Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1963, p. 4

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rer allmlaflbvnu minimum n0 ClfiM fit II ltlmfll DI ll XV Hulhm III nun pm um la 9v fru mum Mm mullu 1N LInlflnn hm no Aau am clmuum mt my gym llellcvllle lnlclll wnccr Mrs Murc Clarke cgmlrumn ol lhu Scnrhormmh School Hoard lwllovos that youqu Innmllnnn are lmlnv lcprlvcd of apparlunllic think for lfilunlaclvcs Sho blamed school lrusllns hcmum they nmm Ion many nltvrschool nu llvmcs urganlm lholr ImschalL hnckey rollmll skating plnnn lessons and oven lhclr Salunlny Mlornoon mov COLD ISNT IT Tlmmlns Dally lrcss Did you hear about the note son to the Weather Man lhnl read For your ln Iarmallon llnvc just shovcllcd slx inch ns of partly cloudy oul my driveway Whlch brings to mlml the at that kld hlm we may the Vcnlllcr Man ls part of our llfe and he lls Inlo ll llkc an old sllocl What would we lalk about moot ol the llmc If someone look away our wcnlhurl Errors llnmx or no or mrs Wu llkc to have the Weather Man around He makes on hot under the col lnr when ho ulvcx wrong forecast any anylhlnu llmt wlll wnrnl us up lhuse days Is 11 rlcml of ours mum uumln nmi mum mmuum nu wt rmnul IL Nanak Mun mun wayrm Ion nnuuuu rueImu Mumv luMflvlnl am My um mm mu um nul em null In amnion I00 yur mama ma um mmth um um mum mqu mule mum Ill my In 41 cmnl nl Unlle An to the limit mu 1M Ow an Vlnm manna mm mu null rm umu Deptumnh um mu munm pom In um mun lunvhn nna nummy mm arm mum mu IllIn Barrie Examiner Feb 1918 On recommendation of fuel controller lllagrath Canadian Government ordered all plants in Ontario and Quebec closed three days except those engaged in war production and put restrictions on hours of commercial and enteflainment plac es Capt Dr Falling who went overseas as medical officer for the 177th battalion died in London England hos ital Town Council decided to give and to Board of Education for new eol legiate on Eart of fair grounds provided deals may worked out with Agricult ural Society and Joint Stock Co which owned local skating rink Trinity Al erts beat St Andrews Wanderers in latlles hockey 52 Texas White was referee Mlss Edith Creswlcke scored all goals for tho winners and Miss lda Cres wickc starred in goal Miss lrene Parrish and Miss Kennedy scored for SI An drews Joseph hlcClennon elecletl president of lamed lvy Band Tribute laid to Bandmasler Lennox st two weeks have been coldest in 50 years Lieut Charles lllcllae von WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Experts say that though fears of ad verse repercussions if Britain joins the European Common Market and rising British rate of unemployment may be among the reasons for emigrants quitting their homeland they are not the main ones Most of the families going overseas are hoping for better climate and better Emigrants are streaming out of Brit ain at rate currently approaching l50 000 year heading for Australia Can ada and New Zealand About three out of every four are going to Australia The number heading for Canada is only slightly higher than those going to New Zealand This is not oneday or even one week affair in which great energy is ex ended and little is done afterwards succeed campaign of this nature must continue over long period to un derline the importance of supporting local commerce and industry and the professions too is self evident that dollars spent in Barrie are translated into jobs and pros perity Our retail merchants survive in The BuyinBarrie campaign has been In full swing for several months and definite results are in evidence There is growing awareness of the fact that prosperity is tweway street in which the mdividual consumer business and Industry must play their parts British Emigrants Increase BuyInaBarrie Campaign Must Cover Long Period OVERORGANIZED CHILDREN The Barrie Examiner Walls Publlsher Tfiarrip Exath OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Hunted 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlsher Brian Sleight GeneralMauager numsun manym 1m 4m ONLY BLAME OURSELVES Vlnllwr sun Canadian lrcquunlly camplm about he coal aovernmenl One reason or mm hl cosln Is Hut we are over nv mml opuly Reeve Thomas Dec all or Ancnllnr my that In Wenlworlh Counly alone we are 00 elected lmdlos rluu arpolnled boards and commlulom II Imnlo could ho Applied In gml er or ten measure to Dlher Onlmo wunliex Such conglommllon of Iulh orllleu ls nonsense and We In Onllrlo hm only uunelm lo bllml for lolor ulna Ihu mull Is at course that when by some xlrnu nIIsclmnvn ml modern younuslcr Indx hlnisvllalnmlng on slrwt comer wlm nnlmng to do In In no mnnml mu lmwlldcml by lhls lolnlly mw experience lllnl he rushcx 0H and damn mmvlhln an way usually some lhlnu he whoulfinl UL Hack In lhc nld lays when alamllny nn slrcct curnvr was pnrfcclly normal way nf passlnu lhn llme havln nothing ldo was nncn rvgmlml ml or pleas nn Any llme they slncken off In lhctr or nantmtlonnl tttorl host at other are slnmltng ready to It the 11 Scout lenders secretaries nor span gruups rccruntlun directors church 101 qurs parents 0t all age and both sexes and just ptaln nnllnn everyday right thlnktnx ctllzenx nldct and abetted tn most Instances clty tnlhm rmlto com mentators publ rtty xllrcclorx rcportorn anglAcdllnrtut wrllcm School trustees who are hanflng lhclr heads In shame nflur reading his lmllcl men should take heart They are not lho £010 culprits Ins she said We have them esconcd across the street and 1011 lhcm how lo be have when downlown In fact we give he lmpresslnn that our children should ihnvlcrcvnry minute of their 1ch organ zm making ngs liicult for rallroaders Trains are mn ning very late most days Regular imssen ger from llamlllon left pm ld not reach Allandale until 11am Charl es Kell lost left out in accident at GTR yards while working on derailed loco motive Warden llarry Caner of Sim eoe County was host at annual banquet in Red Cross llooms Coilingwood rinks skipped hi lioneyford and lllcln lyre heal Chure ill rinks skipped by Browning and Allan for grou cur ling in District Cup Leonard lll sin llon agent at Colwcll Junction saved Bobcaygeon clergyman Rev Gardiner from tiealh when he pulled him lrom un rier moving train The great moving lcture speclacle The Birth Nai on played one day only at Grand Opera llouse matlnre and evening the Military Cross overseas New grocery store opened in town by Roy Merrick and Henry Limer both from OH Townshipr Major George Rodg crs left for nrebcc on garrison duty Lieut Tom Armstrong reported in French dangerously wonngjed Taking Australia first the overall num ber of Immigrants expected durlng tho official year to June 30 186815 l25000 In the year up to June 30 1961 emlg rants from Brltain for Australla num bered 65143 of which 27070 had assist ed passages New Zealnnd expected around 12000 British emigrants during 1982 similar to the previous year Canada expected to recélve about 15000 emigrants from Britain by the end of 1062 compared with just ovgr 12000 in 1061 In essence the ca gn is geared to the belief rhht If price and quality are right people should make every effort to do their buying in Barrie This not too much to ask It Is in fact the east we should expecL We are our brothers keeper In matters of prosperity As to the johholder hls securityo employment is closely linked with the BuylnBarrie theme 11 money earned 1n the city is no ent largely here then the foundation of lls livelihood could be imperilled Even his job on which he dependsgcould disappear way of life and greater opportunities for their children business because we buy thelr products Industry may have wlder market than the local retaller but its success too hinges to great extent on the economle advancement of the community Clly More IL IIMME lane III worlmm hm wllh Ipotlnl rulem in Mlilfll Dmlumllnl and bcwllchhu lhlnu nwy In uu elm who nnlng In In mt 1mm make no IlaII at UM bl pluck In Que Ilml winner umlvnl Ind uu bl Ire pnlm when Ihe HM ommm nil In 06¢ himy munw QUEBEC 1C finull Clam nmlt more hp um In MI wmluhnp ll lhe Nnm Pulp ha mm luqulvm In Qutbea mu cnnul rhuklnl at lhymld Along wllh mlu um hm II Mrmll 01er my dividend 1n rumlnu Adm when my occur In mull llml or lhcm hu punL Dur Dr Mulnm llrnw Tlnln flu luntllun nl lhe Iplrrn II Injllml In rm apernllon nrrmurflfin II Wv ihi IFltzrn lylnihnllc nt un Ilmllr ur rumplr In th Al rule ho ho huhu worm and mu or within mason Mylo ms nu xomo women and rmollonnlly Itnblo onu loo le Povl cuullnn when Hm chmgo over only lo Imvn lhrm ncur Inter on Folllue nn cmolloml crlnll mxicly can In lhcm ll urn Adcquolo ugl ago Im lmpqunnL In uddlllnn we lumw lhnl hy pulhymldlsm 1over4ldhe hy mltl an be Involved and HI lhll II mom cammon All 50 lhln lnrmuly hd Inc lup nulmL We do nole hnwcvcr In lhn ncrrom lype or woman mun lo hlva morn lrnuble and Il lusu lanxcr Hence In mm lrnnqullllcn or mlld udn llm Ire very helpful wilhaul um 01 harmanu lllls Inslnblllly In blood vessel mnlml uppannlly ll duo lo lho nhmpl change In hormone lml ante which occun Al meno pause Th uplnlns lhe Incl lhnl nivlnl hormone or low munllu ml time help pro wnl or mlnimlzo lho hol llnxhu unlll lhu body hm nrhlcvcd In new tunlibrlum hormonnlly Ipfikirxu They are no nngemus my more man blush IL But hey can lure ho upxemnz They bother some women real deal ulhm very Iillle 1xth lnltnslly and durnllon vnry wfley Elves Create Wonderland llolflnihn no chnrnclcrw IL nllhough nol unlvmnl nymp llfim ol menopause or change They am lhought In be due lmlabfllly the automatic con trol blood vesselsa rush Mood lhmuuh the surface blood mscl bring Iuddcn nonu llon of warmth Hal flushes wnhnfilspretm nl humllily Illlrylo answer By JOSEPH MDLNER MD but Dr Molnm am 38 havent menslnlaled or six years and 15111 hot flashes had hysterectomy few month ago and that didnt slop them My doctor says It Isnt mm menopause have to put up with lhem would like lo know why Wm Ire lh awnn5 hnvo been told lhat no more man has any business talking about hot flashes hoeuse ha doesnt exverienco them and hemfore doesnt know what he 11 Uqglaboug TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Hot Flashes Bother But Not Dangerous Hun llm lml Mum nl our 5th lmlhmenl muxl mlmll lhn II In oflulnl llula mhlra ur cunnnl ml mm In rm mmnmmL Ill Iqunlld Ind unr uld rerun lo dale mam ll mm IN lulslnllv nllrmlvly man toclpll wrumn poll II Inlonl no MI InnMn Tnnllln lml on umllnulnu the drawn tnmpnlln ul Inxl Inn On lhm lmllmllahla ummvlv numil MINI In qu and Nut DNllrvcvnl Mln All nllly mull Ind In la ulr lhnltléy la NM pm luummn lor whlrh lhq on paid Nulrlhrlm ha pmml lun rnmy trlllcltm of cm Iplluln on NI uqu the lurl that Ihoy hm mmmm Ihc kirkancqu bu on lha nuv m1 in km MI Inmm In lhII muM nnl BIBLE Th IIIll Im on mm LIII ll Mnnn only whkh mm In uhulnl the lDfl MONK Al Rama 1500 twmxllru In WHmnrl til Ilr mmllluunn my lhnl ll Ilmll bl llwlul lor the men by and wllh Advlra mu lnn4 Inn lb Smile and Home nmmnnm la mnh Lawn or ht rum Order ml and unmrnl Canada For wmo yum ha bun lmlhlully rrpnvlod lhnl lea him flu vrry runny hr the nnlny an lmchcndrnl murm ul Income In Mold nolnl Into dehL Now and hllnnnl uillmm Kfrcll In sullen Iltm lhnl llurlr rcmunrrnllnn Ihmfld Ira dnuhlul PARLIAMENT Jim Mon and women dcclcd la our Home at Commons dcmln long lmun lnr lonxcr lhun any work lnx thk olnrnlcd hy any un Ion lo lllo nflnln Cunndn They lace mnshlcrnblo cx pcnsu ballllnl lnr elcdlon lo that mummy lhny mrcl unb unnlln rnnll yur allcr ynnr whllal mrmbm ol lhnl III scmbly In lclurn Iho lnxpny en my lhcm end 000 yur whirl Iuhjrcl In Income lnx pluI laxrm upcnao nl lemma 000 yrnr Tynlrnlxy 11w Tlmu 0d awn ml The lZlnmlner at ur rlc mum lhnl mono umnlnl be unrenwnnhle and Ill uny hnw Ihry Irv lnlllnl In In tho work lnr Mulch Hwy In pald 0000 nun our Inwmukm are to lncflm pelenl In tnllng cure lhch own problem that they and lhey alone are xecondclns tlll zen In one Imporlnm respect lhglr pnyrpenl 01 mm In OTTAWAfile punk of Can Idnl lnwmnkcn kn he dl tmml posed by um oldllmo mnx Who lakes um ol lho cnretnker dauxhlcr when lhc caremlgor buy lnkinz guns lymph glands under lhe dun The purpose to filler out my wanted materials in In blood dream can ol the spleen so much blood flow Ulmugll that mplun ol can cans person to bleed lo dull Internally Thu Ilssues are such lhal ll la lmmely dimcun to sew up such wound However the enllru spleen can be nmovcd and the blood vessel led all and lllcra will be no Imuqu ulterwnrd Not all lnluxlex lo lhe spleen necessarily mun rupture OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON HOW PETIY Says Pay 0f MPs Is An Injustice MONK AIIRINIICKI Rama 1300 km mieer awmxllru In umn IndIIsIry an Inn In any pun Th IbIl In In hum Inr llnnn lhl mum LIII II mu mi cl tinnt In last Mnnn only mu II III Vgllldl mm mm ml hy me ll uur Mll could dmlucl ex ptnsu ldenllrnl ln lhnw Ivnll nhln any nlhnr clllnn lhuy mild or unmplr lcdurl he ml lclrnhunc cull htlwrrn their mmlllucnlx home lml lhcir nfllcu In Ollnwl lho mal of HIM mm and ntclrlmlnl nml munlmllnn llll AI Immr lha mu hen Iml Donn whm uwny mm Immn lnnmrly In Ul luwn cm hunlnuv luv to hull mhmpllvnl In duh and nunnlmllnm elc elc Illll nunln It mlr MP would Iva Illllo lhnuuhl In 1M nlrviuul Inlutlicv Inlllclnl upon InIn Hwy would Ml he pnylnl lhrlr lumlu lnlon on Iha numl lhry now Im mw harp golnl AM vhtml an Inmm In my II quullnnuL lhll mum nnl he Tho Drllhh llllh Cummin Ilmml ofllcn hm lnfarm ma Hm Hie rtmuncrnllon Hr lnh MP ll £5150 yur wllh dcdutllom or nllnwnble rx pfnlcl ldcnllcal In than nvnll Ahlu In awry nllm clllxcn Nola Ilmw ward rnrtlully mlh Ml mm comlL lmnry In mum anllm mny lur nymph drdud nll mm In Eunnrrilrn dlh mnln nlnInI mnml home Mllncml lo Ihe ln Ilunrnl lnullfllngk Hath MP has ex peruse allowance 32000 year nul he hrulnl dollar and can MK II lhnl lhe averuxc MP has cxpcnses unavoidable and dlreclly nurlhulnbla In his Joh an MP amounting In perhaps 55000 In ycur 0n lh new 51000 upcnscs our nml nbovc nxluwnnce hl must pay lnmma lnx Nu nlhcr Cmmdlan wurkcr In lhux nrnnllmd Nor cnn my or lhcuuldanro our oollsh Mls lhclr urlllsh munler parl clllzen In ho eye bi came lax calleclar Agnew 7mm expanses BIBLE THOUGHT By THE CANADIAN PRESS Arfiéricnn novelist Slnclnir Leyla was born INT Briulnrhnmuliccd 100000 Jews would be aIA Iowrd lo name in Palestlnc dlslrlcl ol Bulllmm MIL was almost totally dcslmyed by Ire 59 year ago todayIn 1901 Only In kw new buildings and neural bank that had been built with unusual wl ldlly survived Iha blue Some 2500 hulldlngs warn dastmyed Following thu Ire Bnlumoren narrow mock were widened and improvements were mud in uwnge drainage Ind he waler supply 23 MM Tom IN HISTORY Wa In no Ollmlnlllnl Illa anlx nu he new Idiom will hum Ind wlll In In In not be MMIM mum unlll nsk lnr Imlm Inr lhll will lhu mm nrlnml In lmlll and 1m mu mm modum Icher vupllq lumlpvml In In cmml rmul lnr the IL hul 1hr nrhlnl mmlrndkan MIMEM£WW ll met In bull in 10 llnm wm mmlr will yrun my lnr nu lnr he Julm WIIIIIIH wholl filr Jam 151le IN Ihc Whllxln lawman hml Mulhl Ihl Ill nl lhr Mllvlcy luk llolrl mm mu um II tonvpulml nmmml Mm Ihe prim at land Md hmm lo Ii rockl Ho uld filr Jnmu nnnounml um plum lml Imm cumplolbd or tlu oInl devrlnpnmnl llm mmly wllh Menull lrnp mm Ilw vvlnrlpnlluululdluy mm llw wlnrlpnl uululdluy of lhe Lam Scrumlu Inml mml Tvml Tl NF LOCATION LONDON hurl MIMI bNn nn Mlnhllnhrd oducnllon nl lanlullun In In Croydon Mwuuh n1 Mulml Ilncn lhc ynur 15er In In tlomullshrxl nnd Hm nhoul llull moved la new llxnllnn 11111 when Tllnlly Sclloul Ill 10 WlxiL um whlcll nccuulu Illa Arm In In can or Smy don mnln nhnpplng Area Winu he Iduml ll dunnlmml ll wIH mnko way Mr mlllnn Illnvplnl uml olqu duvelopmrnl rim or whldl Iuwc barn un munml hy Altlrmum Sir Jnmu Mnnlmll dmlrmln balm lomnnu nl lhr frlmfll ny prclcrcncé mine xavurnmtnl wnuldnl run lmve It with the power ll does hold po dlreclly controlled the overlho counter prlco ul mllk price has been automatically lled to tho government In lha public mlnd ¢vcn though lhcse conlroll wgro dropch some ygnro Bio Thls Is dam mush the Board which In theory In dependcnl hul In Inc works clnjcly wllh tho lmnmmenl The P0 or ssnn linlly Iupposcd lo be lhnt aunesnonovcr the rule In pad lho larmc II can hl beyond It dld In pullan on the inr muln murnlorlum and once llnly dclnylp price Intmnsc flul txacfiflxfily can onli lay thn the chlm urn down Ilfnn Erlunlly lhe prlgu hoped It wauld escape crl llckm or the increase In mull yrlces expected In at least some marketsbut wilhnul much real faith that ll would Mi posnlnn today mm it Mu to keep some mnlrnl wilh oul IpptMan la excrclse any CONTACT THROUGH BOARD One our pmol reader cal ed attention to the fact ha here was an error in Herring to Mr Nansen as general man ager 01 pmmlnent local In dustry The reporter not only so the name wrong it should be Jansen thermooler Inslsledl but he was head man the umber company was inal DON OHEARN TORONNThe Milk Indus lry Board has lifted he mura lorlum on the milk cos adjusi mom Iormulnin elich on the relall price oi milk It did lhg government had It did the may crpssed We menlioned the spelling of names WHY with particular reference to the Sieeueis nii mailer 01 Emmi to maid also concern the Cookie family Even His Worship is in this an Where In amatlon dld that untgrammatlcal term wlse ham to get such constant use local serle club recently the speaker started at lth somelhlng llko lhla laneywlse and experlence wlse we an new ln better rosl lion serve the commun On the natlonal radlo leach er Ialklng about the school problem In Canada saw ll to say that educallonalmse we were dolng all right but our hulldlnzs and plannlng wm not no good Comment by The 01mm Journal Seems 1mm hem Ihac teacher would bebener at edu cating himseu Englishwise MI moron Bunker plnulng Barrle Win ter Carnlval to local club re lurgi thexamel En the pay played on the hockey pad sometimes known as cushion but ml the first time the game will he on what Um bent call bed REPORT FROM UK QUEENS PARK THE FIRST COLUMN School To Make Way For Shopping Centre Milk Board Lifts Cost Moratorium Names Do Cpnflict That Is Repdrtwise n1 MrlNTVMZ HOOD By KEN WALLS Io Umod IoMIb 1610p IMIMHIAM III hmr avrru In no slvupvlnu llflll ml llva Illa hum olIMhy llnml rmu Willa Ilnml hnruzh mlultlnn luvwny and mm Inplnr Walk 11m nnly nvrm or Vlhlclll will ho hum Vell uley llnnd The Mach nl nmru wlvlm will rho on 71 Ill andrnt ulynul wlll have LOW mum Ipnh Umlrr nrnlh lhrm III hr unrnm lac HIHrI Int 50 can Shopper ulll IN In work Mr urn In In muluquuy run which ulll ncmlnmmlm Irm llllllll In view curmnt evenuwe are not sure whether Ion to the local curling club lhe municipal elecllon be held next December or first but in the nng or Pearsons Pilgrimage mm Algoma in Ottawa lllllflm uulquo nnd llmmllnnry lmmrlnncev II rvvenlrrl Inn nny mm hml luluu ml In lhe ruillprll loll In In denlawn IN Cmydnn pm mly err nnrruw Inn llm nvplcunu llul duwn In rhzhl Mu then In Hum llm Umrrnurl Hunlly Irchlnl Hm llm llnvcmrll ulnn wu tho lyul ed rum lhu mlnislry cl Hun KM IVlMHl Whiluill vuydun uhlch III In he rlqml Slr Jam Inhl IV m1 um main aim uyrvlfnr nm nr lwo Imilnllmu RM FIHHIH IIIU Thla very Inllva group usually quite good baromdcr or he broad male of aflalrs in narlcnllure And lhls year the Federation not opllmlxllc was at least loss MIC lhnn usual In lcrm Llnllnu allll was In per cull Hum 51 Ihu chrrmlon unlcdl nu Kcnerull Ipcnklnx ll nave tho Impress on In it cll lhu lndm lry was beginning In llnd wuy hack The Ideal or government wuuld be to have absolutely napalm to dq wilhnmllk But In an and you never really an as has found out The armor parflculnrly want some lovem mgnl prolapuon But once ma Job comm at all it hard In em vlnce Ihe public 11 isnt in lho whole way ll nnlud ha ych net rclum per mm In Onlnrln was lhn mm In whlch was by nlIIimn Illh Anycoheri at all means IS In the mlddle between the turm erg gndvlhe consuming public And so what does is little as possible and try In make this Iltlle look like nolhlngexccpl to the amtn FQRMING BETIER newtan plclurelncldonlmly Mimlllobe gelllng qu The be gauge chic Uncre ls from the nnnunl visll or he 0n lnrlo Federallon Agrirullurc TM mm the local curling club get confused too PM ably too many at thus free peanuts the pmlden put out once week But theres car by and Gordy Jansen and Nan sen Lang and long Cook and Cooke llewlck and Mwlck che and Vyse Clark and Clarke llowarth and Rowarth Of Nurse there an any num ber of Campbells But only two of youknowth Flnt polltlcnl note comes 1mm Alderman CharlaNew ton who retains as always line sense humor Alter all ll you dish it out you have to be able to take it loo he asserts The columnist is ad dressed as Dear on the Broom Ken which Is some thing llurry never called me nor lioward You embarrass me by suggesting that he pnr mated to skip tor the Budget Eonsplei To date my position is lead and my firstmk was well swept by your newspaper as it ended no shot The win her oi this political bonspiel will naturally wln the Hi Wor ships lmphy it will be inter esting to see ll this will be takeout or draw lame 1y shown that Donald Nansen was gm at Hills hut Albert Jansen the same at Maw fleldl lucn aim In re dc

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