ulrplln Menu 59cm llry Manmnrnn ntulcmrm llul hn Imllom beyond any lrnmnnhlu Ivvuhl lhnl nll num nhu WNW mvc brm mnuml mm Culm HMntnr Krnnrlh Honing clued In no mood to un In nul my Mum Md Amer lcuu teen um Inch non any at Ihu Won nml all1r plmlnuruphu Inlnlh Illrl and than MM uhlm at lllll mlmm and mml Ma Immlu on hoard by been made while Mon dullnl In lulll llllll M701va ll lIIIUNQUHII Mn Mm Inn 1wa maï¬a flurm ulna lnnl Aulunl nlmul ulmn InHlInry ml anld mm his Ilnlrmcnll ï¬nd bun dlpulrrl Ivy McNamara In IIII clevlllon mmvl Ill Iuml an Inlzlllflncu pm and many mnnnnlunnre vhnltr lupin Thu rcporl lulu cdnrndny had double punmu Ta mluru Alllcrlcnnl and In muncxo llxq Mum oul lmHInn llllrnl mnlnnflly ovrr Cuhnl td xyluhl WASHINGTON The ndmlnlnlmllon hnl flMhed anlnluvhlonurum an xnpmrdenlcd dlnplny 1n Irlllxrnm Ham nuppar III and um Cuba II Bov chllflcmlvu wrppom nu wwmmum mu mum nn nmngo Wrdnosdny nlgm la Vnmrr llros ndu rcady or Bubble Reynolds mavlc asumn sound tluno bclnu mNDON AN lhnw Ilnrtcd spreading arms Europe to day brlnglnu lhrcal flood In Ihc wnko the monthlong lrccxeup Muny parts or flu cnnllnenl wen nm in he Icy grip wlnlcr But from Brknln Franco and Italy cnmc rcporu lhnl lhu lhnw had begun Xroha nul kla ora koutnu but at love and best wishes toyoun Douxhn Snelllng 19 who live near um flash scene found lho Movie Lot Has Costly Fire Disclosures On Cuba To Reassure Americans The victim of todays tn gcdy had been pm unwd of 20000 who chanted Wzdncsw day night In Vnilnngl when he monnrch told mm in the Maori tongue Dec 20 1953 while he then Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phllipyzerellvn Auckland train en route In AddlnndAplunged Into river and klllcd 200 per sons Many hose aboard won on their way In nee Um roan couple Britnin Reports Thaw Beginning bus load will Maorls re lumlng mm the welcome for the Queen Wednesday nlght plunged avail31301001 bank and 17 he nbarlginu were killed There were 19 Injured sumo badly AUCKLAND NZ Tragedy marred the visit at Jun Ellzn bath New chlnnd today just as on her ï¬rst visit In 1953 17 Maoris Killed In Bus Accident PRIME MINISTER Diefcm baker ell reporters at Gov ernment House yesleniny that there will be general elec puMMerol lirocmsed nn Year Na 32 CP mm APRcuml NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Want Ads Ts phone PA mm 19 telephone number to call at the Bushes or Editorial Dept PA 66587 Our Telephones Geri my plea me your when My wllu lold mu In Luna or ulna hut mm In haw moth In uthcr Inn WMmuluy Krmmly unlle lnln cum pru um unlm hurl nhlpown tn carrying rnrln In Cuba Wm Whllw llumo tllvorllnn nfllclnlllmnmlnl maulve In Sumo uhmrrrl rll Hull unulunl dlwlomrrl Ivy Mleh mun mllhl wink nznlnd LR lnlrxllzoncn warm McNamara Inhl nu lllu ulr We rumldtrcd Il Io lmmrlnnl In upon III you Ilvo mm am Imwlodlu um um nvo dune 17er nl IM vkk rlmndlnu aur nlrlllp rncn rupnblluy 11m Admlnmmlnnl nlm ob Vlmxnly mu la Ilnpml Amtrl can with lho nhlllly UR ntrlnl munm and Intolllunco HMIII lo Irml um whnlovrr mllllnry gear the Cnmmunllll Iry la hide ouxh Mmunl how lhn Unllrd Slum dclcclcd Iluu lluulnn mlullu ham and rode herd ll long mum on drnnrluru of the mlullu and bombcrn vlrlunlly cvtry Ilrp nl lho way In Wsll WIN FAMI INCOME The United Kingdoms nnl larm Income lhu 12 manlhs ended In May 1961 Wu esl muted at more than 39000 am so much distressed to Icam the dreadlul accident nfler last nights ceremony My husband and would be male It you would convey our Kym pnlhy lo the injurcd and lo the lxxlcxl of Mn mass who lost their vcs The Queen sent message of condolence to Prime Mlnlsler Kelth Hnlyonke an be accident The qucu mid Policc and other busload of homcwnrdbound Mnorls joined In hu rescue work was horrible sight he said You could hnvc heard the moaning and screaming mile away Pnlice believed the brakes of Ihe bus Iailed All aboard were killed or Injumd MnarLs lying In heap our and liygflccp ion Monday April He made we announcement Ier 20mlnme meeting with General Vnnler CP ercpholal HERES ONE nllnnl nlm ob Imlhll Immi nhlllly of U3 m4 Intolllunco 41 arm Mammy An lar lrm Inal Ibo man Ihnn 100 lluulan MIG mulvl lu uwd In In nlllhlr barnth Ilrlkc unlrm lhu Unflod sum Manmnrn um lhey an ulan lor lhnl Inlulon mm won Illlnl lo maximum ham land lento nrmm MM lhelr mane wulx he Ilmllod Hwy mu hK mall cl with Imunlrd he mul hlllly Hml llwy wuhl man as lhelr huvy mllllnry hn wnr nnlnul any olhvr IAIIII Amrvirnn mmlvm 1m Hm IIRHI nml CIlmlll doul mm lhlpl In flu Ill he nnld ulnawlwlxod hum Illll are ulmul 1000 III llnlll lllll ncudnl alwul Manmm und IImrM Mm llcnl word uhrn ha wrnl bo lur Dy lrluvllinn rumm H000 mm In our Irwioilml Inlvlyqjllppfd Inrnll 39m BEFORE TV 45 Mlnlslcr Dnvll II In provlncu would mmlder ynylnn he grnnu In school In man and rum munllca which had closed lnr several day lhls month anr heavy lnuwllorml blocked roadl Iluu Whichcr Bruch drew stem ward mm Speaker William rd when slngcd oneman pmlcsl over he ndmlnlslrnllan pct capiln nllcnd xrnnls lq nchools 1961 EInbornUng of the blll given second reading Wednemay Dr Dymond said lho now He would be an ulcnslnn ol the Camel Transplant Act for bequeathan comet to eye banks and oh low tho principle Britains umnn Tlssuo Act passed in TORONTO CF Ilenllh Minlslcr Dymnnd laid the lczls lnlum Wednesday that proposed provincial lcglslnlion would pm vldc tho logl machinery lhmugh which pemn could bequcnlh his body to science Education Dépt No Kuthority Tb Pay Grants For Closed Schools mum of Commadve MP Just before driving to Guvem men House to sea the Gover nanGcncral he said he had re ccived the must overwhelming suppofl that have ever ch after annular cabinet Mr Diercnbaker heads into the campaign at 1113 head or parly parliamentary leadership uppirently 1m discd links Eolldly behind him Mr Dnvll said lha tducnllan cauntry Incas wln let campaign like Ihe one In March 1958 which swept lhe Conservatives back Into omce with lopheavy mamfly In June of the previous year they had won power from Lflr erals but aned Io obtain an nhsolukeNmnyo gy Dietenhaker announced the dale deesday shnrtly after obtaining Gover norGeneral Vanler consent or dlssolullnn the 25m Pun liament where Mr BILYen bakers mlnurfly Conservalive gavemmcnt was overthmwn In two nonconï¬dence voles Tue day night OHAWA CF Canadas fourth general elecllan in Just little under six years wllI lake plan Monday Aprll April Vote Meqns W311£Campaigning Icgmiili xï¬y yams ol pct1L No Main Taxchanges In OntGovt Budget Mobwk Mrllnel dawning mu Im Elle Im Ink lb 10 man that rmme IM hum mumm mnm on mm mm mm llo mid hut Lurveyl hnd Ind tnled lhu 105 nl urnnu nud lnx lo number 01 bllll nmcnd Lug cxhsllnz hell and the ï¬rst reading to host prlvnla munben MILL Mr Davis laid the pmvlslonl of flu per cnplln arnnls Inglsln Hon worn bclnu sludlcd bul hn dld not expect report 1mm advisory mmmlflco unlll n1 The Liberal member ob acted that the muwbound mud he lwo counties were samrlhing ovcr whlch the pmplu them hnvn canlrol was rule out order when ho began statement cri llclllng Ihe penalizing at school or allcndanco lust In such clrcumslnncc and do mnndlng chnngca In loglslnflon to give lhc cducauon depart ment ho necessary numarfly department had no nuthorlly In my school boards or days In wh ch nttendnncu through transportation ditticul tlu Although they could bu pnld tar days when the school plant was tnopcrnuva because at unavoidable emergency 55cm 3min bender Hagen inxompsnn uid ha expect In EllAR 1N mun wanna The opposillnn leader will launch his campaign Mandny night with speech to the Lnr ernl parlya nnlionni council meeting here But there wn no Indication when he will begin his cmsuounlry nk tours We must make Canada re spected In the world by playing our full pm In the search for peace lh lrccdom We are pulllng forward poL lcles which we believe will merit that support said Mr Pearson Canadas prob lems are deep and complicated but they can be solved This requires decisive ncllon and Ir res ble leadership Li era Lender Pearson ex pressed hupe mat the election result will be clear cut and that hls party will win In peo ples support ministers dismissed as wiihuul inundaiion reparls that mave ment was ciao Io have the prime minister replaced party leader Mr Dicienbaker was said to have asked in and received aiiinnnxions oi support min each oi the ministers in diyifiuniiy Burl15 Oniarlo éanlfln Thursday Fabruéry I963 mam moss AND Pnumn Ia Albany mudy mum mun Mr In flu mkldh at an um Ina mm 0n UM lump dwellm Imp manan hasnl nlwnyn been lhnl wny Conslllullnnnl expert all held hol nrzumcnu about lhn nmnun KInznynl conlmvnray mm to he proclnmnllona lho sale prcmunllvu the Queens rrprcsullnllvo In Can ada lho varmrGmcrnl But he am only an the advice at he mmq mlnlslcr ssaluUan does no nflcc uw Scnnlc whcm member servo or Ille But the upper hambu cnmml me unless Pnrllnmcnt lnln Icsslorl The lhreo pruclnmnllnns dlc hated by lrndlllnn and legal ne ccssily ensure lhal Ihe chain 01 government by elected regimen Wives of tha people will con lime unbroken flwy mILsulum law to prevent any olher mm at government rum moving lnlo lho vneuum between the two Iuï¬lumenll uuwu us new MP5 These comprise the thaicni birth of he new Pub nmenL ihe other caiis on the 76th Parliament Lo me May 16 This dale is merely iurmnliiy because it will be up to the newiycieded prime minister to decide when Parliament neiu niiy is In meet Egsuns cuAIN by xlgnlng two more pmclamatlons One mks may for the mum ul wml by consulucncy returning umo nqgsflngutulhu deepen But momma later Gen Van Ier Injected the ï¬rst lain all rings or life Inla he 2601 Par uncutstill wiflxuut form fez Cuffs nquc OTTAWA CHThe 25th 03 nadlan Parliament died Wednes day at the stroke pm when Gavernamencrul Vnnler signed tho proclamation dissolullan It ordered general election or Monday April anJuno ma Mncknnzlc New Democratic Party Leader Ci Douglas discussed campaign strategy with the NDP caucus of MP5 Wednesday and was to meet with the pl rty executive committee he today begin his crosstauntry cam paign in four weeks Mr Thompson will attend party organiutlon meeting In Regina Radar monuay New Democratic Party Loader Cl Douglas discussed campaign stralegy with the NDP caucus of MP5 Wednesday and was to meet with the partys exccullve committee in here today lie ls expected to do num Conservatives planned in dis cuss electlon strategy at cou cus scheduled for ioday There was no clear picture available oi the partys or Mr Dlelen bakers campaign plansl Organ tlonni experts were sched ullad to meet during tho weeb an Vanier Sets Date FOIWrit Returns mm to dissolve Parliament for an election The Govcrmrï¬enerai refused and tailed in Anhur Meighm whaso Conservative pan aciuaiiy had the lamest umup oi MP in ma Home King Erlme mJnlsler of min ority Iberal government lost lhxee pmccdural vote In the House Commnm Base by customs scandal he seemed cer tainla lose the next conï¬dence voting est Mr King went to Caveman DOG MAKES LIKE TOM SHWYER think he mustTeeIalin rubhlu or human which llvgon we Hand The dog run away when anyone lands on Um IslnmL Vnrm unth ha melch in Ice bridge which Incd hp 131 tho mu nlnnd when midi ran away week nzo The minimum mliia was bought Jan 25 by Mr and Mrs Jim nipicy oi subur ban Riverside Thmo dnyl Inter he ran away My niibodoau former resident at Pccim island now unin habiimi old lho Ripley ho had won mliio do on the island 11 dont awnorl Iconiirmcd this with binocu 17m Mn Npr and the dog 310051 heqlhy her of campaign TV bmadcasu here before beginning his na tional travel toward the end oi Ihe monlh WINDSOR Ont CF Lad dle dId nu come homo ngnln Wednesday dcspllo fourth nllcmpt by his or and Humane Soddy ol ï¬dnls to lum the don from an Island In the Dam River Ki vlu bfnmm M300 In mm INNu If am Mg an mum and mu mum Mmx uovirnmcnl will mnlu Id mm run on mm In plllMflyllllOl Ind Ichool Community dcvultfxmul lion will qqnlly ur Invrmmenl will vmvldo 0300000 la hnld down cml ol hupllll Inmnnm pmmh nl llumm In Umnll In olrmcnlnry and ummlm uhml lmnll In 13 minnow up Gum unlvrrpfllu 70 000000 up 014000000 Surplul of $30000 on unlln nry Mmunl cur endln Mmh II and 170000 hr 196 Gmanllnnry upmlituru umnoooo In cuml your and forum at nch IMMIIMO or 10 Includcd In this Inertnan will he Jump in 0300900 1mm $18700000 In mldcnllnl and arm uhool Inx uslslanco grants The tlsAnpupll rnlu or clemenlnry lchonu wlll In 810 and the 85 rule lnr mean dnry arhoall wlll in to $10 far ncndcmlc Ind 10 for vocnliannl school minim In nuMlch Inrlndlnu lu will or hr mqu ampluymtnl Ind In cmllnu production fudllllu Onlnrlo budget hlghllzhll No mw ham or ncrmm In ullllnz lam flclnll ulel lax wlll nu unruly on Inch lrnnudlonn under anti Grnan clcmcnln and lcmndnry school bam will lolnl $21300000 nn Incruua 1000000 over he current year In addlllon some than will be made avnllnbla lo schuol board mrllu 01ml valously Icmi Educaxlon com already U10 largest Horn of gnvtmmenl Ipcndinl will rise uznln dur Ing he coming yur with In crcnstd grunts In all levels of educnllon By 1112 CANADIAN PRESS hum uhool Inx Isslslanco Cam grants The tlsAnpupll rnlu or Ipcndlnx lhe Irensurcr le clemenlnry lchonu wlll In mulcd ll will mnkn Iolnl no and the 85 rule Inr new $16130001 mom on mad In dnry arhoall wlll in to $10 far lho next your an averall In ncndcmlc Ind for vocnliannl Cronin nl $17300000 mm the schools curran your THESE ARE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE ONTARIO BUDGET Capital tndlnz was ex yected lo unolhnr mom we In he ï¬scal year cndlng March 31 and run In 31563 000 In quycaraheqd For its men ng program tha governmen plan grass expan dilurcs of 31014715000 on or dinary account In the ï¬scal your mum April compared will In estmaled 310070300 In lhg currenlvycar Ordlnnry venues for the 1m year were forecast $107509100 compared with 01029900000 ho Curran year Mr Allan said press con rrenm bclnm dellvtrlng his ï¬lth budge addrens that he details have not been worked gut but will he announced shortly 51an mun Fin manulatturlng firms Ibex will be tax credil pegged In Increase In the size of their work lame and their produc dqn Incllllles biuï¬rhenl niinnlm or nulsnnce feature of the Iall sales tax was eased wlll not he collected on purchase under 21 cents effccllva Im mediately The slanan palm has hem 17 cents Changes ln Illa Successlan Duly Acl largely wlll beneï¬t widows and chlldren lnherllinz eslatea The Knvemmenlu sewndhll IIondnllnr budget announced nu major lax chungcsThe govern ment forecast nominal 73 000 surplus an recnrd pro gram of spending and revenue with growth the econ TORONTO CPlSllnrp lm crease ln education and hlgh way spending and business tax cancesslon to stimulate mann lecture were announced ln Pm vlnclll Treasurer Allanav 1m 64 budget dellvered In the On tario legislature today ease Iocnl hminclnz prob Tax Credits Planned To Stimulate Business NorMorS Than liar Copy14 Essa Clear and cold Low 011131 below zem High tomorrow ls Fm conwleto summary please cum to page two uflmt ï¬wï¬afl 7n 121 mm i1°m° um III 11 um In Hm mm lwo mm In TORONTO ENMme MW lulu Dlelcnbnlrr will lend Ml nu inln nhllvlnn nml Social Cr will mnku wmhlmbll MM In tho Mull mull Median Nulwl 11mnwnnn un flnnnl ï¬oclnl qu lend uld Wainflu nlghh Sacred Gains Are Predicted In PQ iron cnpilnl Iprndlnx mo 317000 In mom upmcd In Do wmm In mmlnl Na mm Mmh m4 rntlxnalni nl mmm uv 71119000 In ycnr Cummllon lnx Mtng rev tnuu mducar with H000 1mm yan nnd 00000000 din of all klnds wlll be booslcd In he coman year In About $275 000000 up 0500000 nl menummmo will be for tnpllal purpose and llm re malnder lnr mnlnlcnnnce wlll lncludo $57300000 ln rand Iulgsldlc or qulhum OnlnrloE lmml mlu lnx mrlpll or 1mm rlllmnlfl ma 000000 compmd ullh i1 mom MI your mo lhh tnr nnd ullmnlr or 1mm Mr 1Mw lbw we AulnlnnZu ln mun hoe bound nnd ulhrr latnl nnrnclrl lnlnll 00000000 In M1411 and 80000000 In 1961 Three new provlnclnl hull lulu ol lrndcs or training In dcnlurcd npprenllcc and re lrnlnlmz unemployed are planned for Landon Ollnwn and Saul Ste Marlo lo be com pIclcd hy rpbcr 1964 Tam mm ummprlnllun lur hqualnu wlll be 15600000 Local Weathef In all thrlorecast Iotll of Ipcndlng Inr educlttnn In 196 was 3195511000 an Increase 11 $33700000 aver thls year Project Include new bllln gun Ieachers college In Surl bury start nI work In London an an Ontario College Edu caIIon Inr secondary Ichool teachers and development ol plans Inr sImIlnr lnsIIIutIon in easlcm Ontario likely at Klngston Progressivn Conservative gov emmcnll pmgrnm inhalan shlps and loan or students lolalling $1100000 or he cun nznl yearwill be expanded Ind here will he new pro gram postgraduate schnlan ahlp deslgncd to pmvlda po enllnl am member or unl verslllen la keep pace ï¬lm ha lounding Increase In university enrolment lhere will be 196 64 increase to $69963000 in maintenance caplml and spe clnl grants unlvmllles about 50 per cent more lhan the 19 cgrrcn year JAMES ALLAN