Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1963, p. 14

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WW 5453534 TUHUNTU CPI lehvfl rnrnlxl Hm McColkrlla In hm hll runvltllon lnr up ml muran ruduml In an nmunpllal murder but lullod Thorn val m1 mm in he promlhm nl lllnl wmnnl lnlulcrrme or In mluur Illa Inmldlnn Mrl Imlke llann mlnr ll Onlmlu Imul oi llw Ullllml IIHlIII nk In IYIIIMI IIIIIIV um anurw my ll Ii ilckrl lhr nlllxrI nl HInIlmlyUmk nnmlu Ullh Ilul nlnlul lmur may unmover unpmnl lxy mu ruuumny Mr hwulml In llu Ilvlkr Tummlu tcmmm Alum in mm law mmny unmhullrl In Nulllmn Un nun Mnmln 1m Hmkr lry Inhm mrmhvu IIMII AMSIHHMM lIlruINn meh lrnlml hlmn nunx uluyl Il MAXI Dutch Kuildru dlmul mm are llllsslnfl mm MM 0an DIIILII All 1an plum KIM ulllclul MM Wnlnru nluhl Ilu lunnry um pm mm mmnwul hl Frrmli Mrlrnn lmurh mum 411ml quMrru tnwul mum Hu mm Huuml by car an nflrr luvrlmur siruc durinu which In dunamlrd mlditnrc will FHI Dinrim IIdunr Ilauwr Nathan Vixr lnkrn la myxhmlm mm ur chum Hun Mu Inn nu Dumb Ho leduclion sylvunia Artmm was lhmwn lnln an uproar durlnu Ihc noon hunr Vcdnwluy by 11 man who drmu hls nulnmnblle up the US jmire dwaflmcnl mp nnd lhnnlcncd In blow up In HHIKIIHL Gerald Lang poses in his office In London yuslcnlay after being appuimcd general mana ger of noun News Agcncy Hr mmm Wnllnn Cola Mm died last man Roulch said Long began his journalistic carcer as reporter or he agencys London 0mm your ED Conga MUTwo hundred Ba lulu warriors In wnr palm marched on the airport ulside 1M5 Kalangn province cupilal Wednesday and defied United Nanns hld lo disnrm hem The nnlubas cnrrying weap mu ranging mm bows and up rows In blcycle chains went to III ulrpnrl lo mm Ihcir polll lcnl loader MonSendwc who How in mm Mowxldvllln lho unhnl Congo capital llTHE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 53 TORONTO CF Police charged Michael Mason 21 university psychnlagy student wilh murder Wednesday fallow Ing the shooting death of man In an apartment on Dupqnl Street in west central Tar nnla The victim was Identified as William IL Swayne 24 who Iivcd In the apartment He was shut three times In the chest with weapon hellcved to have been Isolcalibre riIle VIENNA iAPAiricnn Ne gm sludcnis disillusioned with life under communism clashed with Communist police on the main street oi Sofia Bulgaria informed sources here report The Bulgnrlnn government confirmed Tuesdays outbreak lhmugh Wide news agency BTA Wednesdny Reports mm reliable sources here said 200 Mricnn students were Involved and scores were injured Picket Kleenex Police Were caliréd altar neighbors heard gunshots Francs Lost New Manager Defy UN Bomb Scare CAPSULE NEWS Students Riot WASHINGTON IANPerm ELISABETH The Charge Student With Murder GERALD LONG Mr lllrktunl an Hunt it Ihivhulhllnl company llll ill IYiIunrIy nl Inulnla slur In lllllllNl Minn Mu Ilkk lullln mmlnyrr liwmn rue urn In lm hmIn llml mil why the hml WIN In mm In wml lullro lnuml Mr lllklnrd lying In llw punyway Ilmllll In balmy unvl Mn IdJar in lhr IIIlLIvrIL llolh hm bun lml uIHI Hfflmll Iillo My llhklmd hull NIIIN lwr huhaml mic 11n ymlh Irmmulcd In llhlny llrml an Mr um Mu Grunge lllrkllml II In lwlwvtvl IHmllllll mrunml Mnmlny mm Sharon Ann Crank In can In lmwilnl with mom Atrlmls Inlurlu llum couple llnllsrd nnm nllrr the jumpml mm Mr mnling car ulmn lln MCrllmlnr lainan The XIII lllfll nlurk the la lrxlnurnnl parking lol And when he xpmlmmlcr nmlle pmml he 70 mink mu lulled on ol flu rnr Irml nlonu ll busy Ilrlmll llmrnuxlllnro lllc nulu llil ll rmr of lnxrk ml rvml nll lnlo llrld MHIID mm nl ancnllnc Ahv Mllll llllnhlnz nl how slm unulll lmrk lvr lfl llnmu ml Vulrnllnrn llny SAANHH II CllA ruhuhl yuulh mu rhnuznl ulnrzvlny wilh lmln Jun nllr lrlinquenl Iny rnIIunHHnI muulrr uhrn ho npmnrrd In lumulr mm In runnmllm WIHI Ihnnlhv xlmlhl III unmnn aml hrr luIIlmml SUDBURV CWTed Hill president of the Sudbury Wolves Hockey Club denies the club will be involved In suit agalnsi he lniemntlnnal Union of Operallng Enginturs AFL C10 The union is slriklng he Sud bury arena and rcprcseulm live of he arena commission snid hxcsday suit against Um union will he brought in the name he mmmission the club and he cily Paul In mnn American managing direnlnr or Ihe UN special fund told press con lerence of the decisinn Wednes day He added that the $3000 000 project would not require Ih¢lal use one single American do OTTAWA CWA spokesman for lhe Nalinnnl Parole Board says he board cannot say when it will annmmce he resull of Its revch Edwin Alonzo Boyds parole Boyd now is being detained in Toronto jail or not adher ing to he terms of his parole lic was released on parole last ail 1mm Kingston Pcnilenllary where he had been serving senlcncc or bank robbery KITCHENER CBThe pas ibillty that John Dowhush 46 Waterloo night watchman and Janitor may have been uncon sciuus balme he was strangled was raised at an Ontario Su preme Cnurt capital murder trial here Wednesday Dr Iva Tnvcs pathologist mind at the trial Dwen hIcCusker Waterloo ma chlnlsl that Dawhushs brain had been Injured by blow at same force high up on the side the head UNITED NATIONS AP The United Nations is gains ahead with controversial am eulluml ald pmjec or Cuba despite vigorous objections ram yhe United Stnles Called Delinquent Over Shootings No Suit Leaps Out Unconscious Review Boyd US Objects SHAIIDN CIIUNK moi Imuut body lhrw lune lrrfn nlhrr Murmlmrnll Ilrlrllvnl nml IIIL dDUIIVII la Ill Irdllm III Hm rmlo Emrmhw manlur Inmllnnu and munlnze mv rnnnlu which Irnnlm MM nll at ltdmlcnlly Invnlhl Im mm my rm pmml hy he plmhwlnl kgulnhm mum lrlrmm lo Hie lnlrml IMlla IntIll IIITH IMIUllfl RANT HHIUNII lllIlnya Mvullml xnwml mmmy ul llw Unlnrln Tcmptum Haw nlun Wnlnrulny nlllclml lemming lluunr Hunt In nunmum duh lhal will mu pmmm In Muvlo In inr nkm llrunro mu lumlrd Mnmlny Mnulnululp of the wink lull HI mlmlul pl ll wl lo rm Suggests Weddings May Be Invalid he Ix rluhl nml llw law In Hot rhunknl he will In An In ltnlvw many mnnlnnn mu panIons bnml on clvll coda nmrmlmrnln pnsml by Ihn Qurlwc rulslnhlrn Alnru Com ledrmllun are Icclmirnlly Irv nlld The Qnrhrc Lllnml nrnnlnr who wlmll lo purin Hm law re lnllnu lo mnnlnxn mud lcunl armrnllnns I111 mull prov lnm wll aka hlu Mt Mn urckrml In mulan nl Ihu Qurbrc hnr In Mnulrml The move came uflcr court Appeal Judge Lord Allred Dunning ruled Brendan Mulhnl land 29 of The Daily Mail and Reginald Foster 58 rcclnnce vrilcr working for The Dan Sketch had no grounds to ap peal lhelr cnnlcmnl at court cauvlcllans nnd that newspa pcrs must divulge their ncws source when judge so dlrc Is Ihnm In slalcmcnl Wednesday nlphl lhu reporters snld llunl whllc lhe cnurl had refused mm the right lu appeal In lln House Lords It had also ccrliflvd an lmporlzml polnl law was invnlvod nnd lhls perv mlllcd hum lu apply or leave In appeal to lllc llouse wilhin Mulholland wns xcnlunted In six munllls and Foster to Hero nmnlhs by high court In Feb runry lnr refusing In all ml In cxlinnllng lribunnl the murcfl Ilmlr prinled sluman nboul convickd ndmlrally my Villlnm Vnssfll OTTAWA annlnr JEnnancbh lmxliul la mmmh lmV mnsshe luck on Im luryflhl llnw he mm In Can dlnn mmlilulinnnl lnw LONDON EmmyTm re poflcrs refused Ihc righ no an neal cnnvlnlion or failing to divulge sources infurmaliun said Wednesday night they will carry their appeal lhc House 01 Lords Britains highest up pual court Vassal ndmillcd homo sexual convklcd pass lm navnl srcrtls lo Ilussln and scumneed In 19 year In pern lflsl October Reporters Go To The Lords young mnnlagnnrd mo lher seeking rduge from the war in Viel Nnm holds hcr small children close at aha field an Dalat in the mural highlands One oi the children em some bread given them Iurh FACES orwlik1NvIET NAM by LS nld personnel 11wa were among monmgnard Iugccs who fled Communist Vice Cnng terrorism and were airlincd by US Army planes for reseuIemenl In valley about 30 miles nurlhwcsk of Dalat Montagnnrds are Ihv primitive mountain people In Vic Nam AP erephoto anc Ihcsc qunlily Innlln lcaluru ex hunt In mm 200 alr per min ulc lhrnuxh lhe lumhllnu tlnlhcs Antonilo nnlmwn cytlo wps wash wtur lnb rlu rtlnin lhclr wvlnklvrcslnlnnrc has up lnp llnl rum Inllnsmmlh nIslrrslxuml vnno lllmhlcr finkly door nprrnllun up when dour ll npcnut Spotlil uch npnclnl Prln nth GAS gugcmc EATON WINDSOR 0m CmA call In inspect the structure com munity fund was made Wed nesday during opening sessions here he nudwlnler center ence of he Communin Funds and Councll at Canada OrIo er on om told 150 delegates representing due from coast to coast that Community Fund councils must take the lead in prnviding cnhe sion nmang the agencies within heir spheres By JACK BEST OTTAWA CHThe Commu nists are doing their best to exacerbate Canada1L5 diner ence on nuclear defence pub Icy delamaUc observers be lleve Since these differences broke into lull public vlew lwn weeks ago there has been steady drumbcnl of commentary from Moscuw and Peking moslly vln pref mg and Through it all runs the sug gestion that the United States is trying to pressure reluctant Canada Into obtalnlng nuclear Dlplamallc lnlurmnnts l1era say they cannot recall time ln recent yenrs when the name at Canada has received so LOUIS FEM WEDS LAS VEGASx Nev AP Bnndleader hauls Prima 51 announced Wednesday he has mmin Zlyearoid Gla Mnl one his singing discovery was his third and Gial first Prima thud singer Keely Smiih were divorced Smith obtained two children Should Take Lead Community Funds Réds Commenting on US Canada IT EATON C2 1695 21995 in 1961 Miss custody ol the wlllcll had been conveyed to the Canadian gnvemment only short llme before xlnglcd out Prlme Mln lsler chlenbakur and the then defence mlnlsler Douglas Hark nus being Involved In campelgn to wear down the resistance al Canadians flawnu clejr weapons um wwpvun v1 The statement was mufldfy denounced by leaders or the our major littqal partlz an attempt Intervene In the electtnn campNgn In Web the question at nuclear weapons acquisition figured pfomlnently MIiKE BIG SWITCH They represen signmcam change 1mm what Russia was saying less Khan year ago nhouttho Issue of nuclear wear ons In Cannda Qlflplalany Last June Just as the led oral clection campaign was reachlng the climax the Soviet embassy here released state menl complaining that Can dlan statesmen were npenly talking about preparations for nuclear armament much mention in the controlled Caflmunlsl presa Th VEHEIls nrllcle have been duly picked up and trans miitled an North American new res 25995 um um Mum ch mu capacity wnshtr holds to lbs of dry tlnlhcs Fculurcs lullynulnmnllc bulllln suds rulum Iyflcm nn Invo up to 20 ham detergent ycar has nulumnuc wash and rlnse wnlcr lrmpcmluro selec llnm MnatMnllc nxllnlor helm prevent domes lwm 5mm and Innalinu ThnruuKh rlm full llmo Ilut Ilrr Frreflow druman drawn dirty mun and wll nwny mm chum nol lhmlnh lhrm Fuy Automuk EATON will Eléctric Washers PA 85983 MONTREAL CHThe Gn zeue any pollce have launched an Investigatjan In Montreal fur Industry In bid to solve fur the totalllng more than 37110300 in the city since the sum of the yeah Ten malor the have been reported sInce Jan Two ar rests have been made but none of file loo recoverecL NEW CARMANIA NEW FRANCONIA Police Probe Theft Furs InnMun mum urme um Nam ud can Udo Dncl Hulld Paul MIN FIIII Clnl LWMI ll Nlahl Club Enllnllnmnl Allcondltianld Ihlnuuhaul hunch GIannIpnklnq mum CUNARD IN 63 ma luxury mm Dunlap St PA 664 BARBIE TRAVEL SERVICE SAIL

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