21 Law wunn MNUMIY Up Pralnlar macmy Tn hwmln Nun wmhu sum mpch 17 Sum 5m mum mun Ilnur ITV NM Mrlm Hull Nmm vmm snnw Mm man Ilaur WA In IL nNnnM JANUARY no mam no llumlnn nun hum Hon Mn 11 zuy um Kiddo Holly hockey team defeated Knack Saturday morning at Thamlon arena Hockey teams have been organized in the dis runway JANUARY 100 500 000 Sum mu Poptyu Puly fllule am Mike Mmury Am Andy Ncu wmhu to mm ML and Mrs Sutton and Mr and Mrs Sutton were Weekend visitors with rclalives al Oakville Noddy 4O ndulls enjoyed skating party at ally School Saturday evening The party was sponsoer by the flame and School Associnï¬nn The new 4H course Separ ales for Summer will begin soon skin and blouse ol collnn will be made lllls course is open lo girls l2 and nvcr Anyone interested my ankle Mrs Furyk or Mrs Fisher Attending the leader shlp lraining course in Allislon were Mnsdames Furyk Lackie Fisher and Moore 535 The annual meetlng at Holly United Church was held with Rev Wnrr in the chair and Ray boughced as secretary 1h report at the session giv en by Mr Waxr showed most pmzresslve year in the work at the church Election of ulticer was as follows trustees Dy Ir Campbell taughted Cochran elders Brawn Dyer Slessnr Coch rane stewards to 1966 Bent tey Fisher Leighton Mrs Fisher to 1965 Dyer gampbell Slcssor JohnS Loughecd to 1964 1th rune Cochrane Clark 935 Cochranc congrega tions secy Lnughccd velope steward Benllcy pianist Mrs Codxrane as sistant Mus Cochrane Sun day school Supl Mrs Down Ing Assistant Mrs Loug reed choir leader Mrs Col um 882132322 ILH lo 1an rwNunAY JANUARY 10 Lou Tell Pmem Is Good unmmr no studio Party 55 New 00 Romper Room In Invly PHI Noun mm co 1an 1Whur nIm we 5m mnl Amund oo on no Friendly Glml mmu Yom Show nu Thirty Scukll um rllnawlnn rm Don um mm llurklzbeny Hanna vamcm mm sm mm mu Wulhu Spon 11 your unlrr ï¬n to ullvrd by pic plum ny ms noWNING AM rm wul Drllvrnl rm llnma THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS iERVICB Perry 11 mm cmuum IIIqu Courer Juncunn cm New Walther Spam New Inmwl SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS CFTO CHANNEL HOLLY CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL spon PA 82433 Io III II ILm WARNS SPANIARDS MOSCOW APl Premier Khrushchev warned the Spanish people in an interview reported Sunday that they may be wiped nut in event of third world war because at US bases in Spain The Soviet leader said the Spanish might help in prn tect themselves by working lor the cancellation oi military agreements with the United States Rug making sessions are be ing held in the basement of Ev erett United Church under lhe management of Miss Norman Baxter and Mn Bums The Janunry meeting Ev erett was held at the home of Mrs Irene Shephnrd with 14 members and twn vlsII nrs present The presldent Mn Mlddlehronk opened the meet hg Worship was canducled by Mrs Burns Members were reminded at Pmsbykerial meet lng to be held in Callingwnud Feb 15 wtth atternonn nnd ev ening 82 sale as Rev Roy Webster will be the speaker in the evening Lunch was served by Mrs Jenkins Mrs Marshall and Mrs Shepherd The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Frank Patterson Mrs Cecil Wilkinson is proving in Allislan HospiiaL mumnu JANUARY mm man 105 1100 1200 mo 83838 22 Ten Pmun Gum Mnnflnl Sludlo Pmy Newl Romp Room Popey Pmy Noamy mm mm God My cwuou cnmun Hmary Lonul mu Shaw nmy sum um mm ruu mm mm Yul um nm mu Chllltnn lel anur 59M Cheycnn Dellnderl mamu The Unlnucmblu rm TV New Wu spam Nm Mov Snnwbound um 01 all school boysBl1l Grant Is In chgrge Your corrcxpondenl would ap preciate rebalvlng your news It Ems Phone during the day PA 85610 Misses Jarvis and Kenwn ram Teachm College recently spent week Myleaching at Holly WisIlls ml mo Kflp your ml um and dry In mmlr your hocle tell hmmll Kmllni ml VII lhnn Ind Hydro Clly an lmll 5mm mmcn lilHll irfï¬ï¬m IIA Clyprrtwn IA Hm By NORVAIA ROBBINS TORONTO TIME IS NOW rm my mm In ronmu cmnnu Thuln nrylylcnl 41 An ry min er nl Van The rllnulonu Thu story DI My Th Sum Plrlda lien Cnly Nmmmln Elvlnnllonl CIIC TV Nun wmner Sport lel cmm cm BARRIE EVERETT Openlng lendHM of clubs The uhlikalory lincssc Is play used by declunr gain rick which he would oncr wlse surely lose an example look at lhe NorlhSuulh spade holdimv In this hnhd Th normal way or dcclnrcr la manna this holdlnx In to lend law made ownni lhu queen in dummy ll wauld be wrong or Scum now to ml on lha klnu bccnuw he klnz wauld Inn to lha ace Letl usumu lhal the queen hold lhe nick lhna mnrklnx Wm with In no Decllrll lhtn mums lpnda 1mm dum my and 1th pmdum the ten nrlho Soth dealer Neither side OTTAWA CMDefence Min lsler Harkness gays there In no Intention whatever of scrapping any the nuclear canlays In lheCandlanA9rmed ones He was an CIA nadinn Pm report Friday mm mm Oitnwa which said Prime Minister Dieienbaker In Commons speech had paied the possibility of scrapping $700000000 worth of Canadim deience cqui mam designed an nuclear car en The 13 min we would do would be to scrap Ihem he said Vnnr Inhrvlgw Sammy DAILY CROSSWORD 01m baby you can bor row the fur coat lusl or to nighL nut wnlch uul or cig arclle burn and remember you have In get it back here 3y am tomorrowon he 0L Says Won Scrap Nuclear Carriers Lislcn Gladys you gall unbend lillle and kid lhls guy along Hes blg outcr town buyqr rpm Okay so you say shes slender still say shes skinny She makes me lhInk of spaghetti Listen klddo did anybody ver tell you that you belong In the movies Ive gal cousin whn She only like birdif you know any bird that cats nut inglnt stalk gleak slen of ltlllan AM it Innnlld I1 Illll ml mmy an T21le Burn Waxin 70 ï¬nial dLHImd Door Mn WM Why do you an all have lonl like beanpo lm afrald well have to shoot ule pictures all over Yau largo to powder your nnse Iheur she gets 15 an hour But she 0an works ab 10 hours yearf 11mm nu or Mummy 16 flplko of Bmllnnd ll Illle of Norwfy dun la mi 29 Arum In Indian Imam NEW YORK AP Re mark high lashinn mode rcq of heaylpg 705 come on adys and have peach melba for des ut sh nn yau An and Un 1mm mm mm unlocxnum mumm nunm colloq In pu nme Edinburgh polnlx um Du umm um 11 Min nium bidding Scum wm 1+ 14 WEST gm 9011055 Nujlnri China CONTRBCT BRIDGE EAST um 1091 on 45 mm Axum nu vulnerable NORTH North Eu Pu Pm Cm orxuuur Drvnl One mm nuunl wm alyn IO 00 Ilmblllou hymn mule not Elm Am By JAY BECKER Liie Of Model Not So Glamorous unruly munlryl no Mr IO Vlfll 01m By HAL BOYLE weir and South would later have to Ian nolhcr lpade lrick In stead Scum plays law hoping that West was dealt lhe In originally and win he forced lo play the Me on his partners on or lack This he ï¬nesse nbligalary and when lhe curds are well plntod nr lhe declnrcr ll ulns him trick The delcnxe somcflmu apply counlermwsure to the cbllgnlory ï¬nesse Here hand hat we Soth 13 d6 clam or lour spade and West cushc the AK ol cluln and wnlinuns it he qugcn If Saulh is allowed In go about his buslnes uninlch ruplcdly he will we hnvn Icon lose only trump trick any thus make the conlrm But ha crfedly Sou donated thn West ltud lhc queen mm Ens runs with lha Inn 0ch though il would appear lo be mullne lo dimrd on MI parlnqrl hlzh club AKalnsl lhl ddcnin 50th ll lmlplm He II forced la mer rufl wilh mo kingolhcrwlu he In dawn lmmcdinlelynnd land lrump gownrd lhe queen 1M1 do hm no good mum Wes got up wllh thl um nnd plnyl he on ul clubs Dummy ha to allow lull whcrcupon Emu once nunln lrumpl Ml pnrlncrl Mull club lhll lima wilh lhe Jacknnd Um delenll the contract lmln Mr he hll often stated that the main welthl at any Savch anack all North America would made by manned bomber and liar defence against the bomber munbe maintained long thin conflnuu to be lhe cm uremic refund to mm the CNN Ilriko manual snnce let plan he Bnmurc nullalum mlsgfle the Voodoo jet InterceptJr and the Honest John artillery rum MrHnrknesa saId that Even lLlhpNATO meetlnz here In my decided lo ellmlnutc the strike reconnaissance mle or the RCAF Mr Divlslon In Eu rape the plane would be re layed or gnaiher rule All did was would she like chocolate cake fainted Honest Gladys Im sure youll like him Hes real intellectualand besides he own department store In K3553 Clty If she took drink cherry soda couldnt her from ahlhcnnomclel Pass he vmashed pm and gravy Gladys And can get ynuqanother of lame need freshlnced col lege girl lype or this our Gladys Im afraid youre nun over the M11 or that dont lhlnk she looks so phisticated jus thlnk she looks starved They say xhe keep an open phone llne to Hollywood The trouble ls that so far no body has called her Maybe she looks glnmur on Io you As for me like cm with more meat on their bones Gladys Smirk Gladys Smirk Somehow baby cant qulle see Iha name In llghu How about changing In Kim Smirk iodai hIum hu nm Tumorruwl Innuloul Pl aimed pglalycg lmd Illnunlly mum IMO IENONIIHUI lamprey unmlhmul ï¬mq Imu iculunu 14L ask place and whal piece her aha ell BLONDIES NOT HOME Misexzav Prim you mumflsrnï¬u Mliiitsa Lirr mmémivmuwvm mungmum Lll WEW rainfarmf IARME EXAMYNEB TUESDAY JANUARY 19685 HERMRS BIIBY WHO wws on wnH 35 in 55 £5669 mmmurmu EEEW var Hen 5157 mm To mum Musequ gm