Wont Ads Ring AreEYou Listening Win Moneylend EA 82414 l5 TIIE EARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 196 ANI For Flowers And Plants Call BEZZANTS PA 50247 ENGAGE 755 JACKSONCUT no Mrr Ed Jackson at Lefqu on tarin are runny tn nnnunco the enlagemnl oI their dlulhter S1lidn train to lir our Culbert lnn of Mr Ind Mn Culbert oi andrnru The marrma Ia to In pim In reoruary UNCEMENTS at the unyal Victuria Ilovpliri 1L on Tuesday Frbrulry issc Florence Gotncy beloved witc ot the late mo Cornell and drai mother at Ben and Ilomld Justin al the lcnneu Funeral Home Ddrrle Service At st crnrccs Anollcan church at pm on Friday Februlry Inlen meni St Ilull Cemctrry lnnlsï¬l ulcllkll villi be open In the church Iran pm tlll time or rvical comma EVENTS DANCING Every Friday ORANGE HALL BAXTER MODERN and OLD TIME Music by Ian Floyd and The Midcountry Musicmakers ADMISSION 75c PRENATAL CLASSES Sponsored By SIMCOE COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Begin FEBRUARY 730 pm Phone PA 86967 or Inlormation and application Iorms JEAN NEWMAN to speak at the ANNUAL MEETING the Dorrie Womens Liberal Association THURSDAY FEE pm Recreation Room Collier St United Church MR AND MRS THOMAS KIRK 66 JOHN STREET will be At home to menus and neighbors on 7th 963 TO AND TO PM ucmsion ol their 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY INNISFIL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MEETING Thursday rich 1963 pm srnour COMMUNITY IIALL To tIctt IIelcgilIrs re mnlentiorl Copy or Want Ad Section accepted until pm duy holnro nulllicntion IIIONE IA MOI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 CullIIcIisrtl nnIl clinsllieil IltIHT llsclnrnls lire IAxcrtIil lit the rule oi to per lvnrrl Insertion Ior tnic lintl tvio times do per want for lllm tour or live tlillra and NI per word Inf or more Insrrtions W7 nIldl lloIInI titanic II not paid within 10 tny TIII MINIMUM COST FO ANII lIIIII AI will MIINI MC FUII 1t aOIlIIh II IAIII WITHIN ID IIS III FOIL VIIIIIIH Il IIIAIIIIHI IIIII SINGLE lel2lirltiN rlllliinlt tihilltirrltlrts Ally II mirtan that all pint In mnm in air Id rmtvrAInIlI In you Iliultltrr Tomlin lle IIIII nin Anuuiunr Ii Iimnl ltlll ll rilrm tinilly rI uni nI In IniiIII II InnIlla in nulu IIIII cm Ill nnrtI IIItltI mIIv In munirn Mr am In nun in tllIVItI tnr in rllvllll itIn niin nnt mil litt lIi Mi nttla Inr nnlv mil inunmtly Illnlul Invllllm an en minnun nA lmn only In lll IIIIIII ni wfllllnn Imnl lnllprlnl IIIIIII Itn nni rm urn ni Ilia dililttIpmIll nnt antihi unmnnn Iy IrvII mo ininiiin tIIcntI in per utiIil Illlimtlltlllt Iliilivn rm mm pill limit Niilitrl II no in up in MlttlIl innr 21 mil 5c or IIIA mill III MNIIIIIIII itiIIrl iITiI tII trrsn IIINI Jt Inn WIIII uni nimlt JTHJI hmth ynymmnt menu ItuvtIpyl llitmi IatIr lln Nnmh II Ilu hvlit plltrtlv III me II an altar vl III PIINIIIIIMI nhnil vivlltllclnclll nml tot tlitle llalrr Inlllt ItlIIYltI try pin day prr MINI DUIIIIIIIIMI with the Hi tuition ot CIIMIIIPII llirlilny udlrvtlanicitll wlilrh must be In try lion noon ormtiinl day It pt WI IImIllntl mom Tho minor to Illhlu deyllmnt REALESTAIE PROPERTY FOR SALE IL is Al IIO Nut door to In any The 45A DUNLOP ST IPA fox481 ATTRACTIVE Roanled bungalow close to his garage Large lot Near school Will handle for $2000 or less Poll price $0500 FAMILY HOME Comiortrlble roomed bunga Iow Iwothree extra bedrooms In basement All conveniences School very close Easy com muting distance ALSO SEVERAL Attractive homes with only $500 down FOR FURTHER Inionnalion on the above call Irene Forbes PA 66481 evenings 0rd 1715 52000 DOWN Very comfortable two bedloorn bungalow large kitchen drive way garage Beautifully land scoped lot Block from North Collegiate Full price $900 CallRussell Carson PA 66431 evenings PA 5616 CUNDLES $500 down and $30 month bllys this large tour room home Coll Russell Carson PA natal evenings PA 96161 NEAT ltOhtE two bedrooms on moin lloor two bedrooms Ixiscmcnt Kitchen living room and bathroom $7000 lult price with low down payment One mortgage Call Iloppy PA ootri evenings PA 743 YEAM OLD bedroom bungalow with nice tireplaoe Large lot with gur agc Call Iityppy PA 66m evenings PA M748 FOR RENT Two and three bcdrrbm hungr IDIIE also two and three Dcd room apnrtmenls DUPLEX Very flood investment Home that will carry Ilsell Ilanlly to downtown Call Rxllfll IIuilkc PAWS evenings PA nrwol BEDROOM IIOMII On Cook Street with very nicp recreation room liiItio an ricoty Iandsli Ii Call erlnh Ilonkn PA 67512 ttn mgs IA norm SMALL DOWN PAYMENT will bring you up to lst moltgoge lit payments oi Sim prin cipal interest and taxes on this zyearoid bedroom brick hone Enlow Immaculate condition Phone Mart Moore PA Milli evenings IA time IVE Alli2 STILL In urgent nccd til our bedroom new And oltlrr houses For Inst Action III Mart Moore PA Will elon Intzs PA 821 Member or harm and Dirlltci Iitrl ram uolrd IIAIIOLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors lid IIAYHIZLD ST PA 66451 ANYTIME Alorlitnnc Iunild Avlillnhlo ol VAIue77iï¬ Interest No lionux No iliIlIlcn Icet SNIlIiZIN SEASON IIlcrt Iv no Tire tor II mitt but we Into lure tor Anyone who wnntp II mrilililh prlcml home In iin tx ctulill loclIIItill TilII Doris Nllliylvlltlil Wo Ilelicll youll Ire nIluI you did ZIIIIZIIIIOOM IIIIICK IIUMILI IMO Iltik SI low down piiylllrnl SILT IiIIli ItlltI Orlllcy Ik mm Split irvrl llrlnne lIII Ntlml IIrtItrtli Itrr ItirlIltT Inltillnlilltiri IIIIIIJZX Willi me IIriIIonIII lllltI iilll ZIVWIIVIIIII AILIIIIIIITII timid Illmttw Itlr Ihlll wrll Iocrle IttI AIIIInIIAIe IIllIINIV Sitphr rltc lnIlitllttl AIIII Iiilllironliu FIIII pllrv IItJm SOUL VOIIII IIOIIAII$ Anti my this Itilrly lettIthttlll Ir Nutty IWHIK Fllrvlitte IiIIIl llnIIIlIsIlNI ntlIt ttllIItI II IlintIo Intli IIIIIIIIIIill IIIIIvMiIliI In tnltII III in tIitlItIst Muck ltI Ohm it tlIlII lllnItP your oil nII Iilii tlimryi Ilnwr mail YOIIII WANT ONIi TOOI IIrIIIIFA liltrsl IINlI InliIiIilll Aron ilmrp your nwn Int nml tumor plan in in rllsltvll IIIIII Iiy IIIOYKI lintIN IIlk Is Ilirirl Itiiiilllnrt stint lose in twiliiir IIle IIILII rtlxuiII All icrviIn limit and rilltn wIII Irv IneIIItINI In pInIIiAI pllrn Iwu IIIIIIIII Iit moving to IT nw Ilnlm Mlly out your will IIttlIIt pvlrallty It you rail tltnilh KiteslIlI now EVVlINtlI Il lum Nullymnhe It Nnm tlnmh rA Ml IMI llmrttvn rA um cI tIlI rt III4 In In rlt tum Itunlm huh Iiirulrl Ilnl mm solid Barrie All conveniences Dou lltEAlEsTATE RogersPA 835 SMITH 32 HIGH ST John Lung PA liSTï¬l Del ColaPAMSUI REALTORAPPRAISER Home Fem Businesses ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER H9 DUNLOP ST BARRIEV Phone PA 236 Opposite and Store HENDERSON REALTOR ID COLLIER STREET PIIONE PA BZGIll EVENINGS CALL nITA SCANDTIETI PA Mass DauoTiIY WILCOX PA out PERCY FORD PA M9 EMERSON SWAIN PA solos Itcmoei or Barrie and District llrd Onurlo neat IAllto Bulrdl CORBY REAL ESI ATE Broker Phone PA 32th 91 Dunlop St Martyr iionry AVIIIIIIII MABEL tIAnsuALL rs onso MUITIEL IErrEIIY IA sum KAIIL VDODWARD Chung WIB llAIlIilsi post DILi Jhnrmt PA solidi BILL SUTIIEnLAN PII onto Ar PIIOTO MLS REALTOR 7a TIFFIN sTIlELI oAhlilr CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 hicmbcr the Barrie Ind District iical IJlll loud Keith Marsha REAL rslAlr Illicith PA 32592 CLAPPlzuToN 5T nAnnlI ruANii NELth Plt sores KArII II MARSHALL IA mm was norI PA 503 Ilunim Ilmi and Dlitrlrr Ilul hi Iller GAITVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY on Nlolir Ilt ooz Archer CoIWIII REAL ESTATE APPIIAlsnls MORTGAGES AnIIANIiliD AUCIIONI il IA tan Representing FRASER llll 8598A DUFFERIN ST Toronto Russell 30425 IL UII Ill lroom iiuntthirlw III bltthrn liltl ltrhrd hun IIil Illmvate rim to Khooll Trirphnna JIIJ rnvllt FARMSMIEORWSAVLE on RENT mm IVAN II in rent iatlh nr wit in npiinn in huy um me hi to ulurr pith 1me Apply rlrylinnl IA snip time MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1516 2nd hiortungo Lonnli AnyIincro lIIlIlK INHIII IIIAMII IIUMTN ANII TMIMt LOW MONTHLY IAM 1T3 II YOU NliIIII MOT turn impinv OAny unilhhlia mm Write or Iltfllll PA MN lllortgntto IlInIlInI Silii ISOII ll III Ami Ilmllllv Irvin tlinn MONEY AVAILtrill FOR COIHIIIIIIIIIIIYII ni IIIIII IIorlIu rennin rlr N0 BONUS Low RATES LIFE INSURED giï¬i at $56 Monthly 3544 at 90 Monthly Up in two unit to month to repay SEAIIOARD PA 66477 DISCOUNT MI Dunlou St nIIIr MlllIlHlil up at Irnm twi In sat in Mm puto1 Immmlrlniy Wili Illal to llmlo huminu IIINT FOR THE liltltlii ANI GIIOOM Watch Clantiled Alli for terrillc furniture and lip pllaiiro barglnc In Milli PROPERTY FOIT SALE ROGERS CONNELLm Plhisirtitii5 PHONE PA 85568 fSave Miles Will Photo Files EVENINGS CALL Mrs MoorePA 65137 Cornellpit sores MEMBERS HARM AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD CAMPBEL REALTOR PA 60241 Home PA 87380 Charles Read PA rzaiv Mrs Tangier4495474 lumber oi nanta Ind Diiirlci Ru attain ionrd INSURANCE MOVING Dont target to transler your iNSURANCE and It you need extra covcrllgo ot any kind SEE STEVENSONS 113 Dunlap St PA 6430 RENTALS GARAGES FOR RENT 2r RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOUR no IKD uniumlshcd Iplltmcnt for rent lulu Cent InL Near Ictnrlel arirtnl lac Hillel lclephnuc PA with SELFCONTAINED turntahpd apart merit newly decanted lIlIIll room bedroom kitchenette and bath room 36 Per lrwnth TelePIIpnr PA omni PA hull TIVI noon rcilmntalnrd apart merit or ront htmlshed IIId ll ed Ground mm with private ent runce Telephone PA HIM or my lurihrr inlnnnatlou noun nooll unlumlhcd up ruin pmnrmt ror nut and Illahwuy IV mile mm Elrrle rormnher Wormlion Ipplv 90 Eu Rold ANGuu No bedroom mutant tar mt leIIorltlln¢tL wih bath room and uruc Apply him lmt 5L Alum or telephone Ron Spencer Ivy Ill CENTRAL lmund floor thwo bedroom upuflmenls $55$90 mon thly Iicat cuter Included Clus to pirate puhiie rchoplr Sell contalncd Apply Peel strut Aplrunent columntum one bedroom hr dd lplrtmenl or lull Cw touted stove Riflilullol it whWlupï¬lltd For Iurther de élglIlglllep on PA 55359 or PA THREE mom had bathroom up hlshcd very centnl rec purl in and llundry militia also two rooms and bathroom very lawnbk Tclephona PA wool PA 61031 one bedroom unrurn lshed huted Iphrtmrnt rclrcnn tulnod with laundry and parkin Iccllitlu Nur out rinp Tele DIhOYII PA 54467 or runner on GARAGE roll RENT tor aLoHle 10 mi at Maple Avenue Telephone PA Mm or my run thcr ininrmatioh NURSING HOMES AIIK EDEN NunsINo II Built tor this work Semi prlvlte rooms irind nurstnl cm load loud IV rooms nation In run lnr outlnls Telephone tilint Slroud OFFICES STORES RENT Annvr Ina FEET olilcc 5pm on xrcnnd tloor oi modem build ills Cnlller Slmi Nltural yup tllatlun lighting Equipprd with two warhroomr PA omt durlnl buxlnesr houn flour or rent next door to In ItIIIIIdAIe Sullahlc lay it dressing or Ilsrhcr Sho or tom Store In tact Iultubo In business Pluse iclephona or Hit or Mr Sam Suuhsmln at the ourrna IlnloL Telephonï¬ PA dztzt HOUSES FOR RENT six lino llriclr iluuse Iplm bani hardwood noon ruli alze bnrcmcnl hminr Cloce to Port Olllcc Telephone PA 01561 or PA until COTTAGE inn RENT Klichru onlhrnnm end two nIhcr roonu hulltvln cupbolrdx Hot and cold wltrr loo llullon Avc flame Tclrlhona PA Mood MouunN two bedroom oundaiow centrally touted Clo to our nlop AleJlllPJIarch Telephone Will sirourl or contact II Cu mn Ilcal hints Dnrrtt nvri IIEIIIIOOI Iinuac Inr mil Iumuhru In tiaraiie hII tumrt IAILllrd ltvo milu poulh nl Ilor ric IS pcr month Tclcphona IA Iotill evmtnn IA Mano Mitt mndrm Ihm ocdmpm IttucliriI hone oil heaicd 2th Inilu Iiom Ulrrle on mhln hirh vnl man Tom rhpol um and hydro luIIDIIed Tcirphcne PA ncr Ity Illnrn Slrrcl mnnlii alto MIr hrlrk IIoIm onpnlilr loal IIIIKI IIIIIII X75 per month lIrllrirtlIAth pnuullon Trlephune Nuim SynnuI IA 55ml inn TA um II Clrsun IIrI linttr wENTED To RENT TIIII Ilrznilmut llnnte Ill Mihrllllllr till mlilllll II airli rrnl Telrplnnt III at PA so tn EARTMENTS FOR RENT DONT LET MOVING COSTS HOLD YOU UP llIINT NOW mill Iktlrooi Apilrtniant Irom $11500 monthly LAUNDRY FACILITIES JANITOII SIJIIVICI PARKING LOCKICI SlACIi IIUS STOP AT DOOR WE IAY MOVI COSTS IIAItItlIi DI lll Illone IA Ili2ll70 in mm IIIlItimr llrrwnl II ll vprint II ya InnnIhly mnn iA IMII IllIrll ull mntrlnd Inn in Irultmpnl IIIII built inn watrr lipled liiu nppllrd It Inrlliu Inlnnmllml lIlrphnnI Ana ttvsm rllilnr ntmtl ninni will lirtttrmm vrlit Amy Iliin Invr aiui IIIVIII vnlunu IIIIIIMI Alllull Apply tn lorltn hunt IlIrnIIIII Tnlnphnne IA IsIuI ly no MilIn Iimiua In any ninunu thlAlNl lmluwun ppaitnmit In hum th Itlitrally liitil It nilIIIth IMIIIIIH IluI Ill thy Anllllvll IrimltilIIOIY Til Ilium null Arumnu ArnImIII to uni lleItllnIIllpiI llvrllnlrllnl Ilhuy rm Trim not on Hill iippiim Adulll nnly phnne NmTNll Innil lwtlltmm in rlllllpl than IA uptu Ila Minn tintinni IIINIII In nunlm lltil lml mun AIM and Full llm ImlmM Avriliii rm to TIorhma rt Islll In In llllo ullar ttimtlurltn rim to ln lulu Annn II In dlndm pmmnt mil ll am In lmnd unlidtnrt Imm unornIlri until very am uplllll Ind pirhltl rhnnl rural lint urn trip rum llltllo um um np lulinv rm human tnptv ll Iw In lllrpbpm IA ll am corrchmED hllkdII1Ru room rlmenl 01le Ind lloll IIlhIl NEII Itth And stores II hll tnuIE AVIIIIDII FEDIUIW PA 31358 altrr pm Ind weekends TWO LAnan ltoomrd unturnlsh cd apnrtmuni Hut and water luppllcd an blocir lrom slmcm Plan nu rtppa ai Ihn door Tele huh PA Mesa or npply It as rel strut 0N1 nannoo uniurnishrd upm Ineril Dst end Iocutlori Ithan and laundry Incllliler with or without rtove and Nfrllenlor Close to rtnru and our lcie phone PA Hm IIIIIEB ROOM unfurnished nprrt meril reticenttried newly decnr lled wllh new lllc noon on em eunr sum Clare to stolen uvullxbl Immedlllely Telrphohe PA booze LAnnu THREE room artmcut Ilsa our room lplltrlelel apart mull both round Iloor And very central Could accommodate two children Almainm only Telre phone PA Mm NuIer Decorled three room IInIufltIlhtd leIIcolllllncd ppm merit ior rc ou hulrd Hydro hcal rcirlzerator Arid Ilovo sup Filled analc rntrmce Teltphonu Hm alter pm IILTIIA MODERN unlurnlxhcd ono bedroom lplrtmznl Cultnlly louled ltur uni rIre Soprule enlnncu dupe np plied parting rpm on miles 37 mummy TEI hon PA H392 noon or alter MAIN noon unlumlahtd hut ed aplrtmnni tut ocdmomr IV In room lllrhrn end tour piece hath Ncwly decorated hunt and eniranrrs laundry room in inrrIi Ilrlilril rpm with car huicr At Olrnwond Avurtmentx or children welcome Apply HI Bufleld street Pholio PA um ROOM BOARD noIIInI mini Iorallon In ml prkrd Telephone IA dInilai dlslrllt 5m ROD AND IIaAllIi Iunrhu rirrd ll mind Priilnil rpm IInmo illlvllrxru Hunt illi irirI For Iurihrr ulrtlculm lilrile Iclrphonl IIt Ions ROOMS TO LET TENT on Mark your tlohlllnwn IlIlIIIItlI HI ilrnun Ihonz PA alui IIKIIIIIIIN ntitill 1n Vuy renlrrl Illlly ruinluml lJtIY prtIrlrrd Apply Al Di Iiuniap st l1 Mn Knnry or lurihrr Inlnlmr llml EIIIIINIM tar rthl vrry rnltrtll Ioultnn plrllnl lariilllu l7 nrriily Itullaiilr now Iter so Iliaiy slim or Iclrphom III CIlIIIIIIIAIIIM hot IIIIIlll Ioflm Or Itrll rill IIunlop hlrvfl II Illllnl Ilrllillu In to Villa tnn irnllemun prrterrrll lplwmq PA 63 All pm ARTTCLEs rolisALE PHOTO REPRINTS llvaIlntilo lit The Barrie Examiner Il you lutlld like to MVI To prlnll nI any new picture Ipltcn our atoll pllnlotrllr phcrl is All At our lluIL IIIu 0ilitc WI orll sorry cunnot Accept DltunI onion Glossy Prints $100 lo $l25 plul tu Illlrritl SECONDIIANI STORE hll ulctl Wilt plul now allpiiiiy dfllnlilltI Ilch wwy Irelnw original rnsl WI alw tth mntrnl lAia If UUNLOI 51 lhuno PA 2427 TITLE Ipnr IIIIIITFIlIIw rilllllletl picture tulips pills Ito tin warranty MD ID McFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE lAitK HIGHWAY 17 NORTH AVID ll II III Illa Mitt lIIHM Lulllrv IA um 4ARTlc1Es For SALE rltliMElismtltKET 6Auromorlvs YEAR END SALE all types of VACUUM CLEANERS Must clear them out From $750 up Come in and take your pick FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVICE 87 Maple Ave PA 83482 Plompt service on all main oi VACUUM CLEANERS NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 22 II III Ideal Ior lining hen housa attics izoraï¬es etc perlect Insulator 25 PER DOZEN Plus Tax Apply The Barrie Examinér Barrie Ontario FURNACES paw Iomd air ou Illnilcu or pale Overflocked DO Telephom PA W91 sxll Boots AND Polo tor nip Like new Sire ii TelEPhtmd vlls 1mm onaANGnod house man Ior Hie Iritlolle dirk brown color Isktn prlee ma Tekphmu Ilizrnlock 51111 Ailiaton IlovsuIIuLD article and lumi turr auluhic ror rummer colhle Ilso crlo Ind miran horse Tele hone PA mm or any further lormatlon MINES MASEAGII and 51mm ruch llum hams One my to belt Ihl cold Licensed nlduuh Illusour uy appointment Tela phone PA hliii DELTA 9INCII Indlai Am saw tnnsli lcvcl complete with rod Also Inlemtloml Moll Truck Apply Sprlhz service 160 Velprl Street name uPAcI IIzAIim tot ule Cole mm 5000 lllU mmpletu with rtrci Ilnkl tiller Piper up and luhIIIl Wcvc lniiailcd Tel phone PA 39807 UIIIOLSIEIIIND and hepllrlhl Prices remnahle All work run anlccd Sampch may he seen at 11 North Street Ttltphonn Soule PA pom QUALITY Iahrlc Vlclluln cicancr rinse Replacement All lmku no Srrid or bring nid hue Bert smr Srwlnl Machiun Senlcl IIfl Rllent Strrrl OrtllII REFRIGERATOR Apmmmt llu Kclllrutor Iielltlcrator or air push button derrort AI condition Apply up Street or erphorio PA 61561 to pm CARRIAGE hluo arid Isa Llnyd Twin Similar and canopy blue only odd rlrw Telephone PA NT or evrnlnu PA pom nPuwrilrsns hourht Idld mit cd repaired Student rcnlal nch Ask about our Ruit rry then IIuy run Eur Typewrier co St West PA our nuna lilo Ilmplm gut sky blue parkmund wit navy blue trim Nmr wnm Price ï¬nlble Plcase telephone PA NEW AND nehulli sates vault dim hpuiIhl cold opcord ro pnirrd combination vhanred smell air we Locking Sal Ducawunh stml or PA Hm ltlrorn ITANGK town like ricw silt tolnrh steam nrtn mo zllrich ltloilal llangc and controlled Ids Aparlrucnt in until us llrcllry ItrtTlKrrutor In Large Snare Heller lrt ninr Vulhrr us Kmm uni rr It llnhInnn llhmwlrll Irin phana IA pml DOGS PETS cocky IIIANIKL Puppies Ior ute him tcmalu rnnntlu nlil Tcleplmne uxtrhrrt iinirninn Ivy IIIII BEIGE MOTORS IlAlllVII llhrlllu lIoll IIlofll It TerNce Iinll TrhlIer IInp Aluminum liml ms AII Itrlllt Muly MW Apply 31 Aurel Stud Ulrvle RADIO TV HlvFI WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC nut Voun lllfl NOW WITH Lowcost leiNsUltw SCOIIA ILAN LOAN lllli IIItNK OI NOVA SCOTIA Ahï¬cms WANTED ï¬rï¬in AI To I7 yoan IIW IllllIIIlm Int Nell omit In lid nurl Kllnr llur II Ilium wan Inur Iir le um write llvl prllrulra in lieu ti hunt arnlhr FARMER MARKET DIMI STOCK IlMlcsI IIIIITS iIIItI Inf IIeIll or rrlppirtl rhltlo and hen SIINIII AnIInAII removed Ir Fur tnIl mvlce IIIUNII IIAIIIIII IA Hm ICoIIKII or link Iot ZlZNITII ollJil tNtl iIAIltIII It hall it pm NICKS DEAD STOCK III Iollnlwi OllIIlrIo liltniso No In HIT NIIIt MnntnIttlc Ilvti LIVESTOCK IIIIIIilthI Tutti StatII limitd run In iim tin Illum lIe intpun Htmlnl KIIIIII null mm In pale Slut It rmphm IA um um pm In any Imthtr In tmmllllm Nim VII VIIIITIINI eIelnlItt ylliif liqIr II t1 RIM An lvlmlflit till now Ivnun tin himl Wnnlipl nmm plinm rA Mill mum IOULTHY ll CHICKS ItllANY GIVEFootwlflni ut IIIllnc lmnnrhly 1IIlrhm mm mm TIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS lllONf IA Mt FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies GI Service Class New Holland David Brown Realty Farm Equpmeut 176 BURNII AVE PA $237 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING HANK BROWN DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Farm dairy and barn equipment Barrie Holly Hwy 27 PA 60383 FEED SEEDGRAIN WEADICK MILLING CO CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING the farm with our mobile Iced mill lor at our undoury mill otStroud IWo rany complete line at prepared Iceds concentrates etc Also IN TEREST FREE FEED CON TRACTS PHONE STROUD 52 POULTRY CHICKS TITLINE urlu whit eu IlyerI Ira hml In mill in more money lIyLind chick Advulhle include inw teed coat per dour em high per cent Lune cur rtrphl VIldmul chiclu mo top livability rremdl Avllluhln day pid to in week In Contact your local IIyLIno mick NI enlltlve Arnold ncintrc edar Valley Ontario AUTOMOTIVE ME YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL Mons AT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 85971 hï¬ossssslou Ilsa Rmult Tm nvcr lymrntl or um per month Tel bone Credit IuIna Ir PA uni and ult or Don nu cilxvuour Sedln new omitIon l1 flown Luke aver payment Al 22 per month Tell phone PA Hoax my PONTIAC Hunting or IIII nadlo new plates In nod cpndi Ilon yin Ttltphum PA Mm tor turthrr dculla luun IIAcITIIICII mo Sludrbahr Luir rir yunorr ath overdrtfl our door low nineye no down peymt in on monthly wrncnlu Telephone PA mil lm union or nlc our door nix cylindcr tunard transmu IIon Iteudn lm utilan am new hu romperly cur Telephono PA 66501 and MI Ior Don luv ronn WAGON VJ automa tlc excellent audition all Trudy lpr winter drtvlnr Term can he marina liIult he cold this week Tctephona llt Hm Iltar pm In cotln vary low iliu IlIltm In urn to on ml or III ml Pi triumph HUI In ANouA dellu reliant rnndltlnn or with mlkhln In lui mum MW load lru windhlld inath Telphon Ill mu altar pin lunhu Inlormatloll m1 rnuu tun door matrhlnl interior dulp um In ultom mun new condition on down flag per month mum PA Iur VALMNI two dear Illnl Ill molar tout not an ear pllnli ed In in MA with rrutrhtril tnlcrlor down gunnnc mm month 1on om IA no mo MVJICUIIV Mun one owner It all run and maIrhInl InlrIIor Iulolnulle trunn mlnlorl dnp lmd Ihllu nu um It down in Inuit my per mm on non luv limit rilln blnnll III malrhl IIIIQIIM Itlllmullt lumrrtIIlInn rqupm fllo any IrvII white tinII IIII any 27 per month TIprpn pit Dd MOTOR CARS FOR SALE mt ITUDBIMKIR Lu It lrd trnhsmlulon aix cylindnr cn line condition uh mu PIY menu mulled to suit yourhud let An opportunity not to put up Telephone PA Mm alter Mn and uk tar Funk CARS WANTED TO BUY ohm roll your IT Lien Enid on We trade it dale Ilatou 21 PA Hui AUTO ASSESSORIES PoNnAc scrapping will tell rtr or whole unit Telephon l1A um or any lttrther Interm on PERSONALS RIDE WANTED Dnlly Irrlrn Stroud Io Barrie Arrivan 110 pm and autumn pop lclcphouo stroud or down Hold room nLLTNoI Do you want your Iortupo told by cardtr Ir ao telephone PA ootoo anytime tor andlutmeIIL IRWINO DONII ladle dreuu bloom nilLl ILIo childrens up Plrll Rummbln Talephou PA our turnoan out prior eoldwam Sub nle by mum hrirdmur hr your own home or hoypltal ur VIM Bernice PA hour or PA um anonnIo Alteration double breuted coeia mad IrIIo rinxia pmrieo Curtain rmdt com rum ninth in lrdlu and can limit Pun Wenrvenl rm Grant Soure PA mil WOMENS COLUMN LEARN IIAIRDRESSING Goveroment Chartered sdiool Thorough training In all brun ehas oi oaouty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY ST to HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL my my Can to prb school children In my hum Dormant pod Telephonl PA m7 or any turthcr WormHon WILL Do mhy Silllnl Arid iltllt housework in your home mil Eupelizmd Telephone PA PALM INIuuon and htrrior Decontr lnl Ibo lmlll nonuntnl looa rm uumatu moderata um For any Iurthcr Inlomduon him thno PA 759 CIIILI cAnl cm will mu up Ind deliver prelchml till only Inlerullnl pronma Tutu renunlble For lnlomlum bell phonc PA Mutt CARPENTER warm or all luridI Itcnontlolu Kitchen cuphaarda nllnl Palnirnl Reerutlpn Room Reummbld ntu mlnlzd Call anytime PA 5M BILIAIILI MAN will do to job mind the horns nrt punt inr urpentry etc No lot too mull rm mks Reuonlbl In Telephonl PA 711 FEMALE HELP AVON CALLING FOR FUN and GOOD EARNINGS AVON Iluprcscniatlvm will tell you Its easy to sell tine products lull or part time Its proï¬table Coll PA 6655 um WANTLD MIMI and up man to hrlr lady muperata allr operation alca llrht houuimpuu dullu Tommi IA um IAIIN or To me per hour dent nlulnlllll lumouu HIudln CIII Cor IMllfl run or plrt Talo pnm PA use rrl millionunit WANTIII tllleh tenc vrelemd Apply rm nnuty shop 35 unad or ticlinens Ill cull amunn PA l1 MALE FEMALE YOUNG PERSON To learn to operate IcINtP setter pertorhtor Must hAva At least 60 woritt lr minute typing Good opportunity to learn it trade with loot lut LIIE Apply in It SIINIIINU IIIII IIAIIRIIZ EXAMINER unlit IIIIIIII AIRva Col Ilunlnp erl 5mm tIAy tnMPIIatlonl Anti mm mtlpt bu phoned In httwrcn list and It llnI BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask illiout Low Iiotcs by Month or Year Telephone PLASTERINO IIASTIIIIING Flu Estimates 5AM CRYER IA elm PATITTINo AND PAPERHANOINO EUWAIID SMITH AND WN Iulntlng and form Illnllnl Ml IIilnilnq tunic Since no III Home VA and REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION AEIIVICE Cllrlrrrtoh St PHONE PA 50 PA II WELL DIGOINO WELLS DRILLED IUhlltt lNSTItIJ Lu iiv lltFNrIlIll llltilltlLI FREE milltrim Counlond Drilling All IIAlltIE IA mu IF Digging Dug licepunril ltepatrrtlfl SEPTIC TANKS lilmpvd nuttn up In no NIIAMI KEN WINTER I33 Ilrhtlitlrtl St IA U71 ZMSSYIIIIELI ADS WILL IJIUNU IIESUDISI on Rik as