513 Wlwn hop up mmlv Inf hnvln llrrllihlln Iyslrnl In Innllll Onlmln Flu Mnr nlmlln nlepmlmrm mmla rnlnln murslkmq many quh have mm lwn mm rm Una In luquflm um um luu lwn 11w rllnhmnn lho Fin mnmfllra lhn lawnMp mlmlul Cnumll llml llw mun mrnl mvw In lllfl yrnr 0le He II ml olnhumln 1m Illll lull Drpuly mm Tmnphrll MINI Hm lrwrve luml mum nn vrplm um mpan nwmlï¬l ur mum lhv lnndllnn will mi Ind lur nur lull Ihu Irpalrn mmlo In Il lumxvrr nmlul lmv llryl II llnl rlnu cnmlllhm with lllo Hull IIM Iml nn NIL Illllrml llm llw ullllllnl pur rhnm ll ha mm llm Mg mm my lalllllully WI Itll Invrrvnrulll 11 ynlrnlny nr Jxrlxlrhurrh ml Inmll nlmnll We could nr mllrn Ilrlum wlll mvrr lnrgrt 50 nnw lvvr Alullnllfl llnnn Kong and Tlrhn So nmrh Inn mlIlI WIN nlxnll hul llnallurvrnu Wu m1 rnhylnz ul VHMM OLD May nlm alrn you nnnlhrr hlxhllghl when Mu Merfd 7rlslrlmrrh Ilnyul nl llm lnrrmlun otrl nnd Ilml lhn lwdrmm Quml Elizabeth mud llm Dulm mm In In 105 nlul alga m9 Qurru Mollnr In W54 Vn lruvnllnl by mm Amklnml lo WKIllnglan And we wrrc lhn lira group at GM adlnns In visit New Zenlnnd were royally cnltrlulncd every where urnl Ono lhc thlI lluhls our rlp hm we nr rvul nl Naphr Mm xrccl ul by Mn llulmmr who Iml lmrnrd llml Mu krpl Sharlhnrns Hwy nlm Ink 5hr Inmlnl Hull pcml Um mm In llwir lmmc llrr hunlmml on Um Meal Hoard nml nruhlml ha Fulcrum Fnrmrm nnnlly lll wonderful lrlp so lur From the llmc we lnndul 1n Auckland 1111 we dc nrlul New Zealnnd we rccclv xuch hmpllnllly lll hnni tn cxplnln Tho Islands are muunlllccnl the beauty ha muunlalnn nml lnrmlnu munlry and the flowers me out world Here we are two weeks away from home and havent had me lo mic you before We lnndcd Sydney Auslralia at pm last night and have had today lrce This morning 29 oi us went to Si Andrew Cathedral Ang lican nlco rcrvicc Ailcrwnrda received communion This nncr noon we put on our halhiflfl suils on in the Harbour look hall hour lorry trip in the Bench Did we have Inn in lhc Pacific The big wave would tome in and almost swccp you nii your ch We got salt water In our cyu and mnulhs Tim water was nice and win no tnmu out the sun and Ike 1an Were hot so we not snme morn an 11s lovely and warm horn warmer lhnn New Mind CANADIAN LCUMEH By RGS It he were still Reeve In nisiil his phone would he ring ing and troubles would be plenti ful during the winter storms that have covered the township In the past weeks but Charles and Mrs Sproule have been enjoying the sun in Australia New Zeal and Japan and ltong Kong This trip which was taken with group at sheep breeders was one at the first of such gruups who have been down under and from letter received it would appear that the Canndinn party in having splendid lime and enjoying every minute at it The letter mniled from Sydney New South won on Sunday the 2nth came to us via Stroud in week and by lhe time this nppcars in the column the traveller should soon be home We tool that as sn many will be interested we should just use the letter in lull INNISFIL NOTES Canadian drama producer Leon Mador mnuy moved to Halifax leduzes boys of Sproules Basking In Australian Sun THE WORLD OF THE ARTS 11w lnlnl mm In my mum lxlmlv Ilm hmnh mzmv In by Hm nmmllllnn mm July la Jnu lnclmkr 7410 one In mlvnncu paymtnln Ad Vnncr nnymcnu wru luan 1mm nnumnln ginn In llln nun rlrl Io lldo mm nrr lumth Mm ha mmmlulou lmv Inn lrnuhlo mu MWlmll wormed qukkly Thll mean uqu at Jun Hm mtdiml cnre tommhsslun had an hum health agency nc rnunln worlh will Thlfl nnmunl Ix nlmul munl lo no munlha nrcnunls lrom Ihu hrnllh nunwirs he mrdlcnl cm cnmmlsnlon Olelnh ho IKIHCIII cnro cummlulun my hero lncvl ably wlllbc nlnmnnumlhn tounll on hand nl IIII llmu Thu nrcmmu muxl Ive vmcusnd by In cnmxnlnlnn begun my nm pnld lnymcnll nm Inqu lwlcu monlh REGINA Cl Saskul wnns lime optmlinu he upcnclu lo Jun suhmllud mount lo he prnvlnclal mrdl cnl cnm lnaurnnm commisslon lulnlllnx ADAMS nmy mm pnymcnu mm the cum misslnn lo Jun 71 luluIllnx 31513361 Sunday Fcbnmry 3rd lo be open house at Cypress Gardens Florida or Canadians We turn anticlpuung meeting many rem our nrnn there and look forward In urccllng as many as passlblc Last ycar we nskui visitors mm the Harrie mm In nssnmhlc lar picture and cum uc had over 50 Um umup Ldl hope for us many nxnln Ihl you The hre insurance rates with ln live mllcs ol the lire hall have been consldcrahly reduced on re sidenllal properly but his re duclion whlch has about halved he role could also be available in Mfroy Boll Ewart areas if another unit were established lhcro This would be lhe ploce uhcre the small Sim truck now ln use could be put to good use and lhe lunds in reserve used lo purchase nnolhnr somewhat hoavlcr truck that would do the long runs ncross country and ol so be avallnhlo lo nsslst the Le lrny unit it needed In this way he rcduclion lo ï¬n premiums would be realized and at the name llmo odd lo lhe service across the whole township CANADA DAY Figures Given To Medicare plcccs of equipment he establish ed in the lawnship also that clstcrnsbe arranged 1n the vil lages so that there wnuld al ways he an ample supply of walcr We lmve still just one pumper and Ingaher with tank 1000 gallons walcr that make the lolal extent of the ten years scrvlce sgmgs to OWNERS Halilax Grammar School an history and technique of the many Mr May is little tic aim of Neptune Thea Flmlru were ohmintd mm ll mrdlcnl cm cnmmlsnlon Olelnh ho IKIHCIII cnro mm Mu lnlll ML Hymhulan hllltd or Intelmm upcmrl nnly Ilflnrmnlinn nlmul lllghl um mmthl In Um Moms of nmmnnl Mn Mn McGrrxznrn unlrmrnl rmphnxlml ml neither ML Sylnlnzlnn nnr nny munher hll hunlly vmuutwl Ipfllfll rluul AAhmI bran nlkrd In nrrnnno nnxmylullnn 1m tnnnrrllnl ulmlulnl nlr mv IrM MONTREAL CWG IL Mc Gremr pmldrnl TransCum min Air Llnrx will mmluy In ntulcmnnl llml he ptnnnnlly nmuuzm Um nrrnl nprclnl Hum TVA DCfl Jr ullllll lmmghl Symlnxlun ur mcr TCA rmlulcnl who In III In Mn mm It Annelu The ulyrnrold Mr Bymlnfl mm wllo and daclnr won he unly pnumurrl alyonrd Hm 127mm lrl llruulnr chum mm mm Mnny Quebec Soclnl Credileu have snld privately that he nullLiberal pulley springs mm lwn main Inclors 11m rueluc Man of Quebec Prcmicr Jenn Lcsauc nnd hl Llhcral naverm mcnl by an Increased margin lust chxnhcr mu lhc ml ccncc cl lrlmc Mlnlskr chl cnhnkcr In set up myal tam mlsslon on bilingunlLsm and bl cullumllsm rTh rnnl unwllllngncss munhurl any Inns discredited he Cunscrvnllvo parly 1n Que The source sald Quebecs 504 clal Creditors nulurnlly nllack Ihc Liberals because the Cow ï¬crvalim are ï¬nished In Que 0C iicnl Caouoiic Social Credit deputy leader dcvotcd nhuul lwn lhlrds of ill Commons spncnh Monday lo criticism of the Liberals The next day Speaker Mur cel Lamina rulnd out cl nrdcr flurry nl questions from So cial Credit memhen many of them conlnlnlm lnslnunllom about the lecrnl party or ll leader Lcslcr Pcnrwn hoe OHAWA CHQuebecs SD clnl Credit MP are concentrat ing their fire bum Inside and outside flu Hnuse Common on lhe Liberal party rather than on he Progressive Conserva liyc government This lrnnd evident in ha speeches of some Social Credit nra since the opening oi the current session was caniirmcd Wednesday by Qunbca mem ber who preferred to remaln unidnnliiicd Flight Worth About 022000 SHANTY BAY Special On Wednesday night seven ables of euchre were in play in thc Q0 unity Hall wmners were ladles Pnt McCrackcn Mnrg White and Gwen Peterson mcn Bob Hub bert 111s Packard and Murdock PCs Finished Fire On Liberals Jmlalj£axs new legiumale theatre or pmreslmak Schedung apex gm sum Hold Euchre Ht Shanty Bay um 61 wmmm FEATIVM III IMPERIAL simply wish to snv that In the 10th century we should no longer be subjected to lormal Mes of thy kind that prevnlled In the court King Loul XIV AGREE OUTDATED Spokesmcn lnr nhcr parties agreed with Mrr Chnpdmlnc Ihnl House rules outdnled and delay ncflnn But they ex pressed surprise and dismay Mr Chapdelnlnc replied lha he was no objecting tn the GovernorGeneral presence at Ihe opening of sessions of Far Haman but to cmnln deem rum that causes us to waste Gerard Chnpdelalne 27year old lawyer and freshman Suclnl Credi MP ar Sherhmnkc madclhe comments In suppnfl of his motinnlar committee sludy of House rum leadlng lo slrcamlining of procedure Speaker Marcel Lambert cau Iloncd lhe member agnlnsl mak Ing disparaging remarks about Ihc GnyemwrGeneralu rvr Therr Ma meals appeared Indicate Ihe government will run out of time with its spend In pmgram unapprovedlhe program was submitted to Par llnment last February as esti mates what wouldhe spent upwlo Mayan 196 Shim that time the govern ment has financed operations By RON LEBEL OTTAWA CPIAn angry young MP from Quebec sub priscd Commnns Wednesday by describing the traditional ggcnlng oi Parliament as ildlsh ihmwback tn King Louis XIV that shnuid be aimi lshed flush pllul Inul Gnrnn It than runlrrencu Munlrnnl um he laid how nnd evrn pnmnnm spent Jay KEN KELLY OTTAWA CDLiberals and New Demncrals unmoved by Ihe approaching and of the gov ernments spending powers stand ï¬rm in their Intenllun to glve MI debate to the 196m Psndins mutant lem Leader Pearson lndl caled after caucus meeting ol Liberal MP Wednesdzly that his party will lakeall the lime gonsXEered to exam qmggam Whip Mn Iey Knowles said due New Dem ocrats who alsn held caucus mccllng Wednesday will take no slaps to cut short Ihcir sponslhilily to Jim span the peoples mopey Boos Parliamentary Decomm Rs Waste Of Tim And Money Liberals DPs Plan Debate Spending wnu cummmn kmrmnn mmmcown HELD OVER IOIIEI lllll GIIHIIS nnsmnm Tflflflsvï¬iiinn QM TELLS 0F ORDER Em PIMH Marcel Lessnrd SCLac St Jean urged cxlenslan no laden pmvindll vacnllnnal training program Jame hymn Kootenny Ens saId that soonmun icnscdligurcs will show lhal mom than eight per cent of the labnr once was unflmploycd In midJanuary The situation wns tar mm normal and required vlnorousA government action progress was being mado In prnmaling lrust be tween management and inbor and In winter work program was providing 101300717021 Mr Pearson left the Impres sion that he suspects the gov ernment may eilher dlssolve Parliament or an election or prnrogua Parliament alter gel ling further temporary spending powers To pay lha March bills his suggestion that the opening ccygmonx be ekmhgaled Allhnugh general agreement developed on the motion It did nut come to vnte In the hour set aside or private members business In other business Wednesday the House singed relatively subdued debate on unempiny menl and questions continued to fly nbaut Canadas nuclear policy and Ihe aiieged cabinet spflt on thisissue The debate on Inbnr matter was continue Ioday an the House resumed canslderallon ol labnr department estimates lssEll197LSV 130an Labor Minister Slnrr said un emvioymcnl remains serious robicm but he prcdlcied that ables minis will be below ave rage lhis winier by grants of temporary upend lng authority from lhajCom mans but hese powers expire Jan 31 By about Feb 15 the ovum men wlllhava to meet heavy bubor payrolls pensions al lowances and the like So re quest lor urtheri tempura span ng powers expec EmWegnesdny Meanwhile the Commons has launched debatu on tha labor department spending program The entering of three new de rartments nextvMonday requin us twaday debate before the Commons gm dawn to the dc tall the program cut to maxlmum of eight the number 01 sittingdays remaining hefma the midFebruary hill must be pa l1 dnyl in lh lullAYE nner Umir NI plnru nulllam lyran bllunnl CI Wr€pholnL wgu ASK VsooN F0 Flu Ind MT STIIOUD Sperlnll Mu flcv Smith was Imaer la Mark Illnwrr Dr Mrs Illll Vm that an Snlunhuy evrnlnu lho homo Im pnrcnu Mr and IL 11m Mullmllnnd About II this nllcndrd ln eluding Snndrnl Inuthcr and Icr 1mm lnnmlu An nrnlng wnl upon In rnlmnlmnrnl and openlng at gun ll tnurludvd vllh lunch Very wcll Mr Marlin mid us would lublc Il Lulu outside flu House Mr Marlin said he will Inlroducc mullun Friday or lho produc Man of lhe slulcmcnl Hn mm such motion would he open In debate mbcrl xnld Mn Hurkncss was under no obligation to table the slalcmcni and that he minislcr was lelhin his rights In nut labling The Speaker sald Mr Marlln could do no such Unlng Tho statvmcnl remained out of tho Commons recordfor um Umobeinx lcnsl Mr Martin said privileges of the Commons were Involved in one at the most important mat tar inning the governman Mr iinrkncs hud nnt participated in the Commons defence debate but had issued press stnte mcnt ailerwnnisr In interpret Mr Dicienbnkcrs speech Mr itinriin added that ML iinrkncss statement was oi public interest and that he had an obligation to labia it to muku it part oi the Commons record WITHIN IIIS RIGHTS girls begin Mission Study next week with ï¬lm on Hon Kungx Refugees Mr Hnrkncs sald ML Marlin has seen the slatemnnl but that he would be glad to send him copy ho wanted another Stork Shower Held Ht Stroud lhe government could llnance use by GnvernnrGenerals garmnmln enact cabinet or ers 019N635 FADE the EGVEm ment being overturned on next Mondays twedny supply dov bate laded wlth the statement Wednesday by Soclnl Credit Lender Thompson that Parlln mcnt should approve the spend Ing prngram and judge the gov ernment on the budget STROUD Special Regular meeting of CGll last week look the form or bowlingyaxly followed by hot dogs and man LEssex East contended In the Commons Wednesdayor the lhlrfljlraigh daythat lbereis division withln the cnhlnet an lhe nuclear wuapons Issue iiu bnnighi up ihc malicr this lime by asking Defenceiiiinis ierHarkncsa invinbie ihc min islcrs slnlcmenl oi Monday which Mr Marlin says cnnim dialsihn governments dcicnca Wiley as outlined last Friday by Prime Minisier Dicienbaker szeat of tho government on molten nonconï¬dence whlch can be maved during lha twoday supply debate requires the combined votes at the 99 Liberals 30 Social Credit MP5 and 19 New Democrats against us Pragresslve Conserva uves MartinSaYS CabinetSplit On Arms Issué CGIT Hold Bowling Party GETAWAJCPbPaul Mun1n THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 1951 BOND HEAD Special An lnsighthqhandlï¬alu andflicil use was given Hand Head Wo mens Institute members at he Jan meeting held the Communlly Hall Mr and Mn Clair Wauan Beelon conducted the demonstration Mr and Mn Watson were In troduced by Mrs Robinson and thanked by Mrs Harvey both the program commmee 16A11Em The following rlnlu were wln her and were skipped by First Mm Cyril Spence Sec ond Mrs Comtable mini Mrs Doug held Fourlll Mrs Ivan Burke Filth Mrs llllllar and Slxllh Mlu Kay Allan Thé lucky um um ihe lowers wuwon by Joyceueels Barrie sevenrlables of euchre ï¬layeru enjoyed another evenlng in Slraud on Monday night In L1qu on Aspects Handicram Mr Watson our Hned handicraft uses in educa Han and mental health Hemlso shuwed part or his collection handcarved birds and demon lrated how he carved them The rollaall what health rule would you stress or children CHURCHILL Spndal Al the local rink here the Indie held bonsplel Saturday with elghl rink pnrflcipntlng Winners were Annie Jones Addie Black Bfantlng mop wln Prim for one month series were Addie Blank Mrs Sonny Barkley Allen Mar Speakers Show Bond Head WI Different Handicrait Uses Euchre Players Collect Prizes Mrs Cyril Spende Skips Top Rink 0M mmpllll unle smqug 5943 About McKlNNON runs LTD Amlxlng Saving hnmry FUR SALE Sea In Tody During 4g 47 04 4n Erosnsw 49iL The president Mrs Smith 19 fleeting Planned for Feb Is WI trip to Ihe SnladaShIniHHmh say Ltd plant In Alllswn series euchre ls to be ar ranged by 01 secretary and prgsidenl Several Ihankyou note were read by Mrs Harvey as well as Christmas Icuer ram AI lcln Form loner mm Mrs Nnble lhnnkcd the W1 members or vIslllng her nursing horns shulirvs Arrangmnenu have been made or WI visit there ench Bryan gave sync sls ma In Memoriam books bought byvthe or the library These urn Thu We of Sir Frederick Hunting and The forth by Dr Wilder Penfleld Linc was served by Mrs Bradlcprrs Sutherland and Mrs BrnlheL CHURCHILL Special Mr and Mm Kempers convened Ihe first of series at our euchrcs held Monday at the FitlhLlne school sponsored by the Iloma nud School Associa lien Trnvelllng prizes were won by Miss Juan Burns and Angus Dave ï¬e next Euchre will he Feb also at the Fifth Llne SchooL Mrs ï¬Ã©rvey and Mrs WIT linm leynolds wanuna dggw There were 12 inbics in play Winning the prizes were Mm Lund and Mrs Frank Lock hnri Mr iiutchinsun and Orv iiig Mugging Imam an mvnlmvm mth bulanm 47v w4 I1T unoN lnll nunxopsu mm 40 Man nmn Friday First Of Four Euchres Held