Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1963, p. 8

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Olluh JarInt IV Nlum ram ml HIM 0v Mound XIII HIM in II 11M Kllthethnlevloo Windw TIIIIIMI film Womlnlufk KHUIIMI Mayl nun hnlhmu mama Wlwlmr all ml lmlmm lllliwr muIlmk Fllvlnyn Ilnulil Kluuiluu llnllUlluwn 51 um Mlllrm Tnnllhll mm 14me Mugamu hnmlny nrl Iumn Hnnm mm budlmxy nl KINELIWI Ilnlllmlnun Klnzmm Tnnlxlxll linuul Olllhfl nl Imrluml Hmlmlrr mumy flmlllnll IAllsmvuh llIIHIIIU III Svllnnhrlxl fiumlnyl GAIan munc lluflulu IMIIJIIHI nl lllnlIlIIIu Hmlwy nl llmhmlrr llllshmuh Sprlllflhrhl Am fluxIan 13 IR 914514255 Imlldonre 2519 19 H5 54 llruhry 2116 6107171552 Halllmnro 10 21 1142175 17 Eprlnuhrld IE 71 5159155 vmrm mum HHHMO 2711 NS mm Tlrwlnml um um 1m IilLJmni If LAJ 39 llurhulvr um 7150mm Fvlllnyl llnulll llvnlny ILIIlimun Humm Iruvldcmr qulwc Mnrlwxlvr Hulmlo Tlrwlnml mum Hut fluxMC Prmldvnre llmhry Halllmnro Eprlnuhrld SMALL CHATTER Noticed where tivetime middle weight champion Sugar Ray Robinson won an un opular decision from veteran welterweight Ralph Bupas the other eve Too bad it couldnt have gone the other way because now the Sugar Man has the crazy idea he could win back the title If his losses to Terry Downos Phil and Denny liloyer didnt con vince Robinson hes ever the hill nothing will Its really shame because light fans forget about the good times and remember the bad ones and lately Sugar has been having quite few the latter Why not Instead of having just hometown lines man out on the ice the referee shuuld bring along another to help out ltwould make his job easier and the teams would have more of chance or receiving firstrate officiating Surely the five bucks lsnt that Important that the teams couldnt afford to pay or an extra lincsmnn 1n the long run sacrifice of law dollars would be well worth it REFEREE AL PROMAIN called the shot last week in Meatord when he sald there should be two lines men working game as well as the referee Jack Shropshire of Orillla also agreed to Promains ldea By Tl CANADIAN Pill255 TWO LINESMEN When Mackerleine finally did clamp down it was in the overtime period and most at the penalties call ed were of the cheap variety kind of figured referees overlooked minor highsicking and hacking yenalties when game is in overtime with the issue it the balance THERE WERE OTHER such incidents where pen alties should have been called but the offenders es caped unscathed It wasnt only the Tcrricrs at fault the Falcons pulled few shenanigans of their own and got away with it 0151535 PASSED av The way see it if neither official saw the offside and It was obvious then they shouldnt have been on the ice The Falcons being in position where every game counts shouldnt be subjected to such poor officiating Linesman John Ryckman fresh out of an Orillia uniform into llncsman jeans went right along with Mackcrleines decision He of course also didnt see it Ididnt see it Mackerleine replied when ques tioned about the offside Sorry the goal counts The little ball of fire Gordie Haddleton who had been going great guns all night grabbed passfrom linemate Nick Kennedy and broke in all alone to score on goalie Don Rich The only drawback here was that Haddleton was fniles offside Everyone in the arena could see Haddleton was about 15 feet over the line when he tookKeunedys pass Everyone that is with the exception of referea Jim Mackerleine and Iinesman John Ryekman DIDNT SEE IT FALCON CAPTAIN Moe Fife almost tripped over in anger as he rushed ever to the officlhl to protest Coach Paul Meger leaning out of the Barrie box came close toripping out the railing ImIIK The incident which caused most of the trouble oc curred during the second period of the Falcons 76 uveriime loss Orillia Terriers at the Oriiiia Arena hesday night TOUGH LUCK FOR FALCONS TOUGH LUCK hi the Barrie Bay City Falcons this past week coming in the form of poor omciatlng DTflE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY lEBIIUARiv HS ulna Ilnlrnlnnal Otllulo Ncnhr LT znlfl Ill run HI III Hm 111 IHI MI SPORTS CHATTER Amtrlcan Leanne Emlrm llvlhn By JERRY GLAPMAN LT AN 74 II Im H701 HI 71713 MI 55 I7 In Ill II LI II IN HOCKEY RECORD IM lm 111 IJ II III MM 1117111 11115471 ll Jpn anhlry IN Inu In mm lay ullpylu Huh to win over Mn lou Cnnulll Vouuomv Th1 Mhn fun In IN MI Mlan Jam MINI ul Hammad My man illlllllll ul Bmllhs II mu nl lvml lhr lelh llmn Mu Vnany lm IIM bml Hlllnfl or Mrl lm won llw Inulhrm Unlmlw IIIr SM Mu mm he nllllnlnrln rmwn liw Hum mu hrr maime Indnllnn mmn nil In Illun Im st II lwn ml Ilnkl mum Hm prmlnrlnl wumcnl luhlwnl at lrmt IO Uner hr rink mu Inn Mr INF Mu Iloy fimlUI and in Janr Hulk and MI MHII 11w mlvuurr In llw 7n mm llnalx In leh Ilny mm In rm AIINHIIML HI llll lulu hum lhl Ullnln ilnmla Iuh mm llw rum Uullnlu liunl my Imly Twmllxmm erwlll nnlhm mummy Friday by drhnun Bmllh Full IllI0 Mn Wuullry and Mn Krnh errtll Ilnlnnvllln rlnk nnmml Hm rluhl rink mumlvnhln hum umm llnl ur um plan nmmm TOHONTO Cl Teraqu nnllrn lklpprd luy Mm Llllily Wmllry Friday mm lho mmlmn Unlmln wunrnn €url clunmplumhlp by nkng 11 75 xlrclahm mm Inhrnvillu In nulllmdmlh lvlnynll hundlyl Gum Xclcrlmmuxh at Hnmlllnn lrldnyl nunlla Hamilton Nlngnm Falls lnlcrbamugh Monlrrnl Cnlhnrimx Guelph Tunlxhl Hamilton nl Sl lclcrboru Humluon St Catharian Guelph Toronto Granites Are Top Curlers 17 IO 10 17 6111741 ll 15 2118630 728 EIIVIWID Cnlhnrlnu mm hm hm Imn lm mm It 5M Ith lnllrrl un llw dny mm Fumlunm lille linluul MI aw lmrm Adm liv rlvn Gllll I1 Flmnw Vrlllh 2m Iml Ilunnuml 1w lmrmnn Mulllmn 117 Hull MN 111 MINI Culmt WI Tlmpu null lull Ninndlnlll umhlml Ifl AI uemhlrrn I4 Wlmlnu Inrluu uler nnulm Aurmlnlm Ivm mm 04 mum lmkcu mum Iiimllrq mum llmulu Imbmdln MW lulu lulllu lxullducn Swill Krnlpvlrw Tum Mlunoon lunar hlumllul Illllluu 2L Ilrnul 11 bwmlrll tn lmllrs Mmlnlu uHiu ll Lnlmr llnrn 51le Allnmn Mlmnlnz 0n Mum unlur In Ivudnesl mlmlnlsl rullnn nl 1lnlhun nnll lllm mrmhrr n1 lhe Vnrnily Club Car urmlunln 01 IM rlu District Nurlh Collvxlnlo hm Ilt nlnrml In lmllmll Mul Imxkvlbnll IlIl Mm rlln Iy lilnrkmn much It Lrxlnnkl lnr Ml rnnnlurmly flue pln nrhy holdn Ilovul lho nnrhur um lnr WHILE linger lurdlo Sudbury nnd Urinn Wilkinson l1mmhill ml llw hluhncnrlng anunlnr line To am Um Ilrnp lllnk blund umxllmkvr Im munlml I1 unnh nml Mle lnrnluml In minim Former Barrieite Leads Clarkson Corhy Adams Iml nmlllnr la nl llnrrie hochy mllmll nml mnhnll Inns up Mnrvr nn lhe Clnrkmn Tech hmku mm MIMI ml Im Imunssivo awn rmnl nl HJ HIS CLUB Wle though Id runn in about HO he said hen hurried all In wnlch raur of East York Track club mules win special wgmile ulay George Clurc Stan Wmfold and Jim Snider made up the winning anontn relay mm which env ercd the two miles In low mnu es llalermlhe 19 yearold University mule Eludenllnld reporter hed done just about what he In tended Kidd whose ungainly style and mailer ni inc approach have made him favorite at he Garden and elsewhere stepped of lhe twcrmile dis tance in eight minutes 41 sec onds he best of his ctrreer in door or outdonrs He wan by more than 30 yards and his time was just 66 seconds of lhe world indwr recordi NEW 10 CHRussias Igor Tar0 anyesyan cracked the wurid indoor broad jump record and his cauntrymen an ery Brumel and Valery Bulishev wnn the high jump and hair mlle respectively at the Mill IOSE Games Friday night But they had in share the spotlightand the noisy cheers at he standingmom crowd at 16212 in Madison Square Gar den with Bmce Kidd lhe amazing youth tram Toronto who ran the second lastust in dogrtwonrile race even It arose from his reaction to the alumnus of Eddie Powers alter Tannin Maple Leafs gavu the Hub drubbing Glare ca Campbell maiden oi the National Hockey League has an Investigation under way because Thursday night in Mgntrenl 811 qud it again When lh ngs are not going well or his Munlreal Canadians the narmally placid couch sulks mumhlc and Is given to out hursls of language that turn the all purple Tde Blakes aversion Io lasing hackey games has got Mminln Irggble 359m Russias Top Ahtletes Star Along With Kidd Biqicefs Hot Tongue Him On Carpet BOWLING COIUIY ADAMS By JIM PEACDCK llntl Ahlu mush nwhl ln lnmmnlnry Ilnlclnrnl mu mld lllry Imlml my rnuhl umk ml hr nmllor hmmlvm lrnqwm mmul dlm Thry ro nmlunl lnr npml Th lulu xllumlo nrlw hum xllllulnn Inlrnvrrlnllunl ul I0 All no imth mm MU Immhnuulru Iry um nnl nnrh nzmrmrnl and Jim cltlul Ia umllnun Lullliml by Inml Ilrpnxonlnlhu In Amn mr Alhlruc Unlun nml II Ilvnl US Truck and Flrld Fm tmtlnn LIllnl Fthlny lu renulvo llrlr Nrmrl on he quullun II unqlumnx NEW YORK AP Gcnl Dnughu Mnmnhur may ha larml In mp In nunln lo mm In new nulhrmk In Hm haul in wnhnl Uullcd 5min lump cur mom Lou held Sudbury More It uan he lllird pc rlnd whcn Wolvu Ed Ehwn vcrlh dcslmycd hopes lot almlaul Alqu ll minulcs lnlcr Man Dulnur added another for Sudhury In and tho nwrinl llAlllIiCOyNlS TWICE nu lur ml Domn3 Knssinn Duké Harris Vart Sl Inui In 0lnwu socsaw baulc he lwecn Kingston Frunlcnncs and llulIOlluwa Canadians ended in 33 In lcuving Canndicns seven palm an op lcqguc New Outbreak May Force MacArthur Go Back To Work Cellardwclllnu Si Louis Braves necompllshcd his lea Friday nlghl when they humili alcd thirdplace Sudhury Wolves 62 in Sudbury nllcr holding iodlmd golnz Inln lhu third pc fly THE CANADIAN PRESS onesided vinlary In the Eastern Imlcssionnl League Isnt exccplinnulunles he Instplace cum ll on he CASH AND CARRY UMBER 24V STEEL ST AT BLAKE 51 PA ms winning jump was below the 15 3V cleared last week by Yang of L0 Angela and he missed three limes IE Dave Turk who cleared 16 In Toronto last week failed at 56 Friday nighl John Uelscs reed last week mm suspension imposed by lhe Amateur Alhlclic Union for accepting on much expcnse money returned lo the Garden with Israel oneinch pole vnnlt to win the event In which year ago he became the first In clear ls eel Indoors Bufiéhcv came 1mm behind to win the hallmile in 1501 UEISES RETURNS Brnmel who as cloner seven Iect Inches outdoors and 74v Indoors ceurcd 72 Fridaj night than missed Ihree limes at 73 His US rival Jahn Thomas cleared 71 but hile at aninch higher lo 105 lo fie Russian or the seventh sulaigh timc NOWJwesynn whasa out door mark 012 feet three Inches up for recognition the worlds record leaped 26 cc 10 inches Frldny night to crack Ralph Bostans world hr door mmk by Inchesn Boston finished second in the Milquse too short the Russians recordbrgnklnr jump St Louis Braves Throttle Sudbury Blake once lined $2000 for sucking refuse denied F11 day um he was serious In his rblerence to belting In the light the recent re vival at the Don Gallinger epl sodelnvalving player throvm out hockey or life because of betting activitiesthe timing of the statement nltributed to Elnke wasnt exactlydiploma The French lnnguagé Mon teal Mann quoted To as say ingamong other thingsthat iners handled the game as though he had be on he out comm BUILDING MfithLE THORNLEA 11w UNTFF runlrulh ll Iii VIM Conlrol nvrr Ill awn nlh lam um um run my whrm whrn Hum nlhlrlrs rmnprle HIh HII USTFF Inn II mm dual uncllnnn 11m AM umlvnlmvd he NM null fir AMI MID lllmlnfi rmle an mm nnlurr Mlll Ihr NCAAlm rd UHTFF rmlllnlnu llwl lo nlh Ir IHII In ldml MneArthurI new plnn mllly brnunhl lhu lwo wnnlnl mum anulm nuy Ilrul louxhl or 15 yum in Jum dlrllnnnl dllpulm MacArthur in mom rhlure nl lha Invlnllnn Wm dcnl Kmany who mm Ina dinme wuuld hump Hm U5 El Hm my Olympch lnurpolnl MncAnhur pence plan and lmplzmrnllnz axrpcmrnl Kcllh McCrenry Icorcd two nl lllu Cunndlen uonls nnd lllll lllc Crcnry Ihu other For Klnxslon Handy Miller llcd Ourlltuu mid Don Blackburn wcru lho nmrlumul In Kingslan dcrcnccman Put Slnplclan Slnplclnn got Ihe lwn minor ulcer tussle with Hull Ounwnl Kcllh Mchry He drew lha mlswnduclu when he wrtsllcd with two nesmcn In an Iallcmpt to McCran nxn higbstlck and roughing due at lhe beginnan at the third period brought palr mino mlscundud penulch Ill nwa are was no scor lng In the 1m pcrlod In the second Cunmflcns opened the scorlng or lead only to be equalled by palr Klnua lon goals Annlhur llnb goal Rave Hullvollnwn lhe lead at 17m 01 he mlddlc period but Um game was knotted again 1506 lhe Hnnle Jim Sanka Phil Esposilo and A1Cnran each scored one Tom Oman whom Crolhen defeated in the outdoor Sugar Bowl run month earlier mm in meetrecord flma of 4015 Bill lehcrs another Tornntn runncr who has become prom inent in truck with victories in the Sugar Bowl Mile and In dis Lnnces up to 1000 yards Indoors finished fourth In the Wana maker Mlle here Campbell caulkmad Ihat hrs Investigation has started but de clined lo comment further untll is completed process that will undoubtedly take coup ol dayl It appears that Ill have In start barring the dressing room to reporters or abounlo mIn ulr Inner Ihe game When Im sure say lot things may not mean and hat are certainly not torrpub Mention he said He lndicaléd was more ldlam denollng disgust than assertlnn or fact BRUCE KIDD PA um Jnrk Eosxeliu Mr um wInA IIrrI In Gull with lwu 01111 nm Trrrlcrn lrnllrd Sl Ill the HI he Ural period and 11 Illcr nNomL lrwlrirflrruu Jnmuu mun varm Foulrr mu Ilenl Mvw llll erl olllrr lellltlng Imer Larry Im and Help Mathr nerml lnr linlt wwwamnwm Playing mach my mum Gmnzn Mfllcn Elmer Bkov Ind 100 Mala Amrer ior Chnllmm All Sulllvnn and Gerry 5mm lmrfi or Wwdnlocll lwn mLi in um um paiod md wg mm In ha mend Injury rlddltd Mllltllcl wrre hnmllcnflped In Wandsle Frldny anhl lhn luck 01 n1 Illnr lnnllrndor llnn Snlltr and trnlm Tommy Wllwn And Curl Hymn Woodstock opened lho lmrlnu but minim Annnwmd wiLh The Ilulldozs trounced IMI plncc Gull Tunich and Chnlhnm kcpl pm by Ident Inx tho lhlrdplaco Woodllnck Alhlcfln 42 must no1 In the league so Im with 22L I7 mum than Chnlhnm but they have played on man Ilgm llmn ha Humans By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Windsor nulldoerhnlham Maroon dendlack conllnucd Frl dny nlnhl at the lap at the On lnrio Hockey Auoclnllonl Sen lur Icrlzs llmm Cnntyn lull Muml 0nd MM II anNLO ll Wm um Tap gun or Scum was Bobby Badnw with lhrec goals Guylc Fielder nnd Rudy Fillon scored an 15100 slap aha tarly In In first pcrlod tn giva Lo Angelo 10 lead Thu Canuck loss kcpl lhcm mm moving up wflh the Tm Icms whu held In wowinl edge going mm Friday nights mum and came out it whh loun painl spread Poriland Buckaroo clipped Vnncouvar Canucks and Sun fljnnciscu Souls took Edmonlan By THE CANADIAN PRESS Seattle Totem padded their lead atop the Wastem Hockey League Friday night quI 51 victory over has Angelo Blaming EQUIPMENT my llmlc um um mm MM mmilu mam Mmumi ma om rm Whm You Think Of nan Gordy Coeman Reds hardhitting first baseman xlgned hls 1963 baseball lcon tract Coleman was Ihe 12th member he md to sign Dogs Maroons Keeping Pace year He had 2115 record or San Francisco Giants In 1969 In nnol3ersgujng Cincin ITIHTIIINfl Hm TIIH Angel manager Bill Kinney laid Jone could be van able addition lhls club if he shows he can still pitch He has one Ihe finest curve bails In the gam Jones sullened neck dls order last spring He had 24 wrdwilh the 11er last GARNERS LOS ANGELES AHla Angela Angel said Friday veb eran righlhander Sam Jones will join Illa Angel training camp to see whether he can make lhe pitching raster Jones 37 was elcascd as free agent by Detroit Tigers at the end last season Totems Pad Their Lad New York Rangers vlslt Inr onto and Detrail Red Wflngs Flay the Bruins In Boston round ng nut Ihe first hail of the weekend schedule On Sunday Its Turanln at Chlcagn Mont real Detroit and Boston at New York Blake hasnt enough troubles It was announced Fri day thatgoalie Jacques Plant has developed hip troubla and will be replaced agalnsl Chi cago Black Hawk tonight by Cesare Manlago who has been moaned rom Montreals Hull Rpm lllrel Iones To Join LA Angels ARLEERG SKIS SPORTSMAN SPORIS mu mum Those canned an lha Holiday Bowl team are my Blight John Eutmeyu Al Faster Kelth Gul hnm Neil Hurtublse John Mc Cflfln Dnva McLean We Perry Bill nyckman and Jan Sander son The event Will be 10pin bowling challenge and will hit off at one pm mini Rain bow Lanes Oriilla will and two teams lo Burris on February 17 in conjunction with the Barrie Vintcr Cnmivnll Two weeks tol nl pim will count in dctmninlnl m9 winners squad comprlsed of bowler from Hullday Howls Mans Ma or League will represent Banla nt Illa Orlllla Winler Camlval on Sunday Fcbmng 1961 The Falcons presently hold down mu1h spot in the Georg ian Bay standings full three points behind Drillla The Ex Another lass would be crlp pling blow to the Falcons bring ing Iheir setback string to six slrnighL couple more defeat and lime Ban1e crew can km 1119 playoffs goodbye 09mg rounm rum um and 3er An embarrassing Meat At amp to check lhe Ter riers Blll Bunch Gariepy bar relled head first Into the boards and had In he helped the In on stretcher He was taken In lhu Barrie hospital where his In jury was diagnosai as severely hrglsed ribs For awhile Ray was uncerlain about returning tn acllon but he declded he had an ohlIgaIlon to Flyer manager Jimmy Johnson and Joined In the warkouls The speedy realguard should prove man asset to the luck less Flynn and cause the F214 can barrel trouble Mid land llarl beengolngk gun the as few weeks 7171 may ran gflqrd Egrpresmgen Holiday Bowlers To Visit Chmival nay Garlepy fan will get their first look at the former NHLdcrenceman In Midland unlImm tomorrow when the Bar rie Bay City Falcon of th Georgian Bay Inlermtdinle Hockey League play host la the Flier the nan1e Arena The game mark only the second time Gariepy has taken to the Ice Ice jointng the Fly few weeks back In bl first start of the year In Orillta Ray saw more of hospital rogrlnthux hedldntrthe nrena Gariepy Returns To Barrie Only DiiferenceIs Uniform PINS ARE COMING 12 PIN lANES mm was Wo Will Be Offering For Your Complain Bowling Pluww 0V il TO THE League standlng GP Pll Colllngwoodzz 16 61127 70 31 Bradford 24 12 ll 135 123 25 Orfllia 23 12 110111 11 14 Barrie 23 10 12 90 122 11 Meatord 22 9121 50 9519 Mldlnnd 41 15 7B 115 16 The Flycrs are burned deep in the cellar and have been or quite some time now Sandwich ed Kn between Midland and Bar rie an the Mouton Mlskies fresh all twogame win over the Falcons pmssmon are In second with one point margin over the Ter rim Cnflingwood Shlpbuilderl me long way gone In first eight pgints up on Bragflqrd 160 Vupn PA um SPRING TROUBLES SEE US PHILPOTT um RICHARDSON KPRING mmcn wuazn ALIGNMENT RAY GARIEPY

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