Ill lvlk Erulnn Irrnllrvl Hut yrnrl nrllvillu In HM wllqlmu Hm dmrrh IMIL lmvlu Hprnm thnlnnnn 10 mm ï¬lnwunll lfllldl Inllflv ml lhn flnlnrlal Ital Manle um mqu Wm nn llm ï¬mvllrul In mm lwvv MM n1wl by lhl Kenlu Ullan Lnmpany Hullnn Mrnuo Unllml Thurrh ruuuvrnnuunnl nunmm wm th lml rrk wuh gum nllrml nnn nl hnlh rulullu nml child lrll llw UCW mm rnponnlrlo lur Ilnmml erucx numrrr Iml Hnnlry mien lhn nmvrrcln Hun he hvmh multh far 1er mm In wuvllllnz with lrllrlnm uwnl Dmlm lhn nzlna Im Ilmya lnnl We ilvr 111M nmnlu ymlnhrr mwmhm rllml In he Gm Ilmm uhnr lllry wrro rnlulnlnrll hy llw shuwlnz Iv levrrnl Inn 11101 In lllrlr lmmh Ml qu lnurnll uhlrh wrm Inlrr llkplny 17va ml llmv um rrnl hmhllnl mllslI In uvmm Mr llrnn Irml mm nr annm mul punMun Ymm zmlp nlnny In Mnna anlvl Mluwnl Yr president Robert Sarjeant said am conï¬dent that the Enrrlc Chamber of Commerce continued to advance In prestige and activity during 1962 This progress is due tn the dcdlcutlun and sacrlflce personal Ilme and eflort by nur committees committee chner mgn dirgclors and nnicers Ic saidth chamber was ton large group to meet regularly or Involve anyone actively In the various pmjccts and It 1herelorn functions by my of committee activities and pro Mr Sarjeant reviewed all cnm millnes and gave small re sum of each ones ncuvlfle thro 20 that we must not become complacent or sel ï¬sh in considering our nwn ln terests only Competition in ev ery ï¬eld has never been more keen If we are to show the leadership In this community that is expected of us we have to give mare our time and talents tn the Chamber Cam meme in 1963 said Mr Sar jennl In hls civic welcome Mayor Les Cooke greeted everyone to the Capital Winlcr Cam vnls In lh heart of Ontarios playland LES AND 15 The Mayor sald For the ï¬rm lime in camival history Ihcm will he two man lug sawing at the carnival My team mate II Les Jnlli 11m cillzcns cummiflcc monslble for uyinz lo prmlmle County Council during the his year In mntlnuc with hrmld mumywldn rccrmlinn vmxmm mld mluy lhmuxh llx spokw Inn Inn is qipplo lake Councll ycsmdny unnnlmnux 1y ncccplcd llm unlunnlion Inuisc Culley Hm0r the Siuwr CHIMy Golmuunily 14ml Ilccwnllnn Srrvlrr mul ho tu More than 300 persons nllendA ed he nnnnnl mccllng and din ner Ihc Darrin Chamber Commerce held last night at the Collier Street United Church Fellowship lln IL Earle Llllle manager at the Canadlan Imperial Bank of Commerce was elecled pres denl at 1953 In Mini Mlh hunmo Uounly lem Burton Avenue United Church Holds 89th Dinner Meeting the flank Chamber of Com merce Rnbm SaxJean con templates over year In pmsldcnl while 11 Enrln Wants COunty Review Its Recreation Issue EleCt Earle Little President Of Chamber ever before In history OUTGOING PRESIDENT The ï¬nancial sinicmeni Issued by Fraser treasurer of the Barrie Chnmber of Com merce received approval of lhe membership at the annual dinner and meeting last night Asseis al the Chamhcr inlai lnd $7570 as Dec 31 1562 Broken down this rcprcscnis currrni asscls oi $353186 Win Ier Carnival Commlilce nssrls al $112410 and fixed assets of 528 Included In the ï¬xed asset bracket are furniture and lx turos at $281284 Suntaclau parade equipment at $155119 and the Fort Willaw develup men at $657747 less the ac cumulntcd depreciation on these Current liabilities of he Cham hnr are 335113 plus chauel mnrtgage of $203740 and surplus llabilily $10112 lab Mn $1750 for 1962 Durin Um nllnrnumu mvhn Me lxrlnr held In Ihu mulllmlum he nlxllnn litlmnllnu Vlllu Imlll rnrly III Mnnh Mhrn mlircunlhm II Imklug hlrwmll ln llm drtlltnllnn mnn has more wood bgen cut by Les and Les We are look lng forward to challenging all comers nnd ll by fluke they should wln parllcnlnrly ll theyre lrnm Orlllln lheyll be lrcnled In an nllvexpense pald weekend In our Jail Breaklng all the humorous veln Mayor Cooke went on la say There are new horlzons yet In be reached and ma Chamber cl Cam me on has much In alter to help reach my gqnlsy It behooves us all to do am part There are possibilities we unrealued In the development or Barrie and they can be at simml Mu IInrmcn Ftsh Council further unreal In sum adverthin lmlinlcly or new director The mlnnntluns cnccllro In one nwnllL WANTS KNEW Whitï¬eld 01 Illmmk nmkumnn or he llirrns mmmlllw has clmlltnurd mun cll lo ycvlcw he huqu ml llmlnhIy MI Um pm umm Mull Mm Cumy mu llu lrcrtnllnn mmmillce nl Cmme mlucil lnlrmlwl or 11m war II mry hm Mr rlnlrllrutl In Um hrhlhn IId mnlluu Vlul llmnuzh Rllllnvlll dnnnllmu lmm lhl KHI th lum and Mr and Mn rub nrr In lmlnury Hurlr mu nlMK lmnh Mn Mr Ilu Ill Imlh ynunn nml In hmlm lrlhzlnm rrhlrnllnn Sunday Um mlrl wrrk xzmum did Inlll nl In llrl 1hr Unilrcl mull anrn um Ilrr mpnlvlr Irmrlthlp Mn lnzlrr Inn Nutw hII ym Thur mw rltlrn Miuhrll MIIII nml 5pm we NMNI In Um StuInn IL Dwnr hmn Ilrnnrhry INF ll Fwnnnle null Elw an rm nlrtlnl In 1qu llmml Nrwnnll MIlh llw mum hymn an Thank We All Our Gm lqu M111 mnmznuvmal mu lnmlghl In Innoulul wmlullun Lmlc manager of the Cun udinn Imperial Bank Cnm mtrcc receives hls oath of allicn as new president far 1963 mm Mayur Lu Cooke Uhnmhcr cl much In alter to help reach hese goals It behooves us all to do am part There are possibilities we mrealued In the development Barrie and they can be at Directors for 1961 are Conus Fendley Hunter Radish Madmen Mucurcn Mason Bruce Owen Ross Stephens Thomas and 1111wngm Chambgg Accepts Financial Report Th bï¬dmber ha no rev Sduml nml pIrw rml Ml For ninemnnlh period emi lng Sam 1962 the comm tee had no revenue of 51513 64 Grass revenue was 3988512 he expenses totalled $8 or cv we was smaL Thls nmnunt plus the sundry income at $10123 added the net revenue for 1h yarA Included In he report was ha ï¬nancial statement loe Win ter Cnrnlval committee spon sored Jolnuy by the Chamber of Commerce and lhc Junior Chnmbcr cl Cnmmercc Current assets orlhe com mlllce were $326229 and Ha bililles amounted l0 $326219 These figures were compiled tar Sept 20 ML Ho MIN kntrwluhzt council never rrnlly rrviwnl Mm WM withn nut In Mull ulmul lho mm mmum hul in Hun Jud rrlrrml to live LN mun uhcrr ll Mum huw mulh Hm wuvk Wu ml cnue of $151004 or 1962 Grass revenue was $1598033 and ex penses were $1556091 which 10 net operating revenue of 5419 before dcpxjeciatlnn 19m II muncll la hnrc nn vimr look at Hm pruurnnh ll ulll have In do so llxlny ho cnusu it In Um linul Alny Ike ngcndn The next muncil mm lnc will pmlmbly ha in June Slute llw mmmillw Is lnk lmz Imumsuhc nullook in me mqu we urge lhnl mmch do he Milnl nllll Mr Wlilhchl ll llnl lihvimls In wml ul mun hum oml ml Mull llw Innlgrl Kllrt WM rmlwr Hmn hm lha pnrzuml Wm ty IIIu In my mMNI Mr lkhl 1hr Mmme wuhlnl umlcr Ilflnll Mlxy Wmll wlu uuiyw lu yumHI Mlll Ilhlna nmllwr dilrdm lalned by camlï¬unllyléouppra tlve effort over the yam 20 Comm nominath slate oi Icers as presented by election chalrmnn Jack Balstone was apprnved unanimouslxi other of liners elccledr were its vice presldent Jansen second vicepresident Lloyd 3ng low and Fraser treasur II lur7 hull ll flurr lur Mm wan rrunulml an lwpn llw rry hrs In Hm mo mutiny lw Ihld Mr wnumm lmlltMnI llml he mmnmm wuld he ahln lulllwr MW TIIV PIXMlle WANT ADS lllUNli FA Hm Ila M4ch llml rxprlll In ll INHnlirm mm My Mu ml dumld nlmul mum an yet mummy mmly Ind yrnr Hm ms wan ll IIfll prr mun nntl um um he mm null IIIl min or nlml mu cumin Ilr laid llvrrl wauld he Im llllnl In Hm umunllrn nlllcll mu Imrwll llMll Imu mnrthlm mnmle la Mien llul have ml II In all lprlkul Iml III val Ilnnflul ION ruran pmmm wher was pmmml try mmmltln Emmy Councll Mr Lilllc was eluted at lhe Chambers annual maelan nml dinmr Al Cnlllcr Slrccl United Church Fellowship Hull lasl nluhl Exnmlncr Pholot Fulflut llll hr Ifllll HIM 11m tribute was the wardcns banquet held at the Guthrin Community Hall yesterday an emoon Master at ceremonies or the banquet was Fred Cook Dcpuly Reeve of limb uni lno banquet an lnlormal alfalr was hlghllghlcd by toasts lo Warden and Mrs DcConkcy plus the ladies who were nsscmblcd Them were 19 building per mit granted In Barth during January or vnrlnly or build lng proJccls but the lolnl worlh was just $71433 muklm da crcnsc In Value of mm mm January 1962 Members of Simme County buncii owner wardens and the sin 01 um county Joined ycslerday to pay tribute Io War dnn Albert DcConkey 01 Match cdash Tawmhip and Mrs Dc Donkey the first lady at the Counlx 11m tribute was the wardcns number of visiting maym rom Simcoe County warn ln induced by Mayor 14 Cooke hrcakdawn lndlcntcs mu Ihum were no new dwelling per mlls Issued during the month making dvcrnnso 327500 nince Iwo permits were Lasucd Jnnunry 1962 There ware nine other rcsIdcnllnl pormllx during he month for vnluc 3121 seven commerclul pormils auud $2177 1m lnduslrlnl pcrmils hm non assrssHHc permit or vnluq cl 331565 11m your 196 Is slnrllng 0H slowly did 1962 hul mm In qulrlcs lu Into appear lhcro wlll he Iurlher ndvunccs ma construcllan sonwn open up HIM Fm SmlllL chnlrmnn public works nr lhu clty wnrks dmlrmnn Ken Knox lu Ixhd lyylnw at council Ind nighl pmvldo M000 1m MI mnlvd road upcmn lnr 1W Thix hylnw pume hy wunril ImM he nppmml Iny llm link Hrpurlmcnl nl llighwnyn his 111000 Innlnlunnucn HUIIIMN lnllll JIM wllh 321 mhlo ur qum lhzl vill ngo bridzm lo nmlnlnivL Malntrnnurr pfmhlnns In rludn llu lollnwlunz snow mnwl 400 landing um null um mphnu mmnml Mun mo mwrl usur lucini 01000 gravrl erlIlmb 000 Mime uravrl or clmlcr hugging um rnlrh lmlnh rlmmlm mu mmln rm am Wed nflllnm WI Wants $8000 To Keep Roads ABOUT I50 PEOPLE 1n bluding members or Simme County Council chwanien and members of the county Building Permits Worth $71489 Teast To Warden At His Banquet The cnmmcrclnl pcrmlla were LMVALE sum TOP QUALITY Cull Don Koopmans PA M314 HEATING OILS luhl Ic of Barrie They Included apart from Mayor Cooke Mayor Jnck McDonald of Orillla Alec Mc Donald al Collingwood and Jer ome Glgnac of Pcnflang In addlllon all he cxwnrdcm of the munly were also intro duccd Including Charlie Eplm of Goldwater who led the gall ering nearly 150 persons in slngsong lollowlng me ban qucL Mr Eplcu was warden ol Ihe county in 1913 Some ï¬le head table guests eluded the son and daughter IMaw and sonJIan ol Mr and Mm DeConkey Judge Mar jorie Hamilton and Judge Carter of Orillla Issued to Jack Taylor Motors Dangerfield Mora he Queen 0ch le Adams Furniture Kempvinw Dow Ynung and Joseph Longlin Residential permits far add lions rcpairs nnd nllcrminns were Issued lo Mchnn 196 Bradford SIN Stephenson 23 Dallnn SL Toknrck It Peel SL Mr and Mrs Slnvcns 51 Clnppcrlnn 51 Mrs Smllh 68 Sophia SL 15 of mnn n7 Henry SL Hunncl Mind SL and Mr and Mrs Clark 101 St Vincent St and Mr and Mrs Lloyd 5ch In short address Judge Hnmlllon said Sinwoe County is the banner counly In the pro Vince Ontario Miscellaneous and nonassess able pcnnilx wcm mm In Hurlon Avrnuc Unllcd Church lho €in 01 Battle Ilnrlmr Cam mIllcu and Taylor 177 Drud lord St stafl gave Warden Albert DWey and Mrs DeCom key rousing cheer during the wnnien banquet The least to the warden was de LES AND LES TO DO MORE llnrrla Adlmnnn Lu Jo IiHo and Mnynr Lu Cooke luno Ixsurd II formal chnl lrnxa tn nny nlher elected lmm In Simeon Caunly lo tome forward or lo unw lnx compdluan durlnl 1an rlcl Winter Cnrnlvnl Fcb 15 and 17 11m hnznl Imnl mmlc hy lha lwu mm In Never wlll an murh cm by lnll and null Thu dunllrnno mulch lnr rlcchd olllrlnlx wll he hrhl on he Irv Krlllfltnml try sulurdny nllcrnmn Feb The was to the waxdcn was 34 BAYHELD IT Hundvodl Of Panama To Choose From Many Slylas Colourl Barrie Ten Awning REPAIRING RESTYLINO REFINISHINO UPHflLSTEfllNG FREEATHOME ESTIMATES In reply Warden DcConkey challenged his audlence to strive today so that it will to flee In he acmmplishmem 1n the yaufll of lomormw We mm underfland ho said am the dxnilengea oi yoslerdnije now the accorn 171mach of today John Aibm Priesl 65 Minu sing farmer was lined $20 and 31110 cosh alter Magis lraie Faster found him guilty oi ailing to yield Ihu rigid way when enicrinz in road irom 11 private driveway The incident which mulled in the charge occurrnd on Jun shnrliy after pm when Mr Priest according in police back ed his car out oi ho driveway min the 9m Concession ni Vts pm Township and was struck by an oncoming car Thu lnvuflgnllnx OPP 0mm Pnppln lcsmlnd that ha vlslbtlily was pmly cltnr when he was lhm but about In min utes prlor In but me was Iglan mow nnd Dr Morrison Maple IM Mills TomMa WIII be gutst make All lhe Icvcnlh nmmnl Mlnlslcru ngm bun qud of the Chnsflnn flushes Monl Commle Harrie In Burton Avenue Unilcd UNIT mxl nxmlny pm made by We Miller Barrie who was wa en In 1946 Mr Miller described Warden Decankcy as mu made man who had real desire to always bellcr the commun lty and county The toast was followed with the singing of For lles Jolly Good Fclv low and me cheer for the warden He said um he was lnumsv ed with the high calibre of mm and women whom he dealt with In Simeon County 0011M lle In dirvdor nl nulrillan and march or Murder Freda Born in Provost ANAL ha rndunlul lmm OAC In low Ho mrlml Mnshr oi Sclmm drum mm lhc Unlwrnlly Illlnals In um and Dodor Philosophy drgrm mm Im lama Inmtmlon In 1955 Failed To Yield Man Is Fined llll major Mnhl ol Mmly wnl Anllnlfl Nutrition CBMC Holds Ministers Night The Mlnmmnl Anmlnllon flank and dislrlfl wlll ho pm nl CMIC lhln mow Uvered by Em Miller who was warden of the county in 1946 and Melon friend of Walden DeConkey of Matche dash mum PA 437 The commission was in meet representatives oi the lnteresled firm and Neviiie Keefe Genrg ian Bay Development Associa tion general manager this morning to begin tour at the VI All lhal Mr Lynn could learn about the mystery Ilrm hot textile company which would employ about 30 women wherever lt declch lo locale Employee would be dnlmz sewlngvmachlne type of work Mr Lynn said We have an Inquiry about Icasinz he uld hunk hyjlding Councll was eager to nllruc Iho lnduslry hare Them are plant or women nearby who would like do lhls klnd of work one councillor commonl ed Qullc low slnglc women ram Elmvnlo have go else where Io llnd Jobs we could get um firm to 54m huslnus hora mom aur rcsldcnls could ï¬nd wot at home ELMVALE 15111 Council Inst nlzhl mpcalcd bylaw whirh created lsmph buffer zone on Yonsn Shed Norm Tho nmn lnmled extends 850 act from mrihcrn llmlts of the village 116qu 011 lmmc suncy n1 mldcnls in the MN Involved brguxhg on thy mponl Rcsichs along ml smkh highwny mod seven to one or wmlla per hour lImIl dark llnmld Nash old mundl In his mrvcy report SWIMMING YMYWCA nixweek swim minu course Mir bell Fvb 23 Swimmlnx will be Orlllin pool wilh bus luuvlnx llnrrle 26 Owrn St nu ma pm nnd muman nl nppmximnlely 230 pm ELMVALE SlamThe vi Inge rlal commlssion headed by Councillor Lynn ls going all out today to per suade new luduslry to locate In Elmvnle Mr Lynn and com misslan member Norman Cram and Patnhell mapped thelr strategy when cauncll met last night Mule 15 knawn here about the firm which advertised last No vembcr In papers throughout Slmcoe Caunly and the dishch of Muskoka MYSTERY FIRM CllARLES EPLETI Cold wMer who was Warden of Slmcoe Ownty In 1971 leach about 150 people In sing song during the wanicns ban Elmvale Repeals Speed Bylaw Elmvale Industrial CommiSsion Out To Get Mystery Industry Flnnï¬ce cflï¬lEllL1n Dr Palch Rog 5950 YEAR mmmum MATTRESS or BOX SPRING HALF PRICE This Week In Barrio At SMITH and RUTTER by THERAPEDIC Genuine EMPRESS Here are the FACTS of the MATTRESS Newspaper mplcx the to port nn lhc pollen inquiry com plclcd last November were d15 ulhulcd lo councillurn for re vlew Nollng he lnqulryn xux gcslinn that Pollcc Chic Hur nm Elm he rclicvul his cxlrn villnue chore uncnnnecl cd with police work council look the ï¬rst slpp dluqllnn pmst motion clicvlng he pollce chm 1mm rcadlnx hydro and water mclvrs and nulhorizing lhe police mm on In dHIW up new set hon or Mm Anoum man hired par llmc read he luckrs He presented rough esti maw budget costs In coun cil menlluning that series of cummiuce meetings lies ahead in lhrcsh out flnnl dnlails be are he mmpleked budget 13 tabled fur approval School baud ostlmales an no in yet he added Dale far the prnleEd joint meeting was lull upon Council Iavored Wednesday evening In March the earliest one npun to all parties Merchant would have beller chance to come II we can line up for Wednesday north is heir half day fun Clerk Harald Nash cnmmcnlcd chvn McAuIcy snld he under stood Flna Township was In cluded with Tiny Township v3th Ilhe lease was aligned that time Hmvnlo was ham lcl included in me munlcipallly Has Township RELIEVE rnassuna 11 Is non lnwnrdl ha cvcnlunl proulh of nuhllc ulll lly In Hm village on Mc AuIcy mld £1an In Impltmrnllnl Um mike upon llr Pmth mill The nlhcr prorlslons will he drnlt Mlh we mm to mom all had good new lnr councll In hls predictions or tho 1961 tax rule As lar as can see ll mill rule will be the same or 1962 49 or rcsldcnllal and 51 for cammcrclnl he said OPPOSE CNfl Council opposition lo he Ca nadinn Nalional Railways In lcnlion la nbnndan um Pcnclnng run led to agreement to Join with Flo Township In public melting nunndnd by CNR ol flclnlL Thcms legal quesllon in volved in this CNR mnvo Rccxe Max McAulny said think lhc CNR would he break ing provision of Mycar Icasu 51111 larce shut the no down now Guthrie Commumty Hall or Warden Albert DeConkey and Mr Deconkcyn Examiner Photos 75 EACH Au Aynmp nuns mu