Councll approved Ihc cusmm my annual grant at 25 lo the North Slmcno Crop Improve menl Aflndnllnn Ray Hickllnlz Barrie nssoclallon rcprcsunln live cum to lhc meeting Io mqucst thn gram agree Io jom he Georgian Bay Development As soclanon for 196 Mcmbcrshlp Ice aulhoriled was 3165 Repre sentatives from the GBDA nt lendcd the mccllng to Icll coun cIl the advantages open lo cum munmcs stemmlng from GEDA membership Mr mdaardson snld Agcnls from two lnsurnncc companies discussed Iownshlp Insurance with council outlining policy terms provided by their lirms NOW SHOWING Show 700 900 pm Leader of this group was Mn Stanley Wauon who presenlcd Inc case for the Vespru rnlepay ers involved Council made no decision Monday on he petit 101 pending furgher slpqy Faltowlng controversy over the Iocalton of proposed new school tn the Dalston area delegation of ratepayers from Vespra met with counclL This delegatton presented pulillum re questan permission to rematn with lhe Qro school 1qu MIDHURST Slam Delegat lans appoarlng bolero Vespra Township Council here Monday took up so much 01 connclls time that another meeting will be milled to deal wllh he regu lar agenda clerk Earl Rlchard son reporlsl Th1 meeting may takejlage Thursday allemaqn hthquMunuoulom mi unh ALLlSloN Special Ot special interest at the regular meeting at the Alliston and Dis trict Association tar Retarded Children was guest speaker Mrs Donald Fink ni Alliston assisted by her husband Flighl Lieuten ant Fink who showed an nut standing iilm oi the Home ior Retarded children in Plainlleld Ontario This home was in the beginning private venture of retired Dutch couple who in thanks ier their own normal children started the home for those less iartunuta mentally In 195l Mr and Mrs Den Veile man purchased an old building near Hellevllle and befan caring or eight retarded chi dren The struggle for financial support and rceognilian begun then and has continued since that time and progress has deï¬nitely been made Today the bed capacity is illlyiuur and there is three stage development plan to ex Submit Petition Ht Vespra Council FEEHM Ammu Nnnulunt MEG GUiNNESS DIRK BOGARDE ANTHONY QUAYIE THE BAKED EXAMINER WEDNESDAY mm 1983 Retarded School Shown On Film IMPERIAL CONVENIENHY OCATEDIN DOWNIOWN bARRIE pand the present accommoda tion The illm shown pointed out the Tine work and etiort being put into the Piainiield Home and is oi such Importance that it has been shown across Canada and at the Brussels World Fair in Belgium Mrs Fink empha sized the need or positive at titude in undertaking the project or school or the retarded and stnted there is no need to be dis cnuraged as the public as whole are vitally interested in theproblern and that service clubs churches and other organ llatlons alwayti lend support Mr and Mrs Fink were thank ed by Mr Parkinson stating their enthusiasm should inspire othersin ihis work Mrs Harry Ridges thanked the members on behalf of the Ontario Hospital School in Orlilia tor the gills de livered to the children at Christ mas time in response to the ap peal made through the local churches group discussion was held regarding the possible number 01 children in the urea eligible for admittance to schnal for retarded lhe execu tive will meet to discuss this further and to make some delin lie recommendations Election of oiiicers tor the coming year took place and the allowing ex ecutive will act or 1965 presi dent lilghtLieutcnant it Stewart Camp Borden vice president John Darling Allis ion treasurer Perk insun Alllsion secretary Mrs Ken Blanchard Allistun corresponding secretary Mrs McEnehent Camp Borden Retiring president Is John NEW JOV HAS COME TO THE scnean£3 THE WORLD Is MAPFIER PLAcarro LIVE my Fulurn JABE 700 pm fllEASIIN 9J5 pm AHGIEIIT mphmu mm cl me mm um um Imnmducu lncludmz luxurycr yachts yum lbwh and mAMald anything 4mm new in mm and an TODAY in onunbinfl mummm WIIIIRIHG 1N mm I2 10 1E WWMURROW in Wumm ASWHMHISPHU UElIfll xmmmu runonaum mum um um Imul me SPIRALROADV BOATSHOW Mitchell His Worship the May or of Alllston and he was thank ed by everyonu or the grant as slstance he has given In organiz ing and getllng the Alliston and District Assaciatlon started Any one Interested in becoman member at the group most welcome and is asked to con tact any member of he execu tlvo Routine business was ï¬rm plated during lha business My Ian and allowing the meeting lunch was served and social hnur enjnyed by all presenL The letter says ln pm It was 51mm to those who were presuming the mopnym slda of the debate to ï¬nd there were two lawyers present Mr Jamllsan of the Munlclpll Board alter bringing the mett In to order explained Just what the hearing was for then called an Mr Wllson snllcltor or the Townshlp who spoke hr the Councll and who apparently wal also representlnz the Board One man was sworn as member of Ihe Communlly Board when man came ln We have recelved letter from ratepayer who attended the hearing in Stroud regarding lite extended are Strand Community Hall Board This was taken to the Ontario Muni cipal Baardywhen portion of Ihe ratepayers ieit that they should not he Included in tho Strand community and that the whole matter at the proposed rink was nntnbeing handled in pmper business manner INJISFIL NOTES Hearing Reminded Viewer TV Show mummu mm Ix mm Jul Hung Bmuaw INLS Mr Roheftson chalrmnn oh the CommunityBoard explain ed Ihe details oi the bulidlng they intended to erect together with MrFierson and those in favour were asked to comment When those agalost the proposal were xlven In opportunity to speak annu irorn the 1211 line spoke out and said that ho had no interest in the Strand communityi Another said lhsy should pay If the present de benture oi Iha hall before add Ing additional costs letter was read iron Wnltu Lea oh ieciing to his subdlvlslon on the tin llne being included in the area Mr Rich irom the Leo properly who objected was told Ind handed paper to Mr Jameson was explalned that an Important telephone call wnllcd him and we were ad Loumed or ten minutes 1111 appened twice during the meet Inx and It looked like Perry Mason Show USO WKLKE 15 size 6x site 27 x0 87 4677 Mulching Runners In Popular lengths Il PAvs ro sum 547 When asked about the grant Mr Robertson said they hd al ready received porllan 01 this but felt that flu dlflerence up that he was classed as sum mer resident and would nat he Includedl ML Rich stated that his house was not In any way summer dwelling that he worked in Barrie and lived in the house the year round Alter pointing out the Rich property to the Board chairman Clerk Richard Groh said1 that the name had been taken all the list as he was summer resident Mr Jamieson was shown paper which classed Mr Rich and Mrs Mary Law as summer residents and they had been taken nit the list Mr Jamie son asked if the property was nutslda the line and was told it was not The line includs all property on the Bih line as far 18a St Johns Road Whm he asked why it had not included the area as far as 15 aideroad which would take in many Inm Ilies with children It was stated Ihat there had been doubt iI the rink could handle all these but that they would be welcomelat tendants Mr Rich three times insisted that he was not sum mer resident and he had been told bernre that he was not but apparently they were just tryv ing tn appease some folks nu During the hearing it was as ed if any neighbours near the proposed rink had objected ll wax menllaned that only he Presbyterian Church had oom plained and for that reason the site had been moved further into the athletic ï¬eld Our irltnd write There are many who ure not against Ihe rink hut eel ihni lheyhavo gone about it in lha wrong way have personally supervised many ai iairs lot the public in our area and helped raise funds but do eel that this hearing was to We understand that some of those who were classed as sum mer resldenta and told that this would exempt their property are expected to attend Council meet ing this week so this matter will no doubt have luriher alrlng The notice published re zardlng the bylaw did not state any exclusion of those who own ed summer properly in the area and if this II the case it will shirt precedent for such prop er LOCATION CHANGED to 5000 would be available They have to put in the footlnga or reinforcedmement floor They ï¬gure they could do or he estimated cost counting on lot of free labour WILL MEET COUNCIL X9 nmd no olhor undude Clam viscose looping makes vhl ma din rumour or easycam Whulhor Ill or living room bcdmom don or vucrflaflm room Nucharm will add bedroom don at vucmaflou room Nuchann will add warmth comlon and luxury lo lllllo Choose lama medium or runnar leol wllh Jl6 loam backlng or comlon underfoot 847 unvulln Some 000000 tons mm teflal from the land are car ried into Ihe mans every year say the least very Interesting was pleased tn have attended It and feel that more at should be present at such meet lugs and know what galng on We dant he that there should be exemption Inrnna property and not another If It la in the described area HELP KIN KINSMEN Thurs Feb 78 pm EROSION 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES 350907527090 ODD FELLOWS HALL 27 noun noun min II Nodnun to 11m Mm III In MI 11 $2500 Corixizllflcn Erlze no DUNLOP mm Every Thursday Nighf Kinsmen Bingo Nighl Nommscms NAME The namu Bmce an old Seal lamily of Norman descent comes from Emil town he lween Chmbows and Vallqngel In France 4500 barrels of oil day COMMON ILLNESS 11m American Medical Asso ciation has revealed that almmt 2000000 persons In the United State suffer from epilepsy In some degree HELP KIDDIES 47