Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1963, p. 5

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Am so In VIKIII manly In klrknnnd when you do sonw lhlnu for llch ynu bellcr In yrnl In polnll nul You IN Cl llnnullmcl Obeyan his lmpulsu lhll llme flcnny healnn nlxweck ul gngcmcnl 21 Ill lhu eru rid Thunlre In vnrldy mun ll the Inngul lnprnmn Illnl he has nlmnuzh lhru hm Incn numb tunccfl av rnrnnm nnrl nhoul mllllon nnqucl mocha 11m Thrnlrn inlld Ihovl nn expnmiun proumm whlch hn dhplnym mm manlhl IKII In Sci In All Vrlpl Each ume Id nhy Id do lnd It didnl qul gamma And that sounds mlldly mylllculwell Benny In zml hellcvcr hunches In career the noted telcvlslnn comic um um hm bun med with km promptu pnyntt events Everythan than Mr nod has come about by Act nut For several yen lho man lrom Wnulegnn hm been noodl tnz nollom about nrpcnrlnu once male on lhu Whlo Vny Itnxo that be last vhllcd In mu ICnrtol Vanlllu NEW YORK AP bid fueling uyl Jack Benny who L1 cnmlnu back to Broad way lbs dldn do lhll ll unlnev¢r would The mnyor will recelvn vult lng nollbles and havolhm Ilgn Illa vllluel golden book The Qusz my munlclpal court clerk Plem Vance wlll he vlllnu Iceman duxlnl flu umlval bqundarh Around the public mum of the vlllage will his about 20 buildings including church lawn hull pfllkh hall In an lion post office sugarmaking cnlzln th ahqp We have kept to the colon hut were favored at he tlme calm llh nxhlood red and Il ennn bxq herlald Jacques Deblob the arch Iec who designed the carnival village say the plan were prepared only alter laborious re Iearch by ethnologm Hem Georges Roy COLORS 1m wonw or THE ms ln flu mlddle al baseball park ln downtown Quebec Clty an aldllme FrenchCanadlan vlllage la lacing conqtruclcd anslrucflon 11 SH are modern but the appcarnnce will be anwcntlgafly aldvlpshioncd Its sound that hasnt been heard or century but whlch will be revlvcd Feb the Quebec Winter Carnivall new esg algrncllnn he lawn crlcr rambles on scattering the gossip the 0m cml notices he hlrths the dcnlhs Ihe advertisements In the public square the llltle FyenchCnnndEaxA vllllazea UK 13 EC CF Oyel Oyez Home lens La lemme Gonnzue vlcnl davnlr un Jungle ARENA SHOW jHelpexs In Iesus Ministxy ILLUSTRATED smmlw SCHOOL Lasson Alter Chris had given HI disciples some Iralnlng He lent them nut on thelr llrsl missionary human He sent Ihem two by two to encour and complement each hers personalities and tar Quebec Carnival Has Town Crier Benny Returns To Broadway WOOLWORTHS DOWNTOWN PIED PIPER SHOPS DOWNTOWN PLAIA DRUGS BARRIE ENOPNNO PLAZA BIRIIE DRUGS SIMCOE PLAIA ADVANCE FAMILY TICKETS AVAILABLE AI SATURDAY FED IMh ll mm BARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL Mler HM run he vncnllom In lnrlninm mm It Illoollnl um unwnn vldeo l0 rlu Hill pal danl rcnlly um nny htanal any Ihv mmrdllm VII could no on marrow Apmnring with him My Juno Moran and Iovml other enlar llnarl and prullmlnnry Annle mm in Tnmnlo Fch Run inlcnllon was to call the rcvuo Ufa chlm 59 Int he Alnr who wlll nclunlly he 69 on Vulcnllnal Day MI man um mm mhkd Into lhlnklnz II was play wllh plnl So lhv llllo firmly Jack mm In Prrmn Wllh All of hl lclcvlslon Ihnw retarded lnr 1hr ml or he unsan Benny put lull nnmu antlho llnv or lhu Zlcglcld dn F18 PUSIHNG 7D men could Into It or cw wuh have someone placa mo and come but lhu next dmnco Ral But nobody gnlng In write plny llko thnl lur me Icndlurg ma Icrlpll of mualcnll nnd playl with TV cnm mlunnnla the only klnd of lny could do would he one wr llen or and hat would own LOS ANGELES AP Maury Willa DJ Anne Dodgers shortalnp who established ma jor league base slcallnl recurd In season of 1N signed his mnlract Frldny It calls 50 Thu new contract rep menu llzahle Increase far the little fellow who started ha 1962 mason at $21000 but was boosted to 530000 by general manager Bulzy Haves because of MI explain Villagers will wear checkered shirts woollen luquu and the ceinture Hecheea traditional multi toiorefl fishnilnccoon coated sleiin drivers will oiier rides in harsedmwn carrioies For the Instlo day helme the camivnl ends Feb 26 Ihe village will be upen nightand day This will allow lhose who havent been able ta iind place to sleep In umuse them selves through the night by dancing and singing Village buildings are made ni Flywood covered with log inc ng They Ire put logether so they can be readily dismantlcdi And ii the village is hit it may be taken apart and moved to Monlmorency Falls near Quebec City as summer at traction NoLhIng but Frenchcanadlan dishes will be served at mcnls pork and beans laurflem kind men pie and pancake In maple syrup Each nlaht here wlll be danc lna In the vlllage square Io uld llme tunes played an fiddle In the parlsh hull vlsllars and villagers wlll he ahle tn hear noted lalkslngcn such an Felix Leclerc Gllles Vlgneaull and Jacques Labrecque AUTHENTIC F001 cioihes or minimMark 67 in King Herod heard oi their activities with dismay He had been tricked by his wife into kiiiing John Ihe Baptist her personal enemy and now bade hem la WILD SIGNS lake extra CONCORD NJ MP New llnmnshiro mun unpre Icnlnllvu Imr Umrlnnd 75 lhlnkl Il dislnskhll nr woman lo Ihnw their upper 1m L995 Anyone By the sums Inknn find myaoll pleased not dlsguslcd by having smelly crowded Jnurncya an lhu underground mllcved by pictures prcuy III In vnrlnun stage un drcas Mr Enuumonl whaw Inhcr ch lanune came lrum lho Ilrcrnn Industry like your ndverllse menu he assured the mem bm buy some magazines Almost purely for he udveb 11513 The parson was Rev Tim othy Beaumont wcnllhy Church England clergy man and lmnsurcr HI lecral puny He was ad dressing an advertising club luncheon cdncsdnyu Chem Cheesecake LONDON AP 11 lald Ihc parsan ke plclums girls with lung legurylng on IIlk skacklngs In magi rn cs court Wed nesday Enagcy was lined 12 or throwing missile in lhe street and another £2 or using obscene language The prosecution said here is law against playing noisy instruman in lhe nircel but it doesnt apply to religious rcrvlces Bangey went outside and shouted to the band in be quiet That had no effect so he got bucket of water and lhrew It over the hand The band played an Boagny then threw the empty buekctl The band played on Bungey threw dish hot wnler The band played on angey positioned hlinsclf at an upstairs window and hurled lumps of coal at the band One lump hlt bank man on he head Anolher made dent In trombone The band played tunexcept lor one inslmmenialisl who Mch apollcemnn any Minn 74 h105TlNCR£DIBlEhRUESIDRY waqu msmnVI ¥7 Bangey was sitting In his apartment watching televi nlon The band armed up outside his window and played the hymn Fight the Goad Flghl HARTLEPOOLS England AP Hodgson angcy 39 came at second best In his battle with Salvation Army band that disturbed his Sun day nllemuon SMILE AWHILE upqu mm WANTCM Sunday M5 pm No MAN IS AN ISLAND 110 650 IOJO nunu he was sure that John had been raised from the dead to Kerflzrm all these miracles eaIlngMnrk 51473 When Hls dlsclples returned weary Chrls look them ln boat lo qnlet place to re 33W JACKIE GLEASON us GIGOT Hodgsdn Boagey Got Mad Iind The Band Played 0n MumMuir nayu 1nd THRILLING HIT oulslde and band to be no effect so of water and uy ll no Inlendmi Io lup phml the work tho dorky anya Rev Canon John nl Shu hIl In hL1 Uflrd year as mlar St Johnl 111m an Inln luncllons which we must pcrlorm which he lnlly cannot Int It does um GodKIWI ask placed upon ovary Chris Inn nnmely lo wllnm mlch or what ha hellovm year apart Eon any effort St urch terms lhll ministry ho Inllylay member who volunlccr to make calls on an nrxnnlzcd bu sls so that Um 1500 nmlllcl will be vLallgd lens gm ROYAL OAK Mich MP An Episcopal Anglican parish which has grown so large ii clergy find it im aible in make all oi ho in iiionni per sonal visits L1 meeting the prob iem by having member cnli upgn qugh other 5mm SUNDAY cummuous snow suNnAv run we IM Ministry Of Laity Solves Problem TooLarge Parish Y991e Type ake this bill inexpedlem to iegisiniei The committee mind against rcsiriclinl womans hemllncs So lellcrk take action be forejlls loo late Ill suggestion for greater accuracy In reportingbuy the reporter new ma chines Minus lobbyist for Ihe New Hampshire Taxpayers Assnziaiion went before the ailAmala judiciary cammiltze oi the legislature and said poclicaliy Lenirérus remcmhér that er wegel Some are genuine an tiques some just data hack to the First World War and some newer one were magic in the ma Its those Ancient type wrllen In Ihe pres moms he said In the legislaturn WcanSdfiy women want to lhnyshould 1F ed bill with the slate legislnlure Wednes day in make it Illegal in wumen In New Hampshire In wear shorts or dresses lhni expose more of their legs than an inch aboyenthg knee VICTORIA CF Tum Bale Social Credit member of he British Columbia leg lslnturu for Vancouver Point Grey says he may have found the answer to polllL cians complaan that Ihey coin mquugted nuluw we place was lhmnged with five thousand persons Chrlsl look mmpasslon and taught mamMark mm Chflsl then sent His disciples ahead 01 Him In bent to air 1115 landgd me By Alfred fluescher Canon Shuldl says that as at us he know our ho only such pmject anwa In Um Episcopal church whldl an llrcly umrnled mm the Illum dnl canvass but we no bzgln nlng to havn lnqulflc from other parishes SI Johna In lho northern suburbl DcImll In no Ion five per ccnl ln silo among all Epkeopal pudshcs wllh mm 000 persons oI whom 1500 ha been confirmed In tho Sherman Law Used Againét 20 Banks Maximum penalty for each delandnn In lhe crimlnnl ac lon would be $50000 fine Chic nfllccrs of each bank must appur or arralznmcnr Mon dny We seem be the guinea pigs said Colman chain man the board First Bank Slack Carporauun bl bank stock holding company The bunker laid the num mentn move is test acllon la determine and lo whal ex tent anl trust laws apply to Correspondent are hose in smaller towns whlch rely on hlg city banks clear cheques and make loans larger Khan the legal llmils applied to the rural banks DENY THE CHARGES omclals ntlmeapélls banks called press conference last nl lo duly tha dungas Govemmenl nttnrneys said they will bring companion civil suits Manday asking courts to prohibit the ratHixing activi ties charted In tho indictmenur Amnng the counts in the in dictments were charges Ihul the banks acted in cancert to ix rules lerms and condition on loans secured by bank stock iixcd rate nl Interest for car respondent banks and in gen eral agreed on relations with correspondent banks Three Indictment returned by federal grand jury Fer named banks bank holdlng company and clearing hnuse In lha crlmlrml nctlon MINNEAPOLIS AP The federal govemmenl has begun doublebandied legal nation against 20 Minnesota banking and iinnnciui institutions mnrk ing the first use of the Sherman antitrust law against bunks other spot st wind arose and the weary disciples Gould scarcely mw Christ walked acmss Lha thn them stilling tho windMark 1551 TEXT John 1412 French has been the olflclal language In Mall oxme French coluny In West Africa Until lhe adaptntlon here of tha Raman alphabet Ia Bam bnra sounds there was no wrlt Ien version the Immune In general use Some missionaries however had devised arm of written Bambara ln lranslallng Ihu Bible Into the natlve lan xugse The bu ba father of the first omdnlly aponsared version wrllten Bambara Is Ruben Lnubach Hngulsllc expert at mesn University School aJaumaUsnL Liunacn With the aid of five allnnl rfromMnll dl mu uv used WERE system Includv Mn inn In one 3122mm that loses nothing in translation mgnnn molherl al mum Humbnra African language In search 171 an alphnbel round Its ABC lhnusands miles from home on the cumpuswl Syracuse Unlvmnyu result nation tha new rcpubllc Mall when Bnmharn the major lnnzue snun may be able in write ma ma as well as talk to ma ma In lheIr natlva language THE BARRIE EXAMIN IATURDAY FEBRUARY Phrase Ma Ma LosesNothing 131 Iggxglatiqn From Bambara ggRAdvsa Aux Am OPENS MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY FEB 23 WED FEB 13 OKEEFE CENTRE FRONT YONGE TORONTO BOX OFFICE 11 mm ym EM 16613 CONVENIENTLY lOCATED WDOWNTOWN BARRIE WEEKS FEB 25 MARCH LILLIAN ROTH LARRY KERT CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE WMI HI Singing Sm JACK BENNY JANEiVlORGAN Album i1 In An COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH CHOIR OlllER STREET UNITED CHURCH TICKETSAVAILABTE mom cuom Mamas on A1 ms CHURCH omc Elizabeth Elliott ORGAN RECITAL mu mll lore and poetry Launch and the second reader would can laln simple sentence that em The objects used In the 111m trallans In many cases resem bIe the loll they Introduce The letter In lower case or example resemble nallvs hog calledqda ha second lesson book being develaped to build upon Ihe kalang rsngssan The learner Introduch to the letter at Instance by plclm of mother hnldlng an intent subsequent Illustra tlon superlmposes the letter over silhouette the mother Image Thl ls fotlnwed by the ward mu The charts slmllar to those used In elementary schools to teach children to read are de sluned according to the formula rat on picturels worth one word rather than one thousand In an accenled and primer and Illustrated charts to ald in leaching the wrltlen language Each picture Launch snld If glye ghe lenmer muner Um sound Whit he knows and lhgrunlamlllar letteraf Douglas Elliott gh n1y1fl$°qxio1k Diltlngulshad Clnldlln Orgum MUS BAC ARCC0 Sopuno Sololn ADMIIIION 830 pm Anluod By Presents DMIIIION awqx AHIIEAN InmAmuu mu phaslie prncllcal and he lunl rnlhcr than llleralure Thl slress wlll be on such thing hlslnry of lhe new republic and chlldcare and nugrillnn Mall nulinn 4000000 11 hmnanu gained Independence June 20 lsso Formerly 010 French Sudan Mall necuple strategic position among emerg Inx nations or Atria when bccamu wenpalu well as tools 3329 HMS DEFIAN EASTMAN COLOI mum alumnus 2nd Future DANGEROUSDEVA$TAHW IMPERIAL STARTS SUNDAY AT4 700 PM My Lu

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