Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1963, p. 12

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lo the cnncluslon that the time had nut yet arrivcd when tho BEG could recomde that color TV begin in Canada OTTAWA CPI11m Board Broadcast Governors said Fri day consldcrs that color HIE vision should not be introduced into Canada this lime further announcement llsl In the boards recommenda Iians on other applications will be issued later Not included Friday was decision on Frenchlanguage TV station at Timmins The boards slalcmcnt said lhe board memhers reviewed evidence presented at Jan 15 hearing on color lfV and came In the hearing the Electron ic Industries Association repre senting most set manufacturers and cw privnte simian art vocatcd lifting ot restrictions on mim TV The CBC and the pri vate CIV Television Network Limited tnvnrod go stow ab titudo and suggested atabiish ment at an industrywide corn tuition to study the questiom WILL WATCH SITUATION The EEG said Friday it has nctivo committees with public and private bmadcasten with advertiser and advertising agencies and with tho transport Subject to era government appruval it also recommended hat Ihe publiclyowned CBC be permitted to cstnhlish second Franthanguage television Ala Iion Quebec City KAPUSKASING Ont Knpusknsing Knps wound up Ihu season way out In front of tho Northern Onlafin Hockey Assucialion Scnlwr series Fri day night with wln over Timmins era Kenny Vnil ind hm anal for lhe Knps nus Delivcnu mom luo or the wlnnm and single want In Marcel Tosslnr Emu fluslmk and Ray Dupul hrfimms scam wareyfrank nqucr mu Pirle and Ike Scoll Kupuskaslnz the Somme season with 31 wins nml luo lies They notched Iain 205 on and were mm on qnly 7n Um Second plan on lorlimmins wim l7 wln nnd hm llu mum klmosurre third wllh ll wmi undiluur If while South lorcuplno lorklu Wm lrfl In the Cellar wilh Iix win and hm lies an namplt In Tomnlu MI bnlnmmcn ml mquu4 lulu an mm and will lrmlnrl mrr 1000 wmpnnlrs ml IluIr unlnr pun4mm In addlllnn llvm wlll be runvnm the Vulcan walesIm In hmmln Flmllar mm mm will Inn ptm In ILMMM mun Mkmlt Tho Yanndlnn Hum Fund nn mumrd lhe optnan nu ma nmgmgn nr 000 Jnlln Mum ur hum nun Srnlril lrI nmarnllnn leilnl will he luv lmlmla lhnlrmnn lnr Um mnnlh 01M llrhc or fund whrn numrnlions hullnrslmrn uulro wnkm mu hmlinwlvrl nru mk nl mpmrl um light nzniml hmrl xllmuu lianmlan Num lmr One killer nu runlldrnl lhnl llu mnrin HMNIIVI ll U70 wlll Ire mlurwl mmva Mr Hrlmllt llw rrlmmy hjvrllu or Inn Hrml Fund II II nmmrt 1m rmnmlml nounm Md and nlurnllun In lulu hmrl lllxrlufl Imrlrr cnnlrnl We um 41 our haw In mm lctmy mrr Her Illrnsn hy Inppmllpl In Km 0n llrml Humlay Irrln l7 lunr tn door rnnvnuu will Inku plnrn In rulnnm Klnnmn urlpll Twnlnn Hall lnmlun Irlrnmrnuuh mul MumL In Tumnlll Ilu All Turkll null Un lwully Ilullrnls Mn wllh many llllcrrlml womrnl lump nnll rlllmuu uhllo In lvlhrr mum rnnvn Tm nl 501va wlll prrA WWII tnnvnu tuvpomflum and mm lrmlm If gnmln Kaps Finish Far In Front the end of Hi day of teaching from boat Christ and His disciples set out in the boak for the eastern share or the Sea of Galilee storm arises and the light ened disciples waken Him He still Ihe storm with Feels It Is Too Early For Color Television Mighty Deeds or Iesus ILLUSTRAan suNbAY scfiom LESMAerd Buesther Heart Fund Is Seeking $1365000 This Year Imoun Sunday une the EEG reserved decision on the 0130 Initial application for the Quebec sla ion Th1 was followed by lha resignation of board member Eugene Furscy and Guy Indon TheBEG again rejected an application In sat up second private French language TV slnlinn Quebec by group headed by Jacques La Roche The board recommended per milling separate FM program ming or radio siaiiun CJBQFM Belicvillc but recommended Ihe licence be given or am your period The EEG raid it is rnnlcmplniing enactment or FM regulations in 1963 and wishes to provide an early npponunily to examine with licensee he eiieci at 1159 regulatinns alter their enactment power in crease wns rmmmonded for CJBQFM Belloville to 17400 wall from 3410 wnilsi department It would conllnue to keep In much wllh the man ufacturers as well board looks forward In the lime when cnlor may be in lroduced to Canadian TV but it vnnl the time and cast Molar Io be favorable to reasonable success Frldays nnoumemcnls also ulnllon of last fnlL The mllml whlch compelled the CBC to carry the CW networks ele LONDON Reuters The Manchester Guardian any In an editorinl Canadas defence policy la mallcr for Canada lo dccidc The newspaper commcnls an the exchanges bclwcen Mlan and Wnahlngtnn on nuclear de once which have ed In Cana dinn charges of Interference by the Unilcd Slates The Guardian HIle whatever may be Huang 01 ha vnclllallnns which have mnrkcd Mr Dialenhnkcrl pul lcy In Ihis field he has every rlnht lo ncillnlo he want has the stale department was Kuilly mllsh plocc hnmimcdncu at worst may also hnvu been guilly an al lcmpt lo lnlcrlcm In lhu domes Uc politic another cnunlry The Time um 11 loot he prawn struggle between Wnshlnxlon nml Ollan lhnk Hm United ulmulvl lu pvmul um It In In Canada durum Ind nmllral ldllllhll who um wro Md nmh Indhip lnplrallnn ml lmnflpllpqn la lhc wurltl nl ward bqt rebnku them or lackinl mm in HimMark 413541 the her show wfld demunrldden madman who llve In the cemetery rushes mm Him The giemon wiugln mle£ ion minim mm Chi13 Canadas Defence Is Our Problem CHAIRMAN JOHN SCHULTl cast complete with it adver tising content never came halo elfec because of an agreement ruched between the nelwark and sponsors shortly before the Dec game other changes in regulntions provide that applicants or new private commercial broad casting station must begin con struction within three months and have it in operation within 12 manihs pi receiving written advice irom the transport min ister that the licence applica tion had been approved The same time limits apply or up plicatinns or permission to make changes in existing sla lions Miles Ilickling led he way for the vlclars with lhrcbgoal performance while Don Rubin son 21 Brian Shnnnhan nnd Leighton Smilh shared he oth er CHI Marlln dropped In two or Guthrie and Jack Hesse had In single Gulhrie played host lo Wonder Why In lhe Oro Hockey Loa gut and wound up an the short end of 74 verdict Stale ndmlnlslrullon pmlsuly what It wants while lhe Canadian gavemmcnl con scious at divided country can nkg up It Ilnlnd United Slalcs lmpnllcnce In the circumslnnccs under slaudnblc The nnly qucsllon 15 whether by pressing her cm In public she may not hnvc iu caused the political Icmpcrn lure In Cnnudn lo point when lllu nrflumunu becomn more all scured lhnn ever American shnuld now be aware nl lhe danger olnsumlnz lo lnlcdcm ln olhcr cuunlrics clectlons The Dally Express anyn The Canadian nullan ls nrillwr unduly touchy nnr ccsslvcly nulymlxslvc Cnnnd ll one the mm powers at the world They have lhe mmc Hub born splril as lllc llrilish nnd Um Americans ho mum Inslnl once on equal cnnsullullon And whcn lha Iky dnrkcnl Um nmo unlllnchlnu Xoynlly lo an ally All In vlul min In the Illhl iml hurl dll em Our luppml lbs Cun nvllln llml wlll help our madnl scion ln In calmer IMHO mlmbd Guthrie Trounced By Visiting Crew order them out the man Mkrk 5110 8111 on Io other side of the sea Jesus is besought by leading Jew named Jain to rescue his My they exile flock of swim nearby and rush headlong mm Hie lea MWK lzfllfll Canadian stock mm marked time this week lacking firm leadership in heir at cm to top the recnvery hxh pom renqhedn week em the In cnl paint of inslllullonnl atten tion auracling higblac buyers In Increasing numbers Block trading in Atlas has been an Industrial feature since the com pany received takeover bid bid of $3774 per share mm Rio Algom Minus Sleels were generally weaker while refining oils and vlpcllnes showed slight predominancn or losses Intemrovincinl Pipe Line fared worst falling Just more than 3L Haiti ilsn weakened with Royal and Toronto Dominion both dmpplng about 31 Nova Blue chp stocks ch hav spearheaded the markets re covery appeared la lnse aver with prominent secondary is xuggltaking Iher pllace Alla inched ahead In m2 peak of 337 while Rio Al gom Iouchcd post1961 high or sun before easing slightly 0n the domestic xccne good corporate earnings reports rei ieeicd an improving economy international minded bu5i ntssmen not rude shock when French President dc Gauiie turned thumb down an Britain seventh partner in thc Suinc had rnvlsngcd Britain when US Inveslmcnl In plants exceeds $00000000 in door The parade ol eoannllom rrpnrunu xhnrp lncrum in rnrnlnun or 1901 um led by Grncml Mnlnn which plied up lhc hlxhul pmllll ever made Ivy carpornllun In one ymr 11 mun producer rnrncd 4459000000 ruml In 3510 than comp n1 wllh mm 000 hr $3 lhm In 1901 ll BANKS WEAKER NEW YORK AWFrances orpcdoimz of Brilnlns entry lnza the Eumpcan Comman Market wns Ihe hlg develop ment lhls week ha 12 dice on US business has ya be fully nsscssed ECM The most wldcly held nlmude nppcnrtd In he one wnlllng lo whcmnr pmsuru lram tho live mhcr members lhc ECM Wm Germany Ilnly nclxlum Tho Nclhorlnnds and Luxrmbnuruplus lhnl lhu Unilrvl Slam may yet get Ihn Drlllsh IIL II THE AMUCMTHD EM Qurbuc ml look ml poun lion lha dhlnlnn lull Fvlvlay nlzhl will dcllnn nvrr Hurlmlrr Amrrlcunn Ihelr lwo munl IIIIIUIH umhl an lrvllrr than lln lmvidrnu llrdl player ovmlme Irmllnrk wflh llllflnln Rum and llmlmy Bran Ilnl llnlu my Clima In umllme Thu rnznull Ml New In 1mm will 51 pauth lnwldrnm vllh and llmhry with lllll Rulhnlnml nrllrd lwn mull Inrlmllnl Illa winnrr tnr Qurlvw Theluu link no In In the 0mm Mrlml lhrn Jun Marla mull Ind Eulhrr laml Imml wllhln lwo mlnulu llmhuler Hod pvvn In lha uan pm ml Bulhnlnndl Immd on two mlnnlu Inler was he tllmhcr 511m Smut ml hm mull Icornl at mm In In lush mhrkuls ol Wcslcrn Iuronc an larifl burrlcu wll remain up lnduslrlnlisls lndicnltd here may have In be some revision nl lhlnklnz on how Io L111 the ECM Thnsc nlremly wil plnnla In llhc ECM area were no war rk onumlnl lwrrn vklnry lawnu up lha Illm rnrl In Hurlwy quue Dumb Mlle Donnll Dvlmdy lumed In bvllllnnl um ullml Pgnvlfignel wllh um llvVavul lhuivmlhc lomlmfll mmmo WM death when Jasu arrives at Jalnu Muse He II met by mourners for he am has died Dismisshu them He brings the girl hack to life 4Mark 44737543 05 Stock Markets NIqu Time Lacking Strong Leadership Frances Torpedoing UK Has Not Yet Hit Business daughter mm the point of way to Jaims housefchdsi By PETER DUNN Candlln Preu sun Writer Quebec Captures AHLs Top Spot diflertncl 119 and Ha ha Ellhrn IVIA Amnrlun Scqu had Iha oniy rise but It In wa gal1y noticeable ne on average but base metnl strengthened as laleweck surge pmvlded more buoyancy than the group has displayed recently Interna tional Nickel was the favorite Jumping $3 Falcunbrldge climbed more than $2 In the speculnlive mnrkct holly trading totals and narrow price swing continued Best were Keeiey Frontier up 21 cent at $108 and Deer Horn ahead 12 cents to 49 cents 0n the olhcr han arnlnga U3 Steel Corp sank lo loycar low Thu mmpany which and In an effort to in mm 51ml prim last April cade $157900000 or $156 sham axnlnsl 90200000 or $106 than In the poor you 196i lwomonbh decline The mm per cent ndvanm lifted he Jar unry luvcl In an annual rule of warmmmo ngnlnsl rccord sm10oooooo In Oclnbcr Oili cised In lacklustre ac thrgDome grgpedu Volume at Toronto was 13 104353 share compared with 19743030 last week Dnnar value was $60921506 compared with gamma 0n index Taronlo Indus trial dipped L08 to 59990 and western 011 101 to 11667 Golds rose 44 to 90M and base metal 191 to $0120 VnIume at Montreal was 1130912 Industrial share com pared wiLh 936871 inst week and 3161032 mlnlng share com pared with 70515 On Inan it nionlrenl Indus trInls gained 10 composite 07 1de pgqcru Utilities de cXincdtiZ fund ban 03 sales me $14600000000 against 511400000000 the pro vlnul year FEE EARNINGS DOWN In January unemployment In creased by 855000 In 4672000 and cmplnymcnl decllnod by 1615000 lo 65915000 Thls wnx nol uncx mad because the Ilme of year Investment In new conilrum llox climbs lq JynunryLe dlnz Steel producllon ed nlmul lhrcn per cent Inn work nflcr hm Ilrnlxhl weekly mnscs 11w output 01 1063000 lam compared with 1915 the prcvimu wrck innit Shad Elan Ink uxnlnsl lha pouihlllly of urlko wnl ltporltd lo bl Iqulnx 11 Hull gal lhetr on 0an In line first pmml VII the umn mm mm nn mol by mun flunkfl Mlle Doug llnhlnmn lllllul or lluflnlo In rnrly mlnulrl n1 lllo hnl mlod whlln lmvlvlmm had man In In penalty ML nu llcrnhwyllnlllmnrt III rllmnxcd Ixy nhmlu lunlrh errn Hnr Aahlm In Iran and Noel rlcn of In Hmwu In In Um Irmrlru nmlhm wrlmL Hnlh lnl In hr mall blrl Mrlumr mllrrled In llmwfi foal nml Hum Da erly hm hm nub um nlnmwm er Nlrxrm uml ma Crnlxlulun mud lur BIL limo Autnmuhllo pmducllnn warned alnnu will an ullmnlcd nut put of 155000 can lhll work compared wilh HIM 1m wetk nnzl MAW yunr um Home Gemml Mnlm Ind Ford planu walked ovullmc MARLENE mm MIAMI Albdnrk lrnrnu Mlaml leach Ind Jun All by ol Jumulr mm mm 71 Tilda or Hummum lnlnl and he lend In 71 halo mlled Mum lull wr nlmnl nwy mumd Hut Imlnn lm nm on IKOM luundl llolml Manlay 04 unnnh Ind Mule New Emil ol annnlo who urded Ami allpw In bl IL llawevcr he Induth ex notle nA xrqdul Ingmsq In eel HI fiaxment touched By thln much He has healed woman ill or 12 years wilh bleeding disoaso which had made her soda outcast to the disease was mmdemd retribution for slutMark Comm TEXT Acts 1038 1119 xnvernmcnl rgporlcd Um QUEBEC QMFrank Kali lord ensured supply of silver ware or thegoidminlng area of Kirkland Lake Friday night andrhad his eye on bigger Rwy Milaia undelented North ern Ontario rink wet the guy hjophyfiona 0L Quebec Inlemauanal Bonspiels three makr ones with mmry over Ron Kemp of Ham on HI fellow Kirkland Lake sldp Orval Archer lost chance or an unprecedented doubletrophy capture by one cenm when he wan pounded by Hugh mu of Halllax Mayflower In the finals on the Omega Trophy event Littles win Iplit Illa two top tropth between Ontario and tha Maritimes ms area that dominated tha bonspiel almost mm the art Quebec City and pmvince rinks were speedily eliminated first tum the major trophy eve1tsanq later mm the Songplel plagfils Jack Ne aus was blz live strokes ahead at everybody in the $50000 Palm Springs gulf classic today alter shooting liveunderpar 67 in sand storm that wnuld have kept Lawrence of Arabia in his lent The United State Open chnm pion fashioned wanderpar on his first nIne holes over the Bermuda Dune Country Club course Friday and up pcnrnd he would do the same an the next ulna Then tame he wind and sand When the storm settled he had par 36 which put him In the bracket alter three days and 51 holes of the whole event Wayne Mnxncr oi the Nlngnm Fails Flycrs mad ea strong bid ior tap npoi in lbe Ontario liotkcy Association Junior scoring race Friday night Mnxnur nond lhe only goal In lhn urcnlnz period nl Mar Inn Fnln and Gary Harmer made lhu ICDIB 20 In the me ond period Terry Man finned Imrlng In the In pcrlod Mnr Iln named the only Hamilton Ron and armor cnma buck HI closest compelllor was Johnny PM 207 with 596870 Flym downed llnmlllnn Red Wing 41 and Mnxncr Iguer In all goals He picked up our polan an soul and three mu enough lo lo Hamillan Icurina nu PM Martin But at 1710 the mlrd po rind Mnnln Illppcd in goal In keep nncpolnl lend in flu men and put his lcnm on tho more shoals In other Junior ncllnn Mont real Junlor Canadian and Io lerbomugh Pelts played to seamless Ila whlln St Cnlhnr lnu Black Hawk delcntcd Guelph Royals Kirkland Lake Seeking Some Que Hardware By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nicklaus Holds FiveStroke Lead Maxner Figures In All Counters PALM games Call up ADDITIONAL SPORTS You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Ihe thlrd major trophy Paul Murphy of Midland 0nl knockcd olf Frederickonx Dr Robert Chalmers 1H Ralnlord had recard 01 alrnlght wins without less so lng lnlmlhe semiIna th bonsplel piayofls today against dark horse contender Harald Frye St Thomas Ont Archer though out oi Omega race still had an out side chance oi sweeping the piayaiis and grabbing the grand aggregnie which Hoes to the rink winning the most games Archerl loss and particularly by such margln came surprise to the bonsplel spec tators who had rated the Kirk land Lakaenkry higher than Littles Halifax curlers LIer was bumped out of the playoffs or the Lieutenant6w mm by by Minion and Archer ha had little lmubla dlsposlng of his playnlf 0pm nenls 209 won South Africas Gary Pinycr Ai Geiberger and Gardner Dickinson Player shot 73 on the third mund Gei heme 68 and Dickinsm 70 Vanmuvurs Stnn mum led the Canadian contingent with his second nixnight 70 He was tied with five rather menutzla Aloneth wgsfinh Shave Jr Hg for 217 and Jan Bissegger VB Morin Que had 72 or 119 WIND EOTIIEKS Pm who IIBLI 72 Friéay secund nlne Frldey 0n the 1m hale it stopped hlrdle putt on the lip of the cup On the Hard 16th hale nineIran shot headed for the pin and um wind plckcd it up and named It all the back at the green wilh his second the night at the 1535 mark hming lastskating game In which only six pcnnllic were given oullvc minors and one major The major went to Moul maln Bub Chnrlcboll In lhu first period when he smashed Ron Nnud PLerbomugh lnlo gha b0nrdsA sending Npud lo to Minna g2 bi The defence both teams looked cxccpllunnlly nod and Montreal goalie Jncelyn Camil nnl and Pclnrborough nelminder Chuck Goddard each cnmcd their lhlrd lhuluul ho Ion was He hendlng Inm lhn llul period In Guelph Bu Marines new ll mint Ahcnd cl lnstpluca Royals scored three unanswered onll lupull nlhu yklnry whining irom iyngusqlun Thu SL thnr ms nllnck wnl led by Ken Laidan with pnlr can and Ken Node Curl Wlnlmlcln and lick ODonncll neared the 0mm Gard Kunm uclm nnd Illlly Taflor neared ma goal for mu aim In fiejrancols Jahlln avian Jacques Glrnrd of Quebec knling Club last years winner of the Omega was one tbs early vidhru of the Kirkland Lake power I1 year and mount up out the major phles but he Wnrked his way Into the finals at the Carling round and won it Friday night will an 119 victory over Gerry Vannpfi9qebec VYh The bansplell system divide its IBMink entry into two com petitions Dne section play or the mateau Mphy and the other or the Omen Loser of nrslroundxames In these two enter the competlttnn yr the Frankel Jobtn event and all rinks reaching the quar terfinals at these three quality for the honsptel phyofl and far the grand aggregate tmphy um mm mm in the other championship declared Friday night peren nial winner Nels Findlay Gait heat Gvrdon Tuner Walkman 0nl 1H towin the Hall Renrrew Trophy for his second straight year Findlay in longtime veteran of the bonr spiel and nsuaily always flu ishex with prize or some son He has been hnmred with mem bership in he Decaden Club composed nl member whnhave attended at least 10 of ihe an nual banspiels Ralph Streb oi Salnt John NB won the Wedgewood Bowl wkh an 119 extraend victory over last years big winner Carl Bastedo Burungtan Ont Bal ledo was the deiendlng bansplal champion and holder Lb grand aggregate mphy Hill Wenfithm ran wlid Icar lng five on as Simud while washed orntnn 120 at Mllston In I119 third South Simcoe meeting Paul Mctnmb banged In our marker In enabla Cocky lawn lo play lo will Eg bert the Alllslon Arma Denney an dJohn McLauzh Inn 12 moored or Elbert rlplchcader lpread may the South Slmcoe Hockey Lea gue lhll week nhuwed Strand hm two game by 5W Arena John Smurfllwalu Dun cnn Campbell thlpped In with double whuo amzlelana want In Wayne and Vernon Aym Ind Rick Gmh Bill Wealhnrhlll counled him more goals In helplng Strand lo 50 blunkinz CoonIown Al the Beam Aron Mun3y Mm Duncnn Campbell Ind Rick Groh notched the nlhem Strand Impressive In Tripleheader Islm Keep your feet warm nnd dry Let repair your booLs We also uu among Kodlnk and Wm glue and Hydro Cut work MILES llA Clipper PA Hm TIME IS NOW HHOE SERVICE 2min

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