rm mm may Dnhnlln um Mh 1va III an Inn nilM 1mm IquIn km Mu llrmllnn In In luwn £9 In Ill rpmIII themml nivro Illa In Im rm ContIImu an lumvlonu mm In Mum anlell down 11 mm up ll lmlmu up Inlnnvu out In rm Nun lumm hu um down In at om AlbIn AMIIM Imam Mu Mlmlnlum gunm un In va nm on One comment In Whitehall was Absulumly breathtaking nchiaI studied accounts whnl du Guullc ls supposed la have said In French dcpullcs an lIlyscc Palace rcccpllun Tuesday night 0m nlnlcmrnl nllrihulnl lo de Gnullc Txulcd lrimc Mlnlg tr Macmllnn hnvin suld In lnlks with dc mxllc nl Ilnm hauillcl that Britain mu Frnnm Would lry tn nssutlme Ulrir nutlrur lnrcu 11 Burn pmn Framework lmlqwmlcnl Amcrim The nrds Indcpcmlrnl Amuit mum hunkd In tmlulily In MINI cirdrl mlnl tlmrs nllhnuuh rrhmlnnl In er up unhrr Anflwlnnrll Inimmily sulvl Hm phrase was Inn lllul Macmillan lhl nllmrrr Inlmlrprmlrnrc cnulvl na canrclvnhly uwl AI Imml llwru wnx uwm mull II he Frch pvmhllnll unusual mrlhmh cl mmmunl tntlnl hll oplnlmu In lhc world The India had their night last night the Chamher Com mercc aunual dinner and mml 1ng at the Collier Street United Church Fellowshlp Hail Guesi speaker or he even ing Adams president of die Ontario Chamber at Com merce asked thulndic to vote on one of two subject he had chosen =1 was casmi hearing about the stockinking limo and rc viewing Ontario position in Can ada or about medical care and iold age sepia welfare legislat on The budget or Simcue County for 1563 amounts to $196035 Ihis nmnunl $1509630 will have to he collected from the people urASixAncoc County An ilcmlzed revenue sheet In dicalcs that the general levy ls 67 mills and will misc 3981992 99 in revenue lurlhcr 8521 638 will be raised with 16 mill levy for raads This ls an overall one mill cut lrom 196L other revenue Item for the county are road sumlus mnunling Io $11041 counly mad subsidy of 3565000 development rand grants $600000 and over all rcvcnua la the cuunly mounllng to $274600 Admlnislmnon 01 Justin xnzlul59 charity and welfare $423500 The lolal for general adminislrnlion during he ycar wlll he 3329mm Total expend iture or haspilal construction in mm will he 8114355 This LONDON CmBrflalna slifl uppcr lip lrcmhlcd in indigna linn lnday ovcr Presidcnl do Gnullca lnlesl rcpunnd rc marks The mm was unanimously chosen by the ladies MEDICAL CARE Since 1945 the increasing public awareness of more com an for our ciï¬zcns has led us to I00 mnny illadvised measurés to alleviate the problems of hu man want hesnjg Mr Adams saxd that there was lot of waste money going to those who did not need It and pan nl that waste could have gone tn areas where the real need exislcd and still exists Foliuw abudzcl break down or cxpcndilurcs cxpcclcd during Ihc year Stathg that Canada was in danger of costly soclnl wellnru plan that unlversatized stale medicine care he said This on universal hnsis will place in alerahle burden on nur hungry ecnnumy and might well In crease lhe areas or end instead or dccreasi He stated lhéposillon mu Ontario Chamber 01 Commerce de Gaulles Allegegi Remarks Make Britains Lip Tremble Feels Money GoingIo WrbnngartY County Budget Is $3060363 TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compler Ivy Flynn I1 Dunlap Al Eu llmla nu um um mu Dmlm pm mm Rum Tu am 1N um um um until mm Imu III Am Inlmlfl N4 In Nhlul nlvr IIIIIHII 1mm rm INDY Chlh Lam LI runr man hva mu lMdbly gel on mmmmm Mln MINING nm cuxmmmlmm Inld lhu pnm Mm haml on rlvnlo touvernullnns hrltl wmmul he mum at nny rcpmcnlnllvn lho prul lhrough lhn medium Mc nndhand rcporls rum Ircnrh members of nrllamcnl with ml the mssihilil misqnolution and misinlurprclnuun Few Inlormcd Nunle In Am dnn bullcvn Hull Mnnnillnn cnn prmlnde he hm hm In make any nadiculnr Itnlcmcm nr 11ml hlncmillnqhns my wish In mnkn cumpnrlsnnrlrbélwccn dc nulla nnd Illllu mms NtulumPrnaldcnl de linullc In tommuniquc ls wrd Wrdnmlny wnrmd the public Iml la hollow nll Hwy mu nhoul hlm ll Frcnch pm parlluulmly cunlmrn slnl uuulnllunml Licenses and Permits 05000 Special llomc Care 105000 Wacd Inspectors 100000 Soil Consorvalion 500 County Assessor 150000 Indians Gram 50000 Registry Oillcc 5000000 Secllon 53 less Sncllon 207 500000 Wall Boun ly and Misccllancous 50000 CAS Main 250000 City Barrlc 5000000 Sundry Revenue including llos pilal recovery 650000 Ilclnrcslnlinn Prior Years 7250001 Reforestation 1000000 Hmnruoncy Measures Organiza Ilrm 3310740 Rehnln re Prov incial Sale Tux 250000 Pro balinn Ollice Rentals 101500 Dcparlmcnl nl Rclorm inslilu lions Gran rc Jail 1110600 Rescrvc re llospilal Construc lion 3450243 chlnls 12250 One mmplc quulnflon from lhc Elmo Pnlncc was that Macmlllan had Induced ho Driush pres to compare dc Gaullu with Hitler He Mncmillum knows me well enough la knnw than no lmlh ln llml Purl reports quolnd do Gnullc hnve em mm cnmnnrcd to Nupolenn in this Icglslallve prapsal in that lhe Chamber believes In we halnnccdmlnl welfare plan It also believe inJhe responsibil ity society to help those who are unable to help themseves and not how lhnsv who can help hemsclvosf REVENUE RIGHTTO CHUDSE Mr Adams also said Ia Chamber ï¬rmly believes the in dividual shouldhave the right to choose for himself Whe kind of plan he wank and not have it forced on him ver 109 Insurance campan Ics agencies and organization who provide medical insurance have agreed lo share medical Insurance or he elderly and un insurable people said Mr Ad ams He noted the Onlario Medlcal Association supported such plan cw days ago and the Ontarin Chamber of Commerce urgnd them in do this The Ontario Chamber of Com mom had presented submiy slun lo the Ontarin Government on old age security The Govern men set up lhrcc commmucs In further Investigate the propos The su mission cbnsisu of pcnsion in proportion In calmL butiuns and this would involva Includes hasnilals at Allislnn Barrie Collingwnnd Midland Newmarkel and Onllia There are mnny ways of car Ing without adding waste The proposal Involved locklng employers and employees can tribuuons he sald In lnsure heir own Insurancel Total 5211590 III 1m In In im um mm 1y imi 5m II In mlvam Tm NatMill Nulnn IYIWIIII llnmhnl Ila Allan lhV UMth up lml jnllld II M134 Lm wmny mun ins He expressed mnfldcnm In he outcome of hlJ awn clnclion mnmalgn pointing out that the economy the riding hm hem high kwl or mm mm He wld he did nm In comm put Wk uboul he pomlblc putwmn duo elccllan 1n v1hcr rldlnzx fly HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON Cl The Unilrd Slnlu hfll wnrned ll mny ml or Human In Hull wwcmhnrlnx with Cunmln II Canndn dclnyl loo long In lilylu Iha 2w0m°kllnwnll Co Iumbil lllvor powu mm lulrvlor Secrelnry Mull Inhl Wudnudn he mny he womb llul he IUII 0p llmhllc lhnl lull Ilm 31mm dlnn unrrnl rlmiun my mm gnwrnmml wlth which um 17 can wlml lrenly nano Hullnn Iml flnr mullImllllnn dullnr tonnlncllnn ml mm duml Ind urnenlnrn Asked about campaign Issues in Nnflh Simooe Mr Smilh Bald Ihcrc Ix bound be dis cusslon about Canadas nuclear policy mun mm the 00mm wnH mum lZdrly pmlcd In Idaho whlrh hn ben Imvrnvrd Mr rnnlvuvmlnl mm lunu Knowlu Dum prowl In Mnulmu which hu not yet Mm nppmm Hu klnd Ivl Iuweh Ivrlovfly mm prndurm ho had mind mum nowmmlvcd Canadian larllamrm la InIIly Ier tnlumbln IIIMy Illfled lwm more Ill Hm an is rinmnnl new my lllal to Ul mm clan Udall uld Following alcaucus of his party yesterday llchcr Smilh Comervalive member or North Simone said he expects lo be Lhe candida again and um nominating convention will be held here possibly around March or The Conservative were to meet again In caucus lhis mor ning In plnn thclr campaign smflcgy Mr Smiu said ML Smith plans lo fly home to Dane this nflcrnoon Olhcr than that It wlll he lam1y on the economy the mu ltntl Amcrlumism will have no place ln thn North Slmcou lssucs Mr Smith said llul he laid mu ronlrr rMn III nulhlnl tlevrlopl wllhln nul le mvmllu or nu pm 155 mmmnenl wlll hm In 11m mnlrr llrnllnn Io Inwrr nvlnrlly mwrr more In mm Amulrnn mnnny lnwnl Inlo lhm prnjucln 1hr Imwuh lure In maul Cnlnmhlu my In reduch the UK and lrmu lhe 14 Ml Mml Cum annInrlmllu 6050 mum ul dawmlmm hemIll may ham lo dimmed no cost to the slate pensions in be luliy founded with the capital invested wouid be in pri vaie hands inr availability in creuling new capital and regu lar guvcrnrp llnspcqlinn In closing he remarked counry must assess the cost and effect on the economy pm vlding security but it must also assess he died on the moral ï¬bre of the people This method he said wauld provide higher pensions per do Iar cost mmcllmes gs much as 50 per can hlghnr FAST RESULT WITH AN AD Gives Canada Stiff Warning Smith Expects To Run Again For his msulls selling household articles you no longer require use Exam iner Want Ads Mrs at Barrie used Want Ad and the first dpy sold set or snuw tires to the ï¬rst caller Results like lhis make Want Ads mighty popular You may place your ad by phoning PA 844 You too will ï¬nd Want Ads work last and are coommical ADAMS tTHE MARINE FYAMINEYI THURSDAY Film 196 double dog catcher and sanL tary Inspector In 1363 ln spite of mint police hunky enmmendation that he be freed from extra dunes tn devote all htlme to police 10145 Constabln lZvnns nrdcrtd lhu molhcr Mn Marin Lee and her daughter Puulzuc down he slnlru and he had amp Ilm young box Grrry In hl nrms nnd curry hlm am The nmnln vlcr lhc Irnnnll were mu unlcd by he llmb he luv de pqumcnl nrriynl Whrn the ï¬remen ml mere xlmrlly nllrr ll oclock nmnku wnx hrflinnlnfl lo pour rm lhn mnnd window mlJmnl lo Ihu llnl Thm lirrmen who wen up lho were lumcd buck by axle Imakc nnd one 11 ha mm Inn to be helped out Woman 5cm nlrpntkl the men qukkly lomlcd um room when lho ho had mm In mod mm 1110 wall were peeling pnlnl wnx hllnlcrcd In nnolhnr mun about 20 mt nwny nnd llw llmr hull cnunhl llrt The bylaw was passed lust nlghl naming Chic Eiwell or he two posts Council didni wmmcnl an Ihe appolntment at the lime the bylaw was mad threa times Later in the med inc when the chic was relieved his mover reading chores ï¬nance chairman said this is sum in implementing lhe police report Other provisions canrba dealt wiih hey mme Lust Inhl wound up an Em wnrm covering Blankcts were ergcncv Measures Organizaliun suppllcdlor this vaflll WEUDIE our reception area was pslnh The entirely new type at murse originated by Simcoc Barrie EMO Conrdinamr Thy Alkinsnn used dillercnl mrbh or Instrucliun and wal the ï¬rst lull tours givcn Thecuurse revolved around simulated emergency In which about 500 people would hwc loll Ihcir homes in another area They were supposedly on the highway and were diverted from nghway 2710 Barrle as tha quota for thls city Eden the ï¬remen arrived Polite Constable Ruben Evans was up the slain and laund mnlhcr and hcr lwa thlldrln standing In Ihc hnllwny appar cnlly shnckcd nml not knowlnu whal lo do Tho Hro wu nulrkly ml nul And pumper lmck wu dlmul ï¬lm In lhu hnrk HI mhl In In mo he llro hid Ipmd rllcuhrlc Nn Ida dnmnn ullmnlu wrre nvnllnlvlr hnl unnlllrlnl mum ullmala II In In the nlahlmrhfmd 000 mum Flrn Clulrl llnllv Inln will um mum W1 hm wry Indy In Iuln will to In lhe In MI did Jud low mlmllu mm llm llve Inuld hm unllrn ml Imhl and much more dummy would hnvu lulled Extra Duties For Police Chief nle repoflkus submitted councII last November by GP stall Inspector Tama who conducted the Onlnrlo Pol ice Cpmmission inquiry mquest ed by me vilage It was necrssary In establish wellare ccnlre In building where no preparation had been made It was supposed lhcy had Ml early in the mnrning and wim nul nrcvlous mcpnmllon Sumo would be In new of lmmcgï¬mq An uvcrhcnlcd space humor lalc Ins nlghl ulmosl mulled In the worsl dawnlnwn ï¬re In Darrin In an lime at 81 Duqlop St Fluman were called hy Mn Snrzrnl Mm noUccd imuko pouring out of the mnl window ovpr II Oalcs slnre POLICE REsCUB VIZIW LUCKY hr Mon lnr lh In In Inmxl umlrr he our and lhl ll my show he Indlulal The lxllnlnlnl mlnl an in In the oflvrr mm In my rlme In Im Hm polm MM Ill unldrnl Inn my lu MKM mm nl IIImu perans amend In It IM Ihnuxh mm Iho only wit me Imllcnllnn hue um any IN meulfll Tmllk ll one polnl bud In In mm mm llulcnslur In Dun nlmtm Thl II Inc ll mm In mm mm nmh Concerning extra duties he report sald It would seem that the necessary rcspcct or policeman can hardly be en gendered by having him in unl lorm for period and then change to civilian cloihea Io read hydrq and waler meters and going 1mm door to door lssningdng llcencesl Mrs Mary any was Inslmcl or in Ihn pilot project Anlnlul ultd limit In drumml walrr In lho uurvrmm of 0am slum wmus sum Police Barrie Escapes Worst Blaze Simulated Emergency Is New EMO Course reception area was estab lishmi where people were direct ed to the services For example pimple In need at first aid Would be dircclcd la the first aid Ms In he building Preparation was made to sm male distraught pl who were likcly In panic room was establisth 01 his purpose REGISTRATION Pcoplr mm mine who have become separated want ta know as quickly as possible where lhe olher members of ma Iagnlly are small amount of clolhing or people bolh scxns and all ago was on hand And in rule uorics so mat it minhl be men In nuynne who asked for IL Mrs Florence Steele who help ed with he projectsnid is 1y purchased by the cily was put to use Enrller lhnl allcr noun lhu pumpcr was shown lo Mayor Le Cooke and Alder man Williams vicechair man the ire and tunic com mlllco The muse has not yet lzccn determined but Chlcl Irwin In dlcmcd mm In nll probnhimy It was the mace healcr Henry Cribhs the bachelor lcnnnl who llvcd In he flrsl story mm mm was oul the lmc Therelufc rezislrnllun and en quiry service is cslahlishcd This is Lhe nciv pumper the city récently purchased for $17711 It was taken out on inspection by civic ofï¬cials yesterday allernoon The new unit complementing the In dcpanmcnls llect of lwo In Mr Mmu Inlmlcn IIIIM PART OF DAMAGED WALLPAPER STOCK HIGH CALIBRE SALESMEN in fpï¬vlï¬lli lnrrmrlvnnrimtrnrl llur In an numnnvllnx nppnllum lly or Um vlghl mrn apple Inle lmxu emnlnnn We put flu in lmva Innm Irlllnl llwr mo 3nd 1an nlucallun II luv mmlnn we olrrr yuu lmlnlnl pmuram mm plvle rumpnn lwnrmn Am nu plied lmlV lum nll we uller All PA 61552 OFFICIALS SEE NEW PUMPEB essential that he rzivcn to anyone who asks without any maï¬ï¬nnssf It wouh be necessary far the Chic of Lodging to have know ledge an the large building available such halls and churches The men chosen or lhe exercise was bounded by Baylicld Street St Vincent lflghwny 400 and the Lake Nu accommodation was avail able or mixing men and wom on Ihey were divided Into cal cgories women wnh children wnmm without children elder men elderly women and IE Alklnson sald The speed with which this Is handled has proved to he lhc crux of whether people will rchubililnle qulck ly or non FEEDING iup priority In food goes Infant Inkmls formula and light slimukml such as hot lea SEPARATION Tvm people an In llospilnl under obsvrvnlion Inllnwing uwcnr collislon on Dicppc Road In Camp Burden at 610 pm ycskrdny Bulh Cars were rocked and damage cslim am at $2500 Mrs Shlrlvy Gimux Camp Bordon Is In Royal Vlclorla Hns pilnl or nhscrvnllon and PM Laurcn lnnc occupant nl lhc nlhcr car is In the army hnsnilnl Mrs Glrnux dauuhlnr Shah nn who was In UH car with her mplhcr was npnnrcnuy uninjur Cnns Willinm MrDcrmol of he IMP Invcsllgnlinu Two Hospitalized By Car Crash pumpers has an lmgnllom pervminutc normal capacity and can pump up to 1000 gallons per minute in case emergencyp Fire Chief Irwin said our fire pmmclion rat ing is now the highest in Can Lake nln rlo Hallhunun Gwrnlan nay Alflomn regions North Bay Sudhury Saul Slu Mnric Mainly tlcar and con Inuinu cam lonlghl and Friday Vlnds narlhuly 15 lo 25 Inc coming light tonight and IIIA day Lav might hlxh Friday Windsnr 25 SK ThomHL 20 London 20 Kitchener 10 Vinxhnm 15 Hnmllmn lo 15 SL thnrlncm 10 75 Tomnlo ll 25 lcluhumuxh Tlvnlun KHLIlnc Muskokn Nnrlh 353 or com was mi hand or adults Fravislan was made to prepare hog suup moth was set aside for molhcrs having inlanls when they might be cared lor LIMSON The liaison nIlicc cDardinnlcs communications hcaflh lhrough first aid auxiliary police Ward cns servlcc rudiolngicalman iloring service and decontam lnalkm area there L1 danger allauL Mr Atkinson made mé 1n spcclion after lhe exercise and said he wns sallslled with the results lhis is the type raining um will be carried am an emergency arises he said It has been proved that lhis mclhnd ol lustmcllan produce the type of trained persnnnel or volumech whn could he used who couldbe used under Ihe under he must advers condi he snld Synapsls Irmh urge at arctic air has spread Into ex Irome Nnrlhcrn Onlnrln drop ping lempcralurcs In below 10m Seachch snowllurric will occur In central Ontario today with In arrival of his nrclic alr Caminucd cold wcalhcr cxpcpkd over 9mm rldny Eda for cluesaur unit was ried In actlan or the first um last night when the department was called to fight ï¬re at 53 Dunlop St East Chief Irwin said She functioned hcautflully Bx amlner Photo WEATHER Wood Guudy Company India IDEAL KTIEFENTATIVII LIAN N73 176 Illnpnn Sum lion lhurh r414 may mo MannyFargan LImllcd KI one llm warldu lnrgcnt mnnulnclurcru nl agricul urnl mnchinrry with sach in I962 nvcr $596 million Tlu Company In hccn In cnnlinuou opcmlion or 115 yoan nud nmkm in product In 161 cannula The February lune our Revitw de scribes the Cornpnnynnll Iln currun opera limu Cornparnlivu luliaUcn ilhmralc ha grnwlh of Um Company over rtccnl ytarn Thu Sccnrifltn Llnlmnlninln rilvenilrcd erclion of Government and Corporation howls town with Itlrclrd list of prclrrml and common alum or turrcm ilnfulultnl Awy um Ivmvunry Rmth Strmmn Lil will IIImuman upan Mnsnoylerï¬uson Hived In Innisï¬l For 92 Years wetlkmwn and respected 9743er Innlslil NWnship resident Miss Mary Alice Cowan daughter of the late Mn and Mrs wflliam Cowan died at the Ark Eden Nurslng Home in Stroud on Jan One 01 two children she vredeccastd by her bmthor John who died 1n 1950 and her ixghew Bruce who died in Funeral servlce was smug ed by the Pclhick Funeral Home and was held at the home of her nephew John Cow an on Monday Jan with Rev Ed emulating Pallbaarerx were three ncllzh burs Oscar Bowman Dwight Nelson and Fraser Sutherland and three grandnephews Ron alclv Gordon and Andrew Cw She was born on Jan 19 1371 and spank hcr entire iiie in innisiii Miss Cowan was aciive in church service work and was lifelong member of Simuli Presbyterian musch in her younger days the was equaiiy active as Sunday School teacher Floral tribulcs were melvcd from the Slmud Presbyterian burgh 131i Tqvmship poun ul Innlslilstrwnship mad cm ployces the township ofï¬ce sun and relatives neighbor and friends Barrie Jnycaex downed lha 10 cal Kinsmen Club has nlght at the Bérrle Arena to lake lheir third straight exhibiliun hockey am the current rea 50 hem Cowan Preparing or lhe Jaycce 0n larin ï¬nals In Chalham on March 15 and 17 the IIin flying local club had prevlously dcleated tha Newmarkct Jaycee 1M Next Wednfsdny lhey Journey Ia Camp Borden In take on lhe nCAF team at Dm Hall and the allowing we play Con para learn ram the RC5 n11 The following list sun ctsslnl candldalcs in cxnmina ion held recanly by the flnyal Conservatory 01 Music Ta min in Barrie The names are arraigned In order merit GRADE THEORY First class honor David Young Lana McMnhon Donna Hayward cqual Ruth Wilson Dale Eplcll Glllcspi cquah Margum Newton Mary Smith mull Kalh urine McCullum Emml wxdd field lequah Donna chklinx Jnnrl MacDonald equal Ca therine Whitfield Belly Win dau Pmr Calbom GRADE III THEORY Harmony honors Knlhlccn Shillon history puss Joanna WhiUIcId DMII Cyril Meyer Gayle nauldry Pass Anne Bowu GRADE THEORY First class hamu Valerlo 1119mm andl Gillespll mam Doldge Ruth Moor Honors Doreen Jnmlawn Belly Pratt Margnrcl Gflleaplc Lynne Ferguson Iaycees Shine As Hockeyists Barrie Musicians Pass Examinations From Conservatory She Is survivéd by three phwgs Donald Frank and Pass PMrIcil Dytr Li led