16 BARME EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY 31 Harms Noie The young brownie who won lhe acclaim of her leader or her ooelie ei iort narrowly missed hov inn her poem printed lire weekly guide column which op pears each Thursday on this page ll was inadvertently omit led and we apologize to the young miss The lollowin is iho poetic ntlcmpi by brownie which serves in prevc he in genuin ol and Versaillin oi ilxeir young minds THE PAINTER Thcre painter in the night It never ails his pain is while Hi canvas the window pane On every house along the lane No one has had the chance to see This Iillla man but he knows me We see his paintings in the While lhoy glislcn nnd adorn They cant sold nl any cost But whos he painter why JACK FROST fqundcr Lonir rdcn 310va Thu main Celebration the Girl Guido yuar tukcs plans on Feb 22 By happy coincidence islha 10an bin date of the nr allwen nnd hls wile our World Chm Guide The dale observed lhrough out lho world as Thinking Dny when guldcs brownies lcnuln nnd cub remember hclr clluw members nmund the globe and slrive lo 10am more of lhc habit and Moms of hm distant Innds ll MARIE RMIITIN THINKING DAY SKATING IMlTV Mum lhan lm mmulwu Ilm lanaman ml In flaming hum Iln Ilmio unn AllrmN lhr numml Illuan uly mmk inz VouHI Wuk nu rm lug 1h 21m ms lwzkl II 1mm flaw rial1 If In my n1 gr Mutual nm nqml em mudn ham and MM Speclnl collcctlnns an made or the World Friendship Fund In help Iurlhcr Inlurnalionnl guiding Plans nhnuld be under way now or your group scrvnnce ol lhls medal event ll you ham not begun your prcpnrnllnns 5an lmmedlnlcl lhnl nll lhc guldcs nnd hrnwnlcs Knmpcnlell Dlvis Inn may have he ommrumfly to share in he cclchrmlon This II he ruled lmc ln Amuse nn Imuml In lnlcrnnllnn nuidï¬ng nnd II II he ru wumhilfly ruth leader ppm he mimh Iwr girls to an nwurcnm he blunder barium of world guiding denm harm and Idmlh Mllllnfl wn hum Ilunlly InL xlnulnu unmrn Ivy Mu Adam Mu lmry lrsl mlum un Irmmlmw Jim In MII lMllnn HUN It John AIMNILHIH nuu Immhl hamlnulrll lu llm lump and MM llntlrr nml Mn Illnhhlun Immhl knlb up NEW IMTK Inuunlmanrr Emuy mx llll munml he npmin nnnHur hmwnlr luck or hmlslll lrkl lhln mu Inmlul In vilhluv Slrmnl Mr Pink my will he Ilumn mum by lnuny nwl Mn lkxmty In flu mnr mum pnrk will Mm pm In Lrlmy mu prmv pmiw Imulrrs Mn II Huulu nm Mu ll lllxuluwu Imvr HunkNI In Imulml rulnlnz lur lhrir milllum lelllll Mllllll IMK InINIy ml 1mm mmnml Ilnlrl Alrxnmlrr with Iwr nlvlm Mull lumlur wlh nmwn lwl awry lumnllnz mm muc leqry In Itnnflrr yum Irnmrm mam Inrnmm Iuymnkrn juhr Hum mm uxumm WANT ADI PHONE FA um Ilmy rm mm In Ilw fllrklmmr or hr mHu Iilllc MI Thin illlil lulnk Mr and Mrs John Arthur hldhnpe are shown at the re ceplion Inllowing lhclr wedd Ing at Essa Road Presbyter lan Church an Jan 19 Rev Bell ofï¬ciated 1th ï¬ride is the former Pat lrlcia Pcckham daughlcr or News Of Kempepieit Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada WED AT JANUARY RITES Follnwim plan or guidnu chrlior in the season we rccniv ed some vahmbic help to the movement but once again the division is without leaders in some groupsl Whether you are interested in guides or brown ies than is place for you it you have some leisure that you would be willing to donate to the iuturc women at can ads mluntucr at once There is urgent nccd of lenders if our Kiri an to receive the training they hood and want For information nbout the role 01 girl guide leader phone Plt 85312 or PA 84576 booklavcr knittcr and gurdmer TRAININGS There Will also be anTadvanc ed brown session un Feb 16 mm to pm like at St George Lgnpsns REQUIRED Bmwn Guldcrs are reminded he lrninings being had each Thursday evening at Geor ges Parish hall llnndalg The enjoymenl you will dtrivu ram wnrking with aim tn lhuslaslic guides and brownies will more man compcnsnle or Ihc time and cum you am to he gmup Mr and Mrs Erlc Pcckham of Marcus Street The bridge gmams parents are Mr and Mrs Harry mdhope of RR Barrie flu newlyweds are making their home BB Barrie Whom by Ede of Camera Oral Drop in to our showroom and see the DREAM KITCHEN on display with the latest work saving step saving features Our experienced estimators are ready to update your kitch en with ideas for beauty and convenience so why not visit our showroom and talk kitchens Athome estimates are available if it would be more convenient and low monthly payments can make the largest remodelling project seem ef fortless For kitchen beauty that will last housetime dont move improve voun DREAM KirEHEN 00 MAY as A5 lOW as MON mmmn or 1m mm mm mm co DONT PUT UP WITH 15 THIS LADIES Dur Ann Landean am ï¬rstgrade teacher who disn gran wllh your advlce tn tha mulhcr whose chlld we hl pants In school You were hlghly crlllcal at Ihe teacher because she shamed Illeyoungsler belura he class Your closing smemcn was Ihe principal should speak tn the teacher She needs educat lugbadly It 13 you who needs educating badly person who has never been teacher cannot paniny be aware of the problems which beset us daily Small children who are too clnsely Med In their molhen apron strings samnllme use the wet pant as an excuse to go home Often they want extra lenflotn and will do anything to Set good lemme know each 01 her students and she also know how tn deal bestwilh his partic ular weaknesses In my opinion this teacher used gnod judg menLEXPERIENCED Dear Experienccd Thank or your letter Here anal at point at View UNDERSTANDING Den Ann Linden My hum won out to the little boy who we his pants In school AI Ihough 40 years have passed slnca had simuar experi ence remember vividly ANN VLANDERS Square dance basic and mixers wen ml introduction In western type square dam ing or new dancers at the second class of instrucdun sponsarnd by the Barrie and District Squaw Dance Associa Ion in Johnson Street School last evening 11m classes dir ected by Appldon of To mnto will he hcid for tho lol lawing six lo eight weeks Members of Lhe nmsday ev cnflng class attended and assist ed beginners with their jlancy fodwork The popularity of this lorm adult recreation ls exem pliï¬cd by the growth in mem hershlp of the association and tho mmuslasm ol the dancm the weekly sessions When the associuhon was formed lns October as members were enrolled in the fin class Wllh the wmmemmml nl the second class the total is now nppmximnlely 140 members STONEAGE HOME Russell Cnve near Bridgepon Mm wns used readymade home by Slnne Mm from ahnut 7000 BC SquaIe Sets At Dance Class Teabhers Are Aware 0f Pupils Problems was the ï¬rst urade and was six years vvldr We were warchlng movie of the Johns tawn floodand suddenly real ised was involved In flood my own We were tnld to tile out and return In the cldssroom was ashamed to leave my Aseal The leather saw me and seemed lnslinclivcly In know She told the other to go nn ahead She stayed behind with was swiftly ushered to the teachers rest mom and was given some dry underwear kept there or the pulfpuse She askod me to return the under wear alter my nflhx had 1am dered It la could help some oihedr little boy whogol loo ex lc Deu Ann Landon suppose youve had Ihis question many times but WI new to me al though have raised our girh My lbyearold daughter has been going with boy 19 115 over here every night after warknnd she eilher goes nut wig hjm yr lhgy si at home Her understanding tughl the true meaning compassion shall 1an that teacher In my dying day LR WT CONTROL The boy buy her athmg and other llcms every single week He has goodvpuying job but dont appmvc of this practice He comes from pour lamlly and his parents cnuld use some E1 the money he lnvlshing on en Ive mentioned this In my daughter bu it does no goad Shnuld alk to Ihe boys par anSZSXK LOUISVVWOMAN Dur Woman The boys par ents probably have less control over their son than you have nvcr your dzughlrrwhich is pmqlgug ligtletsmnking to hem wddld lie bobllcis 48 ANNE ST Point II to the Heal oluaviuz he future Make any other course nut be tolerated St Vincenl PA um 60902 HOWEY ELECTRIC BARRII PER MONTH life um um ol ynur mcmcu ecnnomlufly Shocking Chances DONT Take The January mcellng St Johns Vinnney Catholic Wm mans League was held In the church hall Prcsldcnt Mrs frank KeUy chaired the meal ng Duflng the business iesslnn It was decided to space the work fur the annual bazaar over he entire year working on new project each month Member cit till would eiimlnaiecom pching ail lhe project in in ï¬nal month rs crgus Garvey wayapl pointed in change of applicaflnnl or the guhllc speaking camcst boy and girl will be chosen to represent St Johns Vianney at the competition in February St IohnTs CWL Plan Projects Mrsamld Walker of Rose Street was husless at the exec utive mectlnl of the Third Bar Ie Scout group Ladies Auxil it The abject meeting was 7139 lund raising proecs The executive discusse plans to hold fashion Ahaw on Feb 22 in Collier Street Feilnwsllip Hall at pm Many type of iurs will be modelled by mem ber of the auxiliary Lloid Cankiwfll speék on wild animal llle 0mm The dale of lhe nnnunl Sham rock Tea and Bake Sale was set or March 13 at he Fellowship Hall Calller Street United Church Tia Will be served by Boy Seguts thg group Scout Mothers Will Parade Fur Fashions Dont miss this Electric Shaver with tour dlamund honed heads lhal ride on silenl pressure springs for coal clean shaves Quiclvrunnlng molor Roller combs on either side adjust to any beardl In gill box Reminglon De Luxe ELECTRIC SHAVERS Sill nth EATON Spollghl SOCIAL NOTES By IDA JEAN RAIN young wlle Jailed Into ac Uan am to become our segret dialer and report periodlcally on her progress Shuwrlles have very sedans prob lcm Manled just two year ago Have pllnd on 60 pounds At 54 weight 01 180 pounds 151m pretty Now the bluwl learned mat my own husband stepping gut on me my snow11 Prlar to her marringe Mrs James Guerk the armor Pat rid Lelanmeau was enter tained at miscellaneous show er held at the home of her 319 terlnlaw Mrs Belly Cook mong the guests were Mrs Wal ter Forbes Mrs Ferguson Mrs Mary McIntosh Mrs le Hay ter Mrs Jean McKnight Miss Rosie Duiker Mrs Evelyn Wai den Mrs Barbara Jones Mrs Kay McMahon Mrs Chris Win drnss Mrs Isobel Kelly Mrs Velma Goerk mother of the bridegroom Mrs Eileen Rub ertrnn slslcr ol the hridegranm KEEP INTHE TRIM BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Dianne Prat of Mary Street was guest of honor at birthday party evening held at Inc home Mr and Mrs Wedge Davidson Street Pnrly guests included Miss Rus eta Pills Mr and Mrs Thomas Hus Gary Sootheran nnd Mr and Ma 3mm Rennie Keep It Quiet While You Diet One Size Smaller Is Your Goal Mlcce Flatware Sets SAVE NOW on his allrnc live sol from Oneida Limilcd Its in popular Profile pat lcm convenicnlly gillbox ed Sc consists of each hollowhandle serrated knives forks salad forks teaspoons dessert spoons EATON Spallxm Sale at 1499 Stainless Sleel lhaughl ll could be your agwnymous secret dlelcr and give you mm from time time that would be just the thpg realtzu am neither Ice to Innk at nor pleasant to he with as am terribly rcssed and Irritable Please he In wllh Mel and some sun exercises It Is the desire of my heart to goth In shn You smmd like girl with spunk It is greatly In your lavnr that you do not blame anyone or yqu IIn leas anl predlcamznlulhere no tlngo nl sellplty In your lellcr 4You are willing and eager ml Lake necessary gaion Good Hearts desire thlng the spirit With this qulckenhg 01 Inc spirit ynuwill find It chal lenging to work toward your goal Amused out at your com placmcy you are in effect rhullengiug yourselg etels dissipala their ln idle chatter insteth of taklnl spirited actinn Alsoknqw in certainty that ona good diet ynu will eel purposeful By put ting form elicit youll get new energy In great thing to fame Io grips with yaur prob lllL You are wise to die and keep qplcl pflningu wouLdbg Be sure to sum mi 63 with good hrcaktast You cannot starve and stay healthy or encr geuc Set an exercise male or lhe mldAmomingnever akip IL Excrcislng le help you to come alive inside the lunch hour sit dawn and eat baianced but law 031 Mia meal including prolcln V98 landcottage hem mm or leltovu lean meal Have Ali of bread oru vegetable an glass of sklm mllk or bul termllk Late afternoon take pickup mreequarlomunce wedge ol chccsu and cup of In lea elep pickup Lo nalayie lo dinner eat slowly enjoy your meaL but do not take sec 9nd helplngs Have fruit for des Make your ï¬rst goal one IIZI smaller You wlll not get any campllmenls unlll mm but slimmed dgwn lull slze Falr encumryou ire not asking or compllmenls unlll yuu havc named lllcm all beipulung qr you leE SERVICE 191 wan 5T Mus DUNLOP BHTSTONES QTIBES sEE us TODAY BUY THE BUY