of Galilee rimmed wilh hllls betwmn which run some deep ravines The wind coming across the plateau of eastern Palestine Iorced dawn these mvincs considerable wind velocin build up It thus hils Ihe water below sea level unevenly and Ms wlnd turbu lence can create quite iudden and vlolcnl AlonAm We should point out here the areal naluralncss of detail In Magk is known and whliï¬ rink Ha narrative ol The deliverance ram nature occurs in he lumnus stilling lhe tempest Mark 454 This lake place he and of lhe day In WMch he has been leaching the mulmude rum anal MEL In lhls brlel Blbllcal ucllun Mark records ruccesslva evenl ln Chrlsla early mlnlslry whlch illustrate lll dlvlnc power to conquer lhe wldesl range ol humnn trnuhlcs and lears We have hcre our mlghly deeds or mlraclrs by wlrlch mun ll saved 1mm nature from physlcnl illness and soclal lraclsm from hls own wnrst rag and mm ven dellh lt Ie omEnnnmz EXAMINER mum rzmumrw A2 mi VII IVIII UflU Imd Thu llmlo zlgmlnu unhilnqcngmmnl any Man Is deed By Miracles Wesley Jones Minlsler Strmon Topic Fabruary THE UPRIGHT SHALL BE BLESSED Mmlng Tampurarlly Codrlnglon Pub School 030 mm Chrlsf For The World CFOR 1570 530 pm mimeMark isi THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TOTHE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALSAND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENT nmmum mum LTD mu Nam 00on nunwmo urn1qu gum ssnvmr STATION mm mu DENIB SHEAR LTD LUMHEH AND IIUILUEM SUPPLIES Ianllh mu Mona llmudu Bum Illmkl PA All 0150 Hu hunh ll flm IlMlnl hum Irmhlp nou Ium nl mm mm vmml llmnl mm mm Ixmmry 1w mlmnm um mum um mml um why may mm mm mm Invku mu luly mm In mum 1w mm ownII Mnhlhhmluh anlM uh 11 mmmvmlly m1 mum to Jumh luvll mm mm um um mm mmul HA In mm hvly ml ml yum mm My Hy man Jonas BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST ï¬lm 2110 gang MONUMENT 00 Welcome To Worship Mnmlny Josh 11925 numm AVI IL PA 1le ll 1Tle TH cnuncgi 99310 cuolcl mun Mm mmm 5L IA ll in Ihe healing oi the bleeding woman Mark 5564 we see woman who has auiiercd or 12 years not only mm physical discomiort but from social asirnclsm In those daysand even in some societies laday such disease was believed to he cunsequence oi niniul ways and to render her unclean and until iur any social relation shipsl So she had endured 12 years loneliness nnd zuill icellny This explains why she approached Jesus so ilmlvniy just as lhls Wain had sum 11 years lsery so lhe past 1th rebuke Is he that in mic Mark 718 51711 52 31 919 occasioned by luck Iallh or understanding among 111 dlsclplu Alter He nu the slum cntch the nole ol rebuke In His voice for the dlsclples In their plan or Aid hnd seemed to sume Illa It was Hi my rnlher than grace to Inks cure of them and furlher that He was neglecting Ihls duly We may up II to Ille Lord but we cam nly may no cum nlnln or repmve If our prayer donpl leffl lo hq answered Chris history rafller than lancy Chrin is ï¬red altar H1 day teaching and in In um mm asleep on the cushion degglle gm slprm inimiil 21320 1M hem grow up with um Chrlatlnn FAIUI mm It will Inn in rightful place In lhelr Hm Whnl lmrilnm would men lmvn of Truth um Right and Fmdom If rnrh gonurnllan hm not lmpurkd Ha blmluul to tho next lhl MM our thm whlch 15 mm In chorhh 1nd to had our children But our Dimy In growing up wllh Mn doghln rollcklng plnymnlu today Mn fuilhlul friend Ind pmlcctar lomurrow Our neighbor has an nplnlnn 1150 About chlldren and God When my man In nhlu wnlgh Hm claim religion with mllum mind he an do cldo or hlnmll whrlher he want to no Church Our neighbor has firm opinion about children and pets boy in aid rnuugh la nsnume ruponnibliiiy or he can of dog enough or him Io hnvn one PAW NO JOIKNBON EON MACHINE HIIOI Mr mm lropJ flown Emma my Mm mnm uo Dunlnv BL Minister Phone PA 01024 Rev Comrlls Eon 1100 Iln DIVINE WORSHIP 1100 Im5UNDAY SCHOOL To In held In Jim Chmcl It Crown Inn THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Free Methodist Church zoo Hayï¬eld 51 Rev Gnhten Pulm mw anlly mu Schnol 1m Mornlnl Worlhlï¬ 730 pm Evenln Servlca iha demonlu oi Gadm come lo an incidcni upro senied in the most hie termsn madman who in ct wound on himself who dwell In morbidity whu in unhumbied and umrbdued and who is nicied with legion ol unclean Ipirils The Biblical picture graphic is IG exorcism The Jews like nlher eastern peoples hired professional mnurnere Christ dlspele them gully perhaw to keep the latherl faith from being shaken and partly Io prevent lhe little glrle dismay when she awoke Notice that even most HI apostle were excluded ram Ihggfldracler YOU ARE MOST WELCOME 12 years ul Jalm life had been haPP blessed with the duly rer wholien HI The raising or thin dnuuhler alter her denlh Ls the flrsr of live WINS In lha Gospel narrative The recand Christs rllllnl of the son of he wldow Naln Luke 7114 the third Hll raLrlnl bun rue John lha fourth Ihe reeurrectlnn Christ Himself Ind the fifth III raising afler arrlstr raster rectlonol many bodies or the lam lhal had lnllen asleep lMgtlhgw 27 than Mu munmequ Thurulq Dlnlll 111511 CARTAOE Ind STORM LTD PA um Em fluid BTEGKLEY FUNERAL HOME ml and My MM Luh 111 EDMONNN up The NO Uonll Empmy re that 37002 worm had In In mater Edm ton Area Eel rdorwe 10 an lumbla ogi us uch mad nun Whenever We do nut an lghm on God such demons can enter in mm lu wrwmlselves and dewoy Ing our eflecllvenm Chm Inna He went aboul doing nod Ill hegllpl Mllljhgrl ien oypmud line devil or God In with Elm Afll 10 1000 mm Snndly Ethool 1100 WarMn Rev Duh Nnurena Puhlhhmi an 700 pm Dunknoun Senlco Rev Tudor CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON THURSDAY Dlxlrlct Superhlendent REV WELDON HULL Iutnr PA 89751 SERVICES HELD IN mLLCRESI SCHOOL NAZARENE pm When dug Its limv Wonk st CHURCH OF THE am 11qu MO Earth hurrh iléirrrtan Clappmnn II War Sunday Sarvlm II ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICI LUTHERAN CHURCH ï¬led Hwy 11 Jullllh MoHlnrll Church Phone PA 54022 llltorl Relldrnu IA 601 Ennhy Ethan INS mm IUNIMV 111mm ICIIOOI Am pan mm Ninay Ind lllmnty II Im FIRST Baptist Church Tuesday Feh pm United Church Women will mm in the Sunday School mm Da Sorry to report Mn Story and Jack McCIrney are nt 1233 clprlaflnsp Iaz Congratnfaflans Io Mr and Mn Ken Wlltan on the birth at danghlermnnnle Frances Ilsa In Mr and Mm Scull Ifllmter Dont large th St Vllenune lea Ind bake sale Feb in St Pauls Angllcan ParlahHall Placeng lorflgclrlg organ land OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 100 Inn VVJNII IEIIVIIE mm noun REV DAVID HFan ILL Ml Minim Down IAIIAWAI MOIMII All Weltumo 1000 mm Sunday School Vllllors Contest 00 mm Worlhlp Servm REVELATION BETHEL TELLS THE FUTURE OF THE WdRLD CHURCH CHRISTIANS OF THE DEVIL THE NATIONS THE PEOPLE HEAR YOUR FORTUNE 700 pm warMp Chn MORNING WOHIIIH Mr 3mm null BURTON AVENUE MIDHURST NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Ihlp 1m Church ul II III By NASH PRAYER MEETING WEDNESDAY EVENING AT pm GUNN ST BARRIE INVITES YOU TO Speclal Propyhellc Messages SUNDAY EVENING at By Mr JOHN AITKEN Of Shelburne SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3rd TIIE UNRAVEL THE RIDDLE 0F PENTECOSTAL IHE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA DO YOU WANT VislioishNriï¬Ã©WEbï¬ms coimAuY mvaEi VATTEND THE CHURCH or YOUR CHOICE KNOW lhe FUTURE Ioln Us Sun 700 pm Rev Tunks Pam mm mm Mm Nnmq HUNIMV IIUMII ECHOOL an cm am In Ind Ind 00 pm Yuml People Mtouu imlnl Nu Rindy Luv THE MOST NEGLEUIED HOOK IN THE BIBLE um MILAN MIT umnm m1 nmlmu votlanal Mn Rum pro gram Mrs Frankcnm hosl Mm Sutton and Mn KM Miss Lois Coum Graven hunt spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Coulu Sympathy this cgmmunJIy is amended to the 0mm 1am lly In me paging of Mrs Can mlhers BanIn She upenl her flingqu dayilygllhj Emmi1511M Midhum United Church W0 men catered or the Hog Prod ucï¬garban W9dggday Mldhlrrsl United Church serv lce pm and unday School At 1m game your lunar ldml Como And Mn Th Flmlly To chunk Junlnr lrhool 05 Cool sum Rev John lllddd 000 mm llaly Communlnn 00 lm llnly Communlon 100 pm Evenlnl rnnr Ynu Art Vekamn Wnllrr In MA OUR MMIYOWI llnll Ind Tmnnlu lllmlu Dunn Ind Wonk El REV ADAMS ILA Mlnmcr ST ANDREWS liehy Gllland Mrs THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHKNV 5T GILES CHURCH ST GEORGES TRIN vs cm sum ALMNDALE Rev John lllddd Burton Anna Nu 000 mm llaly Communlnn Gm 11 WI er moo um Communlon ml Bimini not mo Evenlnl rum um HM Im Mum Hervch EVE dram 100 pm Eunlnl Pnyar UNDERSTANDING HEART qu Dempuy Dlrerlor Pull CENTRAL Lin HIM Kn THE PRESBYTERIAN cum ILM mm THE ANGLICANMVVQHVURCH OF CANADA 00 um CHURCH 15 MULCASTER vusiflms mp NEWRESIDENTS WELCOME SUNDAY M11001 pm lid mv Im lip tn II llloc mm NY OHIO BEAM WILL Ill ADMlnzll GODJ BROKEN WORLD mby ud GUM cm 10 pan LOYALTY rimmmm CHURCH SCHOOL In New Buildlnl wllh Romwod Emphull 030 um la all nu Ind ndor Burton Cor In Allnah REV HELL MA Mn Wilhr Ornnlu 00 St Vlncent Street Putor Rev he Geuehmk Phone PA in 151 Elllnly Bay Road MIL8nd School 1030 lmEnllllh lenlcl 300 pm Dumb Hervch ltd 59151 EvgrLMonlh Bulb Aukml ulumn flu nlddallu 1WD 111mm mm Ina nnlmmu Mlnhln flu udlnu Mull MA Ill Smith Ire convalesclng the homes There wlil be Valentine ï¬n In the Anxum parish hall Feb 91mmzlo4p lorthenew organ und Sluice Innslulu chum net to Goa Ruuf HID PNIYIII mil Crol cam my sum Mldhum residents metat the Anglican parllh hull Sumday avenlnz la pmanl Mr and Mn wminm Mam who wen ro oently married with puma 51 MARYS CHURCH 95 MULCASIER ST msr CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SUNDAY MASS OllIER ST The Salvation Army ClIadfll to Calm sums MAJOR AND MR3 GILLEBPIE Corp 0mm 5in School 045 Hallmn Meellnl um um 700 pan EVANGEUSTIC MEETING MIDHURST STN ESSA ROAD minus mowmm IN CANADA EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH ST VINCENT ET HARRIE Strvlu Conducled By You Muu Hur ThlI Sublm On Sunday Fnb 3rd ma THE WORD GOD NEVER INTENDED TO PRONOUNCE Rcv Wllllum BTII LAM WIllOWDAlE umrgn CHURH JUNDAV UIUIHII MIIIOOI mm mm human II other munmu JOHNSON 51 SCHOOL Mlnlnltr REV lUMMHIS IM lull Mill NilL IMMIII cl anm Pluhlulnl Unlbd Dmrrh Wonml MRI Mm PINIQ kiul MIL ALLEN TUMIJNHON ILA Mlnhlrr Mm It hnlvludev Ind Ilnnlll mm Jillth Ikth Nlnnw Tu mm Dry no Mn DIvlnI WarMp ELI VP WESTMINSTER EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wudnudny 730 Our Malhor of Parpuunl Help Novm FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73mm aim 600 pm Mrs Haward Caldwell Mrs Maullce Pnrlrldge and M11 Eormnn praisenled Crown mu uinv G1 in Workshop and Blble planning ï¬ningam at Guthrie Community Seven members of Crown Hill Hamcmaker club me It the home or their leader Mn Bruce Chnppell STEEL Ind COOK STREETS Rev Gum mm hunt an Sundny Schoo 1100 Im Morning Wonhln on mm Eunnllsllc Eenlu mm mm 10l5 mm 30 mm Mrs Miles chkllng will he husles for the February meet lng at he Evenin Circle Feb Mn Alvin Smlh will sem lunch Um Your Imum Tu Wonhlp ind Mn MrKlnnon TRINITY CHURCH Colllcr Stud Nut la Pan om Tho Van Reid HOLY COMMUNION mm 330 llll mm EVENSONG 700 mm ALLIANCE CHURCH Roman Catholic Dlnclar Inlu CROWN HILL Ynll An Welcom 00 mm any