WHAT THE STARS SAY THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 10037 GRANNlES BULLDOZER this Northamptorulvlre town PETERBOIIOUGH England didnt think could wltir all 10 Mrs Batty lemage those gsdgeia and levers but 44yearold grandmother drives taught myself and now enjoy KEMPENFELT LAND RANGERS INSTALLED AT CEREMONY IIIE ENROLIIIENI CERE MONY tor tire that Kempcrv iclt Land Rangers Company was held at hiniiy larlsh Hall last evening The corn any which has been inactive or some time was reorgan ized by Captain Selwood In September Deputy Area Commissioner Mrs Frank Carter conducted the cere And Members Hear Speakers Members attending the Fob wary Wing oi Steel Street Home and School Association were entertained with an amus lng oral cntltlcd Docs Father Know ilcstl presented by hiargorct Norton runnerup In the City oi Barrio Iinais In the public speaking contest Ihc second speaker oi the evening Charlcs Lawnnot was Introdumd by liuph Merriam hir Lawrenco relatcd the ori gin oi the Order at St John one at the oldest military roiiit ious orders dating back to low whrn some merchants oi Amaiii in ltnly obtainrd per mission mm the ruler oi Jor uaairrn to iounrl hospital or hosth ior thc rcliti oi pilgrims who had come to worship at the iioiy Scpulchrc He said that St John the Baptist was chosen as patron saint oi llrls Brotherhood oi St John known also as the Knights Ilospliallcrs of St John when many oi tho armies oi the Cru sadu Joined lho iirothorhood Itro insignia or badge the white Mailcso Cross was wom by tho Knighu oi Malta snotlm nnmo ior tho Ilrothcrhood To day it is known as the Onicr oi the Hospital oi St John oi icnrrnicm and tho ambulance rtmcnt as tho John Am bu snca Aawclation Mr ermrmo sinned the Importnnrc oi snirty in tho homo Amnilng to tailtics 75 cent at nooidcnis occur In In homo and tor cont In tho kitchen Stairs should nl ways ho litpt rionr electric cords In good repair and sirlo wnlts ltrpt lrrc oi Ito and snow Atcltlmtltl poisoning in as per crni oi the ram originates In the home with to pcr cont In tho hitchrn Silver Maple WI Meet In Phelpslon ins mrrling at Silver hlnpin Wt was itriri at the home at Mrs Iisriln Illrhiun nxnrhm smwrrni the roll Itn lariuromrni lo imp young Wilda nn tho isrm liminrss and corrrlpondrnra worn clirmnrd Ilrms wm matlo or the Innull turtry dint nor in tho nur marry and mm lrm nisnnrd to mall ullt and soil iiclrota the same as All your Mrs Mriirllh motto Ilnnui Iahnr no man Lucky rimv was won by Mrs Johnston Mrs lion llerrsth Inlroducnl tho gutst lponlrr Ilr Chap who shaved two inierntl films on the mating pl material ior hulirllng homes Mrs lion Thompson and Mrs itirhanlmn wasiltwi Mu ave lhs Ingram So law parents reallza how lethal such things as bicachcs furniture polish floor was and insecticides can be Usually these articles an stored In the cupboard below the sink so easily accessible to curious Ilt tia hands the chlei rcspon slbliity with the parents leaving such hazards within easy mach oi childron Is no dliicrcni than leaving Ioadcd mvoivcr on tho table stated the speaker hir strcnco thcn Lonductcd condensed version with the aid oi charts on the senior sm buianm course Novcr st tem to move car accident vIc ho stated Instead bond tor hcip ircep the victim warm and talk rcassurin ly The golden rule at that ai Is troal ior shock and call do llir Lawrence demonstrated tho rmmh to mouth resuscita hlsrlin In arrvlng raireshmenta rnony Srown abova with the newly installed Rangers is hirs Carter right The Rsng era are irom IeIt Janet Jen kins Lynne Dollls Elizabeth htcitaiay Joy winger Below tloa Always keep tn mind that every second counts he cautioned Chances at so mvrry Il rcsplration Is started in the iirst minute Is 98 For cont However by tour to tire minutes the chances are only 15 per cent The other methods oi respir ation were explained the lie gaoNieison Schaler Silvester and Rocker his Layman continued his discussion with synopsis on anatomy physiol ogy shock Iractures dressings and poisons iio caution on the cited oi alcohol Those that think oi tomorrow practitu moderation today Duliror thankcd hir Law rcnce Excltcment is Yours in Now Colitura From The Leading Ilair Blyllltl Robert and Sams Collier St ra omr chatting with the newly ap pointed it ng or Lieutenant Donna Foil right are Divis ion Conunlssioncr Mrs ivan Gracey centre and Mrs Car ter Examiner Photosi UWC To Hold Panel Discussion The University Womans Club of Barrio will hold its next matting on February at 315 pm at the horns oi Mrs Ar thur McLean 51 Feel Street Mrs Peter Mills will convene panel discussion entitled in dis and Pakistan Study Mrs Cavanagh Miss Pris cilla Thompson and Mrs Moorby will be panel members LOCAL WOMAN WINE PROMOTION iano Dagnoault oi 189 Grove St East Barrie local representative tor Studio Girlinternational Cosmetics 01 Hollywood was notified recently oi her promotion to Area Meeting tastier In her new capacity Jana will give special lectures and training In the art or skin euro hair care and makcu bcioro local civic social groups This special training will also enable Studio Girl Beauty Ad visors to bring to their customers the Iamous Beauty Scents oi the Stars Jano will also be ap pointing and trairrinrI additional local omen as advisers tor advance ment in Studio Girls carriuliy planned expan sion program Juno lives at res Grove St East Barrie and Is active as accrotarytrcas uror oi the iiarrio branch oi the Navy League and member oi tho Carma inn womens Arrny Com Unit No t1 oi the Can adian Corps Association Toronto Consultations by ap pointment Weekday ov onlrrgs sitar pm Sat urday all day Phone PA IZJ FOR TOMORROW This day will be excellent for putting ovcr unusual Ideas attaching now ventures and generally advancing all worth while goals Romance is also un der beneiicent inilucnccs This should be quite good day FOR TIIE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow Is our birthday your horoscope ndlcsles tint you have lost entered one oi the best months at the year and the beginning at an excellent six month cycle which should bring bencllts In practically every hase at your life Except tor rite clad in early March lair and nanciai Interests should prosper and all constructive plans should work out well May and June will be highly pro Itioua ior romance overnber win be another good month for Iinanclal mat PERMANENTS Rel use or $1000 OTHERS FROM $550 0005 50 $850 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE so Bu Attend Io amisunm can PA 68 tors and early December will as excellent tor putting over busi ness and property deals Io ward lhe latter part oi the same month you may receive some valuable ideas tar furthering your Interests In inst The ilrst month at next yaar should be exceptionally good it you are siYgle marriage is distinct pass billly heiara the end oi this year Creative work ers should that the next months highly productive child born on this day will be prudent wits and holplul to those dependent upon him BETHLEHEMS PEOPLE Some 19000 persons mostly Christians Arabs and Smiles at Canannlta or Jewish stock live in the town Bethlehem Jordan MeKINNON FURS Ltd its Dunlap St We Must Make Room For The Workman WERE rs at to to than iigg bulldozer at garbage tip in operating It she says $49 Be An Early Bird While the cold winds of February are blowing It Is good time to do your Spring wardrobe planning Choosa your iabrics now In silks cottons and auIl ing ior sports wear or ros clal occasions and be an Enrly Bird tor Spring 63 To brighten up cold day come in and sea it our spring bonnet guaranteed to put the fragrance of apple blossoms in the air RENOVATING JACKSONS orrrns BIG BIG SAVINGS DURING ITS RENOVATION SALE All Winter Merchandise Going At Your Own Price HEAVY DOE SKIN SHIRTS ï¬lm it to ll WORK SOX First Quality Sax RENOVATION SPEC LONG SLEEVED PULLOVERS First Quality Sires 1420 ro Diliercnt Colours RENOVATION SPEC 40 LADIES CAR COATS laminaird Carried Some ail nylon plia Iinui Some in Icngth $800 $l000 $200 $1400 Elf 100 LaclloskI Skirts FREE MENS SUITS Pr Sumilu Mull Nylons First Ouallly Every Skirt with 97 RANT latest iavoumi Ialirrnl iiollrl Bhnrlu Srnall Charts and Iirrtlnn Elton am 2500 Barries Biggest little Dept Store See our iarga assortment at new spring flowers snor or BARRIE HAT Box is coLLrpn 51 skriacxers 100 Nylon Sizes 36 to 46 Black Only RENOVATION SPEC GIRLS ALL WOOL coars MOUTON FUR COLLAR Blue and Green Sizes to 6x YOUNG MENS CONTINENTAL SWAOOER PANTS latest lattorns Siren 20 30 795 pr pr SIS brrrarmrursrosr 59puraorsrw Pris7735 Ii You Havent Got CORNER OF DUNlOP AT MARY TitsMorrow nonunion so Dont MissIiris Solo