me Mu fluke Kan mum Mllnlnn and mu Tonmln II mllMd lo Jo hl me nl ernln My In Mu rm ruldrnlu ul Milrm mm wan uhrn ho nu nun uer at am MonuuL me on Oiien think no other or her precious person We arm M10 Dr CHMVBUHE RDOd reflect and relniorce richness non character and citizenship oi hum inside ourselves and KmWilliZ Children than in make 0mm feel more worm their and nur rclallonship in while we help numim and lhesaldomcslic helpers We need nthcrs rise in higher levels lo de our children by mm We do at more we see and example to be lhuughliul good example or our children kind and courteous to Ihn per lney lend to imiinle our way mm oilcn rciened to maid now and lo practice like my WW Ward Why do in he iulure use In my not cm In thln npcr ns prec nus persnn CAM mm mm she In Why not address her by How cuuid we niiurd ever to be nude in ï¬le w1lier or wait midï¬rï¬iyflkzasz llow could we nllurd over to be rude hc Waller or wall ms whu helps us select lhlnx to purchase or to any person whum we hire help us about the home llnw much more harmful such rudeness mlth be If one al our children wtrc ll lenan then or looklpzonl Mr nml Mu Anklll Illnh and CAHINIMI Manly Tuler Illll rm Hubdhhfnn lellul II he hnmr nl Mr null Mm IM unpll Wululoo ml nu mum hvl hnme hnmlM wllh lhrm ymxnl Krnmlum lnul lnnn npkl will vlnll wllh lhrm fur pvrlod Ilmn Imln lhe lml vimI Ille Allhur Inï¬ll ol lurll lilnl lpll Mlllrm Ir TCA at VI lo Wlmlanr whm Illa VIII be ml Mr rum Kuhn and laminar Mr and Mn Anllll VII Strange as it may seem an malonal generally looked up to highly cultivated may be very rude la waitress dgk gr helpcr ghe home 0n the olhnr hand must per ms who are considered gm cious by lhosc who mingle with them sociaiiy are also gracinux In every olhur persnn with whom they come in contact in my When we parents are enur leou In every one who serve us wa prove our regard for him or her precious person We reflect and relnlorce richness hurt Inslde ourselves and make olhcr feel more worth while We help nursclvcs nnd nlhcrs rlsc In higher levels ll Mch lo me that we pur enln Always shnuld Itrive In be models of graclousness award aniy person who does nuylhlnu hr pin or III The very Incl um we mny no alway he lhul anybody wlll Immediately me us In he urnclnus xhauld prnmnl us lo the harder la be Vhrn we are especially mnslllcrnle of othcrx humus we choose mxrsclvc ln hr we hchnvo rally don we In nddlllnn an flood rxnmplc ol helm kind and lhnunhlrul ln nlhm who mvn In any way we nlm ncul In Remnl nmnlmn St Jnhnn Unllrd Church Women nllmded lho Inlrrullnf Worhh cnn duclnl nl Trill lg lJnIlrdEmrth Thnrnlnn 13 MIA Mnrlnn Thumxamn memhcr lho llonrll 11 Women llm Unllcd Chde ml in Imam Time nlltndlmz mm Mllxlun were Mu Mrrrcll MIL Slolll Mn lIuwnnI Mn Cough Mn Vllmn mm Mn mm hum Time aluman mm Mllxlun were Mn Mmcll Mn Slolll Mn lIuwnnI Mn ugh Vllmn mm Mn mm WI Mn Muller Mu Fllurrnhl Mu ll Inlo Mr KNr Mn II Downcy Mu llrllnnnuli Mn ll Hunler Small and Mn Hur lmd Mn Mnrlkmnhl Vlrlnfln In rmnlly In Ihu hnlpllal In MIII on Ill Illle CQ ulnl mun Mr Ind Ml Crrll irnlmm cl Vlflnvln Llrrd Wm vlvr Illul In Nnnh llny nl lhu home ll lmhnml minim nml mninlnw Mr and Mn Jnlm llggwy Parents Courtesy 0r Rudeness Sets Pattem For Children me Queen and Prime thp wave to madams Mums Hammond Air poxt after their Swine land By GARRY MYERS PhD ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES ROYAL VISITORS RETURN TO CANADA Ysludly Ccdnlnly not unlm re xmnnlhlc person ware th Mm nml pcrmhslon Io rntzr MI hulldlnk hm hun Iccurrd guide our chudren they grow up In be courteous and gracious tomdhpcrsgns ns er hundred and hundreds cl situations at home in which we can work on these mailers when lhe postman cails wiih our mail when the garbage man comes Io curry away our muse whcnihc plum ber electrician ur carpenter came in make repairs and es pecially when we have domey tic helpers Then we 11ch to educate our children to nvnld mahan her any unnecessary work In tidy up their awn rooms and per sonal passcsslnnx and he nlwnyr eager to help mnhe her work cnsler Instead harden Must or all we need to Hulda our children In lrtnt every hclp 1m Individual as precious per 101 nldixniiy Thls in Hï¬ly or her greater unlislndlon but also inr lhclr best churnclcr development would you allow your chlld Io expluro or play In unemplv hulltlan or am under tonslmc llan Mllltnn fommunlly Jolhlnl Cuplmnnl lm rrmle um mrrl Ina ol Hm cummlun or low nml nnyunu Inlrmml In Klvlnu anunlrrr mvlm In Hill wnrk II Inked In onlnd Mn Dran nnu Qurrn 5L Allhlbn Donn Inm at not urdhclun claw rot Ill alw thllllrrnl mu nnll mug bu Irl Al KL Johnn Tlurth Inn umly In tho mrn n1an lm ol mm and Mnrfll Izy Hm wtle Blvm by Ith my mlllm ol whim Mr nnd Mrs Job 5an of MilIon Mrme mm FInrldn here My wlll mend Iqu nmnlnlnx vnlnlcr manna Inn 28 Chrhllnn meth Wark Ihmuxh nul Hm Unlled Church Can dn 51 Jun much Mllslnn wlll be holdlnl lmlnl yvulh Mrvlta on Sunday evenlng Fri lo culmlnnle cvcnln wllh Ipcclnl weaker being lluv Gor dan Winch an Ridges All younl pmpln In tho mmmunll nm mnILIlly lnnlnl Mlm EXCELLENT CHANCE Ema Prince 911m tbnuxiolxnu was Iona tn turn back or when bad weaflux prevented landing at Vumver 10 mm we Vamouver bchamVoW of due1 nflllflfll Illcrllirll Fllllni Hum Ipnhllm MRRV Illml lnlllnuimvl um Whv illIL no If Ndw SERVICE FOR TOMORROW you should ï¬nd the year ahead most sllmulnï¬ng one Both Job and pbrsonal mallcnwiu be under generous aspects and 11 you set high goals for yum self and allow them consuls llously ynnr and should Ind your nflnirs In line shnpe Best pcriods for advancement The next two weeks April and mid May Opporlunlllcn lnr lrnvcl and mm Inlercsllnz soclnl lunc lluns could branan your hurl Ions cunsldcrnbly luring Au Kusl and Scplcrnher should brinx some excellent news of personal nnlure Fur those who are slnulc lhc has pcrlnd lnr romance and mnrrlnge wlll cur lhls monlh nnd next May and June chlld born on this day will be nnnlUva and ldnnllmc and will he endowed wllh milllc manta LIKES GIRL GOLFEM MONTREAL 1C CIIU but mm ï¬lm no in Ilnlclar of lhu YWCA hem liku whim when 01 bccmue theyre pullmh Tho blunt mluuke they mnkz hu um la ovmwlnm They wink In wrap the dub round lthr neck Planetary lnnuences will be mixed naw Buslnes mallet should continue to prosper and It will be good perlod In whldl to make long range plan anch personal nllalrs how ever and dont expect loo much In the way of nllnlrs ha heart my me nunnon mllfl out over the Paciï¬c whm the donan was made to Mum lo Oamda GP Wirwlm 191 wealhu Honohlu THE STARS SAY Scolla Plan Loam lowcoal IllaInmrcd Immn or any worthwhile pnrponc llcsldcnln of Angus and dislricl will be inlcnslcd know lhnl lhu Scoiinbnnk ml branch llmn is now conducling buxinm on lulllimo linnis llnnk lug inyn and hours are Monday lo Friday from 10 run to pm well lnie opening on Fridnyn from 430 lo 000 pm Thin sub brunch nifcrs nll lho well known ScoLlulunk services Including Personal Security Program Ihe only npcndpmol navhlna pInnl Savlnzx Currenl and leraonal Chequlng Accounln Plan to dro In or viall mm Meet the Scollnhank people Am loam how Scouflunk can help you Scotlabank Angus sub branch now offers daily service ESTRELLHA fléZBHNK 1H DRNK NOW SCOTIR New Cartwheel Hat Tops Slim Costume with was made In Lhe Identical cu and fabric The pencilvsllm coal and the short mppod suit iagkgts get top prllqrfly Inpngs the men ntlhe Barrie Arm oury omonvw evening Game llmc is nine oclod Conven era are Mm Raymond Kelly and Mm Helen an limmlng down Xa something Ive wanted lo do since my sea 0nd Ith was bum our years Ago when man111 walst 125 pounds and had neat Ix me But my weight soared to 209 pounds The new dress sllhouclle ls Called the Cylinder The bnslc Idea Is shill The hellless walstljne ls shaped by tapered darls widenlng from the hlgh rognded bosom Newest sleeve Is kimono Meet all deep henealh the arms to achieve so old across U1 shnuldem Wide open necklinu are with while lilo bares suggestion of flare Waist ienzth Jankeis are single brcasicd with wide open neck line and sciin sicoves bong slech establish new iengih just touching the wrist bone The ladies Auxiliary lo the Sergeanh Mes of Squadron Grey and Slmcne Fmslm will ASIAS RICE BOWL Burma Asias rlce bowl producan about 6000000 tons nnd exports sumo 1800000 lom By IDA JEAN RAIN Inspiraiinn is every hit as necessary as information when it comes in buckling down in re ducing True wilh the science ai nutrition applied to meals 25 int can he ins without too much of stnzxgla And daily exercise can slim oil bulky indies But the inspiralion found in the lciiers mm reduc who have caught the spirit glvas much needed boost In m5 rnorpieqi ovgrweighu Today letter ram amynung mother In Maine real palm Sh on yer gray Now am finally and really 105an th1 hulky all Whlls darted to dlel with the aid of pills which my damn pre scribedl look them or only two weeks Huts range lrom mandarin caps la glam canwheels so an thn back the head to tame the lace like halo 914 the WW 311°th ram KEEP IN THE TRIM LA Sponsor Card Party nu ntflpllonl plckeaup Ind dHnnd chull Ali yum pmnnm wrll Go On Diet And Stick To It CUSDENS HumAc Li can In yau yum vlomvl Munloul sank doc mm our nlll Ilmn ht munpuan woman sees lhll new be ginning and with um attitude she can go ahead In guy And lighthearted way She does no regard reducing an ordeal Me adunlly more fun for her now Many of you ask ii nppciiia cuthers and reducing medica linn make reducing easier Somelimes an appellho depres sem is helpful at the start Hut successlui dieters always dis continue the pills aim two weeks Knawinr fact that ii you use pills as crutch you will never write triumphant letter mg isnt so tough once you make up your mind Io choose your and huhllso And dalky exercise mm help you to feel alive nnd restore your slim good looks Why not try 111 began reducing In Novem ber Starling welght 208 Star lng measurements Bust 46 walst 37 nhdnmen 45 hip 49 highs 25 ca 16 arms 1L Now thé gnnd news Weight 188 And have lost total or 15 Inches all my measurements exercise every dal usually before len In the mornlng It helps Io have regular time or exercise Im so pmud my ull and no my husband He dldnt like all that weight would like In report to you again Im 14 years old surely hope this encourages some other young mother to whip lnto atreamllnlng aellnn feel just vmndcrlull Thanks lot all the get from your daily cal HWY II AT HAWKESTONE 98 WNW ST WEST Thats the Epï¬ritl 11 yum DUNLOP ST EAST BOOTH FURNITURE and APPLIANCES Ltd ADVANCE VACUUM CLEANER SERVICE meMEï¬Ã©a MJmflmn Barrie Jayme ï¬eld the annual ladle night last evening at the Community House Toronto SQ The speaker was Miss Lola nl Romper Room Mrs Roger Welsman 1h Origin of Romp er Room and its popularity throughout the world In the past 10 year was the topic Miss Lois Mgmlghted her talk with some the amusing comments of the children who had been her guests on Rapper them Amen the guests were Mr and Mn Dan Allan Mr and Mn Larry Carsnn Mr and him Doug Chick Mr and Mrs Dun Campbell Mr and Mm Ken Fraser Mr and Mrs Dang Forbes Mr and Mn Don How ey Mr and Mn Dun Juno Mr and Mn Bill Machines Mr and Mn Harold Haway Mr and Mrs Jahn McGrath Mr and Mrs Doug Moorhunse and Ma Du Mebonnlq Mr and Mm Burt Popp Mr and Mrs Dave LawlorMr and Mrs Jnhn Mid Mn and Mn Tam Garner Mr and Mn Carl Greenough Mr and Mn Terry Reeve Mn and Mrs Dave Rowe Mr and Mn Jlrn Shula Mr and Mn Rd Sloan Mr and Mr Mr Mr Mr Annual Event Hosts Ladies McKlNNON FURS LTD Irvlnl Cenlnl Ontlflu VIIh cumplm nu unit Amulng Savlngs In NH REPAIRS TO All MAKES BARRIE Eu UI Todu FUR SALE Mn Charles Wadze Mr and Mn Russell Wadze Mr and Mm Don Graves Jame Ren nle John Maloney JnlmSlew art Jim Frau Mls Carol Smith Bruce Barker Blll Brallh walla Mrs Maig Shem Dave Chalmers Wlllnrd Evertnn Jack Howey and Doug Inesonl 3mm DOREEN LONDON CF Canadian snprnno Dureen Hum has been made an honorary memher ol the lloyal Naval Assadadon The honor wu conferred at charily work In mumbling past and present member of the 11pm rm BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBIWARY mt MABTELLS 830 PM lill 1200PJVL BEBEIE TEEN TOWN THE EMBASSY HALL if Poqu lull up wclion Dullan loch vldu wllh dean nlway handy Dual purpow mule makol quick work okluunlun rugs and ban con Ad mwSoo you Doulqv loduyl QUANTITY llMITED FEBRUARY Admlulon 75 Conn ARE APPEARING AT DANCING FROM 0N FRI ATTHE TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA All PHONE CEO HEATING was Phone PA 66531 BARRIE PA 335 PA 68643