nvl unn Am nnru DuhM um um um mm mm lmvunxu Kl UII lVllnll Mumu up mm up mun 4m tummy Im uc no will ququgl HunAmman The Society was Incorporated An 1952 ll pmvidcs cnmmnn mccllng ground or both slum nnd electric mllwny cnlhuxlnsll Ilram all walks lite who are lnlcrcstcd In hn runny Intel 01 milwnyl said PM Spencer tho Iorltlyl mth rclnliom Sucltly presidcnl Ed Jordan also messed lhc point that lho locicly is ano keenly inlorub mi in All nspccu or lmnsparl nian rill NM lln IIuIy Im luvnnllll mm cm II Um Imuum Hum auulnn lambda far as Mr Weber is con cumcd11mc 15 na closed sea lon on trip lhisnnlure What Is Ihl UCRS The Upper Canada Railway Bocicly was ï¬rst organized thcr inrunnnlly 1m Slnce 194I It has held mcclings and puhlishcd monlhly ncwalcuu Canadian rallway and slrcct nllwny happenlngs and hislnr ES Inn Wu Call rum Cnumu nu Ar Vehcr prcsldunl of the Mlchigan Railroad Club annlher tourist and vlsllm lo the UCRS has only mlsud Ihe Marlpma irnln trip In 1962 and was hdiedulcd passenger on all oth us made by the mciely 18 MAKE TRIP Album Ahmm Almm Mu Mummlu lml um ML mu nmnun on no Iull anlmu um IIIIr He sells locomollve xecnrds mund or steam engine hullin anapuflin hey shunlle long racks making and break Ing freight and passenger An Hmmlnrr mva wnx ahtn vcxmquJmI MM ho rig 1mm Wnshngo In Harrie The minty or the prevention of destruction and preservnlion ur historical and nostalgic pur iï¬asas rnlway steam Inca moiivcsmore commonly known ns tile Upper Canada Railway Socinly is an the job Allan Sherry New Yorker on his first UCRS trip Sunday laid that he amid out about the lrlp lhrough advertising ilym Ind had decided to makg 3°°Yz chmhcnhlp open In any one with xcnuinc Inkml In any Cunmlal milwnyn Cup lc or he Soclzlya muspcclus paving lull inlonnnumnbwtlho nrgnnlznllan and H4 ndhidu nu nvnllnbla wllhoul obllanllun hy lending lcllcr II he Incl My Box 111 Terminal In Tqronlo Flrn manlhl mm the DUICMI nnd dlrrclau of he lutch do ridcd In hold Ill cam lncd nlcnnmndmuw excurilnn The Hull lhrlr work noch Mhmllnmx Md wbhcfly wm cvldcnl Sunday on thtlr lzcnr lrnlxl laadcd with 683 pnld Inw cllerl WElnhleen members al the Michigan Rallmad Club came on lhll lripl Not only or the pur pose ol enjoyment bul also plug their upcoman Irlp from Detroit to Nlagam Falls on Feb CHAIG ROBBINS 15 And Bob norm1s lmlh or lCooksvme gaze intently at Mhe an rccnrder while rid Railway Society Trys To Keep Puffers Alive TODAYS STOCK PRICES Campllrd by Flynn OI Dunlap at flan 1m In um um llumuv II nunu ludelnn mm ma ll In Mln Inï¬ll Inuit an In In lldddy may on In Arr Mum lnm mml In Immu lnmmv rm om Clui ml INDUHTMAL MINING Sam 121 III nlnlhllu lho mu cnzlno nho mu hum by lhu Momrenl lammollvv Work In 1N0 Clnu Hit Mlh dlnlnclrrl lar cylindtrl of Jo limits nxa dlnmrlcr he him Mm 73 tour htm all much IIIIN vcrnll ltnglh 04 hrlKhl 13 widlh 10 lo All ml with It WM clcnrly evldcnl whlla wnlklnz Ihc nlalu he can lhnl Ihc people were 1m Imlng unconstlous lhu scenery 1m llng by hut drtumlnfl ol lho engine pullan mlr unln STATISTICS Granlcd that dlcscl cnxlnu urn capable sImIar and man one lrcnlcr spccda but lhu vlauul representation of might just kn an ampliï¬er prod lhnl Icelan cl ndvenluro In an onlookcr mi might be thn appeal In suing simmer nlnng Ihu lrnckll How many you young slen did rml drum with all your mlghl guldng lhnl grounded missile along Ilrclch Irurk nnd lcnllnz lhnt ynu could own lho world nll mm Mix for ma preservation steam engines lo keep romance in railroading as long as It dflll not Inlcrlcrc wim lhe succes lul ewnomlc opornllan train It lrcmcndoul ilnhl lo me 0111 brutallypowmul mm slrasfly made more exciting and nimulnling by lhc black amnkn pouring 1mm lhe stuck it bears down an lho lrnckl null IKIZBIIkluby Yesterday it was noted that many people swarmed around the engine but no mention was made the number person In the bnganga cur The doors to the on were npell and from within baking out were members or the sac Icly grinding nwny wilh cum eras with and wilhout sound at Ihc curiosity sunken ln lhe lralp ynrd Also about 12 up recorders ucm plugged Inla sockcLs record Ihosc suan ncchnbe heardagain sounds the steam vngine cuhugging and pulling he CNR had been on hand Io hear the grunts and groan of the youngsters as monstrous diesel lumbeer mm vlew new perspective might have resulted Not that diesel are nnl awe xame lacking and sleek rand runners but the children could be overheard crylnz Theres no steam wycq cumous menllunLd in yesterdays edition was somewhat Iale In arrivng at Washago In the meantime two trains came mm the lame directlnll lag the alumspcclal on Sun day The regarding consisted of nothing but the sounds steam engine at work By 1i pu ic relauon officials of mum Nulm my nrvmhll IN 13 lnlv Nnumh Mnl In 11 mm UIIInI an mm mm munm Ia Mlnm 1m mm In IN HI Femll law mum Wlmlmr lAndan Kllrhrntr Wlmzhnm Ilamilllm 5L Culhnrluu Tomntn Irlnborounh Trrnhm Klllnlnn Munknkn Nnrlh Hay ï¬lldhury limllan Knpmknnlng Whllo lllvcr Algomn llqlonl Scull Ste Mnrle Clmlnz Ms ovtnlnu Pnrlly cloudy and older unln chnudny Winds Mxlcrly lb Wednmlnyl Lake SL cm Lnkc Huron wcslcm Lakc Onlmlo rcxinns Wlndsor 141nan Tub onto Considerablo cloudincn lanlght and chnesdny wllh low snawnurrlcs Winds Ilghl lo nlghg nnd Wedggsdny Hnllburtan region Vuriahll cloudincn wllh few mowllur flu chmday Wind Ilgm lo nlxhl nnd chinudny Normcm Luke run Geor xlnn Day Tlmnxnmi Cochrnne North Bay Sudbury chnu dny partly cloudy Wlnds gm lonlzlll well 10 lo 15 Walnu day Synopl cloudiness nnd few Inn of snow wlll move across central and narlllcuslcrn Ontario lodny Scullcrcd flur do an expected In cnnlinuo near the Great Lakes Lake Erie Niagara uslcm Lake Ontario regions llnmll ton Consldcrnblc cloudiness with cw snawnunlcs Wrd ncxdny Wind Ugh tonlght and W951 sdny CNR roapernllpn has been tremendous uld socier pm ldcnl Ed Jordan Ever since we wens Inmrparalcd and be are lhal we could always count an cooperation The society plans to have lhu xnme anzinu make the run up In Barrie or the Vlnlcr Cum lval Should be quilu sesslnnl Bob McGralh or the publiclty department of the CNR said there were only lhrce operative slealn engine In Canada and 6167 was lhe only one in Ihll urea After the successtul UCRS ex cursion season in 1961 and 1962 the society thought the engine would retire on Oct 1961 Since that date the Board Transport Commissioners ex tended the certiï¬cation on tho boiler or another year and the engine should see use until ha and of September 63 at least DIAMOND RINGS Total wleght the englne In cluding the lender is 340 tons The tender bald 13 tons of cnal and 1161 imperial gallons water tnflive gm 55800 paungs Bdilcr pressure is 250 pounds logy sguare Inch looklng young Bordens eyes one could almost think that he feels the engine will leap right out of Ihe recorder Examlner photo 7i IlrwI Int Wllh IOYEAR SECURITY BOND In You Gnuu WEATHER 0n llonullcu Temperature mm Wlflnudq The dqmnmcni docrud mm It Is not prqu mm IIch permits to EN mad clam lhnn M00 led mm lhe centre he lmmï¬nnge wllh lllzhwny 400 According lo ha developer lhls mnkcs mm Ible or him to build nllhouml mm mtmbcu council claim Ln In in good deal unha dmn be Hmllulim M00 hot and could procnd he wished lo do no bould be Highway mvnmlnl which would mu II he an hulk clmor mm 40 1M lo ï¬nd and Again the develop deI um human thin ha mm mt hnm mum upm build hennun ll NI maul wm mam humr lmm llm highway ha would rry nearly be mcmadnnz on Fnlr Gmumh may dcvclowr who has L1nd In tho vicinity the Han Fair Grggda betwfon jm rounds and road wlshu bulï¬ menanM rcslnwmï¬mvico somndly council has dccrmi mt qu lrpnxnga on Em mad emurovmy planning versus commercialism raged in Barrie Cfly Council al night and ended mlh homing but can fuslon In the mind many alderman mdlon but ngulnflom Dcpnrlmrm of Highways nc coming to the dcvelopu make Um mrlenxcUon Impossible Aï¬hur Momw ind Md Wu ll we go through with um pramsnl It would mean Illa these members council could technically conslilulve quorum me plannlng hnard which nlne mambeu Iald Ald Wll non Those who lavored the Idea pulling Md Emms on the board included Ald Frank Hersey Md Cumming and Mayor Les Cooke Several other councillors prclemd to hold Judgment un til After the General Govern mepls regplpmcndallppz cnunc does put Emms on he board It would mean the enlire City Development Cam mluce nl councll would he re mcntcd on the board Includ ng Alcl Gerald no Ald This is no reflection on Aid Emma but this is major change in council policy and am against lha proposal laid Aid Wilson who eventually gathered enough rupporl to have the proposal withdrawn In favor of further consideration by the General Govrrnmenl Commillee council Tina Planning Bond opening was caused by the sudden re ignniinn of Thomas who resigned becaus ni pressing business commitments Mr Lem stnted Ihal his new dining room wnuld be nmcially opened on the second flndr his restaurant some time In Ap ril The dining room will con llnue lo speciallze in Chinese disheL An eflorl to put Ald Everett Emma on the Planning Board along wilh two other members at council was met last night with still opposition 1mm Ald Charm Wilson Cale operated by Chow Lem was Ihe only Bards establishment that south just dining room licence The Well inglon and Queens Hole and Continental Inn have Already been given permission laoper ale cockth lounges as well as dining lounges Planning Versus Commercialism Is Theme Council Debate The Liqnér Llcence Board of Ontario has swim dining room licence to the Clty Care In Dunlap street to Vserve liquor with meals nm 3mm nxmnmz nmsnn JANUARY 29 Réstauiant Gets Licence From €30 Oppose Sélection ToPlanning Board NESBITT THOMSON AND comANY LIMnnn lulu Dunlap mum Hum rm um Mlmlnl Wm Lunpuululilhed ml mwlnfl In mpulully Hy yr MI Imlu Ken IIIndium In Her MI ho rmmlly npuilnrul rnnnul Ind Mn ml all mm lnvmmuu mmllln llclml by nlmlin and ï¬mIFnll of mu ulmrh dopulmmt ll unppliu lnvnlnn Illll lnlmmllinn wflulinm Inll pullhlllu Inlly Duidr mm In ilIHllll II heneï¬unf IMI nnlu An Inqnlvy ï¬rm In nIvligm yau In my my Im full JIIIII umml mu om helnw yml my nldlly llh cunnulvluyml Ivnun at my Invulv unlco Firemen Stop himney Smoke hLa pmth mud MN Irntlon for dlflacnt dadson Pomibly the won would mnh allowmcu 1m Innh Flu Imam was called om My Man whim IMQ NW In on 11m my damage wu milk mum lrom dummy llr width mm quickly quallnd Mayor Lu Cooke stated that nothing can be done about Ibo mailer became be law L1 Id by the Dmmnml oi Highways Ind he Dcpaflmeni of Munld pal Main and council has no mnlroli Howmr mambo Ward my um Mncii made an wad it could persuade lhe dopmmenl slacker their rezuimiom to nilow lhe devel oper lo build Council dinele In wlnbn on whclhtr accm Io lha Conllntn ml Inn back um requimd toning Irom lhl ccnm Mn lhzfrwny O00 We 1n the my Developmcm Cummile donl wan ouuide pmnlrc making hodzo podgn ol the development on the rim our div uki AM Gmsld chem He wanted 93a 03 dcvolopurï¬mld uh arts said we in clined in along with In ear lier idea Aid Wilson Ihal such civic Appointment should be advertised in lhe newpiper that Interested citizens would Either come forward or mm one else in ihe communin tauid lumen name Mayor Cooke fell the of the City Development Cam mlllee was on the Planning Board there would be betler cammunlcallon between 1h two bodies To this AM Wilson Iuled hut if member council nlcrcslcd In planning mamr he should he prepnrcd Io In at the meetings of board II an observer He mentioned the act that there are many good people In Ihe community with an Interest In planning who could In on the board lee that It In retrograde step The whole system of mm nlnxasitlsmwlstammve the pressure mm elected afl Iclals because independent up polytmcnu lathe board an ex Virtually all ornulzed musl cal groups in the city included thelr names In the proposal to annual that lha city should con slder the wnstmctlon such handshell and practlce ma at lhe western end Kempenmt Bay Th Barrle Central Colleg lau Band wnl not Included Ald Cumming Id think It step In Ihe rlghtdir eclion hlcause In the past ha planning board has bean ouglql with council Ald Wilson asserted that plan nlng board opinion would In coming to cauncil completely Hl cred The adage being conspic uous by its absence wu force fully brought to th at City Council last night when repre sentative olvarlnn band or gnnizations and dwirs appeared with recommendltimis or new city band shall CONSPICUOUS BY ABSENCE N0 Muller You Live City council Hears Bandshell PropOSal Wllcro KENNYSGARDENS mm nu mom1 mth or hlnrle ml In drllrlml mm Ilylu undwhh or Inn hmbuu The sevenyear Moran Md cxman from Ward said that he should be picked for the plun nlng job over Md Emma b0 cause he killer was only an ommcll far his ï¬rst term Every election have In creased my majority except once and should be ahead of Aid Emms fur the Job Hid Md Mmsellus me next mccllng nl coun cil yup are going hay to 4111 me jl you wan meor not said the alderman Mayor Les Cooke dcnitd Hm there was Any attempt 511th hlm few mlnulcs later Ald MumHus Inn lhc councilhtL laro It adjourned It fivehour ucssion He later said hat he had no lnlenllon of resigning but they are sun going to hava all me ll they wart me The matter came up nigh when motion was ml up or discussion Ihat would name Md Emms as helhlrd represenlaflve he board Ald Roy Marscllus ls lrked because council pmposcd pub ting Ald Everett Emms on Ihe Planning Board over himself Those making the presentati Ion to council Included the Bar rie City Concert Band the Km penIelt Trumpet Band Ihe Bar rIe Pipe Bend the Ross Cald well SIngera the King Edward Lndlea Choir and the Barrie Llllon Io KENNY LEM If Hes Wanted Wants To Know Kenneth McNaughl hlslar Inn at the Unlvenity T0 mule wlll speak at the hury hall pm Hi aulr feel Nuclear Illms For Canada The Background and the Run Issues study group will be formed to dis cuss this subject MAN mnmv BETTER IN FULL ITUMM IF YEAREND BILLS GET YOU DOWN TAKEOUT ORDERS FAST nmvm PA 6028 CHINESE FOOD lunlurlnl lul SPEAKER lull cl Hopes orJhe wabï¬shmant mental beam clinic or Simcoe Cmmly In 196 dimmed last night in View of no ac tion Iaken by Banie City Council Simcoe County Council at mung earlier his mom stated that would in all pmbabllity be plvpmed go ahead will the clinic pmvided Bank Oily Council wen or share of lhe cast and that the county could pay its cost without rais lng lhe mill structure City Council took no action lasl nightrwn the pruposal other than verbal announcement that It wps ln tavor of the stlwme ll anything is to be dune this year it would have to be considered in budget dis mission by both council and Slmcoe County Council meets im this pumme rm Wednesday of this week About 111 but the Finance Committee or Barri Council dld last night was report that it had met with the ï¬nance Oxnmlllea Guilty Cmmdl He Inflmuted that Louise Col ley director the Slmcoe Coun ty Cammuglty and Remuion service attempting to Orlan he county orchellra am aware that One band missing but dont think It any secret said Mn Homer In estimating the cost at up pmxlmalely $100000 Mr Hallie said would like to nee Barrie became the centre of good my in in Slmcoe OwMy Distxld North Oolleglate Orch estra Ihe spokman was Ken neth Hollierwdirm HM Barrie Concert Band Roberts Urges City Lead Way To Get Mental Health Clinic bgndshell am the groups These SPECIAL PRICES endFeb FLORIENT 512 HUDNUT INFANTOL ONEADAY PARDEC POLYVlSOL TRIVlSOl TUSSY VITA DIET woonnum CARTERS CREST muo lAVORlS PAlMOlIVE PHllllPS SUAVE 139 99912 169 499 347 229 29 397 22 297 22 150 Zimu 2for499 333 69c 91c 1h Speck Mnltlvh Vlllmlnl loo quufl 01 LU Mm lllll Lam 5mm 9222 as 22 57¢ Monlh WIII Hm EC 62c 113255 1m 660 ItffJfJ 93 AVE TODAYBI IDA EuIiSal 66 Dunlop Em Ill Po 0mg Sum TOUGH SYRUP GUELlIDA LL MAN kl ullu ylnnnt lmlu IQ Il Road Mum CALDWELL DRUGS LIMITED AELANDALE DRUGS LIMITED ROSS DRUG STORE 150 HARPERS PHARMACY Mnltlvh Vlllmlnl quufl 01 loo During construclxon ol the Carillon Dam on the Ottaw River the hauled 19556 can of rave and 32 ment think that II we iww leadv ershlp he county will follow said Ald Roberts We mauld The proposed clinic wouid om cam midcnt at he county and my 135 cents pcr year fur 5L mation or 314000 or the county and $2350 or the city Ald Frank Hersey chalrmm finance said he was sur prised In llnd the County Fin ance Committee at 1w enthuA siastic about he Idea than an cilywas and dismissed mggested bud 35 Council however did nothing despile plea mm Al Gerald Roberts to take some leader ship in the matter and urge the county to pmczed with the establishan sudl clinic he prepared to say Ihat we ma ready fvr our share It was fallacy thlnk flit rounded xhellx pmvide better acoustic Councllwlll give canildznllon to his suggestion propgse would be large enough to Accommodate such lam grows as the Toronto Symvfh ony Orchestra and summer ï¬lm an pnï¬ugllm He said It would have year mund use by he varloul city nrzunlzallnns or practice sess lons The bandshell at the rear would have kitchen plus recline area or the various ands Mr Holller propoxedAhI he shell be square in dcslgn far better acoustics und 5an that Milk chm lld MIG uld uuudu BRONCHIDA BIG GRAVEL HAUL LA llllANl CHEST RUB for 499 69c 31 91c 88c 57c 59c FA l2901 PA 5407 4mm 499 347 229 397 297 150 fllflgé