Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Feb 1963, p. 13

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wgbw lfllvld IVA ull eumplny mi 1mm Ian pollmu In wt Amy Nmnnu KmvlnvmM mm mm ImM IA um TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IA lufl Elwrirnml Ilnml My man at local mman lrlor porkN mowmy Full rnnn lnmlill punk plan Auvly mum TAX nIuml mpr AW ml mnununl lhlvlnn Am whim Warm nunm Mcphlm PA um mnlma qu urvln Apply mm mm lA um um mun mny rumillmud In num Arnvlnl 71 um um dulnlnl pm nupmm 5mm IlmNo norm now am bluum nu lho Mmrv nv mL numb Tolwhvnn my nnunonm Hn mu IKUABLI Clfll XI Ionh PH No dawn plymenl Cm be Inmid m1 rum 1m mu mm was ma mumm ms Mlleur mx mm 5ku Sumnnl mumy Imllh Thornton Telrphon mm in mNnAc xrlpplnl um nu ma nr wmh unlL rmpham um tor Iny runner lnlorml om Inr ma Nnfllc cumin Plymomn 5mm Summil many 11 um mu mum Thurman Trlwhun nnn or hm nIm or you mm mm l0 HELP WANTED uuo mum Tulzpnonc 1711 um III Irunlmle Lurk m1 Ira lnmmlllnn yuMu en um tonfllllnn mu new My mm mm mu your bud An npponunfly rm Io run up Tllevham IA tune mrr pm um ul lar anl wnumo 1w Toni 33 mo gm n4 an PAIRLANI lhxdlop Drumn brown Illh mllcmnl lnleflm luwmlllc tnnrmlulon whom db flux in Whlluliull Ilru dawn me PERSONALS on In néen uxmmhcmn lnleflnr um down plymznl 7503 menu hupnun 1m nlncun Seam um nwmr nun run And um mum Imenor umlnc um mlnlon up In whlu mu In in down am mm an per month an pm IA mu 15 FORD lwn door wuon Iwn om blnl nn mec muchlnz Intzflnr deep um um cunom mm ram condltlon us down fins pu mama Tulwhona PA nu ml VALIANT um do Em own DEVILHISS IAN IIl HMHHE ONT cmm my low mllnle Me new Mun be an up redled Tn on menu of 1254 pu neck Phnnl Aubrey Glnrd PA NHL In vaLu wheel arm leep Ilun 9n lndcr ng iew mm cvunalunn 11191 twEanporymp 759 ml roan WMthv v4 exceuenl common In my lor winter dflvlllt Term an In Arrmed mm he mm um weekl Tmphem PA Mm may pm CHRYSLER VI tusmmlnd my nod condlllun min 2an uml kn buck tlun humor Prlc 3150 or but all Tele ynone sumld mm mu Mmon or laur door alx cynnder xundud lunsmll Alum Xenon lnr HIM owner now hu enmnlny Ttlephom PA Mm And In nr Don fiFy low pficeufi Ihe luCkY huyer Apply nushey 5m Alum 1951 cfllvnoial tor ule 0m owner Dow mun Snuw um amlmt oodlunm Telephone PA Mllsx ucmncs 1959 SI debun Lark cylinder wILh omdrlve lnur 4001 low mume no dawn mm on low nwmhly plymenu Telcpnom PA sum ove1ynumol 32935333 monlhTelephom emu Mnnxer FA um mu for Dan CHEVRflLET Sea naw madman down Lulu om paymenu pm month Telr phoul PA Mon Ac uuyequm well um Prawn luod mm oz $5013 Ivlulnfl PA 51 Semi Ruskin51 Telephn my way AUTOMOTIVE YOUEET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA scom FARMERS MARKET MOTOR CARS FOR SALE AUTO Assessoma Buy naw car now with lowcost liteInsured POULTRY iculck WANT TO BE RAPPER DRIVER TIME STUDY MALE HEB CARPENTER 01m Ill klnd Renovunm Kitchen alphamu mm Inhnt Recrule Mums neuombla nlu nmnnd Cull unillme PA H4 IlLlAnLB MAN will do and lab around the name Inch II mm in urpcnlry etc Nu sob too Fm Iervke Kellenh1 mu Telephune PA 63717 CHILD CARE czNmz wlll plck up uni dllivu pitKhan children amy lnltlflllnl pmxnmx mm Run 1119 Counlry Hvlnl Tele pham PA um WILL am my cm to pm lama chlldnn In my home manhunt end Tzlephuna PA mm or mrlher mlormunn WILL no by Sllllnl HIM haunwnrk In yuur name week as Experlenced Telephom PA mu Ilw mun rm mlmuu my runner phone PA um mmédf IAan com nunurEl Dunlap 5L Vesl Bum To learn to operate cktype setter perturalor Must have at least so mds per minute typing Good oppoflunily to learn trade wifll good tub urc EMPLOYMENT WANTED Mus CLERK or clur counter Permmznt pnxluon will Ihnvl name my Apply Unlled Cl ur Star x0 nunlwp 51ml Burris usz WANTBII Mlddln ued wo mm to help my mupuua mu operlllnn Ilm lllhl nounkeep dunes Telepnom PA Mm EARN UP To Do ptr unur dem onsmunl mm Studio Gm Cu mellcs Nu pumme Tm phone PA IM PflL New company requires com bination slcno recopllonisk booykcepe pppmx March Work wrll in varied but In lcrcsung similar to secretarial service All replica treated mnlidA enual Apply stating axe and cxpvn lcnce to Box Barrin Exam lncr 10 HELP WANTED Apply In Shepherd THE BARRIE EXAMINER NOW IS THE TIME To look into the AVON Opportunity Call PA 66551 for interview FILTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT THE ONLY HAGLESS CLEANER You can nlm nnvo by sham oalng your own furnflurc rugs and lira um null be Iclighlcd wllh the 1m drying ha lryor YOUNG PERSON Reliable Builder from GORDON SPRING ENTERPRISES HOME BUILDING ALTERATIONS CHOOSE LOT AND HAVE YOUR NEW HOME 13qu In BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION Cull PA 85097 or PA 66745 MALE FEMALE GIRLFRIDAY NEEDED FEMALE HELP Do It Now Why wall for Sprlng Lotn all get bchlml outarlou gigantic Vlntcr Works Campaign This Ix thcprima season of the your for unemployment lcts gel on tho band wagon and Give Man Job after THE FOUNDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT FILTER QUEEN SALES WHILE MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE refinish 11 muderna nlu lnlormlunn Ma Clean the Mr will ALLERGYP PA lHMflZ DO Auslrinn Tony Splss now resident of Toronto just made the winners circle and look hlnmc mo ar sevcnuwllce N1mmora were all used as urga ships In the 1030 run ning grain ram Auslrnllu mund Cape Hnrll la Brilnln whose combined Inu or he on slalom nm was two mlnulc 68 seconds too 3800 for rat place and pushed earnings to W111 over $5000 for he alx menu Andcrl Vollcrcr of Austria lop money winner on the pro our last yzar was mnnerup and took 8700 PONTIAC Mich AP Adrian Duviliard Iiiyenraid Iarmer French Olympic skier won his iiiih pm me In six slnris ihls year inlhe Interna lionai Professional Skl Racing Assaciaiion competition chneg Dog tax am Livestock PmleuionAd R50 1960 Chale 11 Essa Township Byiaw Na 894 1963 D06 TAGS now available at Municipal Building Box 10 Angus Robert Marshall 00 Highway Angus Aiian Phillips 89 Highway Aiilsion Coxwmfll Assessment Com missioners oiiica lhornion Essa Police Officers LAST DATE FOR PURCHAS iNG TAGS FEBRUARY 15 1963 Byiaw will be SUMIY eniorced PAGE Reeve Hi BELL Cierk AUCTION SALE Sat February pm sharp For ALBERT PEARSALL Lot 28Conceslon On annship mile slum south Highway No 11 SALE of 51 hold of Hereford caiue arm machinery hay straw and grain Terms cash no reserva as the farm ls sold Skier Wins Fiith Meet 14 PUBLIC MonTE l3 AUCTION SALES Your Plans or Ours TOWNSHIP OF ESSA 199199935 JERRY COUGHLIN AUCII 1115311 SHIPS 0F SAIL BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD 43 ANNE STREEI SOUTH PA 82496 COMPLETE SELECTION OI FRAMING LUMBER PANELLING FLOOR CEILING TILES HARDWARE PAINT AT YOUR CONVENIENT ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTRE WITH THE FIVE DISPLAY ROOMS AND AMPLE FREE PARKING BUY NOW NO PAY TILL MAY Sorry to report Mn Milling in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie ur treatment or an nus We hope or Ipecdy re llcf from pain Ind recovered 103d health Despite stormy weather ml zslale business prnlressinx Our genial asmsor Mr Hob Spmule has sald his arm to Ray Mullls He and Mrs Sproule are having new rcsldcnca mm was curling with Hat made up Lambert Wilson Sam French and Nnhle and they won eight insulated mugs such All upon an enjoyable One 01 he older citizen Innlslil Township Miss ma Razerslan Celebrated her 9an birthday on Feb We are sor ry Iohur she not feellng lao well and all join in con gmulluuns and wish or bul tel health Producer Bonspiel was held in Bramplun on the weekend We rinks Irorn this district co Bob Greens with We Small Ralph man and Ron Allen Don Gibbins is in London Uni attending the Annunl meet ing ui Ihe Ontariu Jersey AI nciaiion Mr Gibhins is rim Regional Director ior Simcae County The meeting is three day convention with compre hensive program RINKS COMPETE Mi Ind Mrs George Ayres Attended the with bmhday party oIHMr Ayrgsf mother Mr and Mrs Newton Bass 01 Guthrie called on Mr Hesse uStroud and also vlsllcd Mrs Besse who Is padcn Royal Vlctorla Hospital Barrle Her lrlunds wish her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Gordon Rb and lamlly wen guests their eld est daughter Mary at open house and music night at Lakeshnn Teachers College Glee club songs and musfic Imrm Brlgn doon wm much appreciated by laxg nugfence Mu Ayres and Mrs Irvin accompanied Mr and Ma Pailendin and Mrs White to Woodvilie this past week win In Ihe passing oi their cousin Mu Harrison The lympalily tin community in fiiieud lo the bereaved reim DEALERS IN SCRAP METAL STRUCTURAL STEEL 515 CAMPBELL BARRIE METAL AND SALVAGE For Your Home Remodelling find Repairs SIMCOE COUNTYNEWSf an Dunlap 51ml wm 204 Tiffin St PA 82983 NATURAL GAS STROIJD Name Brand Nationally Advcrllscd DRYER $6400 AUTOMATIC WASHER $26900 MATCHING PAIR AT FIRESTONE STORES TOP VALUES NO PAY TILL MAY By BATES Mrs Patterson and Mrs Bales leaders ho 4H Homemaklnz Club Separates for Summer attended the lead ershlp training course held in Slgyngr lgsl wqck Wednesday afternoon of Inst week marked nn imponank dam In the progrm nl Sunnldala Township On that date Sunni Invimllans have been Lssucd In many the heads of WI and other womens organizations In mend conference of women In Toronto Feb 12 and to an lhe bnnquel being held In launch The WI ara planning the cal erlng lnr Ihe annual meeting of lhe lnnislil Farmers Credit Un lnn Banquet to be held prlnr tn the annual meetlng ln Strand Community Hall Feb 20 Mrs Campbell lllsl M9 ac oompanled Mrs Allen Todd Churchill Wl Dlslrlcl Presldont and Mrs Weaver Glllard dly lrlcl secretary to the Work Sho The New Pattern ln Wl hel In Berna Feb unrnra left with Iha ques llon Are we learning world problems Are we aware at our obligation to United Nat ions andto he associatedcoun lry women or me world hull on the Wilson Subdlvlslnn Inrmerly lhe Mrs Trullon prop any The new nwner takes over the Spmule arm by April 15 anum ymur The broadcast prepared for Interest of WI members spec Ially stressed the Importance of women In Canada accepan Ithr obIlgalIonsnnd not sllIing back In complacent comfort thle other suffer want In they musI participate In projects establlshIng better communlca Hon belwen Canada and Wm men In olher pam ol In World they must reallze mat example has greater effect onpeoplea or oIher countries IIIan mere words Farm 0mm night Slmud Community Hall saw abundance small but discussion sand lolc lowing the broadcast Ihe quest ion an be sheet as well as the upon at he panel discus sion on he rndlo broadens Canadas World Obligations as Women ace than brought orth the oplnionn of the group SUNNIDRLE CBS SERVICE SINCE 1020 RR Harrie IA 08056 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING SPRAY PAINTING EDWARD SMITH SON IA 60505 Mr and Mn Bum ol St Mary and son Chester lunguwilly nth friends attendA Mlss Marian Arnold was home from Toronto with her mother Iaglhe wgekend WM uwuus nucmp the ca Follies In Toronto Mr and rs Maur ce Londr at South Porcupine spem pan of last week here wlth Mr and Mix Longry By RITA CARR ML and Mrs Robert Hair nifht and hnby Todd Toronto ebraled with their parents Mr and Mrs Jamiesun an Saturday Feb the mas ion being Baby Todds first birthday and Mr Jamlcsons 75ih other recent visitor wiih he Jamicsans were Mriand Mrs Harry Powiey islinglon Mr and Mrs John Wiidcr and iamiiy Ancasler Mr and Mrs Miiinn Truce Eimvaic and Mrs IL Lendiey Oooksluwn The annual Sunday school skating party look place In Ecc lan arena Saturday aliennoon lint supper In the Sunday School room was enjoyed on Ihglr Vreturn home Pauf Cobnm spén the week cnd wilh Levy Sjngisfiln Allismn1 Mr and Mrlicd Housman Taromo vlsllcd Mr and Mrs Housman Saturday Mrs Charles Emeflan and Ed Splcher were Lhc best player at last edn ayr euchre Mrlr Clark and Ivan Harvey won the consolation prizes and Mrs Robert Craig and Hamid Wood won the door prizes Lunch was scrvcd by Sunnldnle Carnerq ay mason Mr and Mrs Lloyd buborn vlslled Mn and Mrs Jelly 01 Brndlord Saturdayl Miss Joan Cannell student at Toronto Unlvmlly attended Ill Waterloa Unlvcrslly winter carnival recentlyl Allan Hangman had his nppem dlx removed In Mllst hospital 1355 Nedpesdyy dales new flre truck arrived The vchlcle Ks housed at Sun niggle gauge Mr and Mrs Jame Hanl were recent visitors wiLh lhe Your Frltndly nOOxm nom 20 mansom Exam 02250 95 mmm nmz EOUmmZ 1M Clapporion SinM4 Burrla Chesterfield and Chalr Tabla Lamps Chrome Scl 5plecob Lloyd Cnrrlngcs from Dug Impaled Rewind Then you should considcr SUN LIFE MORTGAGE PROTECIION POLICY In thls way the mortgage will be pald ll you should die prcmnlurcly nnd the house will REALLY belong In your lnmlly You protect your home mm Hm and MIL why not mm dcalhl us show you how anally um can be done 12 Hayfield Street WELL DIGGING THORNTON NEWTON ROBINSON SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OF CANADA Tnnkn nme Oul up 150 lalloml by Modern Equipment FURNITURE STORAGE WAREHOUSqu SHIPPING PACKING CRATING JACK KING REPRESENTATIVE Ilmflmd 51nd ED BALFE FURNITURE Term uranium in HEATING HOT WATER HEATERS STOVES REFRIGERATORS DRYERS Contact Consumers Gm PA 66558 BUILDING HOME ALLIED VAN LINES Mr nnd Mm Lloyd Frcelhy and lamily were leied Sutur day evenlng the Town Ilnll prior to leaving Crecmore in re side at Markdale About 200 lricnds from Crccmore and sur rounding area gnihcred In wish them well and presenl them wiih handsome easy chair and foot sloal camera or Brenda and while Bible lar Diane Mr and him Freethy both express ed remark In appreciallon oi the kindness and lhouxhllulnes oi Iriends In the community Ladle lb community as slated In nervan reireshmenis ANNIVERSARY Congratulations are exiendcd In Mr and hlrsr Frank Adams Mn Donald CoufiéFunder went surgery Calllngwood hos pigql last wgk last Friday night spent pan the wukend here wllh Mr and Mg Cm member at Thornton Wam ens InstiluleMrn Ted Hew son was winner in playing Video on Cr Slud 10 Party recently Her prize my foldinx cardA table By HIEATI Mr and Mrs MumIce Vln chester have ced the birth daughter Calling wgad hosglmlI Saturday Jan zfi Brydon Lloyd Maple vlslt ed Mn and Mn Alfred Allhn last Sunday Art Wells uncle ol Mrsl Allan was killed In molar accident between Maple mm Rlchmond Hlll Sunday Jan TI Mrs Wllllamson and Mrs Allan were at Newmankc rccentlyln visit rclallvc Har old West who vary allaw Ing surury MRSR WEATIIEKAL It was with surprise and re gret we learned early Sunday morning last of the passing nl Mrs Robert Weatheral In Tornnln hospital where aha had been patient since before Christmas The deceased alnng with her husband lived in the village here or some years previous lo moving to Toronto ahgut year ago Recent guesls Mr George Holt were Mr Walter Andrews and Mrs Emory Belrry ford Mr and Mrs George Holt vlsllcd one day last week wllh lhl Ianerx mother Mrs Agar Beeton Mr and Ms £111 of Barrie spam Sunday Vernon Jennetta 1m mama Exmmm munsnm Plenum 16113 SEPTIC TANKS KEN WINTERS WINTER SALE CREEMORE IuIl PA ma llarrln Iny bule PUMP SERVICE mm INSTALLED lawman and IL and him Mr and of Brad CAN SHARE BIG EVENT WiNNiPEG CP new mulzmily section planned for Victoria Genenl Hospital hero will be arranged so that hus band may be with Ml wiie dub in childbirth says administra tor Quaglia Fatherslo he will in have mend pro paralory malonsi Mr and Mn Cameron and George attended showcrut Eady Friday night or Miss Christen Aldenan and Jim Cameron Graham Dawnard Orlllla visilcdrhls cousin Paul Mellon on his birthday Saturday They spent the day skiing norm Shue Vane By MR5 CAMERON The annual meellng of Guth rie Presbyterian Churchwus hold Jan 22 with Rev Hall ol Barrie preslding All to parts showed an active year All emcers were reelected Treasurer Ls Alex Graham or ganist Mrs Robert Campbell 55 Superintendcnr Mrs Rob Besser Mrs Alex Graham made the lop fur halo qullt that was qulllcd II the church last week Anolher one given by Mrs Rab at Campbell wlll be quilted this week Mr and Mrs Campbell have hair granddaughter visit In them while her parenls Mr and Mrs Cnmpsall Penc tnng aflsoutbegp holidny 1131an Ill Campbell ls an lent ln Royal Vlcwrla llaspilnl Burrlol ii Florida North Carolina and the West Coast telephone message name irum their daughter Mrs Richard Henna in Chile South Amerlca Mr and Mrs Adam leit or San Pedro Caiiiornlal via lei airliner to visit daughter Mrs John hiackay Upon their return they will Jointly celebrate with their eldest son Amoid and his wife who will be having their sliver wcddlng anniversary Funeral 5ch can were held Jan 10 1mm Mumford and Crawlard Funeral Home Cree more or Mrsr Norman Couller mother Harry of Creemnrc Mrs Arnold WenlheralHLols Cheslcy Merland and Hart Barrie Interment Crecmore Un Ian Cemetery Carollne $1 on the occasion at their 50111 wedding anniversary Cangralulatlons were received from Prlme Mlnlsler Diefen baker Premier Roberts rela tive nuEngEnq NLalayg Eraz GUTHRIE PA 84033 $14050 740 500 2905 PA 56 Ago

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