some minor language that would be allvantaun lo ham uullurnlly or hcno to halt mean of livelihood To have command of more than one language has been great nlll lo achlovc men In many career The thin to keep ln mlnd ls that sccomlar angungo should he learned ln ordrr be used and human many use for fluency In any language nlflon nowadays but wouldrhi HI lnkc to ntress French alone in tho sludy of second language LEARNING LANGUAGES Cape Breton Post The advanu gained by an English spcaking Cnnm Ian who acquires com mand the French language has been messed repeatedly in these columns The llpportnncc 9f hnxwidcsngcgd nch This 15 but one of the grim stalltlcs In report on slums released this cek by the Ontario Municikal Aflnlrs Depan want In Ottawa In shadow ol Par liament Hill the situallon showed 4370 had serious deficiencies In sanitary and household facilitlcs OTTAWA WORSE Toronto Dally Star ll ls nolhlng short of shocking that In affluent Toronto there should b9 4500 dwelllng unils wllh neither balhlub nor xhower Sadie Bremner Laura Teasdale Ger trude Scott Mamie Douglas Doris Turn er Sidney Tooke Alvin Luck Victor Col lins Wilfred Robinson Reginald Black stock and Lawrence Haskettl Dancers in cluded Leah Thompson Ethel Garside Ruth Sarjeant Sarah Wallmn Kath rine Culross Olive Laliy and Evel Wellwood Choral work was directed Dr lien Amalia Charles Mcitiartin winner First Carter Scholarship and student at Varsity gave valedlctory ad dress Sludent orchestra directed by Boyd Smith not to issue any more jitney lie ences pending investigation of com plaints Dr Leonard Simpson elected chairman Board of Education Mercury below zero for week Bell Tele hone Co personnel gave demon strations at public gatherings an opera tions Taking part were Manager George Bruce chief operator Miss Lola Dunbar iant chief Gardner wire chief Caston and Birchard also operat ors Miss Tooke and Miss Johnston Students of BCI resented pretty Operetta Nantical not ieaturjng Barrie Exéfninéf Feb 1923 Mayor ohfl Imlelnstructed Town Clerk 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN What have we to offer you ask Well theres the international speed skating meet g0kart races internation ai dogsled races delayed parachute drops the Canadian Armys aqunteer team skin diving under ice ice sculptur ing horse and cutter races tin can curl ing log sawing contest icescoot deman The citizens of the City of Barrie will welcome to our community this weekend thousands of visitors to the seventh an nual Winter Carnival We invite you to sample our hospitality and enjoy the events on the bay in the streets in the arena sponsored by Barrie Chamber of Commerce and our hardworking en thusiastic Jaycees From humble beginning seven year ago Barries Winter Carnival has be come really big It is now foremost in Ontario and given favorable weather will continue to grow in popularity It could in time become the provincial counterpart of Quebec Citys annual event currently in progress The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher mam Estatth OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlshed by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE ubllsher Eilaq Sleight General Manner mun mummy 1m 4m public group the rluhl umcn Ion to lhvsc Ian 11 Hwy mull expert oilher In uhowl alalonmnmhlp lo mule lhelr dhpum pmeahlr or lo no government Inlorvono to pro ed lha nth 01 the mam Hohlnd urgalnlng ls annually lmpllcll mod In cuncmcd work slop pngo on scale that not only ll ulculalcd to Mint heavy preulllo an em loyorn Iml In procm hrlngn leprlval on Ind lurdshl the public and more Icon nmichnSury lo llgu nnllnn TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC Chrimnn Selene Monllor Numerous bllln have been lnlrmluccd In Congrm lo rcqulro comrulsory nrblb ration of Imporlanl labor lspulu or to brim labor unlmm under the nulllmnl 11mequ In cal mull of the growth labor unlnm he Unllod Slum In Mn and Itrcnglh In whlch man of ham carry do bargaln ng DUSTY SHELVES loronlo Dally Star Prcmlor ltoharls government llke Mr Frosts bclnre ll has lllspaslllon to out uY commissions nn mbslllulu lor ncllon shelves of Quecnn Park are hcav wllh lusly rcporls whose rccommendn Ions have been Ignorcd Ono oxnmplo it the 1050 Hope royal commlulon report on mlurallnn wlmxo proposals Included new llnnnclzl arrangements or Ichooln They won nuvcr mod on this country would be sons not to de lay in learning French By the same lok on any young Quoboccr with political nspiral mu reaching beyond the boundar ies his province should learn to oak Engilsh as well as due the Right lon Louis St Lauran Thorol no place for prejudice against nnyfllnnguage on tha part of any lruiy urn lions person any where on earth English so widely spoken around the world that many world traveller gets along fairly well with only English at his command Nevenhelcss it is extreme imperlanl lo many career or Cann inn lo know Spanish the exi encie of his employment take him anyw ere in Latin Americai First andriist however French Is Im portant In Cnnnda Any youngfi man who fispircs becomglhe Prime llnlslcr of able exception oi Brazil where Poriu guese is spoken There are few isolated minor excerlilons to prove the general rule Englis for example is spoken in Briiish Guianni Sylvester played at intermission Bar rie Commumty Association discussed ac tion to bring more motorists and tour ists to town also better boat service to Big Bay Point Colllngwood Ship builders intermediate hockey team beat Barrie 62 Visitors were bolstered star junior player Billy Be Barrie lineup had Albert Tuckin goal Ross Bertram Tiny Keeley Jack Arm strong George Powell Hap Emms Lou Vair and Walter Cooper Grand Trunk Railway ceased to exist being merged with new Canadian National Railway system Christian Mothers held dance at St Marys Parish Hall with music by Boyd Sylvester Charles Cross land and Gordon Stevenson is Can ada Nation was topic of luncheon ad dress at Wellington Hotel by lllur phy KC Toronto to Barrie Kiwanis Club At New Dreamland Theatre Mae lllurray in Broadway Rose Mr and Mrs Harry Armstmng are moving to Barrio from Guelph Mr Armstrong will be joining stat of Sarjeant Co lVah Soo proprietor of Caie ilned $10 and costs by Magistrate kits for selling cigarettes to two girl pupils of Victoria public school lafiorminulznllnm and onloyrll Thats most of what will be offered It seems to be plenty for all ages and tastes The carnival opens with pan ade tonight Most of the outdoor events are on Kempenfelt Bay during the day light hours of Saturday and Sunday but then oi course there is the wonderful Gala Family Night Show at Barrie Arena on Saturday starting at 730 pm with Barrie City Concert Band and Kempen felt Trumpet Band and most exciting varied program on the ice Get into the spirit of the weekend Lets all circulate among our visitors with smiles and glad han of welcome We can show them that Barrie in Febru firy is warmer place than the Carib can stratlons helicopter and airplane rides akldoo rides for the children horseshoe pitching on ice model aircraft display fly casting archery contest shotgun display Boy Scout display of survival in the bush beard contest ice fishing derby Efilnlly Hwy III In mnh pulllnl Mm In bed llllIIINO HOV Th ddlm Pl Imu Ounl ury from lrfl anrl Ipcgchn lo Then In lulrnly cl lhml lrulmd In In lnrl ll hand to llml hem ul all unlm you hum ynur unuml and an my In Imv Ind whm bed In hiddn do IIMI mm hwy Iurkul lulelhrr In my um drymllunt ll dltlnil ul my In column WImn In llnuu In may nl lmtl and mlxlklly IUIIMNI II led In dll lnln lhll quullnn amnmcnl uubllfl mm Ill llnouuhnul lhe nv mmcnl urka are Ivulll In IhV uirloul Hrnnruylrnln urrnllu Inlnllrlll or Wm Ingad nnmmrlnlum er no nurly Inllnlnclnry lmlnm or yo Andrrne 111 old mum had at Iem In on maulding Iner lhl lhn nnw Aug pnld lnr hn pm Ynu mu 1mm lymbol lnjlvr mumANTA TORONTO Nvl to many yum when mun wn nvpolnlt whim mlnllltr no He bouth hlnck homhurl and did Mn bul lo mnku ln 12an loam Ihu la ncwsymwr alike at an murman Innry And lriu lo huy hlmlel pub Ilc nlnllom mm Tuihyuw 3M on hnl bun rllfllxgtd II he Inkan laur and live at time he most cemlnly II nnl allowing lmlruclluns Un dcr doctors supervision the rmmmcndnllon usually two and accnalormlly lhrce day In ha is nbvlously aullln¢ hlm nll wllh mm lhnn In ended amount and he ll allm gather wnlklnz example ol the ruson why then dmgl Ihould only be taken under nupcrvlslnn ll 1th Ahanld be liken at all balmu warm mm The pill you mcnllon wnlaln some vitamlnl but mm Impor Ianl they contain one or me amphetamine or pep drugs glus barblturale whlch can euhnb ormlnz Wfiét cénl do lo makehim flop taking pmfl just know Ihey are nlnwly kllflnr him Mn PJV He lays his body lee ha ll burning up He has no desire for nod and so thn he lonlu liko walklng doch Dear Dr Molnen My hus hnnd mned taking mulled vitamin pep pllh two years ago under doctors advice He we than working very lonx haun He no longer In employcd by that company but he null takes Iour and Elva of the him mu By JOSEPH MDLNER MD QUEENS PARK TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH llflwnuldnno Iuwrhu me PRO Replaces Ministers Hat Mr Take Drugs Only On Doctors Orders Hy DON nvanN Your Little Boy Is Writing Dirty Words mm In an whim unly nhleml mm In monl yum Ill lo him mlnlnlng nnmcmr lul umnulgn Ihc purl Ind mhlp and whnw mnln mlvlly reportedly II lldylnl hll hp mm uy lnl mm new my my EXMIIXEH WANT ADI UNI IA mu 1a humiufidufiud IllaEnid olflrlll lm wmmIL nnbm Mu nulnyl rucullvl alllcrr II on lho mod uhlc ynunl mm In Hm lrmmmenl mva II dnuhllul ll Mr Mnulllny Mnuld he 1th la do In whm hi on wllhoul hlm lupu hll mlulmrn pollllcnl AltIn In mlnd lml lmmflu wulm nl viper IMImInblullvu dullu 111iiblilih And no IIHIIM pomlul ICUVIIIPI ol lhm men ll IcmHmen Imllo In uhlm nellher Hm leI nor Illa my urlkl In and umnvrl lhrm mm col llllrh or hulwnny Thur IIUIIIMI lull ol no AM In mncmln IL And Ill mm overa ll liken ovm MMT MILE They lmmedlnlely ll to nerve lu II In nuw cnblncl mlnll lcu nnmehuw or olhlr Item Io cl In an IM II who kw bun cluvnud Icquln nuw dually lho puhllc lhlnk lhc mlnldcr II In good he hlnlu he LI Ind In Hmu o1 nlrcu lulu lhl verbnl bcIllnn MI wlln will no Ioryur MI In lodayl lad can your husbnnd must have cut loose en Urely lrom medlcnl cure doubt that Inylhlnl can be don other lhnn to gel hlm hack Inlo the hands hl doc tor Slnce he lruobhllnl th pllll Iuch rule he appear la have lost all pmpecllve 01 what II happening tn Mm Dnr Dr Malnen What door It mean to Ice colored lulu ground rim llzhll nl nlznl mean to Ice colored In on around Ilrcc llzhll nl nlgnl Mlzhl It be 11m glaucoma Um can mm hllndnoulRH In cw words yrs might we mmure the correct mun Isnt usedand this may vary mm nne person to anolhtrand comet dict IsnK observed and he pm arent flapptd after man llme the run can be tonslderrhly harmful The mp en no canton luppmsses hl appclilo and gives him lulu peplake be cause he in using up his re serves of energy wilhoul re plglng them Thea pills were canlrhed originally for In on reduc ing dim They ow lha uppe me provide some vllamlna and iedlllva lo like some or he edit of the pep part the mixture lama additional medication in required now to help him over in period oi breaking the habit but break it he must or caflapse sopngr 9r Inter ou drln quart milk day and also get reasonable amount at mod cnnuInlng other vitamins and are In good health doubt very much if ynu need pndnexlrn vitamins Nu llr mllk dues nut de mur vitamin Mllk contain ll other source are butler lug yelluw yggeknblm certain dlsenm here may be need or Increased Aupplles of one Vllamtn or another and then uupplnmenl are In order mm For bodily exerclse pm fleth mm but odllnen pro lhblo unla All MumI Tim othy lzll Bodily health demands exer clse Spiritual actlvlly sup mner more Important for spir llIIAl health also might not Have your eye checkedl Ono visit will de termine whelhcr you have any cause to worry Dur Dr Molnar Does milk devour vitamin That II foolish lu lake vllnmln you are going In drink quart of mll or saYDONALD BIBLE THOUGHT Exerfilu 11an 0d Egg1am Private Stock CUSTOM BLENDED CANADIAN RYE WHIBKV Thamn Ml anm lellcdlanna Years ago Adams distilled 19 great wlnlsklu CJCll wlth lls own dlbtlncllvc characteristics and Ihcn aged lhcm ln spcchl oak mks Nowl Adam has nmrilcd lllcsc 29 me vlllxkln to create the superb flavour ulAdanu lrimm Stock So be sure to try llll custom blend prcscnlcd in la cryslql decanter at popular prlcc great whiskies 29 lfhose predlcll ogelher foresee M17 jammed lnlo our zath Parliament llke sardines nestled In can Then would he 495 MP In Farllament whlch expects to see only 265 lleduclng those poulbly propa gandaIlka ullmutes to alze whlch could get lnlo Parlia ment we come up with another house of mlnorltlex 94 Conserv alve a1 Soclnl Credllon 75 hem and 16 NDP Lets assume that lama In crease would be 50 per cent giving the ND 30 seats SABDINECAN HOUSE The um checkmround lave these ullmam Harry Jones Conservnllvd MP for Saskatoon predlcled that Mr party wauld capture I75 real it won no last June Gllle Gremlin Sa clnl Credit MP for Lapolnle Quebec redlcled that hlr party would wn no real It won so last June Allan MacEachen Llhernl MP for lnvemenmch Immdv Nova Scolln predlcled lhnt hls party would win seats won 99 last Junoll And llnnlly Tom Burger New Demo crallc Party MP or Vancouver Burrard nslimaled lhnl Ml party would gain large ln crease ll won null last JuneL llament be divided province by provinco They calculate more when1y when bull union glvu way to plannlnl mnlerence UlTAWAme number unma always the um thin to at tract convexulna palllchana after the mum of xenml elecllon How many mt will our uk opuan he ulk opllrfil new qu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fth IS 1961 The Cnnadlan govamment announced that more than 20 persons were In custody on susplclon of hnvlngoi cred secret Information to forclkn power 17 years ago tndny In manna case arm when Ixor Gou zenho cipher clerk at Iha Snvlnt embassy ln Ollnwa turned over In Canudlnn nt flnlals lnlarmntlan nhnu plnnaxc HI revelations led to he lmprisonmcnl nine Cnnndlans and sentence 14 years an Dr Allan Nunn Byillsh ulmllal soPr cc canlrn Inlrn dumd In lhe Secund World War ended In Canada In The Hm lesxlnn the British Columbia lcglslnlum opened Then thefi urg ncrossthe OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Politiqians Look The Numbers Game TODAY IN HISTORY 61 uuwLJ POWER STATIONS The Unllrd Stnlu powergen eraling indusry has capaciy nrealer than lbs of the next five powepzenerallng nation comhlncd POPULAR FUN SPOT Some 0000000 persons have passed lhrough lhe gale Copenhagena famed voll Imuscmcnl park In the 1m 00 years lalte lhe average of these elecllon eve predictions and ll correcl they wauld give us strange plclurc wlth bolh Ihl Liberal and Ike NDP alnndlng at Illa um figure as helm while ll Tories would lose 32 ml to Soclal Credit Thus we would have Parllamenl cnnlnlnlng 99 Llhmls as Con servatlvca 62 Soclal Credil and 19 NDP Ihould paan out that al these estlmalcn ware given mo thnre Georg Hcc and Pierre SevIgny rulzncd from lhe Conservnllva cabinet lilnny MP5 ui all parties share Ihe expectation that Ihe NDP will remain at about tha same level and that tho Social Credit rariy will achieve hy fur the argext gain proportionally Bert Bndnnai Liberal MP mm the Lnkehead looks im Liber als 86 Conservatives to Social Creditors and in ND in the next Parliament Bert Lebue Social Credit veteran MP from the Callimo BC looks at from 65 to 30 winners from his party 18 to 10 NDP and the two old parties dividing the bal ance evenly somewhere irom 80 to 92 each Another NDP Inrntzer also no babe In politics who lave me his considered estimate was Murda Martin lrom Tim mlns ile expect tha Liberals to lose 20 mil In Quebec where the Social Cradlt appeal is rld in high but they will pick up an equnl number in Ontafln tha Marliimes and the Prnlrleat So In lilurdos expectation tho Lib erals will come back with the name number of seat as they had at dissoiullon 99 ill parly will pick up six more seats to give them 15 The Taries will drop down to so and the Snclnl Credit will do Just beltnr than double its strength by electing er members wgpasggmn ACCORD board estimates by individual MPI Colin Cameron has bai nnced mind and uhrawd percep tion and his NDP mumbul mm Nanaimn EC prcdicil madernie gain or the Liberail lmpreuiva gains for Social Credit while his own party will neither gain nor ionlie him Ieii retaining his own zeal alter hard campaign Hi5 ilgum are In Grits 77 Tories 53 Sa cred and II NDP RE

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