Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1963, p. 12

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31szch fiiTViiixJi mmy him mm uur mo um mm War at nu um mowum Alunllou mum Cupboudl mu Punk mum Room ounu No Jab mm mm No In mm cu wum PA um EMPLOYMENT WANTEIS INTIMDB Ind Elmo Dicunt lnl Ibo mull nflnhhlnl lulu uumlkl modcfltl For In flmhu lnlornuuon phonl 1nd Ind mumbl Ihol uln mm Ilw prerhuced with time purdulnl Ind pun luh pull on Plan wrlll Bax 44 Birth nnmmu Io HELPWANIED NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1M Amishmar 06 due Es ale of NEIL EDGAR MCKEN ZIE late of the 0in ol Bank in the Ooqnly ofS£mcoe Ppar Shim VII diéd 61 will dlstrlbute me man of the deceased to petson en utlcd thereto alter Iebmary 25m 1963 having regard only clalms than mly filed wiul the undersigned COWAN AND GOWAN 53 Oolller Street Battle Omanla Solicilnra to the Admlnlslralor LFGKL NOTICES 0n modernized stucco building stone ml 10 approximately mlflylhrce hy shaysix ea Ml basement downtown looa Lion Fins floor eighteen hund red square leek Second floor eight mom apartment Elmeen Mnlcaster Street Barrie 0n laxlo Tcndm close March six teenul 1963 P0 Box 552 Far appointment PA H709 Highest or anynender not necusarlly éicepled Township of Xnnlsfil Scaled lenders élearly marked as sud will be rewind by the undersigned until 500 pm Friday Mardl 15¢ 1963 for the allowing Wnrhle Fly Inspector or the ma north the centre line of tha lot in Gone Warble Fly Inspedor or Ito nu mum the new NM ha lou In Cone Mn m1 tractor to lranspon mrayer and treat can in the township Lowest or my under no nee osmijy soup 12 TENDERS For Want Ad Service Dial WM HINTON BA WILSON MOORBY nAfllllilEll SOLICITOR l1 PA 601 511me KMfiiwuN Imfihm DAM Mnmnnnl In IL Mm COWAN In 1117 IT nmI Wllmn MA mm Innr mum inlrlmu mer PA lull cumm Inuer FM Am win Imrv nun anull NMII mummm owm It rlumu IA Imv GLADSTONE CURRIE QC HAIIYITIII ll IOLICITOI In 0mm wtlmn lulmlnl ma uml Ilml IIHII Onllvlo Illlvhnn rNII um LrxtxnlmN nnlmn m1 Inumm ll Lnmu ll mm um PA82414 uvmusron MYERS nlnhler Soldlnr Ind Notary Public PA 6131 35 Owen St Corner Colllcr and Owen Mnmams mucrmnl Nnnnlm runuc annm luau Ill 51mm EUNERAL HOME an nuuqc Gordon Tuhy mm 00 WILSON um MALONE nmlmn soumm Bunch om mum 0mm 70 Ihrm CONDER SUGG BOYS SEAGMM nowa coxfifi COWAN FEMALE HELP iifitiif HOME c3611 dork Hull IUIIIIOI IIIVKI A1 nmmun C0 rumII FOR SALE BY TENDER WARBLE FLY TENDERS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PA MW EGAL Dunlov IL III mu CAMPBELLS WAREHOUSE 25 Lorena Street South of John Barrie Ontario AUCTION SALE all housm hold cited including chest field electrical appliances dim my mom suite bedroom runes dishes silverware TV set Ind many other miciu Terms cm No reservo as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday March 1230 pm Sharp For THOMAS HAWTON In 33 Common NW wmza Twmshlp miles north wést of Staynerpor miles no be Duntmon Road SALE 01 Cum Stock Oahu piss fem machiuury hay flaw grain and some hold amok Term cad merve the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCHONEER pm sharp FOR VICTOR CLARK at so Ooncesslon No wusaga Wmhlp miles west and miles norm of Stayner all nghway on the Duntnwn Sale farm machinery hay hmhold furniture including many antiques Tums cash No reserve the farm Ls said JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 30 pm sharp for LDNDAS DARRIGO Do 24 Concession Tm urnsclh Township right on Highway 17 mile NE of Suhombergr Sale of 60 head of slacker and Nader lIercIord callle arm machinery Iced builder sup plies and household eflecls Terms cash unless otherwisa arranged No reserve as the arm sold JERRY COUGHLIN or FRED MCFARMNE Saturday April pm sharp Concession 12 Sunnidale Township mllcs Ruralva Sunnidule Comm ol mm implements hay straw KM and household weds fincludinfi some antique Tenn cash No reserve as lha Ann is sold Enq day Hummm ma Ihn rlnmnpd pm nuln uh an Mam at quick as findm mm flNudhmCA nUnflanCA Rllldlnt mum Turhu HIM Ianlnl nlm luplll Qrwnfll or lllmlnltlanl Ih Bill Conunnou bl Mulh TDIMIIG munr mm And um I1 NHIOM ll IA flll cplcmmn DITOHKTIIII Dunlap IL lul llnll lln IA Illll nel HIWIN WIIJHN uuvmcx swim no MTOIUI XITEUIATIIY Flrd km and Dam Duluth Nflilm PA um WHMN OGTFMMIHC CLINIC Chum Auwnunu rrum In lunlnx Emma mm Cum sL Mano PA THE DAVIES OF CANADA mm mm 1mm moun In ntnn1 ll um AI Flnln Im umlul MAMml TumM mm nu nur Ill lludulll humm Mlov 04 Nunan m4 ThyItll 17min IM mm lA I7 NG Feb 22 1968 680 sharp for JACK PLANT cmiimi Mcnunllnu mm mm mg mm nan ROSE HARRISON VOICI PIANO DIANA II1 NAnm If IIAIIKII KUCTIDN SALE AUCTION SALE Salurday March HARRIS NEEDIMM 5c WRIGHT JESSIE BRYSON mans 1093 IL MEDICILMRssACE of hluli dash househon furniture ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS Jami COUGHLIN Audioneer AUCTION SALE Autnonmn OPIOMETRY osmopnus wnnnmm Aualoneer Auctioneer Mn Hurold Arnold hn lurned In her home Alter cw weeks In mmnto with her daughter Ind sonlnlnw Mr and Mn 12th McVanell Mn Dohson la spendlnl Ill week with hen Hermnn Jenna Ind Wilmer Wilson are mending Tum Inslmplemenl Ichool In Tor an II was special Iervlco It Christ Church Sunday mnrnlnz Feb 10 when two dedlullonn were model The Hut win pmesslonal moss in thanks glvin tor llu centenary 01 Christ Church Ind liven lnlnv In memory by lhu family Mr and Mn Jenneh 11 second wan purple vmmenu lven by mamberx the Altar Guild and made and worked by Mm Elwood Jenna The ser vice was followed by Holy Corr mnnlon DEDICATION MRS DUNSMORI EVENING CIRCLE Mrs Mlle Hiddan was ho leu Feb far the Evening Clrcle meellng Roll call was Elhle Verse wllll word love Passneswere reld from me Book of Pulms Exodus Rm mam Ecclesleslee and St John Mrs Harold Drury presldem mnductod Ihe buslneu meetlng It was decided lo have pan cake soclal Ndny evenlng llllrch 23 Al Crown Hlll Unlted mm pmxram of music and dramallca by local talent planned or this evenlnz Mrs Howard Caldwell reported an UCW workshop at Gulhrle Mn Alvln Smith and Mrs lllckllnz eerved lunch AROUNDSIMCOE COUNTY MILE WILMEB WILSON Mr and Mrs Mlle chlding allendcd the annual Yorksimcoa Guemsay Assoclallon ban net at Maple Ffldgy Evening firs Harem Druryéndersi Edynon visited their aunt AUCTION SALE Saturday March 16 pm sharp FOR EVERAL PAHON Lot Concesslon Innisfll Township right on nghwny fl mile south 1homton Sale of Iann stock hnplemems straw wood humhold effect including uveral Intluues Tums cash No mxve the arm sold JERRY COUGHLIN 13 AUCTION SALES TRADEIN ANNEX 3335 Baytleld St AUCTION SALE of lull line of good used Ind naw furniture appllancea and floor coverings No mservc Term may be at ranged Certificate Hughes 20 Years Experience with Livestock COMPLLIE AUCTION SERVICE AYRES HUGHES AUCTION SERVICE Ayrg AxlilhA Auction CROWN HILL PHONE smoun 0R Give yourself break take fivef0r fifty ale AUCTION SALE Sat February 23 JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Auctioneer Mn JimSnllon It Newmarket on Salurday Drury In visiting his dluzhter Mrs Howell anldge Shrew InaMa Mn Howard Caldwell Mn Maurice Partridge and Mrs Nonnnn mck attended lhe iirst Ilnnuai muting Simon Pres byterill United Church Women at Trinity United Church Cali ingvrnmi Wegnesdyy The Exploit enjéyed Val entina party after their usual mggunz My Legung Mr Ind Mrs Everett Stewart Ire movjnl to Dunbarwn on Thursdny Bust wishes0 the comnnlly go with Ihem to their new home MISS Joan Partridéc Reg male spent last weekend her horn here Mr Ind Mrs Barnes re turned llama Saturday alter enA Joan 1w geek ln Wm Mr and Mrs Russel Sage Eduwnle Mr and Mrs Harry Train and Norman Train were Saturday evening guests with Mr Ind Mrs Russel McElwaIn Sympathy to Mrs Andy Mc Glnnu and the llnskln tamlly 1n the passlng ol thelr lather Rlluskr Mr andMrs Francis Fer guson and Dariene Banin were Sunday guest of Mrs Sam Allen New Flo girl me at the home 01 lhuir lender fur their Feb meeting and 10 members were present Each has dress cut out and part the basic wnrk done Next meeting will he at the asslslant leaderx Sulurday morning ay nms sun wnson Miss Della Emmi Burlington spent few days last week wllh her pnrenls Mr and Mrs Dd bert Emmi Mn and Mrs Hamld Maura spent few days last weak with Mr and Mrs Tom Forbes Ilnglon The were 10 tables playlng It the md parly Friday night Winner were ladies Mrs Har ald Dunn and Harry Wright The next card puny will he March Dalston communlly skating pafly wlll be held Friday Feb 22 at Gulhrie arena from pmrEvcryone in the commun lavilgd Miss Barbara Salisbury Bar rie upon the weekend with her parents Mr and Mn Georg Salkpury Dn sum WI will meet Feb al ha home of Mn Mark Spon lgle 800 pm Roll call will he Name garden vnxcluble Ind in ll load valu held lhclr February mccllm the home Mrs Clarenco Brown President Mrs Sum Wilson pullch Mrs IL Tharp lgd lhe on All lnvilnlinn ln Jaln RCAF Stullan Edgar Indie or the World Day Prayer March wn recnlvcd discussion on lhe UCW liming loan library was held and was so nsldo null null monlh Mrs Vullnco Gnugh lnlroducrd Mrs Mel Jnmlcsnn and Mrs Man of Gulhrle who guru rm Interest Ing lnlroducllan to the study book On lhc film of Hull Alli fltlrcshmcnlr wen ser ved hy Mn Sponualc nnd Mn Wnlsun Mslmd by lhu hostess chl mccnK will be Md Math lha ham Mrs Lame Handy By MRS ALLEN CROSSLAND DBLSTON 31 MRS DUCKWORTH Congratulations In Mr and Mug Richard IrelandToronto nee Alene West oLAnml on the hlnh baby glrl Kim Lenore in anunln on Jan 19th Mr IEE Mrs Oscar Llnlon al lended the tunerl of Dennis Benmish in Lundoq Mr and Mn Oscar Linlun visited with cousin Mr and Mm Al Bourleau Cniling wood and nltendrd in Black Lodge Service ior Armie New lon Mr and Mrs Cameron Mc Rae and hand Mrs Duckworihunliended the innera Mr and Mr Albert McCul llgh Jr alleuded lhé mlh wed ding anniveran of Mn Mc Culllghl parenu Mr and Mrs Edwnrd Mcvlcnr at Dundalkq Albert McCulLIxh Jrv Wu years old Ike on their annlver any dale Mrs Glen Chisholm Toronto returngd from the Royal Vic torla Hospltol Barrie aflur on operation to spend few days wilh her daughler and sowin lowr Mr and Mm Ernest Mc Knight and later returned to Toronto with herrhushand Mrs JohnDuc warm return ed horns from lha Royal VIcA Iorla llosnllnl feeling much in prpyed 505m gemqu Mr and Mrs Ruler Bdltncll and daughter Toronto visited Ihelr narcnls Mr and Mrs Charlie mum Mrs Sand 0rd Dumpster is pallenl In Inniswaud Res Hum Her many friends wlsh her slacde resoysrv Mr and Mrs Fred Laumcr and Mrs Gordon Walsan visited their mother Mrs Dempster at Innlswond and Mrs 059 Linton Mrs George Falconer and Deb hie Mrs Duckwarlh Mr and Mrs Duke Lee unend ed open housu at the L5 wad ding anniversary ML and Mrs Thoma Klrkl Mr and 315 buck Friday From 530 To Midnight Saturday From 4pm1o 30 pm THE WELLINGTON HOTEL BNGUS Presents Sirling Tonight IN THE GREEN ROOM worth MIs Erma and brim Cnmeron visited with relntlyas Guthrie Mr and Mrs Walla McMah knn spent aflw day in Tor nntowllh relatives OPEN FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS ONLY Russell Adams is patient in the Royal Victoria Haspitli Barrie All his friendshope ta neg hi maggéifim Roy GIllham 19mm vjsllcd his pmnu find Mm Pap rick Glllham Hummer 111 at um 01 wrulng at the home or his daughters sanlnlaw Mr and Mtg Wllllam Gibbs Mr and Mn Gordan mm Weston visited Mr and Mm Wllllnm Glbbs Ross Wilkinson Richmond Hlli visited his molheerrx Thoma Wilkinson and his Dad who is npalieni at 11 oak Si Barrie Mrs Halvey Réblnsan Enter1 Ialned he CGITGlrls alter skallng Early Miss Mafiene Robinson Kit chgner was humeor the week en ML and Mrs Réiand Ham mond Brnmptnn called on Mr andMra Duckworlh Mr and Mrs Harvey vRobln sun and familyyvlsiled lhclr son and dauxhlnrlnlaw Mr and NH Ciflord Robinson 1m ML East he Anllque Shop let for England by plane to buy naw slnck Mr ander Morley Edwards Vescy vsicd Mr and Mm Bert Cnslan Mr Fuller and ML McClcm men 01 Teachers College Tor onto spent last week In file school here leaching and nbsnrg n1 Mn and Mrs George Kinlon and Mrs Kendrick wen in Col llngwood attending steward ship Missjop Mocllpg 1y Mr and Mr Edgar omisor Shelburne visited Mr and Mn Arthur Snldcr Sorry la riporl Mrs Kale CRAIGHURST By GASTON GRUB STAKE 75c HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT um BARR EXAMINER Eukur Is patient in Rexval Vla lofla Hqspitalh Bugle The sympathy ol the village ll extended In Pedllngham who received cahlg Sunday Inform hlm of his brother Gaol fray Pcdllnghams death at Cal wan Enzlavfl an ulmluuu The will meet lhehome Mrs Simon the evening of Feb 215 with lhe Iouowlng WP Ma lie whn knows musl grleve most or wanedllme comments Mrs Kendrlckrroll all local new Item program educatlon Mn lalton draw Mn Dudes recording M11 Pedllngham lunch pot luck sup per Vlsllors lnvilcd land wcl come CLUB 20 By MRS nuucx The Pops and Taps 4H girls held Iheir outh meeting It Mrs nlews humvv Saturday memoon They cut out materlnl lor their summon wardrobe Mr and Mrs Alan Johnslon Mr and Mrs Ir Priest ab leaded lhe lunera lhelr cau sin Gordon Howard Toronto last Thursday Mr Howardwa hurled In Oshawa Mrs Parkin Oshawa la VIS lllng the Manse She Lynn Bunn grandmother Clifford Adams had the mis fortune in have his nose broken while playlng hockey Bi ihcfink here last Friday evening Also an Salurday allernonn George Fralick loll while doing carpen lnr work at the parish hall and rcsull received la badly sprained ankla LIBRARY The annual library meeting was held at home at Mrs Tom Hutchinson ln the evenlnl ol Feb Mrs Thaw stlll kindly offereer her home or lLs use II is hirped lhal everyone wlll show an lnleresl In this library Where could one derlve as much reading mamlnl lor one hole year or only $100 Thl year membership ls altered to child ren for one hall llm lomlly lee It Is open every Thursday eve nlng and oclock or school children JUST LIKE THE ROARING 20 MINESING PER PERSON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13 By MR5 scorn Mr and Mn Scrnoskl Ind family Toronto were recent vlsitors with Mr and Mn Cleo Lalonde The weekly card parly had nine tables In play Prim Wm won by Mrs Edna Shanahan Dnrnlhy Wilson Pele Fallon and Babe Adams The monthly meeting oi the heme and school assoclallon was held with 15 ladies attending null call was answered by an educational beet it was de cidcd in nerve chnmlaihmllk in children Valentine party Arrangements are being much inr community skating party The program was in charge ni Mrar Marian Cox and Mrs Cor die Easion Speaker was Mrs Doris Knapp supply iencher Mr and Mrs Murray Mc Kenzie and children Toronln visited over the weekend with Mr and Mrs wilsnp Mrs Scottspent fievwenk nnd wilh her suns in Toronto Recent vlsilors with M33 and Mrs were Mrs Bud Martin Alcana Beach Mrs Dcnls Shemd and Chris Palnswlck Mrs Martin Sr of Slmud and Mrs George Cox of Mldhursl also Mr and Mn Ron Lessor Tannin ANTIZN MILLS Specializing In BODY WORK Tilfln SI PA $2317 smcos MfiTORSLM RAYS BODY SHOP BUFFET STYLE MECHANICAL SERVICE

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