Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Feb 1963, p. 1

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Wilson Opposed To Polaris Plan Civil Servants May Be Able To Hold Office CARSON cmz Nov All Ring Judy mail MIme erndn lmm Inln Izzy mm Ann rip Io hnxnllnl nmmm low lmuu mmml mm may or quit an wnh Mr rhlldrrn mllZMEN Wm irnnrmy lieu nlmnl the Duldl luxury llmr Mun panerl Md mw moli 15011 liner 1in wmk In Ibo Judy Garland Has Flu Mack Wilson dclrnml man lo 103 in new hnllul ha ha har mtmhm the Hum 12 Commnm Two ltulslntnn dld nnl nll vuuuvr um Rnccnl opinlnn polls have nlvnn Labor clear edge over Mnrrnlllann Conservatives Wllm lcnisl lnlcllcclunl and Labors lorclgn nunln ex pert wan the parly lendtnhlp over Gcomc Brown the more conservative deputy parly Icmkr the party lender Wllson wlll bewme prim minisltr 11 Labor win he Kcncml clccllnn whlch Prime Minislcr Mncmll Jun must hold by October 1m Liner Hits Wreck In North Sea In Iclcvlsxan inlervlcw ol Iowing his cchllon la the party leadership Thursday night Iha 45ycarold Wilson said nuclear arms should be confined to he Uniled Slnlcs and Ike Soviet Union LONDON APlllamld Wil son lhe youngest Lahnr party leader In Brilish history and possibly the next prlme minis or wants Britain in get rid 01 ll nuclear arms nnd abandon lhc lnlnris missile agreement wilh Illa Unlled Slum servants have been re stricled ram ponticnl aclivizy since passing of the Gnrmw Mr 53 evnn lhough the bill is not passed It represents government pol icy nurly plpc smnklnn ann The government move lollowx laci approval given last year of the candidacy ol two civil servants in the lednral election If the bill does not receive royal assent in lime to be eliecllv int the April federal election civil servant still would be al lowed loftend oi election 15 000 employees can necked with Crnwn agencies SELL CAN STAND Alsn set up would be civil service arbllrallan board lhai wauld deal with deadlocks id lhe council 11 blll also pmvidu lor an elghlman council Warm menl nIliclals and civll service slall lo negoliale general work lng condillons and parllcular wage cases would nol deal with overall salary negalla lionsl Frnvlnclal Treasurer James Allan Thursday lnlraduced bill In Ihe leglslalun allowing all clvll servants except deputy mlnislcrs and hlglr officials In hold élccled afllce in municipal pravinclal and lcdcrnl gavcrn mcnls TORONTO CPlWilh ed ernl elecllon Aprll and pm vinclnl election expected this year In Ontarln lovemmenl has releastd Rs 36000 clvil scrvanls mm seyeamld law stopping them from political Ic thjty 99m Yur No 39 Ems BRIE FoxExaminer Want Ads To phono PA mu 11w telephone numbu to call or the Buslnesa or Editorial Dept PA 66531 OurTelephones Irnnnny llculm 1mm lpodnl lrlp my llmr Mnannm uhd lmlny Mum Iomo mw moli look lo Itbum nllcr KM wmk In Ibo Wrscr rsuury on West Ger amumuy may for qudVn nlnu my patty finnqr JWIXUGMIHM nunw lhll scrvcd ancc mmcdmlcly lhnl ho hum ntgollnliunu or an or duly wllhdrnwnl from lhe NM um nxrumcnl Mnemlllnn and Presidlnl Ktnncdy made to flipplyPolngla mlslfle lnr mil ihbmnrlnn Wm Mr Allan said the Ontario Hydra Workmcns Compensr lion Board and Ontario North lnnd lramportatlon Cnmmis slnn are outside the scope of the blll civil servant can be can didate or municipal nlfice if his candidacy service or activity does not inleriere with his gav emmcnt job and does not con ilxci with he Inlcrcsls of in men for example an inspcc Iar wilh lhe deparimcnl oi edu cnliun being candidate or HMO hoard can resull 1mm canvassing nr engaging in polib Ical work duringy nu Once elected in civil servant must resign but may rejoin the civil service niier applicalinn within lhrermanlhs oi ccasinx in he an elected reprcscniaiiva The period before and aitcr ihai wili be considered continuous sprvicg pmiming superannua longer Khan the peried between lhe dale nl Ihe election writ and polling day and no shorlcr than lhe period between nllicial nem inallon day and polling day 44 Crown employee must ab laln leave 01 absence before becoming candidate or solicit Ing nnds or pnlilical party orcandldgke Rulurgavefiuing canaidalcs In the pmvlndal Ind ledml field now are Snékatcheviin the only other province allowing poiilicai activity by civil servants M95 GO ON LEAVE Resulufinn spansarcd by le era axpg Garrow in 1w HAROLD WIISON Imklm mnbul Ill mu Ilrnlnhl In Her Ill Mme no Ahmad no Inked All Montreal pm mnlnrncn far ycl or no mun menl on when Suclul Cmill would cqulp nnndlnn arm wllh urnpom Mr Cnourlln mlll Mr nmxcllr who did hm al lend tho parlyl nlrn¢gy mm mm mrcllngn hm um wrck or Tlmndnyl prcu mnhrcncu 11 in bolldnylng In Jnmulu hdum hllllng Hm rlccllnn cnln pnlzn lrnll cum5m Imlh rlxhl oppmlllon lo nurlenr arm He nut ndrucnlin thrlr ncqulsillon now but any lhnl II Social lell xovcrnmml ll clectcd ll wlll allaw the ad Vice WM he dcsmhtd nonpnrllxnn parllnmtnlnry dc cnce cnmmlllcm nllcr ll hnl examined urnl murily inlur mnllon and mo lnlcrnallnnal Ikllmllon Mr nmmpsan uh pres conlmnce here Thursday that hl parlyx nuclcnr nuns pollcy Ilalrmcnl or lhc April gm ml cllcllon docs no nah out nudcnr wnrhmuln or Cunndlun offal In NATO at home OTTAWA CWSoda Cred Leader Thompson has dlssocl nlcd his nullonnl puny mm the N04 no no View MI Qunhcc deputy llcnl Cnoueuc an the ncqulsillon 01 nuclear arms for Cnnndnq Adclcnccs The US he added ts slriv lng in work out ways increas lng Eurapcnnpuflcipnllon In lransnllanllc nuclear policy and in five Ellme greater sense assurance lbs mullllnllral om wuuld be IIqu win are in Europes ficlcntc Heimphaslzcd also lhal the U5 has six cumbal dlvlslnns In Europe and lnlnl of 400 Kcnncdy said he ham to have he US posillnn on the mulilalcrnl lam nailed dnwn In me far the NATO ministe rinl meeting in Ottawa in May VAVNTS PARTICIPATION Merchant has been brought out olrelirement or the spe cific lob ol attemptlng hi push lhe multilateral cancept that de Guulle has rejected in ever of bullding In independent nuclear force 101 France He said also that lemxston Merchant former US am bassador lo Canada will rnlurn to Europe in 10 days In resume discussluns in detail on develop ment of mullilaleral nrmulll nallnnal nuclear farce on Ihe basis of lhe Anglo American Polaris agreement worked out ansau last December Says Socreds Not Part Of Caouette Arms View Kennedy told press Conler cnce Thursday he ls prepared to discuss lhe proposal advanced by Gen Lauri Named Eu ropean caunmcs dclcgnlc their nuclear aulhorlty cilher to French Presldcnt dc Gaullc or Prime Minlslnr Macmillan WASHINGTON CF Prob idem Kennedy is ready In con sider joining wih France and Britain In hm power opera tional control over North lantic nuclear force if Europe will agree lulhe idea JFK Would Join With France UK settlementReached LoggersBackToWork 771I3é1rri2 afixamim In the cmnmlnn and In he nnwlyrlrded Jnrllnmcnl Mr Thumpsnn wllh mm hen Mkmcd Tour or kmflng the Lune nivc Ho llktll rc Whrn mknd how it could be put an mm ulrllsnn bnsls nurjg mrllsnn pamldpns holh Mr Thompson cnlltd hls mm rnnlcrnnce anu lhc party pol lcy slnlcmcnl was Issued and null llml he nuclmr 1mm qucsllon mould nnl bu an Lune In Ihc ICCUOII cnmpnlxn or partisan poliHcal conlravcrny group Sodul Cm MP are rcpnrlcd In support Mr Cnuucflcs llne but Dr Guy Mnrwux Social Credil whip and MP for Quebec Monlmor cncy In lhu last Parllnmcnl mm he press conlcrenm Thursday the policy expressed by Mr Thompson Is In demo craticallyrnxrccd party posluun FIRE FIGHTS FIREFIGHTERS Under lh present law Iha larifl commissian has virtually ceascd In exist as an dlccllva agemy to which Any beleag uertd flnmcsflc indfiatry ur its cmplaym can Iunl tnr relief mild Morflmur Doyle excculivc be Manumclurcr Amtlulinn 11wywm dulruyrd IIy um COPPER CIT Mltll MUml llny mmmunlly hul Hm hull llru lruckn and lrcfluhllnz cqulvmrnl lelmlay nlxhl WASHINGTON CPI SiunK by the United States Tariil Com missions decision un lumber the 15 lumber manulacturing Industry ha called or change in President Kennedys hade Expansion Act to rcarm the commission with power In iinhi petition from rising imv ll snt the president of the United Stale in the case the strategic force will have be he president of France or he prime minister or Great Britain or somrone else 000 men and this should provide Europe with ample assurance that defence of Eumpe is an as senlinl par of American su curily There would he no will drawal American comhat forces unless Europe demanded this and Kenncdy said he snw no evldence in believe such demand wonld be made It might happen In event If emergcncythat decision Io fire 0103 wcnpons might have In he mide In lust live minulcs Someone had to he delegalnd with the authority to mnk hagdecision USLumber Wants Fight Emit Onhrlo Canuda FrldnprIbruaryilS 1963 IIurr Vrnlnlrhm lrslnlyrrl ll flpflw phip Hul lln mil ma mmylnl on Hm hack Ilrm wul kmmn ll wan km ml hy Vrnuurlnn nulhurlllu Tho am lrclkhler wnl hrllcvrd hrndinl or Cuban purl Sunllnm on he Islnnda lnlflhcflll cnml CMIACAS Vcnczurln MU Fhlrl Cnslmn rrulmc nflcml nxylum lvvdny In Cummunisls whu Izod he thuutlnn lmlghlrr Amnnlruul while Vlh nNurllm doslmylrl nlul lmmhrrn hunml luxillvu vrr ul across lhn Cnnhhcnn Asked bunt lhc views ol Mr Cuuuclle and Ill Quebec follow us Mr Thompson sald hp md nol read M3 deputy Icndcrl rc marku other thnn press rc pnrls and nnnlher point du mlxscd mm as numclhlnx he mm in Quebec porters didnt want In quesllon him on some other subject Cuba Offers Asylum To Red Hijackers LIeulcnanlGovernor muslcdpjgvad hqxpcech mm in dxmneihd omciauy open ed the Iillh session of the Nth Saskatchewan legislature Thursday Mn Busttdo is THBONE SPEECH IS READ llrllnhlo munrs HIM US Nnvy ulnnu umllrd llw llrlnh lrr Tlnmdny mhlwny hrlwrrn Vrnrturln and as nnmlnlrun Hrpuhlk Shlpnlnl InIra In Cancun MM lhu mnlnnhlp Hu anld lhn RM And the rut lhe mw would he lurnrd mrr UNSccrrlnry inwrnl Thnnl llrllnlglo munrs HIM UH Thn 7min unvcrmnrnl In II xlllrmcnt bmmknxl by llnvnnn rndin HIM the 1111p nrvlvnl Al My Mum poll Hm rcvnlu llnnJIry uvrmmcm will annl nxylum In Vrnrzurlnn mulu armrch nml lnrlnheu In er wlhu sqlicll mm Unnmclul source mid our hiuhnnklng nfllcm um nn mud Thursday nan mm nlrc march was undnr wny or mm olliur PARIS AP French oIll CHI announced loday but In group nrmy officers has been nrrcslcd or plnlllnx to kill Insidcnl Church do Gnullc It was lhc iflh nssnsalnnllon plal against the nycnrald chlz slink lymflcd In l7 months 51h Plot To Kill De Gaulle Stopped lo be replaced lieutenant governor March by Jhnbldtc of Kerrabcrl Sash and liker will not be pm mgulnx he scssinn The ses sion expcclrd In last eight weeks Winphoto Some ubmvul belluvrd Ilm hlJnckm hml rm nllclrlcd whtlhtr In lry lnr lho Cuban porl ur nr Mulcm The ninth In up wen I5 kmvll rnmldrrnlfly It llmn Hue mm min dulrnym nut ll hm cmlnlrrnhln ulnyl on the pur mm lvrnldrn amuln nclnnwuvl Amnalruululn Ihmll he lame pnfillnn TM wnulul have plucrd lhn lrrlxhlnr nhnul 450 miles mum rml Snnllnxq Ilch lmm Hm US naval haw ll Gunn lnnnnm cm lnllr mHPII nlgHinx lhe Mcunu was npnrlcd heu lhnl undnr lhe ltrms The union Said today II was cxpcclcd that llmsc held on rial chmu wuuld hnhallcd out al $200 cash Inch put up by lhe unionn lime In appear or lhe Snlurdny mnnlinl IVII ANHITIMTE osc accust mur dcr and charged with rlaln behind bars lhl papermill own was quit ndny n5 n5 dcnl wolmmcd he aculcmcnl news alter month of business depression mattd by minced payroll There we no demo slralinhs as police conflnutd an orderly roundup lhn rc mnlndcr 237 mum charged with rioling Ye arrivnd hm early tnday nller pruvinclal police had su ml pirkupuder The olhm gave Ihemsclm up mmay and Wedneadny bul Coulnmbu had laken hlx trifle nlly wife to hospilal In Manl lreal before the chargu were aid PaulEmilc Coulomhc olllclal ol larmersclllcr cooperative culling pulp wood Independently will be Iakcn Io lhe prlson larm at Monlellh loo mllea south here In join the mmalnlnu arrested nller three strikers died by gunlirc while raldlng sclllers stockpile ol pulp wood mullccsm Siding Mnrlduy Meanwhile the last men chargch wiih nuncapital mur der result of ialai clash conuccled with lhe slrike sur rendered tariy lodny and was arraigned and remanded for week wyygom 01mm After marathon cnmpany union meeting had agreed on basis or settlement at Toronto Thursday the Lumber and Saw mill Workers Union CLC sent out call to lhtxscallered wands camps or meelng here Sat urday moman to hear unlnn u1 flclul explain the agreement unhnr favorable vol by Ike Woodsman employed 12y twn cumpanle could act he work ers back an Ihe job by Monday KAPUSKASING Ont CPI Plans were made here today to take backtwwork vole Saturday among 1500 Northern Ontario bushworkcra wlm have been Idle or manlh In strike that brought Ihrcc death this week In shooting nut burst Contract Dispute To Go Toflrbitration Board Nol Mora Than Par Copyl2 Plgu Cloudy with snawllunics Low tonight below um High to mormw Far mmplnlo summary urn to page three II rain nlcwnlklnf dawn Hm HIMI Ill Hm ll nirml nn Allnu rlnrl In ll Inclpl lhr llUnrkuu Men Hrd nine mtmhm 01 ha Armor Forru inr Nllllmhll LII nnlltm WALN Cumulunhl Ivrnnnlmllnn with Huh In Hdcl Juslmu Hrluncnun cullrd 4m rlcndly nlllllml In lhc In In Mr spec or Ralph Taylor hcadlng nomnn provlnclnl po llcu dclachmcnl moved lnlo lha nrcn nllcr lllondnyr shwllnz raid would rum reducan strike squmln us won as he ccivcs nrdm lrom Allnrnoy Gcncrul Fred Cam Coulnmhc surrendered nl Illa home ul lawyer Gerard Clnulicr whu helping Tornnln Inwycr Jmcph MM 19 lo dclcnd the la tolllcrs Mr nawnlrcc circulnlcd can slnnlly nmnng lhn two sixrman cams rcmcscnling he Sawmill Workers and its pmntuninn lhc lnlcrnaliunnl Union of Car penlm Ind Jolncvx CLCI and the wt allillulcd companies Spluue Falls Pawcr and Paper Company 01 Kapuskasing and KimberlyClark Pulp and Paper Company Lanxlnc AIPLAUDS SEITLING 1n Kupusknsing floss mun mm In official of Ihc lnlema innnl Brotherhood Pulp Sul phile and Papormill Worker 1cm xnld Naming renter has hnppcncd in me Nnrlh than an In his strike Local Weather mayc The neg allons ln Tonmlo slurled almost Immediately af ter unlon and company ofllcials arrived here Wednesday by plane from Tlmmins They lasted until 630 am Thursday when delegates left for break fast and brief sleep nle talk resumed again 11 mm and the agreement was reached at about 930 pm The union has been seeking an identical contract with both mmpanjcs providing for wage increase and shortened wnrk week patterned on one reached by negotiators with Abiiibi Pm per but Kimbcriyfiinrk has balked at customary proce ddre on the ground at depressed price for its specialized pm duct and lids issue was ma jainst the dispute the Toronto settlement the dis putanls would agree tn binding arbitration of all puinls and is suns with the men working un der their oidconlract terms un tiifilhe completion arbitration Separate arbitrator would be appointed In deal with Ihe un ion dispute nn behalr of 1100 men will the Spruce Fails Power and Paper Company and them Wilh Kimberly Clark Canada Limited In bat CBSL flu chuice of ar bitralors would have to be agreeable lo boHI company and union HERES ONE

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