Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1963, p. 2

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Recreation StaffGives Reasons For Resigningj 911019 heels of yesterdays rcslgnalinn ol Slmcne County Conununily and llccmatlnn stall Miss Louise Culley and Mrs Florence Flsh lclnascd the allowing stalemcnl tThus nctlon follnwed mnlinn Infinuncll on Jan 31 lo con Iribule the same grant to the Community and Recreallan Cam miuee as last year In making hls cunlribullon Council indict ch that the same wnrk was ex pegggd as Ihe year mu HLcucr resignauan have been given to the chairman of lhe Simcoc County Cnmmnnily and Recreation Cnmmillee and mu Warden Simcoe Counly by Director and Asslstanl Direclor of Recreatiu Reasons why lhxs seemed Impossible were The wnrk wns hindered at every lurn by lack funds last yeah DISCOURAGE EQUESTS fThr necrcaliun Commillee and stall had In turn down In not encourage various requests which shuuld have been allow ed up in nrdnr lo do the job iwumned in me Rccrcaliun By flW The staff had an exlrcme work load and also Ihc rus lrnlinn cl ccling it was not mcclinfl he expressed needs me lo adeundy Ollicr 5m CM down halflime persun lmm mid summer This was uncllllrd what was required In keep nHicn work up dale Valuable ad ministrative stun lime wns lak en up just to keep the Wine lwo exports In lhc field of recreation expressed concern Indny that he slafl or the Sim coe Counly Communin nd Rccrcalion nHicc rcsizncd yes lcrdny Conns nf Icllcrs resigna fion or Miss Louise Culley rec reation dircctor and Mrs Flor tnce Fish assistant rucrcalion dircdm rcrc nubth In yes tcrdays Examiner Claim Recreation BreakUp Will Take Away Lot 0i Good UNHAPIY David Kcyho direclm Physical Education fur Barrio Public Sdml Board had he gnawing mmenls Robert Louis Slovcnaun once wnvlc The mid is so lull numbu things Im sure we should all be as happy as kings The world Ilw poo plc Simcoc Coumy Ims or this past 17 ylars been full of so many things in the field or recreation that Ihcy have nob been as happy kings hon ll num be lhcir own fault It certainly imt he lnult bu dirtclor and Ixcr able slfllL has bout my pitMum and privich lo mrk for the Cnumy Recreation Survicl Am arimxs occmlnns nnd hmc always been lnmnndmuly sfim lam by the experience For happy cllimcnl and Native mnpcmlinn humcon people and groups profit have never mt he equal 11ka the nnnuul rr mm the llrtrculinn Srrvirc mnkrs me under haw ever so much rnuhl he done In nno ymr In lJfil for cxamplm mo Srrvkc hzld major ulmlnisl lim HHIIHHIHH ur 41 Inuith lip lrnlnmx nrsxium ll muw unable nr IMIM cwnh mmmunilyicld vlsm will Ir cu wimminu commuters my arranged swimming luau or childrrn mm 51 Ilmns illn nu nlwl Mons nlul mujlbur Immh Ahlum Num Ilu Mumlnlum II NW llllllln Tu MI Inlll mll dn llllwtl um In mvnl Immlr In lna all lvll Il cmumm noun an Inn Avmnh IMIMIIIII ill NIH Ilv UIllu up wmngcw my mum mm Mmm Ian we and ml in m1 Thry also Inr childnn RR In AMAan In llxi Ihcir Mull milli InaHum Milli nlmul no lionl groups In IL wunhy Sonw Mlmmcr lime Inulrr luHml run all hr nriuu IflhfliN knuw lmw mu Hwy mu IuMy umumlul mlll luo lrmn lvrl vmrk 1n Thrnv Iq nu we in Mt rmme lmrl hlnhly qualitiml in TODAYS STOCK PRICES nmpflrd by mu rm mm mm ml llml mum nu ma mumm lulu evi Mn ll Ilny puth III llnm mlm Imu NM Dull TI In II Im mm hva Ill iMdon gum on mm mm mum Ilnllln KulAlevm Inna uummu um In am my Flynn ll llunlnp lulu Inm Immu Inlnruvv flow In rm Inn nlmd In Illv Nu 1m Adm mm nu lmn m4 unm mm NDUHTIHAL dn MININH running but even so many mu tihn dunes had to bernnglecged equipment has nothccn raphsccd and much needcd cquipmcm tar example diclnphone coufd no he pur chased Na lncrnase In slnfl saiarlcs was given last year II In ln4 crease were given his year would need to be taken ram nolher par the budgetand cut some Item even further Thus if an attempt was made lo carry an the work with lhu same amount money and suit as lust year it wuuid he an inferior and inadequate job In lime the work would deter innate and dle The statl was not willing to accept this Last year budget $32 001 was submlllcd to council for its approval so the Community and Recrcallnn Committee could do an effective jab ln hls field was drustlcally cut and In the months that lollawcd nollca was given that the bylaw under which this Recrcalinn Commit lee opcrnlcdwas repealed as Dec 31 1962 The staff stayed on because at valinns program commit ments and because of the con cern at many citizens who knew the value of this wwrk In the County In dalng su Ihcy as sumed an extreme wartglaad In nrdcr to meet the nutslnnding commitments and to keep the program alive In nlia mandnha 1mm he pcnnle showed where they stood They wanted broad re her field than Miss Louise Cal 1ey director or the Recreation Scrvicc She and have often discussed mailers concerning the physlcal and rccrcalive welfare of the children of Barrie when the Service had respon sibilily for city recreation and or the county In my work as supervisor of Physical nnd Health in Burrlcs Pvdc Schook am endeavor lng to encourage young people THINK to take mspomibil ity to develop okrance coop eration leadership qualities Miss Collcy and he slafl are doing his or young mm in Ihc munly Our work is sim ilar in many at it aspect and or Hm mmn ind it rrzrcl lnhle th the county Hand to lose this service It could be final like many mans grcnlcxt mnccph the County Remalion Service is 1th of ils lime Huwcver or one appreciate its value Russ Davey the YMCA nml Mm an expert in ils field nnd also an export 1n the chd mnclian ls lhrl dedide on Miss Colcy and Mrs Fish will be son1y missed throughout the mum Acn much hiflhcr wanes WI lml ntlrnct 541 willl the nlxnlilitnlinr and deep imam hich nra now last am 11150 anally conmrntd um any firm should contem nlulc holding nowhich hr lace Inrrcflscd POM mIIIy tuning hunk in mminn sonitcs lime rhm lhu nml ur lhcm Is spiralling Thom IV no firm prim9 will he paid in lamum meII 1me mullnu nml luw mlurtrmrnt II nu hrmluh mnslmrllm nnd pm rrnmlivo rrcmhun wnlcn have Cmnly nuncll will Happer he value lhcir lerndid rrrrrnllnn wnlm nnd rebuild wiHI muninn lalilndn 14 cmw Mlh Hmu KIM nml HM Wu lawn in Oro 1hwnJip Inn 0le Imelm nwntn rlvwly and hm 0110 Mr lrmlnl mum mecllmzm IHI Lvllllmul wn Th0 vrvrmlinn mxumllen Ilmke mm Ml thrir Mn nmi lhc rmlnril hm mm mm wm Hm mule nl Simmr mmly iv 1w 7m Ho II 1m Hg my nu Nvllmll rm um No Mum mm Im unuu Hui NII mm In uh SHIN Hmrlunl flllwln In TM Hum In on Trm Tune IMM lhl wvm mw mmnn my my 9an Wuhan Map up on riiluy nu II creationIngram bylaw llal ing1hl5wns paged and Recru tlon Commmn composed five member ul County Council and Iwo ather citizens discuss ed with the Counly Recreation stall the kind proflnm pal icles and budget needed to ur ry out the intent prumm use on budget was carelully bmpnred and submlued Io councn The budget showed that 3397 with net contribullon tram council of 375252 3213 need ed If broadpmgram work was Io be cangod opt1 The expectation ho ml was that It this budget were cut the work program would have to he cut und ogaln Ip proved by council The RecreaA Hon Committee assured the stall that thl procndure would be followed However was not done budget of $28000 with net contribution olronly 515000 from the County Court cll was approved ln council on Jan 31 without so much as question as to what programs mlght or would bu curtullcd or is point Ihe stall stab ed Ihnl it had no alternative but to resign no Community and Recreullun Committee met that evening They asked he stall to tompromlsa because it was Impossible to get an in creased allpgmepg yam pouncgl the way they muld compromse we to preserve the centre or core of me work This meant giving lcadcrshlp raining ad visory service and dnillg the admlnls lrallve work necessary In carry this out MEANT CUTTING It meant cullinl in half he rlafl llme delegated to youth work and the Slmcoe County Arts and Cralts Association and dropping the administration of coopcralive swimming and day camp program as well as work on Chljglinn Inlarrd It was ev an miucc did not want Ihe coop mlive swimming program cur ailcd They Indicated III as long as that pan me work was done he mu could go easy on the rest 1115 ml said this would mean unJm possible compmmise of their Integrity The Cammiiiee ihen agreed that report shuuld he sub milled in enuncil the next mom ing showing revised budget oi appraximaleiy 321500 and progrnm descrlpilon of lhe work possible oi accomplishment unn der this budget This included leadership lraininn ndvimrv services and ndminislraiian Time ior youth work and the Simm Counly Axis and Cm Assoclnilon was cut by nnchnii and Bdminisira lien for empemive swimming classes day camp and Chris ilagislund wasdmppcd WWW This report was prepareé but was nul submmcd In council by the Rncrenllnn Commillec On Friday nllcrnoon the staff rcslgnnllbn was again promul ed In the Ilecreallnn Commlllu II wns suggested that lormnl rcslpnnuan be sent lo lhe Wnr Inn chl wrrk Nntlonnl Elec Irlral thk thuscn la mark lhe birth KIM Thomas Alva Ed son who Invenlcd the first pm llcul inwnducml lnmp In 1879 In Hm 1570 and Wu nun like Henry Woodward and John Joseph Wflghl nl Toronto and Thuan Ahenrn Otluwn pro ductd incandescent and are lumps bum rcnlrnl puwcr uln llnnn nnd plunetmd mm rnllwnyx wnnl Tumnlu mulch Ilmlcnl mlcnltd 1m lncnmlu ttnl lnmp ln Cnnmla In um um lvm yrnrn lalrr In Un lrxl 51an xhnra ln Waml wnnln pnlrnl wm Inhl In lIlll sun uhllc Hm Amrrlrnn Invm lnr wm muting hll lnln In vulIKuUum Barrie Had Street Lighting Not Too Long Rite Toronto erulvl mu Ahcnrn was In mlvnl In In nukundrnrck In In hulld unndnl nm unlrnl mun nlnlton erxhl bull Illa hnl Cunndlan mnde rlrclnc ntnrrnlnr In 1m and Iuppllcd 0er or hill lmmrmmlc Ilc Inhl In duwnlnwn Toronla um and Mmlm lo llMclop one nl he wnrhll llrll nlurlrlc rall WM In TumnIn In mm mn mm shmhnn nvrnut lo found He nlm hulll lnnmlnn llul rlrclrlc mamn In 1M1 erxm mm firm mmrnlnl MI nrc Illllll ll Mb nnhyl lleslnurnnl ll Adcluldo Aml Ymm firm In Main Tn rrlrlvrnll McCunkuy INVIII Irv rr mum up In In Her rhnrgnl llvu anl dlnh unlll rloInl llme Mull hlnmrlu nl eltclvlul pinnrarlnl nqulmk Wimlwum mum llld Mann Thrlr rhlrvunmln In um an Innl odda on mwdwhwnl II1 ouwr rounlm lnr mm vnnml Hum cumin nut Hum Canadian made Impmlnnl nu mlmllnm In eerknl mum In Ianulal Immnllvo yum Man 10 Hume did no In Mr Mind anunlu Ntlllo Rankin film It lulluwlnl mm In low ol limlal nm mm mlm hd bun 1m Inn In Sly7h pom nu ll Ibo 1M Synaplis Colder weather moving into northwestern 0n tario will continue southeast ward Into southern Ontario to night Another disturbance is expected to move eastward from the Prairie today to cross Ontario Thursday hrinuing more snow to northern region and return to milder weather in southern Ontario Lake SL Clair Lake Erie Niagara Lake HuronWestem Lake Oniarin Windsor London Hnmiitan anonlo Bcwming cloudy wiih iew shower this aveninx Cioudy nnd caidm with snowflurries lonight Mainly Thursday becoming milder during the aiternonn Winds becoming north 20 lo nigpl and Easieriy 15 Thursday glan Bay Alguma Hnlihunnn Tlmagami regions North Bay Sudburyhsaull Ste Marie Cloudy and colder tonight and Thursday with occasional snow beginning nuusday afternoon winds becoming north 20 lo nIghI and ens lhgrliday KINSMEN CLUB president Handy Lamb lelt illustrate paint to Alvln Eye din ner chairman District oc rune White River re gions Clearing lonlghl cloud lnz over agaln Thursday with mow by afternoon and continu Ing cold Winds becoming north 20 flunoon and cut 15 to 25 Thursday Foxcull Trr Low nnllht hlz Windsor 5L Thoma London Kitchener Wlnghnm Ilummon Sl Turunln Pckcrborough Trcnlon Killaloo Muskokn Norlh Day Sudbury Enrllon Kapusknsmg White men MOOSOIILO Tlmmlns Saul Slc Marle Mount Forest lny Bros lawmill Mldhunl nn Mill mad and qur mich noth Dnrrlc Poles were placed nnnl wim rung lo he lawn llmlls lhm dnwn Ilnyllcld slucl In nu old wumlm warehouse the mu ll prrnlnl hulklinl TM necessary unrmlnr In plan at Mldhunl hilt lho lrnnsInrmm wm housed In the uh bulldinx and an Saturday evening near lhc rm Annual IBM we MW our mnln Ilml luddcnly hunk out In rlcclrlc light uhrm nnce had Kn llnhl nnd lamp lluhls CEREMONY Time will ceremony the own plan lor muly my Ich mlnulu far all nllcnllnn wml nuulde on ma new Ilfihln III In ndmlud The mnyar Ihr low HIM llmc Wu an new lhnwn Irpuly mow TIIOXHM mun mm nry xlqimlmcnl erl rim mumll IL Iluur Inlm Illmls llnsn an Irnll llnflmrll Mc Allhlrr MNIKII Thunml lrnrcy Mnrln and Julan llrgo White Eggs Farm th Fran Quarlon Bnof Hlnd Qulmm Boo Rindlnu Bacon Iu Fronn Pun Com or other Mixed Vogahblm lbw WEATHER NEWS 100 mnrkel 150 Colllor DYCKS Budget Plun Trmpcnluru hlzh Hindu donation $55 has been appmved by the Kinsmen Club Barrie for the so asslsflng in he estab shmcnl Chair olnace Relation lhc Southern Rhodesia at Salisbury Rhod ma flm gilt bythe local Kinsmen Club Just one of close 00 such donafions by Kinsmen clubs in all 10 Dan adifm provinces In reporting the donnllon local club president Handy Lamb aid that lhe Chair Race Relations pmicd was up proved unanimously by dele gates to lie 1961 Kinsmen eon venliun held in Regina mini oi nearly $12000 will he raised through Kinsmen clubs and these funds will be added in money being raised by ser vice clubs in muniries all over he world under the sanction of the World Council of Young Mens Service Clubs of which he Associatinn nl Kimmen Club is member puly Governor or Zane Jlm Asues at the New Govemar Bob Duke and De Members night held yester day at Baymain lodze The Kinsmen Donate To Foreign Cause air of Race naiallons was first started In 1954 in England umgh the Round Table of Gm Brknin and mind Much gmund work and orgaxdmlion has been donu since mm llmc and the uslsh nuts or Kin has assured that lhe final ableCUvo will be reached turned The total amount money he raised all over the world in excess 3200000 and tho interesl 1mm lhi endowmem will assure mmciem land In provide professor he Unl rcrslly of Southern Rhodesia on pcrmnncyll bzfsis The imllal plan which is be supervised by UN trusecl 0m unlversfly with man scnlmivcs ol lhc Salisbury Round Tablc call or prom sor to occupy Lho position or one year to study my nnlhnr pology the second year ccmv GUTHRIE Spcclnl Sexy male or summer he Gum ric HI homumnking club II busy making skim nnd pup tops Sam ma member In the unlt are mnklnx Inch or mm an allcrnnuvc Lender Ihu unll armed lnsl monlh nre Mrs Mnmn nnd Mrs Cnldwnll The club meets at 651mm llnll 0mm cloclcd lhcn were pmsldrnl Inms McAnhur vlce prcsldcnl Mary June llullngn mrclnry Cnrrlne wiulns us loclale lecrclnry Mu McGnlrc nnd rrm mrclry Mary Jana MllIKL In ronlundlmu with he lInnL unm Show mm on dlnplny Hm lthlllllinn Gmund In Tor nnlo Wul llrnd Company unmln th ycslmlny Invited nu mm and wnmnn In lour lhvir mw nlrnnll mnnulnrllnlnx lnrll NitI In llnrrlr Guthrie 4H Club Sews Separates Visitors Tour West Bend Co Durlnu the tour llm vlnllnvn wrrn lulun In nu Ie ounmnnl mulnr um Don 11mmmlnml vurmumu ngrnl Inld WI Itll uod nbaul llmlr lmmcdllle be ml $I20 doz 32 lb 55 lb um 55 lb PA 85339 omjcs the third history and so on building knowledge racial relation lhmugh var ions aspecu the problem permanent prolessor would lhcn be named to thefiair Southern Rhodesia hns been chosen because of the opportun ity existing lo rcsearnh und study ruciul pmbiems in the held The prospect exists oi providing volume oi learning which will grow throughout the years and be something unique or lhe benefit not only he Universin Southern Rhodesia but of every other university and in fact any one who wishes to taka advan tage oi it distrlct governor and deputy governor or Me were guests mund out the cv enlnz and mak about Kins men Mandi which Febm ury Exumincr Photo One the five aims mud ob Swim the Kinsmen orgam leinn is that spirit of co operation tolerance under standing and equality between all mum and all peoples be lostcmd and 51kmde and that unity n1 hougm and pur pose mrwghnul Cnmda be Lablishcd toward lhh goal ncllons 11w wcrc plumd la in HM nrlup Imd mnnrkul lmul Illa clunnlinm flm vhlmrl we ulna plcnnrd In In lhnl Vul Ilrml wan nnw mnnulntluh In In Canndn ML Thurxnrlnml unld lu rc Apanlc In ll mun dlwlnycd wnl nrnnlylnx 11m luur rmlrvl In the new Almwmlm a1 lho rnnlpnny whlch mom cnnlnlnl ll vmlo wdum TM about ha only lcr mnw Aculplurc In llu Clly of Harris In dale The home was he mnlon ol lsyeawhl Inb my Dnvln Grove Sl HMI Ml Sulunlny Ilm and mm The locgpog An fiahsbyry Tum 61x wrrulloland er HOT WATER TANK LY PE RRRRRR IS BAYFIElD ST BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BARRIES ONLY SNOW HORSE Try Hydro Rental mE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAYV Ft 196 Barrio Kinsmen Club cele brmd new members night nu evening with me wclmm in of Him new Kinsmen Bill Images and Horace Smith from Camp Borden and Joe Walton of 1mm Mairan for the evening was Alvin Eyon who inim dupedlhe rncn Visiting the club was District Governor Bob Luke and Depuiy Governor or Zone gim Asiles OFFICIALSV ATTEND Both officials spoke on the values of Kinsmenship and what Kin meant to the var ioiu communities they served President Hendy Lamb said that very informative tion and answer period which turned out to be helpful for the prospective members follow ed their speech It was decld last nights medlns that the Kinsmen Club again this year would panch pate in the service club blood donor clinic to be held shortly inflame Notice was also given the Mn spring we mrflcrence to be held April at tho Tam0 Shanm Golf and Couan Club in Agineourl The sponsoring STROUD Speclul Re ports presented at the Commun lly Hull Board annual meeting shnwcd successlul year with the debt being constantly rc duccd The hull was in usa al most daily wlth banquets re captions meetings cnrd game competitions dancing bingo and shulllcboard mentioned as being part the activities It was also open each Friday evening or the library ember appointed by council to the board are Mel Conk and Hnrnld Robertson Retiring members Fred Mulllol land and Dwight Nelson were thanked by the execulive lnr their work lar the commuully Willingness at the new member in serve on the board was np pxeglalcd Debt Reduced Ht Stroud Hall Alter Ii meeting same the speculum Joined shul aboard cumpnlltlon Kinsmen Hail New Members mnr pruducliun mlpcnlwr Al ml Iluumun plum rviImc Mlun Mnrlkmule uwlxlnm ml dcnl murmur and Fury lfm hcwm Mull manager and Mr 11mm Inml nnnle vl on Inclmlnd Mnynr Cooke and Milan Slnluhl cncnd Mnnnurr 11m llnnlv xmmnrr THY EXAMINI WANT ADS Mend worm couple hum and lhls Is Hm mull nl her work mm Ilnviu lmu hum In the rxtcnl llml mw wal hcr mum In mmml wnh nkcldm mmm um ilrenzsville in Zone and Agincourt or Zone Dave Rowe vimcr carnival commutes man for theJunlor Chamber Commerce spoke on the various aspects of lhe cnrnivnl stating the carnival klcks Friday night Fob 15 wllh orchllghl parade allnwed by me second annual camlvnl ball Mr Rowe spoke parade the dance events and save scripllon of show will leatum Bnnie man has bun nam ed governor of the Canadian Retail Hardware Associralipyl Robinson Robinson Hardware was named to the position it was announced in Tor onto ycsmdaynl he associa lions annun meeting er mod worn Pierre IL Larocque Gram Mcrc Qua president 11 Dnloc Kingsville vice pres dent and governors Fcr guson Fergus and Field ur New Liskcard Barrie Man Is Governor painting lhn InlmanEl numlcr IIIMm MUSIC 10 Dunlap IA I42 lnulul full The Lllu HI AllHIM IlllI erl Iulr Src Us Fur All Yuur Mumn len ROBINSON KEENANS PLEASE YOU PA 66568 about the Salurdayl general de the arena mm

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