Supervisory cxpcricnce advantage H153 mmm wmcn pmvlde xcepllolully in neng Ind Vlflld opportunity yuug In gun mm orrzn UN equlvllenl ol $13006 er man wq raidvhnl IO HELP WANTED you In between me In 11 29 you Ends educuon or better you Ire Clnldlm Citizen of Brmfll Subject you no phyxluuy you In llnlle damned employment mu man In Pmud luvice an dm munl holldly Wllh Ply Wm ml uh mmum very wan to dlscuu mur posxlhll In Ind new urn wuh ma umpa monln wnlw you mperlor lnlmu an In cleclwnlu commumu unm Admkmmunn machin Icl nd mmy uLhu mm common cmploymtnl Ind mm medlul ma denhl cm ma cman elcellenl nod Ind nthmm uncommodaunm no ncruuoml Ind mum ncumu an exupUanlly xenmux pt llon pun cm opportunity to mm mmuumul szdl Ind nhmd Wm IDn YouNa mm mm Now llama orrnnxn BY IIIB This is an excellent ammun Ily hr the right man to join medium silo company which has an enviable arm1h Mord And good lutum prospects The successlul candidate will be experienced in sheet metal layout and de slgn Initial responsibilities will include lamillarizatinn with our complete line Apply in wnlmg lnd qualiï¬callons GET THE lACIS 14 show you how have helped other hmme linem dnlly lmlrlrmlon scllina Raw ltlgll Products Food localily now available in Suncoc County nnd llnrrin ann llnulrlms new 429011 was lllclwllcu Montreal ï¬foWEm WANTED IIKLEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS 71m Allmlnimrmril Into Mull1V HDWMH mumN 1m Un Ham 11mmle in llw mIMy Sun nrnumnnm will lml or nlmul Um 11Illy+ir1l day kilflwr Inf7 Mll Ihlnllml llw nwtl nl lhc Iluvnwl In mum rnlillrvl llwlflu ur February 200 mm having gun mly 1n claim Ifll pm wrly liHMI uixh um AlIIJIION HALF 511Fnhrunry pm my Fur Alnlnr IItAnMu Al 11 Mkndlm Twlnhllu milv mm umHI nl 1th 11 MM 51 lwml llurhml rntllr mm Inmlumy my ï¬rm ml amin Tmm rMh ho hum told JENNY HILIN MVLHON CR CONTACT mz ncu MQBILE nzcnumxa OFFICE AT hgnM LUWAN ROWAN anrr HIM Haul nulmiu Wiman In llw Alhnmidmllix 13 Aucnon SALES ml nuluMm 1961 FROM New Openings Royal Canadian Air Force RCAF RECRUITING UNIT ST CLAIR AVE SENIOR DRAFTSMAN Norm Imle IXTTRONICS Nru ORILIJA Amount Write Box 39 mu in it RCAF Barrie Examiner MALE Help in wnhng mung ll wuh all WINDSOR om CmSlag gcrlng compensation claims by victims of dishonesLIawym could be reduced lawyers re ported colleagues in Imuble the annual mecllng of the Ontario Branch the Canadian Bar A9 sncialiou has bean told Joseph Sedgwick lrensurcraf the Law Society of Upper Can ada said Salurday that 11 law yrrs wanled Ia mlnlmlle crit Icisms of lhelr profession it was lhcir du distasteful though He sallilhe 30icly compen salinn fund has pald out $713000 since It was ï¬rst created In The fund now has balance at 3349000 but unlslanding claimssome which will not be honored10ml 5566000 Mr Sedgwick sqld Sum of these are really staggering he said There was one for $25000 and others 105mm Wm am $48 Tï¬erwdéy annual inciting attended by about 625 delegates Snqujdax joumallsl lold panel on the press and the law that my lice are afraid lhe press but the power at flue press exag We print smnes sometimes that make them pretty sore at us but he police want good press said Gwyn Thomas of Um Toronto Star Also on the panel were Pearson the Windsor Star Duuglas Creighton of the TM onln Telegram lawyer Austin Cooper Torontn and law yer Terrance Murphy Saul SI OnL wnuldnl like sack trial by the press as it exists in the United Slalcs Mr Thomas said nhhur trial by the press In this manner However newspapers are becoming more rcgponslble PARIS AP Charles dc Gaullcs drivs or continental lhird mm midway hclwccn Vnshinglnn nnd Mosmw seems ln have made hmdway nl Brus sels but it still lnccs many but In Mrr Pearson said there was trend by the lcgal profession to curtain newspaper coverage open courls of law and said by was opposed to lurlhcr slriclions on coverage of pre liminary hearings TRY 10 BE FAIR He said rcponnrs try to give fair and accurate report when cnv erin preliminary hearings Ior one thing the French prcsldcnl lacks lhc suppnrt nI Frances Common Market pqu ncrs in his stubborn rejccllnn ol llrilnin and lhc US conccpl nl Atlantic parlncrship llc has cndangcrcd West German rnlili callon ol the new FrenchGen man Italy and repercussions in Bonn muld even unseat Chancellor Knnrad Adenaucr For mmlhcr dc Gaul cDuId gel nu Irate rcacuon mm awn tanner when lhoy roalilc lhcy have losl large palcnllal markfl just across lhc channel or hcir surplus bet and uluml Must impnrlnnlly do Gaulle luck npopulnr mnmlnle or an nnlinriï¬dl nnliAmLriczm pul lcy Thin is lhe gap which he now U510 1mm pnmnmmda is assiduously lrymfl In fill IIICJBUIS v5 IDEAS De ulle llna csl lluuMs on plrdnu lo ddmd Europe In nuclrnr mnllicl Dclflmr nlrly micran new nnlinnnlld MIMI he has rejmrd US de Gaulles Drive For Force Still Has Long Way To Go MADRID llnulrrul Frenrh Anny Mr or IInH 7m Chnrlrn Alllrrrl larluy hrmlcd Inlu Illrrn dun talk wil Spun NI mllllnry ommh whlch wru uprch ln lrml rlnarr du lrmu nmmnllnn lnlwrrn lhu lw munlt rs Hilary uprlh Inld Frnnrn nml 55mm may numl nn 10an It nml mun mnnntuvrrt nml lhnl Imnrr may nllrr Spam mnlur lumme mu lull uplru nul lhry mm lelu mm Iner ulleltm rnllfllmrnlltm my lnllnw they um um llulnk IN Inml $lnlo anclm anm would In any way IIk rmlnnfrvlnu lul wlllvm In lho Unllrt SIM ulvkll v41 xlur In mruu mIrl IIIHHM Mm nnrrrmrnl uilll 5mm lmn Mllrrrl It In Im mmmnl mulan IHllilfll th Gnu nml Itll cnmll haul NI Ihn lvrrII nl lnllu IMK Nrk hflwrrn meldl olllrlnll nntl Frrmh In lwmvr Mmlurr Hum rvry Mllmlu mu hm pull dr nuuunu ww Ml quh lmlrnhip In Eu ullh IIIIMOM III null Imi lnl lnr new Ill Altar IN llmn lulnl lwnllnl Illilhll mlmwu 1n Mn Ih liuvnpran Cnmmnn Mnlkrl LONDON lflrulunflw lmnmmlitl mm mm Err lnwln any Ilnnnllmlu mm In umnuu Spain And France Getting Together Lawyers Urged Report Members The associalinn approved are alion of 56000 nut to provide annual $2000 grants lo Mrican sludenls who want to take un dergradunle studies in any 0n uria law school authorized an iummllm grant mm or lhe 1961964 academic year dont think this can prai udice jury because til Crown allarney gives these bareboned inchlo the iury in his openan remarks at the irlni Mr ngï¬an said hnpelawym dont fear the press eel lhere cou1d be be er public rdaflans between lawyers and the press 0n the matter pubflshlng Evidence reely from royal com missions such the recent 0n taflo roy nl commission on crime Mr Creighlan said We should be free In pnbllsh the evidence alter nl we did not set It up it would be quite dangerous uurselves up judgcs of the evidence The nsseclallon adopted resolution callan for zevern mont legislation to regulate the share trading acllvllles com pany dircclors and to prevent Lndcrease in leak on takeover Professor Louis hrs at Har vard University Law School said Ontario lags bhlnd other jurisdictions in protecting the interests at shareholders and needs legislation to guard them against possible abuses by com pany directors who use Inside information for their own proï¬t ASK FOR REPORT The association referred resolution calling on the Ontario government to establish pub lic dnicndcrr ntlicc to It crim inal subsection or report to the next meeting at the Ontario branchs enuncilr Another resolution ask the Ontario legislature to give the association an opportunity to make submission before the third reading of any hill whlch seeks to alter the rights and llabilities of citizens concerned in automobile accidents It did this after pane had agreed with the exception of one member that It would be backward step it compensa tion was awarded without any attempt to Kind guilty party Ideas for NATO nuclear urea and says France will depend on her own nuclear nrmnmcnl US lnvcslmcnu in France are In he rcsMclcd The presidents puhllc stale mcnls are cnordinnlcd with oblique insinunlion mm Gaull is poiiliciuns These describe Britain us In US salcllilc and ruler to 115 Trojan horses on he Contincnl In lull control his ovm backyard do Gnullc is nlming lully imlcpcmlcnt Euro pean Europe umllr French leadership which can prolect lls nwn Interests lls man wny This may lncludc If necessary nrflullulinns wllh Moscow on slrlclly uropcn prolvlcms lrum llu Allnnllc lu ll Urnls llm pmsldcnl himscll unuld 52w lacussinm nl Brussels put mnny cl Frances ulllu ngnlnsl htr upcuInn pmspm cl dinlnmnlic tucirclcmrnl Still pending wifliln he Cnmmnn Mnrkcl Mr anl dcclsinns on loin unrlculluml pnlicy me clnl mum lnr Alwln nml $500000000 jolnl dcvclnpmcnl nrnnrnm for armor Frtnrh cnlnnlu Frnnre nrul hcr part ners npurmul on Her Illms nml lhu nuriwlulrnl pol lry Ix vllnl In lannrn Snvict nrwn uprncy Tnu qunlu he npcr laying has nppnrrnlly lyre Ir rldcd In Purl llml Hm mmnml mmr In lnkr lnu Ipcclnl nrruunl Snainn rule he IIHIHHNNI lmul ml Vlmttl uhlrh Ihe Elyure lnhuo nvw Innkan Frnllrnllll Ix umlnlllrlml lrlndn In It In nnl nrrl Ilrnlnl 1m 11mm lnr Ihe nlll lmu Immnu Hal nllrr rnnrlu Ilufl lmll Huan nlllnnrc 11w Inllnmh thnwrlrr nl hr vrlnllum NIINH llw Vril Human mllllnrllln Mu qunn Incll Irxlmp In Imuvm in all SHLLYS SALLIES nuuvhArw nlllcll In Ml um luv mlll Milnef itlli Dunning nu OTTAWA CWThe death Saturday of Chlcf Justice Pub rick Kerwin ma Supreme Court Canada ended the brilliant career stern but fair jurlsl who dedicated his life In the law The short heavyset Sarnia barn jurist died suddenly In his Ottawa apartment alter seiz ure Death was believed due tn heart attack Funeral services or he 7J ycarnld Jurlsl will be held Tuesday from SL Jascpha R0 man thnlic Church here Bur ul will be in anm Dame Ceme cm Prime Mlnlslcr Dielenbakcr sald lhe death Chief Justice Kerwin who spent 30 years an Ontario and Canadian Su prcme Court hunches wasva great and tragic loss or can adn ll lrndillon fullnwcd Chm Justice Kcrwin wlll be suc ceeded by Mr Juslice Robm Tnschmuu Mr Justice Tasch with him at the lime of his dealh were his wife the lurmer Georgina Mace of Tumult and hisA son pcorgqv creau 66 is lL senior mcmhor lhc cmer wiHI 13 year of scrvlce Supreme Court judge ACTIVE TILL DEATH Chitl Juslirc Kerwln ha nlsn held Ihe We Adminis rnlnr of lhc government In the absence of the xmcrnarncn cm was nclivc until he lime or his death An associnln who lulkul in him few hours lib are he died said he appeared be In good hcahh le courls ncknnwledgcd ex nor an CUIISHIHUDMI lnw Chlcl Jmlicc Kerwin plnyml leading role in some he most lnmcus cumlmnlnnal cases ever In come bclnrc the court ur duti RANDOM Mn hrlhlml Kummly val humd In Mllly Ralunlny mm group irnmhm Callm lb and Mm nah Hwy we pm mu wuldrnll mm lemme In Lmmmn nHulu cnnrnnlnl nurlm nvmnngonyn 11v rrnmnni Iliomlél II hnul mal ludmh In purllul lal nan lhc um Iclhnpx lhc mud Impnrlnnl CHM HIM HIP mm consixlcnd while he was In mcmhcr was ulcml nuvummcnl qumsl nr ruling nn lhc consululiunnl vnlhlily 11 hi In nhnlish CLI nmlinn nnpcnls Um Judlrlnl Cnmmillcu he lrlvy Council In London Queen Elizabeth II 01 Eng land inspr military guard at honor an arriving in Suva TN cnlrl wrulhcr Hml nprrml ncmu mnsl ul ITunmln mil utrkrnd II1mm lwu 1ch III llrilhh Cnlumhln hul krpl wrrkrml ncllvnlu nl II Inlnl mum mm he mulflry nnndinn Inr mnry mm pm Irlxlny In mlln£h Smulnv local mu vrrnxdul l7 nrcldmlnl InnlhpIJ In mml nrrldrnh druwnlnu and linen hum ulhrï¬ ngusu Mumn Clilloul lllumck 1mm HIM um rnr nllillrvl Ml mm In Mal rml Tnnmln Wm Humm klllnl uhrn war Innnpluw un Onhulu Md lhl Mllml In wllh mm mun kulml I1y III In nw Vnmlnlmk rnllwny yum nml mm nllwu drml In lrnflic Inhlcnlt Ilw mnry 1an nnl hlclmlo lluhmvlnl nrxldrm nlnylnu nr hum nnlchln Chief Justice Kerwin Gave Life To The Law Cold Weather Takes Two Lives But Keeps Action To Minimum Bum IFK In Efï¬gy Hy Tl CANADIAN PRESS Na Inlnlnlrw unlnlqn dulhu Flllhyl llllnwll run luln mr lllhwny lfll QUEEN INSPECTS GUARD In January mu the then Mr Justice Kerwin voted with the majority in to dccisinn that such bill was wlthin the powers of ParllamenlAs ra sult the Supreme Court or Can ada became this countrys court last resort laugh seriousminded I151 he ran court business with lirm hand lcmpcred by sense at ahnon He took great pain In ensure that counsel up pearing hclnre him were given ample opportunity to present their cases but became Impa lien nl repetitious arguman IS FORCED 10 RESTV re es Worker he was forced aka sixmonlh ml late in 1953 because exhnus ion During the nine years he served as chic Justice he did much to cxpcdile lhe coun handling of cases llis View was that me court should do every lhlng In ils power ensure that Judpmcnu were not unduly dc Ingd The most Important an nu pcal by Raymond Daniel mG man and Willlnm Huculak of nlnn scnlcnced tn be hanged June or lhc murdtr of no prattsslnnal FrankWil Icy The appeal was heard by bench seven and lhnre should he lie dtcisinn due Judgment ol the Albcrla Appeal Conn wil smnd Chic Juslke Kerwin was called lo lhn Onlnrin har in Inn at the age or 22 He mm for Ihrcn years as Judge of the supreme murl of Marin hclurc being nppoimud lu lhc supreme mun Cannda In 15715 lIe was named chic luv Ice In 1951 nllrr srrving for yrm us puisne judge ml the tuurl Fill yesterday The Brillsh monarch and her husband Prince Philip an touring the Nr Jmlom Ill mlvA In plaque mm lhe mmmlh lor hll drum ml than lha imamn moo unrm mova menl In promuunu humus mm lullnns he must lnmuu crlmlnnl ruse In MLII Chitl lusllrc Kcmln was invnlvrdi wax 11 um nppcul Iy Wilhml Collin convlclul Mller ul 01ml Amrrlmn hunltrn in lhc inwc lcnlnsulu Tm nnrn nwmnwnll Im mluplud lhe alllludn um we mm human rlxh Irllllnllnn wlvu Ih problem humid 91mm 1m Cm TURNS IT DOWN tnuin npplml ln he Supreme mxrl lor 1mm nmwnl Ms mlllm nl Mnnlrr Iiuilm Nrmnan WIN In lumr cullmou ml yummy 2n milu Inulhrml cl fllllmllll nm Krrmu chnsllr Mllml uhrn mr rl llllhwny ll milu rrul Oslmwl lemlck my Thur hlll killrd ml Illï¬llwil MM Mnrhhmn hm not all rum Mu Ml lm lnlrlrk Snmum ll Mr nml Mr Znnltl Salmon Tlulnurll HIINI MINI nllmk by umklng along hlnhuny nrnr lmlm MONTIIHM ICILlvnltlrnl Flando lmluln ol lh nmullun Lnlmr lunzlm wnnml hnlur thy IEM unlntl nllawlnl lalr unnlnymrnl luhlnllm In Cm mln lu lwrnnw mun wmdl mum dull norm mllu ensl nl Huwmnn illc llnmlllmi wnrrmnn mm Lylr in Hilml In Humm null nrnr mum Mum Adllnu 7n Vlmhlntk Mrurk lw lmln In Milan nm Krrmu chnsllr Dont Let Words Become Dust lodoin Warns canvlclinn but his application was lunmd down by Mr Jus tice Douglas Abbott former Liberal ï¬nance minisier and newly appointed lo the court At that lime motions or leave to appeal could be heard by slnglc member Ihe court They now must be heard by least three members Chic Justice Kerwin told hen Liberal Justice Minister Stuart Carson that he had heard he npplicnlhm he would have granted Coffin leave to appeal Mr Gnrsnn than oblained an order III council rclcrrlng he use to the full court or an opinion on whether it would have grnntcd new Ma The court decided in lo deci sion hat It would have con irmcd he cunvmion nnd death sentence Collin later was hanged Besides his wile and son George he leaves axmlher um Patrick Ji and daughter Isabelle lhlrd son Philly was killcdsome years ago an 1qu accident South Paciï¬c AP Wirzphoto via cable from Damion NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT omcs new and Improved service for employers and jobscckcrs In ex mum and professional categories DRILLIA We have ccnlrnllzcd In our Harrie nmce an cxccullvc and professional placcnwnl service or the ollowlng localillcs BRACEBRIDGE llfi lulng lhls we have hrun ahIe to mu our narrle olllcc wllh Erwin isl who will be able lo duvolc llls full llme lo llmllniI lllxlllmuall ml executive and prolcsslonnl workers or lhc Vamnclcx llul employers III with us lhls some speciallsl wlll also be dovnllnu llls lull rllorls lo llm employment needs of jobscokera Wllll hem quallflcallons Anolhcr nrlvnnlagc nur ccnlrallzallnn lhal ll ill make the M15 clearance service more cllcullvc Clearance simply means that If we cant flml lhc rlghl local man or In cmplnycrs vacnnc we can us any or all of lhu munlrywhln chain at 200 NlZS 1ch to omit properlyvqunlliml npplicanl We can also usr llm mum prurcdure In llclpln alvpllcanls ï¬nd work We Incl lhnl lhn lnlroducllon ll new ccnlrnlltcd nynlnm wlll result in nxlcr and holler scrvlcn or men nshcnla both employer and worker Technologilcal ndvnnu has mulled In the nxccullvo and profmlonnl worker mum In mm mm mm Ampurllnl plucu the labour to co We are lnllllllng lhla nnw mvlcc to keep lhrcul lhlx chan an in pmvhlo employers and worker In Ihe Am wllh he heal pm service Announcing NEW AND IMPROVED SERVICE THE BAR EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 1m By GEQRGE MCAMHUR CAIRO AHFive year ago February wan month of ex hilaration Ind car In the Arab world It wu In emotional mahu Iodiy On Feb ma Egyptian President 63an Abdel Nasser and Syrian Pmldenl Shukry el Kuwally agreed to Iain their nn Man as Ihe Unind Arab Re pgpllc under Numl leader 131 ar cl Communist coup was In he lli in Syria Thor were scliish motives and hardly disguised misgivlnl nn holh rides 0n rmn sitting in at iha meetinu wn Khnled Arm then the Communisbieaninl de fence minister nuw the nervous nggirnilst prgmlar oi Sfrln unlhus um am Ind Damascus caused shivers tear in other Mlddle Eastern rulm ycar later pm Nasscr coup ousted Kin Feisul nllraq hewax ed Hangoxief Hangs In Arab World Thu emotional February null Ilmnxly Influence Nasserwho remain slrvnl mbol Aygb 951in In he Ml dleEast stored by lhe proNasser Yemen wup New more lhan ever Nasser hunting on his pop ularity In achlnvn his dream of an Arab nallan TELEPHONE PA 82468 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 46 owm sr BARRI Allhung flue merger with Syria crumbled nway honeth in Scplember l96l army coup in Damascus Syrian leaders sill real Nasser glnggrlyand with rcnwn He hu retained he lwosxamd flag the UAR Ind continuing dlskurrr ances In Syrld Indicate the silu allan there hardly declded MERGER FAILED result his Syrian ex pcrenca Nasser burned his bridges and staked all on his version of Arab melaflsrn Ax sadnu any cancludnd that unin was not possible among stale with dillerenl economic systems He ruled out Western rec cnterprisa an Imperial lsluhajap horse OWEN SOUND Iyxlém Included and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 800000 to 050000 on Waste tread lots near schools rom $50000 down No salary require ments Served by Natural Gas COLLINGWOOD PA um All pm Ind nulldnyl PA YOUR CHANCE OF LIFETIME CARSON REAL ESTATE lakeovcr all Industry lmnks trading constmciion and hi commercial enterprises leaving only the mall merchant and hnndiui at other activitiel irec He seized the great inr lunna remaining in Egypt par ticularly those of miners He set about enlisting screened candidates in his Arab Socialist Union as the backbone ol onc pnrty state MOSCOW AhPravda laid loday the United States request that Canada lrm wilh Amcricnn nuclear weapons has muse bunlpg indignquon In Canada ma mg of Washing wns dlclallon Pravda com mentary said Ihe American move was absolulcly undis gulscd public pressure on neighboring cuuplry Pravda Claims Canada Upset Request The Communist party paper and he Unlled Stale made the demand Jun 30 In disregard of Candys national inlmsu To hush up he ensulnx dis pulc Pravda said State Secre lary Rusk apologized to Canada but he upologized only or the sham lone of the us slaw men and not or its content TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 32414 MUSIC TO KEENANS Dunlap mm Cllsslcnl Glut The Latest 1111 AllTlrn lllll Sheet Music See Us For All Your Musical Needs PARRY SOUND PLEASE YOU MIDLAND BARRIE