Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1963, p. 12

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CANnEnnA in Irfl llime mnhlrr Alrmlu uld luv My nu mly Cummonwpnnh mm mlnlum Mum lithiumBrit llmlms nmlvm will lntlude mmlnz mnnlmz ur hnmfllnu kmnnslmlluml ul In Min and umllnp nw ruhunuim In wrer draw name 300 lnrmhm ol llva Uulnru mute Ima tlgllrm hm mu wrr MINT MY Kr 11mm mlnlzlar lnmh nml lnmlu will rursl mainr Ilw lh nnnflnl uuvrnllnn mmqur QUE NM MI Th Mlmumnm Juunml Inyl In Waulmmlml lrspnlth Ilml ll hmillml rnrpn nlmnnl Sllqk Alvliur M1qu plan thh rlndml In San anrlnm llmuLx nun Inn lulmll Kuldunw tnmuu Faur mm um Illlul MHYQUIZIQUII Thn Mlmulmquu lmlrnnl In Wauhhullml lrsmlth llw rl In rnrpn nlmn Too Early mum Roberts Guests nnownmu In rd annncw lmlny mlslnu lhr Iknlll lull In lcnsl 110 Ill annn Mm wlmrr In yrnnl Nllllmml mllcr lulld Jup nmm are Hum nnd all ma Ivml lmcn Ivuuml In annh 1M hum LINN Irlmt Mlnlslcr DIrhnllnkcr nnnnllnud In Hu Commons Mummy llull ML MIIcNoHl luklnu uwr nu dmlrnmn H10 Inno mrmhvr clvll unkn rummxsslun rlIrdlro humch moly Capsules Aboard lllmcr with hnlkuruuml In Mn nml immu drpurlmrnl JOlH 1an Wm Klvm lhc $2211 war Insk or running the Ed tr rhll nervlcm OTTAWA fl nixrisen MncNPIII Mytnruld Mn lllnwr with hnlkuruuml In de Mn nml finance drpurlmunl Joha hm Xurn Klwn he 322 am Snow Kills 17 OTTAWA CPIFederal ser vices were to be held here duy or Chic Iusllce Palrlck Kerwin of the Supreme Court of Cnnnda who died suddenly Rrnrday lhe an of 73 qul lrimfle was be nald In the brilliunl jurLs at ur ims In St Juscphs Church attended by federal pmvlnclnl nnd eMc nHIriuls member Hm bur und bench and mum mulalive of lho Olxma duplov mull corps Named Chairman Mrs Holly Daniels 38 vi Vuncnuvcr physiclsl who has been associated with lhc Un versily British Columbia is wing her husband Jami Mau ricc Daniels 30 physics pm iussur he University ni Tor onto or 3150 munihly alimony and custody nnd support oi the xiuldrcn Nicolas and Mau iico EL TORONTO CPITwo unlver 5in physics pmlcssors husband and wire am ouch sucklng sole custody of their Iwo sun in an Ontario Suprcmg Court aclion MajorGeneral Fleury general 0mm commanding Quchcc Army Command said over the weekend the world is liable to be faced wilh another crisu such as tho recent one in Cuba at any moment He was speaking at simulated exercise on survival in New lrcal Funeral For Jurist 0l0 mm Custody Sought Predicts Crisis WNW Ann properly of about 90 acres is on the east side Lake Slmcoe nearly IV miles saukh uI Athcrly and provides 1000 feel of lakefront or public use TORONTO CPYThe Ontarln gnvcrnmenl has bought two lakefront erlins lotulllng 1090 acre lnr use as provlncinl parka Lands and Forests hlln lslcr Roberts sald Monday The largest of 1000 acres ls on the noth end of Balsam Lake about 35 mllcs northwest of Patelborough and will prn vidn for boat nnchornge an the Trent walcrwny as well as camping ll will open up mile cl lak to 9n pub II BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1563 CAPSULE NEWS Govt Obtains Simcoe Land FLEURY finownlldu NIIW VOHK MY Nnvemlwrr llvyrl nllnrnry my Hm liunny lyllllInIAflrm mm tillqI mnnhll Mch Hm nlll ll Nth Hm AHI II II HrI nnhl Mundny ll lmru nlmuly niurml rrtlml lwlvmn Mull Null ll lvul lnlllculnl II lie The prumnlum Kipound In nnl wzu lupl alive by nmulh la Innulh rrullcllnlhm nl hrw pltnl but he dlwl nllrr Mnz lrumluml nnnlhrr Implln WASHINGTON MUA hnby boy ml Mnndny mm nboul 55 Imurl nllrr daclurl Int 19 Ihcml hlm lmnl Ilia body of Mn multh nlvol In den 20 nmmm lwfurr In Ulc mum nn unscuumnl llmw mu nuln wllsIIzl Hdm over mad and mllwayx Indefinite Date For Title Fight vuvull Ir Hnu snuw plch owl dccp urrr norlhrm Ilrfllsh Columhln Monday culllm nrlcrlul hlxh unyn xlnwlnz lmluslry and musin dmlh uuuulllL Mr said Monday lhls leans sumo 10000 paw1h nor licknu plum sllll lo he ls xuod Time will be no extension 01 he deadline TORONTO CF Onwla Tlunaporl Minlslcr Auld my only per cent of Ontarios 196 pa gc cur lluncc plum wmlssucd up la lhe end January4M hnlfwny murk la lhe rrh 13 deadline AlIhnugh Improving he was all in only fair condilIan The young man was she In he left chest In Inc home 01 Mrs Jayne PcrlcyRobcflsnn In Snulh IIuII ngaugc shotgun mu qund bcsIdu Mm Baby Dies Too OTTAWA CmI wlll be day or Iwn balm police can Interview Donald ansan Flem lng Mycarald son lhEjus lice minlstcr who was wounded by shotgun blast early Satur dnymmurqim BC Has Snow Dr John Porter president 01 the Calgary North Federal Progressive Conservative Asso ciation said ho talked to Mr iinrimcss minutes niicr his res ignation as deicnce minister was submitied to ma Prime Minister Monday and was there ihore in position to speak or Few Licences HOWEY sumac Wm um CALGARY CP Douglas llarkncss plans to run again as Progressive Conservative candi dnle In Calgary North John Porter vresidenl 62 years beforé bcénmlng dilin in 1949 Fleming Ir Shot QUEBEC CPPremler Le soxo has announced 515000 Quebec government contribution awards In subscriptlnn cam paign to assist Monclon LEvnn geline The compalgn objective ls $150000 llr Lesage disclosed the con Iributlon Monday when our man delcgouon presented brlel outlining the needs at the French language newspaper on wceldy hosts for Wind mum mutiny on hls hand after keeping in sen lor Katanga omens coaling their heels or three hours In Elisabelhville IIIPOH To Run Again ELISABETHVILLE AF Gen Norbert Make commander of the shattered Kalangn Prav lnce Army has left for Leopold ville to swear allegiance to the Congo central government ln final act of Kafangas zfiyenr secesslnn Officials here mean while reported somu progress In tracing mfssfng funds Assists Paper Menzies was making press statement aflur cabinet meet lng culled tocousldcr he fail ure last week of the Brussels negnllntlons an British entry Into the sixnation market nlhs bld lo enter the Europejan Common Malkct would be pre mggureat this stage Ends Secession Mill Mnmlny llml IL almuly niunld ruvrr Ilm lwlvmn Mull nml ll 1le lmllculrd MW llan Ilkrly Ilaltl VOHK MW Juli wrr Floyd lnllmnun my lho dale or Um IIlnnIArrnnn Iwnvy tillqI mnnhll nl Mlaml Hm IHI II oiluLTTf and 0mm mum my In an nhvlunn nlrrcnco la llm Hum lnkruvrr Ila HIM lln nulircll lhnl mllo exwmnlnm anm In uhn In much he same way Im muur Id my Hwy were 55an tuuslns he New Democran lnrly mcmhlr for Humnby anld Monday durlmz Hm thronn npccch dcbnll In the lcnlxlnlnn nw Hausa mam Mr Cux trlllclml by Na awn pnrly rucullvn and ulhm for vmllmz Culm al In wrnsc mu Cuban umcrn mrnl hnd Hm Home In upnmr nl llmu he nl cluphd lo dellvrr nil Iprrch Tull In nhnul Cuba cnllrd nlcr llrnnrll BURNHBY SI VICIORIA CF Ccllrlc Cnx any htm um nimllnri Hrs hrlwrcn lidrl Cmer of Cuba and lrtmicr Dunne Cnhxmhln Joe is sure be snapped up by re qumnl when he comm 1m Ashcl In April 11m glrls are ml all Jmluus at Joes kitchen wiz mdry but dcllgMcd be In Hm same clns wllh him Jun Hummic cc In lake lhn cnurse Imam In wan uncmpl Joe is he only man among 24 women laklng night course In cooking and bnklng at Hamilton Central Sccand nry School and the girls ngrco hns tho bcsl cook nmung lhcm Mrs Fay Gray course In slruclar my the burly lruck drflcr Is yam cook mum mu In Main cl rm ml Inch COOKERY KING HAMILTON 1CP Jon Halliwcll Zwycnrold 215 pound unemployed Iruck driver whlz at baking mullins and upside dawn cukcs the last mlnule Ihe Queen was handed an unoffi cial lel but the Island govern men wnnls to avoid slmilar lnsbmlnulc fluslur when she returnsand presumany may wnm nn olficlal lcl Islnn lclals had con sulted wih British consul Villrcd Indle and he Brib ish embassy and declded not to present lei because Brilish Iradillon Inrhlddlng cummonm Iromz louchlng rnyglly Queen passed lhmugh Feb she wanted leihe strand of lawns tm dmnnnlly draped by attractive girls around the necks vlsl or to Hawaii Torml Can BU Avrmgod On All Raw Tfié gHm picture of xlums mam0 Ihcm dating from the Ormislons buringIhe lastrllve years 337000 thecandcmncd dwel lings have been pulled down LI15 anxuynm smé The deadline iar soluiinn is March 27 when the Queen is to pay relum visit to the Islands on her way back from the South Pacific Common wgalth nnllans mpageofilcial handbook called Britain sayshm still are so many slum dwellings in Britain mac will take at least 10 years to clear most of Ihem away The handbook issued by tho central olfice of Information says in Engldnd and Wales as per cent of all houses are In the slum category In Scaliand ha figure ym 10 pa cenL an cm can figure out how In place 191 on Queen Elizabeth without common hands contacting the ma personage they may avert Hierany louchy problem in in lcmnllopnlyrolgcnl LONDON Reuters Blg slum still exist In Britain des pile he gmwlng affluence of he cauntry the government Wted loday OPEN Im In pm Dilly SMILE AWHILE WHITI nos HlAnltH IL Aulomnllc Trlmmlulom our Spochlly British Slums SC Bad Ten Years To Clear AP 11 Ha Queen Wants HFlower Lei Despite TouchMeNot Rule Iltlnl Trnlllc was being held up so just had In drlvu on nnd gel back home the but way can Inslrudor with me But when Shipped the lawn hull 1mm signals my nslmclor Jumped oul he cur shoullng iln lunncy ll lulcidc Im ml going unA other Inch winkyuu quvlng Prnsccular Hcrbcrl Sldcbal lham old Slockmn mucu rnlc policeman saw school lcnchcr Margaret Hunter alone in her car It curried plates Indicnllug she wax Icarncr driver and should be under supervlslon She told he constable STDCKPORT England AWA SSyearn spinslcr descrlcd by her lcnmcd In slrucmt during driving les son was lined 511 $100 Mon day or drivlng wflhaut quglmcd supegyispr BRANDON SHIP But modern luxurles were not ahtnlned without effort Nearly third of the married mmen In the country were employed and half the working women were married The handbook says that by the and last year than were 10000000 molar vehlcles on Britains roads 6000000 of them private cars Some 12000 000 families had television set and an lamlly In four was liv Xng in postwar house Crcdiz buying year reached Inlnl of 52500000900 The ma savings of the Br Ish went up to record $21 000000000 Industrial Revolution was In sharp contrast to other stam tics in the handbook portraying modern prosperousBritain mier Bennett does thing up here In 30 Wearing of live scarab bnelles their backs jewA ellcd by stones embedded In lacquer and usually an chored to he wcnrcra clnlhlng by minute chain becnmlng craze in Mex CO Department agrlcul lure aulhmities look look lhen leaked ngaln One beetlawas alive The air lrnvellcr sald hed have the bug destroyed you cant bring bugs intu lhc mgnlry VANCOUVER CWAn unidentified air traveller from Mexico arrived in Vancouver Monday wearing scnrnh and ran Into Irau bile ram federal authori les The scarab usually richly Jewelled in cut in the form or ellle was anchored lo the wearers lapel by smallfihaln PET OR PEST C4 MGLAOOAN CLU Mung I9 Dunlap II In Alullmt Imi Annnllln In em Vnrrrmt 126907013 New AlumnaI Ind Annultlu Immm 59102019 wry of Ike umplm Annull Rlpun be your In Ilnble on Mum HIGHLIGHIS OF THE END ANNUAL REPORT mm IIymrnll Ind IIovlnlonm 57173686 lnrmm ILUSDJN The record nfgmwlh of Nonh Amcvirnn Lilc Wnl furlhcrcnhnnccd in 1962 The prolcclion and savings rcprcsmlcd by more than $27 billion olnssumncca nnd nnnuiliu in force Icflccu the conlinucd confidence of he holdm of mom hnn 241000 Ordinary pulicicx and 155000 Group ccrlificnlcs in the services which the Company llns Io ancr lnlll Alum Ynnmu $10571039 Another year of significant PROGRESS NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Nulll American Life Roporls Io Policywillow Aparlclo he Leaguex leading base slnalcr or seven nmlghl seasons went lo the Orioles wflh Al Smllh In min or Hoyt Wilhelm non Hansen Dave Nicholson and Pete Ward 11 Montreal non ol armor hockey Slur Jlmmy Wnrd Aparlcio Jolncd Chicago In IDES Lulx was milled when III White Sox threatened hlm wllh unable pay ilnsh hetero lhu trade He was quoled as saying he wnuld qult he game If snhryflm cul was reported the 20year nld Venemelnn will rerclvc about 317500 Ihe sumo salary he drew mm lhe Wth Sax Ins sonson Theres nnlhlng like change unlrurm and new comm to make dlsconlcnled layer happy Apnriclo shnwed hu sal islaclinn by signing hls 1963 Smerican League cantrncl Mon 8L NEW YORK CWThu base ball Irndo Ihat sent Lula Apar Iclo from Chicago White Snx tn Bnlllmore Oriole last mm ready In paying all as In as the speedy shortstop is can cement We consider Catholic odur cnlinn or am chlldren new sily mum than luxury but we expect lhls educallon Io bu amdemlcnlly exmllent Although lt ls true we have the legal rlght to choose cdu catlon ln the secular public schools such right is lllusary when weighed against the fact that we would choose Calhollc schools even ll nu aid whatso agar was given the federation The education minister said later that the government would study the icderations submis slan along with those presented by the bishops inst October and 319 school trustee in Decem er Th pclillon said lhal during the last few years public schoal enrolment has Increased by 175 per cent while separate school cnmlment has risen per cent Off or Orioles lhe lederellonsald in ne lillnn tn Education Minister Devin Premier Roberts and members of th legislature Mmde that it In the duty of the province to ensure that one branch of the publlc school rye fem ls as well supported lineu clally as the other Big Trade Paying 101mm CPDThe Fed erallan of Catholic Parent Tencher Association 01 lam has supparted requests by Roman Catholic hlshaps and separate school trustees for Ur creased provincial aid In separ atg schools Meanwhile the warking popula tion has risen by eight per cent In the last years and 25 250000 Total population rose by 113 per cent In the same pe Separate PTfls Support More Aid McOAW Rogloml Omup Supuvlm 397713966 52720425853 350031727 The document qu Pl nle us being dcspcrale lo lave Chrlsl bu brim unath to do so hmusn ol lhc fury the Jews Ills mlnlarccmcnu According Io lhu Vallcnn re port the document not what it clulms lo be because It was wrlllcn In lhe fourth or llllh ccnlury Thu mum nddcd however It qullc possible it contnlm historically corrm act be cause it was wdllcn so clasu laJlm me lhn cw She gave it to Cnlhollc schol ars who sent It to the Valium for examination The document and an extract report from the Vuflcnn nrchlvu reccnlly were sent back In the woman by Msgr Gerald Tickle rector he Vullmnl Engllsh Col age Liverpool UnivaIyl mule sur of history Quinn aald Monday night the dncumcnl purporting to be lmnslntlon letter mm Pilale Tiberius Caesar was found by ver pool wumnn among bundle of old documcnls Pilate Irying to save um lite of Jesus Christ even calling or 2000 reinforcements who ar rlvcd loo lale anan Catholic scholars say the document 15 of doubflul au lhenflcily but Ihc stnry ll ell may be lrue LIVERPOOL England Rent ersLiverpool University Ms lorlnns are studying docu mgn 15 cenlurics old which 151° nbmzimlénlllu Religious Document Studied Its Authenticity Is Doubtful Workers at the Western Fah gmunds Mamantuxexs Building London Ont add lmlmnule touches to em bits or the Ontario govem mems sccnnd Manufadunng Opportunities Show and Con fluence may are d15 mm pnomonom EXHIBITS Quinn said the ducumcnt probably was not forgery In the modern sense of the mm and could be gcnuine ullempl to so down what people be Moved or wanted believe WW Pilate qucsllanod he officer In charge of Christs grave after the Resurrection and was told It was nut true that the guards had fallen asleep or um he bndy had been stolen it says 2000 men arrived on lhe day alter the Crugiflxlon spyl play booms Prcmlcr Rebates Economlcs and Devnlopmcnl Minlsler Macaulay and Chair man ll Randall the Ontario Emnomics Council will open the lwmday show and conference officially CF Wircphnlnl DlslanLa Am Cod mud Hut In Ihl lmnl pagan ul yum nhunu book Family eunion by Long libstanco Its the noxt Q5 thing to bolng thqrol BELL Now BioDyna ls nflzmd In nln men and su posimry Ionn mllnl Preparation Iukloriutllldru llamamoney buck gunng Most importh of allresult won au thorough that thialmprova mont wu maintained over period of many mantha This Wu nccnmplhhed with new healin substnnm BioDyra which uic helps hell Inu cells an afimulnm growth no lisxuc ln ml nImr case while gently relieving pnhl nchul reduction shrinkage took place Bxdminbedinpubnlmummlulnfini hemmhaid manyi dialled limo renowned much innuum has found unhiue healing sublime with the lbi ity to ahnnk hemor rhoids palnlcssly It relieve itchln and dummlan ln mlnute In speeds up hemlan ol mo Injured lnflamud mm Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles mg

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