Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1963, p. 3

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VTUnetmfiloymemf InBarrie And District Urges More Research Of Mental Retardation hendllnn llflmllm lnr ll flmle Win lnmlvnl lllll nluht than on Feb 10 lllghly spcclalizcd conferenc es urnanizcd by he Deparlmcnls at llcallh Educallon and Wel The speaker struneg recomA mundcd the establishment nl rc scnrch ccnlrcs relevant men ml rclnrdaunn ln unlvcrsiucx and In Insllmlions He said lhat many mcdlcnl school denurl mcnls undurlnkc no research In mcnlnl rclnrdalinn dcxpiln he Inhcrrnl rcsourcu of these de nrimcnts fur nvcsllgnlluns rc own In this field Dr llcbcr said that in some iiclds there has been notable lack scientific interest in men tal retardation He stressed the imporlancc of greater endeav our bnth by the biological and behavioural sciences in the diag nosis preventinn and treatment oi menial minrdniion and SplE ltically in basic and clinical re scarciL Mcnlal Retardalinn in Oman lo alone has handicapped an es timated 130000 persons at hm per can Ihc populnuon It is one ol the majur social prob Xcms facing our naliun today Dr lleber was speaking at the Third Annual Research Seminar sponsored by the tlcscnrch and Development Committee at the Ontario Association for Round ed Children The Seminar took place on Saturday at the Hospit al for Sick Children Toronto Delegate from this area was Murray Finlayson who repre sented the Barrie and District Association for Retarded Child fen Clearly Dr Hchcr said the hope of the future lie in the accumulaliun at now know ledge and its olinclive appflca IimL No major steps must be lak cn in seeking the basic solutions to nicnini retardation according to Dr Rick iieber former re search President John Kcnncdys While House Panel on Mental Retardation The lwo bus stops are the skilllul utlllzalion of present knowledge in order to steadily Improve the procnss of rchahlli lntion and care and second continued research AT SEMINAR lhnse 1242 were males and sus were emach EfKraémer manager the Barrie National Emplny men Service 0mm said Win fnle number regislcmd un employed lncreascd by 290 dur ing the mth to bring the tutal lo 1741 nyAnyasr WEATHER Unemployment figures Barrie district climbed at me ran of more than nine persons day or the manlh ol Janu II 150 rm In Sula uml lnui llndmevlunl me fly Err Canada 5h Hub The rather and bills Ihllnl pair Drl llcbcr cmphasimd he need for cducallnnnl diagnosis and evalnallon ll should he cx Icndcd in 111 sclmol syslcms he uld ln order In provldo or Speelallzcd classmnm ncllL He must be extended la pmvlda or all mcnlully relurdcd ehlld ten Allhough the number classes or Ihese children have slendlly In aveml years Dr llcber said that the lolnl number ls slill grossly ln ndcqunle nol nnly fur um lmln nhlc relnrded hul lor the cduc nblc retarded ll well More op pdrlunlly and auxiliary classes are needed Dr iicber paid particular al icnlian in the establishment oi pmschooi programs He ell that it was mas impnnnnt to enrich ihc lcnrning opporiunit ics oi proschool chlldrcn who live in homes where such 0p portunllics are inadequate These programs should be de ilgned to assist In child In lha development speech and lang uage pmbicm solving cic and lo ciieci desirable palicrns ni motivation and social values Such mlrnms he said would necessarily include the iormnl pnriicipnllon oi parents Turning in he laid cl educa llan Dr Heber said that ii all retarded children are to receive adequate educational services local communities and prnvlne es must greatly exlend spceinl ized cducatlunal facilitiesv sub slnnlialiy increase the supply teachers with specialllod train ing and more eliectivcly cunr dinnle Ihe total resources or the communily lie suggested that Federal Gnvcm support would be necessary to lnstilule such schinlizcd programl EXTEND SERVICES In nrder lo encourage more prulcsslonal lnlo mu field Dr Hebcr felt hat Federal Govern ment support would be given la Nallonal program of scholar ships or undorgrndualr mllege sludenk possesslng exceptional sclcntflic nblllly Inre Io deal In depth with specif lc research problems underlying mental retardation were rec nmmendcd by the speaker There is anlncrcase of 242 males over December The occupation hardest hit was skilled canstmdlan occupations such as carpenter and brick layer The increase during tha month was 60 Also hard hit were he trans portation occupations specifl Cally truck and traclnr drivers and mulemen up 23 and un lerssuowand cold has been Inrggly rcspomibla or the In crease in unemployment in January HERDLINERS FOR ARENA SHOW has lmn plrlml the an rem In mnynr nmlrmlm nr Iho nnmllun Jnnlur ml hnmplunlutp Inlnl he hr The banquet will he at Cm lral United Church and Ike speaker is IL Dymond or lw mnlo Cost of he smorgasbord dim nor has been set at 75 per perm The Chlldmns Md Saclcly or Simmc County and Banla will hold ll annual meeting and banqun on Fcbl 15 330 delegnhan from he Calling wwd duhsoon to he chmcr ed will attend the dinner The narrlc club will assist in char cring hls new club District Governor Bnk Luke and Depuly vaemm of Zone Jim Astelcs will be present at thls mcgling in order to serve on President Kennedys Panel Dr Hebe took leave of absence from the University 01 Wisconsin where he is Research Pmiessor In Men tni Retardation and cwrdinaior oi Special Education The Barrie KlnEmen Club will hold new members night at Bayslalrs lodge lo nlghll Chalnnan wlll be Alvln Eyera Dr Hebera experience tho needs of Ihe retarded is exten sive His exparienca in Canada includes Ihe former position of Psychologist Development Ass essment Clinic Childrens Hos pital Montreal and Director Education Manitoba School for Mental DeiecLives Portage la Prairie Manitoba CBS Flaming Annual Meeting early detecllan school learn lng disabilities and lo enable ap praprinle school placement lla alsn encouraged the eslnbllsll men of national standards for teachers of retarded children Egranmncs New Members Have Night There wére 55 unemployed females registered in January and this is an increase of 43 over December Largest in crease was in clerical and kin dred occupations and in the ungiriligd categnrx the same time last year there were 1251 unemployed males and 506 unemployed It males registered The total de lcrease or the same period 13 skilled workers of which 7a IN mtmunn Wmlffll lip Durjng Januéry 213 job va vln AImII wllh an lm mam mu 01 MM Ind lot lent My ln Edmnlun Mu When In Unnle Hwy wlll llnb vln nlnp wllh mlmvlmlu 11w general commlllce of the Deanery Slcwardship Mlsslon of Trinity Church was installed at the 11 oclock service Sun dny mominu war we Vcn Read referred lo the mission landing might be made at Giengarry Landing al Edenvalo on Highway 26 where Licut Go New spent some weeks with his Glcngnrry Light Infantry nnd made numhcr of boats with which ha and his men proceeded down the river it was breaking up in the spring 1m and then branch the trip amid floating ice on Notinwa sun and Georgian Days and Lake Huron until they arrived 19 days inter with the loss on only one heat nt Fort Michiil marcklnac or Ihe reinforcement Thls porluge would be cuvered on foal to film Creek where canoes will be launched for the nip down the creek lo ll Junn lion with he Nntlawasaga RIV er and thence down he Nallu wasaga lhls party will cbnsisl number Voyageurs and Indians with lhelr llalilln uE enn oes and lhelr load which will be lllmed lhcy land and un load at the tool or Kempcnlell Bay at Bnnle and n5 Ihay mnko ready la portagu lhclr canoes and lhelr lands over lhc tum uus nlnemfle portage POSSIBLE LANDING Details were discussed at meeting or the chamber After tnitlal stage of reconstruction the chambers nertnwn mmmitteo under the chairman shlp of Russel Pogue plans to organlze party to rwnact the traverslng of the old and well travelled route from Lake Sim coc to Nottawnsaga and Georg Ian Bay Schaanertnwn the naval base set up on the banks of the No tawasaga River In to be rm lured The pgojecl will be under taken by cummmce of the Wasnga Beach Chamber of Com merce Trinity Installs Its Committee Them 15 demand or good farm hands machinistsnnd ma chine shop workers experimv ed stmgrapher and typing domesuc workers and waitress Employer notified lie NES of 241101 vacancies an In crease over the yrevious month candes were filled by appu mu refemd NES an 11 argueof 28 over the prevlou month To ReEnact Historic Travel Part Schoonertown Revival WASAQA BEgcn smug KK lldnmlntlm Inrm pmpm ly owned by Ihe vllln um mllu pouthwul km dllrumd Thouuh no mo tion In paled munclllm nrl bl mm of mu mm Mr Am uld 1110 pt W611 and bought by twnd Ind Mwundlnl lho gnunlrlplijlfi MW fivnlrlpl or Awgfi mm on number mu MM tar Anoth mm mm In ILM Tm Icllrr lmmnl nu mm Insl nllMl mum mmlnq Nepal In My llnl Ihlnl the slum cloth Jark mm muncll mcelvevl nwmvnl Ilm Unlnrln Munlrhml Donnl Io nun duhmum lnr 1000 or ulrndnm and mum In an wnlmrmku lem hon to 11m Ardldcnmn lend the punch on ChrlMlanilyl mlssllm lo the whole wrld TM mark the winmcmnm or gm umlcrmhlnu In Hm wlmlu dunn cry In whlm nl mullan callmi mm to mow heir ul lezim to Our Inn nml 51V lonr Aml In bear wllmu lo helr lnllh Archdeamn Md paid 11+ hula Io he INIch of Um sen crnl mmmmce Iwr Ihcir Mll sacrifice and Inn and minus hum that they hnvo put lmo Um mlyslmflnkcody The general committee of Trinity is mmposmi of the al Jowtng loaders general dmir mcn mmric Seagmm finice Owen mmtings chairman flan nid Coxnli pmposnls chairman Davies publicity chairman Saiiici nsaislani Jnmu Beichcr arrangements chnir man iiiorrvw bodes chairmen Mn wi Milchiry son Mu Excil ltlcphom chalmmn Mrs ll Gmmo Mm Hullcr speakers chairman ucr mm chairmen Tho munle wnl olknmi by me mnxxvanuon 1pcan cnll on dullcnlo hemmch the mrk In hand All Ian 5mm hymn Tnlu My Ala gml mkn be Omscched IL unis k1 vacs IL Parker Duval Lang Siamman 0MB Approves Crcemoro Plans For Water Works at all the services He cl ii was significant that the church cs of he dcancry were working in this vcnlun together and that nil muid not hcip but be Elk richcd by this emphasis of tho stewardship of the winio man Mr ts mus rector the Stayner and Coulngwoad Cnllcgintea addressed the cham ber relnllnz details 01 the pro posed lrlp In sludenu in Vincenncs lndlnnn In April and nsklng he Chamber or llnnnchd support This project along with the re storallon of Sdmoncrtown has the nu osc ol crentlng and malntnln ng an lnterest 1n the early hlstnry ol aur country and cspcclally of our own dlstrlct This hlslnrlc trlp mlght be re enacted every summer when the lourlsts an here in greatest number who would be lnvlted to attend and encnurucd to film vnrlnus aspects thls reenact ment at Irly plangerldgys This trip will be filmed from Its arrival at Kcmpcnlelt Bay on the portage dawn the hislab river the stop at Glcngarry Landing the shooting the rapld and the arrival and un loadlng at Schwnertnwn to the sugsgqucntl celebrating From Glenzarry Landlng he lolllla ol canoes wlll proceed down the river over the rapldl helnw Jacks Lake untll they ar rlve at Schmnmown when Ihey wlll be welcomed by Ihe garrison Ihe For and wlll be nsslslcd ln unloadan and carry lng the land mm the rivers edge up the bank In the ware house on the crest In the eve nan glut bonllre will be Lie to celebrate the arrlval ol the Voyageurs wlth provlslans FILM TRIP mom 35mm ymm of the garrison there after its caplnra ram the Americans Some of Mchalla urea later oak part under Lleut Worsley In the cupme of the American ships Scorpion and figrls the crews at whlch had previously blown up and sunk His Majesty Ship Nancy in mg Noltgwasaga Myer The committee asked all Ice fishermen to stuff bushes In their Ice hole when finished or the day The response was Km lflying as practically all holes were filled Fm those who taller la ablda by the rules the above should Larva as genlle mmlndar lo gellhosa bales lllled Mr Her sey sald Major Hersey chumnan the Red Cross Water Safety Committee sends out thank ynu note lo Ice fishermen or their cooperation In regard to wager aIelynn lhebqy THE BARBIE EXAMINER8 TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1m Ice Fishermen Practise Safety 314 KENNYS GhRDENS 1711 ml nomad rmmh Int Ch um lootl III II xlelltlrm wulem Ilyll um with or Junl Mmlmn Her Iclcr Mills Mlss Munro Smllh Hus Sitmp tns Lloyd mum Mrs was nnd Mrl Welsh Dirccmrs Dr John Anders Mrs Elli Midland Mrs Hall Bell Miss Jesslu nrysom IL Clmlumcr Mrs Ron Coxall Mm John Dobson Dr Slclun Fribdrich Kenneth Ho Ilonararyprcaldenl Les Cooke past 11 re dent Mrs Frank Craig pmldent IL Pickles vlccprcsldenl Mn Lecpcr Second vlce president Bruce Owen sucrc lnry Miss 1310 Maxding secretary Mrs Cain treas urer David Cm cancer chulr man Mrs Gerald Embcrmn cncnnccrL chalrmnn Sin clair unlunalnmcm and dinner chairman Mrs Brown mentor Mnmc nl and dinner thnlrman Mn Eldon Green campaign chairman Bruce won co cnmpnign chairman Mrs Rm Slcphcns campaign secrclnry Mm Gordan high cn publlcily nndnpponlmcnla flnry ODanal nw Gommunlly Cancun As sociation of Harms held its an nual mommy Friday night at Community House The allowing date officer was elected len to KENNY LEM Since February is Heart Month and Feb 17 will mark Heart Sunday throughout ihu county Dr Ci Farrlngton when addressing the Kiwanis Club of Kempenlelt Bay chose the topic of Heart Attack for his luncheon talk to Kiwaniflns Dr Farringlon who is Sim coeCounty coroner said that heart lmubic is tho No kill er in this country accounting or over 50 pm cent of all the deaths The ncamn deadly discuss ls cancer accouniing Concert Assoc Votes Officers MAN WnlulY nmun 0N FULL MOMACII olnaame was guest spcaké at he Kiwanis Club Ken pedal Bay HI wplc ap Says Proper Exercises Prevent Heart Disease IAKEOUT ORDERS FAST mzuvunv PA 60281 EARRINGTON GET YOU DOWN CHINESE FOOD Cnnlurlnl Full this point in his nik Dr Farringion displayed In his and icncu chart which upilincd he operation of Iho heart lie also explained lite function of Iho eicclmcnrdiogrmn or de tecting hear niimcnu n5 lhc most useful tool we have to pro vide very spociniimd inter pmiaiion how persons hear is unfiiqnin He advised that It was good sense to heed all of the warm hug that wuld be present with heart wndillon 0m these Gthémim DL Fa told his aud lcncc that there were our main type of heart dlsonler lhasa include nmmlic coronary hypenenslvc and wagcnilal There an other types mature less known The doctor de mide ln lny terms the deli lllan heart attack an Illness brnugh about by he blockage 01 both mnmary nr terie or we smaller tributar lcsl on scck ing $136501 or It work In 1963 this amount 86 per cent will be devoted to heart disease research The Ontario chapter of the Ioundation which Is 10 years old will have $550 000 or the total amount to 0011 or Its work my pxsonnans or 17 per cent with motor vehicle accidents following with eight per cent while all other Muses accounted for the malning percentage Héart Moxiih was 53111135 Heart Attack Frnm Iefl Kiwanlan Willard Klnzle whn CANADIAN COOPS ARE PROGRESSIVE 100 In II In 10m nmin UPS lune rmvul Ihcir all In Inmln lhty ham dfltkuld wide mum at mvducln nml nu gvnnmm Iu um Ippnuinmltly almmnm and Hmnundi pnupnllw uwmu Ind pallum OM 0mm rum Imulna Mu Nunlcum prmluu linnmch furl all pmhne mm and luhllmllnu oil 3001 am llne ll Clnldinn ovuml Canadian ulnml IO Camdlanl mulmum ulna for Hui muncy IMm mm My Mum um FUELS Cull vapoulmnluu ilLL CA Imuvu Iurqullrly lmlrwm 5m you manly cowmm lums undonmlon 139 Innllfll 30 Built Onlulo owner In In All Camdlan lunlnmllhc Coropclnlisc mun menl In Canada he mm Canadian urnll bmlnumwith mncnhlp Ipmul am nul numb of maple umklng lvsclher II one hundch rerun Canadian MInI locally am Itmocmllully unlmufll nml il II fighting fur lhc Imlc pauko of our mummy llyJalnlng yuur COOl you cl wire and ml in In numgrxmnl He 51911th hat the Can SUPPORT CANADIANOWNED BUSINESS Ikcnmc an munoomm dang ht Hm mm sum ln1uvl mum nu WIV AccraE Obctscbl Lamplcy 60 Ghanlnn nallonnllsl leader dcialncd wllh Prcxldcn Nkru mm In ms and dclainud by Mm at llme of his dong In 53 ciash Oculu mlMrs Peter Vldcncr wile the mHlInnnlN artsman In an nlrplnnl VancnuvrrGrnnvillu Myall 57 former president of the Canadian Flgurn Skallng Asso clnllon who managed Canndul figure skntlng team the 1960 winter Olympics Squaw VAL Icy Cam As ward of encouragement Dr Farrington stated that hem attack duos not always mean death or that invalidism must allow 1m speaker was Intmduced by Kiwanlzn wu Klnfla and umnkcd by Kiwanlan Le Cooko includu pains in the chest es pecinlly ii family history of heart tumble is known He ad viscg against obesity and con tinuous overwork The down oiso credited Prince Philip and his counirywide prescirbed pm gram oi physical fitness as an mid to avoiding hem trouble Many people mnlinnu to lead undianal lives Xongaflcr sut lerlng heart allack conclnd odDr Farflngion Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS Introduced the speakur Dr Fnrrington and Charles Tier ney president of the club Examlncr Photo DEATHS PA 531

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