Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Feb 1963, p. 8

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Thu CAC nnxluus Io sup4 port In trade crusadel move to make mm more Jobs nvnlL ahla In Ontario but lakes dim View or nnylhing up In qullcale Ila program Mn Vo pe xnld WHLL WM AND SEE She said her organization would just wall and see what developed allowing Tuesdnyl meeting before determining the role It would play In he finds Canada Mb Colbernn pmldcnt Mrs lepc Ontarin prcsldcnk the Consumers A9 sedation of Canada said than ya overlapping and dupllcnllnn of GAG work In some at tho wfnmlltg ms rolnrcnco Mn urei Wright chic oi the consumer service section oi tha dopnrtment naked the Women In work on committee which will study hnni and sait goods manufacturing product pmmolinn design natural ro nou mailing cansumcr purchasing humnn resource and economics NRONTO CDMore Him 250 Ontarlu women mendlng conference organlzcd by the On urlo department of ecannmlcs and development have volcd to ba called the Womans Dlvlslon of he Onlnrlo lmde Cnuade The name wan decided upon alter delegates expressed con uxlon concoming lhcir rule In lire trade crusade visitor In Dublin climbs up rickety step Into honedrawn cab while her womens Crusade For Trade Will Promote Employment PATRICIA RUSAK Lyrnburncr Port Ont lmmcdlnlc pas he Fedarnlod UP RICKETY STEP Cflllfllllflll TIRE The ID wnrkinz commltlecn will attempt to answer for the government such questions as why Cnnndinn womln buy Im ported goods and how Cnnadlnn made good mmpnra with Im ported goods In quality can slrudlon appearance and de sign Product surveys 01 camumcr good and consumer buying hnhlu will be made lhmughoul the province Cnnndn has no la muku name In he economlc market name that and or lbw 0mm women warn lint asked to pmldpate In the cm sada last Dec by Economic and Development Mlnlslcr Mac aulay and flvvmemher execu llve cnmmluce was appointed to work out plan lnr nzesdnyl matting win Mrs Wright CILOEN 0N EXPERIENCE Delegate tn the canlerenco were selcclcd on tho has of their experience and participl Uan In wamcnl orgnnizaflom 1cm lho prnvlnce DARRIB aneno Institute 01 Ontario and chairman the math said the relaunnsh nhould exist between he wom cnn dlvislan of the cmsnde and other womens groups exists between the National Council of Woman Ind lha womenl inm tutu thu university womens clubs and other womens organ lzallnns Mn Lymhumer sald all womens group should work In one Our pmblefn la pm lem or everyon companion enjoy the My perch beside the xklver to cab Is one many opmted KALLIO LIMITED DUNLOP ST WEST mWW Patient Hypnotized For Spinal Surgery i133 Hypnbsls wns handch by Dr Ben II Ellis nnueslhealol cgla fur the hospital BRUNSWICK Ga AWUm able to lake the Usual nnneslluy la woman was hypnaliwd lo enable major spinal surgery HunEmu Krebs 35 was old Tucsdny um npernllan appar enlly was successful and ma would be able to walk agnln Twice previausly Mrs Harri xon Krebs 35 had been sched uled Io undergo spinal surgery but in each case he usual an aesthetic adverser aflcclcd he hurt and blood pressure and he opmllun had In bu post payed Whén aroused from her Mr nollc lranco nflcr Mondayl sub xcry Mrs Krebl commented We need to upgrade our am Iudcs service and goods sald Mn Wright She nnld that be cause women spend per cent of tha consumer dollar they are responsible for crcnllng 50 per cent the 60000 new Job ha ha trade cmada lrylnx to mate luub um class But we cant get anywhere until find out whnl the consumer needs Iald Mrs Robertson Chat ham chairman the soft good committee in the Irish capital by hotel or Independent coachmen call ed jarveya CF Phutc PA 418 UNTIL OPEN FRIDAY Aztlan Swlng lop legrlor ward than leng leamusly rurwnrd and again forward 0n um second swing to the rear FROFESSORS STRIKE BRUSSELS MP mm um at he Belglan stale unlvcr lilies ol Ghoul and Liam wen an strike Manday nsklnz far higher Ialflllcl Tho nrlkn expcclcd I0 Inst week They ms Iupportcd by lhclr 10000 Menu Lack oi exercise leads in fish hlness and flabby muscles are less shapely they bulk out Also at lands in gravitate la the least used areas The large fleshy muscle which cushion the back of the hips has an ni lnlty for int The short thick muscles flanking the hips at the sides lose tune fall1y easily Flgurcs seem to show that sed entary workers who skip ull ex erclse and seldom walk slowly but surely accumulate int when they Ill Sn exercise nnynnn Enn clsa helps in two waysby nir rlng up drculalinn in the area and by staring bmdng tuna bu flablgy musclcllaru we go Poslllon Lylng on right sIde legs slralm down 1911 leg on lap of right Palm hand braced on ml or on bed or lupport Hips can loom large even in the nunml weight While the siza oi the hip is lniiucnccd by lha amount at fat paddinl that area streamlining also depend on the lane In lilo muscles which arm the cum ai Lhe hips career girl has questioned thu statement which appeared recently in this columnlo wit that sitting uphnlsters the hips She is right stand mrrecttdt Or rather sit corrected Sit ting at xtseii doesnt add pad ding it isnt the eight hour day or the forty hour week thats to blame for 40 inch hips No ex cept that sitting inr so many haurs day leave littia time or exercise hesiar cash inanihe taken on blanket an floor or on he bcd OTTAWA CPlflVInklng unscheduled appearance In clusedfuberal council meeting Tuesday members ho ance Women succeeded In pulling two queatlnngtu party omdals on nudearwenpons Mn Charlotte McEwcn tawa memberolthe VoWs Ontarlo commltleesald later that rcpllc were made am the head table by Flo em all ME or EunavlslaNlllin gate Her question and his swan Quéslion Wlllunere be role or Liberal candidate who not convinced ollhe need for hula 1n Ilgnlnz tha final agree men on the nuclear warheads but who supports the party plat arm in all other 1151mm Answer The Liberal why Is demonMic puny 11 malar lly member In riding con N315 WEDNESDAY FEB 11 KEEP IN THE TRIM Party Officials Answer VOW 0n Nuclear Weapons Quéstion Streamlining Your Hip Line With Regular Swing Session By IDA JEAN KAIN PM Aclivn Roll riwlhmicllly acres hip iprud pushing with one hand blldni with the other Roll 25 counts liawly and heavily Something has to give and it wont be the floor nailing gives nmoalh contour to tha hipiine Lying taco down Ilmply lract strongly with ha max clea To do this can bi hlr muscles MW and hold HI mnlrncllon In slow count of gkzlnepeg six times Roiilng discouragu hula This exercise must he done on the floor Position Sit on floor leaning slighllyhnck to bring weight to hear an bulge Have arms on at sides slightly hack palm on floor Answer Canada is tree country No whip can control ihe vote oi memben in any way whatever And Am sun no Liberal whip would Ask candidaie ID We Ifllnst his conscience on his question We need to put beside this the need for reliable majority to lnsnro stable government it would he very end ii there would ever in uCanndinn Parliament when no Liberal would vote according to bin ponscjence hold the muscle conlmflan to 5an count fix Continue for or so limes always balding on nltcrnale swings to Iho mr Holding lhe muscle contraction help to Increase lane for pm UCally nu effort Chanll side and repeal venllnn wish to choose the can didate who dlflm on this on questlnn do not belleveho would be repudlaled by the many Qucsliun Wlll the party whip opalm an vnle on nuclear arms or would he no vote to accommodnte those men ave Emery minimqu Mr Flaterns con firmed these repliu CANADA Im Inn ulln SllN lIFE ASSURANGE COMPANY OF OANADA AN INVENTORY OF PIIBLIG SERVIGE Mulul Compn1 mm Mud om In Monlml In lhl yubll nqu no rm Inolhu ym oiuhlnnmnnh mum LlFE msunanoE comm Slim 71 ll II in In first womens organi iulinh to hnve as pmiect J2 building or Community Hall in the Far Nam One has been completed In Fnhisher Bay in the Eastern Arctic second one In the Wesiem Amie It mkloyakink wasopened by the Naiional President Mrs Peter Robinson lnDecember of last yenr Ind third hall is underconsimmion in the Cen uai Arctic Baker Lake roping mo Order was organized In mo by Mm Clark Murray of Montreal and now has 979 chap ter reaching mm the Yukon to Newfoundland cooper ates wlth the Nauonal chapters the ODE In Bermuda and he Sahamas It is associated 131° ertyriu begzue lq waifa the Daughters of he British Empire in the Uni ted stem of America The IODE Is one of the larg st voluntary Wtrldle vmm gna madman In Cnnada It stimulates patriotism through educaflon and xervice men unity within use Comm wealth mvides an elliclen or anlzation prompt and unled Idiom In times ol em emncy Ind works orrlhe bet Th9 mmIll Order Daugh ter thl Empire IODE 9b ervu Founderl Day today and mark Its an anniversary Thclemiomlndummollodlyl fut pm of living an nfien bring on nervoul hndnchu in per fectly hnahhy and wdladjultod people When lhil happen on you marel no need In in or let your day be upset For Wu can get dependlbIe relief from duh nuvmu headache in minute with Auntm Simply him two Axum tablets with wmr lit 53rd Birthday of IODE celebrated At Founders Ddy People who Suffer from Nervous Headache Can Get Dependable Relief in Minutes Al chomhu ll m1 IN 1001 Pald lo Policyholdm Ind flanneldo Tohl uh lmuunco In Fem le Lllo lnwuncm NA CLAPPERTON SI BARRIE PA 6M One third on doiim in spam on education During Ihe put year 2060 lchool were adopted md mined 1510 alu denu were awarded rchoinr hips bumries and mm mm all nude oi tha ten 157 oi whom were from me of ex mvice personnel 62 when in the Far North Ind elm he received over 1300 prize booiu in the West indie and Briiish Hondum mm have been adopted by low chaptert L235 Canadian school chlid ren who have been encourliod io be pen pain wlih oiher chiidun in Canndn Ind tile Commonwuiih hnve exchlnzed ietien Ifirment ol Cmda and the Over 50009 voluntary men commm the membership who raise and dhbum over one million dollar lnnuafly 1400 wu hwarded from ODE Fin and Second War Memor lll Had to pmld 14 Post Grmlla Sdnohrdxlp Oven sensl 02000 each and 23 Imamu In Canadian univer ame In vha value of $1600 Hamlet mum of Indian war vetmm Again Immune In duofiéxd Term million dollar spent In You can alwayl aka MIIIXN with wmplcle confidence For Ammhnhmughtfumlizflmm hudadxummflliom more people than any other band of pain re liever fur mm generaduml mm EDUCATION dawn furl few minum and close your cm And alle below you realize it your ntrvnus headldnc will be tellmd So and lim Kcrvnul hud Sun lel ropmlnllllm 1mm lounh conmulln you told om bllllon In men WI ulna the III ulpvom on reounllmlhuu and min wumIn Ind chlldun Sun lm Innouncu nu deand lulu which lo Illh conuan wlll mull In In lncmn In lhl will mount Io blplld In dlvldtndl In It pmlclnlllna poYicyhuldfll In my dlvl dcndn wIII Amounuc mllllnn Sun LNI Mid nu 3200 mflflon In bl lo pallcyhnldm Ind Ihllv bun llu Tthlrdn cl 1th mm wu pdd lo IMM policyholdm Sun Lllel mu mmlon pane Ind mun urllflcl vlnvldl pvollctlun DI man lhan 310 bllllan mmmhvlnzhnmulJunLlh nun Ind warnu hm hnn pvmlogod Ind bunny In In am mowing body pancynola AmyollMMnmluulfiv mluwn ml hwmmmu wklmlntcbvabwnv mm MdMOEMMnyAunmvflkllJuuhwill Dick DYMOND TOM ANDERSON Brine Sunlny Bunch Mannor ache threaten to upon your dly put your confitjmce in Axum It will rtlicve that headache in practically no lime Elfin PM ASPIRIN Be lure you get genuine AIHIIN no wk PM nun ag with th Hiya nun emu nm Be lure you get genuine AIHIIN Look at he pack ag with th Hiya nually our hundred thousand dollm $400300 in Canada and one hundred thousand doll 31000006n wwflu ship ped to mmpefiercn Kanem the West India Han Kong Ind India mm the continuum work IODEmembexn thous and er gamed and mm m1 The ODE ls patriotic mm securlnn Canadian women or aniznlon and by in diver sity of Intelem otters all lying mum to any woman who Canadian citizen or Bril lsh lubject TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS $501th Ind quills fnnda for dlslgi Ion 411d chap ten haVe Endertnken me spa sorshlp or desfllule and reluch amenen McKINNON FURS L9H Ill Dunlap St mum MIMDMO SIOMOJZJMO 25WMO LADIES YIII Alum FINE FURS Belt Al For

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