Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1963, p. 2

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ii nu Holt Am mam All Mm mu but In loony um MI nowmnu It Inn unmi Intomn um an mum venom MI II WC Wuhxnuawnmu Ammanum lam51 mum fln nnu lfl rm rmm Im Umnlrl nl rum In an rm Comm nun gun pl AIMIna Mum Alum Mu Aluminium mum on IIrlllrr mmllllan lo lmlI Inr lho martyr WM lull All mum ptopla vurlldnnlr in Ihe Vlnlcr Cnrnlvnl ncllvllln In Unrflt nml Ihnl Hu rflllrxll Orillhl lmvn he npppanunlly come In nnr In lo Min In Um minim slim mu mum Mr ldnbullou For wink the mayor was lockrd un Ivy Olillin lnllre Chld Mclmyrc nnd lmhl unlil one Ilw mayors sung tame nlnnz wllh hail money He was lrrcd ml ctlndillnn lhnl he would murn In nnrrin lo trrslde War Ilnrrrlo Ummhcr inm mmo Ind Juycm who are an Rnnlxinn lhn Harrie Wlnlcr Cur ch 15 IQ and 17 The made in Or lllln when he mnynr and 50m disrepulnblo 1mm cilllcm lhrmw mnukry wrench lnln lhe Drillla Vlnnr Cnrnivul par min The mayor wns thnrxcd with unlaqulIy xrawlng heard dhxuise himself mud did hrinx Imn the Town of Orillln several undesirable rm and henby muse dislurhnnm In public Who would have believed it Mayor Les Caoke was thrown in Jail Snlunlny charged wllh unlawfully and willully causan dislumance ln ur near publlc place can lrary tn lhc ansancc 0d TOP Orillia Justice Peace Small xigns re lease papers alter Willard Kinxie Harrie slapped in lo bail Mayar IA Cooke nul of or dislurblnz the peace while visillng he Orilfla Win ler Carnival Snlurdny From OBILLIA HIIINKS III in 11 ha Mayor Is Jailed In Spirit Of Fun T0 HYS 3T0 RICE Campllrd by Fly Dunlap hurl cu Mm lurmn ll IhlIInll KhlrAddlm mm HIM Mum In my III mi Illlnll Knrmddlnn mm mm it In llwn um mm nu runr lludu rum IVIHII avg yu In man Inlulwv rm mm rm Inf Am may INDUHTRMI llNlNfl Ianlrs cnllle dunkrya Ind plxl IIHEB lrrrly nvcr Ilu 92115 mu unlcnctd Iltnlh nnd woodland Um mnlm up Hm lmuly Cran ownml llnmp Ihln urnl mnr Smulhnmplnn 11 year 135 punlu cm Heath Drivers Reduce Animals LYNDIIURST nglflnd CF The blueble mnrkamcn of he Mlddle nilcd WIN ml he livulnck 01 um Nrw Farul hul ll 01ka 11 ll mod ern mnlnr curl mlnhl do It Jus In pmlnm The mayor revulch lo Drillin on Haul ndvcnislnz the Bar rie Winter Carnival along with several nlhor nnrrle ciuzcns he Chamber ol Commerce and lhe Jayne and while pnnici paling in Orillin parade he mayor as leader was but by Orillln pollctmcn who curled hlm la the Jug There Is lame lnlk Um lhr lrlnl will he held on he Ice Kemptnlcll Buy on Feb 16 dur lnx lhc nllcrnmn with Urlllina Mayor Jack MacDonald sitting in In the mnxislmlt duran the Jul Mclnlyre Grillla Pollce Chlcl Oflllla Mayar Jack MacDonald Mr Small Prisancr Cooke and Mr Kin 112 IIOIIOM Barrie was en Icrod in In OriXlla Winter Carnival Parade with this float ndverflsing the Barrie Winler Carnival on Feb 15 16 and 17 Nnmml Nulvm mumu ucmnl In Inudun It on nllM ou I1 Runa er Dnl N11 mm Mrln rnlm IIl run Nu unu Mmmm Innml anvllom um rm luhnu W4 flu mum Ilnl iM Im Smur Hm llllllhlll mul and lhu drlml wnl and um warn In 51mm nlrrmly Mal Hm dnlnuc cnanutx Lan yrnr nmnunlrd to more Khan $3000 In whlrlu nlnnn Forfshrl lmld cnnmwn Knu Imz nuhu umlvr royal rlmr Irr rnnltd In 1217 in urhnnnu n1an murqu In huntlnu nlllu lelack Mum are pressan In mm uwcd Hmll Tm llc nulharillu hawcvcr nrpuu lhnt Hue nnrlml rlghll nru ml Me nnd dunnmllhnl ha nnbmnll In mud In 114 nlnc dunkeyl 11ml wo plul were klllnl by lrnlllc maxim Along lhc lwn lrunk rumh Hm hlscrl he mm or Inn lu wnrd nuw dmnlcul Ilnnls nn Um mm The imruinn Hay Roulun sor vcs more rurnl cuslnmtrs Umn lhe combined nvrmll lulnl llydm ruslnmcrx Innudn lvm rnslrrnmusl pruvlmu 01 Prince Edward Island nml Ntw loundlnnd The llnrrlo vlliu Um Ila Iunal ufllro lur nlanu llydros imrglnn my onion These lnlnls are rcgionnl mllc ilonca in service In nur Cuslvm rrs Mr Ferguson sald Wilh he cnnllnunus growth In the re gion Georgian lny nuw cxcccd boll lhe above laln Omnrlo Hydma GmrKian Bay Region has recorded lwu firsts Fergusnn Reginnl Manag er for Gmnzlan Day Regina said lodny the Ilcgiun had reached lolnl 10000 miles of rum dis Iribulion line and lolal loo 000 ruml customers Infill sec ond hull of 1962 Hydro Reaches New Milestones me It Mayor Les Cooke who participated in same car nival hIiinka his own Jnck Forster lhc Barrie Chancr of Commerce Larry Carson rcprcsenllng he Jayccc and standing at back Robert Sgrjgm presith he Bur rle ChnmEer of Commerce Ss HOT WATER TANK LY FFFFFFFF I5 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PUBllC UTILITIES COMMISSION Try Hydro Rental mumRoy In 59 all rrclnr of he It llnullng Company uhu maul hyxlm plnncl in GUM Cup BDKLII mm lsrnlllm under lhn name Miss lrml HutuChic Jusire luhirk Ktmln 71 thirl juslicr he Suprnmc Court Canada WmhlnllonGcnrue lng 67 Farmer ILS lnrrlgn urvice lvMiclll mu mnlmrily on he SI rcncc 51IWlly Jlrhnnvllle HI Im Sllilr mvlz Mm wrlxlml 670 pounds Lake SI Clair region Wind sor Cloudy and milder loduy and Ncsday cw periods wet snow and fuming rain or drilzlo Westerly winds near is Tuesday Soulhcrn Lake llurnn Lake Erie Niagara ucslcrn Lake Ontario regionx London Hamil lon Toronlo Cloudy nnd milder today and Tuesday We snow 1an periods of lrncring min or driulc today and early lanighL Westerly winds near 15 Tucs dayr NorHum Luke lhmm south crn Georgian nay thburlnn Synopslx storm moving east uni Minnesota this morning giving subslnnlinl all fresh snow in upper lakes areas It wlll causo mlld iumpernlurcs and some mow in saulhcrn Onlnria wilh strung likelihood of periods Ironing rain or drizzle Gnu speaker Rev Downer MPP or Dullerin Sim me promised that the Barrielm Camp Borden hlghway would be completed in 1963 He welcomed the Angus District lub Into the area and described tha bro therhood nl Llonismd Presentations at club ceremon Ial equipmnnl including the code of ethics gave and gang were made by Dalton liiggs Torcnm international excculive secretary tax Ongaria and Quebec from Barrie Midland Drillia Washagn Allislnn Collingwood mg Slaypelj nucn ANGUS StainEdwin Waik ker Midland Lions distrid gov ernor presented charter to the Angus District Lions Club Sat urday night Over 200 guests at ended the ceremonies at the combined lounge 13X Depot aganngus nu nstricl Club spon sored by the Barrie Lions Club has 74 chartered members Pre sldcnt Fred Ross accepted Ule charter on behalf of the local chin formed in November 1962 ny 1m This hreliminary reparl will contain inlurmalian Illa would otherwise be very dimcult and The mayor has been told by government sources that lhe in formation is necessary More mmmillcc can he set up and chnlrman selected to consider Barrie Mayor Les Cooke is in the midst oi consuliniions wiih gmup of leaders in lh cam muniiy i0 caiiect esscniig pre liminary iniormaiion in connec tion with proposed University inrBarrie and Georgian Bay TEEN 111E BABREEXMHNER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1m Will Collect Iniormation About JProposed University Club mtroduclwns were given Present Charter To Angus Lions DEATHS WEATHER FORECAST Timngnml northern Georgian Bay Algomn southern White River regions Saul Sle Marie Sudbury and Norlh BI Snow tapering or Ionighz Cloudy Tuesday mow beginninz again by mldday milder Saulheasl winds 15 In 25 Tuesday Norlhcm White River Coch rune regiohs Mostly cloudy and milder with period thl snow today Ind Tuesday South casmly winds ll la 20 eastern Lake Omaan reziam Clnudy and mlldzr today and hmsduy Snow today tapering on uvemlghL Snow ukaly nulln Tuesday allernnon and evening Winds ens soulhcasl near Isnxesday Vern Stews pres den the Barrie Lions Club Introduced lhe head able guzsu and read messages welcomm Doug Scott proposed lhe mast In the ladies and Mrs Elvina has re plicd by Mel Gallie Collingwood de puly dlstrict governor Charter ed afticeu are president Prod Ross secretary Haron Roger son assistant secretary Norm Edwaxds treasurer Douglas Scott first vicepresidenl An drew Erascr second viwpres idem Gleason Hendersqn third vicepmident Ed Schultz m1 twister Joe Beer Llan Tamer Robert Manhunt Chairman or the eveMng was Andy Fraser Rev Alfred Willis minister Angus United Church dellvcred the invocation Tail twister Beer was in lrnduccd by Mr Fryer Draws or ovzr prth were conducted later In the evenm dance was hcld after the charter night ceremonies Dueclors are Victor Mamm er Eugene Smilh Irwin Collier Gerald Bouchnrd Bemnnl Mae Dnnalg and Llde Welymod The Mayor and Md Gerry lichens have already had con sultations with official mm the Deparlment of Educaunn for counsel and advice on how that matter should be followed possibly verycaslly Io produce salfl MayquCoqkeL 105 his Iludy the mayor will be making iuriher announcement in March He said here is no quesiian about he need for university But some essential inimmailon is necessary and should he in he hands oi capabiecnmmiiiee ang chairman TOP QUALITY Cull Don Koopmans PA 314 HEATING OILS PA 6656 ML Cuwan was well known or hls Scottish songs humor snd monologues wllh hisawn accordion accompaniment On rcllremenl several your use he cume lo Banl and was ulten heard In entertainment by local groups and service clubs was member of SL Georges Masonlc Lodge and the 48th nglllanders ol Cunndn Old Carn rades Assoclalion Hls wile the larmer Mary Elizuhelh Grant predeceased hlm Survlvlnz are one dauxhler Mrs Dawson Audrey and nur sons Grant Bmce Leonard Ind Allan Cow nn Wmnto leading entertainer in Cann da lnr many years Duncan Cownn died on Satuzday Feb at lhe loolmsidence William 51 Barrie The body in resting It the Yorke Chapel of Turner and Porter 2157 Bloor St Tamnta Funeral service will be held there Tuesday morning at 11 oclock with interment at Park Lawn Cemetery nry Hospital or quge 1n vesdgating officer OPP Cons lable Willis In Orlfllé are ca was pre lumcd to be the cause an ac cldenl Involving two cars on Highwuy 12 early Saturday muu Biresky Was taken La Shel I7qu hospital and later was Sunnybrook Mil The nccldenl occurred about one mlle soul of Homing Mills The drlver of ear ln whlch Boresky wag passengu Robert Bruce Allan Mapla SL Dolllnzwood had pulled to nlde of the road Boresky walk ed la the rear lo make repulrl mar Alp szcoda clrdrlven by no bert Bowman as at St Bramp Ion pulled lo stop behind hlm OJangler 5531am Charles Hazleu driver nl cur accordmg In police wax confused when he saw the cm Ilghu He Akldded out of nonlmL crashed nth the te pomk Freezing mix drilling snow and lack of visibility in some places added up in rash oi highway accidenls over the weekend Pia Allan Peter Bomky 22 of line 4th Field Ambulance Corps of Camp Borden wns cmshed between lhe lenders ol two cars in limevehicle col lisinn on Highway 24 430 Saguday 199mm Amputqte Soldiers Leg Afterf District ACcident TOMATOES FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST Cake Mixes SALTINES 29c Head Cheese WAlKERS BUEHLERS DUNCAN HINES minnow 100 BURNS CHOICE lEAN TENDER SIRLOIN WING 0R TBONE lEAN SHOULDER IMPORTED USA DUNCAN COWAN SJEAKS 79° OBITUARY SPECIALS MON TUES WED ve ur ing the last year given It IIIIKII compeullve skating In under the coaching oi Mr and Mrr Bruce iiyinnd are concentrating iully on skating pair in skating Paul was Central 0mm in leciion junior mem thum pion in lassism omwn Slui rng Club novice menx champ ion 135758 junior mens cham pion 195961 senior mens The Barrie Jaycm whu are nrgnnizlng the Arena nght Show for the Barrie Winter Carnival have received coniirmntion that Canadas top rated Junior pair figure skaters will perform as headliners rnr um Arena show featuring family entenninrnent They are Susan and Paul Iiuchnergnrd the Upper Can ada Skating Club at Aginconrl and on Feb they will be com pgllng or the Canadian Junior Pair Championship at Edmon lon Their Ippcaranc in Barrie will be on Feb 13 climax in the iiact arena show that iI planned beginning 730 pm One oi the masi hazardous areas over the weekend was the Shyneerth district where rash oi minor accid ents was reported Swirling snow creating mo leihlliiy yesterday aiiemoon was prin cipal cause police midi HEAVY SNOW Snow up In six inches fell in some places and drift were he ginninx in block side roads Trnlflc at am point had In be remulcd by Stayner OPP result of clogged portion of the highway to ColliIIZWood Police were told by Walker that the other car swerved and collided wllh Ills Driver of lhe other vehlcle Hurry Pettlgrew 46 Toranto auflered compound Iraclurc ol hln left leg pass enger ln lulucar Norma MC Bald 49 Ilso Toronto lunch ed laclal lnjurles She was taken to Toronto Generalllospilal The accldcnl under Invest lgatlon by Police Constabk Em Damage Io he Walk par was csumnled at about morning Police inld James Walker 19 of 146 Nollawasaga SL Orillla was westbound an nghway 12 and had just came over he cmwn hill when hag saw An oncoming car and slowed dovm Top Figure Skaters To Periorm At The Barrie Winter Carnival 100 996 0L ChLLO PAK In Other Vintcr Carnival ac tivilles lhe Central Onlarlo $111 and Ad Club has agreed to sponsor Window Dlsplny can In In cnnjunclion with the can nlvnl The club will judge wln down on Feb 16 based on their camlval lhemes skating pairs lhey have won the Oshawa Skating Club junior pairs championshlp lwr 19616 and the junior and mint dance chémplonx or 1962 and 196 Their Interests beside skating Include swimming and public speaking and ham have won awards or the inner Susan is also very active in track and icld events nnd girls soilizall having won several award or ragingnnd igmgriiump Pauls main Interest has hem and ail pninnng and when llme pcrmiu he participates in gymnastic Aglncourljflgh School Brother Eager old In court trylng the cue the picture showing Chrlat naked on the Crassls mlld compared with what actually must have hap pencd JOHANNESBURG Soth rIcu RemunEmlhur Roger Phlllp Castle 0w Anglican Community the Resurrection nld Thursday he naught Crucifixlon palnllnz which led to blasphemy charge against the artist somethan xalV ulary or Christian to see champion 1962 Susan wal also Junior Ladics champion he Oshawa Skallng Club In 1961 Alllslon Bradford Elmvnlc Victoria Harbour and Ivy rt ported only few minor acci dean and bad road conditions Orangevllle had It hadfiay on Saturday and Ike OPP were kept busy with accident the lime or the Injury to Prlvale Barcsky Dennis Kleins Puber plowed his car lhmugh slx guardrnlls about onehnlf mllc noth Orangevflle Winds up to 30 and mue an hour were recorded across the County yesterday and Police Wmllngs were agaln Issued la molarlsls to be exlremtly cau tious Crucifixion Not Tidy Affair BARRIE my ffié

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