AM Aurkullurr 775031 Allurneyicncrnl 100 CM Service Tomlxl nwm Emnmnlrl llan lml 5051000 Hrlucallun Jami Jimmy ltrwurrn £11000 llmllh WM lllullwuyn 7n mm lnmrnme mum labor 3390000 land um anln 2691141 Marian Unwmnr woo Mlnu mum Munlrlpnl MM Mlmo lrlmt Nlnlvlrv mm lwvlnclnl Amlltnr 4700011 valnclnl Mutiny 2011000 lublle Welln 50030000 Public Warn me Neme lmllmlonl 17mm lnmrorl MAW Publlrlly all mu MN 119mm llnlxln Md 3me Cl Ill Wulh mum mi km null 01791900 21013 xmm mm1om 725000 muow mum ammo ammo 21mm mm 1mm MJALM mm 520 Amp wmm ILmM HONTO CWGrail anll nnry upmllllum n1 lhu Onlnrlu vrnmwul In Um llnml yrnr mdink Mnrlh JI Hm lnlno Work will he canllnucd achndulcd on UN Trnannnndn Illxllwny lhu llnwn Quecn wny mnlmlchntcm mule In mu Tnmnlu lnlcmnllonnl Mr porl Illuhwny ll hrlwun For lmnm nml Mlknknn nnd lllxh my 101 mm Clunplcnu lo ana 11mm wlll be nddmnnnl Mark on Highway in llnmillon and mm on lhe BrnnUard by puss wllh Um r51 sixmile llon ol tho Inner cxpcclcd la be open In lrnfllc by lhe mnd ol mm mm lho Frccmnnl In rtnunxo wcslnrly lo langwood nn Conslruclinn sullen ol Mumy 401 will be acceler ntcd ho minhm mm In order In hnvo IMA lrmwny 1mm WInd mr Ia he Quebec border cum plelcd hy he and ma ha lolnl $82500000 will he or mnlnlcnnnce and 191 500000 or cnpilnl pumoscs In eluded are mad subsidies of 7300000 or municipalillcs and unincorporated Iuwnships In Nonhom Dnlnrlo Tho treasurer anld the menu will provide or comblncd provincial and municipal pm 51mm for he year 62300 me an Increase 327310900 nvcr lhu comMncd mm or flu rrtnt your lhnl end March TORONTO CPD Onlnriu govcrnmcm spending an hlgh way will total $275000000 In tha 19am ï¬scal year Pm vlnclnl Treasurer Allan un nounncd tadny In his budget speech 1le an Increase of 319 600000 over ho current year T9 HELP BUSINESS Business got lnx incentive measures Mnnuintinring enm pnnlcs will get tax credit or in creasing the numhcr of their employees and im expanding their production incililica sys for recompensing vendors with momth tax callccllons of less than $500 simplifying It and rmvidlng for slight increase compensation Also some unall anomalies an pun choscs for agricultural and edu callonul purpose are removed Mr nn made only minor changes In the Inx the main one being tn boost the exam ion an single transaction in 20 cent from 16 This wll cost If trensurx less ghnn 3500000 Indcedfl Ensues that wn should role to this tax as an equation ax Nollng that the tax 15 ex pccled to ylnld 5100000000 in 106361 and that education ex penditures have gone up 5161 000000 In three years he added Is clear lhnt the trend In our expenditure an edunm lion will continue to emfhusiza the need of the mun an as tax and Ihe use being made tbs revenue mm It TORONTO CF Provincial heusurer Allnn indicated in budge speech to he legislature today that the throwermm re ilsalcg lnxllls here 19 my Ontario Spending 0n Highways Gets Boost 01 $19 Million hzdulcd on UN Trnannnndn Inymcnu under he Uncnn Izhwny lhu llnwn nutcm dillonnl Munlclpul mm ny mnlmlchntcm mule nro rxpaclul la rlne ln 126000 415 Tnmnlu lnlcmnllonnl Mr 000 In mm nnd nn np mprl rl Illuhwny ll hrlwun For Man 11000000 wnuld Mr rnncn mu Mlknknn mu lllxh qulrcd In line nul fluid yu ny 101 mm Clunplcnu lo lnr um munlrlpnl wlnltr worhl nwa program TABLE OF EXPENDITURES RECORD budget calling for grass ordinary expendit ures of $10747IS000 was pres Allan Says Tax On Sales Stays £11000 unmrm 7IN Mn mum 3390000 Ad v1 775031 WNW nrnum 1061 OJ manlhn nclunl lhreu monlln lhnnlnh rnmnam wllll Mll lunlu Int Iho lnmc year and mlumm lvr llm new ml ymr tndlnfl March 1m I061 L1 IBM Enllmnled Buimnlcd LEMON mmmo 21013 MAM In nddillnn In aid In lho undnmnnlnlly lmporlnnl dd cducallnn minds henllh and welfare ho mld tho nravlnce mnlrlhum In uncrlul munlclpnl nerd lhmuxh olhcr mm and pnymcnl He mld lho 1911364 cream or munlclpnl nld from lhu pravIncn rcpmenlcd 90 per cent or expcclcd revenue mm lhu rclnll lulu lax and tomor man and panonnl Income axes In nlher words lhe prnvlnco II luman ovcr lnr lam pur posu about 41 pnr tcnl ordinary revenue as com pared wllh 19 per cent In 1m 43 Mg Allnn IuId cl wllh Wk 000000 Including 1400000 ln supplementary csllmnm dur In the fiscal year whlch ends March 11 lmvlnclnl Trcaxunr Jnmes Allan anld lodny In hls nnnunl budch much He mld lho 100304 lorccnxl or munlclpnl nld lrom lhu TORONTO CF Provincial nsslslnnce In local government In Ontario wlll much an ex malcd 86000000 in the com lngï¬scul ycnr crash program Io cumin ale Hmllcd load capacity bridges will be conllnued spa esman or Gordnnstoun School MM he was not back at classes yet because we dont want lhnse who hnva cold to spread them to th other boys ELGIN Scotland Reuters Prince Charles Hyearold heir to Ihe British lhmne got up or he Iier time III board In school near here today alter three or our day in bed with pad cold Local Govemment Gets $486 Million The rate tax on logging lu cumo will be Increased to 10 per cent lrom nlne but com pnnlel gonccrned will be granted new tax credit of one hlrd at the tax Deductions are extended or development expenses at com panles engaged In producing refining or marketing petroleum and natural gas and In minlng an exploringlor minaret brlnz Onmrlo lnlo line leh federal Income tax law corporation will be allawcd as an expense deduction lrgm lnmme 50 per cent Increased expendllure an sdenliflc research Instead nth at present Prince Charles Over His Cold Mr Mlnn sald the detail still are I9 be worked out enled to he Ontario Iéglsln urn today by vatnclal Trea Eum Allen He predicted Mum mmm 725000 mqu 7911mm I0le 50 mm mm 5mm 1mm ammo mm In um Amoco 1mm 151mm mum 1mm mono mm mono mom uom 11mm Imam mum 1mm mum 3003 1mm munm mmm ammo mow 1mm mmzm 11m ImnIlhunlnm lnlnlnz prolmm be Introduch hy Hm mnamlu and development dcpmmcnt In tanuncllan with lhu lducnllnn dcpnflmtnt Ind lhu Mch min and mmmcm dcpnrlmcnl would allcr rlu ul com on hnnlc bunh mu npcrnllo la nll Amnll bunlnm ownm nml mnnnxm brKInnlnl Scplembor 1061 In Iddlllun the Induslry Inbor canftrcnm lo cnwur IKE atandnrdlznllun par used hy manufacturer In On lnrln Mn Allnn nld the provlnu woyld Ipanxar can mute on ulnmluon Ind 50 um thnnue Thu measnm promiscd in Provincial Treasurer Jamel Al lnnl budge speech today are lurther Ilcpa in the provinces anlnl program lnunchcd last April with the osiubllmmrnl oi lhe Onlnrio Economic Council lha budge lpeech also Inld The lrnde crulndl program would be Ircelcrnlcd pnnlcul nrly the cvmnur level Lonns lo qunlllylnx industrial would be gunrnnieed undrr ihu rcccnilycrenlcd Oninrio Devel opmcni Agency chlalnllbn would ha Intro duccd lo encourage crenllon cl comrflunlly development cur TORONTO CF unall bustness msnngemcnt trnlntnr program pmductl and techi nlqueu show and neural com erences on standardlwllon ol manufactured part will be in Ittalcd this year In part or the Ontario Kovemmtntn tndullrlnl development yrozrnm rormlonlrlu nxslsl ocul Br re apmgnl Suppiementary estimalu for 196263 Included mom or the Ontario Mental Health Faundu llnn net up In the 1901 Italy mum union promote search on the care and rent ment of mental Illness No new menu hosplmu S490005Q7mn the Mal or £6 wrung than Vyur The budget speech anld ha health expenditure would in clude 8000000 or mental purposeannlncrgase ol was due to surplus in tho stabilization grunts made to the Ontario Hospital Services Commission in the Inst two years he raid Overbudgeting ior the grantswhich were to be $5800000 year In the three years 190161 ieit tha province with only In additional $40800000 appropriation in 196 Aid Promised For Business Mr Allan sald ha decrease dld not mean drop In spend mg for actual health rervlcer which had been Incrcased by about $9000000 batweeu Illa current ï¬scal yeur and thn 1963 larccnslr The figure $12506000 less than the Interim statement of expenditure or the current fla cayea1 endlng Mgrch 31 TORONTO CF Onllriol gm expenditure on health service in 196161 will be 3131 47100 Provincial Treasurer Jame Allan forecast in his an nugl nugget sqee surplus at $310000 nn gross down at malor llcmsol rev enue and expenditure or the mum venue ms 115ml yen slafllngï¬prll 093000 Graph Ives hreuk CF Wimpholo Drop In Health Expenditurés Is Due To surplus 01WGrants menial hospllnu HURON gal Stan Retirement Savings Plan TODAY CANAï¬h TRUST ga ar at manna mid hnrdwor In people duped many money by Velnnull now hnve lo Ilmulc the rest of hellr lllc in pay all lhe mon TORONTO CPYDlshnrnd lawyer John Velanofl 38 Wed neadny was sentenced to Iva year In pcnllenllnry on nlno charge nl slenllnfl $49208 from clients He pleaded guilty the charges dnung backforliso The court will told Velnnol lulled pay of mortgages 11 number his client during ha Ilxycgr peflad Welfare progress last year Included Increases $65 ram 55 monlh ln nld as asslslnnca and bllnd and dim abled personv allowances and grants In chnrllablo organlza on or building our am home or he used The budget speech aald ellnrls In the mmlng ycnr would ha concentrated on lncrcaslng and lmpmvlng lnslllullanal lnclllllcn or chlldxen unable to benelll mm normnl lamlly relntlan alllp The weflnre expenditures for 156 are esllmnlud at $61 BWMO compared with 555000 000 rrent year Gels Five Years For Nine Thefts patients he sui Supplementary 36243 asti males the mvlnciul treasurcr said would cludu 33400000 to assist public llnspllnla in debt retirement and other capltal mlcctsl Out oi this ISu ed Ernnt would he made io all qlLBliiled public hospitals SAVE ON INCOME least one ni lhe three new hospital is expected to be mmmunliy psychiatric hnspltai on plan similar to anc worked ml with Ihe Royal Ottawa Sun Iiorium which use snmu oi iil surplus bed space or mental nmlmu In nM have been buut In the last year at Gaderlch and Owen Sound and three nther an planned 1Norlhem Ontario Mr Allan lnld The new hnspltnIsaz Tim mim Saul 519 Maria and Sud hurywnuld allow an existing Ontario hospital at Nanh Bay lobe used or chlldren mudle Man Tim It ml vuuu CLEAN um um alumna Away he warm to ba Cllléd out ymder new branch of nho landsand crests department Involve spending an eatlmllcdf 200 In thenexg lent lop Grent Lake shoreline hula parks and tecreallonnl lncllltlu Total 15680 npproprallan or ark develo mam Including Mn federapmvlncinl survey mum resources cs mated at 88300000 command with park expendnura $400000071n the current fiscal NRQNN CPI Provision oi an initial $5000000 or the first yaar ui myear shoreline and park acquisition program highlighted Ihe natural 11 some measure iorccnsi in Oninflna 196344 bud pre lenied gisiaiure iodgy Dunlop Sim In YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR All FRIGIDAIRE APPlIANCES FRIGIDAIRE RANGES 95 PRICED AS LOW AS WM $55Millibn A11¢tft¥¢ad ornt Parks begfdm 47 Dunlip St ea Jm Chum JdlopA Far mqre creativecooking easiest cleanup Quality oven features to iotyou bake roost or broil foods to perfection Fast ovenheat eioments for surfaco cooking that you can always depend on Now one of operation with simpio clearly marked controls And only Frigidaire has the PuiiN Clean Oven tho easiesbcienning oven on the market Entire oven slides out at touch so you can sponge it without awoping or reaching Look at ALL you get from 0le FHIGIIJAIRE RANGES OFFER BHUICE 0F All THESE SERVICES PRODUCT OF GENERAL MET0R8 BUILT BY CANADIANSFOR CANADIANB Eco Frigidaire Ranges demonstrated at your Frigidaire Doulom For All Your Frigidaire Appliances march Refrflcrcgfion mum mum broilan surface any rpngo You can bro 10 went pallica large TBonu atcnkl at once SpnflorFreo broilcr lot you broil cndlculy without cleaning oven Evenmnbnklnunndrout In hunk lohcntingelomcnls plnccd Lo Ive oven chmlaliun nvcry inch or oven Thick insulation keeps hunt in no kitchen nom scla too warm Unllmltcd hunt letting for lho fludiuntubo Surfuco Units Set any but from keep warm In high Selected hunt is spread evenly over each element Combined appropriations for ihuagricuilure lnniis and inr est and mines departments or the coming iincni year were estimated In the budget speech at $60500000 for ordinary nnd capital expenditure Agricullurnl programs will require an estimated $18863 000 an Increase oi 51600000 ram the current fiscal year Provincial Treasurer James said in presenting hil buli EBIGIDAIRE The mines department or vcas $2275000 an Increase or $240000 lrom esllmaled 1962 63 Expenditure The land and forests depart ment will spend an animated 8400900 In the next fiscal FRIGIDAIRE Rotary Control Knob on back panel Ilip cl or any cleaning Stomp mecr comes right out haves no bnmnwork no its any to don undcmcnth Amu Included In the rovlncas agricultural prov urn this year are Creation oi an Ontario Foodï¬nuucil rep resenting producers processor and consumers applicalion oi the recentlypassed Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development Acthnd widening oi the scope of ihe Junior Farmer Establish mgnt Loan Act Vance planned ln Elude enlargement or he do parlmenla geological brunch stall speed mph and 1m rave other new cu research In Iron ore smelling using natural as and development nllmproved methods on drgsslng ycayï¬ up $8900000 from he cugrent years total budget speech mld Um YOUlL llKE THESE HANDY FEATURES FOUND IN All FRIGIDAIRE RANGES laIlCQJ FLAIR HAIRï¬bule nawrnngoidm lookl builtIn but hnt Uptop oven hnl IIdoup 31m doorl Rollout cooking lap Illdno out of light when nut in use Selfdonning Surface Unltl flip up and Buy up Rina lup porla nnd Porcelain Enameled drip bdwla underneath pop out or washing clean at the sink lands and crests deparlmenl pluvlded 380000 was sew llngs In Ihe Iris yenrlnr plant lng on Crown and nrlvnle ML excluslvc lender and dopam mm arumls Thernumber oI vhllors In On tnms park 1952 at 7800000 was 2E per cent higher than the previous year and the gamma camper recorded rep rtsenlcd upurccnt rise ITIIE BATH EXAMINER THURSDAY FEB HEATING FUELS Phone PA 531 PA 60332 COOP PA 82059 BARRIE