Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1963, p. 3

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1mm In prrwiul no law Inu In Food in Hm Trllnilvl Crnlrt Camp lkmlcn Iv on mntnr lec lnr ho modnun dcpmlr moul Scullkw IAlvud eru Iéfl lamer 04 No um mm mm mm WNW1 We close working arrangement with he Onlarla Soelely For Crippled Childrean hirl Wleder commit lee chalrman said We are one 226 service clubs which help to make up the socicly it was probably iaund by uniting our ellorls and working or com mnn purpose the Job at helping crippled children could be done more effectively We do haw ever have definite agreement with the secler lo whel each will do each yeart Our club and weler alga an agreement in which we 23ng lo perform cer tain duties and perhaps ihe mast lmporlnnl term at the agreement lr To use the eluhl allure re gross relurm fur the dirtel care and treatment of needy crlppled children wllhln lhe Kennu oi the delinlllnn and within the area tamed by the cluhl Easier Seal distribution It Kunmnlce that no Emlcr Seal lunda will be dlvcrtrd lnr any eiher ampere Tan Ioelety likewise agree In use In Ihnre oi the Easter Seal lands or Wu cc proud of our Anoth lIon wlth lhe Cripplnd CMldrcnl Soclcly TM ndvnnlnm ha umlnuon are mnny It nnly lhrmlnh lhll ml was um nbln In nllnln he Ilnndnrd nulxl Inca we have hrrn nblo In Iva hnmllcnpml Child ll dll Bert Allen club treasurer gave financial smlemcnl of recolpll or lho crippicd child rms mud to the and January mm are raised through Easter Seals and sales ol peanuts and Sculllsh blsculur also through éiTimmy bank at various loca ons WORK WITH SOCIETY Kiwanis Club Barrie heard reports on activities of the Grip pIed Childrens Committee by Mike Wicdet Jack Butler nnd Ber Allcn at the weekly dinner meeting In Community House Jack Butler past president outlined progress being made an the new 810000 cottage the club is building at Blue MounLnin Camp It will be ready lor paint ing in May by volunteer labor at club members an that it may be occupied in June An Innlsfil lbwnsldp family of six was forced lulu belaw um weather lnlcrspened by 40111119er winds early Sunday morning when their house was destroyed by firm Knud Paem 5th Sideroad said he and his wile were lavk ened hy smoke By the llma they got downstairs flames were engulfing the kiwhen 1m fire which spread quick ly was fanned furiouly by raz ing winds It all happened so quickly said Mm Femam dial the dmdren had no lime Kiwanis Club Hears Reports on Work Done For Crippled Children nus 15 ALL that remains home in Innlsfil Township of ma Knud human am 101th by in eanly Sunday Fire Forces Family To Flee Into Cold COOKS GET LESSON RT BORDEN been mi Huunun mm Ml lnku Um npmrlunll only lnr an nllcmmn pnlnlmu Summarizing the work don by our awn Klwnnis Club In Ilnr rlu In I962 we lnvcslignlcd up pruxlmnlcly to cum provldzd clghl pair spcclul shoes and seven bracts These Vnrkd In ml km 37 In 1504 We n5 alslcd wllh lrlps In Toronto We provldcd wn nruliclnl Ilmbx one wheel chair hnnrlnl ald um um mlmllnnmlu np pllnnm Mlmdlnx mun Moun luln Cnmp In summer Icm lfl rhlldrnn mm flurrln and dislrlct to KM 91 nor nmwn II mum Cpl 1le Klflvy flotky Maunhln Home and Ca All and Mu Funln 71 Bamll and Klnfin mm Wm pmnln Mr and Mn Um 11min live Al Mlunlua IR hillia II II nnplnyevl nl Hva mmlc Fm lmvthill Mun In mum mcr mm nun II Inmo nl the dub mm he hnvn nuvtr The mlcly upcrnllnx bud gel for 1962 was esllmnlcd at mllllon dollnn It be spent gen crnlly for nurslng service Cnmp lug Incllmu rcscnrch Aid In lrcalmcnl centres The so clcly has in Its record over 15 000 children who lrnm me in lime rccclve some mcnsuro usmnnce flcull without going Into Vast amount 01 detail to give you complete picture this vns ur gnnlzallan and the his lab that It does In helplng crippled chu drcn throughout Dntaro One of IE children ran to um neighboring farm house al most 0mm mile down the raad in call the fire depart ment By the time the ire depart ment arrived wind had led me flame to human extent that uwtobywstrudmewasa complete loss Firemen did manage to salvage few took from the woodsiaed behind ha to collect their dailies mm few bum and maybe max Petersen comidu them WIEDER 11 consumer II lurning man and more In he lunrr menu nnd lo hold lhc Khan 01 lh mnvktl lhcy now hnvn hog pm ducm wlll hnva In mnccnlrnll more mm on prmludnu hlnlv er pcmnlnxu Grndu Imp ho Inld Last year he recalled Slmcoo Cnunly wnl presented wllh lho Chnrlu Newton Trophy or the Krcnlul Increase In um pcrccnl an of Grade hog and hm has been lunhcr ln trcnse The percenlnau now II 2199 no Mer hul ll decidcd lmnmvrmcnl over lama prev ious yum Speakan tn the nnnual mael lng ho North Slmcoe Hog Producers Jlm Baynlnn sec rclnry Ike Ontario Hog Pmd ucm Assodnllan nlrcssarl thn Importance of the qualin of park altered for Iain In any program lolncrcnsa t9nsump Mmhnmn llmn Bum MIA lenl hhdh mw Hm blun lily Klngnm Owl III mm ll lhc Canndlnn Anny mu lolluzl Myde Nullmfi Mu lhllllm llu nl Rocky Mountain Home Mu llll um Em Ilm Calla ll 13 Mom ll he Ami Word was received at noon that Stanley Sturgeon had dled suddenly In his omce this mom lng He was able clerk la the new depaflmenl or Canadian National Railways Midland Stan known lamillnrly Ida leglon of friends la the sports world as fish was line bnsdzall player and golfer He was catcher and thkd base man or Mldland teams or many years He also played lmj the Barrie inlcnnediate fin alla club ol the Ontario Base ball Association in me He had been sullering mm heart all menl ln mm years Speaker Stresses Importance 01 Quality Hog Production selves luck In one way Had the winds been blowim in westarly direction their ham completely docked for lhe winter wwld have Wally with on fire Cause of the line was attrib uted to one Wu thlngs an overheated stove or dedrlcnl wiring Firemen are dill 1n vestignflng The damage is us officially Muted it $1000 to morning Examine Photo Mr or Barrie mm advertised lhrcebodmom homo far rent thmum an Ex WM Want Ad He mew ed 20 replies and rented the helm quickly He 55y He always obtnlns resqu wlh Exnminer Want Ag S9 will you To piaau your Want Ad slmply phone PA um and lricndly Hunk will assist you In wording the ad RENT HOME THROUGH AD Renting home There are plenty of people looking or good nccommodaflm in Band Stan Sturgeon Dies Suddenly LOCAL GENERAL VD MEND Mlll Vs Mmu duh mumm Ara mmmnl lvrinl nmnlnz plum In their wmkly Mini onlth be filnr Hull 09 Alumni All llu mnnm Hwy wlll pmml In Hill Wnlu Mva In In ow 1mm Volleyhall Vlrlor ubocn Ippolnlal Cmn Allovmy lm lhl Anmly bl llnhlllnmd 111 Marlo mull nmmcu Mr ulllm II null MimiII ml gradual ol llnrrla Cull Ma Infllule Following ML unllm mm Unlvmuy ol Tom lo and 01me llnll ho Id up luv mum ln llw lawn Dunnvllk III metel QC ml ol0unlp an at Immrml uh Wherlnkw Ind Mu VI Vl lane at 3am ml nml lur lmuul hnfl qunllly lmpmvrmtnl prnflmlm ery irhqumklr lelnllon nhlp wml lnpam hnu pmdurm ragnnllrnt on lhr hnunrhu 9m runMl Im Allhnugh lho mmktllul box solnx nlnnn smoulth wlm Rood mm Aprmr gmd The Ilnl Producer mull lnxl Mr Mldhnm whlch um Illrndal hr 75 Inrmm nllnsrltd mmllullnn rlrclr and dlmlon nml nnmln nlnl clghl rommmrumtn In re pmcnl Nor Slmmc The Snulh bmmo Ila Prod uccrl nlw luv qunlily Im provcmcnt program pn In banu $10 award pur chm or hour In wlll qunl lliy or Inn gumnmcnl bonus Iil progrnm 1M cnr nld lmnum In all £100 nml wlll In clch ll Itflll unlll Orl Thu Norlh Slmmc llox Pmd ucm wlll be rlnrllnz on qual lly lmprthmcnl program on March They have up bonusan pmgrnm or lhc nur chm of ham Iullnhle hrcod lug Iype Ind pcrlormnncc to lake cllccl on lhnl dnlc The nuoclnllan wlll pay hnnus of 315 la lhe purchaser hour lhnl Inn qunllllcd lnr lhu K0v emmtnl bonus Thl program will be In tllccl unlll March 1064 mi lho lmnul wlll he pnld on lhellnl lhlrly uppllmllnnr filo comad klrthe mm 04 1156 is hr the provision 1ch uxppllcsa IL one 0162 mmmod de cnco contracts or 0000 or mom awarded during the first hall 01 Janugry Tout value of awarded wanna By Vlhe 717M gamm of Dglcpqe Prqdudlon all oéhunm $5435401 it was 11an hero by Hon Raymond OHudcy Twelveyearod er Can lois or Orlllla and dog Sklp won the dog alelgh races and the ordinary sleigh race was won by scvenycamld Glen Jaquu ha la 12 age group He turned seven Saturday um inn slum lamLlama The bulyrvinman In enter the snawshoe race Ada Jarrett 011m loggeg Bonn Toronto and Peter Campbell Orillla bath shared the $15 first prize In lhe fish derby out field 01 170 can leskanu they won by each nel Ung 35 nungq perch George MacDonnd ol Uplcr grove won he snowshoe race by mmlng In to we finish linn in 11 minutes and Inur second on the Ls mile course He won 350 prgze of the Uons Club In er events Pa Osharne Port Credit won the calme race In the Grand Prix He drove his MInlMinar at an av erage speed of over 70 miles per hour go xylnfiw 15 race crowd 01 almost 3000 had gathered in their cars Own 55 Dodge some even braving mpelow zero weather tn watch The winning Vtenm we led by Endel Tigan who molded line of our hour and two min es The four relay team lollnwed tracks cut by Skiddoos Water was encountered few tlmrs and detour were necessary Weather which was dull and muggy at the start gradually got colder the teams sped on Ill take bringing greetings lo 0111113 Mayor McDonald from West Gwflllmhury To ship Reeve Joseph Daleand scroll tram Donald Summervllle Tor nnja Mayor Mandre was the 1m runner In the relay race from Willow dale Beach 255 mllu mm 01 lllla People who lined up to see he race cheered as they saw film running towards the finish ne Allislon Lab Gets Defence Contract 7m nAmum EXAMINER MONDAY FEB 1m ThlrIyslxyeled Kalljn Man an of the Eslanlan Skl ICIub Toronto came wilhln we min utes of hrlnging his relay team to first place in Ihe Sid Mar alhon la Orillia Saturday when ha zalned 25 minuty In 111 13 UlléWA jpednl An Al Speedy Ski Ru ATTOnNHV Mr MaraHus sald4 be lchc lha Dapanmcm of Educa llon In rushing or the Ilycrxon lypg gchool Mr Pickle mld he though would amount In about he same hm Thcw rcprcsenllng the Barrie Labour Cauncll mid II you plck up the Tnmnlo news paper youll ind Barrie firms ndverllslng lor sklllcdholp out go In 7forum lo lhink Mr ODonnls sug xcsllon lechnlcal school ls hellcr Im loo per cent behind that lypc school mini wu ahoum hm ham and would like lo we bou universin and Ilymonlypo lcchnltnl uhool Rory ODanal asked Ihc board In consider recommending In stead of university nn insll lule such as Rycrson or an ex Icnded xyslcm of what Mr Mur mllus is doing now with Pro gram the High Schools The motion reads in View at the science and technology courses presently beinginitiuted in the city primary and sums dary schools the Barrie Winter Employment Committee recom mends that consideration be giv en to the establishment ot an Institute at technology in Burris which would be ideal to lnttw once tuturc employment at our youth and the means at attract Ing new industries to the dis trict SAME THING The molion followed consldcp ahlc discussion on lhe idea recommending to council lhal lilinlvcrslly be establlshcd lnBar Barrie may have an Institute technology similar to Rye son munus If rccammendalion of the Barrie Winter Employ ment Cummlltee to Council are allowed Ihe regular meeting In the National Employment Servlce office Saturday the Commmce voled unanimously In mm of motion by Rory DDnnal to re commend la clty councll lhul such an lnslllute bu establlshcd ln Barrie THE TELEPHONE HOUR Club of Simone 0mm 1961 were lrstalled at BaxIla Community House by the Polentate of Ramses Tun Dle myan Shown here back mw mm lea an Vel don Carter Orilliu past pros ident Gordan Watson Cree Urges RYe rsdnType School For Barrie 0mm Sheba Shrine Wm730mm mulJlimy 6611404 016 YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY uu UVIIIIIIIII Ii MEMBER OF THETRANS TANADA YELEPHONE SYSTEM 906014 will METROPOLITAN OPERA MAR JOIN IUTNIILAND PIANIIT JONN IIOWNINO BALLET DANCING IONIA ANOVA IRUNN YME TELEHION ORCHESTRA DIRECTED BV DONALD VOOIMIII pan mnrkot or leaders In Ilka ly In conllnue Irlccs wlll pm nbly he xllglxlly lower than last yunr Mr Watson said Keith Mcnucr agricuflural rcprnscnmlive or $0th Sim coe said Slmcoc County had 399 per cent grade carcasses or lhn hogs slaughtered In 1962 Thls Is an increase elghl per cent over year so and pal the county per cent show the provincial average Watson in MI annual address la Um Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Assoclnllon Inld no drnmnllc thanks ap pcar lo he In store or he um durm bee cuulc hogs ar dairy products In I961 Whilc Cnnndn wlll have sur plug bcc gal11cth lqunx Olhcr count nrc sun ahead us but wilh runllnuing nllcn llon Io breeding slack ccdlng methods and mnnnxcmnnl this can be Improvrd more ycl ML Mcnucr laid The Sculh Slmtne Department of Agriculture has rcponcd an Improveman 01 quality in box slaughtered In 1962 The Winter Employment Com mittee heard tape at recent CBC broadcast about fraudulent procurance of unemployment in surance The tape was of hmadcasl given by Murchison of the NES Several board members asked quesflnns about who was qunlb led lo obtain uncmployment In sunmcu and under whal circum stances Vic Thew said he hoped the Federal Government would be gin tn rccngnflzutapprenuceshlp training AI it In nnw hey danl recognize It and man can wnrk as lradns helper lnr five years and on and hesstill helper South Simcoe Catching On Quality Of Livestock mane director Terry Hawk Barrie director Edward Mil ler Toronta Potmlales aide Lou Franmz Oriula director alarm Gorham Banla dir ector John Fuguson Em vale treasurer John Dob son name director TO IG HT 930 fil 1030 pm Channel Taylbr Prnlcrls dlscuucd Included variety crilllzcr and wood com um plats ln corn mmocs mnln and forage Discusslnn also ccnlrcd oraund pmgrnm or flu seed lair ln be held In Alllxlan March 20 It wm alumd ml the mnln loplc Illcus nlnn should be com and Ham The new bond 01 dlreclm or he Soth Slmcoc Sell and Crop Impravcmunl Association met rcccnlly lo discuss prujccls which wlll be curricd nut um year inasmuch as milk production is likely in increase rather than decline ii dairy Industry up pcnrs distinct lo he in surpius posiiion lhmuzh 196 CROP PROJECTS Hog prices should remain lalrIy strong or nlna monlh and than lupcr to Icvtl well above the national support level $2160 per hundred wcighl Inasmuch as price pald for lenders ware hlzhcr the margin may be less than In 1962 How ever it generally conceded that the margin In 1961 was tho wldcst In recent yem man owns farm and teacher he sometimes draws unemployment Insurance when he no teaching And If ha doesnt sell nnythgnx or have 0519 he can draw insurance and we cant do anything to him Mr Kraemer manager of Barrie NES answered the ques livn and explainedthe position of seasonal workers such as fishermen and lumbuman who are only employed during part of the Mr fickle said he thought there should be means test Mr Kraemer said if farmer doesnt sell thing all winter and dqesnl havgnny uther ln ident Pied McBrlen Poten ale Dn ank Shannon Bar rie pastpresidemAg Christie Colflnzwood 2nd vicepushed Jennett Etanie immediate past pres idenL Barrie 15 vlmmldent Ken Malay mm was KENNYSGARDENS It faun Ml womrd unouzh of Ch nun lax It Ilcllrlnm wulem ulyh nu wlrh ur MI blmburu Al flu nnnunl mucllng at Dec ton Axrlcullurnl Society Gordon Brunch Tallcnham was nnmcd presidqn yrllh Jnck Mason and Andy Rutledge vlmprcslI dcnu The annual rnpurl nhowcdn canllnulnu nrnwm In lhu fair and continuing Innmt 1n Im proving lhcir gmumb Some lm pmvcmnnl have nlrcmly been made llnm lhnlr Ihnw lnsl 11L Durlng the past week nn apcn hnuse was held at the new swine layout Crung Bradford Mr McRucr snld TM blg Innovation ol con vcnllonnl has harm as we havu known thm In Um 351 All swine saws boars lltln igx and market hog will be sod on slalled floor nnd will be mochanlcnlly led and watered Every nllenUnn ls bclng pnld lo keep the nnimnls hcallhy In lhcso well Insulnlcll and vcnlll and buildings BEEION FM are being made lo have some culeanding speakers on Iho subject Mr Kramer pointed out mt under the NES rezulaIions person is legally entitled lo earn one4hall as much as the uncm playmcnt Insurance he draws Next meeting of the Wihter Employment Cammluea will he held March Mr ODanal said Im all in print nierprise but some times think this moonlighting and drawing unemployment in surance leaves the govcmmenl open to criticism Mr ODnnal said he was re lcnlng lo mare or less full lime iob any other income ti ls Iegill male it KENNY LEM Ollne od Orflflu sbcrelary 014 Shgba Shrine Club Which is burnt of the Masonlc Or dcr Meetings are held momhly nlkenmldy in Bar4 rie and Onllla Money raised at annual circus Is donated to hospitals Smith muao Barrie MAN WOIUIY BETTE IN FULL ITOMMIII Full TAKE01H ORDERS FAST DELIVERY PA 0291 GET YOU DOWN CHINESE FOOD onlurlul nu

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