IvannAv rznnuanv 00 Hm Zm Up no lmumrl Id uy NW Tm Lumun no Scum wmnu Null 100 mnnln rm Muuu Andy wullmu nu Ilnvo Gun wm Trlnl Ina Nm may loll mum spunmu Ian CTV Nun moo la so 1100 HM munmv YllanAlY 1000 mm 1030 2EE 32= Tul hum Good Mnmm slum hm lel Hamper Mom ropzy Mann Rupert Mon rwn now Nlunml scum La Vounl show mm nu Inprvu nun up llur Mm um cumm no wnmunu rEunUAu on Semen mu ua Flmlwlan rm non Lou nmla Duzlu no urkIEhcnV and APtuvlncll Alum World Day 01 Prayer Is to be held March ls In Ihe Presby terian Church Mrs Cowan Is meal wilh members St James and SQ Pauls to arrange pmlrnm Mrs Cowsn conduc led 1h meeting and nflerwnrds was assisted by Mrs Camp bell The Innisï¬l Conservative As Iocminn held mcellng In Strand Community Hall Will Ianjn Wallace was In the duh My their Inmates were chosen attend the Dullerln Slmma Progressive Conscrvallvc Con vcguon at showtime Feb 16 11m commume was snddun 0d In hear of the sudden pnsslng Mr Frank Field The nym palhy ha communlly is ex lcndcd in Mrs Field and am lly and also to lamlly Mn Usmg map Mrs Nelson showed her audlcnco Ihe loca llnn Hang Kong Karen Fon mnsn and Oklnawa These arm small but Important reglon where so much of lhe Interest the world Is locused Pmlr lems and challenges the Chrisllan people are many In flnllnn clvll rlghls freedom speech need or mare schnals lncreasing populnï¬oll and trying to cope with refugee problems are some 1050 Then are relatively few Chrlsllan ln com parlson tn the 15000000 popula llan but they Me an active minnrlly group Alncalmn or hale was re ezlvcd and accnpled Thank ynu uolcs were received and pro grms of the year were given an VTha 22rd psalm and mcdim Ion on it was glveh by Mrs Cqmppefl In in buslnéés pm 01 he meeting June lslh was use ved for Ihc annual June tea The annual meeting wllh no luck supper for members and adherents Strand Presbyter Inn Church will he held Feb 16 tn the church basement with upper at pm and meeting 93follow Miss Beverlcy Ayersl Burling ton vlslled her mum Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerst Papsamnmn wms Dwight Nelsnn introduc ed the Study Book Rim East Asia by Andrew mm to the ladle 9f the Presbyter tnn WMS at their February meeting held at the home at Mr and Mrs John Cowan sin AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY dunuh mungm Ilulmmllidmy nan nl uh mm mm nLMhuhthlhIIlhhm um mr N11 ï¬ismumm Ill II III OIO ml 0447 humflu n8 rm By MRSpW CAMPBELL Allllllllfzgiv lfynufbcel Ssiï¬llllfl ll ynuv run In mind hy pm pln phoM qucarniquy And fun Wlll IIIHmM TI Your Iloml THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR YHIS SERVICE Wulhu Soon runmonu nu SorÂ¥ ul My Thru Ham Imda lxvlonnunl cnc rv Nun Ve her Spam Now Mam ï¬lnhmleln TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND YRUCKS STROUD CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHAN PA 82433 IEI lam MM Iou Iloa llfhl ll rm Kllldn Our Dull rmlu In mml vanm Mill um us Im no Ifumnr ma 83353 Nam wmmr spam Chtytunl Delnau Pllydlu Tn Unluuehlb cnc TV Nu we Ever NI Mom Mn Out nunHI nnnunv 15 um Ten Puum 101 flood Hand slualo Pm 105 Nun 2tssss no Noonan mym 190 Mar mu shot sml mnl Arouna Friendly Ghnl Lot ll vounl Thlrly ropey rt Imu nun many MAM Tnmbllnnl Tlnllbn mu Ivan 355532832 na Inn loan Hm In mu EEI and Mrs Edward Nchb Iefl nr Do No Tums where they win spend the next three weeks as guests Mr And Mrs Wnyne Barber They were ac companied by Mr and Mn John Clement Colllngwuod whu were married on Feh C01 llnxwaod Besae whose funeral wu hedrecenlly David Fachnle who allend In he Ontario Trade School In rnronlo spent the weekend his home Mrs Slan Raye ls pmrgw Ina sntlslactorfly at the Collins wond Hospital where she has been hospflallzed or lhe pm week Mrs Donald Connor con valesclng at her home after un dergolnx mlnar opurallon at lheCalingwood Hosplul Ins Donald Hare Tomnlo spent he weeknnd with his parents Mr and Mn Frank Hare Ed ward St ï¬ervyn Patton who has been on mu at the Toronln Dam lnlon Dank fur the put wu Cochran and Camp bell Reeve and Deputy Reeve attended the Plum Bond Association Annull meeting Richard Gmh the clerk Ic companled hem By MRS ï¬oFebrun UCW was had The Febrile meeting of thl UCW was had nt the home of Mrs Maw with members and visitnr present The President Sm presided missionary program was prepared by the pro Krnrn convener Mrs Giften read pnper entitled Haw to Go Io Church Mrs Sage presented lew article on Kor ea which is on the mission study for mu poem Smile wal read by Mrs Douglas Gilien Letters from Missionnries in Brazil end indla were read by Mrs Mew and Mrs Dickinson Hostesses were Mrs Glflen and Mrs an About 65 children And parent of the Sundly School braved Ihe zero temperamres Ia hava skating mm at Mineslnx rink Alter skating everyone enjoyad ha chomlale calm Ind dons nuu In the chuol By MR8 HIEATI lrvh ï¬lmn mm Jammy Irm am Cnltmnn mm 1m mm um nonam 1mm mu mm mm mm ml Hm TORONTO liedun lem Ind Emmet Imam Ilenn CDC WNII Wuum mm 1m mu CREEMORE EDENVALE BARRIE MAW Nata pp Eu cnnllnuu wkh trade Soulh Mm and ludl cub Il Em Mu lh club he In no made In mum and drclmr utnlunl ly make nlnc Irlclu by leading anln lowudl dummy flaw why had nol men lloned simple play lhll would 115ch qclguled the mnlml Syvu point I0 here In the hind aInIn wm lead made and declmr duck In both hands pcrmllllnx East In win with queen Thlx holdup play whlch dcchm em plnyl lo hrenk communlqun bnlwun the adverse hlndx Opening leads ol spadeL ran Inlo Sylvla the other day and the lold me wn All plnx AI pm or lhls Ihe cued hand that appcmd In lhll pnge rccepllyt ylyn wanted Frank Hnmlflnn away his annual lrlp abroad Il undrrsload his destination Australia Sympathy ls ulcnded Io he lamlly he lulu Robert Mne Mullnn who passed away Gollinzwood Hosplm mm service and bwial hok placb al Guelph Mr and Mn Derek Alan Ind lwn children returned lloml deay aller slxweck My Lnndnn England where they vlslled Mr Men partnla and nlher relatives They travelled hy alr lo and ram New York anï¬ by bqal across lhg Allmlic Mr Men reparled London hames wen wllhou adequate healing and snmewha cald Thu family was glad to return comlorluble quarter In Cree more Mr and Mn Burtnn Johns ton nccompanled by couple mm Beeton are motorlng to Callfornla or few weeks va callnn Rana dRhode and Thoma Dunstan Tbronlo visited their parenls here recently Mr and Mn John Irwln Creemora and Mr IndMll Harman Leader Orlnzuvfllh left by motor car or nix weeks vacHan In Florida whm hey will visit with Mr Ind Mn Irwlnl plauzhlu and lamlly Mr Ind Mn Lloyd Freer Mnrkdala culled on friend he village Mr and Mn Frank Middla brook Ind Inmily Port Credk wen guest Min Mule Mid dlebmk Clarence Pulmln ll dowly im prath It tha Calllnzwood Hos pital after flaring heart lnck Ind bout with pnaumunln Harold Nixon has been pl lenl It the Cnlllnzwood Hospital all week lnderzolng lest and animals We wish hlm speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Georgalurvll and family wen guests Mr and Mn Stan lean years has héen tianstemd to unh Branch Clarkum Paul Dunnn spent the fleck end in Taranlo wlu hi sister and hmlLv DAILY CROSSWORD Qulrnl ILInpunry Mu mtlllnr II lhulu ll Himmlu dedlnx Em Hamh Fm Norm Mu IO NIII lllll mh Amm ILCIIleuI 10 mm knlul II All In Hm mu but mum llchkfl ronxn cfulna MlleV TVI My East dealer Both Ildel vulnerable mil mm 11 Palm 115mm In Harm am mmmm It Mom tony 341 mum A0303 and CONTRACT BRIDGE nu OQHOH K101 do um um AK1 19 NORTH Main spud om pllnln WI mThm mum Jamaln may lool flamln lmtullnn mm Illtil Ichoogwyn NF no 1m 11mm mu By JAY BECKER lllll Ind 2INolhlnl 21 Cunning hum mlloq mpnk my 10 Hun lltm 30 Donia Army as nvmum 40 ILChImchJ 01 In llvbr ID Omulno nnm wade monds Wlih defensive cam munlcaiiun broken nnd wiih Ihe ciub enirle divided ii would mm Ihul whichever wit Ens plan at irlck ihm lha cause In iosi Kim lhl Iiyer whose suit sci esinbllshed in no cnlry card lo cash them Howevnr Sylvia point out East can heal the hand by plnylnx nnnlher dlumond Soulh wln and Ind duh Hm ukc lhc link with ma klnu Ind plays all Another dlnmond on which West dlacnrdl the In cluhul Thls exlrmdl nary dixcard pun South on of commluian Me cnnnn uclpe deftL Obviously Sylvln hasnl mt luwcd over lhu yum Sh ll Ill he mme dcquhUul Ind Ir nnrcsslbla Sylvlu Tomorrow Curd lfldlnp ll would now defense can uprwhelhcr LEXI lay ha East mar wlnnlnu lha queen 01 made It trick one shut to the queen of diamonds Declarcr duck nxnInonre more mlklnz uu the holdup playand for exlnlly the same reasons previ ously elven West lake H1 club he can ulnhlish made but then In no entry let to cull hem If declmr lake the queen 01 undo Immediately he de lealed As soon In East gels In on he llrs club lead he mum nude Ind South goes docn one The local Juvenile Huckey learn plnycd Thornton Arena wllh Ivy winning The score Ivy 14 Len0y BUILT AS FURT The lawn Laulsbaurz NS was originally lunnded us or mains the Brlleh In I710 The forms was demollahed In 1760 Congrllulallons to Mr and Mn Run Thom on the birth son Mr Ind Mrs Bemal Johns lon Ind Brynn visited with Mr and Mn Gordan Hawm Ind ngdlyLAnjheg The Ruby Group or the Fed eration Agriculture me the ham Mr and Mn Keith McLeod with good crowd in up of flu cold mm The pm lden Ray Rutherford conducted the bushes session Jim Lnnuman flay Ruther tord Don Mclgod Alvin Auden Inn Wilhjad and Bemal Jnhm Ion attended the bmquet and annunilmeeun of the Fedarn on of Agrlculure held In the qullcr StUpIled ï¬aple ML and Mra Wilfred Johny 10mm Ind Mu Hem Johnn lon Ind Bryan visited with Mr and Mrs Frank Clark Wuh agn recently Hy MR8 WILMER WILSON Holly Ind Ivy had luncch ï¬lms In this Essa Innlsfll School league at Thornton Ar elm Score Ivy lo Holly H1111 Scorer or Ivy were Allen Elll Terry Arnold Mlhuel Ruby bawrencn Spam and Bub Dnvla Student leather Item the Lakeshore Teachers College Al Ivy School were Mlss Jun Rob em and Miss Arlene Roe They flayed at the home of Mrs Fred Nefsoi By MRS BERNAL JOHNSTON Mr and Mn Art Linumnn and nmlly of Aurora vlslled Mr and Mrs glqLanzmm social hour was enjoyed at the clan wllh delicious lunch RUGBY now appear that Iho complflcly bullied Ensi reverts to cpnnups with dla IVY In 860mm 3511am I1Vr1hlo 010 Anh mum WM IM HOLLOWNG 505 our HOLE SIDE THIS OLD NOWICAN HIDEMVTRANSVSTGE RADIO INF Now cm HIDE MV TRANSISTGE RADIO Ir mam Am WEDNESDAY 11 Iii11110 ï¬gï¬ygmymflmfl mm 219 19