Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1963, p. 6

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Campelilion grows kcencr ev ery year for the title Canadlan Cherry Pie Baking Champion which is the crown to be won nn nually 1n the cherry pie baking combs sponsored by In organ ilaliun It me only competi live event held in Canada or student Home Ecmmmics This is me lime 01 year when members 01 the Canadian Red Cherry InsUluie begin to precn lime and point wlln pride and well they might me Winnipeg la Nova Sco lia teanagcd boy and girls are preparing or the regional Bakemils with lhcil eyes firm ly lixcd on he lntcrosung year which just ended for the 1962 champian Baku day or the Western Onlarin rcginn was held in Bah in on Saturday The Eaton Company Dunlnp 5L married to nn nlmnsl pcrlcct husband or years lln never loses his lumpcr his disposillon ls remarkable Ila ls succsslul In business wilh mnncy good lo our children and weve never Inn serious lighl Wu nu nlung bcaulilully 37 lung 15 he keep his lmnd all me but lllls he dues not want In llu Ive been lrymg or years to loll him dont lmc hlm and ncvcr did mnnicd lxlm lhlnk In hls uuod qunlillc and um crasin would maku up nr lluu mlssing lngredlcnl but was wrung His klssu 101m me cold lli law making clumsy nnd ln rpl ucl nnlhlng 1mm Hm llluuulul wed Improve ln llmc but ll nnylhinu he has gumn Mm IT WAS TIE between Katie Smith grade 12 student Centre Guy High School Mnrkdnle and Nancy Ballard Hm divuxcu him provlllod can ind some grounde Almuld Illtk WIUI him or flu childrch Yuu may think Im unhnlnnccd lo cmnplaln Men limb all lhe mnluln lhmgs but hollow me Id rather srruh um and mm wmcthmu of the ollnr ANN LANDERS bur Na lulnr Yuu lnnnlnl lM man lnr in 10ml qulllllrn um nl lhcxn Iminu ML nhlllly In Iluvmc you Mm mnlmnl Hxlnua Ammrlnlly he hul dc llmul nll Ikk Mr qul Ilnn mmmd mm In pruth nnll want In it Mr know Iluw we In umi ml nr yum advlceMMINET IOW UHI un you advise mc7 PULSE nu onl My uhy he mm in yuulmt hr didnt marry yufllu llfo hll hnml lhr unmllnhlclory nun ml at uur mnmnun II llulinn If your dllxnUIlndlun mm lhr whnln mm You lwn nml nullIda Imln IanrtI II ml muer Cum ll Dunl II III IATIITNT llrnr Ann Lullqu Mo lwn ulrln IZ yrnu old Mm mm In lumw how la rl rld In hlrlnl Inc um Im my nlrn wmz Indy ml our Ilncu lur mumrr Imule lwr run wulh II mnmn mllnr rho Win IM lrlrnl pvmm 1m Irl nrlunlly Irnt In uindpal NH mlwvl nml ml mm aha could Inn lmkrr all to Im Irll lurrmlw 5h dillnl wnnl hrr Mumn mllnr lo lrl nulml hy unpurlmly Iteu flan BegiOnal BakeOff Held In The City Dru Auhllll In In rm llw an wnnt In In new and shr mml mm so much He pa ml and In unlll UII III lunu to manual lull IllUHF Ml IlMLml lelmml llml lmlhuhlllml mar AM mam m1 hull My lrmn Marrh ll lluuold tall linden but $1 1m dangled Hm Dmr Ann landgr Ive by Warm To Wealth But Cold To Kisses grade student Mealord District High Sumo lhe sm dents competed in the Region al bake0H held in Barrie on Winnvrs in the Saturday morn ing event were Elaine Mount ord Alllsmn ir Edna Bes sle Barrie Norm Cnllcmnle slu dcnt second Anne Stuonhold Barrie Central Collvgime slud cnl third In lho summon compelHinn It was lie between Kale Smith Markdnlc and Nancy Ballard of Mcarord Annlhcr bnkeAnll will be held at Markdalc in the near future to dclcrminc he winncr Th limo and the place of lhe Big Event the bnkcolf or the National Championship ls Feb 26 in he Slarlflu ballroom at Prudhnmmcs Garden Centre quel Vinuland one Pralt Barrie was secnnd prize winner in the National Championship last year and was he proud vinntr lrnphy wrist much $100 and numerous other gills already have some dclinilc no Inns un huw to raise chlldnn Mn not learning lrom psychol ogy books but 1mm my alder sister who has lllrce children Im learning Mm ml to do by watching lmr My sislcr com slanlly rcpcnls in he pltscncn ol her children llw culc lllllo lhlnns llIzy say and do She also nptuls llle nmmhly llun ll le hear every unn My Ms lcr clnlmx his is unml lmcnusu llu mmplilncnlary things make llum plrused wm mul the bad lhinus make them nslinm01llllus improving lhrir bnhminr MAy have vim on UHYHUNGI NISIEII mr Ynunxcr lu tulinu mu culu nnlic rlth m1 wxlhin thIl llcurmx ulrwxnl do any mu rxupl cnroumnn will ha muwnm nlnru um uhul rmlurrx nppmvnl Telling Mh rrs About lhe nmlulxly lhlnm Hwy do give rhildrcn holmu Ibclruyul llnlll prndkn um TM Inlormnllun Is or ynu IN on nur owl childrm Tool dunl Iohlwr your nlslrr with IL MOI FREEDOM MUNIHI HII MIL 7mm Mum mly vpvllllrd rmmflxrnrml II lnnrun 1mm llmrll my mum In lmlmlfl NI Hum rnlrrr unmiqu nIILI why mmr llnulum than wmrn In lllmll Ilwvur um In 1an me nu IInnrr Imp Mnnrd Aml Innw ml mum um lulnu rllurnlwl lnr yublh tmrm Natural Method BackInStyle MONTIHIALWCI Dr Mlnn Goldhlnum nullll Munlronl nnlinlrkrlnn any up In 15 pvr rm mnllwn lmvlnn qupllnl In Munlml ME lvrrlul lnlllng lhrir ba hm llr Inld anumlny mm Illnry Im Inmle turmly In nrwrnl lucnl Imqullnh Ilumrll an Intrnnn In Imam lrrdlnz lrnm he Irv rll ul llw lml MHHII dr mlu ll hm nlmul Ihc lnrn of llw mm uhrn ll Imrumu Ilnnllllnlmml or wnmrn In Imnd Irml Hyrlr vnhvrx 1M ha cunllmml lluuuxh Iho yran Imlll lmlny lelw llmrl lhlnk ml IlrHlll mmnlluu hm my Mm Mm Hm lrmnlo lmrul rrnlly Inf KILLER MIMI FOR TOMORROW Your 1i conlxnuc to he gov cmed by line planclhry aspects In the Isle nilernaanphuwever an adverse trend suggests that you be cspeclnllyttacuul and un derstandlnz wilh your amlly and friends row 1m mmunw ll lamamw Is your birthday make he most of upporlunille now Thls goes far all nulvlllcs husines financial and per zonal This Is you monh and will be an cspeclally good one plan emily speaking in employmeni nndmonelary niallcrs Results you beginiio achieve during the ncrlnd wlll be mulliplled during lhe next six months also in November and December with in showing indicated In early 1904 Personal relationships II also be under generous lnllu once or most at the your nhcad Just danl yield In emo liunal oulhums during Septem ber These could upsq lhc up plecnrl For hose you who nre sill glc look or happy romamlc sltA uullons Ihis manlh in May nnd June alsq In December Dont put on much allh in SemcmA hcra mmanccs These are likon be of led ing nalure mild born on lhls day will he Endowed wilh rcmnrkable in tuition and fine powers land crship aninns womenl anup Serra laryGnnrml Unuml says he apathy of women lhtmstlvcs mm he blunt5 oslnclu lhnlr Mo Saturday afternoon 1Examim 21 Photo The UN Ill wonkcml cirru 1mm he pamphlul nn civic and polltlcnl mluculiun cl wnmrn lnr March 29 su nIon the UN cummlxslun on IIl Mlllus womtn Mlith wm comlkalj ll grlpubllmllnm wnklmi flflfiflnm hm hm wnmrn lrum tnkiml pm in pu Ic Mmy Sodnl nnd mydwlnuiml me on lmulonlly llnknkhnr mcln mlrmkm nntl dIlIl Irnce Han part at women THE STARS SAY IAlllfl lllrultrllYVH 51mm Lnnrrnll nuw tollccllnn can IImII lhu unlllnrl nilhnucuu Wllh chnnlla dvrurl And lurnlrr mlln Halnl nurtnl Klvrl lhr rhe mke Man wnlullnr umlml wllh ynkru ml lmrlmnlnl mun ruL compnml wllh Marc Hr Iumn unhrukm lnpvrnl mm or Mar Salmlmurml mnrenlrnm Ihlmlvlrr wldnl nnd bulky up lrtnlmrnlx Mnhnl In lnuz rnr xliznnlnplml null larkrlx Illr runll Iml Irma unluml Illruu In lum wllh Um ml lnlll Ywn lm Ilul MIIuwlml Io nlhlllmllul mhlunn In IMh mnm mm but hemh In yrh ynunl vrnlnnl nr wrlnl llvr Inmlnnul IIIW lhrmr llu lnrlllcrm IMMIII nlmwlnu In Ivnlll qu null hm plrte IIFSUI Cvllnllru firm nrrl Ilnu Ind Inn larhh Illnl Ilrlln IIKnA MN lllZLT MANI OUT mlwr MIHI uucnl the nuns Irma larkel NIH Muuu hull lull mum lvllh ululllna mm umlrr lha lmlom In nmrnw lrnum NIL Wlmo mgth cum kmnlml hllh nnmrul IIII lhrnnl mnlrlm while hm wllh mm mnnnhh um he winter and Inn MlmrL 5mm cullufl Ulhlunud Womens Apathy Is Obstacle In Public Life Participation Chemise Dresses Sweater Suits Shown By Yves SaintLaurent Just slay In there pilchlng UNITED NATIONS AV By EsmELLm parllclpnlinn in pibllé The deadline or cnirier or the annual Carol Lana Award for womenl organizations will be Feb accordhu IoMra Evelina Giisiorl Director oi Wm mens Activities with the Can adian Highway Safety Council Mrs Giismrf who ioined cases mi km is responsible or the administration of ill Iwardl protram Merl Awards are Issued to nd dillonal group pmmlnent In aner work during the year Top awml In $1000 and bronze Ita lueue symbollxlnl womens pm leclive mum Second Is$500 Ind aq of tha stamens Carol Lane Awards are pre sented each year to three Can adian womens organizations Judged to hive Inltlaled or com plated lha most outstanding trai lic may pmin yur ma in $750 and plaque This is the 3th year the Cnun cii has administered um um Kram qn grant from the Shell Oil 00 or Canada Ltd Entries Dy IDA JEAN KAIN Overwelghl teenagers lets cut out lheflnlling The muse excess usiy gt too ch not enough of the right food From your lolten is obvious In you do not know how eat to buld slimness Food Isnt just somelhlng that goes on you udding poddlng Food Is what you go on You can em and slim down benulllully but you can not starve One teen ager writes AnnounCes lAWardrs Program am so sick oi being at it Isnt funny Al 15 welgh Ha pounds and need to loss about 30 pounds have lrlcd starving but Ihat dounl work My mother wont allow me to lake reduclng pllls So you are about lhe only person have let to turn to or advice You are probably wondcring why dont Just cut down Well Its not Ihnl cosy have very lillle will paws Towers slap leaning on will power ll it were name sort oi magic You will to do win you wholehenrledly wani to do Tackle lhe habit ol overruling meal by deciding In ad Vance right nowlhs mlnulc that you will stop being lwo listed eaier KEEP IN THE TRIM Tanlg dinner play lillle game vllh yourself Heres the way In slop bclng gulper Chcw onlyone mum food at lime and do not ark up second mouthful until the one you at onloylng Is all gone Say nolhlng about It Just be mol ule In cnltr Inln he polilical life communlly ollcn hnve their origin In the cusloms and lradlllunnl Illlludu cl lhn com munlly Duo lhcmsclm lrcqucnuy lull to hike udvnn mac Ihc chuman vlcws ol suclely Thulr Alhy and Indir lcrcnrc and theft lurk ul com prchcnxlnn lhclr rlxhlx and dullu mum nrc annK Ihe most scrluul obslnrlu lo he mtrcome TIES LACK Wumrn may nlsn be pro vrnlcd mm mnklng com lribullnn Ivy cducnllonnl lnrlou In xrnrml vmmrn an Inn likely In hmr nccea nlurlr Mon at kind cnlnyrll by men The mmlnr lruhnm llm II by HIbe cg val mmhrc Iclmolnlrl In played up by lhl Imlc my and navy mlnrl clin xlny wrnr hluhllshltd ullh Hu whflc plqur nr mum Ilu 01an nr marer N0 Mrrn mnllgnn drum who Ive rllcrl Ilul mldlly or lung pain nhlvlt lnn wldc rufll am the wrlxls HI lmurrnl nlmmlum he rim lmmlr hnlrdm he Inunlrd lul mum fur Ilmply npnwrpl Ilylrl mnnnwnlrd Ivy lllr Ibo llly prlnh nml 1mm mldu nl Incumml hnlr Tll EXAMINER WANT Ml Imulher sllmmlnn practice lnmlvflnn vIelIdv delluud lhlvlh Ml yum Immun lull Starvation Diets Are Wrong For Overweight Teenagers II II lull mun It um CUSDENS Armma pmnpl mum mm nu mud In vmmyuu are recaived at CHSC nallunal omen 80 The Drlveway Ottawa never continue eating unit you know you have stomnchi overeating at any meal is at tening since nature cannot hun dle the overload ciiinlcntly Take one sewing of everything on the main mrse the meat or cosserole dish the vegeta bias the saind Have one ilce oi bread and spread and glass of skim milk Now it your hund reaches out to take second heig ings check yourseii with tin thought Every mouthiul more out at this meal will add to my at padding Get straight up from the tnhie and walk in the other room Lutcr in the evening you can treat yourself lo big red apple when you slop overloadlng at dlnner youll be surprlslngly hungry or hrenklast Ea ah good breakfasl Including an egg Tuners the less breakfast you eat lhe more empw Junk culnrlns you are likely to eat during the day Overeaflng an the wgnng toadgmnkes yml Hack the power When you associnke will power wllh giving up you want you are on the wrong track Pull out out rut When you turn down chocm lulu shake what are you giving up Some of the to you dont want The day you can look In assoer goodies us slandlng In your way gelling lwo hid lhu spring prom youre on your way After school youll lac hunA gry Turn on lune dance around xtrelch hood und swing or 15 mlnulu Than cal bl rod npple as you scllle down Io homework and any dlsadvmglngu which lhcy suHcr In this respect will mloully nflccl their rule In hu communlly The ccnnomlc aclor will conunuc In be an Impnmml clc mun wuxklng wamm Ihould have sufllclenl llmc nnd npporlunlly dcvclnp hun srlm n1 ndvldunls whcs mmhm mu cillxcn Women have seldom held consplcuous pasluons in mm cnl purlles The more wumrn Join Ihe mnk and Me on pollll cul pnrllcs lhc Ilmmzcr their lnHutncc on the mmnoslllnn he governing bndiel mud lhmhy on Hm Indian 01 um dMnlzs ha colnpaxillnn Inw mnklnu bod nnd llnnlly he lovcmmcnl Tho pamphltl II II mNun one put cm In 1051 and now out prlnl MRS GILSTDRF GONSTHUGTION HOISTS newOnlnHoConslvucUon llolthclthch pmvldm lot In mm ulnIynlwomncnllnowln mm It tequlm um elanycomlmclmn hniyl In have ll licensed Hahn pmvidumvlhu Immhonolnhombulovvopeulionmd IIlululnlulvahlhulvallqv Apnmvalalduwluls Ind spmliuliannull wolhmnn hnih nun be nblalnod bvlm lnmlllle Undo lhlnvwlm USKHSUFHOISIS muslmm Ipplluflan lmmcdhlulylvu lium la opeulo exlulni honh SUNLIIRG 0f IIUISIS ml llllld equlpmanl um ohlaln pumiuinnlmmlht Chiullnwulov loimlallhauh MI dulwd lo muted he 1st wmknwn an In lamMimuwln1mnmllmllonalhighburlvlinu Inqnilimboullhlilthalion xhnuld qulmled mm Chlvl Inspector lmm lmpnfion mmh Depulmenlol hbcm Yolk SlmL Twanln 0mm ONTARIO DKPMITMENT 0F LABOUR MLMauIm0tme NEW ONTARIO LAW CONCERNING FOR THE ADDED PROIECTION 0F WORKMEN farewell lea was held at the home nl Mrs Viola Henderson Saskalchewan Blvd ln hon our Mrs Evelyn Blslmp who Will be leavlng shortly or Tur onlu She we presented wllh gift from lhn following ladles Mrs Florence Grant Mrs Ron ny Blshnp and Mrs Charlalle Blshop Sr Mrs Glorla balm Mrs Jenn Brown and Mrs Man wet Best wen also present lovely lunch was served runaway TEA saws MESS LA ry meeling was at lendcd by 22 members new executive committee was elect edP1nsident Eileen Van Sickle VicePresident Doreen Palli grew Secretary Um Jackson nensurer Alice Double Emer tainment Committee Chairman Glenna Clnpp June Haven and Phyl Voodside cancer film was shnwn unry mectlng ol the Cub and Scout Mdlcs Auxil lnry was held ln the llbrary ol the Alexander Dunn School on Thursday new execullvn cum mlllen was elected Frcsldont lllrs Perrier VlcePresldenl Mm Knlher Secrelary Mrs Winter and Treasurer Mr Nlcholson CUB AND SCOUTS iADlES AUXILIARY During the business part of the meeting the Father and Son banqqu wns discussed and ev on though there were quite few mnlhm who voiuntccred to help scrvc at this sun 01 any oncwanung In do name could get In much with the above women SOCIAL NOTES Members lhn Harrle Power Squadron and lhclr guests cela bralnd lhe annual Wlnlcr Ilen dozvnus Saturday cvcnlng at he Legion llnll ColIILr Slrccl The rooms were drcnralcd In nnulral lhcmc wllh many boat lax pennants adding gay note Lurky prim mnnistrd of boul lnz equipmrnlr The mcpllnn commas lnrludcd Command er and Mrs Robfll Cllllnn Llcul Cummamlcr and Mn Ed win Nnrmnn NIL Commander and Mn Alex llulrthuwaky Fin LIruL and MrL llobcrl Dongle Flm Llcul and Mrs Hmce WIN Flrsl Llcul and Mrl Aagm MarGllerny and Past Cnnnnamlnr nml Mrsr Charla IL Road AmonK Um nul nl rlly nun ncra Gran iarvlnnl District Cunnmnrler Harry Irsono nml Mrs le alone nramhrlduo and lump mnnlxn he nulenry llIuIIm Clam Aurora mrzo Aucndinz lzwnck nurse nsshlanls course at the Cana dian Forces Medical Services lrainlng 00mm Camp Bor INTER llENDlIZVOUS BURDEN NOTES NURSES ASSISTANTS COURSE THE BARME EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 192 RCAF CAMP BORDEN 11w Womans Auxiliary held Its elec tion ollicera or 1963 recent meeting Mr Gm 935 preside opened themeelln by rmdlng the mlqu in the absence or the secretary lelwr from Yuk Ying use Auxiliarya aster child read and enlayed b3 her roster mothers Mm Gray then called on Mrsr Betty Stewart now llv Inn near Barrie due to lhe retirement her husband and presented her wilh an honorary membership to the club Mrs Olive Lamlnman was elected Presldcm Mn Marian Snowdon Secretary Mrs Fez Murray fiensuxer vote thanks was maxim LN outgoing cammmee far their work during the past year by Mrs Hilton Mrs Grny presented ha gnvgl to Election 0f Officers Highlights January Meeting Of RCAF Aux rs anlnman who concluded the buslnm meeting Bingo and lunch wen than enhyed under the convenershlp of Mrs bovnu Mn Loznnskl Mrs Klrlgy nnd Mn Murray wm also lhe highllghl the CM Cnnpel Guild at lLs January mccung Elcdcd to olllee were Mrs McLean Pruldent lllra Narquay Summary and lllrx Mitchell as lneasurcr Congratulallom were extended to Peter Dnvlu pupil at BurlGerrans Auram was masm oi ceremonies Illghv KM 01 the cvcnhfl lnlludcd dancing gn muslc nypplloq by In of mlor watt Lhe past dnnclng In muslc nuppllod by Mn yup Dmpf andlhg shaw don are private Judy Hughes 19 and Virginia Chem 19 Ill lluzhcs paranu Mr and Mrs Hnghu live at AL mm Iin CIlllflMl III mm Coma It hon IA Hm 0mm 30le Hm IA HI Open DI lrnm him to mm Rclax In Luxury ROCK STEAM BATHS Canadians everywhere mo Nlngm loam up to $300000 or more or many worlhwhllo lhlngl Why dont you The dapandablo source of Cue2 mom mumcl comm umm m3 Edichill Drivu PHONE PA 87 READY CASH for car repairs SMITHS REPAIR SHOP Barker Public School Pote so or 51 and Mrs Davies Pvplnr Place won the right to procwd to um next level of me 51mm Counw Publlc Spoaklng Contest lo held In Hillmsz Publlc School by winning Ihe Inspectorate Laval Contest held earller lhls month at the Army slde Camp Borden The Ollicnrs Wives Club held me ElMonthly Bridge in lhe Olllms Mess RCAF on Wed nesday meeting com plated one hall or thewinwr program mm high sum or he first hall of the year going to Mrs Mary Gray she was also the winner ho hlgh scam or the evenlng Mrs lllllnn mm the hidden scorn the nlghl Naw vlaying partners for the second half your wcm picked by Mrs lfillan and Mrs Ann Smith vale of thanks for the help she has rendered dur lng her stay In Camp Borden was given by Mrs Illllnn Mrs Edie Brand Mrs Brand and her nmfly will take up residence in TuronIo where her husband will we upon his MINJHIJR fmm MAY early in February UKS FORESTS The Forestry Commission Gram Brlmin owns more than 500 loresls totallan 1600000 acres summcra ucleich by Orvn Fleclhum Dr Max Bolcchowsky and William Donuvnn The Ind4 10 anxlllnry In lhc nnrrlo ch inn served me lurkny bullet lup den Avenue Toronto Ne Chevu parcms Mr and Mrs IL Chevis live 180 Weld rick Road Nchmond Hill National Defence Photo luvlnl cum cumplm lur MrKlNNON lImfl LTD Amazing Slvlngt FUR SALE 81 Todly mi

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