ll nld Amzrlun Iubmmnu enlrrln Jpnnm mm would nlwlmuly pan the way lnlo Japan lnr Amerlum mxhw mm MCBCOW IlnulerIlmmlu nmod Jnnun Wudnudny unlnnl nllllnnlnl loulln lmnpl onlIn ml ur rmllllnx inr clun nlmnlc rel la ruler Ill lullll Chum AlllcrrL Inhl nlnudny no HIM hl Spanlnh Iounk hurl Mrml on all mlnln mm In me an at mu hellovM Illlld nl lnmaml Frlum Fpnnhh millinry mllnbomlon Fred mum ï¬otmu Puma dvo Cmvnuva member Parumnem said in 1am to Tami York Comm EC It Iodauon he will not be can didau the nut adorn dee llm Mr am Wed York Cum mm 1967 1961 Hum ho wnl debated by Ub oral James Walker Bald In could not mayor the do hnoo polity the Dielmblku Mumman mTAWA CI Governor Grnml Vnnlrr my lhe 4H Club movemenl In Cunndn hm brcumn nwunlml pm Nut extrusion ahcaflon pm llnml Ind In lmponanl WW Inn of uued Wrd mnlny mart Um movcmcnls both nnnlvmnry 72000 yum W10 um Canada nuflxrd urgulg the HI wall Hand hem hand and lmllh In wnnhwhlln Il TORONTO CmTh provin zlnl audllorl rcpart lo the leg llhlure chncxdy rccom mended curvcy or xnvemmml apcrnllonl mry 2th In 10 ycm Cotnnm tho nudllar Inld lurvty law ycm ngo lmd mulled In mlny lmpmvo menu Ila mid nurveyl would lublcd program and Idmlnln Imllve method In cum mullny dctermino Ibo bell mmhodl opcrnllonl Talks Optimistic No Troops Survey Wanted Lands 4H He wounded by glmlmm blast AK home in nearby South Hull Que last weekend UllAWA CWDonald Wat son Flamlng mythold son of the Justlce mlnlster wax lm proving slawly mm gunshot wound la the chest hospltnl an tlmrl said lqupesdnx Wont Run Dr eoIfrey Andrew execu llvedirector the Canadian Universities Foundation add res cnnlcrence Wednesday lhe $181000 la mlnlmum amnum needed by CUSO to carry on program for the anhcamlnl year MTAWA CHA $135000 campaign to sand 90 Canadian univerle graduates In help do velapIng countries in Africa and Asia opena today the Canadian Unlvcrsily Service Overseas In nnunccd iesiiiying in jury Irlai oi Herman Grenicr of Dorian Que nhurged with criminal negligence in the deaths oi Judith and Margot 10112 20 and 17 respectively VALLEYFIELD Que CF Eyewiknesses irom two other vehicles iold Wednesday oi see in twocar collision inst Sept that took the lives oi two 0t iawa sister on highway west oi Montreal HAMILMN CWGertrude hicCrelghl 25 hi Buriinghn Ioid Ontario Sdpreme Court Wednesday she saw no iighu on line launch which ranuned the boat In which aim was rid in and killed the young driver on the Muskokn Lake in Au ï¬usi 1960 Fleming Better Testimony Heard To Go Abroad Dnlll1lleulgnFrnncnl CAPSULE NEWS Suing Doctor For Injuries FRED SHNSON GENEVA InculmiCanndn can mp ha problem of de velopan munme bellcr lhnn mm highly Indunlrlnflud Wm cm xlalu Dr Splnh pmldznl In Unlvmlly Smknkhcwnn Wednesday Dr Splnh lendlnl membcr Ca an cheznllon to In Unilui Nullonl conltrcnco an lhe uprllcnllan of knee Ind ltchnn nay for the benefit laudevflaped Arm GUHIII CPDA child who mu unmly lhonrd uhml Inn would be mnde to walk ham mm It In live mun Col llnynoldl mm mlulmsr ol hwy Inlay or Onlulo Walnudny nlghL laid 1m Annual Ontario Farm Salcly Conlonnra hm llllln elm bun drlvrr um do In dllrlpllna nn lnmnlllbla chlld Henvlly dependent on both he Sovm Union and Chlna the no balï¬wlnk of the valean Moscowruined Ho Chi MInh hope lo avoid oilendln timer by kcqmlnz political balance In lhl Ideological split between Moscow nnd Peking lnlonned luvdlen 11pm mum CPD 1110 Ford Foundation In madu grunt $2175000 to flu Unlvenfly of Toronto President Clnudl Blmll announced Wednesday Dr Blue Bald 31000000 In 115 undl will be paid manly and 1h remainder cumin Im chlol nay qugnm mumam mglnocrm mm In paid when bulldlnz contract In let SAIGON Soth Vial Nam AP North Viet Nam 1M1 continued LIMA nndnn deeply dIitrustlul my Ionign 1qu complexion appears to Iva become lhe neutrnlm macï¬wmsmlUmk Misl Pmegooshu ulned In Eskhnn lung and showed new In color slides she will disphy and In sketches Eskimo heard she willInk Ilnnz She leave Monday VITAWA CDMary Pane gonsho pretty 23 year 01d Eskimo girl who will spend six weeks In Ghannshm11y was the guest of honor Wednesday night it goingaway party at lendcd by Eaklmn Ind nonEs kimo death lb hum of ï¬nhem Alfaln Mlnisler Dim la Should Walk Mn Daniels University of British Columbia pmfeswr was seeking 50 mth her husband James Maurice Dan iels 89 physics pmlessor at the University Tnmnio College Grant Helps Beiter Students with so per cent or tenet also will waive rm cash award award living In penses while the me slu denu with 90 per cent wlll re ceive $1500 NEON CDVancouver physicist Belly Daniels Wednesday dmpped her ï¬ght for custody of her two sons aged and and also her deim 1° 3315mm New Neutral Jt Kobal registrar 01 Watering Lutheran University raid student entering any de gm mum in that univrrsity with Iveraxc of 75 per cent or better in nine Grade 13 unm gtatibm wiil be altered Ive tui on SARNIA CPAbovenve rage students entering two WI terloo 0nL universities will be offered free tuition and in the case one ol the universities cash lncenflves It was an negate Widgesdny 11th Eskimo Farewell Mlss Mï¬Ã©fgï¬t Lq suing Dr Speen or extensive drums shelnflered In tho accldenl Miss McCrelghl Iiursa the limp of Ithe lqlnllly vd the boat driven by Genny Spurs 15 son of Wellanu uoc tar Edgar Spears appeared to 2801 Drops Fight Student Aid mw wvmcoum THE SCREENAND THEWORlDISAHAPPIER mcnouvnm 213 JinnislimiASéibm rrlumul In her mnthir Dec NEW JOY HAS COME TO THE SCREENAND THE WORLD IS AMER gm IO IVE ll Aulllnnl Crown Allomoy Frank Feller lnld lho Jury Mn Edwunu Invc lhm vcnlnnl what hnpmnnd lhn day llm baby llltd lnrludlnl no Ilml who dropped the tlllld whllc In In nul htr In canine Sh lnlor druird lhln venlan Im dcr unHmIInL Mother To Undergo Mental Treatment PETEHHOROUGII KINA comncrl jury ruled chnudny night that sovcnmonlhold flow Marla Edwnrd dlcd Dec 15 Irnclured mm lnchltd hy mum unknown whllo In wlo runway at her molhcr rhc Jury also rrmmmrndcd lhnl lhn mnlhcr Mrl Maude Ellxnbtlh Edwards ll be alvtn plychlnlrlc lmlmcnl Evldrnm also Indltnlrd lhc ynunulnr wnl mlmlIlcd lo 10P pllnl qul with hllu mull nvpnrrnlly mndc by Immun on her then mm and ML Eh Hiram me Chlb dnnl Md Soclrly ï¬rm 11 and rrlunml In her mnflwr Dec WATERIDO Ont All ln use $12 mlllion In sale of new life mama over 1991 was 11poch at he Bard mums meeting policyholder The Mutual Lilo ol Canada here Sale Malled $431 million In mncc in am me by nine ghéiémm In dividends BEA Rn presided the com pany Racdcr mmflcd that lurphu earning Wm 51M mlulon $150 million was paid In dividends in MI mmpnred 14 mJulon In 1961 Am Audi kmsed by $5 mll on Mal of $7740 million Mortgage 111stch oompr 46 pct cent of total assets and bond 41 per cent 11w not ina to raw earned was Ms per 3nd Ms Keith ï¬ELooE polcm to maméi RUGBY SpeclID The Wm mens Institute will me Feb 13 at pm at the home of Mn Mmord Home and Mrs Clarke Home Mom lo the media is them Is no other mammary that can substitute for good neighbor Roi cullh mclpe us Ins My man Azricukum and Canadian ludustrles the pmzram topic will be dlmdod by Mrs Ray Shaw wnvmen wlll be Mm George hum Mn Berna Johnston Tenn was the recipient ya sunshine box and other gins from United Church Women and other friends Hu many Mend and nelghban in Chum hlll and cwnmmhy join In ex tendlng mgralulaflon and goodlwilshes ml her health as and Mn McDonald Mr and Mrs Seymour KeilMrs Page Mrs William Richard son Mrs Edgar Slurzem and Mrs Robe Sinclair dint lunch hemJinx biuhday cake was served by Mas visitors Allendan If party were Mr end Mm Email Ringle Mr CHURCHILL Special MISS Tenn Rogemn was the guest aAsurprlse plqhda pauy when two cal10nd ol Churchlll mldem motomd to Simone Manor Beaten Feb she celebrated her 92nd EM WWW Buth Group New Life Insurance Sales Have Increase Of $32 Million Comm or the comlng year are delezntesto synod WlIltaker and Mn Ollver cemdery commltlee mum envelope secre tary Mrs Gl Peterson teas urer Farquhamn altar gulld Mrs George Slmpwn gallon Welsman and ToMéet Feb 13 SHANIY BAY Special The annual Vacshy meellng here was held in 5n momus Church with Qliver veslry grk Whitakerfwas reelected as ministers vmden dand Rod ga Wehran was leveleued as peopIea garden Miss Rogerson 92 Years Old Greets Friends Name Shanty Bay Church Officers Mr Rlcdor Mid lhm muldmntobemmasonlor government In mumme odd ing ll burden by taking over nudmhhmincslï¬mtolook amn the small pemmtaae of people who are pmsem Im nhlo lo sceum lheae benefits or Ihcmselws The Canadian Health Insurance Association has proposed We and mrknble alternative which wlll make medieom commge available hmum our pnvam enterprise system lo all Cm adlnns mannlles of hennh and economic position He was speaking ol the per lonnanca or Company group at the 3rd Battalion Parachute cent mmamd lo 522 per cent In 1961 Mr Lieder pointod out that he mmpnny ndmlnlsters $17 million of medical immnm benefits Gth has been sub mmunl and persistent decision will remain ln doubt unless the light becomes deadly serious but at thls stage the laugh Britons appear to hayo pllcd up an early land on The lad have acquitted themselves well and nunale excellent said Ha Nell Fid lcr of Famham Surrey But we still eel we have munh la lamn CHURCHILL Man CmA cambardened company Br lsh paratroopch ï¬ghting battle at survival against the Cagndlan subarctic All last years mImcil mam bar wem returned to ï¬lm or term in Cooks 3min They were the plonecm village governmem lonn ing Ihe ï¬rst council ln Janu BritiSh Paratroopérs Train In SubArctic at Vlnccnl IA um Tomorrow 1015 mm HOWEY ELECTRIC 7omonow 3J5 pm Bonn Chlnl CUTLERY SET CONVENIENTLY lOCATEBv IN DOWNTOWN JARRIE UP and SAUCER Take Shocking Chancel cm um of your tlxlflcu mumm qulclly nm Iconomlcluy Hm 71¢ Plano 99c 25c DONT I963 COOKSTOWN COUNCIL The lemperalun mucth low of About 40 degrees below zero Inst week but has moder Vnted in comyarallvely bnlmy cw degrees below Readings at between and 40 below are not unusual In the area mm um mm The mcn apprunchnd it With awe and comlcmatlon In some use nleyve caught on well however Weve learned lot nl hick about keeping alive In this aim but we eel we stlll hula allqg more Lo Imam nlmllon The Fire Brl gnde of the Brillsh Army Mn Fidler call It like In have mullus In It Mining 1th sort of wlnter condition was new to every mothers son of us said Maj Fidler CAULC 0N WELL Reglmenl In the ï¬nal stage twoweek winter environmen lal training prngxnm In the bar run lands nem Dlls military base on Hudson Bay 600 mile north of Winnlpeg incorpomlcd Shawn here back from left an Nob man Bmley finance chair man Louis Moukmma hydro and water chairman Jack Ed ary 1882 alter the village was DONT MISS SEEING AT THE connmcron SCHOOL AUDITORIUM BARRIE 0N SAT FEB AT 745 pm COME EARLY AND iBRING FRIENDV THE BARRIE CHRISTIAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL 15 MINUTE ONLY Thelï¬a omch and men of Company here have combined lectures at Fart Churchill and ï¬eld work during due last two wcnks undcr lhe guidance of Cm nadinu Army intruders mlwm As um Mn Fldlu nnd somn his nmccrs oxprcs duuhu lo the possIlely anything up preaching major war being fought under these condillonx Alter twn more weak at win ter exercises the Canadian Join nu Training Centre In Rivers Mam the troops hand back to Aldflshot England or while More Enamel45mm in away IoMnluyn or jungle lrnln 0n the barren thny lrnvel combat unit with lobaggans lcnu rifles Vlcken machlne guns submnchinoguns Bren guns threeinch mortar and mum rifles lbs posting was Bahrain UxePcrslan Gulf my ï¬re chulrrmn and El don Neilly mnds chmman Front mw mm lea Jack Coulis vlllagcclerk Mrs Russell Caldwell Inde secre larytreasumr and Reeve Ira Wilson Exandncr Photo TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE FA 82414 MOSCOW APlThe oilicial Soviet new ngnncy Tass said Wednesday night the United States deliberately worked to bring down the Conadiangov cmment In commentary the agency said Washingtons open and flagrant pressure un tho Distan bnker government in the ques tion oi stationing Amcrican nu clear weapons on Canadian ter ritory was calculated to topple this government replacing it the American prcss openly inlimntes by government hooded by the Liberal Lender Lester Pcarson Ian Bull chief on gjmr or Pmctor and RM em Md engineering mnsulb am for the village was hem Wednesday examining the dam age Before exmvnuon began pmfesslonal survey was made 01 soil conditions an the site to determine tha boa way to cope ELMVALE Ismn cavL in Tuesday nltemoon at the excavation or the vlllagen pump house hclng bullt at the north end Amella SL came only moments utter the tor tractor called workmen out the hole to start Pouring con not log tho qunndntlons Cromwell Ounslmcuon C0 of Toronto are um contractor or the sewer which Is win ter Eks pmjed This contractor are out pocket about $1000 on this set bagk My lush old council Soviets Say US Caused de Pall THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY SH humor snu 21625 Deluxe Dnckcrcstlng Sevanlml SurInco Elclncnls Muflal lllASpccd Elements Special Im Mont Oven ToMrol Appllnncu Oullel Kin Sim Oven Full Width Slornuo Drawer Llfl0l Door for Easier vcn Clonnlng Removable Porcelain Dr 410le and Element lllnya NoDrlp liars Oll lnnuo Top lhcnnoï¬rhhllu mul llduro Wln dow Oven Dour Opllmml Extras Elmvale CaveIn Ffom Quicksand RANGE For elderly and convales ent nucnls Excellent InciJI or private or semlvprlvale Hat and cold water In roams Register ed me In nltcndnncc sue us $14900 $18995 NURSiNG HBME 575mm ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 124 HARDWAREgï¬gg HERE IS BARGAIN STAYNE This Is Brand New 24 MOFFAI QUALITY Pipe laying on Amella Street hnmpcred by heavy clay soll condillons showed beau than average pmgrcs lusl week tho mpon sald total of 12 lpcs were Installed represent ï¬nz progress 156 llneal leer Total plpe Installed last week measumd 150 feet Sewer plpo has been Installed loa palm about 200 east Len 5L he report mncluded NOW SHOWING Show 700 900 pm with the quicksand pmblem anh said Pmtor and flodtern englncet Ken Chllds representing the vlllnge had two progress ports or council which were read by Mrr Nash In hls latestone dated Feb he said work at the pump house that week consisted drlvhrg the wooden sheeting By the end the week the limbcr had been driven to point when excavation cnn shirt again carlynext week Counc on commented on the twist of late that drew the men away from the danger area so soon before the suypona ml lnpsed Im glad dont have to do that kind of work one oljhem commented bwnmmxMMW wwmmm ALEC GilINNESS DIRKBOGARDE AMHONY QUAYIE IMPERIAL PA Maml