Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1963, p. 2

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FIVE MU FINE muon LIIFlvu lun lholmmh mlwwnlrl who ml IIIMM Iqull In MLIn Gar den hut nulnmtr wtrc tom vlrlwl 11xumlny Inlnllnu my hyan which pmhihfln IIC lmlnu In puhllr mum willmul prnniL Thu llvo um CPI llnnl Om IndiumI my mm Hunky nmmm my cum cm run mm un Imam mm EIIHIVIVI hlronbrmn Crmrnl Inunml cmm lnmr Can Min Ton Im Cumumul nn Alloml Mu Mumlnlum Mbm nu Mon mu NS Ili nmnIn Dice on Ice m1 feature Glbb Ind Olivar driving at 25 mllc per hour In nincscnt Bell Station wagons They will dcmonslrata what hnppens when brakes are slammed on wheels lock and then shnw the action braka pumplng that should have been lnkcn Olhcr laclnrs wlll Include spend and distance Inquircd to come to coulmllcd slop lcll hand um and the possible dls nslmus results when driver panlcx Mbmol 5th Oshawa and Wes Oliver Tar ontu said the demonstration will 185 about so minute Ind will be repeated at frequent Inm val dqung the two plays Spectators will he nblo Io lol lnw lhc nclinn easily Yellow patches on the tires will lhnw lnr example whtcl ncllon when brakes nr being applied In pumping mnllun or slammed an In addition null personnel will xplaln lhe various pmcccdlnux On 375 lilnnt slrlp nl glaredce on Kempcnlnll Buy two Bell Tclephnne driving in slructnrs will demonstrale lhe proper and lmpropcr way to handle vchlclcs on Icy or Illgk gnawpacked qd There will be plenty of Inn and lmlic at Ihe Barrle winler Carnival Salurday and Sunday but nllcndanca at one nan entertainment mm could ben efit spectator when they drive home After the nnlivllies him can umm Manll Duh In KNIIGN mlUMIll VANGUARD TM llolll CARI mum FA Mill At the new Family of Plum macy building on the west campus of the Universily of Terms are let to right Dean 7N Hughes 01 the Facul OMI AM NM 0M Run To NI Makol Carnival Provides Needed Educdtion HAROLD JORY morons TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by 2m 19w SERVICI BARRIE DRUGGIST AT TORONTO Ceeo MIMI mum Ilnlllnl KuMddIcn ma Mlllllmu Hum Mm om arm 1nd Arum Inllnfl N0 Inlr Nlchl Inllr UHIHHI lnrrpmv llpl goth Club It For MI nu HnL unm Found hum fill Ham Tl Lm ran in mm mam Iloml on um Flynn Dunlap SI Irma INDUSTRIAL MINING Amvl nottx Nw Ilan Knluy Mln The In broke out before six oclock on the arm of Van Glflen who lives on Highway 11 llvu mile north of landlord anunleera mm lhn Bradlond Firo Department muted that only he lnlerlor of Illa large building was dcslmycd The loss wax partially covered by Insurance HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Human Rights Day is cele hrnlcd every Dec 10 since Ihe Uand anluna adopted le Unl vclrsul Dcclarallon Human mind IS 194 BRADFORD Special Pin undetermined origin raged through largo chicken barn early moming destroying 000 young chickens The carnival demonstration will nnt be the only one for the Bell instrumrs In addition to instructing their own company drivers here they will also dem onstrnle winler driving techni ques for Police Chief Edward Tschirlmrt and members at the lone Bell nmcials pointed out that the thickness of the Ice will be measured each day saler precanlion over 11000 Chickens Die In Blaze ty Phanmcy and Mr and Mrs Caldwell Bar tle Mn Cnldweli is presid em of the council of the On urio College of Pharman and during he weekend at mi no HOT WATER TANK LY PER mum 15 BAYFIELD ST uuumnnl Luv Alma mum on WII wu Normal Nor on NO Moon carp Mdn Port MIMI mmpwm finmnl mm un rnmom Tuna CIII Tuna Unlnn in mm MW BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Install Hydro Rental mi Last night Shnnnon for Skelly beat Dr All Crossland 1141 in he mmHinals while Craig muted Art Powell 1H Shannon wlll have Skollyn ulnr schedule rink nl Glen Scam drru Ralph Ryan and Tcd mm or lonlxhla tlnnl Crnlxx sub aklp will have Clnrc Mills Mch Wiccand Murray Wumlcn Another menu ma will be or Wfllllcsd championship skip melanl vs Ilme nIUI Hut Cruwmnl ls wklh Craig Elm ana odny nml will ham Ilth skip likely Frank Hurgrcam Sr flm Indlcs final aniuhl will be bdwcon lho rinks or NH Incl Stthwnum and Mn Mnc Ftndley Yes my allcmwm Mn Sioplwnmn heal Mrs VI Graham and Mn Fundlvy heal Mn Dorll Homer In sumlHnnl umuln Maurymm iuly hm It will be vclernn 5k Waller Craig vs Ken Skelly In the DKcole llnal but neither will ho pmscnl Skelly ls mrling today in tho bonsplcl nl Kirkland Lulu while Craig is in he final at he Elmvale wklong splcl Skelly has Herb Shannon lak ing his place press Ilmo Crnlg has not mvcalcd whom Ills rcplaccmonl would be Finals or the Ochcs mms and Gilbeyslladicsl will be played tonight at eight oclocknut nurrlo Guglin lblmyfinll ll man Some the 11 Oclock draw rinks are George Fitzpatrick 0rllla Plaskelt Tam OShmter Les Gorrle Oshawa Harry Michie Barrie Ron Tay lor Uxbfldge Jack Fraser Brampton Maplel commillce chairman Bruce Reynolds said today hes quite ccmln the 11 oclock draw will bu filled long before play stars BACKACHE Starting at am omormw are Mill Irwin Midland CHI Caddy Tommo Royals Reeves umber Highlands Jack MacDonald Thomlmry Paul Michael Oshawa Austln Sec Richmond Hill Gard Brumwell Unionville and Bab McLelmn mi Barrie Curling Clubs annual weeklong bonspiel kicksrofl lo marrow morning wilt 16 rink draufs cmnpeling Winmng our events of several prelimlnary days will return next Saturday or the grand finale Three Finals HtCurling Club In To In addmu Mr Caldwell made plea for dignlly and quality service to the public in the practice of phaxmacy Week Bonspiel Stats Saturday gendfd myde qu liTHEBARRIE EXAMINFR FRIDAY FEBRUARY The ollicla hmgrnm for Bar tlea Winter Carnival listing all evenls planned or the week end together with events and time for tha Arena Show Sal urday evening Iurflnnd Mt Frank mxby 100 said to be the oldest Uniled Stale muslc teacher Landon 0nlMra hindelclnc Madge Sandor 61 assistant wnmcnn edilor of lhe Londun Free Press and owner wum ens editor lhc Winnipeg Fm Pm alter lgng Illness Ncw DelhlBalwnnl Nngcsh Dalnr on Indian mlnislnr stain or hams nflnlru hran muck Evaah Evenll Amna Show opens at pm TeenTum Wimer Carnival Dance the Embassy pm Winter Carnival Teen Queen selection the Embassy Sandy Feb 11 Same program Saturday Slartinx time 1230 pm Plus Arrival CN special cxcunv ion steam locomotive mm To mm 115 PM Official opening of the 7th annual Harrie Winter Carnival Snowshoe obslfnqle race draw llth Delayed parachute dmp wea ther permitting Kiddio ridom Fly casting Free NA courtesy light Beard growing contest pun llmmary judging West End Plan In TCA courtesy Ugh Satnnhy Fell 18 Kempenfell Bay evenls start lng uma 1230 noon Bryan Caihcnxt Minister of1jrawlanq Publqlty swim shooting demonstra lion Magma Knee ion Kkmpen ME wintex Carnival Queen Can thaRoxy lhcnl Winter Cardival Ball The Hyman Ice sculpturlng demonstration any diplay begins dd Start of inlemaflmnl sled doz races £0 and 30 miles Fish derby or cash prizes Barrie Boy Scout survival de monslration lin can curling Sktdoo rides Airplane helicopter horse grad sled dog 512d and skidoo ca gamer booth notary Be sum tickets log sawing contest Ice swimming demonstration and display Amw Field Hospital display Army Signal demonstration Mohile snack bar service availablet uy Florida draw Th finigram listing 15 an 01 laws Frldly Feb 15 Parade pm Firemrks display at the fool of igld p131 Here Is Schedulé DfEvents For GrandWinter Carnival MAD HATTER TELkm available Ahiphicar New demonstra Tickets available POTATO CHIPS Bring Your Family To Tho Bnnla Winter Carnival DEATHS PA 66568 Enlny and Slnyner skipped by Dick Pmsser seam its nee on the fifth end against Cremom our skipped by Norm Gowam Other members of the historic Ieat rink wen George McNabb John Wood and Oscar Bellamy Thu triumph was partimlnrly gratifying to Pmsser as it was his first skipping assignment outside his nvm club Hes been curling only our years and has been skipping club games for three Dmgume winner playlng loday are Cec Tinncy Elmvale Max Slcclo Sn Elmvalc llar ry Rowlcy Elmvalo nnd Ray Hamilton lnfncn George Gm who lhrew sovmcnd Barrics All Cmsslnnd ycslcnlay won the daily prize Slaynbrs young curling our ended the game on Iha long and of mm Finals of Elmvnla evmi am underway lousy Rink tumlng or he main event prize or electric blanktl In dude Allan Ritchie Elmvale McAnhur Cmcmore Wafler Craig Barrie Ed Fox Pene lung An eightend by Stayner rink featured play at the week lonz curling bonspiel Elm ans yesterdayi Susan and Paul Buckner gaId 130 pm oiriilme speed skating championship race Horse and miller show Florida draw lCA condesy fllghi draw 50 tickets to ba dmwnll Finals in all events Salurdly Feb pm NA courtesy llth lmm Malian Airport lor Wln let Carnivial prize jimmy nest cites 1291 Qubgr 3mm clown Barml idmping demonstra flan Adifixssxan whole Iamlly $2 orjdults sg childm 50c Masler of ceremonies Milt Conway Buyund wear the enforlld inter Carnival toque am Stayner Rink Has 8End At Elmvale Saturday Evening Fcb 15 Exhibition bmmball 730 omcm awning Squirt hockey Kempeniek Powder Puffer Kempcnfelt Trumpet Band Sled dog demonstration Winner Carnival Queen Don Cribar Barrie City Concert Band Barrie Skating Club Beam indginz cvmcst Bame Sknfinz Cluh junior filgobwar Feature pmsonlallon Oaklanding Canadian skating KprtJIIJHAnynncafltrl lulu of Walkerl Spcclal Old IIAM WALKER EON lIMITEDwm uI¢nnunvlunl mu nu in no uni Youve Sprchlhl In X001 lulc wllrn you home Ill luxury whllky II popuhr prim Willurl Spcclll 0M Good lam good Iunlu and cwnomy have mula II Cmula lug rlling mpular prim whhly Nexl llmo unit It mlnl In my Anna h0w Prngrgm Wtflm Wdlug Speckl Old fit Lye Burk Ann When it comes to whisky Im Last year 11300 licences weru Issued Mr Graham did my the bureau was running ahead last year and asked drivers to gel heir plan and licences now before the March dend Unfle ahd Man thellneups Tho bireau has been mirag lng renewals day over the 115 week All owners and polenllnl buy of all types of cammercjal vehicles are agaln urged to mcmber that commercial ve hlclea go on sale Feb 18 nnd Cliff of the licence lssulng bureau In Bar rig said today that More thnnhall the licence renew al have yei to coma through So far we have issued 4001 Battle and area drums get your plate now and the De partment of fiamport doesnt mca dental tunes either The curling team from John mn Street Public School won the tin can curling trophy last year at the Carnival Time Running Out Get Plates Fast Dunlap um um MUSIC TO Cluslcal Gruls The lulu Ill AllTime HI Sher Music See Us For All Yqur Musical Need KEENANS PLEASE YOU TO DEFEND SCHOOL HONORS He mg the almost one mill lan drivers who have yet to get their 63 plates and driv ers licence 10 do so at nncu and mmid tho lncnnvenlcncl wailing in line Thu issuing offices could enslly handle lhi number pm vidlng the public purchased Ihclrplulu as quickly poss ib Transport Minlslcr James Auld announced yesterday that only 35 per cent olthe nwncrs hnd purchased their 1963 plates lhlsvwas some lour per cent boiler than Ihe same lime last year but the present rate sale would not be sufficient la avoid long lineups during the last law days before March 13 he sald thus person have until the end 01 Mulch to not their plaes This yenrn team prepares jar practice under the walohlul eye of City Polka Stall Ser geant Alex McGelrick From McKINNON FURS Ltd Dunlap st LADIES IN MI IPAINHI nunm You Mun FINE FURS Brltrr HIU Fnl SARJEANT Cl LTD PA 82461 THE he Icfl Sandy Smilh 13 grade Donna hick 12 grade Sgt McGetrick and Greg Rabulwn 13 grade Skin John Genie lgoek 15 made Examiner Phnlo clumnummfiuuomManagua mum ynuv momn lumen In Inulnlly blandnd saw or zumlenblu unnamui ham pun Sumo mm SUNDGUIH noun ran THE ONE nun HEATING OIL IUD

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