Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1963, p. 2

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rnu Ml nu nnd Im terld In nur rflmln In road in lawnLem on man VALLU IN LINE Mr llnknpu II II mullet hi Ipmh MI In Ilm belulnd lh prim mlnlller lurmh llll dtpmmml nun Ill nnwamnled Inlrvfmncc llAnur npjlonll IM orulnllm mrhrd Ila Irlzhk xuxln Ih Iumwr ad inurnmeni ell Ivy 1mm Ihnl In DIrhnlInhr hml lmllulul In humid vlow ml unlnul he Snrnkrr vnle nt no chnllvlrgqgln nvrmrmm Nrflnhnhl wu un llllrnrr II the WM Ill Hun Iml lhnu who nnIIrinAIM vllnnlullvm nnnmmcomcn Wm lllnrwmltfl Mn math no altmull thl Mr Icnmn nllrmpled lo uvprnl lhn rullnl Spenkrr anhrrl hrhl Illa ll wnl not Iulljccl lnlppcnl Thll In lurn If Inn prondual Mkm with Mr Mnmn mm her lnr Ime Hull menu Ixnlml he rllHlIl lhnl lhm guild Inn no Appeal 0nly lha nnlervnllvu Ilnml Mulml fly Hywnklr In nulnl mle wllh lhu Llhmln florlnl 7mm Ind New Damn mlle mull mnynl unlmt hlnL The count mu In unlml lho Spukrrl rullnl The Ilrhnln Itlcll lhrn hrnn link plnrc unlnI hub muml nl llnunlfl lprtulnllnn on ulwllm My DIanhnhf would vllnmlvn IMlllmrnl or unernl rlrcllnn an ha nu clear mm In The reception committee will Include Commander and Mn Robert Ciilton Ucuirflommnn dcr and Mn Edwin Norman Limit Commander Training Officer and Mrs Alex Bole chowsky First Llcul and Mrs Robert Dongle First Hunt and Mrs flmca Vice First Litul Ind Mm Angus MacGilllnay and Past Commander and Mn Charles Rand Decoration or Ihe occaslon wlll follow nnuUcal harm and Ihorl will he exhibit of mm boa handling raininx aids and model bonu hum to male by Viflor Lawrmce lurkty mum mppcr wfll ho served by the Indie of the Luion Aux Hm Conilnurd lrom page one Thursday rmuxcncy le hglo lnrmully proposed by pmlllnn erlrr Penman lunk place drsuilu ruling by Spmkrr Mum Lambcn Ml lhn whim mnurr an lullldrnl urgency In Icl nlhln lhn nzuhu bmlnru Home mg gala betweenseasons ficLacqualnlcd nflnir will be held In the Legion hall mm no pm amid decorations and exhibits naullcnl nature GeorgianTm Dishict Com mander Harry Lidstono and Mrs lddswne Bramhddge will be guests ol lumen M0 EXHIBIT Members of Harris Power Squadron will interrupt their planning for next summers boating season and the students the piloting mm at Cen tral Collegiac will put aside their books and chum on Sat urday night to join in the tomb nnnunl Winter Render vous or this acllve mining Ind gmising organilatim NUCLEAR ARMS Power Squadron Plans Rendezvous Mr Harknru denial min llslucd mmrll Ihnl he was on lhu verge callnpm lrnm Hm run In nurlcnr contro vcny Iuylnu lmd ll him In undorllnnll why much mdtnce muulxl be Inn In ru mau wrtulnllon nu lhlnsl at that kind AI In hll alnhmrnl luxl Monday In cnlcgnrlcnlly drnlrd any lunarHun lhl Ynnmlnl 1700000000 won nuclenr cnpnhle wuponl umlru may hcmlcd or he map lump Barrie Power Squadron with over 90 members is one of ihe most active unit of the Can adian Power Squadrons no denial training organizalion stretching mm llalilax to Van couver Island is one lo squadron composing the Genr ginxylrenl dislrid which in cludes Drillia Midland Iiind say Wnlkmon Pan Elgm Owen Sound Bruccbridge Par ry Sound and Nnrlh Bay It is rcpresnnipd on me district CXA ecutiva council by Fast Com mander Read exnculive oilic er and Commander Clillon mrelorykensumr In addition to its social and lraicmal activities BPS con duct an annual winlcr mrsc in small boat navigation and water salciy as part ol tho night school program at Cen tra Collegiate This years class has 50 sludenls and an auxiliary class nl ninu being trained nl Aurora This the largest group ever mgislcrcd by Barrio oquadmn vllnl In the nnlinnnl accurin at bolh our aunlrlc ll deny an won mulhla IUIKCIHUM In Ihnl lrrl lmwlnz nul Mr mum lmkerl Friday Ipmh lhnl he In this basic course thus for members only are bclng hold advanced pilounx cngine maintenance and junlor navigation The examlnalim or he pilofinz course has been tentatively or March when dislrict icon will be prcsonl lo mpm iso he lost Insxin hi cxnmlnnnon LI required or mcmhcnhip In Harrie Power Squadmn and Um nmionnl body HOT WATER TANK NLY uuuuuuuu ll BAYFIElD ST BARRIE PUBlIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Try Hydro Rental had put out hII awn Ilnlcmrnl Them wul nothing In hlu ml mvnl lhnl wan not contained In Um mlmu mlnlglcrl lpcqch lickmm In no xlull dcpml mcnln rrlrcnun of Mr Dickn bukrrl cununnun HIM In AngloAAmcrlcnn purl or Nnmu md nut Llouhl an Hm nuclwr III ml he IKCAFI CFrlfM nlrcrnll Mr llrknul lllld IN mnllcr oMnlo pylmu mlnlller hrllcm Ihu 5an ml what In nulhou thl pnrllrulnr xlnltmnm Ap pnrrnlly belle ll Ihu mun tlnn Mr Doddu was member at St Gmrsol Anglican Church lalinglon and at Ilmury 1mm nullonnL Mr Man III IIII ly uld Anmlnlq Mum Min llrr Su vluny nppmnlly do nut um wllh Mr llnlkncu Ind Ml Mr fivvluny nhmuhl llrrlnu M0 View In lha ammnm Funeral service was held last night at Inflors Funeral Chap el and burial was today at SQ Jame Cemcicry Wulcrtord Mr Dodds wns the original exmxuvedlrcdor Barrie and served here or nbom luv and half ytars He was sun mind in Barrie by Russ Davey me Barrie Mr Dodds pioneer went lo Tomnlo Central where he was pm gram Mercury He was landm ln he YMCAs pmxram ol Vnrld 5min and Andcmip Developmnnl nnd led tours lo the United anions nnd Eumpe In 1961 Allen Dodds the man who did so much organize lhe YM YWCA In Barrie died mesday at Toronto General Hospital He was 50 war old He is survived by wife daughler Valarie and lvm siy lcrs Mrs Kannth Hugudum and MrL Ilnmld bodinm Founded Barrie Norman Sanderson npd Mrs Florence Ellislbn taking mstnmions In the 211wa Course from Barrie Power Squadron Ownnander Bab Olillan right BOTTOM PHD To show William Sar jezm and his 15yearold son John charting with com pass Fiftynine persons are taking the piloting course pm ol nlyll school classes Bane Central Oollggiale Student will m4 aside their books Saturday to lake par in the Winter Rendezvous Photos by Eric at Camera 031 TOP PHOTO shows Major ALLEN DODDS And It will be when the Bar rle winter Carnival gel under way The Department Nation Il Defence has allowed maps to particlpnle Kn um annual lex tIvitles by jumping from aero planes lo the Ice an Kempen lelt Bay The Barrie Chamber at Cum merce and Jayne have expand ed this annual munls and spam event nnd Ihe seventh annual carnival ls shaping up to be his ger and better accordinl to he commltteemcn They will be ieaiuring the In ernaiionai Speed Skating Meet eeieriui iniemalionai deg sled raeea ice fishing derby and army aquaieera skin diving un der he ice plus the iamiiy arena night extravaganza that is expected in top all previous performances Special attraction Include Horse shoe pitching beard growan contest iree alclgh rides paratron display bay scant display nl survival in the bush ilsh derby shot gun dis play in can curling log sawing contest skidons scouts field kitchen Ire halloons or child ren horse and miller fly cast ing ice swimming archery snowshoe race broomball kié die rides and model aeroplane dkplays The Winlcr Carnival his year helng held on Feb 15 la and 17 On the 15m here will be carnival lheme parade pm which will wlnd through Burrle and will he cllmaxed Can you walk straith Hue Can you pick up coln mm the pavement Can you and the tip your nose with ingch THE BARRIEVEXAMINEIL FRIDAY FEBRUARY Its Bird its Plane Ils Pnrétronpei ms word of wisdom were passai along 10 Barrie Rnlar ian at the clubs dinner mus ing yesterday allcmoon by OPP Serxcam All And The officer told the mem ber exaclly how much they muld drink before being Inc niFnHy impaimd and inloxical In his hricl cnlighlcning mu sage Sgl Andrews oflcrcd lwo helpful items ll you know you havent had enough alcohnl lo bcmmo impaired nsk or hrcnlhalizcr lost when the pol Ice stop you you know ynu have one over ma limlt men Llnulcnnnl nsslxlanl arm mm or IIMCS York or Northern Ontarlm made lhu Im nounrcmcnln the Grunge Hnll The dlnnrr was spammed by Um League nuxillnry AhRACTwNS 30 chance are you are lnloxlcalcd Andrews mcsgago was Iimple It you drink dont drive Six prnmollon wore announc ed Inst mum Ike Mothers and Son hnn net at In Navy League Cu cu lromnlnl In Chld PM Tu were Brian Dalxnrnun nrlnn Shluuhnuuy Ind Brlnn Abraham mmuod to PM Olllrrrl urn Dun Davies Jumrl Glll mu Kcnnrlh Dunn Promote Cadels At Banquet Sergeant Warns Drinkers To Stay Off The Highway Thrills or AllZ At The Carnival PA 568 fl ALLANDALEVLUMBER and fUEL Co 49 ESSAROAD PA asm Into the splri at the weekend hero be Carnival Bail at lhe Embassy starting at pm nn Eriday There wnl elm be Judging of he Carnival Queen the Roxy Thealu on Friday The other 75 per cunt of 1a nlilics warp caused by sheer carelcssncss he said Drivm wcrtnl using their heads Thty mun observing road condi lians etc BENEFIT GAME with flrmurk display at the out Bayfleld street There will then be moccaxin dance on lhe Ice The Saturday will mark tha offlclnl opening the outdoor festivities with an official rib bunculling ceremony and the 3an the program on the bay at 1230 noon ARENA mam highlight at the weekend will take place Saturday night when tho entire anally can converge on the BarrieArena to enjoy Ihe indoor entertainment Tho program includes hitlnn broamball oillcinl openlng at 710 pm squirt hockey barrel jumping dog sled demonstra tion Don Crihar skating clown Winter Carnival Queen presenta tion lugoiWar penlelt Trumpet Band Barrie Skating Club Barrie 0in Concert Band board judging finals The iealnre attraction will he perionnnnoe by Susan and Paul Huohnergnrd who are top contenders for Can adlnn Junior Champion Figure Skating laurels an on unday here will be In outdoor program at pm and continuing untll al lcr dark The committee has suggested Una since there In so much In see nnd do everyone arllcipatlng should dress warm so lhal hey can enjoy Ihe activ es by all man dont seek the test To sins the stay away from the wheel when wuve been drinking warning Sgt Andrew said that Whig pnly X0 per cqnt of momr vehicle amdcnls In volvcdmlcohal the figure was per cent in highway nth RECREATION 800M The club Mini brie ro por on the benefit hockey game In be played at Enrrlo Arena Feb NiagnralFalls llym will op pose Bay City Falcons with all proceeds gain to llarrlc and District Association or Relant ed Chlldrcn Ullllzn lhnl wnnlu npacc In lho lmcmonl Save wear and tear on the ml ha housu wllh comfortable convcnlcnl rccmallou room You cnn clmoxc the lan bul nullul lo yunr llnmn Illll pmkolhook mm our complete xelccllnn ll wlll Ilrnlllmy cml lm llmn on lhlnk We wlll handle In com lulu July or nl lhu UuILYuurxcllcr lnqulrc ollay wlllmul obllgnllonl YOU CAN HAVE ONE NOW UNDER oun ONE RESPONSIBILITY PLAN IPAY LITTLE AS Dulld undor Home lmpmvomml Lam 0n TM Spa Flmnclnn Cln no Amngtd Enpoy comic Ind nnunlonto $1400 An employee or The Toronto Star mailing department for more manm years Mr milk was member lhe lomuo Mailers Union No an alllll ale of Ihe International Wm graphical Union or the past 25 years He died hlesday at St Michaels Hospital allot long lllncss Funeral service at Walter Smith 621 former Barrie mu sician was held at can oclock khk aftmmon In the chapel the Austin Mack funeral home Queen St Tommo Cremation will follow He Is survlvcd by wife the former Claudia Sim of Barrie brother William Leonard Smith and tvm 51 lm Mrs Milne Dorothy and Mrs John Jacnbson Mar garet lnronm Waller Smith was an accent plishcd pinnisl He came lo Earth In 1913 as young man in play in the orchestra of tho New Drdnmlnnd Theatre on Hayfield He was nsidcnl wwn for almos lwo years was married here and much in demand play at dances rclurncd to Tomnln to Join Lulgl nomancllis nnhcsm as pianist at lho King Edward howl Later he mired as pm fesslunnl musiclnn and rejoined the ml of Tho 5m Played Piano Kt Dreamland Havin Ball at the Bar na Anna last night during Cemd Collegiate skating PER MON THEYRE HAVING BALL FILM WITHDRAWN TORONTO CWA Drmfl National Film Board producer 5ch Thursday film he made on the dangers of Indiscriminnle use insecticides was with drawn by the film bpard Asbulnl mum Alum skul Alnmlnlum Anam Gu um All 5m mu Mom um 01 Ns mu pmxum ILA an ac Pawn Cdnllun Bk Com Cdn amn EPn Cm Emmi Cm cmmlul Clllln Power gun uln 5m Clnv Dyna Cm Hunky Cm Devanlln cum Club can Del rue Cnn III Dtnlxon Inn suIIIvn Inknnhrlan cause éamumen Ionasm lTncll ucllANax INan dunrh up 17 Galdl dawn Nem up l7 0111 party are left to right Karen Cooper Card OMary LII Kenny Pat Kaspcrskl and Helen Eidxaxdson The stud TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by cifiplalnu firm He nowaoxts nzw you Indumllll up 50 nun down no Acn Mhlx Mntnun Kuley Vlnll in Glto Mlnu Gunnlr mumm KerrAddlmu Ardo Mlllnmn Ilumy Ann Db Sell Dunn Faund Dun 5mm Dom Ta Lnu Power lludu rum um smuuay Flynn Dunlap SI EL Barrie 1m In ImepL lnxna Na lnler Nlthl Inter Uulmu Inmpm Pm Jockey club lellt letllnd Mu Paw luv INDUSTRIAL in mm MINING chemical industry and sclenllsls engaged In gesl gonna awrence Gosnell now CBC radio producer here sald in an lnlervlew that Ihe halfhuur mm The Deadly Dilemma was shown at Montreal resource tonlernnce year ago enls participafld in relay ra cc and broomhall game agalnst the sum Examiner Pholo Ilocu Mu ralmnbrldll Avtuun JO Ullllllu HP 03 1H5 1H may rm Nnnndl Nut on Moon cm Mcln rm 0mm mm PI Pem Pm Ilene out Nu on Ron am sum 5mm Elmplanl Smwlnlnn Slul Cum Tswana an In cu Tum lnd Im Tenet Newnorlh Illun mum mun Illa Allnm in Oman vnuia cu wnray WillRY wIxu GLW PA 85 uyg nu Hfi 59 fiwlfiéyr am

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