Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1963, p. 3

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Completes Round Of Installations Council Grant TM um In Papal nu In It Mammal In 17 m1 boom kin00nd liul 1M nMrd wan mm unl lllmvldflp Mil mmunl lwnr Ill Mlmy In mnnlnrl IMIKM NW ulth luvk non mud umulvm mm mm mm mud In um Mul Mam Md It was mu rullu that munlmtkm mm mm IHh Ibo mom W0 Mk II um drawn make or mhm not no Mum nd MID Mum lodnp Wu MM AMllme HIT In Augui ION mer young lnwyrr Allan llmvm who WM ermml by tho IIM If HI Mn mm Ivy Mary do vlzlul ll mu me to own an oflm rluly Ind xllmmld Mm nwmam Inllur In lhu flly 1mm 11m wm lhq Ivrulnnln ol KMMLI am flu wu mnnlml on Jun II ms In MA mmrlut Mr WA 11M mm In 1906 young lnwynt dm hnd mm hl cane eclan Imnly mnmvni ho NM 04 xdllnz mmbfl than Iiku Mme Ingrflm orrmlnnnlly lm mmunl Idem Ihlp mcy lonnfil rhnx mman In Minn the vnrl mu nwlflxrl olflm nr harmm 11ml wm Um lrzlnnlml llm llnlnry Club ml the lwzlunlnl mvlrn rlulu Kunmch My affirm prmldem mula Timmy vicepresidents Glcn Slcw nfl Roben Bentley smo Lary Norman Shchwru rmsunr Donald Allan hum dink wut pmldcm4 Grnydan don Ranch 15le Sauvefnnlm Franklin Jnmel chcnhnkh Villlnm Kmlntr Marilimo district of KiwanLi International The lwa Barrio dubs am Included In No Dir rid mmvnllm ll at Niagara lnlL In Septemch mKlwa nL Inmmnllonnl convention at Mlnnllc City Ncw Jonry June Muly um Ian mmm corl RTART IRVICE lo medlnk of dad clubs board at director In obscrva vum 1n lhe Magma oraNcwhwkd North York North Toronto Inside Tonmm Hoot and Tbrvnh Royal York Further visits during ho year by Mr WnlLi will be Mm ofllcial 1L9 mkerrnnd immigration 11mm are 19 Um lmxheon meeting of Barrio Convmmfly mm by the Hub Imamgovernor ol the division Ken Walls lIIh mnrknd the final firmnle by him for ma thu mm visiLs In this purpose have been made during the monfl to Owen 5mm Scunc 01y Collinxwood Midlnnd Willa Barrie Aur mm Club Kmpenfeli WW WQWFEY tedan Church Mrs Alma Lee liaison Maren SoroMiranc and Senior Citizen club and Miss Hmnnsa nurse in charge of VON well as his position on the school of agriculture of Prolessor Gmde ls member Nflwr background material lo the speakers subject will be supplied by Dr Aikins medical stall Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Permsm supervlsvr Red 005 home makm service Rev Summers Westminster Pmby This subject will be immin ed by New Gouiding of the University or Tommie president of lhe Ontario Soclmy on Aging at lemuran malls dinner and symposium is Laid law Nursm Ruidencei It sponsored by the Victorian Or do ul Nurses Problm of the agingA mmunity services Iespomilr flily rs cxpendllure oi the CNlB is or he lleld worker whn permm dnlly visilallons and offers lo help In the lndlvldual when needed Speclal scr vlces ol llle CNIB include In nresenlalian at White canes that bllnd people are encouraged to use as well as braille wrist wnl ches oulllned In council what the institute attempts to do or the blind ln Ill city and men llunedlhe Incl that the Unlled Appeal provides the local cam paign funds 1mm EXAMINER 1125pm 3ANdKnYu mis Ferguson field worker In Barrie for Iho Canadian Nat lunal Institute for the Blind ap peared before Banla City Coun cil lasl night In request grant gr 1863 CNIB operations In the ty Officer and dircdarl of me SUBJECT OF ADDRESS CNIB Seeking The CNS in Barrie also offer Are Problems Oi The Aging Community Responsibility flmivfllH Innll Mum no nr all mnlny on mmlvulc nail fiuu nml nmnlmnl In he nnrllnn AI whim of Amalrur Unmnm anMflnlwd PM un rmrwd hurul oi lhc Unllld tutu llun Hull lleyrl Culm ucrrlury rnml nl III Tobnrm Wmlrru Man Ind mm lmlml majur Ialnr lmlru width hunkWall JAM INK lllrnmmln lnrmr hockey playrr vllh SI null nl lhn Amman llnckry lnuue Ind wllh number wnlnr mm In Dnllulo flyimy Mlnu NflWfllllm Ihluwlm IL wlm Iuran lulu In Illa lo lllllnl on tun nntnn hlulory Ilmck Ivy tlr New Yuk Wnlhr Kcrnnn IWIXIMU nwmr ml mann lrr Ihm rlmlm mur rnlly nl hurt mm MIMIIII MI DL Jun Fnllx Ilccnul 70 lnnwl Im MI Iulnlphnic lmllmn In and mum my mmrh Ilollywoodanhn Fnrmw movlo dlrcclor and producer who mu mnrrhd ulrm Mnurctn OSIIlllvnn but lunch munMn Ilnle Inch 71 anw llue Dumlrr lmb Ind Clmmnny nod Ill lrlhullnl rm anurIu Ilwn Ilmck Ivy tlr Kiwanis IMcrnatlomfl will mlobrnle 5001 blxthday In years Wu mmember in honor and grnmude whit wnnh Im neconmlished ln ur ficu hummmy Yaur dub Romycalm L1 now on nlld sandman at historic mlnd 1ch and mm wish you every Imus you move Into your Mn yenr ol building or lllh communl Mk Mr Walll Owen Sound In the 1mm club Kempmlu Bay In am my Mr Wail related that Ihe Tomnlo club which had been Wch bx Hamilon Kinda the Darrin élub In mi ona nl he first hall dozen Klwnnl clubs In Canada and lho first wnico club In Bank The flnnle club has In the past years mmored lho luba Orillln Midland ollingwoodI Now limo am more than 300 000 number in mom than 4000 clubs in all provinces oi Canada and all so stain piu new clubs in Mexico sinned two years ago also new club io be chan ered in Nmau Bahnmas on Feb this year and xeveral new clubs siarting in Europe Kiwanis inwrnaiimal took biz slop ihm ym ago will the decision lo mud beyond the bordm oi Hie Uniind State and Canada By THE CANADIAN rum Church 06 the Good Samaritan Toronto member Royal Archi tectural lnsliluie Canada member RAIC Oonuniuee on the Preservation of Historic Buildings member Architec tural Conservancy ol Onuno He has contributed amides or Canadian Ad on Milto curai mum comHunted lo mgrams or television on the issue facing mchiicots and on inc facing cider pie He was spealZo ai the Nov gmlgcr ponlerence op Aging in mm sponsored by Fin ary Club and Comdl 01 Social Agencies mince to the Canadian Wellan Councils study on housing or the aged member Steering Committee for Camdian Wel Councils proposed Mon conference on aging on board of directors lot hm Home for the Aged Tmnlo on board dirednra nr Ontario Housing Advisory Oom miwee mw MW 09 HI request lnr grant was turned aver to th finance oom mlltee for consideration Other requests or grant mm from Ihc Barrie Horticultural Suciely theHIIronin Speed Skating Club the John Howard Socier and tha Snivalion Army However the most lmporb ant facet our work is the pre venHon ol blindness said Mr Ferguson Blind people are also provided with library service which ln dudes Hus use of tape recording or blind people Another import ant par the work 13 em loy menl training and Job ce ment home teachlng servlce includ lng numben of bubble plus counselling servlce or ball blind chlldren and parenll DEATHS hmrlnl In rnurl Mnndn llvdnlm wml hrm unaw In slmlng Doc In Wllkh hll lnollwr Irrcy mu killed Illtr Mn shut wllh Wltfillllm rlnn nhnrk nl Vlllhnmhrne Ibnnl mllrn myth Mile min in ypenr In llnr nl lhn nul union he Supmnn omL MIDLAND Onl CPIMd vllln llodzlnm TI Vnulmw urnum Dnl mu hound our lnr ury lllnl on churzu nl Cnvl nl mm prrnmlmry hmrlnl In rnurl Monday Appcntlng bcfnm until Mr Klnzio prvduccd Ikdchm to show that Um pmposu fiddl Hon would ho canM out In Luv mm adding lo akk cl thsting bulefnnx ML Kln xio Ly hopdul lhnl his company mlm bu onu of he fin of rmny limu mu Imlmurim In ll my spur wave of dunm nnd mmmcrvlal expan Ha polnlnl mi had an first um nmfiml the approval Wo must reach decision Mn KinLio dated whahu to enlarge our present plan find stay in Barrie or look or new location which if new nry would most pmhably he on main hlmany In an my nmlhlo location out of flu 05w mm SPARK PROGRESS Ikm in 1961 Ollinlals ol lakcvicw Dalry and their Nahum nmmrod balme Bmlu City Councll last nlghl tn wlllno 11mm or one mum mlllion dollar lnduslnal cxpnnslon program to um plum on Dunlop sired cast The pmposcd lungs are dcslgned ln such way that ex mayor Willard Kimle prcsld enl requires the nppmval lo purchase some Ellvamd land He made it plnln that ll council dldnl go along with hls pro posal he would mnsidcr moving the plant oulsido lhu qlly To Hear Charge 01 Capital Murder an gold awards were pre Icnlcd eight to has who rem1r ad 100 per cent participation and seven to those who almost inched 100 per cent participa flan Perfect contrib were Brewm Anna street Thoma Electric Sim co Block Bank of Montreal Stntislics cnmpiled by New York City firm or the United Appeal across the continent has indicated that Barrie is the nnly one out aL 41 Canadian municipalities tn obtain over 100 percent of its objective in the 1962 campaign Barrie hit the 104 per cent mark Last night at Canadian Gen eral Electric 30 Happy nwards were presented to Barrie firms which managed to obmin lha highest participation in lhe pay mli deduction division rigsax cows JACK lIiENWELII union presdenc at Mansfield Rub ber 00 Ian is shown hold ing gold floppy awanl while Nebllelan personnel Lakeview Dairy Plans $250000 Expansion Barrie Tops Dominion In United Appeal Gift TELEPHONE ANSWERING CLINIC menml Ily TI IInnIe Immer Cummrrrr Wat Jun 30 AT TRINITY PARISH HALL NOIICE YUU MIE INVITE STAYNER sum Pm sdwol mle hm Um kn thcnwlvcu for he in hm the ma horn yrstmhy Anor mon Awmxlmnmly 50 on mo hum newnme by uthr mum look mlvanmzu lho mam parlor Lmtlnlcd by leu Hub It Ivm mm Mlcr dun Io INm how la Alma one mum nld polntlnx out that mlhllc Iknlinx mulnm me on rmwdal Klndrrnnrlrn wnn rlmd early Monday so me ymmmflrm could act nrmn Ivy hm oclock for he hour1W nMnlou Her or he Slnymr Mom UM FIR nrv Sknuu Chub mimic mmlml the Innu winning pm gmnd or the company clalm lhl propcfly we do not wish Io do soralhcr we make waighumani pmposnl to purchase 11 lcd pmpcdy at lair prim 509 by the my and 1th clear up the mallet mice and or flu Mid ML nzie mundl 010 math clean lng up pmblcm of survcy on Poyntz mock Ho stalked that the company never couid nrguu its case Mom us he was member of council at ho time 11 previous diillwky with new survey This survey moved all properties award the cast and mean that each property owner Lv on tho mm petsonl Amending Ia Mr Klnzic Poynlx street at scdlon Fifteen bronze awards were presented to the following inns Maldex TnmnwDominlnn Bunk Allandnle Branch Lakevlaw Dairy City of Barrle Publlc Works and mm DEPL Clly Hall Pratt Mom supply Bell Telephone Co name Broad casling Co DcVilbiss 00 Bar rle Examlncr Jackson lllomrsr Bay City Molar Public Utlll llcs Cammlsslan Earrle Weld lng and Mncldnc and tha Dub aria Hydro Eleclrlc Power Cam mlsslnn The seven other gold statu elte were presented In Bane Tanning Ltd Lulklnfiule Im perial Eastman Copacn um John Lang Co and Mansfield Rubber Stayner Kiddies Learn To Skate Royal Bank of Canada Plaza Branch Bani Tent and Awn lng Consumera Gas and the scssment Department City at Barrie managur at Mamie being congratulated by United Ap peal campaign chairman Wll lard Kinzlc Looking an 15 Jack Forster dmlrman of the Pay Supevlnlondonl of Iho Hlllelown Hosplul for Dlmnlud Children ANNUAL MEETING Canadian Mental Health Association BARNIE BRANCH Wednesday January 30 800 pm AT iHE PUBLIC lIBRARY Guest Speaker Dr John Atcheson Psychiatrist Quailian Period All ARE WELCOME In Im MIan he munany maid Lnkcvcw Dairy nllmly nlmhlo local Imhulry dnln lmium 1mm Manic plant aver rmlim mmxhnmly 75 mllu Pn nont all umnm I00 Noyce lmd nhln mm mm vllnl vdxkfl mva ml mm In momy momd horn the Min of m1k mind In mum Ha mid lhnl lho mmmny Napalm an immediate mm on the mutation ll muncfl umn approval nudme troun tion cwplul with In addition at new nu of products won an principal rmmm or Thrown higher Inseam mmmunlly mum lhmuxh employtnan flmblc mama llon pme and emmnmt the art1 rammed Miiiu Sailor lm Saiilx and Allisvn arcMiners stated that ihvy Md Mcivui imixudimu mm the wmpany in design the mast nllrnetivo building possipio to enhance this are Bnyvicw Pnrk and In om VkW Dunlap atmd cm Mr Kinda eels the CW would benefit in our way ll In mailer wns mmdod WWII The ndual commotion at the sheet to In present form including paving all now to moval All snow plnwing and mainfJnance is pcrlonmd by Lakcvicw oval lo the point removing ho saw 10 and around the PUC pump house ho clty has rulumd to do hls The annual cost thln work nvcraxm 12000 per your and pmbnbly Iho only open sure In nanln Iookod nflur by Lax mvmuo dead end and used aniy by 11kmch Dairy and in Public Utilities Cmmnlwom Truslzcs or 1963 are Harry Nutter Jim Grecnhalgh Ted Fraser Frank Green Angus McKay Horace Pratt 11 Nel son Mm Ethel 111mm Ross Stephens Dr Anders and Gurdon Leighgnn The executive alllcm are Angus McKay chairman Gard on wanton vice chairman Harry Nutter treasurer Hm chenhnlgh secelary palgn chalmmn Wlflard Klnzle campalgn chairman said Tonlghl we shnw our appreciation to the employees and workars Hard rie You came through very we in response In uur appeal and you showed your responslbflty Koyour gpmmgnity Proceeding Hm presentations an open meeting 01 the United Appenl board was held and tho exfoulive elgclcd or this year Mrs Scan Shier waa nppalnl mu Deduwim Division is awanh pmentaflah was made 1115 my the Canmiian General Eleclric Vclnl r0072 Examinm Ma Rolruiflmrin 118 mm lmm Mr Klmlo WM mod om lo the linruwo WW mom Cmmniuco Mini Accldcnls Fnlnl nccldcnla Parsons killed Person Injured Vchlclcs checkcd Wnrnlmzs Issued Chum lnld Dclrcllvu equ Speeding Cnrclm drvng Olher lrnl chum Crlmlnnl ncxllucnca Dnnxtmus driving Drunk drlvlnx lmpnlrtd drlvlnz and rodnnlnld In Hm local WIN umllnu prom ML an Durmin counties and the The Barrie dclnchmcnl 0n nrla Provincial Police hnve re leased lhc following rnflic sm tlslics or Dislrlcl fur Dcccm bar 1962 Musknku raglans through its spakesman Law argued that the Lakehmd group would be too away from the indoor arena to benc fit and would thereby be pay ing for something and receiving nothing and that the group had its own communlty centre near the lake that is operating sub cessmlly am fret ofrdzbt 0n the olhcr lmnd Ihose ln lavnr ol he Indoor natural Ice rink and expansion ol the area to cover he cost argued that mnny children ram he Lake land area would benefit mm any new rink The action In iavor the arenn produced number oi witnesses to indicnte how they could wnrk an the project in nisiii Township Council has ai rendy given two reading bylaw to nuiharize borrowing oi 515000 or the arena pnynbie aver myear porind Before final appravni can be given hy council ihe mailer must be confide by he 9MB The OMB can rciuse council permission in cantinue or it can give ienlalive nppmvnl so that council can call ior lenders in establish an exact cast at it could even all council to pm dispute is mainly between the Shroud Communfly Centre Commlllee and the Lnkelnnds Assoplatinn mun ha ha iL1 own cnmmunity centre sev eral miles mm the nrnpnsed site at the Indoor arena wlthln thgrllmils ol Stroud served by an outdoor natural rink and community hall that costs the taxpayer tn the area about two mills under the terms of the tax structure What the camrnunlty want to do un lurge thl urea lwhlch would mean luklng ln the Lakelnnd Associatlnn and levy further L8 tn mllls for the purpose at paying all 325000 debenture which wauld be necessary to consruct the shell of the arena strict includes Simcoo HEATING FUELS Phono PA M51 Héars 72 Sides To Arena Fight COOP TRAFFIC FIGURES BARRIE 196 1753 1138 Ho Inld lhnl In Ihe In five yum lho GDDA to Ms know lcdxu hm provldnd over lead In Dnrrla In tho Held non sundan lnduslry lo coma lo lhn cily My Job In la cl the lead and lhcn lhey go to your lndur lrlnl commluloner nld ML Keefe In oulllnlng GBDA plum or lho comlng yenr Mr Kevin uld He assured the alderman um he GBDA would continue In ho mnpalfllcul group and nut pressqu group or Idle causu and was still working or the xood lho economy Iha cn HM Georglnn Buy rcglon Darrin Clly Colman was urged in continua ll moclnuan with lho Genrnlnn Bay Dcvclapmem Arsoclnllnn when chlllu Keefe general manager addressed council Inst night ll sald that at mum ymmgslers are forced to so many other centre In he mun Iy to gel Ice Ilme because thu commitm cnn nevur be sure of when it will have Ice because of wombat and snowfall Klds prmn are some time actunlly screaming from the frost hlte because of the severe cold at our outdoor rlnk salt Mr Mills He mid ha cnmmimn would be pre Harold Robertson speaking or the Stroud Cnmmunlty Cen Its Board aid his committee had been given some assurance that it would be eligible for gavernmeni grant oi about $5 000 in campieie other part oi the building including services change room and snack bar He mentioned that lot oi the work would be done because oi volunieer labor and material and in his way the cost could be held to minimum He sald Mr Jarnlcson No children will be denied the use lb arena even than who live ouLsIde the allected areas Sicwnn Fisher oi Slroud also speaking in flavor of he new arena said his had figures to show that families living in the Lakciand area sent their chil dren to participate in the minor program in Sirond lnnlsill Township solicitor Charles Wilson acted or the council at the hearing The Community Centre board was represented by Peter Mills also Barrie The lakelanrh As sociation appeared before the board without legal representa tion although number oi those in the audience of about 60 peo ple were wllllng to voice their opinion In oddltion the Lake land faction produced num ber oi letters of protest to go belara the board Those assessed as residential arm or commercial would he required to pay oil the debt ii it ls lnwmad by the male 8ACO $25000 elm vIcepreslden of Pelrson Building Ltd the firm whlch has submitted lg urea on ma appmxlmale cost testified lhnt his Inn could complete the shell or flu arena at cost 3250 teed file debt wished Georgian Bay Developt Assoc Urges Barrie Stay Rs Member llu to In In will an MM Ballbut mla ll lou ln Mum an Id lluldrnll Allth and dlnltlcl II In lnlzrnlrd Incl lhI flu Mollbunk Inh bundl lhrn will Ioon ffllldld hullml on lullum bull fllnhlnx day and hum Ill be MIMI lo hidy hum ll Im to um wall ma wenIll on Fr lrum 00 pm Th Iuh hurl film an lvllhmwn Ikvvunbnnk unku Inddim Scoiiubunk Angus sub branch soon offering daily service MBHNK llvlnll Cmut III lmonl ChgIll Amuh Im Mm lnmm only mudme nvlnn Ml Ill lull IIIcod blmud lull worlhwhlll plmu THE BHNK OF NOVH SGDTIH The clyl eonlnucd memben sh1p win he dlsmucd by Ina Fl nancu Commlllcc nl council Lankevln member Zone ol GDDA also lpoku lo council Ind xnld he was Inter clxtod In Increasing the mumbeh He snld that ol six munld finllllcx In Slmcne County Hunt nddrcsscd In Hm past week Ive mnunlcd lo membership In lhe moclnllan um the association wnuld con llnuo with Ila mulonul tourist map this year wllh lb 11ch lion winter spam as well summer ncllvlllcs plus mnumr ed diskdhmlan the GBDAI Indgslrlalrflnndbwk Lnlcr In the year lhc GBDA ls zoning Hugs spread In Mnnclnry Time mngnzlne that has clrculnllon of 11000 to Ian buslncssmen and Hum cw be mid We wuuld tugged that lhll prolcd has worlhwhlle marl ll should be for he enllm lawn shlp and all lhosa In be taxed should be nullned by mall and public meetlng hull Ia acqualnl Elem wllh the lads Bald Mr AW The Lakeland executive cell mat low people would be tax cd or an arena Iha would per imp benefit ha cnlirc town ahip number oi individual poke in lever and again tin dea pared in operate in league bill couldnt do so at present bo cnuse It was Impossible In gum nqlpe Ice lime Heafleged that the comm tee had an Indem arena wouldnt have to warn about mowvclearing an the Ice and could be assured of about dun exlra monlh each year or Ice hockey and skating as walliu bxjoamhall ML Law speaking for bah lands said his group was pri pared to secede irom the posed taxation are ii wu possible to do so He asked Mri Jamiesan or an adjourn ment oi decision in see if this was possible He further in maled inn ihe gmp would seek legal counsel to semi senessign couid carried uni Will we automatically be taxed ior any iuturc debentures tor the Strand Community area asked Mr Law lie was told by the other group that the people Minted in the now pro posed taxation area would only be responsible ior the arena and not or the present Cammu nity Centre liali which is pm niiy in debt Mr Law said he wandered If safe and durable building could be constructed or 0151392 pefsqunre it would he regrettable if we had disaster In few years said Mr Law while slaling that Lakelands wan pm pared to continue on ii own without any intervention by the Stmud iacliun 54115 qosr manm He also ndlmlcd Ihal ha cost with be higher than the committee noted and asked How many tlmes can we ax pecl expensive repairs nr ma replacements In the next 20 years such as In BnrrM

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