AYIHIIHVN MM lIII null Full mulmm UIIII m1 mm cl vall mm mm lumlm Md llllulnvy llnllul urcrlul IINNIIII mu IIIMl IIIIAN lumvn no mrnnmm null mm MI Inc Mmml mun nomuu cueImu luhrllpllnn mu ally um vlv mm III In mum at mum mo Mull llll ML In Downhill mung in mi mum mm Jun mm umer An Vaniu no man nu mam ï¬ennlum Is Du Amim rnu nu um um mm Mm WV damsv no nu cmnm may lulu Mm Ammm runan mu VMH IlllOlI llmilflflflt TKnocklt0ffGeorgeNohodys Questioning YOUR Health The high divorce rate among these young coupius ls tragic he ssislanl professor of social work said Couplos who marry before 19 have thrco times as mxmy divorces as those who marry merzo luck suIflLlcnt mlumtlon and money to nupporl children who arrive heloro lhcy are wnnlcd me ha chm pmhicms 1n lccnngn marriages lhu Snmc 50000 Canadian teenagers get married each year and this race to the altar among young pcopie is adding impetus to Canadas everrising divorce min University of Toronlo professor charges in Liberty magalinc In 1061 40803 grls othlrd of all Canadian brides and 8673 grooms were married under the age 20 According lo Dr Benjamin Schlcsm or In addi lion 30782 babies were 0m to moth er under 20 213 lo brides under 15 ROAD CONSTRUCTION 5L inlhnrlncs Slnndnrdb load conalruclllm luring llw urrcnl your will cnnUnuu at he Illuh level at llm put your ncmrdlnu lo Gllchrlsl Parking meters were established to asslst merchants by making customers share avallable parkin through meterV ed time Of course it doesnt always work nut that way There are those who feed the parking meters over long per iods But the idea is that the customer will park foru to an hour or two dur ing which time or she will shop Then they will move off and someone else will use the available space Before meters wére established in Bar rie available space was hugged by few quite often the merchants them selves or their employees It the park ing seems to he more crowded than prior Am too many Canadian young people oiling married before they are ready or the responsibilities of marriage This is question that has been causing same cnnccrn in recent years Siniislics would seek to indicate there is réason for worry Purpose Of Parking Meters To Share Available Space On Marrying Too Young The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Fubushéd layCanadian Ngwspapeis Limited 16 Bayfleld SneeyBame Outarlo Publisher Emu Slalght General Manager munsnn mummy ms 445 0n Ihc olhur hand Work complelod by munklpnl gnvarnmonll on urban mum wu higher In um than In lhu previous year And In lhln urban work whlch ll now regarded highly erronual Moat rmvlnm havo corrrclnl highway dell cnclos wllh mnln hlghwnys ca nhle of moollng current lrafllc nmls no name ullslactnry condlllun howsvar doe n01 prevail on urban mm Cnnadlnn be and girls lcmplcd encouraged am forced lo marry too young Studies show about mlrd of teenage marrlngcs nre due to Prognnnc In 1016 onelhlnl of Canndas 7146 lcglUmalo babch were born to mothers under 20 he reports The nodal worker urges the adoption ol uniform marrlnue lawx xivan reason able nuo mlnhnumx which Canadians can marry In some pnrla of Canada glrls can marry at the age of 12 some Provinces have no mlnlmum no IIW lhu Unhcd Church Cnnnda nuggcsu mlnlmum ages of 17 or nlrlx ml 18 or boys with their parcnls conscnt manngln director 01 lha Canndlnn Good Ronda Moclnuon The prcdlcuon made lmsslhln bumusu he vnlumo of mmlbu ldlnu has been rolnllvcly nlahln durlng the 1115 few years and thin In Him Iy lo conllnue nurlng Illa ml year the total oxpendl um lxy Ill governments fullerl vlnclal anll munlclpal was H000 mlll on ltn pmvlnrlnl €ovornmunln had hude ml or 1721 ml Hon Impwvml roads but nu ulnnllal purllon lhlx work wnl nnl tomrlnlml and tho volume 01 provllv clnl rum lmlldlnn wnl closely cnmpnrahlo lo lhal lhn prevloua ycar Schicsinger pieces the his age marriages on the parenls The encourage earlier tinting in their chi lren he said What happens when kissing and dancin become kld sluii 01 lï¬ixeargid glr to installation of the meters it is solely because of the vast increase in motor car popglï¬liqn As wit oppin centres downtown merchants must la action to rovide fnrklng adjacent to thelr businesses may mean buying property tearing down bnljï¬gngs orparlsï¬f buildgngs even mullisloreyed affarrs To do so will mean considerable expenditure But it also appears to be the on way to se cure more business The lernalive is to depend on parking meters to enforce sharing of parking space along the sidewalks teenage breadwlnner needs better edu cation to get better paying job yet some high schools exclude married stu dents the professor charged lnsiend of barring pregnant and married teenagers Schlesinger urges high schools leach hlrih conlrol and family lannln to helflplxaung couples snacei elr ch ldren and establishlï¬ï¬ pirrldrighlices perhiFs even mullisloroyed af mrs To do so In nnl nlrnlrl of autumn on nur mcmbm urn alrlln rd new pmcru perm AUmy nayInk our IInInnlanltnuicrnllc In try way We run our unlon hy dupnfrnjk ng Incl lm lha lull lmklnl nl lhn olhrr Unlnnl lnvnlvnl In um null Includan nur Illllr unlnnn and nUur lnnll nl Um lTll nrmn Unllnl mm and lnmuln And 11mm IIIml Inld unln him My um my Johl All 0m durum mm or lNh IMI mod Ilntlma ml ml vllihlq evidence lhnl nlleru In when Iher II lmmodlnln mflrmnllvn MIMI ll WI mm med Imlnmlrl nrv mum lnr um than lumnllhu at mph mm In lho Kmar dhlmt Giulio Emp contributions In Me Milan Ind panda fund whlch would ruluro bent um Local memhm Ind lhclr smilch ormerly hnd Md vhldl lhqy wm dfplivld ho rhlnl mullcpl cnsll 10 per me the bull Icnla hr night and lobnlcr Ihllu mpmluly PM day puld xlck lawn Incrrno vncallon prov Prnlrdlnn unlrul employer alum nl rmmiudlm proced um mntrhd expiration mu ï¬sh 1m The ma Judge llnwley Mon at Toronto was man at can sldernhle courage lle addressed Barrie Womens Canadian Club on evenlng 35 years ago In Ilruslnl the palm that all la the peculiar lot 01 women exert powerful influence over the youth of lhe land ha re called tow Heres to warn enhe power behind Ihe throne God Savee me Kin Thl Sound reported the aher day thll he on Queen St mull hive been caused by undmnn sandman us ually aswclaled with genie Wm menu 15 mixnu per mm ducllon In haurl Ion mm3215 Sun In Cllua But no Virginia Am NOT leaving Ihll pewrpapn Lete talk about grandmothers lirst One of the most unusual bobble is that oi hire Grace Talbert 62 of Pittsburgh This took her to our neighbouring tan oi Oriilla one night recent ly no objective was to watch hockey match between the ice cal Terrier and the viaiting follingwnod Shipbuiiders Me her of two daughters and grand mother oi seven children Mra Talbert does awitehboard work at western Pennyeivania hos pital She takes her annual three weeks vacation by travelling bout Cannda and the us by bur visiting diiierent arena every night when same are Icherluiedt Never made rem vation and as yet has Iiwnyl got in even to Maple Leaf Gar enl Hlvu lmrd seller Min In 1113 as many dlflmnl cour possiqu or hobby but this seeing hockey game in as many diflmm location would be unusual for grand lnlher Im xull young enough or curling anyway Burrla curlm Mm won the GovemorGanerala Trophy lnr Ihe llrst tlme slnce 1914 were congratulated by the president of the Ontarlo Cmllng Assocln tlon at Weston In his marks ML Lucas named some nl tha mat names al the ronrin game who had come out at Baxrte ln former yours like Hunter Ken nedy Doc Slman SullyMerv dilh Charlle Boclby and Ham boo Cameron Now who would LhIt bel ITU STRIKE Dgnr Sir In econ cdilorhl on he TU newspaper strike In Naw ank the writer dunAdm nol know the lad or refuses to bolh aides on strike at four to ï¬sh dam that are now depriving the public of news lholr cm ponocx 01 work and than solves of their own Income may no locked out The emplnym or publlthm an depriving the publlc and we or to blind newspaper mud payerml lhoocnla local took Idlon ha ï¬rst In years It our dulllcl Iflrr very lcnthy wr lnd negollalfon than only when cmnloycrl rduscd la bar unit ln on allh leed below an vllll Item hnl your paper Inyl do no cx 1L THE =PIRST3COLUMN BIBLE THOUGHT LETTERS TOEDITOR maléNew York nu Gréhquthgr Has MammalHobby Your Ilncmly Lorna Wm pmhlml haul nnnlo Intmullonnl nymuphlnl Union By WALLS All whn mlku children sleepy You can be sure Chlel Irwin has outgrown lolldore und would hardly unrlhula lhll annulm tinn lo Jlnnl of magical con tmln He was pmbnbly referring to salamander poflnbla stove used nowadays In cold weather construction lhrough his annulment an or ganizallnn to be known as the Ontario Conference at Consnm era And uvenlunlly through subsL diary committees and existing wamuns groups ll expected to cover 500000 womenall of whom wlll be able la yank about the evils al the marketplace la dny from baby food In mlnk coals and all at whom being women presumably wlll lake upon themselves the Macaulay given right no yack dircclly into his ear strong man In Macaw layhut perhaps with still bit of the rashncss ynulh my CANADIAN Thu new organization could do hwhllajob IL in point exlslence lo see why consumers nunt buying more made In Canada 303d naw Those in chargeVol first all will try to ï¬nd out what the boil of Alhe cogsumer are Then they will take the cam plainls strnlght to the manutnc luresn and see they can be straightened out AnnJ It wauo genie that caused local Insurance adjust er Ernie Ball In all next mam lng while inspecting Iha Ire damage and suffer seven out to right hand It was Ice TORONTO Economch Min lsler Robert Macaulny II bray man ï¬r Llacauiay liking 1qu million womenW QUEENS PARK Macaulay Devélops ConsuxnersrGroup By DON OHEAIIN COLLIER STREET BENTLEY 00 We Can Insure FOR SAVINGS 0N INSURANCEINSURE WITH PROTECTION IS OUR PRODUCT SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS 500000 wumcna voiés Soï¬e of am dress manulac Iurcn are labelling their lead lgad 12 Engla Pmbably the head he only thing actually made Lhere But they ï¬gure they must use an label they areugo sell And then they will teed the manufacturers way In which they can meet 6991 nmacron One of Mr Macaulayl big strengths that he is able to find good people She Is an old hand at directing organhtations he Vhas common sens her scll And she ls able in pass this along lo those working wllh and under her Under her the hall mllllon women wlll probably be llllle bother as In practical with any hall mllllorl women Ii anybody can make hem be lieve pomlocs are more Impart Anl hgn Ramjet uls gym can minkorlw Mr Mncaulay may be dolng fur lhe govemA Th ma type of mini hay hnye in mind The ibuferencewfll inrand find out why the women prefer uni Mu Mimi Wright hudlng up this show for ML Macaulay And he Ha done 5an with Mrs Wright Jug x39 James Gladstone In Al bertn Blood Reserve lmllan became Clnldnx llnl dlanlunllar ï¬ve year ago Indyln mm tanner and canlemnn Sentor Gladstone wu president of lhetlndlnn undauon mm 1548 to 1954 Ha known In hi1 null alumna tongue AkIyNmMukn or Many Guns Sen Glndalonc now 75 ha clutched much of hls Ills lo the betterment of Canadas lndluu and several men prlor to MD appointment travelled to Ot tawa In ï¬ght or the flank of hla people Th seaaolng my Princess Vlctom Ink Northern Ireland with 132 lives lost TODAY IN TO YOUR GOODHEALTH HISTORY EVEN IF BARRIE Deu Dr Molneu My hulblnd has anxinl pectofll Ind a1 lhoudh bl dudor bu told him Amount ll Injurloul he doesnt um to boflava zonlumel two puck day By JOSEPH MOWER MD have Med In point out the danger to him but hava read that wllan nagging can be more harmful than III weed Io 31 very hard to control my ue He III hanlbla hum and Inn gotten so he cant mu Ileep heaps they occur ohm and violentlyMn LM Wehow that mom cu use spasm of small arterial lhuLmeaIring circulation and sometime resultlnz In uampl of hot and legs whims of the age He 9nd the 111m to the hem use Imoklnx can cause changes In elecmr cardiognms All which cer tainly Idequnte pm to me Isn It to you But the patient Ah thats lerentl Hell follow all tho other rulesllid down or him uctpl in when comel to lmoklng he decides he know balm thin Dug doctor mm pmblein wiuu uglmn heaxt1uuenuJ AWevn all heardn mt deal Ibnul lha connection between climb and lung cancer reputedly written that than are other bad cinch lro follow that curtailed circu lation will hIVE lls clinch ll lhnuzh not my to recoznlze homage gbejady Most phyllclnul believa wnuld my hat Inch patient should quit tobam entirely Sums might allow In acclslanal elmcl say an Iner each meal am perhaps one between meall iinrty albums dny reflect untontroflcd tenslon an hll part penal making that may ll dolnz It impulsively not Jun laxpleasure But campuisiv Imnkerl Ive nbsuved them rarely cut down 01 they cut down or law any but presently are back making much at ever lulu So my opinion in that your hum band muxi quit entirely in do 1190i Obv auny your naming hasnt accomplished anything thher In worse than he weed mmelhlnx wouldnt nzcemrlly mm with But any Heart Trohblesonie Wont Quit Sinbking Only and Wage This covers preferred drivers who drive to work or not 4r Ichlrgod wm mind or mini drlvlng Bad drlvlng record Arc now der And undor 10 Argnpw on0ho ASSIGNED RISK Ind VIIM You luv NO LIOENCI N0 DELAYS IMMEDIATE COVERAGE Colllllon Ind CVOIVIWVVHVIQOVIV $10 for $200000 Publlc Llobillgy JAVINGS EOR PREFERRED DRIVERS Damage way it looks to me Hm this mm will hm In the lith MIME From the description It telly bud cue of anxlnl GW 111 up making isnt going Bu In end to ulnacl but would¢xpecl them no bl eyed The only way to lumjor hIn L1 or 111an um making altogether for time any lev eral weeks That 5mm might convinc hlm Dur Dr Molnu II It uh hum mmmerdal llllfl ra mvu 9w nem wouldnt BdVIl ll Commer clll Italn remover likely to conlaanIlghly lrrlmlnl or even pailanout material which have no plug In the mouth NAIROBI Kenya therl Kenya hoplnl by ores development pmlects In much nhare In the worlds Iucratlvn Elm WSW Establishment of new rlnl lnduslry 1n Kenyl ha 11 mauled several time at high level But luck caplul and luck of conï¬dence have pre reï¬ned deflnlu steps helm an This would he vllalslep In 11 British Em Alden Lo onzx evglaxzrngnlz It was esllmated that roughly £3000000 50000000 would bl needed get the lndmlry on In eel So the pm we Ihelved hu¢ not without hnpu rr vlval when Kenyl eke over In ecanomlc doldmmle Newsprint ls onLy on nmpk at an mu and 111er untappcd wealth Kenyna Korean For Keuyl In arellerl drum The cyprén Ind plnt mu whldl In Sclndlnnvlln caunhiel take between no And 100 yam la rend mllurlly ready or emu hm In ye Ktnyl hn nurly 200000 um on It puntNona More um no bum planted ha rate of 15m Acre yclr with the object making un M31 11 to 500009 1cm Hmber export now earn Ibou 1300000 yen They an expected In increue mdually but the bi boom In not ex pecled umll 1m Kenya Hopes For Newsprint Work for six months PA 66583