Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1963, p. 11

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EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAlule WOIK cl Ill XIIIle Renouuom KMth cuphaudx Tllhu Plnlnl Rearluau Room fillwnlbll mu Arrnut Qlll Inyllmi PA gun mm will do add all round ham um mm In Hunky No up urvl nmoum TZYIShon SENIOR DRAFTSMAN IQ HELP WANTED ihe successful candidaie will be experienced in sheet metal layout and de sign Initial responsibillfles will include familiarization will our compleia line Supervlsory experience an advantage ml is excellent opporluu Sly or the right man 09 Join medium size company which has an enviable KIOVUI record and good Mum prospects and qualifications Apply in writing stating axe Certificate Hughes 20 Years Experience wikh Livestock COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE ANT ARM MEMMH llN Smelan lenml Thnnl In Inrulfl ml an nidc MM lhu mnlnnnu llhly In have MnllIunl Im run on vahlnl Ilvn glandHI van mum ucnl In Ih dVNu le11 men Mud uhkh nlml ln Iplp hung nu mnmu lnllru In hl IWM 13 AUCHON SALES OIKAWA CP The Cane an Federation oi Agricuituro kcd lhe government today in tslablish national auihurily the would annulqu in aveh all plan or dairy markednx In brie presenird in In led nl cabinet in inderaiion aim lhai ihu comumzr prica butler be lowered by our ccnil pound Ind mum to re be mulninined through federal Iuppon vnr Krams The brief laid marklllnz roblems facing Canadian pro ducer iuvo been brouxhi limit by condition which pro vnii on national hmis And ruiulinnl in ruch prohizms mull be laund on nalionai bIIiI l1mm ledernllon delen llun huded by Pmldrnt Hnnnlm Jnfnrmcd he cablne lhn mm at lh Iednrnllonn suuuuanl wen alreldy known In ovummtnl PRESENT SUGGESTIONS pllnned policy by lhl gav mu busu nuc esmry rnllonuliznllon and nhnn dnnmcnl ol rnllway hunch Him In Vulern Cnnld Agriculturalists Want Dairy Plan GENEVA0m or the blues ulcnllnc confounch evtr held wu Iormnlly opened why In irnuvul pllncu mllom AYRES HUGHES AUCTION SERVICE Nearly 2000 Itlcnum Ind ltchnlclnl ram 50 counlrlu lrndud Ih opcnlnl lemon Th wwcek maeun Iponsartd by Ilm Unllcd Nll onI Ilml to uk motlern Iclantlll nud lechnoluulul uhlcvkmznll nullnblo In In uoover nlllunl cekln dzvclopmenl Confcrcnu Imldtnl Mllclh lal 11mm Indll Mll mxed In hll lunml enlnl much In permMn mm mm Ule bu up un der UN IIIpk lo prnmou lrchnlul pron In lho undm dtveloptd counlrlu Indumlll Hmmh Illdlw klnd world mmmlllu Ly wlu llltnol bnlnl lm mllhl drnw umn lb nl lund upulenu wt lmullfllvl lo her In narlnl Ind aumInlnl kufiop mrnl plum Ayres yvithl Auction Genevas Palace Nations Hosts Scientific Conference DEEP WAT mln lanai lnu ve mo limp llm dva hp Iluil Ipplne Tnnth haul hr mm Mun Mm Imhlnl bouum Thnlur dlmlnr rum ml ouncllnlfic lcund ln mm mrufl ll lhr auxin Illlnrl Mlnld DI Ixnlmhr Inlrl Univ 1M mlncd In llly lull In urelmllnl Nunnmlcnml Io PHONE STROUD DR 46 Write Box 39 Banla Examiner CP mm AlJhulru MALE VHELP TORONTO CF Nearly so per cent of Canadians ques tioned ln survey by the Ca nadian Peace Research Insu tulu had the wrong idea about canadns poluon op mlnsllu In report covering survey of 1000 Cnnadlnns across the country the privately sponsored lnxlllule said in press release lodny 1th more than hall of Ihose euneyed recognized In accurate description Bo mare as an antLuIrcran mls Onequartekol Ihnse surveyed den know what Roman was one In 10 thought it was missile that on fly as tar as Russia and more than seven per cent believed It lo be Canlgdinmmade mlmury Iran 20 Mos or the subject In the survey were covered in ques LInnandnnswer arm with Ula pernon nurveyed being asked mark on or more correct an iwgn mm list spurs Thu lune7 Wis taken Jul liter In 111 Cuhunmflsl Atked abifinnsaueg in Can ada 15 pm cent thought Cm sources Indicated ha United Stale is having dimculty get ung negotiation algrled or re new of lhe LSSpanish aid onbases pact uniting in Sep ember ese sources sald there has been tumble in arranging desired Interview with Spanish omci or Rosewfl Gllpnmck US deputy secretary de fence scheduled to arrive Feb 11 for ourday vislt la kick air the defence treaty talks The In lpeculalion nmonl observers her um Gilpatrlck may postpone cancel his visit unless he Spanish officials he came morn competitive Spanish Are Not Cooperating In TalksOn US Rid Pact ClcimcrdiCInVs Misty On Defence Ideq canndlan lglldcrship lawnrd reduction barriers lhguzhaul um wogl Emergency assisuncc mirlllme mum who last thulr crop last summer Thismm Ince should extend 1n mnspor union hay Conlinunlion of might assist anne oqlccdgrqins RESTORE PREMIUM The brlel alsn asked for lnrallon ol the $3 premlum ply menll on and hogs and mum to lmprovn has qual llyln he coqmry crop lnsurlnca IEKMIUDII lo provide or mum Mull of clnims Province who pay exceulve clnlml in In one period Ihnuld mm lrom lhn Iedernl en Sufllcient lmmedlnlu lundl In prolecll un proceed under Alrlculluml hllilallon Ind Deyelaymgnl rtdurllon In commer clll cxplolllllon the Ilr wnm an public lundl Ihould be mad Ivnlllblc the Canadlnn Brundcnllnl Corpor Illon or In public urvlca pm Krlmmlnl MADRID AP cI dcvclopmenl In lho coming drc nd Canndnl tllnrll lo Indcrdcvelopcd cnunlrlu led II dtltrminlllan Idlnn people In play In lha Hort lo Ic anumlc Ind mclnl du cclmla Iopmlnl Cast conlmnco II ex mm In nth 900000 And to pom Ind document nlrudy Iubmiued wtluh 100 ml ll US$131 naullrllDlll Iin In Iupynrlm Imunl Ih le mmnn Mum cnunm 01mm lo mm Frnu ll flrllllh Cqm mo erhl memlmnhlg dip Iom ll lrlcndly In hal Imn In run or flu II lnInl in mowrule In my wllh Frnnrn wllhln Hm lulufl lnlllllfllrml nm an on lhm MI lhe Irwln mupl MllrlHr In virtual nlumlullll var lhu nrll In or lhm mnnlhl TM nhsmm my hr mu Wul Human um Irlllmll Th Nvthnllmll lml IAurm Immlinu vltuymlmwl ml in Npl Im nllun at Hull Mom lm mm why an nrnvmplhlml Ind Thry 1an Hvu um Inlrml lo do rmylhlu mulm In help Hrllnln the mnmnn Huh mm In mNMc 1l¢ Mr nlelul In mumll hunky llvm mm at the lkrm nlvudy hu led In lhr un ullallnn Mxl mull 1M Comnvm Mums ouncll MEETINH ELLE Supporters ackball France Reliable per cent um um country had Intercnnunznul hamch n11 Itles 11 per cent believed tho mantle at North Bay on and La Mm Que were Armed with nuclear warheads mi 24 per cent field they didnt know Fortytwo yer cent monitor as correct ha statement Cm ada has missile that can carry atomic warheads but hgveno such warhead In Can ndn had no 1313511 In 9th Almost 80 yer can believed strong permanent United Na tlnna army would protect Cm ndau national freedom Told Canada spend about one per cent its delencc budget on the UN army 41 per cent said Ihls was what Cannda Ihould spend About outthird tanned spgndlngl morg urnu Less than 14 per cem knew that Cmda has lewer lhsn 1000 men er with UN me now And less lhunxlx per cent had In appmxlmnla Idea the slze at the UN bud get willch Ihout 380000000 Most guessed blzhar on both questions Tho nported difficulties In ar rangements ivr Gilpairick mn lmsled sharply with olilcial Spanish statements that Gen Francisco Frnnco ovcmment ls anximu to renegotiate the de icnce pact without asking for the moon and on the basis at firmer friendship with the United States FRENCH GENERAL VISITS Equally guzzling has been the nIflclnl visit here he French Ichic mu Gen Charles ML ere Spanish pm prominen Ily published report from spa cial mrrcspondenu In Pam that the French general May be pledging hglp to cl Sphin Into NATO May be arranging clan military collaborallnn wlth Franqos armed Keynes and military collaborallnn wlth Francos armed lorces and May be plnnnlnz min Joint manueuvres on the Py renccl mouglaln inka high Spanish oiiiciai de clared last week that anIn has no Intention oi inning do Gaullel campaign to resuch v5 and British When an the continent ENGCOBO Soulh Alricl MutualFive while campers Includlng marritd couple and mm lwo dnuzhurl were mhhcd In death by band raiding Negroes mile from hem gnyly ludqy llxlh member lhn party excnpcd 1ch twin warned by Iervanl The survlvor Douglas Brid xerur laid tha vicflmx were camptd or he nlnhl In lrnll erl when lho allack occurred on In and the decay oc cupants Humbled out they were hacked In dulh TH survlvor Douglas xerur sic 1h vIcum lle Idcnmied Ihe victim Norman Gmbbelnar mm wire Natalie And In daughters Edna nnd anu 12 and In young man named Thnnxplon re who Imcsllgnltd lhu lnrk sald lhc vlclima were tlnhhul wllh 1h nr lmlm mcnls and the bodlc End been munlnlcd Negro Raiders Kill Whites IIngcoha In llm Trnnskcl mllon nl Soulh Mrlcn hum rnlllnu rcscrvo In the wulhcasl uhlch ls cnrmmkcd lhu rov nufllca linl mum alnlc Thu Soulh Mrlcnn novernmrnl hm pxnmisrd lhc Tnnuktl ln drucndrncu nnd clmluns mny be lucid um ytar lo choose Noam mlmlfllnl The Md of he mmllronn Trmhu mm Dnllndycbo Snb nln Is 5leeg oppond la lhl m1 and hm cullul for mu lrnclnl nocldy Instead nn nrunmrnl Inn lmlllcfll romld H1th Mulbon Iho urea nl vulnlum Ih Hurling wna In ltx drllnlu rlall lnr nlznlmz new mnrlmlun nzmmrul Irelen lhl muml MHI In Milan lulu Thll amrmrnl wu medal Mum hum lwuuu maul Ilw Alvlrnn wunlllu Inumlwrn ul llw Fundl ammu nlly FMMOI Inlllllnl policy ulm WM rxvrrlrcl In ullrrr hum Iw now luuxh llno mum by Hm lhwnnl du Inullrl nwvnnwnl NIZW YHK IM Th mm 9qu mm rummllllnn lulmzlnu lngwlhvr HM mrmhm al 10 Hull lnm cluh may he lallod Ihr lhll lnnnlh ivy Illll unsotllM it lurk Iml PM Th Amuleul MMIUC Union Mnmlmd Monday Ihll van Um mm men who but Iahml II lrol In lhe Ml vnuu Nde In 5M ll Ih Ir lool mm In 1h Nulannl Track War Could Spoil Compotition WILL CONTEST SEAT ST QATHAEINES CF Frank Dyck of SI Cnihnr Ines was nomlnnled Monday night to represent the New Democratic Party In Lincoln rldlng in the next provincial demon The in now held 9r uge granny Conlserlvn rles Daley SEES FREE TRADE TORONTO CPIBrllaln and the United sun will probably work out mean 01 strengthen ing lhe Atlantic Community through lower laxiii nnw Illa Britains lnlry into the Eunr pean Common Mum has been blocked Wlnsbrnuxll vicepresident ol the Canadian Metal Mining Association luld til Younl Menn Canadian Club Manda mg by ormer laBoxV inlnEler LiGill DELAYED CANAVERAL Fin AP US utronant Leroy Gordon Coopers protected orbi tal light has been delayed tram April until later that month it was ieamed Monday Reason ior the postponement was not learned nor was definite new date established immediately NAME SHARP AGAIN TORONTO CP Mitchell Sharp narrowly deieoted by Finance Minister Fleming now justice minister in last June general election was nominated Monday night as Liberal party candldile in Toronto Eglinton riding or the next election PIONEER HONORED OliAWA CF special Itamp marking the 150th anni vemry oi the birth at Sir Cay CALGARY CF The ed ml agriculture deparlment was accused loday by Presldenl Hanwick ol the National Dalry Council Means Ind alarmist publicity cam pnlgn arde of maligninz th daIry indugky it entirely probable that sharp 523 in per capita butter comumplinn can be reversed it thme responsibie for date mining price and policy will immediately cease their intent ist und ainrmist publicity cum paigns stop pulsing the buck to the pmvincos and maiigning the industry Ind get busy and get worthwhile dairy pm motion program instituted by way at restitution tor the near 613 lhulr m1 policy ale llarlwink was addressins the Annual mnvznllnn n1 lhe LONDON OnL CF Two weslcm Onlnrlo municlpnlllles have endorsed chlwnrlh County cauncll molulinn call In lnr lczlallllan prohiblunl the use Ind Halo delaracnll wllh mlnenl ban in Onlnrlo whllc lhlrd councll dccldcd aylnpl 3ndquln£ the Elatinn non Landon Township mun cll and lhc town council Paris endorsed the rcsolulion whlch nyl mull dclcrzrnll mnrkclnd Onlarlo have mlncml Imszhlhal Ix phos phnrouswhlch cannot be lym km dawn and purillnd hy nu lurul or nrllncinl mclhads Ban Soapsuds That Contain Mineral Base Dairyman Bitter On Butter Drop The rrwluuon Ihll Hue dclcrxenll havn cumulmlve curd causing nuch Icflnus pmhlc III lhu alna hulldup In Inn And olhtr Inland wntm wlth Ill camqucnl lll Mccls mums rnnM zxmn mln clly councll dccldrd Agaiml endomllun nrlcr hrnp In lnlk an nulure Ir lcrgcnh by Dr Dunrnn Cum tron nuocinled lnr le ycnn wllh delerlrnl remrch II lhu Impfllnl Oil llmilrd nllnery hnrnim Dr Cnmrmn luld rmmcll nll dnlrmnls urn nrxllnnry map In munllnlly mlan Tho mlnunll wm yhanphnlu In lnmdlent wllhnut whlch drunan wru lmpuulblc 11w Imuhla with deltrlenll WM ml Hut lhry cunlnlnul p11 Iphm bul lhnl mm th organic rompunrnlu Wlll not rume nflmlrd ln normnl pm IIIIK ank In bran dune ho uld In flawlan hlndrlrldnhlv lrrlrnlu In VAMle Hm nrzam umpomnu wnuld In mm nnldly hmhcn down by In pramIn finch xlclrrurnu would luv lllhln wllhln mm yeru 11m uIHIlillr may he le he NIIIDHIHII hlnm slur lmm UCLA whim ll lrrl lmhrl mm only IMa Irrunlml Ian mqu hy Flnlnndn lmlll Nllulll C0 llun MIL urruflve allmlnr nl Hie AAU Illd Io unr men hll lmflrnlcd lhry ImIM be 1m huml MU Imlmr zhnmrlnmhlrl hrch Frll 11 UCLA Infllnlflfld lhnl VIM rook no in pumluul lo um um unlm lhr MU mum undlrm mm lb rlul UB Turk Ind Flold Fodmlltm Th MU hu nu Inlenllnn nl Mn III The ulhrvl In Huh II rlub are mvlnndn Crux MU Tmi lleNl Mn Mqul mm Jun Mm IIMI Mm Halim Isl ml nun Monti 11H WORLD NEWS INBBIEF lmerGznwsld nltlve nl Run all who came to Canadn In 1042 and became an oumandln canal and railway builder wlll be Issued March HI projects lncluded the widening of the Welland Onnnl the Grand nupk Railway lln between Sarnln nnd Taxonto Ind the lnler nallonal brldze between Eon Erie Onl and Buffalo PIRATE HIT BORNEO JAKARTA mutualSeven plnten shot and killed one man and raped Ieveral women dunk lng rnld on Ballkpapnn In donesian Ens Borneo lb om clal Indoneslan new agency Ankara nald Monday 1119 nm ales cscapcdwllh loot worth about 4000000 mplalu 580600 II the afllclnl rate TOPS NOMINEES MOSCOW Renter soviet Premier Khrushchev in pre diclnbiy upped ihe iist oi nomlg nations ior Suprame Soviet Parliament candidate pub lished in Soviet newspapers In recent days crosssection of nominations gave the Soviet premier 33 with 15 for Pro Koziov regarded by same west em observers chic heir to the Soviet iaadenhip Folm nusnmssrs mm woyrvm Args iqPLA fire ladny In the basement of shoe stare here was exllngulehed liter had desiroyed our buslness es tablishments in lwayeannld brick bulldlng Firemen from qur Annapolis ValleyHr dr partmenln confined Qhe blue to the Ilnglentarey Balcolm Block There were no injuries Alhgrll DIhjymenll Aignglnlion pusilion of the council whlch the spokesman for the dairy process industry to warn Ingl by Agriculture Minlucr Hamilton Illa dalry lurpluxe may have to be counurad wilh lower support prices TALKS SCHEDULED An lndultry zoieinmcnl con lnrenca ls schedulzd at Ottawa lnlor thl manlh Mr Hmwlck remarks were conmlncd In partial chl of hls address Issued to the pres are delivery He said larmcn processor dlnributorl and mlnnllclurcrs are append to any sugzcsllanl Kola In ry band Nd pm lhe lndislry wanled to be pushed around An niiernuliva there should be board which would hnvu no authority but which would maintain tanllnuouz Iludy oi dairy problem The whole dairy alluallon was capable of simple solullon 11 but or mnsum Ian was lnmnwt llc blame the government 1957 lntmse in Ihu bum llaor price for the result surplus now at record levels The pcllcy lmplemenled lax Mnylrlmmlnz relall prlcc 11 um pound whlle lumen conllnue Io cl cent und or rurylul slacksmould ra lnlncdl Perhaps he comumcr prlce could be reduced bll lmgrgY herald Olhcrw lhu lcdernl ovtm mom would have la II In nsponsibilily or any dctlinn cnmumpllun Development bone muscle leather and mm rrsslnncu coma nnlurally will ShurGlln CIIICk Slarlcr Med feed with Nah uallly ralnhu extra vllnmln lorllllcallnn Iih non content Ind lncrcmd energy ml proper GET YOUR CHICKS OFF TO GOOD START Shgrnln films In yehnllllqnlly formfll DENNIS BRADFORD OTTAWA CHPrime Minis ter Dltlenhnker lays can gain out once to pravlncla premlm Mr Domlnlonpro vlnclal commute um will re slate Ihe goal ConfedtratIan or Canadas lecond cenlury as union Th on wlll be to contribute to unl and Immany among Canndal people Mr Dlefen baker said In Commanl In nolgncemcnl Mgnday He iuggened no for lhe confluence but Indicated lu dis cussion will now wide 1They would lnduda govern ment employment of French zpenktng Canadians method whenby Clnldl alone can amend Ila conufllullon and the choice national flag and other symbols of our national sogerlelgmy Spokesman for the thch up position panics while no op posinl the conierence prnposal ail slid there should tin be commission type inquiry into thgnproigiegu ol Cnniederailor PM Suggests fin overhaul Of Our Goals Liberal Lender Pearson said that In th relationship be tween English and French Ipealung Canadians partner lhip wu never man Important and separation nevcr mare dls astran than In lhls In at In terdependznce Quebec Ihould not Withdraw In my rgspect mm her place as province in Conleder won Mr Penman Inld Ind than In other part Canada should do nothing to make her wish to willldnw from that pinge New Democratic Party Leader Douglas said French Cnnadiuu leei that modern events an ihrcalenlng in sur vival oi their iangnue mlllure and the spiritual vaiuea they cherish While we mly deplore up autism wn clnnot Allard to lg nore the name of grievance Ind Injuntlce which Iepamhm is ample Glllc Grexolre SC LA polnle uld Dnmlnlonprovln clll conference could not Ichlnve th mull royal commlsslon Speaklng In French he said Social Credit Pmnlerl Bennett British Columbia and Man ning Albem would mend the conlerenca but would undat aund 1m Khan we In Ill houu undenllnd Thu our pnnlei In the Commanl would he rep rcsenled at the canlerence BEAVEBS LIKE BOAT HOUSE Ntiwh gnurku beaver dam an hls pmpcrly and the heaven have hit boat are how haypcncd Mr Sparkcl owned sawmill lehll home and Md row ban or driving timber in tho Tum Nov River on New oundlands noflhcast must Nu longer operallng lhu mill he kept the boat in fond where he figured on hav nz handy or trnul fish In didnt bolhcr with It for few month and when he next looked lhe bcnvm hnd inwrporalcd It In lhu lrnmu walk homede project Ha ha panqun 10 mm lhc beaver house but my hl wont Hun an nnlmll lover also keep Shtlllnd puny dog and 51x cull quzmpwrg CP CALL US TODAY 70R PULL DITAIL IRA WILSON COOKSIOWN THE BARBIE EXAMINERLTUESIDAX FEBRUARY 1m TORONTO CWA drafl blll on medlcnl health Insurance and lhc part or royal comm lien on erlmenre likely to pro vlde In honest debate In the session he Ontario legisla lure which mumes today Members relurnlng mm In extended Christmas races are braced for mm activity that according to growlnz spec ulnuon will precede provin cial genera elnclian Prcmlcr Rabads added luel la Ihe speculative lire by an naunclng lhll the provinces hudgct will be lnbled Thurs day IP39 gaggle 19 task In Ihe Speech from the Throne Ins Nev 19 was cicared up more Christmas as was the usuallyprolunged debate on he lhronc speech Itself having the way clear or an early end the lauth xcsslon lhc 26m legislnlun and qulck election the prcmlcr soficcldcg union Id in abcynnce linnl bill on porlahle pcnslons which has already been Mer In lwo carller drafl hills crea lion an Ontrm arts council and gunranlea of lair wages on all government highway Ind bulldjng conlraclg Ont Legislature Holiday Ends Back To Crime And Health Now Aweeyald female lion cub drink oxmull from bottle an animal hospital where Du heaulniihe 1m quesuon ol medlcal urn mur ance 1c overnmrnl Announced 1m all but pllnned dun bllllo ha Iludled by nptcial cnmmllleo Ind pcrham pul Inla fled nexl yearon Inch lmur nuiriani hainncn for our chickl in mi hero is everything needed in elivcr maximum growth wllh minimum nod conlumplion know ShurGaln Chick Slarlcr will glva muiil hacnuw it Is lesiml anti remind under Iciuni inrm rondliions Dropvln wed llko lo talk nhoul ynur lust and how to gel them all to load If BOTTLE BABY CLARENCE CUMMING Both the Liberal opposition and Ihc New Dnmncralic Parly have came forward with pro grams cl their own he Liber al rccenlly adopting com bined private xovnmmenl ap pmnch and the NDP onlan fur xovemmcnIrun plan Ilmllu la Saskatchewan antev based on coverage through private insurance inn backed by lovemmenl prolec Hon or bus unaqu to can for themselves Also cxpeclcd shortly In re porl 1mm Mr Juxllce Willrod Roach on hl lengthy Inquiry Into organized crime In the pravlnte Slnte Libera lender Juhn Wlnlcrmtycr mum the government more than year use into mnklnz an Inquiry and lint leveral pollllcianl lull Hed nr wm nnmcd at lhein quiry he report when camel may provide ample mono debate she was taken or care alter her mother at ermlpegl Al sInIbolne Park 100 refused to feed her CP Virepholo BARRIE

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