wk lDlIZN Mlflllll THUR PANAMA lAlt lnnamn 0pm liul Ilnp an Uw annual Mlhlmnn gm Chm will he lunlxl hm 11mwlny In Sunday ï¬lm nlmlll In Unllrd SIM Canadian nml LII Amrvlrnn pm pmllrlpnllnz 1m rlmnl IIIn Inclullu llHIfllflmVflI nl Mmarnllm Murat lurrlo lllm nml Klnxtlon JMHMCH Amnnt llw pm Invlmi Knlulann and mm 11 man both of Tornnlo Hum mm tllmmrn mud wow lhrlr Ivlmlillrnllon with Im rIIrk nun Ill WK II mmnuhlo lnr nny urrldmla day Mr Frank INI lrlk MUlul nip lmn Rel 5mm 1000 Ilia mummy Imunllnn Gm Tank Nd wrilquMh flwdlun Dun Harmw dnm lhnhu will Hmrrl mu mme Mur mch Trnm mh Drlmfllly nww lunn In mid 11 la Iw rrmnml unlll IMPLICMICNTS AN MIS CELLANEOUS Allh Chalmers WI Imtlor good repair Hullan Hllrmw rmor plow hydraulic Allis JIJIlmrrl umlml rMlnr disc nplnte John Dem 5qu ry rlkt mow worklan nnkr ulullt mdm mnnum mrrmlrr wood mmhlhm N¢w Mm powu mower HI nu mm In new Mll mllrrlililrr drill 0n nlhhcr 15 IM AI Sol Ira lmrmws hauhnr Qunnmy of Hacks Ohm Vnuun nn nil In mlIrr lmarinu nrw whrcl hm lrndor Irniln rack Hay lurk ur warm brand new mm Mlll Hm 5mm HAY ETHAW AND GRAIN 3000 Square Hum Mixld fly 1W mml 200 Balm Smnv well mud 10 mu Mixed Grain Helm Heifer ars cal wnrks um llrrcford lloihr years old open oran llcilm JR monnu old and upon Hcmlurd Chamlnisc hob fora l8 monxhs wim litre on Slrcrs your Md Regis lcrcd PnIILd Ilrmfonl Bull yum old real Herd Sire Above mménuhwd rn Bled 10072 LIclm 1110 Above Calms are 300 to 450115 each and are myjcejm at Stork Calm ml at fool pasture brad Hereiord Cow years call at not pasbum bred licrcioni Heifer years cal at foot pufure bred Hereford Cow years call at 001 pasture brui Hereford Heifer years calf at loot pasture bred Here foni Heifer years call Hot pasiurc bred Hereford Heifer call at fool Nslufl bred Hereford HciILr years calf at foot mlure bred Hern iord Heifer years Cali 14 foot pasfure hrcd Holsicin Herc fard Heifer url call my years to rmhcn in March Hereford Heifer ycnrs calf at 001 pnslum IHN Horofardr Cow years all fool pas Iurc bred iirmford Cows years calf of foot pasture brvd ucréroxi 00w rim CATTLE Durhaï¬ Cow yams calf at 00¢7paslure to sell by public audio at the premises LOT 23 CON 0R0 TWP Mile mraight mom of Highway No 11 SATURDAY FEBRUARY AT PM SHARP 53 Howard Caulk Farm Machinery Hay Straw and Grain The undersigned has received lmlmctians mm naun lolvnlllJN Amï¬mwrr Numb 1mm mm EEAN imp oyvm moï¬E Street Barrie Voflino Creditors ol FLORENCE KB TUBA HUGHES lake of the fly of Bank tn the malty 0f Simooe who died on the day of November 1962 and cre dilors of MABETL PHYLLIS ADELINE HUGHES late of the Clty Barrie in the Counly of Simone who dicd on 01 7th day of April 1962 must lile then claim with the undor signed before March Isl almr whld dale assets of the es tates will be dieribuledl Owen Executor and Adminis trators with Will annexed by 59ch l3 AUCTION SALES MAN on wmm to supply an mmmd ustnmcrl with man mqu mum wmlm fluclx menmm Elm or up weekly pwiblo ml or perllue wma to Bummer Roch sum name1 Quebec RADIOWéHIiEGE op cANAnA XIII Wu Tenn 23 Onl NAHDNAL compmy Mlflm mu mum or lmlulfld us me depmm Full complny bonenu Gm Ind nqu Um Divalent nu ma App to Nluonn muloymene Ollxco Burl Puma PA 83463 Fun To MONEY was GET IN ELECTRONICS ynu re Is at nver wflh mln mum Ad ID educIlon you an blcnme tamm In TV Klan Communlu nnl Antalnlflon Compute Etc Residem Schooll 1n Tamnlo Ind Monlru or nudy It home may tanIn Fm Book III Cane in lEGAL NOTICES in HElPIWANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALBERT PEAï¬SXLL AUCTION SALE me Wayng MALE HEIT lML WALHIIIZII IHMHIH MIImluulw min lrnuncud In Unilrd SIM in an MlvilIlHuu hathy gum brlnte tum lym lnlml TuMIlay MM lhu xNh Mu IKNIKy TK mmml ERKI INN TOMII EDMONTON ICW Llll meru Iln conch wllh HM lnlchrvun Ilmuhrldm hr tho Inl lhm ynrn MI lurn slum an mlnlnnl cnuh hy Edmnnlnn mlmm the WM Cm Foam lnnlmmr rlub Innounud 1mm Tame IMll HIVMENIHI NICW YOHK AWTum lmhllml IIruIlllcnl Hm Unllrd mum Hmlrm llnckry Lrnuur Ifll mxyrmlml lirnrzn Knlpalhevarr nml Amlln Ulllln III Hm Nashville IUD Flvrrn prmlln InvrIlllnllmL Imhlwl mlvl Tumlny llw plnym lullrll ln uunmlmnr In all ml mml In uhch 1min FfIL le Iflltvll nmclmlrul lwdny mum ll flmIIII Imnrd nl ï¬rmmm Thc mnlrh here will tonulsl 24 mm Holvlnnlk need only nlnu In nlnln hlx crown He lhu llnllrnxrr munl called 115 palm In wln The mlu pruhnbly will um llmm unlll Mny GAMES IOHTIONHII LONDON lIrulrrnAll Iho Ill linllhh lelmll Asnclnllon fur mgur unmu srlmlulrd hu lodny hnvz hrer pnunnnrrl luv rnuw ronllmml lry mndl llulu wtll he lhc mcnlh defence or the mm nnlvlnnlk Ind me Hnl dmllcngo or Iclron km 314 Mm fluxnlan WILL DEFEND TITLE MOSCOW 4AP7Mlkhnll Bol vinnik of lhe Sovkl Unlon wlll dclcml his world than llllo Again Turn lrlrmlnn begin nlmz Mmh 23 Tux rrpuncd Tuesday Snlhlchtwm Junlnr Hskvun Flin Plan llcginn Mnlvilln wmem League San Francisco Vancuumr Lo Angclcs Calgary II Mum Turnnla Junior Ntil hIchil Whitby Km In unborn I0 Tundnyl mull Guelph lelKfllll Falls Thundnyl Game Munlrcal nl Hamlllon Niagara Full Pclnrbnrough Nlaunra Falls Momma Hamman lolcrbarn SL Catharine Guelph Tonlnn unme KilchcncrWnlerlou at Windsor Onlam Junk LT AM Nlagnra Falls 2311 515912051 Momma 1911 1610146 Hamilton 1815 11169142 lolcrbaro 1711 10121 07 5L Catharine 1219 126 170 C12 Guelph 29 5122 70819 Onllrlo Sam API Windsor 2111 123 189 43 Chllhnm 1012 219111342 Woodstock 19 18 193 I70 38 Gull 1220 1915975 KW 1122 214217224 Tuudlyt llcsIIlLI KuW Voodslock Chntham Gal Windsor Chnlhnm Woodstock Gull Eulem Pmleulonal AP Hull0uawn 2912 619913864 Kingston 26 19014859 Sudbury 171910192le St null 12 27 15a 210 32 Tundlyl Ruull HullMaw SL hauls Tonllhtl Gun Muskezon at SL Louis Hullollawn Kingston Sudbury St Mull Tnnlxht Glmel Hachesler at Buffalo Cleveland at Pigtshurxh Buffalo Cleveland Pittsburgh Ruchesler Thundu Glme Providence at Quebec Western Division Buffalo 2717 5154138 59 vCXeveXand 20 22 6162159 Pittsburgh 19 16 510216741 Ruchesler 15 27 7152136 87 mesdnyl Rcsnlls Providence Quebec Cleveland Baltimore valdence Quebec Hmth Baltimore Springfield se leagua record by flaring liv lime in we en counter with Kinnton He jumped mm 27th In 10th In tho acorlng race and led with Marc Dulour at Sudbury es mm of the week was Alain Caron of flue lash place SL Louis Braves who racked up 11 goal and urea nsï¬lsu In fourjaxnes Gilbert notched our goals and set up we more Ia run up his susnn total to 64 points league slallsllcs allowed May Black burn collected 0111 goals and three assists for 10231 of 60 MTAWA CBJeanna Gil bert and Don Blackburn at Kingston Frontenac piled up 12 palms between them In axnd talok nver he two up arms In Eastern Profs 50 us Hockey League scoran race By THE CANADIAN PRESS THE BAan EXAMINER FESDAY FEB 1M 11 Gilbert Blackburn Pile Up Points Amerlun Lelxuu Ewen Dlvhlon 211 ield LT AH 2510 416511156 23201014715256 7417 617413854 2124 714818449 2022 818716543 SCISSORED spdï¬ HOCKEY RECORD MmmlUmvm Thlbuull Mnnlvral Innrlml MN nllly 111an NM 11 Wulhlnnun m2 hen alum pulnlml llnlaml mlfnm mm Brooklyn In Antnnln TuRnnllun Gullmu 1m Hun Ankmuv hnmkrd nul TMny Mum Dallas Ronny Mm null handed out Alumla lmunln Ivl odzm Tu Nu lMI fulnu CmL mm lmmlulran Hr uhllc nub palnlml Ilnlaml Ktlflm 131 Brooklyn Anumln TluRnnllnn Fungus1 Imuflnn Ankmuv TI AMINMTFII IREM MANII llNTlONlZD HUSH MU11w Euni prnu Kamr le mulch helmm Andnlnlll nI litMum and Hum due Scnllnml Im brrn ml wmul mm Irll In Mind ll wan nnnmmcvd hjwlay mnnlmn hml hum4 In clur llm ll nrl ï¬mllum In hutell ul Ire Ill my new ll Im mmhlu In do III In Imo FONTHACT KNEW TORONTO ACIIMnnulnu ulrulnr Lew llnymun Tur 0M0 Argnnluu hnl been rem lmlnllll or nnolhcr lhrrcyrar prrlmI Il wnn nnnounrtd nmu llny ullnwln lhc nnnunl mm lnx he Enlilrn Foulhnll Con mum duh John llnucu rhnlnunn he lxannl unld llm rnnlmrl will ulcnd Io llu end lhu 19m an who plnycd hl tollen loolhnll nl Orrnnn Slnlc mm mm olnrd New ank Glnnu ha Nu llonnl Lcnxun lllme Io Sm knlchcwnn In 19m HI lcrm hem ended whm llnh Shnw lormcr rnd wllh he WFC Cal gary Slumpcdm wu Ip lnlrd head cuach or lhu louuhrldcrl mmcdlnl Slew Owen worn Nick Mlcknlkl my on Tom nlurlby md Orland KJIINI lunch Lnrry Populn scored lwlcc fur lewuvcr wilh Jim Buddy noano zclllnl nno nplmx Hero the San Frnnclscn win was Len Haley who scored orcrflmu nIltr lhc Seals lmd Iorccd lhc mm Hon by lying the name at 1747 In thllrdpcrlod Wllhe ORcc Gard llawnflh Leo Lablnc Bub Sollngcr and Harold While scorcd or lhc Blades FIGHT RESULTS Gard Redahl Mllan Mnrccfln Norm Johnsnn Earl smcmm and Ron Leopold cum led 1h Callgaryfcorlnp un Mcanwhilc he Slampcdm who themselves hadnt won any at thclr last eigh games bmku out Iheir slumr with gusto dumping Los Ange Blade at Calgqrx GordVerrnvn led the Slump wllh pro x0915 The wln San Frnnclscna clghih In row onthe mad compared wilh he oldnway lmmhamn mmk ul seven so by Calgary Stampcdm In 1958 They needed overtime to do it bu San Franciscn Scab let Veslem llnckey League ree ord in defenling Vancouver Ca nuckn 54 Tuesday night mumHull Junior Hawkesbury Hull Ottawa Ottawa M1 Exhlhllion Trail Winnipeg Maroon Cape Breton Senior Northslda Sydney Non Scull Senior Halllu New 6113an 6mm Inlennedlalo Mearord Drill Ontario Junior Burlinglqn Welland Tillsonburg 11 London 10 Sarah SL Thomas Kitchener Owen Sound Internom League Fort Wayne Muskegon Enslern Luna Nashville Phlladelphla Jahnstown Charlotte Seals Sét Record In Overtime Tilt By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nick Polano of St Louis Ike league badmnn with 100 minutes in pennlfles Sudhury Easily the must penalized team with 615 minutes Bruce Gamble and Wayne Rutledge of Kingston allowed 148 markers In 46 names or quagc Dulour tied with Gilbert or lha scaring lead week an was held In on goal last week and fell Into thhd place with 59 points GOALIES SHINE HullOttawa Canadians non llnued to dominate tho loop an the strength at ï¬ne goaMeud in by Ernie Wakely Ind Cea an Mantaga These two and three substitut goalies hnva II Iowed 132 goats In 46 games or 786 average Woke lop lollgall with MHHGHBINE man 45 HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE flfï¬cï¬f 39 Cflflï¬OLHTES 87 CHEEZ WHIZ KRAFT GOLDEN DEW SLICEI PORK LIVER ECONOMICAL NUTRITIOUS PORKWTENDEBLBIH NO WASTE ALL MEAT FLORIDA FAMOUS INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 39 FIRM LETTUCE 19 1601 Jim BUNCH CARROTS 55° MUSHROOMS GREEN BEANS LB IN BONUS TAPES EXTRA TOTAL OF $2800 APPLE PIE FARMHOUSE FROZEN DELICIOUS ONTARIO GIIUWN Imported us Na Gnde Ln HlC DRINK CHIP STEAKS cooxm MEATS cmmors RECEIVE $600 IN BONUS TAPES WITH 0M0 DETERGENT YORK PEANUT BUTTER 37 FECEIVE $200 IN BONUS TAPES WITH CIGARETTES 5733 cl HALO SHAMPOO my FECEIVE $400 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Calllornll Frth Top Impomd Gnde In Sun The Cnhwlyl lloz Ill Willi Free Back In Stitch Of The Cnhwlyl lloz Ill rvull lulu llnnwll mmlnm lul llnl ho 1mm man No 59° 23° ï¬ndl MU