lalmdlyl null 8L 0qu Klnzslun II sumy 11mm mm HullOIlnwI Mudhury Klnzwlun Tami1 mm 1101th Bl hmll WHIP11Aqu Nulhmr lllvjIcn All Frnlllu 1421 1mm Vancouver 2m mum llnll Ullmn Hlnasum unmy IN mills hnmlnyu anm Imvilhvflm III qulnr Clflrlimd nl Dnflllumn Numlnyu unnu Quchw llullnlu erlIml Imrhhnro llrnluy mlmmr Io Imlunch ï¬wlnnllrld cuclmc In Nu lromlmw an 10 41m no rlhry 17 741mm Springnrld 22 am mun lxnlltmmo 2021 714mm Vulrln lllvlulnn nuflnhl 2117 IM Inn Imrlnml mm ï¬lm in lmmunzh In 741 llmlushr If 17 71 um annnlnyu nun Qmlw lIurrlnmI unuwrr llrnIuy llullllnum Inmmuul anlnlu Fpllnunuld II numm Ixwlnml llllshuruh Hum5m Quclrtc lromlmw Icnhry Slurlngnrld linllllllulo Sunday nulls Munlrrnl run Tnmnln hicmzn II Ilnalnn MW YUIk rdnrlllnyl hum Mnnlmll III New Ynxk Dclmli nl Chimgu 1v 11171 All Chicago 511121131111 62 Montreal 21 1315157121511 Inrnmu 11111 11162137 as Detroit In 11 111 115 53 Mw mG 1411 014015687 Hogan 10 291115121131 ï¬nhlnlayl llrsulll Chitqu Mnnlmll New York Tonmlo Dclruil 051011 Chicngu Momma Inrnmu Dclmil Mw Bosmn Lcfl who Dubhy Hull bagged his 21 and 22nd goals Gilles Trcmb and Bellvcau counlrd in the ml 20 minulcs or the gum Trcmblay on closcin slum and nolivyau on Housscnus rebound Ab McDonald scored Mn non for the Hawks before little Hobby Rousseau started the Cn comeback The Hawks went ahead on powerplay goals by Bobby Hull and Stan Mxkila while hath mes dclcnccman JennGuy Tthol Montreal was siuing auln pcnnlly Cnnndicns nulshot Chicago MAG pulling on tremendous pressure in he ï¬nal period to overcome 30 101 Glenn Hall was Chicagos slandnut Saurday slapping breakaway by Henri Rlchnrd will 19 armada la play in pre serve lho Hawks Ilc PUT ON PRESSURE THE CANADIAN PRESS the other end he sand inns lastplace Baslon earned 44 lie with Detroit and lriumph aver New York in bring Ihcmselvcs within shack ing range of lhc Huhplace Rangers Their 33 li with Montreal Saturday night and SJ viclary over Toronto Sunday gave them £2 wins falxrpoint edge over the clqsost contenders The leagueloading Chicago Black Hawks ï¬nally are start ing to put liule daylight he ween lhomselvos and lhe mn nersup or lhc National Hockey League leadcrhip lly THE CANADIAN PRESS HaWks Breathe Easier PressureNot So Heavy NEW RANGERS rookie Loon Rucheforl right loregmund can hardly con tain himself puck ï¬n net driven by him goes past 8054 llunl llulullunnl Amnqu an anlonnlmlgnzue HOCKEY RECORD ll II II 20 IS Ill l7 ll Ill 11 171700 DI Ilun Inn ï¬lm mun In 711 um 11 lnpl IIllon Mum lelv Eydney lune Hay lllllllull Junk lelnlmult Ulla ll Ildinull Ruhr llrzlnn Vuvlllan Mime Jw Rauknlmn HuiRheum Junlu Snknlmn vahum mm In my Hm Unluvln Junhr II rllllml nlnflluu Nun Hrulln leur Wlmiuir Nrw ilnxxuw klllfll Mmlrlvm mun Um nu1m nl Mnunm ran Wmr WM mum Mil Wflmmmk HikhrnrrWnltllm Ninunm Full Munhml 11 In Imru Hmmllml nllltlrinr IICIIVII Natllldayn null Ilumlllnn HI nllmxlml sumy Iul Mammal NW Gnll Madly llnufll Gull Chnlhmn thdllnrk Wlndmr Tlludlyl 1mm KlIduntr Wnlnlou Wk llmm nl Gall Imhnr hulhnm Dodnlnck ï¬nlurdnyl nmn Vorylslnck KltrhcnrrJanuloo Heston gnlncd gmund wim II lie ngalnsl Detroit Salurday and upset of Ihn Rangm Sunday second placn tic by rnuncing Detroit Sundny Belivcau was the only Canadian la score twice The other markers wont lo nohby Rousseau Ralph Back lrom Henri Richard and Claude ProvusL lnrkcr Mncdonnld gnvn Do 1er lLnd lulu In first purlod Andre Pronovnxl coumcd In tho second or he Wings cenccmun Allan Slanlny scored 1301 and tho equalizer came at 611 of the third pcrind framDjnk Dun Earl lngarï¬cld scored the opener 154001911 mm dim cult angle 18 winger Cnmme Henry made it $0 at 457 he second period whiln Shack wns on fur Qagrdlng no pain mm Iwo weckmd outings coming from behind twogun deficit lo tic New York 22 5111 um A106 40 Centre Slaï¬ MIME clinched he vin midway lhraugh the third period CQME FROM BEHIND The Leafs gal of lo 10 lead when Bobby Nevin scored mhi way in the ï¬rst period Hull ued tho score 114 Iha second pcrlod while Torontos Eddie Shack was serving pen4 ally and put Chicago in rent lhmc minutes lntcr the season In pacing Ihc Hawks to victory over Tamnlu Suflduy an Bruins goalie Ed Johns ton for scone in lirsl period of anionul Hockey League game in New Yorks Madison Square Garden last nlghl Reason for Ruchemrts glee It was his Unluh Onlnrlo IATIIIHMV IV LT AN 1211 MINI Ill 0le 17 ll 01 ll I5 III IIMHDJZ 71 1910f LF AH 1111 121111941 2011 21111111311 lflll 01B111Dfl38 1121 211MHz 113 1111561 Junlnr Senior llmnlnun 11116121 IIWNJEB 5117751 113511241 Wond lhlnk It lxyullnl nur 1mm lilllt SNVHM mm nm llnal vlrrlllun will Iv mmlo In Him Inmnnllannl lllymnlc ummlllw ol Linnv The ulnrhlcm anmbly will Lawn rnnuln Nnrwny mu Japan and Is mm In Mme In Mn II mm at pun llmrme vrnnld yrnrldvl lrtlmlml llrlrflnh In ml nnilunal lrdrmllun up mm Haluulny flu ruum Inhl nul Ivy Mm lntl nummrr hr lwlll 1H1 NIII Lulu Ilulhr In Allnmln ukuml Ivy In lrflme milmul turrvnllmu Imm IHII Inn LIL Allilfln MW mlmlnn hmlrn n1 lwmmlnfl III In hr Wlnlrr Iymluu have mrhwl nlmlhrr Imml lIy lllv Inlmlmlinnnl ykl Fulrrn Munl Ippmrnl HI rum nmplry mum vnmlprk bl Vlnmgwu IrZerrn Lulu Tlxnrlnllu ll New llmrn Hnlun Mm Islam nrmhnru Knuxvlllu Nulnfllv Jollmlnwn lnlrrnnflnnnl Milne nmnhn ImI Mixunrapalln lnrl llllrnn Nova hwlln Mnlur llnliqu Mumle Ipr llrflun Radar Sydney Elam Mn Muanlm Junlnr Ollnwnllull Junior Prmhmkr IImrm Hnwkuxlmry Smllhs Falls SUNDAY Mrlm Tomntu Junior Oxlmwn Klmh lllll Hrmnpwu lerlhurul KIWIth Trail Vnncnuwr Vlll lnltrmllrxinle annlo Munlrcnl Sllcrhrnuke Carclnn Nnrlhrm Oulnrlo Srnlar Smlh Xurcnplnn Kupusknsinz lnlrrnallonnl League Minneapolls Muskcgnn SI Pun Omaha Pun Huron Fun Wayne Enslrrn League Cllnrlalle Clinlnn Lon xlslaml Julmslown Kflpusknsing lends has of sewn scxnlinnl 10 Canada Recieves Olympic Booslor Mchcnncy llud It for he nrulns at tho and 01 lhc first period Hoslon wcnl nhcad 02 on goal ram Oliver and Tom Williams holorc New Yorks Dean Prcnlicu cul the margin In the and nl me pcrlnd Nellsuna second goal evened he count Rookie Leon Rnchcfarl or lhe Rangers scored his first NHL goal to give New York lead Forbes Kcnincdy Mod and Jim Neilsun rookie do Icnceman lallicd he ï¬rst of his two goals In put the Ranger ahead 2I It was 11 battle all the way against New York Sunday Top pazzinl snapped an early In um Ihird period and Oliver added Um clincher on power play with less than two minutes rcyaining 111ng ALL 11m WAY was lied at 1420 ol the lhird period when puck glanced Alex Delvecchlo into the net Boslnn regnined lhe ndA vantage 43 second later when accidentally brushed Johnny Ducyks shat lnlo the not Detroit brought the count up In 32 by he end at the period an goals by Alex Faulkner and Mncdunald Boston lack an early 30 land helare the Wings got rolling Don McKcnney scored In the ï¬rst period and Murray Oliver krry Toppazzinl in he Epcond The Bruins were well on thclr way In winning the first comes when old rcllnhlc Gordie Huwc scared or the Red Wings with 61 seconds let pk ï¬rst NHL score and It gave the Rangers 10 lead Bruins came back however to win 64 Player behind Bochclngt Is not identified AP Wire photo Ilunlinw Wimqu ll lmm lhvllrmu Munlnnl tcn he who ucllrd llm Mun mull In Tunndlrm le unwell wflh lllrnnu Sfllurllny nml Imnd lwbro he Ilnhl dnwnul Do lmfl Suudny New Yank unnlln llmnu hmuv Woulv Mm rnnw up Mlh 11 mm In huhllnn Tur mln In In 11 thlnlny Hubby Hull Nrmlu lMl mwmu ncullml rlmmunn Mm urmul his 201 51ml Hm rut Irnl mm ngnhul Mnnlunl Sanmlny nml nrllwl luo mum VIlmlay In lrmlllll Hm llnwlu ll vltlmy uwr Tunmln anyk nnslun Mnhuvllrh Tumuln Mlkflu LhIcngu Iluwc Dclroil Olhnr Huslml Vlilll Mnnlrral anhgnlc New York Mnhovllzh retain ho lenguo lrudcrshlp In ï¬nals scnrcd wilh 27 nnd uollwau load In nl Lisl with CID Mva Mammlul Scholuuhin cl varyan nmuunh mo nflmd Ily Uppu Cumqu Calling on nmpmlm unmhmï¬om IM Loyl taming gnu VI On In Scplvmbov WM Appflmllum 0a In naked on or bqlou Maul Huh 19M Ovumylnq unmlnallom to In mlmn Apvll 251l nnd 76m In In partialu In Inplimllofl am up In In 59451 MA on mm um We do um than Mmhvlmh holds second place with SI and llnlhgnlu ll Icv wilh 40 uwueamm 511191 mm wllh one goal nnd one nsxlxl others who nullcd flvn poinu were Chicagos sum Mikjln wluuse two goals and Ihrcn as sists moved him Into third placo wim 52 Murray Ollvcr nos Inn and Joan Hollvcnu at Mon roul who plckcd up lhrcu gnnls and two asslsls each or luurlhplnre llc with Gordlu own at Dclrnit All have 51 paian Skimpy gains went we armor scaring Icndcrl Andy Ilnlhnnlc New York and Frank Mnhuvlldl Tomnla wha mustered an assist each nnï¬lhc woeklnd Among scoring Icudcru with baunliful harvest was Johnny Hucyk of Boston who mnvcd lo the lop of lhu Indi vidual paint list by maplng on goal and our 115515 or total or pointg II THE CANADIAN Ill By THE CANADIAN PRESS II was either lens or mine or the Natlonal Hockey Leagues sharpshooter during he wcckcnd Together wuh rooklu Infieldcr Dalton Jones and lreshmun pitcher Jerry Stephenson who Upper Canada College Higgins lhem during lhe weekendvet cran thirdbaseman Frank Mal zune secondbaseman Chuck Schllling and Dick Slum the slugging ï¬rst bnsemnn the Sax acquired In an ollvseasun lradc ivilh Pittsburgh Pirates of the Nallnna League NEW YORK CF Boston Rod 50 arm as Iar advanced as some of their competitors in cnllncling signed conlmcl ffom their hirelings Dun Mike lg gins Boston vicbpmsident has picked up the signatures of the Inï¬eld lhal he hopes will It tho Sox up 1h baspball lnddcr Scoring Race Tightening Up The Maui on he Chntcnu Trophy the event In which they were entered then went on In win the burspiel champianshlp by sweeping the pluyafls fnr lhn LieutenantGav ernors Trnphy and wcre auto mallcnlly awarded he Grand Aggregate Trophy that goes to the temp nihgrnosl games Lakers were credited thh wlnning 12 games although one or lhnm was pa Frank Raintnfds entry from Ike Northern Ontario goxdmin Ing area went undclcalcd through more games lhan any olhnr rink ever had and matched trophywinning per formanccthnl had been acid only nnce beturm The 50m anniversary oi East ern Canadas biggest bonspiel was ceicbraicdriiiilngly by record entry of 160 rinks and thoroughly dominated by rec ord performance by nne rink ram Kirkland Lake By GEORGE FRAJKDIL QUEBEC cm Nu one who played in the Quebec Interna tlnnal Bonspiel will large ll or long lime although num ber nl Quebec province curlers wuuld probably like Higgins Collects Besï¬ Sigatures QuebecCurlers Favor Egrgetting Bonspiel NHL STARS SCHOLARSHIPS I963 IDIONIOA CANADA 77 BI 50 II Ill GROW DWARF TREL llama or leanuo dwnrl lrm um um tonlmllrd lhnt lame va only two Im In 300 yum Grimm In expcclcd In defend Mx mpound cmwn nunimt Luls Rodrluutl MI CIHNI 0p lmn nut mnnlh Curvh de null hls nrlllxh lImplm wcHrr wrluhl chnmplvmhin nguinnl Englandl Tony Smllh In Lou dun Fell ll Grimm Kim lho Dunn Hm turnml In lho lllinl muml wllh Referee I10an Seldtl Swil mlnnd Alanna lho scheduled lsmund bout ChrIsIcnsun Icll ImIpIcsaIy ngnInsI In rnpus In ah that was bIIch Iur he Junlar mIddlcwclghl lille ullImuxh Grillilh I3 Iho new nImI champion In lIIIn dIvIslnn only In Auslrln my World naxInu IIuocInllon rccognllcs Denny Moycr at Portland 0m an In Mkholder COPENHAGEN AWPowh lul mile Grifï¬th fresh from his technical knockout viclon over Denmarks Chris Chrislcn sen poinicd lodny lownrd lwa defences oi ills world welter weight championship in lhc next lour months The hardhitting Virgin Is lnndcr signal In mccl iirinn Ami of Wales on he Welsh mans home around early in June ilc cnmo lo lcrms with 1an Solnmnns lho iiriiish pro mnlcr shortly nilcr nmnshlng Christensen will pile driving iclls and right In end lhclr bout in Ih nlnlh mund Sunday lullalop EubenAmum ol Phllndelpllia Phlllle and pllcher Al Worthington or Cin clnnall llcds were Ihu most prominent National Lengucrx xigned Chicago While Sax bolstered their pilching slnfl mm the aignlnfl of veteran Frank Dav munnDclmlt Pision basket ball star Duvo Debusschcre and mokleBmcer Howard appus use IMO rcc 0rd made him Lhewinninuest pitcher on Enltlmm Orioles stafl lust season came to terms along with catcher John Quinn and outfielder Jae Gaines both ncgutrcd In also mailed their contracts In during the weekend that gave the American Lengue club to ml at nine contented ball play era The nthers are shortstop Ed Dressoud outï¬elder Lou Clinton relic are Dick Itadalz nicher Bob Tillman Fresh From Victory In Denmark Griifith Plans Title Deience Archer had been hailstoï¬ Fri day night 121 by Hugh Little of Halifax In the ï¬nal 01 he Archers rlnk was the only one with possible chance match Rainfnrd in the Grand Aggregate and his loss In Crelghlon his second loss the bansplel ended his hopes The honspiois lop prizeswera domlnnlcd by Ontario and the Muritirnu provinces who quite early ciminnled rinks from the host pmvince and relngntcd them to socondnry rounds Rainlords vIctory in lhc li nais the playoffs was tense win over Joke Creighton ol Dnrlmouth NS who had him lord lied 55 In the lflth end of the mend iinnl Ruiniord de feated Harold Frye of St Thom in the semltihals In which Creighton ousted Kirk land Lakes Orvol Archer 94 per win gained because the rec nrd entry created an unbalanced draw and gave minimd lhe bone abye in Inc ï¬rst round Winning one of the Ihree ma jor Imphy evenlï¬plns Ihu bon splel championship and the Grand Aggregate is Iha most rink can win 11L FIVE DIE IN FIRE MILWAUKEE AP PM children one lmnlly died in Ire whlch Almck nn upnlnln on MHwnukcuI no Hide Wednesday In the dcclslvc ninth round Griffith rocked Chris wilh MK the head and than pul over rlghl Thu Dune crashed on his back lhcn lurncd In crouch on on knee When he go up at he count or nlnc he walked Into another sorlca of shuttering punchcs look In compulsory clght count slundlng gmggily Once ngnln 1th cimmplon here In and Chrlslcnsons cor ncr lossod In the lawel Grimm weighed 152 pounds and CM Icnscn Isl jarring 1c and right to lhe head had Chrislcnscn xljyugy again he ï¬lth round Court the top coach In the mumamcnl with 375 sin ch Homer Leblond ol Bran ord was the only double win ner He won the Iolally blind high slnglc wllh 264 and the high triple with 667 other team In Ihe even were Brnnlfard 2744 HamIL ton 2663 Landnn 2651 Gall 2605 nan1e 2599 Kitchener Wnlcrlao 2534 and Owen Sound 2192 paced second with 2969 tollawed by Toronto with 2890 Guelph 2761 and Peter boraugh 2751 Members of the winning earn were Bill Burrows Clell McIn lyre Charlie Eiggnr Frank Lot leridgc Tum Nichols and cnnch Harold Court WATERLOO Ont CF Bowlers from St Culhnrlncs walked 01 with cam honan In the annual ï¬vepin Onlnrio blind bowling championships Sutur day St Camarlnes poslld threegame Iqlnl 3003 uyuu wy Lillie defeated Sum Welnmas Icr Gruvenhurst on In Saturdays semiï¬nal for he Goodwill Trophy and Rene Glguere n1 Quebec defeated Jack Windsor oakville 87 in the semiï¬nal fur the Royal Bank Trophy Winners ol other trophies ln Ihe weeklong banspiel were llollRenlrcw Trophy Nels Flndlny Gall Wedgwood Bowl Ralph Slreb Salnl John NB Dow Trophy Jack Burr gess Weston 0nL anuet Tro phy Ed Slatcher Veslun 0nL Royal Bank Trophy Jrqu Creascr Brldnewaler NS St Lawrence Trophy Gaston Amyal Quebec City Eirks Trophy Ray Mnlcnlnnl Quebec Cily Jim Veyman lro phy Ernest IL Slaybangh llasllngs NY Quebec Cilyl Trophy Dr Arthur Evans Bradlord 0nL Goodwill Tro phy llugh Little Hnlilnx and Cadrllngs Tmpl Jacques Glr nr Omega Trophy the second of he hrce major ones The Ihlrd major trophy lha Francois mm was taken by Paul Murphy at Midland Ont who beat Dr Robert Chal mar ul Frgdcriclnn 128 St Catharines Bowlers Tops ms EE CLEANED 14 FREE WITH EACH SUIT wmm mmm DUNLOP usr DUNLOP wm Ewlnging mm to In CLEANED AT REGULAR PRICE Allondancc in 1962 totalled 7523173 up rum 7491639 in 1961 and parimuluol umovcr Increased from 16790371 In m1 In $53010324 Inst season The commisslunl annual re port relcnscd Sunday shows that revenue to the mic reached 1903709 compared wllh $076157 in 1961 NEW YORK AWThe slnle harmss mcing commission re port the greatest year in In history of rolling In New York stale wilh records in revenue allcndance and purses lo horsemen Great Season For Trotters iwirmonihnid Bruce Yer mnn howls his distress pas ing in Silver Cup his daddy Lt Jnck Yermnn USA won in breaking meet record for Wynrd run at the Inquirer Games track meet in Phila delphia Saturday night Yer man in 1960 Olympian making iinnl fling on indoor circuit clocked 111 In break rm 102 Bank THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK an la Hm 1mm In haw nur mllml NNHHI Sunlluun Dry rlmml sell nul all III and umku mlurl wnvklr like new and nl rumu uhal wn can do Mr your ll well du or yuur rlullm SANITONE DRY CLEANED mt us cxplnln Io you how lensing can savu yvu lmo and money FOIL RATES AND INFORMATION CONTACT BARRIE DRIVEACAR WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD COULDNT CARE LESS IIES AND TRAVEL SERVICE IPA um LEASE 8553 mi of 111 set By Mal Whit ï¬eld New York dccadu ago AP Winephoto 56 DUNLOI ST PA H512 Slmcaa Cuuulyi Spurting Goods EQUIPMENT TRY When You Think Of EVERYTHING FOR THE KALEVI Way Salely lllndlng Nntlonllly Advenlxed ll us Our Price $3195 GARNERS Sputtan Price Plnslio Bun ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORTS EACH India Outlet WEST