wwwn mum Vi new in m1 nu mm ulu Am wit 04 MIA There have been argumehts from time to time about the percentagevof citizens inthis or any comparable community who give of their tigne tribelylgothat his um mm at Camiq nuy In Ilmn Amrl on mun Amlll nu mnulom mm mu mum m4 la lav npuulmlnn nu1 Aumvmd mm mu mu rml lllu DavMIN llluu um vmmnl mun In um mun ï¬lmhyl um mm and nmuu wu nun Mun lumm nu um umlum mm nun wAnuI um III mun mum um mun awn llm on um yllm an rmlu mm lam ul SIM In 1r In mum 1m 0m mm II 11 Min OIIIIMI lll Iwula nu won HIM 7m nlo ca 0mm me Im II Vlnrm guml plumn How many people lend hand to the planning and operation of community ac tivities in Barrie Thai is activities of municipal nature boards and commiss ions church work childrens sports and irocreaiion service clubs which bring help to the underprivileged and handicapped Let us exclude entirely clubs or organiz aiions which are involved in nothing more than personal pleasure or interest may he better place in which to live and raise lamily Some say itis as lit tle as 10 per cent It ranges all the way up to as high as 50 per cent but that ï¬gure is most certainly as far as it would go Name man or woman inthls city who is in municipal office or director of service club or fraternal organization or Chamber of Commerce United Appeal boards commissions and such groups necessary ior effective community life who is not also active in some other worthwhile activities Generally these worthy citizens have anywhere from three to six other community duties out side their home and business life Both these latter necessary lives often sufier But that is the way of the democrath society which we enjoy There are always those who will sit back and let the other man or woman do the job Without any Interference with ersonal pleasure they may enjoy the trurts of the labors of the willing and not so willing of those who know that certain things must be done to stimulate the progress and prosperity community if we have good civic Tipplng ls deeply ingralned in the ha hits of people in Canada the United Slat es Great Britaln and most other coun gtries There have been many sporadic at tempts to stop it but generally without Iucecss There Is no tipping in Russia It Is considered undignilied to give or accept gratuity for services rendered Chief reason for these fallurcs Is that people will conlmuc to give lips because they do not want to be regarded as cï¬gaï¬kalps SCOTTISH HOME RULE The Guelph Mercury The Scottish Plehlseile Fund through which strong group of Scottish anion allsts hoped to raise $300000 to ï¬nance Ihu taking of nnlional plebiscile on Scottish Home Rule now seems destined Io die premature death wasrhopcd that In he ï¬rst car of the appeal that $300000 would con 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Harrie Examlncr Jan 2027 1918 George Patterson Reeve nt lurt Mc Nlcoll llrst warden 0t Slmcoe Iounly lrom that vlllngc Town Increased mllnru scale 15 or lnml or those wlm wurk lur rellcl lillorl mndc to ur unnlm truckers are lnlo Inlon by Hm tllurlmml ul ltnllwny Employees Frank It Inncllln rccleclcd chairman St Marys School llmml Frank Jack son reelected clmlrmnn water ll ht nnd xn comlnlsslnn Essa Immc asked county to tnke over 15 xltlvrnml lllnm ton to Baxter Inslcml at 10 lllrounh Ivy Gnvnrnur Arthur Pugh palll at llclnl vlsll lu hlx lmme 11mm Cluh at Queens llntcl dlnncr Jack Dytr lnln and star tlolcnccman ol llnrrle 701 Mill pro prmplct at Toronto Maple lmll taken to ltnrnl Vlctmla llunpltnl lollnw lng urrlmls naury In unlnr agnlnst Orll lln whnn ho all lntn oprnslng playtra skate Cotlnly fouml nmxolnln com mlttcc to study proposed lncurpurntlon 0t Vasnga than vlllnur ltlwnnh may enjoy the trults of the labors of the These are few res onsibllitles at the willing and not so willing of those who community level If ey are accepted know that certain things must be done to Ihere will be no danger in losing our stimulate the progress and prosperityml treedom But the land should not always community If we have good cwie be left to the few Tipping Custom Humiliates Too Mariy Lédve Community Responsibilities To The Few llpblng is on wrong basis Theoretic The Barrie Examiner Walls Pulihsber Earriéf£xamin2r OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Pilbllshed by Cgfladlï¬n Newspapers Limited 16 Hayï¬eld Street Same Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE ubhsber Brian SlnlghtGeneralManager MONDAY rzaawilw 1m 4m administration it is because men have taken the time to direct it It we have good arks it is because men have made the fort to plan them if we have good educational facilities it is because of men and women who sit on the boards 11 we have done much in helping charity and crippled children and retarded it is because menand women in the United Appeal group of volunteers and the ser vice clubs have done the hard work to raise money for them if we have good economy excellent merchandising sen vices and much industrial growth to pro vide citizens with jobs then think back to the thousands of hours of work done by men over the years at the Chamber of Commerce and Town Planning level Does the average citizen ive fair share to aid in local charilab appeals The United Appeal has made its objec tive for three years but this was pos sible because many average citizens gave more than their fair share while others shirked their responsibilities Not enough Barrie citizens take part in the cultural activities which could bene ï¬t and which are offered to them We list few Community Concerts music groups library VIMYWCA Church groups are always appreciative of those who will help share some of the burden of their work Have you ever been con vencr trying to line up ladies to wait on tables at dinners or work on bazaars Have you ever been team captain try ing to get canvasscrs for charitable funds ally it is gift for services rendered which have added to the comfort of the guest but in efleci the chief beneficiary at the system is lhe business The system is humiliallng to all con curncd In lhe final analysis the lipper ls to blame There is no obligation to tip but it ls done for the sake of personal selfrespects Man lips are not justiï¬ed cloakroom lips or example man checks his hat and the service the girl gives lasting but few seconds is not worth lip Yet the man has no the courage no to tip He Armoury alluwln match be ten no Gnrrlwn Club Illd own all Cl Falls View flrlllge II Nlagm Full report ad doomd by lncnnlnz by yrmun tribuled but the tolal amount at Ihe end 1902 was somewhere In the region of $15000 and now two of the national or ganizers or the fund have quit their jobs because there Is not enough money the treasury to pay lhclr salaries In net the kill ls so here of money now lhat It cannot ear the expense of carrying But the poslal pleblselle on what klnd of gov ernmenl Scollnnd should have Club observed ilurns Night at Amcrlc nn llulcl wiih cvcrylhing Scuiiisll piper ha gls songs sgcakcr Rev llolmrlson Mi Iar ni Om Kir George Ii Burns liLv Doe and Alex Knox were inalur ed vocalisisr Thomas Shepherd service manager nl llarris llluinrs look pusilion In Ioronlo will General liioiors Donald Macimn rceicclcd prc aldcnl Viclorin Order Nurses Waller Robinson coach oi Camp ilnrdcn lchra inlcrmodiaic Oili lcam rcsignud niier criticism by some laycrs and club ni iiciala following 105 nlrcak farl Lou scored iivc goals whrn Copaco buai ivy Cubs all in Suulh Simcue League lionr Walsh armor lioulcnani gov ernor of Alberta lird iii in Vlciurla nu ilia ilrsl wife vhum he married in Harris in 381 was Iho iormer lonon McViiiic Imminent lady akaicr this lowna liral cu rink an Mary Sl iiun lhrl ilowu Assigned iranl row snal in Home Commons beside Oppnxlilon lAadvr lil linn it licnncli Mun nigulor Hugh Jr Sweenoy lvil Imursl If it 000 to ï¬ll Marys Church mak nu pulp rlhlu rarr inn ml 0i exlnnslvn mmvab inns insinvxsnmnn Ciui Incrllng llarrln Armnury Mkul Mayor UNI llnh crison inr boiler division of lnwnn rcllrf vunchrm iinrrln ouniry luh engag cd Illarlca Kramy as no clnl pm Midland lliuli svluml seninr firin illfll llarriu folicuiaiu In baxknlhal ii iii layer were more Lamimri Audrno Filxnn Ruih Aarron ICunire Mcquado Mildred Morrdlln Marjorie incmn lloliy Hugh and Annie bichIqrry iiiunrlcg Hanna ifHM our on or announced uml Jac Inrco wnnldn hadmlnlon hnl Jacï¬ Iurcncm wutldf hadmlniéli hlmnlon wulquglvp Mull It Har Many people have suggested on opcrnlian but am reluclaut because it sounds quile serious My sinuses holhcr me only when have 41 mm cnld Somn rclnlivcs have suggested that use salt wnlur snumng it uy my nose every manning ll seams to help Is it possible fur the sluuscs lo allecl and em Ll Dear Dr Molner Please give me some information on how to 5199 slnus rquhlp This sound like In ul ad vice wilhoul gelling lhe acts And advice wllhoul acts Isnt worth much mm severe coldv Ihc mem hrnncs of Ihc nose and sinuses are inflamed and swollen and this inlcrlerc wilh sinus drain age The sinuses can Ache But this doesnt call or an open llnn As to operations dillcrcnl Imus are dnne One Is lo straighten hunt or dcvinlnd scplum Ihc 71050 hcnl sa It plugs nnc sIde lhc nose blocking bnlh nasal and sinus lminagu Anomcr is rcmnval mlpr hry nrc lnrming blockage lnlys are more rnmmon In pcnplc wilh nllcr was Dr mm may he surgery on Hm sinusu proper In re mnve dlscascd mnmbruncs um um drnlnanc By JOSEPH MOLNER MD have some douhl In Ihis In slance whether is true sinus is ll bnlhcrs you only when vc bad cqld Many mulled sinus also are Inc In nllorzy or cnnslnnt Irrilnllnn mm lumosund do Iihrmluly ncludc lnlmw Mme Many sinus vlclim Ilm slumped xmnklnx long enough lind ml the phlvgm nnd mlanh nml tmlxhlni xlisnpprur Nn mum du no dirmly rcl the can wllh he cxcrpllml Hum mmlnid lnlcrllnn Humvrr lhe Mme undulyan lnofnrxchmnlc Irritmicn in lrclinn runum plug the Emin hlnn um um Um Impnlr lwnrlnu In wilnn mll wnm can fire you no more Mn luknunrm mum on um Thu nose harbnn ucrnu Mulch an nlnllvrly nnmnl Ihm lvul um plny Imvuc ll drawn or farm lnln llw Ilnunn ml Ill rink Hull mm would rmhcr nnl lnkc vhcmthc slnusvs rcmnln con ucslcd and pus am conslanl drainage persist lhal anolhcr maller and can he determlncd by exam inn nmlm ay So lheres nnlhln unlnnd In Arguing om xhrlhcr la hmu nn npnrnllan until you kmwl 33 nuylhinn ghqm ix to dut IOllTdlklillMIT NM Tlm Ion lm lxrrn Knoll In Nb rumn Ihlng In Ihlu Concwllpn llnv lnwn mm hlln mlmm HIMrim In mml ulrr mm or Newluuml Inml nmvlnl Imr mm mm min mil 1er nml llm IIrlzhlmlng lmmlrll llllvhn Mr and Ship ml nl Umrl II um Iny WM rnmhinrd powdnllnn ol nlmul II Um mm Vlllnun qu3 luzrflm my me nl mnsl our Mr muslvlrrcl nnumfl lhu Inml junmum II wuvlmr The mnnl nnnluy MIN lnr llurnnnn mw Iml uumnrr wul mom mum null he luv rlnlr wrrhly mm mm 1000 mum Mull Ill Cumlmtpd are Hwy Hut lb lhtlr own normw um jnlleam lhl 1m God TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH nlewd um um mum 1v lhfyAshII mlmu Fish Provide szonvernay BIBLE THOUGHT nur llr MOI My Many Sinus Cases Are Due To Allergy PAUL REVERE 1983 daughler now 24 has been Sui lering fur elght yenrs wllh 1mm Ihu em They are red and swollen Inside and out and always 1runnlng or discharg ing Onen the rims 01 her eyes are red Can you lell me what causes chronic condilion Is an ulcrngMn ILL It could be allergy or mice tion but the chronlcity suggests the latter with probability at iungus ininction Such ungus infections have nasty habit of being complicated by infection from other germs making thu condition stubborn to treat Spe cinl laboratory cultures uttcn or used in on eiiort to delcr mine what the original cause is and what others may have up poured Inter By lliclNlYlilI HOOD LONDON Reginald Maudi iing chancellor oi llic cxchcq ucr has hm presented him blueprint oi how nrilain can expand her rconomy mi inA crmsn imiuslriul produciion by inur per mil every year but ihis blueprint points mi that his expansion is dumndLnl in uiicllmr he speeds up his own cxnnnsiun policies in cncouxngu Kile invnslmcn Th rcporl la lhc ï¬rst major annlysls prepared by lhc n4 parts of Inc National Ecunomlc Dmlnpmcnl Council popular ly known as Noddy In anunc Ion wilh H5 nlrcclanxcncrnl Sir Roller Shane In It Sir Inb mnku clrnr What Is Involv ed the Milan In succeed In slop in up Iln nulnul by tho luv cl Irh LI believed to he puns hle The four per ccnl llxuro tiled In Ihc rcporl In neaer Inuth lhc pmml unnunl no lncrrnn 11 plnn tar organhod In crcnxed prmlurlloll nml mumm Ic dcvrlopmtnl wax orlulnnhy Inlrndm lo tour the yvnu no la 19m An llwrc will have In be maulw nllnrk an lhu prnhlrlm Invulml mm now mp wanln lo mmphle ll lty Illo rnd he yrnr m7 but he llrml cnxlrllulnn III Hr llulwrl 51mm nml III mm mm Kim nllhnunll he lJuk nhrml of Hm munlry II lurmldulvlu one ll In no ulcnlwlmmxsihk The mun polnll oul In lhe Hm plum lhnl mum of HM luvmrtunl Inllmllhl Ilkn rm and are hhlth nl mer quo unnro pnnlucllu rnparlly could my mullly mm lam In HMC In dunnnd lnr lhclr pm dum REPORT FROM UK ToExpand Ecqntmy Presents Blueprint lmly loud like but very opinkï¬lled HUBERT In some nlhcr indusuics such as chemicals xmd electricity i1 wuuld be Inund murh more dib icull Iv mccl nn mm demand our per cent each yeah This is because he lnnx time him it lakes to build néw plants or suth lndmlrics NEED SKILLED MEN Le nlcusnry In Hm Hold export we re nltuhflrd ID Increase by nn nnnuul norm 57 vcr uul uhhh I1 cun xldrrnhly hrulr lhzln the In HCmll mrnl yuan The nmrl II mullvudy nun cnmmillnl llu whjrrt wngu uIHmuxlhil ls IIInqul lhnl Um mxkrrx prmum mnrr lhcv um cum mum Thu Ilnpllcnllnu Hm Irpnrl lmw mrr Hun Hm nrlunl wage lulu mmle lm mmli In lhnn lhe as pur llil rstlmnlrd lur exnrndllmn Such dolimrv In dMHnK wllh war in pmlr nhly lltlllwrnlc In lmrn llvc rlumrfl rmlmmmllm Hm le lrmlr unlnn lrwvlrn uh are mrmlwrl llw anhnml Hron mnlc Durlupnwm mmrll In nll l1 diIILrcnl mmps of lnflusfics were lmusuznlud by the chdy lmm cxpcrlx Most ullhcm hulim Um lhey can meet llm lurgcl an annual our per ccnl lnmnsc on one tundillnn That is on condilinn lhul lhuy can secure Illiclvnl sugply sklllrd mnnpuwc Thu uprrls have mund In In the next Ive ycnr lhrrc WI he considrrnhlc rlmmus In em phnsis mm the present pullcrn of cxpcmlflurrs omumcrs ex nmlilum pr unnullc nrc ul mnlnd Io Inertle by JG Mf ml Thln In less than lllc In mase lmrsnnunlh By THE CANADIAN PRESS rep 1m Gold was discovered in lhe Fraser River area of nrilish Columbia 105 years ago todayin lxsnallracl ing Khuusands oi men In the west coast Hundreds of ships jammed with gold seekers worked thelr way across the Gulf ni Genrgia to Ihe Fraser Ihen made the dangerous trip up the swift running rivers Hun dreds died withoui seeing speck of gold hm manrs struck it rich at such places as Hope Boston Bar and Barkerville when he gold lever died down many prns pcclors stayed on to lound businesses and industries ma Ceylon imam sell unvcming Commun wcalxh nnlion ms The tlrsl Canadian canllngent lundedin Europe In lhe First World War TODAY IN HISTORY In postwu years there In developed means or hnvlns an evenan ellnwnhlp and at the same me using money for worthy cnuse This known the Sports Celebrity Dinner 11 sureï¬re excusu or man In act out he housa or night 11 Islam sprang up nat urally below the border when cxcusea are more needed The Men that almust any mule In bit at hemwarshlpper wen he Mnt admit It Given an opportunity to mtngte with Mickey Mantle or Paul Ham ung Rocket Richard bring back tho dream of youth In many an nvertnrty type with sagging musclas When mlddlcnxed curler shakes hands with or gel an autograph from nn Ernle RlchA ardson he can just feel that old potluck broom and welsh ln llls own body man wha ln hls yonlh barely managed bnl 200 on the vlllage ball team talking to Wlllle Inlay at one ol these spurts tecepllons can or couple ol hours easily image lhat the glns ln hls lell hand ls baseball hat about In hit one over the lence You can imagine ynursel slandlng then in Cnndlcsllck Park And mens he man who 30 years age played cover palnt on his local church hockey leam who gels an autograph 1mm Frank Muhovlich While the BI is signing the man can le uulizc himsell dashing down the ice at Montreal Forum and slamming bullet shut pan In astounded Plnnlu The Ontarlo Sportswrller and Sponscaslers Associallon pick ed up lhe celebrity dinner Me 12 years an and has raised 623031157 net or crippled ch11 drcn from 11 such events fln Torontos Royal York Hold Last Wednesday night the nth was held and was expecled make another $213000 or more toward lhe 5115000 um needed or tho $200000 IwImmlng pool at the new Ontario Crippled Chlldrcn Cenlre 0H Bayview Avenue In North York THE FIRST COLUMN 5pm celchrltlu were presenl representing auto racing Fran cis Bradley baseball Ralph Honk Jim Pietra and Tom Oliveri billiards liviiile Mos cunl boxing Jersey Joe Wai coll figure skating Don Jack snn ioalhnll 4Pnul liarnung George Dixnn John Barrow and Dave Spraguc goil Bob Tog lnI harness racing John Chap manii hockey all member oi Toronln Maple Lenin lulrodui ed by George Armstrongi mnrk munship Dcsmund Durkci 506 Snm Coxl swimming Bobby Low and Dick Poundl lhoroughbrcd racing Jociwy Run nrrccllel track and aid New aniandr Murray llnl bar and Canadas Harry Jer mm and iler Kiddi wrestling Tripper Dilly Watson nu lhrmuh we MI or put ml IIIqu hero Am II needed Our mzmhm hen now gel 000 you mm Indemnity 000 upoan IIy lmN OllEAnN TORONTOSome ol the ways running MI newpnpcnnnn has um ucn mmu am the Liberal policy rally And dill ilme rnl leuxl llw npmlm dont get much blnme hm rally was one lhose Im yusslhlc InKl In cover 11ml Mum mm It rm wrull lhnl Uw Grll wqu pay be per ml the text In anonm nuhwny yuu Imd In nymnnmln rtlh Mm rnlher lhnn mum xlm Al pmcnt lhu prmlnce mu per mm he rvvsl munltlpnl mndm And Hm pnrlyl Mum mu lMl munklr palm ulwuhl Alvin In dnnll purl Hill In uhllc Imu pmlnllon Hwy tulmt Arlunlly Ibo vnrloun maln llnnl were ulvcn mom wnrl lml nlmly Hum Ms duerwr hM mm my DNVIWI polillcll mmnllnn he pmqu on mvdlmr lnr Indunre mu mlewrd In mm mllm or man um 11 Mun And mm 01 he cum mm ï¬lmA lhnll Iltlnl mrrl lhll hm mm lml luur houn Mllllflliflfl IAV uniï¬ hrrrirm ruling hqpflul ll XIu hum Vlnrn wave In mow lndemnlllu ol the dull lIvrmMu In uddlllon lo plcnmy nulom lhvrc Wm 11 Irpnrule ommil lm muting All mu were mnklnl nm And lhc uurklnx mmn nlmm nwumprd llm urn lrylnz In wrlh whenm pol ol lhu lwodny Imlnn hm Ihm mother Irpmlcr male lhnl Hm nmrcnllnn hnd luhbrrIlnmmd he Mllfl Mun yuu wnm along wllh Mm mm he Ildnl mud thl rhnnra la knuw Iny Hun QUEENS my Sports Celebrities Atiract Aging Fans Faced Tough Task In Reporting Rally By KEN WALLS Some then wen merely lnlroduced lhe head mhlc other spoke at various length For the first ï¬lm the program was televised live to hav been Informed it is horrible to meet them all it you eon get time belore or alter the dinner Formnt oi wnyr mm the name First ol oli the tickets cost 25 Rear tion start at live oclock In the convention hoiir Dinner is at 730 You are met at the door by charming Toronto model one of lonr who hands out souvenir program with smile that warm aging bones There nre several other model circu lating through the reception room handing out lree sampler oi clgaretles but theso are the only icmaie allowed nem the event and even hey dont get into Ihe dinner hall Noticed this year all the waitersrwnre males lor the first time This is sup posed to give the speakers more leeway in their jokes but at course iV got Into the act and any story muld have been told in church parlor Not so at some ol the earlier dinners associated with the Ontario Soc iety For Crippled Children since its Inception more than so yearn ago At ï¬rst one or two mem hen went to the dinners but for the last couplu at years the club has had table for eight Four oi those went this year tor the iirst time and all want to go nznin next year same date Jan 30 Even the us has not listened them or the 13 cents per glass halt ounce lii alien Some oi the profit em erges here but remember the cause men 111 yeul dinner was no lhc best so Ir bl names ln sport were concerned Some other have had such Jack Dempsey Gene nmney Floyd Palletsonl Ken Watson of curl Ing lnmc Jnckle Parker lho lata Llonal Cunanhcr and the late Jim Thorpe loolball al most all 01 hockey hall at lam or except Gum Howe Chris Chnmway llvrb Ellloll Gm Sarnlen Jackie Robinson Wi lle Mays nnd jundreds cl olhers But this was good average and was lhe bcsl meal in the alx dlnum have how prlvllegcd la allend There Ire no parliculnr incl denu about the Barrie ocicl warth mentioning his year We took clergyman sing in keep lhings In arder and there is no review available on the rhuw at lho Club Oasis The masler oi ceremonies the Spam Din ner no the narcinyi wnre Jim Calcman and Mill Dunncll nieir remarks were barbed lime and many were lost the minds sports eniiiusiasl who avoid iniemallonal politics Like lhi one by Duuneli Cnnndal convenllunnl deience weapon lilo bow and arrow MONEY II In nulnHuwn mcmhcr dota his lab mnsclenlinusly he wlll nlmw ll nhmp lax lha end nl he year0r Imvc llvcd an hrrnd and milk The member here uha live at Tumnln hole or lhrru mum lnku care In lhe chnrl In In llll rldlnx probably shut herd lcw dclcunllonu lo mun pup lnku cm lhn olhcr Olhrrwin he my ml III In no luv and wuuld loo hm This rampart 310000 ll Olluwu Nlcnl new dunnl lune much ltn oul 37000 lo pm idu or bi rvgulnr living mum And My numdo Income II 56 wnly turlnilcd hy My nlchuI In Hm Immature llnwcwr Ollnwn nmulvcrn lprnd lnl man me on Mr Juhl Ind wont vul Ihrounh nn Mnnu hem unlll they act BENEFICIAL mam youwant 1t namlldlll MInulo Monty mn IvI yuu um lm luv WM mh In In dun up Inn om bIUI mh in wlmlm you Illvel wilh non lflchla Inlamluonll 2qu cm you 1w you Iom HI my mlnulll an up to 11000 move nmmcl co or BEAM IMMI annM nuAu I59 OIILUA ummm Manama Barrie Klwanln Club has been