Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Feb 1963, p. 2

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ml MD Acnvl mam no um Hum Mumm 0mm Mm mm III III luau Infllnllhh III Hill Ullmln manna mm In ml mu mummMsu unmouhu pm rm In ngmm hi rum Cmnlm Ah um Mlaml Alul Aluman Alan an mlml MmlrI My rum um In Ivl Im MnnL luvI NI lldl rrl NEW SUPERVISOR Donald Scoll has been up fiolnlcd park supervlsor lor nndcau Provlnclnl Park on lake lIrle in soulhwvslcrn 0n larla It Is operated by Ike de arlmcnl nl Inn and fumll lc SUCCCMS ll Al llchurcn who ls rcllring His dullcs ln rludn lhnl olwnclarcslcr lol lnwlnz service in UN IICAF Mr Scull cnlcrcd the Unlvmily ul lnmnla lonslry course and graduated ln 1m Among hll nppolnlmcnls wilh the depart ment have bcnn anannc Col llnzunod Swnsllkn and lhv Iced Munch at Anxun KEY CLUB GUESTS thbcu ol nnrrlo Dlslrlcl Ccnlrnl Collcnlnle Key Club who were rlinncr finals at Ihu Kl wnnln Club lluls week wen Gary Krnnlnxlnn nnd Dnvc rnll The Kay Club meet each Walnu dny Ill 1130 llob llarrll II he th Clul chnlrmun nl Kl wanlx ll ycnr LODGE 0F PERFECTION narrll Lodz nl Perlccllon an anal lelnx will be hnlrl In In Mawnlc Temple Wednmlny nl 150 pm lor urn rml lludmu null nlccllon ol nl llcml Illllllnfl Thrlcn lulnnnlj lrlnd Man II Jnmu lopple lam lmllllallnn rnrumnlu wlll nnl lleon LOCAL GENERAL Seventh nn unl Ministers Night banquet at the nuIsuzu Business Mens Commlueu of Emle was well nuendcd last evening when 106 men gathered or the occasion of seven de nominations iroin Barrie and district were weicamcd with Chairman Ron McFadden down with in Beers took charge Ailer the theme song Thank You Lord Cecil Bur ridge returned thanks for lire meal Rev George Ross led the singing with Bill Stclngard at lhe piano Prayer by Rev Williams Scripture read by Rev Goheen Gordon Wllhers charge 01 lesllmonyl called on llev RuskA ln Thorpe of Dalston who sald It ls great lay to be among Christians When was ln col lane young man asked me ll was saved told him didnt know thought what he sald was true bul no loday But thank God Ihe day came when gave my llle to Him Gdon wonn Rev Leonard Waxr Thorn ton had good word when he said Some ynu can thank God you are Canadian but it William Slcwafl lcfl re ceive deed to Bani Dis trict Hunter and Anglera Conscmflon Club property Silergv Hearsfspedlier CBMC Gathering Cnmyllrd hy Hymn Dunlap PL lunl TODAYS STOCK PRICES DEED T0 PROPERTY 4m film llunn mum Mom in Innllgm nmmv up Imuzmn Ilv hm mi anmtlbl IuII um um MildIn Ham pun Nu Int Arva rnuna INDUIITUAL MINING The Ollie Ink Um ormcrly they used wcdo unw but this yrnr tho unwim mum will be woman nunlr lmpe In um 1nd worthy an omencM ho hhnsrll WM mid lhe dxld Mr MncKny cxwemd Ill nu hula nt MI mhxrt ml mm lmplinl he va awry Inlrn lion winnlnu he lmphy Ignln lhll year Polico Chlal Ed mmmm Anld loday We ill award 0m wamhln Reeve Gmrgo MncKny wlth mmncnlo or hl out mndlng nchlcvcmcnu lm hnv In wun Um Mayorx Challenge Trophy or me year In under dlrccllon oi llluslrlnul nmlhcr Shepherd assis lcd by members lhe erllla Scullish Illlu Clubi PHARMACY VISITOR Recent visitor in the city was llnrry Tail manner 01 Onlnrlo District 0rth Phnrmnccullcnl Association He was dinnur gum of George Cnldwcll nl Burrlc Kiwanis Club and wns spcakcr the lunchcnn much in Orlllla Kiwanis Club Mon dayil he nlrchmm Hole Close News prevallcd as the speaker outlined his talk an sclence mlplure and salva Uon Many are looklng to scl ean these days yet world con dillnru were probably never he said Educallon Craig Humor Introduced the guest speaker Dr Morri son of Maplo Leal Mills Tar onla who Director of Nutri Llnn and Research Master Feeds Dlvlsion better If you can thank God that you know His Son Jesus Christ as Saviour Thank Him tonight that accepted Christ as my personal Saviour In 1925 the first Hm heard the Gas pel Iaced he oln question Jesus deliverssaveand rolls Iys II Joy Filler you Trust Him wanted guar anlee heaven and Jesus was the only one who could give It to me Rev David Reeve replied to lhe welcome given the mlnlsterl and spoke on he Importance of lplflhlal co gnpcralion between ministers and laymen Rev Geo Russ rendered three uplem did win lncludlng It wax HI Love for me and Ship Ahoy Reeve MacKay Is Fine Log Sewer mm lawyer Ross Conn The clubl pmpmy Is 15 Born in Vesprm Township Exam lner PhowL mm vmlll awryI mm In mum on mm llllny qundl NW N0 Mom ram win rm mm uuv Chlnm 1mm Gmdwln Dcwry 90 only Inn Admlrnl hum Douay lhu how Munlln DI VnnrouverWnllnm Mn Ian 72 rlanter pm lclurl phcr Im lnnncr Mum and lrlnlypc operator wllh Thu Ca nmllnn Pm TokyoGeorge Cllrk 55 drpmy mlnhltr ol Inherlu tar Cnnlllu llla Alla llCyrll Frlmk ElmII lluntr In dllcnv rrlnx and don nplnz radio cum mlmlcnnann Concluding the speaker said Wisdom and dnderstandlnx do not bring In God Paul warned lest any man spoil you with vain philosophy and deceit alter the tradition of men and ha ludlmenu of th world and not alter Girl know this Is Ime Exmrimenuliy it works tesiiiy this myneil the spirit Himself wflnesseih with my spirit that um child of God Ia tth your experience Confider Hlm tonight Beers closed with gray er and Inviwd anymn to dis cus spiritual life with the tpeakcr Cmuland Dr Allen Gray Dr mll Evans Dr Ross Nm hull Jan lmrbldgel Sulhtr lnnd Archie nlflhmll Dill Cnmplwll Murray aniu Salvation guarantee of preservation 1mm destruction sure to com Jesus said live unto them Etemll bile give you Peace says am the way the 11121 This is not emporal thlnz but person heranro no llmltm Hons In Jesus Christ Next meeting will be Mam 12 when Bunum Admin istralor of Probation Services City of Tatum will In guest speaker Top lwn rink ln each 01 on groups have qunllllcd by mosl wins in flu Mame medule They are sklwcd by Ken Skul ly Gordon Miller Dr All Grassland Fraser Sutherland Jack leon Waller Crnlz Jack Webb and Ar Powell leon being presently on vacnllon ln Mcxlco his rink being 5le pcd by Bill lluwlck Illnk personnel Nixon Hewlck Gerry Drydm Ccc Cook Fred Eplcu Crnlz 01ml Mills Marsh Wice Sultan Webb Allnn Scou John 1441 Inn Don Candy Powell Ken lurk Ted me Jim Ed wnrds Sknlly Glen Scandmu 11 Ryan Ted nrenl Mlller Hm Clyne nay Bishop not Rod gers Dpn graham Four qumcrlinnl games of OKecfe Trophy play are Idltd ulcd or Barrie Curling Club at nine nclqu tonight Pas history ha 1an that sclenc comes back in the Word Peter wrote Wu have noi allowed musineg devised fables when made known unto you the powzrnnd coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but were eyewitness of Hi majesty The Blblols the text book which brlnza men to Christ but it will not force salvation on anyone must he amphd wlllflngly by mm Ing Person who 11 Jew 011152 17yeawld boy said to me lm all there is to life dont believe there God He was ringleader in group oi Atheisis but aid him if you want to iind God dont piay with iry God be honest about li Jesus said nm come that may might have Lite He has since come and received Jesus as Saviour has realplnca In our minty yeth not the answer Science deals with men and machines In space God has been In space long time Ihwzh not lhnlled by time or The xclenust findle hard to know what lite II and where it began man Is limited but Jesus said Gva unlo them Eternal Ufc OKeefe Playoffs Ht Curling Club HOT WATER TANK LV pppppppp IS IAYFlElD ST DEATHS BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Install Hydro Rental Fomul Tanneruni Law lonlxhl hlh Munday WInxbnr l5 St 11wan 10 London In Kllchener In Wlnxlmm Hnmlflon 10 SI Cnlhnrlml annnln l5 lvlnlmruugh Tltnlun 15 Rumba Muxlmlm Nurlh llny Sudlmry Hmllnn Lake Clnln Lake Eric Lake Huron Luke Onlnrln Nl nzurn icarglnn nny Hullhur lun nmnguml rculom Wind mr Londum llnmIllon Turnnio Nnrlh Bay Sudhury Moslly cloudy wllh law 1th mow Hurrch lmlny nnd mummy thllv thnngu In lompcrmum Wlndl wrxtuly 15 today mum wesl Thundny Symplh Comldcrable 1an cover over Onlnrlo hxcsdny nlxhl held lcmpernlurcs in the 1010 l5dcgrcc range In must mean vigorous mldwlnm Harm la moving Ihrough 1M Mnrillmcl taming snow an lnr wul Ottawa rcsh cul hrcnk arclic nlr gnlnln Alnnxlh Wulern Cnnndn and la expcclcd la bran toldcr weulhrr lnlo Nurflwm Onlurla nuurndnx Service wnl be held Friday two oclock at the Jenna Naomi Home or Enbridge Ebby Wiltnn who dled In the Princess Margaret Hos pita Thronlo last evening following long Illness Inter ment will be at Thambury Cemetery allowing tempor ary enmmbment at Barrie Union Cemetery dupe Ha leaves hlp wife the former mu Dernler and Mme chJL dml Ricky Susie and Olm lie of Qutell 5L Barrie Graduple ol1arre Colleg FUNERAL FRIDAY late and he of Pharmacy Mr Wilton unr i1 mccntly had been in Do gma South America as pro duwon manager or Frossl and Co pharmaceu tical manuhclurm LAST mom was Minia lm Night at tho meean of tha Mum Bushes Mens WEATHER Apparently the funml gov emmcnl rcqucslai 11m Nov ll um he file an income lax ro lum or 1961 Mr Lung laid ho had non one lml son by rcxulnr mall and didnt rcglslcr ll Thnll win pleaded xullty In HID id Ln or wasTim 115 nnd $5 mu and hu until Mardl lo mg hm magistrate asked hlm If Imd mm It lime and he pllrd he had Mn Roger Wehman Min Lola CKVRTV Romper Rovm delighlcd large group adults and young ladies age two to 13 at the Barrie Klwanls Clubs annual Rosebud MM was held Monday at Communlly House Kiwaninm ht their daughlers real or borrowed at dinner on thin occasion Each Rosebud received red rose at the door The program was chaired by my Burgess chair man the boys and glris wnrk cammiliec Pnst pmidcni Bill Lang ied the singing which op encd wiih Let Me Call You Swecihnnn by the mcmhmi Lucky drnw mites were won by Caihy Hinds Donna Babier Marjorie Knowles Dabby Eihicr Ami enl rA Bray was introduced Past Plusldcnl William Crnlz and linked on bchnll of he club and Rosebud by Willlam Judges She told nn Illustrated animal cry and Lang mm songs accompnnJLd at lhe piano by Doug Gummy CKVR It was announced by pmldcnl Rev John man that Mnrd wauld be Lndles mm The speaker will be Mm Bony Ken nedy of Toronto radio and tele vlsinn lame be ledcral government nxlu or demand that you He an lnmme lnx rdurn whuhcr yuu have done so or not In the past it would be advisable In do 30ng as ppsaich on ey llama maimed In do Jun hut and was lound guilty by Mnglslrnte FnsLLr Xenqrdfnya Miss Lois Sings At Kiwanis Club On Rosebud Night Committee in the Bintau Ave nun United Chmd1 Guest speaker was Dr Mor rison leit research scien list in Toronto He was in troduced by Beers right suing chairman for the evening Dr Morrisons aub Jeot was the liaison between science and uivatlon Ex lminer Photo File Income Tax Pay Price HEAHNG FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOP PA 66568 BARRIE Mm Marlon Molly Bmwn childrens librafian mad that he depmmem was happy and pnmd lo show rise In drculnuon during oi 11390 bringing the total books lent Io mm In pan thl was due to the Increase In number book placed classrooms The more distant schools Inch In St Johns Vldm Knox of the teach hlx Sta Barrie Distrld Central 00119313 was elected chairman of Barrie Public Lib meeuifiiu hold or Mom He mgceeds Charla Ticm Committee chairmen appoint ed were Mv John HRld dc building Winston Law finance rge lmgslme vapeny 115 Constance Harv dy librarian is mercury manner other bond member are Donald Camemn Mn Murphy Wall and Mrs Mnntagu heed than orury In her report Min Handy noted that the 1962 centennial year of Barrie Publlc ubrary wu marked by an enormoul leap In circulation ol bogka to 2007 almost 25000 in one yelr Part of the gain came In the dfildmna department mm was much busier than In any previous year In the part seven year the total cir culamm of the lIhrary mm than doubled Parucnlnrly notable was the tremendoul Mensa ln the usa of relerence and lnlomullon Iervlm Mlu Baldy noted nryBoard line annual Appointments the board an mm by any council public uhool board mama chgol pond 1W9 pooka In exoffiét Elem HBRMHANS REPORT AT BARBIE LIBRARY IN 1962 See Great Increase In Book Circulation WALKERS so oumor EBIRDS WINE fin schools were served by class mm Ind by flows of boo In cluurooms BUILDING ADDXTION luv Juhn Riddel repofled ml mares being mnd with he bulldan nddklon special meeting would be held by he committee review nested chmxes in the arahilecu ori zlnal plans The addllian will ha hulll directly south the present lllmary to which alter nations will be made on both floors Mr Camcrvn tn presenting the Iinnnnial statement show ed that the Ubrary was within the budget or the year with Him complete re rt by His Handy and Miss rown wlll be finbflshed ln Iubsequen cdl om COMMUNITY SERVICES 19 annual rcpan llsCed tom 01 the community service pm dcd by the ubrazy during Community groups used the library hall 57 mes Librarians talked to mum In the area Many questions were answer ed mm an expanding Mer enco mllectlon which Is being used lmmsingly by students angl adulu Llhrary materials were pub Ucizcd thmugh book Hus dis laya newspapers and lelevly on the film service film were loaned and 190 pmjedars rented Candles Steele 5L Monlcnn and Johnson were now receiv ing loam of about one book per pupil in each classroom More macho in other schools have been supplied on requefi with books Homver during lhe all the number of books circu lglcqudlmfly lo children rpm he library4mg El never be The publlc library oper ated by munlcipal and pmvin clal gram plus mum lines cc and memberships flie adult membership In ml was 8647 plus 41 in the boys and girls department During the year 23 new book wen add ed in adult 1685 in dxildrenl Total book stock at end of the year alter withdrawal was 24734 adult 13768 children Cfly Pallc PA N5 Provincial Polka PA PM Flu enl PA NIH Rayl Vlclorln llnlpllll PA 85951 39ml upcnditum 1915 PHONE NUMBERS FOR EMERGENCY PA 6022 VICIOII KNOX mm mm

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