mum in hum mlllkd It 01 TM II If Mil IIPIIIHM In IO AWIIIM run at nun nu am lull mm Mum Hun an Ih mlnaq vmlam 113 mm mt 1min mu In WWI04mm An Mu men 9301 mm nu ml damn lum 313 mm at mm II III MM Mnnl ll IAIth In um Imlm n4 51mm lgnorln tho olcnllnlly dulmctlva cltcct sum zubsu ullon would have on the dmg Industry and multimillion dollar rcncnrch program And on lhu III dusl emplo men Icluro lcln lake Ion the nu numllluuon issue would nlfccl lm cflllï¬llllllr llmll We ruler lo the lmtllo being waged Io subslllulu generic or brnml name drugs Amnmm mm rnI om hrlvlmml um nu ma HI ml Ml Innh m1 mummy mm uumn mun runh mum ILAmIrr nmm up Mrrmrurm umm mm mm muom mum um mlm now runm II loll ru lfln¢Tbelxmu cumn ll ntlflvlly mIIlM ll IM topmm 11 um Imam In um POLITICAL MEDICINE DANGEROUS Iho Montreal Gazette The pmcllcu of oIItIcaI mcdlclnc cur mntly pnpulnr wnh poIlllclnns necklng cause nmund whlch they can raIly voles has taken new dlrcctIon lhnl can land In scrlous nnd wldcsprcnd consc quencu Barrie Examiner January 1953 Wil bur Reed Reeve of Orlllla Township elected Warden of Simcoe County Town Council decided to proceed with plans for Barries Centennial Celebration and Old Home Week in Jul Eugene Smith heads Barrie Agricu tural Society Mrs Evelyn lliscox deputy move of Collingivood greeted as irst woman councillor in 110ycar history of coun ty Mayor Cramp told Count Council in no uncertain terms that Ori lia will stand for no nonsense or smart rural politics this year First new ad dition at King Edward School opened Latest system at pile driving being used on CGE Barrie Vorks addition Barrio Sea Cadets received warrant from Navy League on 10th anniversary at for malion James Parker Barrie heavywel ht boxer started his campaign or the title in pro ranks by knocking out Oscar Pharo at lillaml Hench Larry llart ski ped Barrie rink of How am Burbldge Valier Cral and ltobert Peacock to first place in ornlon Curl lng Clubs 10th annual bons iel defeat inf tho Stroud rink of llill bbins skip Bll Camsbell Bert lilulhollnnd and Bob McDonal in final Simcoe County budget passed wllh mill ralo lowered from 1165 to 104 but Town of Harries share jumped to $110000 highest ever During tho Cuban crisis when inter continental missiles were poised on launching fads the whole complexion of Canadas efence role changed drama tically Mr Dietenhaker declined to budge from his original position but as the us State Department brought out he engaged in series of exploratory talks with Us officials on nuclear wea pons Mr Diefenbaker was quoted last week as stating that these negotiations IO YEARS AGO IN TOWN It has been in the nuclear field how ever that Mr Dlefenhakersimage has become most tarnished In ringing tones from time to time he has deplored any extension of the nuclear club But he has never considered it necessary to give positive yes orno1 to Canadas ac quisitipn oilnucienr arms country The people were disillusioned although many accepted the explanation that the break came quickly after the election First there was nomic crisis of the summer election Mr Dlefenbaker spoke of Canadas solid financial position and her burgeoning trade Yet only days after the vote he was forced to borrow money from the International Monetary Fund to bolster our sagging position by flight 01 capitai from the Mr Diefenbaker has created an image of himself as an indecisive vacillatlug man The picture may be unfair but the evidechis againsplhlm Prime MinisterDIeIenbakers obvious attempt to please everyone on the nuc lear question facing Canada is pleasing no one including the United States The bombshell drop ed bythe US State Department has aced him in recarlous polilical position which could 9311 to an early elecllon And voleat this time could go hard for the Progres slva Conservatives um mu KW Int X$£°¥ Cnldln ru m1 IM PM Should Declar Himself On Nuclear Weapons Issue The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher Earripfxaminvr OTHER EDITORS vmwé Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayï¬eld Street Emit Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE lbflsher arm smgm Genml mm mm FEBRUARY 1m 4m Wllhéiil lim necm llIYEEUIall he prlro In terms of hen lh In much too cmlly Tho lhmu mm Involve dlabellcn uang gnnurlc Tollnllamldc an crll conlrol ro flaring lnaulln In ccflnln lypu ll om Generic nulxalllnllon Ilul demands leu Ialauon ln uarnnloo tho quallly ol the product ufmd raqnlm nnnmclenl agency lo check and enforcu tho Inw and musl unmnm the minimum ml Argument uq bum nlrco mum mm In Canada lllualrnlo Ihu danger of mime nulmllullon under proscnl comm nus when In am can up drug nupply homo wll oul hav mg to conform In any quallI control rcgulallam and purchm up in from nbnml whch undergo my Iporudlc lonllng by Ollnwnl Food and Dmg Dlr cclornln under existing loglxlnllon Thorn Is no argument Against lhll It In true Unlorlunalely proponent mlhslllullon All 10 Ah Into Account an Important consklemllon Cnn unlily In horonl In brand nnanlroduc be unr nnlucd and conlmlll with gcncrlo drug npxel Jusl In mm durum ml at 11w maln ar umcnt tor substltutton brou ht out at no Kctauvcr hcnrtngu tn the tn 1059430 nnd morn recently hotoro Cnnada Hestrtcllvo Trade Puc Itccs Commtuton ta on prtcc Gon crlc drugs wavo bncn totd are much less costly than purchnso ot tmnd nnmn prmlucta what the polllldnns and their supporters claim theyre doing Rev James Ferguson elected presid ent Barrie Red Cross Mayor James Hart of Barrie suggests provincial com mission in study system of county roads Threatened rail strike of when train men given 12 pay raise First curl ing in new rink at fair grounds held Jan 30 when natural ice nally came Local skiers at Mount Jimmy Club dis mayed by lack of snow at end oi month Barrie Skating Club announced the following members passed ecial tests Valerie Emma Joan McVeig Sail Jon ea Terry Paterson Margaret atson Lois Keasi Beth Pogue Bet Tillman Ann Marie Hargreaves Gloria Watson Nancy Craig Judy Craig Marilyn Watson Mar garet Stewart Sheila Ann Livingston Capt John iienry lioward awarded Us Air Medal for service in Korea Reeve lieber Smith of Barrie drew County Councils attention to the serious over crowding in the jail Former great Barrie baseball players catcher Cummy Scott and pitcher Archie Burton now of Sudbury met here or first time in years lia Emms traded goalie Gil Bois Vert de enceman Ivan Tennont and win ger Ken Collins to Kitchener for goal Bill liarrington and win or Orval Tessier John ayno starre at iioxy in fire Quiet Man and at imperial samo nights in Operation Pacific Granada had Jack Carson anti Ginger Rogers in Tho Groom Wore Spurs he says yes he will not be enlarging the nuclear club The weapons as the State Department indicates would still remain in us control Canada even with such weapons Wauld not be nucl lear entity free to act with such weapons as it saw fit Mr Diéféhbakers course is obvious He must get off the fence If Mr blefenbaker comes out flatly and unequivocally against nuclear weap ons Canadlans will know where he stands and respect him or his decision thgygh many qut qgreevylth Mm As result Mr Dlefenbaker should declare himself for or agalnst nuclear weapons for Canada Events have con aplred to force his hand The US spark ed by concern over North American de fence has deliberately entered the Can adian political debate over nuclear wea ponsl The Parliamentary position Lea der Lester Pearson be eves the Can adian government must honor lts 1958 nuclear commitment to NATO and the us Even Defence Mlnlster Harkness says Canada wlll make nuclear agree ment statement that Mr Dlefenhaker hanot summed or denied Granting that there could haveheen merely diiference of opinion between Mr Dieienhaker and the us on the question of such progress the fact re mains that Canada is as far away as ever from acquiring nuclear weapons This is reality which is most embarrassing as result of 05 General Norstads recent declaration He said Canada had commit telli herself in 1958 to accept nuclear ro were carried out ulte forcibly but he was sharply contra cted by the US The state de artment Indicated um the talks in addl on to being merely exploratory had been errï¬rely lnconclusive Id All my llnllnn In mm Ihm In ml nollrnl You run pet and Illump and mall dlllnflu thld In other In Ivy vary hm ml la rl In lo ml nu children In umm Inch III MI lnlr man km gum ml Imam and In when Mary no lo lei my nl IIum tel kl ml or uhlp Inn with in llbtllc MM lion ml nonduhanrl Id lrlnl nndy or nIlvrr lor III lhom up Once In nu mmn My car blrlhdny Chrhlmnn nml podium om nr lwo ullwr oc ualam in ymr um um my In pumlllul mall Inx Illownnru In lhu tuulnr dld lar Um rxlrn ulmm llul live In Ihwldnl In loo Ikh In hm ymmulrr Ilmuld ho try on will nml wllalcmmo dlrl dnï¬kcroï¬i dlene In humrn nnl Me llbmlu wllh ll Swrrla And why Mo 0r virtually It boy Mm cnnt mully milmam why an nuwn mvc Ihlnus Ihnl nn Io nlcd himwrll lhnlA cnauxh II lilllo lcllnwl rnu nl Yen Ihonencd the above ltllfl hul ll palnlrd oul Ulnl flu cthI blood sugar upon cdly sluyrd normal while he wu away from home on vlnll hul nm mu ha nlumcdnnd Inln he nlrmuphm being drnltd undy whlln Mn bralhm an Illlfll Mg II Somrllmu lhl Imp Nrr voulnm Imunm nmlly Hu cnrd um wl Ilw moalhnm ulgongrol dlnhrflc Dur Dr Molnm Can an Ilon mull at seeing olher children In lhe lnmlly cal candy hnvv nn tllccl on UN Hood nugnr dlnbtllc boy 5le Mn ILll By JOSEPH MDLNEH MD deliver imsh lupplin and dump nl mined coal are ren ing mlicL What do you do about flu pmblcm oi imzen dump in Cnnndn on lopi cal quulion asked by British newnpapers oi their Canadian Dun emu Lha In mu or near flvu miles from the shore and naynuenzer ship count me the part The extrema discomlon of flu nnusunlLy severe and un uunlly protracted cold well has Imn aurnvatcd Khomxe ol ML Coal lupp 1c are run ning mm trucks cmnut mova qn Illa dIlblockli fond WAWACanadlana are be lng envied by Britons who am tuflerlng mm the unaccus tomed Canadian weather of the most bluer winkr recorded for as years Even In the cam ol Kent in he mnmlly mild tnowdrflu xnlofnrce wind and lllb mo tcmperakum have caused conditions described being like the Yukon Even the sea In frozen on the coast then while lens the channel at rig Bellqu party mmch chuayml TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Those Russiahs Do Come Upflth Good Idea Occasionally OTTAWA REPORT Britons Are Suï¬eï¬ng In Canadian Weather By PATRICK NICHOLSON Tenseness Upsets Diabetics Control mum cam mama ma ue HASVNWTED $0M cums To FLY THrcausH THECOSMASLm mum Dcnmbrmlon ur Ikin plun lnu ll qullo active In nmaw lng Iurlnce ICllll Deeper Ila may xtmnln but mm In nu cc lhlc hlnny dermnlulazmu Akin Iprcinllull do Huh II well pinll numom hul mxl nlimnle Wu wuuld luvs la lel ha dmlnr how much nudl to be done Isle mu and am no lnnnr bolhertd with MM but my problem In um and Jams pore hum man about somc um culled dcrmnbmslnn Do you knnw he mu nlll Is Im portant bccnuw warn lo bo rome mochIWTII Buckingham Pal2e lha hamq the Queen was not hit by the blackouts and dlmouu wbld struck huge areas bun don Dul nevertheless Major Mark Hublnk lhe Muster ol Ihe Household Issued candle lo ovary member of tho rlnfl precaution And then cnmphlu power nllurc did hit the Palace nnd lhufluccnn daughter was able do her In ork by candIeUghl lhanh to the Iorcsluhl of Cann dinnhninm Mahr Milbnnk no war emplaym In re name Job ll Government Home hero alter correspondents The answer is that Canudlnn coal mine either clean their at by airblast rather than waterwash or also they treat tits washed coal with all either way the coal is not so We that lmst will 09 vert It into solid frozen muss Perhaps the worst single cause of misery has been the electricity Liawdnwn Feeling throughout the country in very hitter that the operative nl llua public utility have chosen this unique meteorological curse to reduce Iuppiies and threaten strikes to implement wage db mundl Smooth and Spirited Amazing New Expovlnncn Ill umoolh quulllyYou will be Imuod II II IIgM appsIna flavour Jordan Zing in dramatic now dvlnk Tails II and bo convincodl Sorvn cold on Iho rock or wllh your lavomito mlxorlonlc glnaor nlo or loan lell lumen limo or coll Hnml nplrilod winol Naw Inuxponllvo Zlnn ll vmnulo and ploaalng canecutlvu day And In having had llme nwmnndl at old lnlk nnd In very yuumz lulkr lnlonnl mm cold Mum due to lbs octrlc um um Ihop mwmh who hnvo organized Ihm led llowdawm nl ml Um would be Ibo Knalhcr re 11 my yak lpoll Power cull coupled will he overload 01 lbs muxunl de mand dlm lhc uzhlx Ilowl lho menu chlllx lhu henllnl Infi IAIN down ltlcvhion with plough and blawm canumnled my Mum Another re rt elchu Ill Icy mum of army Ule In lha rigid 1112 We have an elec tric In and In all lion in tho living room but luvs mn out coal and mod or lhe llrerlnco We Illln fur mall uh lncd boon and mittens wlh rum round out knees And then we are oumlambly warm until they turn down th electric pow the war And while In otlawa null he expulch the dire consequences of hydro allure when he was guest ln an all elcclrlc labor aavlng house whlch became allan helpless lce Muse From one Cnnadlnn olflciul hamd report of Drlllsh ln zcnully In those unusual dllll culllus Snow drllu 29 act blocked rail line An fling lcl cngine was mouulcd on flaxcar and backed No the drill flu hot exhaust hlusl Lllccd lllmugh the drill lllm knlle Illrough huller and 1h lralm could pm And all me an v7th Canada ï¬ve bccn poriaugly movlnu lhg mow THE CANADIAN PRESS xesum ll Independence 1355 Compom Victor flcrym was born In re mum Dominion Rall vmy Commission was nub ï¬shed The United Arab Repub lie was formed by the un lon Egypt and Syria ï¬ve yum ago iodayln 1958 Pmslden Nasser of Em and Presldeni Kuwaily of Syria proclaimed the unlmu under one head amie with common legislature and lng and unlllod army The alliance was broken ept 1571 195$z whea Syria Feh1715l TODAY IN HISTORY TORY TAfllCfl Na would hm hm did In Main Tory nlm lhn It ï¬n olnnll they know lhm In nnlhlnz hum yau man In pom lhln flop They look on them kid phyla with mm 14 And may amt the Inc the party hnlbmxhmwflmnul mm And El mum hay dunt um II III wllh he vmy lhlnu an being dona The old pafly pm cnnl Ilnnd lhtm Leis lhan 2000 turned out or Ihe 1D riding mutiny of Tory High In mm TRUST SHRED The balm trust thou day il dominnied by ndvenih inu menm hm been meniianed with varying mm of cynic Iam hen inform nla mm are bright Ind macaw ywmzlsi men with Iha exlrcmo ulicnnfldenco the wcceului bonmiiun Thousands of Metro Toronto ruldenl and home with Iholr Nook or watching the hodm Thousands of Metro Tumnln mldcnls will Ink part In mnmmolh pomlm rally sched WednesdayLJnn It did turn oul that waylon Jan 21 Put In apnle In his moulh and you could have servbd hlm suckllng pIgovmlzcd He was happy The brnlns trust had boobed againnDldnl Show releas out of PC hudquar legLnn Jan 17 said My Man tn KRIS7 HQ was an oldï¬me PC In the mem ber dining room And he wan wearan wide wide grin Here In London there In Interesting arrangement by which Miss Margaret Elliott secretary of he Metropolitan Public Gardens Association is enabled in maintain small patch oi land as flower bed Each year she has lo pay shilling or as an allenmlive bunth oi flower ln season Is the note for mall garden silo in the Fhsbury district 01 London This duly sh acquir ed when she hemme secretary oi the association but there is no nulhaniic record of how long ihis payment has been made pa time and mm them Intriguing Here is case in paint Every year it one oi the dunes oi the Glanceilor oi the Exchequer to send property company in Lincolnehire cheque or 8225 This cheque ls Intended to be used In maintain castle which We never built it we creat ed by King 3mm II as main of curing mm money from the privy purse but the payment has been made per manent ohiigetion on the treas ury It assumed the obligation when the property on which the castle was supposed to heve been built was taken over as Crgwn lands That only has Instanéa custom going on for centuriex although there seems to be no real reannwy lhaxAshould um noon LONDON In Britain some strunne old tradition and cus tom which have been handed down from century to century are still lallhlully observed ev en if to the modern generation they seem like masque oddl tles and to large utent ocean trlc have been leading nbout some of these old customs which have survived the passage of time and ï¬nd them Intriguing Here is case in paint Every year it is one oi the duties oi the Glancellor oi the Exchequer to send nnmmrtv mm Rev FEB flabby Glynn who won renown an the lounder of ibc ll figures in another In temting example of perpetuat ion on old custom He learned that the wile of 14th century hnizhthdy Knoll Md been ï¬ned Iinzlo red rose lor build ing bridge to loin two peril of her garden ihll amused Mr Claytons interest and he took action to have the line revived so that the present day descend ants at that ltth century Lady Knollys pay it each mmmer by rmesenting red rose to the lord Mayor of lmdm aie um mmlï¬biéJéfï¬ an if to the modzrn zenerguon thqy seem Ilka masque oddl QUEENS PARK By DON OIIEARN dgy ï¬ler BEFORT PROM ILK Selid Monéy For Castle Which Was Never Built Old Pros Dont Like Young BeanSellers Smw KING New mllabh llmuflmfl 0mm Sln Vlllllklflul lhchn Ihe night harden an must let lho Izhl pf ghrjfljnn ench lngl canqu darknu And the Lani uld slmon ax mon behold Snlnn Ind desired to hm yon um In my um you hubLuke 21231 imybumed And Mixen his want cm were realized he laughedoven gym he wulauhinz hm know Infinitely holler Lo hm Lhcm packnd to flu doors in school auditorium than uazlnz amply Ipaces ln Maple Leaf Gardens Also he wont talk hlg In ld mm mlm he is sure that What he talking Abou will actually um M11 Whm he law ullpage ldvzrv themenlx In advnnm he Tory Night he shuddcrcdlhln MI lyrp jadlc And unless you have lure lhh You dont to brawn Abgul it In ndvancc me Jeiemn politician will ways hire smaller hall Ihan lhl crgyd he expecu BIBLE THOUGHT People read of these old and peculiar Islam and wonder why they have not been discon llnued long ago Ye these oddl tles nepan ot the mixture many thlngx whlch so to make up the diameter of old England and keep an lnterestlng place in which llve Ind to hum or unusual flaxlei In memonlh of October each year is one of the lash at Desmond Heep comptroller and mlidtnr to the carporedan an my 01 London to the Law Court Ind deliver them bag 01 elx horseshoe end 61 nulls TheseMme repre the quit nan for some land Shropehlre and for vanished forge which used In be located eomewhm an die Strand Not all ol the odd customs an of ancient arlgin There story lold property devel oper of the present day who ha Insututed one which likely Io go on lhmugh the yeam He claims from an East End brew ery and duly collects each year an annual lent ol one quart of ï¬nes ï¬lglistlalg 9r llc hanseywhlch has gee gum new oflica block In Hol For aunt ancI Blonl And mm Imk II nun Ibla yrlm ufl SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR Fm Elllmnlu PA 60966 £1431