THE BARBIE EXAMINER IAMDAY FEBRUARY 19637 wiarents concerned at the education their children are receiving should look to themselves It has been said that parents are the most vital aid to education Motlvatlon the mysteriousfactor that drives hu mans to learn ls gaining new recognition as the key to all successful learning YOU CAN HELP 77 ï¬ne of the best ways parents can help their ch11 dren learn is by listening with lull attention to their qllpsuons and iflgas To give growing child an atmosphere in which thinking is respected weigh his ideas and think along with him Be ready to chailen at times Why do ou think like that will clar his ideas and stimu ate his curiosity to know more When baffled by question adopt the letsleokitup approach recent article read entitled How to Help Your Chlld in School deals with the proper approach In encouraging your youngster to develop hls mlnd From personal experlence know how easily one can forget grade five arithmetic especially frac flons We had bout with them last weekend First of all mother was sure she knew then ended up by calling in lather and father saved the day Al though we dldnt use the letslookvitup approach we tested the old adage that three heads are better than Giving child firsthand experience is another way to help him get along better at school visit to the art gallery the post office florist and an antique shop are all ways of broadening his education How about trips to explore the openair market the railroad terminal the airport docks museum and zoo Family excursions are important too because they give youngster new ideas to talk about and write about Women living in Barrie and district will have an opportunity to bee two Illasaving lllms sponsored by the Barrle unlt of the Canadian Cancer Society The films entitled Time and Two Women and Breast SelfExamlnntlon will be shown thls month lha lrst showing will be sponsored by the Barrie Klnettes at the Canadian General Electric auditorium on Monday evening at eight oclock The showing is open to any interested woman in the area and doc tor will be present to answer any questions Time and Two Women is one of the most sought after education films in the Ontario Division Film Library it is available for the use of any Cancer So ciety unit or branch by contacting the division The film may be had in 16 mm sound and color for show ing to womens organizations or groups It is also available in 16 mm sound and color for showing much larger audiences in neighborhood theatres one Hobbies are another outlet and should be encour aged even when changed frequently They will give the child an opportunity to experiment and reveal us Eecls 01 growth and learning that may not show up classwork TIME AND rwowoMEN SIMPLE PROCEDURE The film oufllncs the discovery of the Pap smear which Involves cell examination for utcrlnn CflllCCl The film is one of the most formidable wen ons the DOS has in the fight against cancer Every tme it is shown it literally saves the lives oi women It deals in an intimate tasteful and serious manner with the subject of cancer of the uterus through the experience of two women each faced with cancer of the uterus and with the urgency of time Dr Hastings education chairman for the Barrie Unlt CCS states the proceduru Is 5mple woman simply goes to her famlly doclor who take the Pap smear andvln mm It ls sent to the labor atory at RuyalVctoria Hospital in our clty said Dr Hastings llerc Dr Colpllts Rathologlst in charge of the laboratory will examine smear under the micro Icope and report to the family physician The CCA claim that the cytological stud of the va lnnl secretion will often reveal cancer the cervix eroro any visible signs are evident and before it has spread Hence the cytological cervical test has been known to save the lives many hundreds oi women by early discovery Mrmlm Hm Ma Sigma Ihl Somruy lulrl lhu mmllr mrruna ul Um Mme Nu ï¬nnllrn Glllllnnd lnrkllde Dr 11m mrrllnl wm opened Irrshlrnh Mu llnrlmm Nlrhn Mrl Domflly Murle socrclnry cullnl um roll Md mud llm mlnulu of lhn lflll Incellnï¬ lulA luwlnx uhlrh lhu lrrnurerl le pml wn mmnlul by Mlu Jun cl litmy Thu mlnl mmmlllm um nn llw lmwllnx pavly III Mowlny Mrulnn II Ilnndny 1km uhlrh wnl nurmw hy II memlwn Mn IInhnu rum mnvlntr Ike mmmitlm lnr lhl lnnllll Vulrnllne hum ouuln ad Im pmzrm mm IMF for the Mn 51ml dimml lunhrr tho murnlnllum In be rude la II Elmm anrnllne Quurn nm lmhlrnl hmughl up Ihv uhyrl In lhllunyrnf lqunllrlmg In the Almrlnllon nr Hrlmlrd Mltlrm Mu 0124 Ann hnplcr dllrdnr lur II 50mm Immuner llul Ipcclnl xuul wuuld he mun al line nu mrennx In Hm perum MII Jenn Gnlvlo who will Ipul on nudrnlnu Mn 11an mm Muted lulmmu mdku Mm lur mer mumlwr Mn no New nun who In MI IIvlnI 5M Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Plans For Annual Valentine Dance ml himum mum 1n Do inkc the Tim to see this mm SKIRTING THE BAY lwo pnm PINnun PM mnlnn Ind Thu Canmlxxrur VIM prelrnled Iry Mn mm mm and NIH Jnnrl nmey mnecllvaly Tllfl nexl lnrtllnx wlll he hrlvl nl llm ham Mn Audrey lavell Velllnlon 5L pl DIAMOND RI BIG II Inlay Man EIII PA um Wllh IOYEAR SECURITY BOND Out flwulIlo nnv Gumnu DIXON By MABEL WILSON ALLISTON More Khan 60 women gathered at Trinity Un ited Chumh 11mm on Jan for worshop on ngram and Bihlc Study Ia assist them with their work in this mspcot pennining to the Unich Church Wamcni Miss Marion Thompson EA mchling molary or Ihe Board of Women 01 the Uniled Church Canada was in charge of the days sessions Mrs Harman chairman Leadership and Development or Simm Proshytcdnl Inim dumd Miss Thompson and old the audience that Ms Import nnl guts had lrnvcllcd mm eastern to mslcm Canada In the portalmum of her dudes conducting wrkshops and mn fcrcnccs in many provinces in cluding Newtmmdlnnd There was excelch mpmscm union at this workshop mm the various church In South Simmc am Including Alllsum llcclon Bond rad Bradford Churchill Covkslovm Glllard Ebcnmcr llnlly Mansfield Rosmnonl Rich Hill and Thomlm Following short dcvmiomfl period mnductcd by Mn MchnuL vimpmsidcm South Suncoc lho group dum ed he momlng 42de lo lho planning at humble pmxrnm slruclun or lho United Church Volnm Thom prom namel palcd In discussions WIRE llon nml mmpldul the mom lng agenda whh huu sessions whm My exchanged Idem wflh onlhuslusm and high In crest PLANNED PROGRAMS Findings um mod lnlomv mm nnd mflfll polMl wen IlnMï¬ to help all na nmyzn lho best muiblo rm znum Ilwlr Mlnnlxmlml law of Nspvnnflrlllly 0K pnmmky In much out to an development loader Imp qunlillrl Inlan In Le Eonhnmme ma symbol of the Quebec Winter Camivnl starting Feb pas es with carnival duchess Hug uelle Lalouche who model an outfit from her 21 COunty Women Hold Workshop snu ANOTHER WAGGS GREAT DRY CLEANING SALE swrnlrrn Tulhnnl Hull Drrulnl hum UnHl Fobwuy lblh lADlES GENIS Rwrnlrn Ter unls Dvoulnu nun CHILDRENS llaln Dmm SimwuprmlTnp cm NI LIMIT and mu In Im mu 73 with um IIIVIIIII llkfl Fm lklup Ind Ilellnvy II nun mum rumnu ll Waggs laundrryr Dry Cleaners N0 ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN 1llmll Adllillnnl LIMItEn um church work and other actors loo numoms In mention an the advantage that good pro gramming bring to everyone mncerucd Mlss Thompson demonstralcd dlllcmnl methods of mndudlng study emphasizing um par llcipallan of members is most impmanl when this hnwcns pcople develop and new hem sclvcs and are than capable ol lransmiulng his knowledge and experience others It wns missed hat dim don are valuable allowing any type of program pmscnmllon and these mild be Norma bun groups the plmod qucs lion method or pond discus Elans The mhod handling pmmm basui on mum versinl Issue was also shwwn advising that It is always we arable HM lhe pros and mm or he wld Issue Won lho speaker talk to the sub Jed During the nllernoon me was spml exploring the ways nnd menu of cflml nlhlo study In the unit at Unit ed Church Women omanhauon Comm wns expremd to how the Misslannry and Main lcnnnm vmmlllm of he thurchu on mum 0mm sclvcs to lho new orgnnlmlion AI msslon Murry 11 Im portant 11130 wns felt that morn numhm should be pnld to Uuls arm ol work and um lo dmo Umre nppcmd tn be poor mnï¬naflnn between lhcso two dcpnflmmu VALUAnLE MATERIAL In mm In mm dudy conclusion Wm that nil men should lhc valuable momm main5n available mm the Unflal Chuxch Pub Ilshlnx mm In Tomb Ind lhnl badarl nod nmnhcrl my mum Important mics 1n lhll ma work umkr Um help nnd Kuldrmco In mbxbicr partiwaldrobei Its acid and brown cardigan and toque in semibuiky knit oi Orion acrylic iibn The jaaquard knit Mum is inspired by Cnnadinn Indian moms CP Virophoio Intercuan nnd Aimulmhll endure was on dlsplny 35c nth hr MM 70c our 70¢ nth 10¢ each 55c math hr 1°C with ch is no at Hull it not uncommon for moth ers In try in relieve their youth through their daughten ii she knew the eiieot this was having on you think shed behave dil ierenilyn in any event tell her and good luck KEEP YOUR FRIENDSHIP Dear Ann Landm My hun hando brother recently insisted that his wile divorce him be cause he wants to marry an other woman She agreed rather than become involved in on uxly mess Duran he 12 years of hair marriage xhe wns rand to me and my family count her duar friend and see nu rcnson why the divorce should hnvo any diet on nnr relationship and Ms Jack Nixon Sunnidale 1111 Mr and Mrs Jack Wallwln Sunnldnle Rd Mn and Mrs Munld Slew nrt nmokdnlc Dr and Mr and Mrs Jamu Walu nf Everel Ion Toronto today vln Canadian Pnclï¬cAInncs or any holiday In Mexico Mrs Edna Bean flux lormerly Inc Royal Vlclnrln Hospital slat In Durrlc has Iurncd to Tomnlo ullcr spending ImirImnlhs bollday including the Iusllvc season wllh Irlcnds In nchIum Mm Benn was also guest at Gunch In Salxburz vIIlngo In VcsIcrn AusIrIn nullcd between Um Kapuuncr OFF 10 MEXICO HOLIDAY IN BELGIUM great deal of Nlalln tn the study and use of Um Bible luncheon was served by he womm Mnfly Unlled Church the has church an this masian nml thanks wax ex presscd to them by Mrs Human Mrs Bell president of Simm Ircsbylerinl was prey em and nnnouncui lhnl the nunl meeting will be held In Colllngmmd on Feb 13 Annnzcmcm bclnx made or he wmm to travel by bus that time Mr non also extended up pmlauvo lhnnks to Mrs Hnr man or the dlllnml way In Mulch she hml arman work shop In Skmcoc lmsbylcrild In Samar Guthrie and Vlctmln Arbour Ill wrll thl om Arbour In nwmum Timing ha Mormon mulm Mn McCan xnm dmm umnkl lo Mlss nwmnwn nnd ho L17 mu climan with dosing prnycr My husband eels should not REG $2000 23L3$ for ONLY $l200 Complain BRING PARTNEH WITH YOU AND GET SECOND PERM OF THE SAME QUALITY FOR ONLY 50 COMPLETE Phonn Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66531 DOUBLE VALUE PEOPLE AND PLACES IF BOTH DONE AT THE SAME TIME SPECIAL Associate with he any longer on tizmllnd It would he an act lsloyally lo his bmlhar Am tuppoaed to behnvojownrd 1M woman as though the hid chicken pox would uppruciuls ynur caunselBEWILDERED Den Bawlldmd What Imp pened helwcen your husbands brother and his wlfo should hgiva nu benrlnl on your Hend of course you would no In vile her In your home when her exhuband in present but any nlher time would ha tine DONT MARRY canted an engagemant flu in May The following August my lance lullered mm stroke He surnng In make load re covery And then had 1le59 Now ho like dlflerent Everything lay in twisted and we end up in bitter argu ment Ha accusatory and de manding get nervous nam Ich from being in i1 company or an evening realm he il not well and lint his Hines is depressing but dont think ill lair ol him In take out hil lruatralion on me lva had one unsupceunll marriage and dont want an nlhar one He II 45 am He says thlngs wlll be better alter we are married His fum 1y eels would be dirty dog to break up with Mm now that ha not well My conscience In bothering me and dont hmw whnt to need your guid ancerAFRAID Den Amid An engagement no marriage It period during which both parties de cide whelher or not they want In spend 1h rest of their live together Mrsl Kcllh Gillhnm Ind ehlld ran Alexandcr Ave are spend In the weekend at the home of Mr Glllluml maths In Han You are nn gellina along well with this man and mur rlage to him wnuld probably be catastrophe her and Monchsbcra mount ulna In letter to the racial dcparunenl of The Barrie Ex uminer Mm Bean wished lo be remembered lo all but friend in this area VISITS HAMILTON PICAPAL SPllTAPERM Bnyllcld sr FEBRUARY comnrummn COLD WAVE Dunlap And To Present TwoPart ngram he Steele Puhlic Home and School Association will present lwpnrt program First Ald Appreciation and Due Fnlhcr Know Bum the February taunting to ba new on Monday Piaf lid pmmplly given my lllg In olhmnal valup In inventing compflcnllons fol awnl lulury To have some practlul knowledge In an amen sency ll emnunl far all par nls Charles Lawrence wll re view the St John Ambulance MCKINNON runs LTD IIVLIII Cont Ontario will nnmpllh nu um Amazing Savlngs If you have my II bovomunilunad Ham or Inyihlng you no lungcr uu why no tell ihlm or cuh wlvh In Enmlnor Family Wm Oh qukk anemicl way In oblaln oxlrl many Don dolayphono In your Flmlly Wan Ad iomorrow to all iny unwunlcd mklu by Examiner Want Ad Readers Wan Adi utophd up lo 530 dny halo publication Turn items no longer needed inlo spending money now PA 82414 PA 82415 You Can Advonlso Your Item Imorflom only $360 flu Homo NMIplp Southern Slmtoo For 99 Yom ATTIC 0R GARAGE Doll Buggies Skates Bicycles Fur Coats Typewriters Games FAMILY WANT ADS GET FAST RESULTS AND EXTRA CASH EXTRA MONEY JIIWII Pluo Your Want Ad FUR SALE an In in your Phone Now FOR Coma on Ham New with particular shes an artiï¬cial res Pl°d WW Miss Margaret Norton repte senutive or swele Publlc School In the Publh Speaking Contest will give young students polnt View to the provocative ques tion Does FnlhcrKnaw gem All ï¬embm mid pérenu mle to ultqnd Refreshment be ierved RISE 1N TRADE Between 19 and 1561 Brlt ainn Imporla msu by third and exports by thlluu