Thu ANIA Mild lhnl Cn nndlnn Inlly pnpm Includm In Dec ll turvvy arm wnl lrl km or lhno crnll copy 19 mm at llvn mm nine nl nnln 21 at mm mm low rlnhl trnll mu la thin Twrnly cluhl Cnnmllnn palm llwy no 0er Reporls mm 1611 dnllics In lhn US Cnnndn mu lutno Um Innlcnlnd that trenud lholr prlcu durlnx 1961 than umrllng hlghcr prices 75 dalllu lfllll clrcnlallon wu un 70 mid than wnl no change In rcporlnd clrculnlinn 105er and made no rrport 01 IM whlrh hnd lower Inlcl ol lowlnu lhn prlcu Immune all but rrpnmd uhacqurnt covcry rnnzlnl 1mm am per ml Thu number clxhlunl dnll Increased by 15 mm Incl to 48 rum Thu number pnpm nelllng or Ilve nlx and nvrn ccnll decreased The Amenlean Newspaper Publhhers Assoclnllon nurvcy nlnxlrcopy prlm of English hnxuuu newspn thawed Friday lhul 532 ally newspa pm now tell II can nln lho lhrco cnunlrics an Increase at It paper linen mu NEW YORK CPDA rend lo Illhl Ind 10cm new nperl conunued 1n Canada the nlked sum and Puertn Him in 1062 mrvcy shown llulnp IJIII TH iijoximcd lesion of Coun Iy Council hogan on me 5011 The new bridge Into the sub division oi Shore Acres at the not oi the second line has been completed and is ready or treiiie us soon as the road in that area is ï¬nished This bridge and road are being done by the township under the supervision of their engineer iV Iiiniey on local improvement basis with the retepayera oi the rub division paying the enle costar The bridge Account of $5601 was ordered paid to the eon tracion Morgen Constnletion The ayment by the ratepayers will done in the form at debenture over period oi years added to their taxes to cover interest and principle With this as an example it may be the etnrt or many more al the property nwnera in find the aoluiion or bringing their made up in atandnrd where they were under par when lho property was mid CLUNIX COUNCIL uu liIlI mvrr lrll Mvrn yum IIIIRM In IM vkllm at Hull Mair tuul all Imr vnlunlrlru um um mlnlrly wvrml Ivy huur mm Main um Invmlnry ul ymxr pmwnlam lhon us far pmmm nl vvnlerllnlL Eight And IllCent Newspapers Continued Rs American Trend 6H THEFT INSURANCE RADAR CHECK radar speed checking mach ine has been purchased to re lace the former timer Accord £11 in the police Chief his was no longer relinhle and the firm which manufactured it has gone out business The new over hauled equipment has been sold to the Police Commission for the sum of $112500 It is slated that the machine has only been used as demonstrator BRIDGE COMPLETED MALCOMSONS Traffic signs ihal are required in certain places and special warning signs are in be put into place The Policu Depurlmenl responsible or Ihcse Is being requested by council Io see that In necessary bylaws are pre pared and presented lo council so that there is no reason or lack oi enforcement oi lhcse reg ulations ll Jca Coinan has asked council or resolution that will instruct nolice to takz immcdlnte action to have the wmcking yard in Innisiil meet the re quirements of the Act which governs lhls Iype of businessl One or hose requirements is high board fenu which must surround tlwn so tho the un sightly old Ichlclcs will not be an eyesore to the districts when they are located other regula llons are also to be rigidly en forced in nll cases The police are to see that wanting are is sued and where this hos nlreody been done that action in the courts is commenced now SIGNS rm lAflflm nuiumm sump FE INNISFIL OTES Shoulm ionform reclaim TODAY paper Salut Yards Hm government num In have Hm hlll lumed om car may Am lndepcndrnl com mum mm will mnflnuo am In oven nn clcclian Ls called Ho also mld mm ln vullxnllnnl Inlo lhe promollnn nml ulntrlhullun Nnnhrrn 0n lnrln anurnl Gus nhnm mm ducted by lho Onlnrln Securi Cummlxxlun will be tabled Trm prcmlcr snld lha pavem mmla plans will he clmrly spelled out In hlll lo be 1mm fluch In tho laxislaluro Hull mnnlh would not mmo lnla mod bolero 19H Speaking at 11 pm comr entu Friday In would not my whclher any new lam mix bailcvlcd TORONTO CW11w Ontarln xovtmmcnll share of the cost of ll mudlcul can lusurnto plan will he mnt out of mm revenues lrcmlcr lays day Edition at diflcrcn price than the daily edition Its alright lo spend the money or the blg communities Its nice to Improve lho local mud or your small town colleg lule You decide lhat you will vote No Io any changes You nre aware that the Federal Court will make the changes ll you and the others do not but In the meanllme you can blame All he trouble on ma chcrnl Guvemmentl Just to show the folks at heme that you trlcd to do the rlght thlng you wlll vote No You wont be swayed by the blg clly representatives You lik your Job now General Revenue Pays Medical Cost to come to some arrangement about redistribution seats ov er the State stall writer in the Independent at St Peters burg describes the attitude of those he calls the Pork Chop pers meaning the fellows from rural areas in the matter In part he says Lets assume you are State Legislator mm small area in the back ol the State You are big man in your own area likely financially independent with plenty of in terests in your own area You are Mr Big there You could get along without the lunds re nlized lrom your parttime lob os Representative But you have prestige it the area you represent wants some favour from the State you are the man they must see it dying moth er wnnts to see son in me institution this must be nnang ed by you li young man wants to get start politically in coun ty lite or lob there he must have your influence It some family wank to receive special welfare they must get your sig nnture You are in tact the State Government in your area and they do not worry about going to the Capitol Your job is sort oi lobby and is lot more rewarding than playing goll iishing or other hobbiesi lieapportionment that big word is not understood by your electors and it could just mean that your area would not havo esentotive all its con gls alure and Senate are mmhng in the Cnpilflknt Tnllnh ee eLk especially en though the roads depart ment intend to spend over three mills The general lncrease an assessmcnt throughout the coun ty might have muant loumr mlll rate this year but no doubt expenditures will be lncreascd accordingly £99m smm and no doubt will be the usual busy session With these gather ings cosllng aboutflloo let us hope the ratepayers least get nvgumlgla cpunly mm rate ev CONVENIENILY lOCATED IIFJDOWNTOWN mm umv 1a nu ma hnpcl lho ra pnrl on lrul yrnrn mm vulnlon on crlmo wlll ready Ilurlnz lho lunlun whirh bculm Frb They wore whlle handker chlcn over their lace and en lcrcd lho bnnk just below 0104 Inn llmm Tho Aln of duh mu nnu customer were urded lnlo ha oulcr vault and xunrdcd by on the bunle while Ihu other two amped up currency unilull cnnvn hum durlnz ha next Illllnx he lcxlslnluro the man In tum 11ng 19 um mm summonMn nm meslcln lnlnud TORONTO Cm111m lum dils armed with mm and pistol robbed was lend bank of $6000 Friday In whnl pollen describe lrcmcndnusly 1an Job It look um mm just hm minutes to rob lhn branch of tho mnlovDomlnipn bunk This put us in in place We bmke our own mmrd in an ambition Emu with 0am Bordenl Apprentices by 301 in poan Nick Owen wand 51 of those Points the most ever scored by om ol our player In Iinglo same Our next league gm will ho Played Thursday again Pendnng fln soome 4025 and vmww um elf on the right foot Joel basketan 0mm worn the first two league game n52 Slaynu and Pond Friends Romans country men Are there any Mark Anhmyn or Cieems among our slu denlu We hv them are be cause the KnigKf of Oolmbus oratorlcal conlest loam inngs In the near lulum Studean pmpoxing or daumom clinflmlion this coming week The Student Council in plum Rob Bank In Toronto new asked Mr and Mrs Bertram to come lorward or he presentation Lynda Ru sell read an address before the couple received the gift Basketballer From St Joes Sets Record Midhuret Special New Iyweds Mn and Mrs Blll Ber tram received purse and con gratulations from the commun lly at shower given by their friends here Murray Faraghcr made the presentation after the cnrd game ne anél travelling prize went to James Duran The next euchra takes place Feb Prlzew nneu were Ladies Mrs Human Mrs Bin nlc Mrs Andross men Bill Craig James Duran and Ever Mldhursl Slallon Nlne tables of player parllcipalï¬d ln Ihe True Blue Lodge weekly euchre In the Anglican church parigh hyll Midhursl Party Honors Couple Baxter Special There were ll table play Illa last euchre Prize winners were ladies high May Fallensun low Mnrjorle Msbieï¬lane hand Florence Denney mens hlgh Rm Hair law Vlncenl Holt Erociriés Bnnouncg Winners In fiaxter Euchrev Tables Join Iaï¬vshse Play 11 KATIEY mums ncrm lo mun lrl lo bu ellmlvv needed lo anul will In practical Mr lnmmnl la calmcl or 114th Lclncr whose lrmlmcnl by pollen during an arm war ngonwullml In Judlclnl Inquiry whlch npunal this week Hm was hmlnlly rental by mike Mr Pomer nu Imn luunrhcd clvll Immed Ings 19 policemen Jnuph Pomcrnnl ol Tnmnlo Involved In tho Ithbl Norbert Iklncr our Inld Um problem wan Inmcly mmmllan Prism crl have the mm cnunul but Hm nunsllon in lww do you gel from cell to tlcphnnnl Speaking Friday at ha clvll llbcrllcs panel of Hm annunl mccllnz ho 0mm branch of the Canadian Bar Associa llon Auslln borer Inld law suils would ma zhlcn them up and make IJmm mum that cllcnla right In have new In counsel must no hordcnlcd WINDSOR OnL CMA Tor onlo lnwycr urges morn legal action against palmmm who dclny prisoners Mth In mum IC Most of lheu 15 boxes hav already brcn snapped up by mhscrlhera Only 10 Ire lell Oiher lmprovnmenta Include mon space bclween um wick ets morn fluorescent llghllng Theres In more elbnw mom Inside ha new building We havn about our time much working space here Mr flur mun aald Also there are 75 more luck boxcl making total of 433 The new post ofï¬ce is about two block west at the inter secuan William and Mill slmclu Oulslde dimensionl are 51 act 10 inches by 51 feet our Inches ELBOW DOM Urges Action Against Police Who Deny Prisoners Counsel Pnstmcn the old building Jan And locked tha door for me last lime The old post offico occupied part of the building leased by the gavern men from Fisher and located ona door dawn from Huron street or Main street Nordnte in been set yet or the allicial opening post master Mlka Human said Mas likely 11 be alter the warm weather arrives Examine stun Re Slnyner Slam The towns new post alike is dream come true 111 building It has needed at over 10 years opennd or buslness Jan 10 will the offlcinl opening expect ed 331i gprlng Stayners Post Office I77Dream Come True By SIHELEYVMACDONALD 1h hnva mother squeal on her lflll Immoraln net that balance hr legal obligation to he polka In tho cxccqun dullz Mr IomLrnnl laid moth being qutslinncd by pollen about Ihu nulvlllc of her Ion should not give them dumnzlnn lnlor mnHan Tho paint was discussing lhu Ham an Individual under ar rcsi olhcr panel dcbnicd in xumnm law lnx inw govern mm pmbicma and pmbloms wiliiin Lho pmhsaioni Vlrnupmnenllnu Mr mclhod lm Poincmnl la There large parking lot behind he new bullding So far the government hnn mud no mllng about lclting Um public use Mr Hurmnn said Perv Anuthcr advnnlngo ofltho new post ofï¬ce the open space around it boon to motorists alumna parking bum have yet come My 2ch Thu Post Ofï¬ce has In time mm thrne with Partnn and Coughlin hell hug Mr Human Mm Ada Wood york part time All an Iron here uwluhll er deliver midi to no families on mu Slnyncr which covers he area to tho west of Smyner to Dnntroan Rm was discontinued sevarnl yegn Ego Frank Sham carrier for mu Sluyner serves 190 patrons cast and in the south of lawn RM Slayncr to ma north and east Including Brocks Bench and Springhurst Beach handled by John Freelhy Shyner n1 Anolï¬cr panel Rm wlléllorclb Arm mull patrons In Slaynnr nbout 50 are on gener nl delivery he res subscribe to luck boxes Rural patrons an the three rum mule come to appruximnlely 850 We have more room for trays bins and moblle tables ML Hunmun conflnued This or non efficient sort tube no in Ihe new building com red to 12 In the old one SHArmgmo ADVENTURE THAT BOL LngggzzEMHE 111lvn wk TODAY THE CHAPMAN ONLY REPORT W08 wgmmmJ uvuuul uAruUfllSDlï¬‚ï¬ JUNQLESOF THEHEART IOU HAHN mum Continuum flundly 1mm 71 pm Future II LN no pan Does the novmmen mallu tho extent of th OMBI ho naked ml My llmu we lawyer mm halt should he mum Many panelisll doplotrd the mode day dualism In mm lawyer pndlsm hll pmfw Ilon whllo also acting as bus nmmnn Dclegnm uprlaudrd when John weir Ind 80 per cent of lmubln Um Society experi cncos over the mnduct Inw ycrs could be dcnnui up the commlllm lnId down in clear unequivocal lunmmuo what commqu unpmfulonai conduct eni relationship we loid by Timmins lawyer lha the Law Sociclyoi Upper Canada needed canon oi ethics lo serve as clear well defined conduct guido ior lawyen Sum SUNDAY parking problem in building up the front of the post all lce slncu in next door to the public school at well on busy lnlerscciion 1an Council its January meeting started studying way to cope will ho problem zonally Ilmvt no objection no long can dont black our landing Intrunco Than what was nlwnyl happening down the 01d place upecinlly on Sal urdnys MIKE HURMAN brings timely and oltal message or all Hear this outstandingeuangeflst 9l7 February at Knox Presbyterlénl Church Spadiha andflï¬ibord meeaghievenmgaL7£4fptyit Lceï¬ghitm IMPERTHI us my mm PARIS Ont CHJames Altkln 79 Gemgm lar mcr mm South Dumlrlel Tuwnship and former mem ber of Brant County council died Thursday farmer 31nd later farm equipment and Insurance Inlet Iman Mr Allkln was also ndlve An imperial aiiiciai said Fri day night 1h oiier waxking out to about seven cents an hour has been accoptmi by miimry councils in Winnipeg Edmun inn Calgary nnd Halifax The Sarah inuncil has re jected the alter but due to meet with tho company next TORONN CF Imperial 0H Com any ofï¬cials have de nied that wageIncrease after had been rejected by all but flaw reï¬nery employees In Call report from Ottawn where the employees council rejected tho offer Indicated the rejec tion was Canadawide deflntwggmgnmwmmr Farmer fixReeve Dies Ht Age 78 Imperial Oil Denies Charge Employees Rejected Ofler Billy Gmhumt Auocfata Evangelm LARAS Buwfl Alex Grahove reï¬nery em playees chairman at Semis said tha oiler was threth wage increase which was Is jaded been It came no whm near ulfflllng mandal lthamla employ presented brial ha com pany several weeks ago do mamflng sevenpercent wag lncrense and reduction that work week to balm Th5 after aflecllng about 5500 hourly waxkm L1 based on survey of general industry and was attentive Friday In omelnl Id week the Mannen council still considering it and only the Regina council has rejected it ally heusaId STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convales ant pallean Excellent gallium or private or lemlAprlva Ho and cold water rooms Reglsleh ed Num in attendance suns SUNDAY 700 pm MARSHALL Rag PHON 124