Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1963, p. 3

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fix num hlu lhlnxu In the ram munlly lo nhrnd Inch us an lly munlclllml Mg bmflwr Ind rnmul Tomnmlum law IInIAM May Wllulmr 11mm l5 Ilvmlnn 10 KHthrr 10 Muunl anl 10 Wlnlhnm In Namnm 10 FL nllmluu I3 Tnmnln 15 lrlntlmlmiih In Tvrnlnn killllm lllulnkn Nnxllmn GMrIIan Hay Tlm unml Mznmn Whllr mm Mhmne rrfllnnx 5an Nu Mum IlaHy cloudy ml mum Frldny wllh ucmlonnl llthl Inuw lelhvuI lImll MM lnrvrmlnl In lnnllm The eoncept nf mental illnen goes back to the days at the caveman and ever since there he been gradual progresslun ol new concepts with every form of evnlgqnn 111 Ihlnklng Dr John Atchcson psy chiatxlst and superlntendant at the Ttilstltnwn School or Dis turbed Children spoke on these ouncch and lhglr value at the annual making at the Barrie branch or the Canadian Mental 1521011 Associatlon at the Lil rary hall last night CAVE DRAWINGS Luke 0mm Vnrinllln domi Inm Imd mlldrr wllh cw llumllurrlu Mr Hm lnku FIL thy Vrnlrlly whqu 10 In lmluy Iunllmul lo 15 FH xl Ilnlllunlun rcllnn Mmlly Imr May aml FINA mlldnr Flhlny Vulnly Mnlll In In lmlny Inulhvml II In 21 1le dny There are accounts at drnwv Inga 1n the caves where 110 Neanderthal Mon had comma of uniqueness of what In ha skull lndlcalivu than at id involved lhere was any am 82 can my aynuyuln norm movlnl Iunlhcml nut 01 Mnnllalm wlll hrlnu mumr lrmxwrnluru MIII IOIHE mm In Nurllucrn nlmlo unluhl wmkcr nlnrm muvlnu lulu Mlmurl on Fllllny wlll tmmy rlnmllntu 1n low lnkcl KIWI nnd p03th Inmo Hum Innw nur In Hm day In mum wuhrn mlnrln Te wrulum wlll llwlrrnlfl ln Inlllwrn 0n lnrln an FMny He lndlcnled the Han were aware of something the skull nlsu and they had refined the art upenlng the skull par ticularly of Pharnahs In order in le the spirils ou concept of demology was accepled il Hue behaviour of the lndividunl was antisocial or diflnrent then demon possess edr their budiesf By jumping ahead In Iew cent uries Dr Atcheson said We can see how this concept has arisen to the point Iaday where we still perhaps subconsclous 1y accept the demon aspect ol mental Illness He rderrcd to lhe word asy lum which originally meant place reluge peace and net and today is associatedwnh overcrowded places The word has lost ils nriginal meanipg following slate of execu liveolliecrs or was accnpb ed Mn Moorby prnldenl Bmcn Owen immcdlale pust pmidml Dr Asquith lira vice president Leighton scmnd vlcoprcsldent Mm Morris recordan somary In sccmlary The rcslnnullon Mrs Pnulln was nnnounccd Mr Ownn snld Sho has organized hls wurk nnd glvcn xvncmusly ol hvr llmc and enemy lo Ila nclivlllu for Ihn past Inn In hi prrsldcnll report Mr Own mid Early in 1961 In Sclmlmc Advlmry Commillto completed sumy lho mqu cl whlrh Indlmlcd clnnrly and tonclusivcly Ihnl lhcro was dec need or mnnlnl hrnllh rllnlc Ir lhn Cny llarrle and he Cuunly Slmme Over 100 persons turned on or he annual meeting or he Hnrrlu Branch of In Cnnndlnn Mental Health Associnllnn at he lemry hull Ins mm Claims Mefital Illness Started With Caveman Mrs Moorby Is President 0t Mental Health Association BIL ll ATCIIFSON WEATHER Mdan sccrciary Jackson mmpond mxw Gnu Inn West mlnuu Memorial rul 0mm In mm kl IMM MM Mm Wu nv mm will he Luanda Inn at lhw medt humn Home Mlle lry ll Inn Adam 54 Amlrrwl Im mum mm Nu ll mnlm Ivy nleim erlmn Mn Numw Tor Mary erI Mme Ilmh Jun Mu mm mm Fanan rum and Weve dune all to gel rld of the word asylum he salt and all but law of us sea the rank reality what such an Institution There has been llllle change In mans understanding alum Illa mlnd or many centuries Th beginning of leglslallve laws and lunallc law came about only because of what would happen to Ulla llll of mentally Ill pen sony He Indicated that awareness human need was the next his mica conccp5 ol lrealmam This occurred duran the mo 01 the French Revolution humml urvlro will he Md Why Iur Mn Jam ankIzr 840mm 51 In lluyM Vldmin lhmIlnl ozlrniny Me was Imkwml by lwr hm Dav is Indicated this was very important pm or the hlskorlcal Rimes at uenllqg the menlnlly yourold Alllnlnn man lost Ito Inst nlxhl when Iho pick up truck ho wul drlvinu wn Inmlvul In Meadow crush mm number cnr The Accident occurml lmul on lhu Mh conmsion of Ram Township nnn mlla nnrfll lllzhwny In Mr Mm wnl my In nls vchlclp ling Imo Tho Morrll vrlulclo WM naulh bvund on he Ildcmnd whrn ll wan In comInn wllh tho norm vcuml 1mnnr car Thu atcldrnl hnnmncd jun aver llm um ol Tho Mchlcnl wu Inmll nlrd hf Coml Muuxku lho Alhlnn Ildnrhmrnl lhe 0M ula Imvlntlnl lnllcu An In qugl le lurid The awareness of Ike total need of man was slowly creep lnl up he slad and hen Ierred to French doctor who was responsible or releaslnx prisoner from dungeons to in slinllnn or mentallyIll He said it was necessary to respond with some form at hu man charity In treatment at mentally Ill people NEW CONCEPTV From 1360 to Ihe early 190 new concept arose he cept grouping diseases roul lznflon Ihat the nervous system didnt Iuncllnn early In the Ms Iary of all medical lmnlmenl classificnuun led to the mouon or specific disease when we saw specific causes and arrived specific hereapy Then Freud came along and gava lhn concept history nalural diseases nr an Illness and the concern of Individual dcvehprnelll This resulted in the recognillnn of the Id and to realize mnflvauun wns caus ed by instinctive drive 11w unclInn he Ego he tell and the SuperEgo the cum scienca then were sen alter and durtng lh Freudian era hlg ulster acllvillcs Thcro mm In be nn cnd In the work whlch commutes can do Wu learned lhnl no ncgnuvo reaction has arisen mm our visits and that apparently them had been general Impmvnmcnt Whaler We have plum ar the future of our valunlccr new lm and we hope to have greater nrxnniwllon within our must Dwd Edward Alhm Mar ta WI larl 5L dvlvrn by Flnyd accrue Tnnnor ml Coolmuwn Mr Tm nurll dnughlur Judllh Wu numer In um cnr Shu wnl In en lo we loyal Vltlorln Hon rllnl llurrle wllll undclvrmlnm In Mn Tunnor mnpcd This seems so long ago and we think we shouldnt be con cmcd about locking up hose people say we should be com verncd Dr Alchesun spake oi an 0n lnrin munlcipnlily that was glv an an opportunity to have men tal insilullan and he snld it re pliedWe dont want it as we dont want dangerous people waklng pur struts In lhu process bullding humnnbelng mullilude things can go wrong said Dr Alchcson cm wns built along those lime lengths it wouldnt ha so good Mrs nuln armor chalrmnn ol the volunlccr services snld Our hospllal pmgrarn Io Pene umgulshnno has developed and broadened thmugh lhn year and has proved to be full or interest emwth and learning Crash Kills Alliston Man Mi Albnil wu Inulc Mnl JANET llEWMlT OBITUHRY He also said these compels nne nflernnolher gradually led to flu realization ol retardation capacity and the measur In ullpltzlugenA Dr Mlcheson then apole brie Iysm the work hélng dune the Thlsllelnwn Hospital and said wa are group of pwoplw who are convinced that we must convince other the complex fly mblems laced In treat ment mental lllnea 100 ALL WOOL Reg Price $1835 All Wool PAms Now Soml Comlnonlnls Now Slim Conlinentlla ALL OTHER ITEMS NOT MENTIONED WILL ALSO BE CLEARED AT SAVINGS UP TO 30 35 029 mw 9mwzmm 993 mm mmZH msm OmmemU mOx mrm WmOciw SODA 220 ZOOC 092 0322 QmZEZm mzom HIE mrm mmu ENOQNmmm == 40 NJle STREET WEST Mayorlaa Cooke drew few chuckles Last night at Ihe uh anniversary meeting of the We lorlgn Order Nunu Arte cungralulalinx theVlc laxInn Order of Nurseson IL 40th birthday Mr Cooke stroked bl bushy hemd homegrown especially for Barths Winter Camlval and saw didnt grow this heard or lhu lupin Ithaqyenlng Problem 111 Mayors3ed For Camival Not Suhject WHERE YOUR SAlES SlIPS ARE WORTH 5VOHY0UR NEXT PURCHASE NIEN WITH DESIRE FOR QUALITY CLOTHING ATBUDGET PRICES TO PARTICIPATE IN ONCE YEAR SIZE RANGE 1844 MOSTVNS DONT PAY DIMEPAY IT All ON TIME Mr Cooke Bald Wu muylook back on the day when Barrio was largely lawn of mixed people But we must keepour unim dflzem clmflaflnzfl muquoi Magma Bonn has appmvad lounge and dining 1b Wm WM Hotel noHor gramme s1an mayhem mm Wednesdays IIIe Bay dme Gmtflayor Gunny project but the Mayor Motal vyill bean an pay Etienne deshore Receives Liquor Licences held In decllon ol umeera al the Quiet 4m mud meeting In Hie laidlAWResidenoe last night 1110 following officer wmelectegi Mn Donald Cameron pres dent Mn Walls fllsl vlceprulrlentz Brian Slalght sacvnd vimplgldem and Mn Fralelah Crnwetaecretary Dim Colvln VON Elects Its Officers The Vlétarlan Order 01 Nurse Reg $4995 with extra sun $2888 PANT Extra Punt $100 SLZE RANGE 3460 IN SHORT REGULAR TALL MODELS SUNS MENS WEAR lirea Unitarian Review Humanism Iiumnnlsl phiiosophy and lha rdisinurmis ol Humanism are nvlewed at next Sundays ter vice of the Unitarian Fellowship alBnrrie VIMYWCA 11 am This presentation is based on Corliss Lamonls 119 Philnso phyol Humanism wharo the author nsserts TEE BABRIE EXAMiNER THURSDAY JANUARY ll 196831 Humanism mnslrucuva philosophy that goes at beyond the negating error In though the wholehearted amrmnllon PA 6170 SUIT oi the Joys heauilen and value humanllving This In view point that can be grasped with out difficulty hy the people of everyculture and country In deedllurnnnlsm already is th iunctionlng philosophy of mill tom upon mllllons at human beings throughout the globe who are daily strivth in build bet ter llIe upon this earth for them selves their chlldren and their teliawmenr To mankind not yet altogether awm at it sand and goal Humanism oiiere an incluslve mgram of philolsoJ phical and ethical truth that can play leudln la in the future at the

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