Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1963, p. 8

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cl fiaulh anl my llnyn lhu mnorwhmlnl lrnder ho law In Inn Illh In and Ball Nun J1 3311 Ixofll vlnr lnl ho IMIM WI mun uguv HUI Mn nm mrhm milw an Ilm Ann Ium IIIMA Jummrd MIA II rubour find an Ida pmlw Kimco 11 lwoycnr nrwn mum ml lh lnumnmrnl Ir rull MI wlh 21 vmr unlor pnr INS1 Imllnn erln mnplly Cbe The Ilrmlm ynmhl DIKL Inon wlm rluml mil lmlrnlmrni mun lny wlnnlnu lhr Cowl Galvin Own Ihnl 13 um Iha 3610 EI domln nunlry Clul mum Iv unled ml dilllrull lnur lulu Inlplny PALM SIHINGS CAM Ml Gulll luur lnnmul player In hlml In runnrmup mm Wrd nmlny nl vrlIum ilnlnar lchnn nml Imhcrnldrd ll nlrl Knew lrd Hm tum lhmunh mu nvuml Nu $50M lnlm Eprlnzl Inulc Illh II IM Bruce Kldd Canadas lop rack slnr rccclvcd the grcnlcsl rcccpllon standing nvnllun nnd there wasnt anyone In the room who deserved it more or raw cuun nd lcrmlnnuon me young linnny uuus mum It would lnkc qulle space lo relate nll lhu stories and speeches so Just crmll me lo say it wax grvnl thrill nml ever one IO had parl ln lmlplng the lnppm was fusl grcnl As John Harrow lineman at 1962 was discussing the foggy Grey Cu game Jlm Trlmble the Hamil ton Tiger Cats 5er led by muttering under his breath something nhoul the blankclyblank Vlnnlpcg Blue Bombers Everyone asde sprlnler Harry Jerome whclhcr he planned run again after his leg operatlon and the handsome youngster cxplalncd he was happy jllsl lo be able to walk 0n and on they carfié each ce part in aldlng the crlrplod chlldrcn Francis Bradley mampion snort Francis thlcyfchatfiito car driver was introduced as the man who dnvca street cars for living and sport for charpplonshlps La um second real treat for all the baseball fans was the res ence of New York Yankees manager Ralph louk who was happy to be there Instead Alvin Dark Dark as all sports fans know plloted the San Fran cisco Giants to the World Series against the Yanks EAQH DOING SMALL PART Unknowns Lead The Parade Famous Players Finish Second Iim Pearsaii the madbnii centrefleider of the Washington Senators made hit with the guests the moment he walked through the door Instead of xigning his name to extended programs Jimmy began handing out small cards with his picture on the front advertising his product the Little Pro device which helps youngsters improve their batting Hoguuuc MOVIE STAR The Green Bay Packer all51317 Paul Iiornung look ed more like movie star than big league football rlayer Dressed in grey silk suit his curly blond ocks hanging down over his forehead and smile filaslercd on his face liornung would have won the ear many air maiden When asked who helhought was the best quarter back in the NFL llnrnung listed Baltimores Johnny Uniins as tops with Green Bays Bart Starr close Although Im not use snow he said keep 1n trim during the offseason by articlpatlng In some of your winter sports Like pus lng my car out of the driveway every homing and the like Jim Colemans auction of Dixon brought howl of laughter from the crowd and pained look to the face at coemcee Milt Dunneli He runs oftener and better than Richard Nixon now give you Georgie Dixon The slenderlooking halfback went on to relate how being native of the southern United States he nt exactly used toali the gold and snow This great man who has done so much in the past to help the unfortunate handicapped youngsters got his plea across for the crippled children much more convincingly than the strongest headlock DINNER REAL HT The dinner itsreifwivas real hit and probably the best speaker of the lot aside from Watson was eh gantly attired George Dixon of the Montreal Alouetles Cangdas No Ioolballer WAIsoN STQLE THESHOW Watson didnt tell jokes or relate funny incidents which occurred during his lengthy career as gra pler His story was sad one but true and it reac ed out to the hundreds of guests seated around the room It was so quiet one could hear pin drop and when he was through there were tears in the eyes of This has been going on or the past 11 seasons up until last night at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto when Watson lost his job Instead it was Sandy M1 Donald member of the Royni Canadian Navy who got the job The sight was most gratifying to Wat son because this same MacDonald made the trip to the table on the Whippersrshoulder back in 1955 Yours truly had lné good fortune to be present at the dinner and must say it was truly heartwarm lng experience The list of guests who were called on to speak read like lineup for Whos Who in Sports featuring such stars as Paul Homung Jimmy Pearsall Ralph Honk Jersey Joe Walcotl Bruce Kidd and Donald Jackson lo name lew But the guy whd ktole the show was none other than the Vhipggr STANDARD PROCEDURE at each ortswxiters and Spartscasters Celebrity Dinner for Crippled Children is for the new Timmy to be carried 1111710 the head table atop the massive and muscular shoul ders of Whlpper Billy Watson the rasslln man WHIPPER THE GREATEST lTHE HARM EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY I1 SPORTS ECHATTER ByJERRY GLADMAN 11M It In line IIM mmd 1th mm mmlhrm um Wlnln tr NHL Tommy Alma In Pat Schub The 30000 Imblnnn Mm rrmAlnnl lmm hul lunl In In 1le nmhrrwrmu ICIM llm lerrn thmlnm Ihnl flopped hu man hm leel qul lhl run on lhl II7ynnl lhh hull Al lilvlomlo kilnon llml II um um rm mm the hull vollul an an art nrdnpr on In rum in dmm or the par hm Iurlx nmle ml rum xln Irlumvh In Ilu Rnn Finn rlra lulunnllnuul 0pm look nl Ichlnmln wbllu kl Rum Snml mam NI Ilnlvr hllwr MUM hml In 351771 Al lmllnn Wu and complained lhnl he rnnldnl Ilnk pun lmm lur err hum Ihm lcrl Ilnnnls ummpnulrd by In nlruu or am wlnlcr playground In wrnlhrr lhnl wu lmy rlnmlynnd goo us or than Inn Jnrk Nlrklmu lnlnhod will 15le nml Arnold Palmer Mr Ill loll bid 311071 Hnlh wm plnylx Indlln Wt elafih celebrity dolng his MIAMI BEACH Fla MP Tlm new lnlevlllon contrncl lnr hr anlonnl FMan Maxims llllc xnmn upoclrd to mull In 1rnnllr mum HIM wlll tnp the 0141 Huh H000 In ho pncl Inn uplred wllh llm ma name Ilia conlmd hunpcd mm 00000 $615 In lho In MKollnllon healthy lnmnw ll nrolmblu pnuihly lll Ms imam far on Hut contract lur ruulnr un Aun Imu runl lhmuuh IBM nml lllll or 650000 yur nm uwnm wlll dluun Inslruc Ilunn or lulddln on nowl films in mulqu fnmmlulontr rm nnzello mld Wulnudny he will ml for Mxl prlnr In Ihe lprlnl mttl mun he data Ind or whlch lune no IxNI not In no he ulnr mm mm we rmle by one nel work Cllfl mm In Ulla Amt lry Innlmr NHC Hawei Vlwoxonh Kiiwrhlm 23 or flu nun nl cumr oml chunnld scared lece lwo goal wiIhln two mlnulcs in the mom period broke 11 II and and he lundslldo um hurled the Rangers MncDanald nay NS mm and an ulunzer nnw has goals 11 prcvlous hlnh or an NHL Icnaon In hll cr mlc turccr Wm Norm Ullmnn and ullllly lor wnrd Val Tonleyn neared ha olhcr lwo Dclroll null whllu delancoman Larry Cnhnn lcnrld New York goal pound right wlnxer km the tiny community oi Floral Sask also gathered an mist icedan iincmnlc Pinker MncDohnid with quick pas irnm behind the not an power play mm mm SEASON Hnwe lave nllmnt display his many laceltd Ialenl Wednuday nlzht stealing 1h puck lwlce In enemy territory to swruunassislcdxoals In lhs Winu walloplng New chk Range By THE CANADIAN PRESS Though 34 years old and In 17m Natlonul Hockey Mague season Detroitl Gnrdle awn continue mow why hes widely considered lh mules aallround player In hockey Ms ury In an age at lpeclnllsu Howe slickhnndlu and shoal with both hands xerve on the Wing power play km penalties net leader on the Ice and L1 the Iegml assistant coach Bidding Expected To Top 01d Mark MONTREAL Mouelte nup porter plum his advertise malt In the Montreal zette to call vr Sam Etche Howe Continues Long Display Of Greatness CASH AND CARRY lUMBER 149 EL if AT ILAKI $T PA suunmc minim THORNLEA IIuIInln Ilnd lIlIo In Halt un dcr In Imaman nmnnu AFL club IIIIlng up In nozolln Ilnn II Ill player In lho Cr Mdlnn Imam who hccnmo Im Innlx Ila pInyml on hll oplIon wIIh In AvnnnnuIl In mum Mo was lhe Clnudlan unxucl INIde pnmr InJM IM 1061 III name In In Illrmlnllmm Mldl Ollrnxlvo halfback Gerry Mc Dnuunll who also plnycd or Turanlu Iml uuon hnl Illa In lined lay Ran Illela lur nul lenan McDouull pllyad mil IIII Ion III mun Ind bmuur ka flulu urnl lle Jolned Ihu Churnu lnr ler Iul cw 1mm of hi AF Iu Inn and lhm alum new cow ml lur MS Th nn ego uh acquired tho 1th la len hlm in dull that non nllemlve Hnemnn lllclurd Smllh Hudmn In lha Amrrlcnn Lunzucn Ilullnlu Hills nlnnK wllh two lulure Snn DIcuo Llrnlt choicesFlorian ncklu Frank Lmky and ltnn sun gunfd llprlnn lluldahl SAN DIEG04 Cnlll AP Snn Ditto Chmgm the Amnrlcnn Faolbnll League hnva sluncd vclbmn quartorbnck To Mn Me Mr ha 196 season 55d Glllman general manager and conch 01 he Chnrgcrl IDM Wednesday Tho wycurrald Rah wlll be In hls mh year male slnnal xlnm llnlshlux hls college career nl lllce lnalltult He has lluycd wllh lhe Grtcn Day uckm nnd Dclroll Llonl of all Nallonnl Football Lengua nnd llle Toranln Ammull ll Cagndlfllll Maple The Wlnzu Productlon Llne o1 Howe MacDonald and can lre Alex Delvecchio nnw is lhe highest scoring do in thc league Lgnp 69415 POINTS Dclvecchinl 10 unsts lhclr goal nulput to 57 the league hlgh and Delvecchlos szpalnu Ind llacDunaIdu 313 chhIn with llawel 49 or 129 polnll also laps Second in balh do pnrlmenu ls Bostons hlxhfly lug DucykMurrny OliverTom Willnm5 Irio The Wings however luck Icorlnx pnwcr hchlnd the lap Hawea lhree p0 nls move him Inn third place In the league scoring race pain behind Torontol Frank Mahavllch and Eganlgohnny chyk now sisonly lo behind the lifetime Inn of Iormer Mont real Cnuadlem star Maurice Richard has 14 games 121 In the current lenxon San Diego Signs Rate McDougall verry as coach at the m1 Fourfootball team after Peny Mos resigned Etche vurry Id Alouetles alter PA um Lulu mm won law hi nlna mctllnn htlwun HI wn lcnml hll qunn Cnnmllcnl anan ghm Ind lwo cndlnl In In It other umt lhe null Illl uul lo hmk llnx lhn lowly llrulnl Iwur In My nlnrd orrr lhrm Hanan hnl Ilemlul Ia llnwh In lhrlr lull lwn muunxl llmugh leh had been unhenlrn In their Ill previoul mullnu Inlhe oihcr scheduled comes flukplacc Chicago 13 last plawalloson Howe uxnln ulnle the puck early In mw mlod un llma mm dzlcnccmun AI Lanx kill to mm his Attend Fcn lcyne Icored midway lhrouuh lha ptrlod on power play Fontnynol Iour call his 1011 hnva nll bun flared Ilnu he WM lelchtd to regular power play duly II the palm 10 games IKO vquwp yumm MIX Cmndlenl nld Wrdnndn ln lured lorwnrdx Hrrnle Gm Hun and non Mmhnll will be drum or onlzhll mm wllh Lulu lam or Dzlroll 1M broke out lulu In lhn mend vcrlod bclwun ch Vlnun Ilnwla Vounl nnd Huminle Each re cclvrd major and mlnor ptnnlly Alter scoreless um period we opened scuran early ln Illa second by xlnnllng the puck puck lram ll cnplnln Andy Balhgnle Ind benllng Wonley cleanly Cnhnn 1ch he Icoro with Inn shot In lhe llth mlnulc but Wlnzl scared hru more llmcl before me period ended 42 cdgu The Wings poured 50 shols small Gum Wonley Ixcunt he pomua Ranger dchncn The mlund New York nelminder has peer boynbargicd with that In last our games an amazing average of 51 ihals name The lourlhhlduestscurlng or ward on the lean rookie cen tre Alex anlkner Ilad for em IpoL Wednesday nlghll wIn In cmscd tho Wings in over the llflhA lane Rangers to 16 paints ans nnw trail Mama and Momma ued or sewnd place by nnly lhree points Ggwnyawcnn mm llne Next Wins In the NHL nearing comes veteran delancu man Bill Gadshy and or an spol Toronto vim Montreal hr PM in crudplgaqm while hassll In 1960 over min wllh Hamilton TigerCat Sam went In St louls Cant nab ol the National Foot ball Mague CF erepholo rnmoumu uan PA 85226 CALL MFI QUALITY FUE CLEAN PEACOCK DEPENDABLE MUCH Relulh Alli KM Th Im Busy nm Illuo Jay PM vcwircs Mr ate Penman Iloynh Caddm Nlcbt nwa Hut Shoil mu mm mm mm 0r lhc mm with Mule rpm mu of um um 54 eryl Mixed Thanh Nlla Lune Ellndlnu K3 78 Bright fight 77 My 11wa 70 MI 5a Whippcn 65 Mclluyx 84 Duckies 62 Whalers 58 keep an 49 Guy and Doll 41 mm Man upped the In Individual shooting with 531 187 lhmognme set For film was Hoyd McKee High men on the nlghl were Bill Ncsbifl 730 279 Rocky antln 713 Jim Simona 68 Comm Hunt 295 and Frank Frnnlzcn 275 Ktmpvlnv hdln Tundu Evenlnx Angus sundlnn Am KM 11 may Bum 21 lelu ls Pmdlu In Cacklen l7 Panrt 15 11 Pros ll Royals 14 NM Hawk ll 01 Shots 11m Jury leuwim Tum scorn may 11cc Low unwxm Lou Innoll Hum Loci Hoth IML MONTREAL CF Parry Man is out coach and gen eral manner of Montreal Ai uuetles and speculation Ibqui the reasons behind his rem nntlon rangu all the way mm the outright tale the Eulern Foolbail cnnier ence club to the hlrinx ni llam ilton TintCats mach Jim Tflmble as Moss replncemeni The annnnncament oi Moss dcplrtur was made Wednes day by Ted Warkrnan ownur and president of the Eastern Football Cnnierence Alaueltes Workmannld Mos tendered his resignation at apeclnl meeting at the clubs board of dlrectnn and that it was Ic cented Niygt rho mm 500 ms Bridlord and Dlslrld Mcnl Mnlon Slandlnu Brad Walch Mob or 12 Simone Jewellers 11 Inlemallanal huh Red and Whllo Bond and Auto Wnykm Dons Delivery clearly won and didnt get lhe declsion What can you dn lo wln1 was lucky caught hlm with that good punch In the seventh round sald Rohtnsan But It was llttle hlgh thought won but than never question the otttclals dcclstan titre way he said Ihe sudden move was the mull unspecified policy differences Moss as left no doubt lhal hen red MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Sugar Ray Robinson all Is plodding dawn that long long road with an unpapulnr splll de cision aver Ralph Dupu added to yurlrecnrd Its dugus make ynu want to retire iald Dupas the smnncd loser Wednesday night at Miami Beach Convention HnlL ch knew that some day wnuld be fired he snld just didnt know the day guess this Is It IS UNPREPARED ndblnxai now 42 and vel gl pr gins dating back id 194b rMien Dupal ml Mééx said he was Iolnlly un Eeparcd prlhe difectnn an muhcement Hesaid had up flan LOSES Ion Sugar Ray Plods Down Long Road Moss Leaves No Doubt Of Why Fe Departed BOWLING 13 cm WASH Corner Dunlop and Anne $15 pearad la Mm that H19 policy dillarences had been lrnned out at meeting with Workman Ins hfursqglyylghl He Vdescribcd dilierences aver policy as things which deviate wih what we have been doing in tha past prabiums nl authority workman meanwhile laid press conference he lhnughl the Al would be better all with lwu men to ill the post head coach andjeneni manager Ha laid thing had happened to quickly to ank about su mm or Moss but he tele phone applicallom or both vn can pasts had slamd coming In less than three hours utter lhg announcemenl whcn 7m Robinson came out corner and drove home lurprlu right lead in Dupas law was there any danger knock down Dupns weathered the Gnrdla flaws of Delmll who noted luv unassisted goal and up another WMncsdny nlght to pace Um fled Winks In flumph uver flu Raan In New Yorl ablnln new head coach now Workman said expect In get Ian nyplicullons for It feel III II job that some of the ban coaches In Canada and the United States would wanL V1149 am pmflCIZED Mos had been under Ilmnsl constant crltlclsm from the fan since he cum to Mnnmnl from Florida Stall Unlvermy In 1560 Last 11 Ian hanged him only seven year old was xlven the vale ol referee Bllly Rea gan 9396 Ind Judge Barry Pearlman 9791 Judge Jlm Rally voledl upn 95 Thu crowd of 5232 that paid $25558 one of Miami Beachs best light Intel booed the db clsion Mas ollha reporters at ringslda thought Dupu was hi wlnnar The nded Sugar sixHm world champ pmved ha nllfl could mnva around But the punches no lunxar mm In nunnlng mpld sucpcsslon was une punch lime and one missed Dupn up piled constant pmsure made My mlss Ind llndcd chopping punchcs He evcn gal nwny wllh nudnpioug right hand leads Id Dupas It stunned me Ior maybe five mandl Bu wh wu lighting at lbs and The Assoclnled also had Dupn out Iront 9891 Hymn noos Dupns disillusioned by the verdict said he wanted in lake the decision up wlih the boxing commission By THE CANADIAN PRESS millsIII Kup your act warm and dry repllr your boots Wu also all lnmom Kodlnk and Vn¢n llma Ind llydm Cny work lillLll Zéflvxcx HA mlpplflul IA Mu GULBS TIME IS NOW NHL STARS Chum For You To 1n effigy and showed up games with signs saying Mesa mtgsit go and Ws go home His mm in lhrcc reason with the Iii has been spotty Cumulin our piayoii games it includes 14 wins 21 losses and our lieu The only nlher team in Canadian ioolball wiih worn showing Ls British Colum hlnLions Penn DcholL 165 minutes Moss 351d he would like tn ind another touching Jab pret ergyly nCanad feel Im qunlmcd to much Anywhere whether Its In Can ada In the college or In In NFL he said This was sort of uncx acted no Ill have to move us as possible to see whats avail ablel STILL GETS PAID other name mcnhumd successors la Muss included John Michel and Calgary per sognul glreclag flue pengw Mo Smith bought 8135 advertise ment on the Gazaue Iparts pm to august In bold black type How ubuul Sam Etdxeveny coach Mas traded qunmrback Etcheverry and end Hal Pallet san Hamilton alter the 1960 season In exchange for quarter back Bernle Ealoney and Men xlve and Dan Paquetle and the move raised alarm 01 cru idsm from many Alaueuu ans merwnanmlte lwlp went through but ELcheveny balked going to Hamllhm and ended up playing lhe In two seasons with St Louis Car dinal the us Nalionnl Foch hal Lgague Anouur antlvhloss action the Massmustvzo club was eluted at be new of their scapegoua departure and decided look IIqu tor my plub uneme Mahovllch Tamnlo and Bncyk Boston so Gull Mahovllch 75 Axum Belivcnu Montreal IShuLouu Flame Monkcu mg mlfiagnfi Moss 511 has lwa years to go on live our contract with Ihe Ms 9de club announce napsin nova men iald ll silary commt memkrepnrted to be 90000 Vegwould be honored Third Spot Goes To Gordie Howe THE CANADIAN PRESS llandln Chicago ya 21 BRENNANS ESSO untilan For HOOVERS E550 TUIIOUPI Mum Tullplpu Shack lnmllod Compluo Brnko Servic lylltld Ill loll SKI FA lllll CARSONS ESSO nndlnld Ind llllh 8U IA vlm Dunlap gag Ann fill SPECIALIZED lUBRlCATlON Oillily Prodch mm Malarlnl

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