Cnnnrllnn m1 pmvlnclnl mu mu mt by limb om CM llnmlllonv Aqunllc mhd other Cnnpdlyn gm It Ilw Im1 lrmlrk um um llrr buy ml I1 mm In mm In I191 The vrnloul Cnnmflnn mg mm She moltfl Irr why In In lrmlyle word In 20 but In out lhc lonmr mm mm nMAlnAnl jg blynhllu 5an ml year by my My Cngnphgll Minn ï¬wmi mtyrur Ir den be llnlvmlly ul Mlch Inn Imzluv lhu Wynn wnm rnl Imllvltlunl mnllry nmnl In Hm ol lmllrrlnl Ml Cmnphclll mmk ul 32m ul In ml lnm IIIL um yfnrfllll 1m nmkcd Unllul Slnlu nwlmmrr Imrulnd lwu Cnnadlnn mull Including um zooynrd wmnml lflulyln whl Mnlly by Mary fllrwnvl IIHI Kalle lmlinll III Vnnmuvrr LONDON nl Im11mm Cmuulbnn rccunh were null rqunllrd nml um lvmvlnulnl mnrkn dmlkml up In ID Illnrl Ircllun hr Onlmlu lem mlnn and divlnn hamplunshlpl 50 Canadlnn Magus learns wmo nul much luclor In lhln ytnrn hldding nlgnmu only turn or lhrre the NflpML drnll clmlun lxvlwm lhu hollrxl llnllnr Imllle will Inr Bobby Hull Mln ucmlnn ullAmrrlcn tackle Mm Ml chasm by llnllnl ltxnns nl IE AFI nml Mlnncwln Vlklllul lho NFL 11m Tuuns not Ill 11 pure mm mm In have NEW YORK AWTho lwa lop prnchslonnl wlhnll league In 1hu Unllcd Slateshe Nn linnnl nnd lllc Americanï¬n lshcd nirly evenly lhl all In lhelr mmunl scrimmngu lo sign the op mllcge slurs mu llncmLnlhn boys who open he holesMm pmnium pltka at llw most part In lho AH and NFL Ilrnlll LIKM wcrks ngo nnd Ionml mm rcccivcd munnth calling or In blu pny usunlly rcscrvtd nr sharpshoollnu pnuorl and Ilnghy rumm Records Dinted Ht Swim Events spent about two hours at the arena Saturday morning watching the smallest of the small fry hockey ists Accordlng to Legion authorities and they are authorities there werent any more parents than us ual at the games But the adults that were there en joyed every minute of their stay JUST NOTES Tickets areon sale from any mem her at the Rotary Club for thebenem hockey game here Feb 13 Niagara Falls Flyers play Bay City Fal cons in aid of the Barrie and Dierict Association for Retarded Children Ray Gariepy is back in the lineup of Midland Fly ers He admits hes lining up his checks little closer not vantlng to spend any more tlmc ln RVll Pretty girls You can stlll enter the Barrie Dis trlct llunlcrs and Anglers Conservation Club Miss Outdoors contest Send your entry along with three 8x10 glossy prints to the club Bpx 251 Barrie Minor Hockey Week in Canada continues today with Legion action at Barrie Arena from six to nine oclock School hockey is from four to SI Wednes day ollowed by Barrie vs Pcnetnng Peewee game School hockey is at the arena again Thursdafy Fri day midget and juvenile games will be ayed be tween 640 and 1030 pm Next Saturday morning the final day of the week its klddies hockey in the morning as usual and an atom game at 430 MINOR HOCKEY WEEK The GovernorGenerals lriurhph should do somLL thing else It may make the popular Vyse the only golf pro in the province who will talk cuiling in 80 plus degree weather Such triumph is feather the Barrie Curling Club can wear wlth pride Its the greatest thing thats happened to the organimtion since the Ladies Silver Tankard finals were held here about four years ago This four against our methud of curling is probably the big reason this game is still social first and com petition second Its the reason it is the fastest grow mg game in the country Major difference between the games is the way it is played Neither four would be able to play to gether on the links They could be in the same four some but couldnt be on the same side It would be two against two Loops Finish Even In Star Signing Nixon is the golf champof Bame CountryClubr Not only that his vice Art Powell is the oft time champ And to add to the wrong season Jacks sec ond Andy Stevenson is better than average golfer and is past president of the Country Club More Lead Frank Vyse is the club professional dont know too much about the other four skip ped by Harry Michie However two of its members Jack Lovell and Jack Merrett are known golfers Dont know the qualifications on the links of Harry and Hugh Merriam But this does prove something It clearly indicates that golf and curling do mix In factits pretty safe bet thatabout 70 per cent at the curling club members are Country Club members etc If Id wrlttenlast week that Jack Nixon had skip ped his half or Barries GovernorGenerals rink tovthe golf championship you would have gone lightly with nnm mania EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARleu mavu SPORTS TYPE Golfersilfllgré Curle Curlers Ate Golie By STEVE JONESCU Two dull plrln Illnul wllh lnlh enxunIlnrlmxrr Jlm Mini 50th Calullnh with 51 ml Cnrdlnm ol 20 NH ml Ilullnlo no In ck Tom WMoIhItl Wul Vlmhlln lhflulrlnhl New Ml IM lllllulA 1m bl burrow laufpmmd gmII hue ll pmnlrr nick llm NFL has slum flllll nu Am lulu Im survey nllnwn NH loam lluncxl Sloull Alrxnndcr Jordan rnd Tom llulrhlnwn Kentucky rnd have llahlnwn lnm Hlnle lnrklrn lloh Vorl nml Daryl Random 0h Slnlc nml lucklc Dun llrnlmn lunluc lhuAFL Mun Hmhlmm Dxumwny lurklc Junlnm nu Ilmmm inunhllmz rrnlln Dnva Irhmmn mu lncklu IId IImMc erthm Slulfl m4 Wall Swmvcy Syrnmw mu llncbnrkrr Ilulml iulllrle nl mrgll Tuh 5lll umllnnl MP Balm rnvl Inl Miltr ul Wilmmlln and rm Arl lmhnm ol IlaIon Tol lulu In Ilw llul l0l7 plnyru drnflml by luv hm Ioniurn aul nl rd mmmnn clmlusnol Including lulurel wllh culluo rllulmllly mnnlnmnmn NFL xlmod am lhc AFI IS In the Hm round of um loam NFL and the tlpzhHeam AF drum dlflmnl plnycrl were named nnd Jusl out were ImckIchdmJrrry slovnll of Imhulnn SAnlc 0mm Alex nmlcr of UCLA Danny lrn hum Arkunmx nml Trrry nnur Innun Slnln been lxycnr thnlrncl or 115001 Lee Iloy Jnrdzm lhn mnKnil Iron llncbnckcr mm Alabnmn In nuld lo have received an 113 000 bonus and thrwyrar can lmcl at $15000 year mm Dal lns Cowboys of he NFL whllu llllsxlsalppl tackle Jim Dunnwny rlpmlcd lo have sol $250 bonus and lwoiyeur conlrucl cullan for snow annually lmm Dullnlo ml of he AFL FEW IMCKR 0105 mmmt um It link Mon Inlrl ml Clcvc lnml onm lunml duwn mule provostd hy Holmil Tluerl by whlrh Ty uhh would Ymvn 5an la he Indlnnl lur llkk Mm won lulllluu Illa wllh am or LIvrvclnml In yrl mlucd llllo WIIHu bnlinn 170 Dr lhu Ilmlly Inlund Ihm Mn cur mualmdaverml mu Ilmél omlnu out 91 lum Hunk Henry vulmn drm mm hlmn MIL mll accl deal um In um 1th 1m The mo manual llmrfl washed out lot ward ll Ind am hill lnl edlgfhc urlnulhl In PEEK Ilharrrlchup mom mm mill Incl PHOENIX MIL IAINï¬lm Ilrlvrr wnn klllnl unll nrmllmr hmlly Inluml In nevnrnlr ncrb dull Hllmlny In Immlln nllhunln Axwlnllnn Iva lur Irnl rnrl Hlllnl In mumup unlnl WM Sella Cnlll Ilc mu Iunrrlrd lwp rhlldnn NEW YORK AWThe nld ltmm group has our ncw members In baseballs all anc ouulcldm Sam Ice mud ï¬lmy Flick And pllchcrl Eppn Illxcy nnd Jnhn Clurkwn rbtlvmlng lhu lnlnl mrmlkrshlp EM Illck who averaged 315 wllh Ihllndulphln Ihllllu am Clove lnnd lmllans or ymrs 1mm IBM ll 19HV 97 MW mldrnl Wurrcnlvlllc llclan Ohln Clnrkmu rluhl lmmkd pllchrr Mm won 32 names or Warculrr Clllrngu lloklon and Clo II II In lhe anlunnl 14Auqu mm IN um dled mm He won an unnm or Clxlmpa In IBM and Illchcd 22 Inning nnd nlm mm lnr Ila lon In WW No goals by Cole proved the margln or vidmy Com wall shaded Gulham Spuam clicked or the other Cornwall marker and Case counted for Chalham Rochester 1in Eric largely through the mom mid who banged in hat trick Palm want In IL Miller and Louis Kenny idle IL Mld Anolhcr close nflair saw North Baysliprpasi by as Kingston edged Windsor 31 Soon poMod all lhme far he whines and Bannennzm bit or ham Windsor tallies acount of Nays 1L Maloncy BMunay and mum each cullcded singles while Tascona with two and McPherson paced tho Sud bury aunck Driver Killed In Car Crash Singlcumshy Martin flankin and Coomun em bled WhiIhy to bang out 31 vicwry over Kitchener Brawn mlchod ho 10M marker for the losers lockfli harm Thu Bnme Legion Minor loc key Maguo started Ontario Minor Hockey Week with ham Smmday afternoon lhe Barrie Arena playing no less than 16 Bellmaqu games XL 5mm broke loose for ï¬ve goals to lead Hershey to 124 drubbing or Spam Perry and Bowen he out wilh two each while us went to Ede Vince Md Cook Scoring or SmFanewmfe Rumble pouérd at and Leigh New Members Join Old Group 1y rmme gm Inn 10 huni feds or Barrie and dLstdd youngsters oi the Legim Mi nor Hockey Leagues Minor Action Packed Hockey In Barrie Minor Loop ITS SAVE And Its real mmup unlnl Srlluu 0mm Iunrrlrd nml hm Oldllnwrl rum mbvr Mm lrnm hll onlruvanlul cnlch wllrn ho 1Hva IN the Match lo lnkn Ilrlve hy liml 5mm nl liflnhuruh llrnlrl In IN 1911 World Series uvmly 1m nlnntr lw wound up mm slnlcn hum clnnnll lluln hn mm Mgnmu and but 151 Hwy ltkfllll lrlllmmlcr who ulvlmn Inlkrd hullrr Iln wun mum cmurhwmlo hulking wllh unc onlldlvilhm rluhu than my nllwr anlunnl Imuuurr lm swam rnnw nlmlz Ice 71 Murm55 In was among lllnsu consldcnd for flu Hull Flame by he Imo hull Wrilcn Auoclnllml wnl picked lhu Ira llmn he cnmo under he Jurluflcliun nl lhe l1 mnn vtlcmnn mmmluce Unlll thq yrnr he vrllcrl look mm nXl who played In In last 10 yearn an lhcy muxldcr only Iham nrllw In the In no yum The record lmkn almw Illru lull 1122 mm 1915 lo Hm with VmMnKtnn Scnnlnrn and Hum lnnd um unlyv In Hmu WUIM Rfllu wilh ll Scunlurl be halted SM Brian Kelly and Barry Hel mcr Mch 5Com Iwicc in him mu Iriumph ovcr Winni pcg Davld MHJmIrn accoun or am ch goal Phllllu In 1900 HI was Inn rlflhtlleldlr vrlhl mom am He Ilalc bum MAKE IT ON FlllSl TllY from mdnrdson Mike Mal lory and Boynton to whip Guelph Bob Wisan mild or Ihe Royals born had an other two 520 or Niagara were Rob Walker Ly Rlchardson and Church Bamo mclved nn unhar msing shock when blanked a4 by Pdcrbmvugh Reid was up gun with three goals while sing went In Simmam Reid Tarbush mud Hub win over St Cnflmimx Canon and nine scored the other while Ruhimfl clicked or Lhe losers Pcm Cook uld John Gibbm mmbimd to give Hamilton 53 will om Niagara Cook lurnui me hat trick and Gib Name and Gary Mcgcr scored hat trick and pair rcspedivcly on pace Springï¬eld tn triumph over vaid once Singles came mm Pearson Burke and Di Read Chikk siippnd one through in slaw of he shutmu Buffalo posted wln aver Cleveland on goal by Bob Wal on Pete Harding Jim Vnuse and Tom Can Bob Henderson scored for Cleveland wood and Mycrm had sky glcs Terry Candï¬a Lake McGrogor and DcIamx each scored for Erie hockey 5am youngsters from bomdom during the winter mam This scum was ta ken during Junior action nu at AND erAVVEVLï¬siliVEéM um Dusomn sent across our THAT NEW CAR 0R TRUCK owlIn 1m haw IraIn cnn nve you llmu and mmql FOR mm AND INFORMATION CONTACT BARRIE DRIVEiACAR LEASE lerlon NONI mlfl Im INWMNI lwu mm wllh mum ln hm dk Mnxnunirnï¬um but mum uumz wm mum ml the lumen Imrr did wmk All II ll WI mil unwselul nfltrumn mu lhe Utlu hnd hm AITIMLIN TlllmlHTfl nnmlnl Hul ulhrnln nu clear wwrr plan on Um Nu nhuu nl Lake mm WI IM lolnl It Mi lumI Mo Good wrlumxrn lmm unit cllrnl were Murray Ilmm nml Jdm lInxlrr whlln Jnn Mc mly mil Tom Hamillle Mmuu lnr Harlin North fllc 1an Top Um xnls ln ha Dawn hill uvru Vaughn Admmm ol Ilumavillo Sue Hnnky nnd Willile ol lhomhlll Dawnbill my winmrl worn Jim Mcllmy Tom Ilnmfllm Ilnrrle Nmth und til Wlxhnrd mil Slew Thanmm NM or lhinl 11m mly mmpï¬ilnn In he Crusammy wrrc Um Ivy and Mnnlnn m1 urrc FA mle mu Iliduumll Hill Yulm lulrmm ll lllvllnmlllrndnnx nnd Mrvo Hell nko of Midland lrndnnu Colllngwood Md Elllabdll lmdnll Richmond lllll lay Winn ln he Mums cch were ill WNIMT of Wmlil Steve Thomxmn luny Sound nnd Jim Mcllmy of Huntsville and Jun McLmly ol llarrlo Ntmh or lhlnl Top Ihreo buys and on Im girh mud Lush mm for the cam lrvyivy mm by HM lnndPqu1ng or ho mom year in mw Callingwnod took second place while Barrie North linlshm thin Vidom In the Glrls Slalom um Sue Harvey of Bolling ood Norma Mcpr nLgo mm More was load of action at Snow Valley on Saturday my nine schools compacd or hon or in the Georgian Bay Sec ondary Sdlool Asociallnn Skl Chmlomhips meknaiel BI mpdilors out of 96 ml its Sound Huntsville MidlarxLPcm dang Collingwnod Sdayncr Richmond Hill Thonilill Ear rie Central and Barrio Nora mod ï¬n he Downhill sun lam nnd CmssOmmiry events phen Dunnrï¬n moo Slade Sidney Wm led Detroit with gm ach May 5mm and In 13 um one Mantreal edg ed New Ymk 76 on doublas by cgy Quinn Bmce Bumble and qu Hines Bob Camuthu 590M once For New York it wm Allen Hamelhill 13 Doug Young l2 and Dave Cunniï¬g ham Six diflcrem players scored goals in Tomnln nudgmi Dc mit 64 Marksman were Dem nis OBrien Kevin Alarm Tom Collins Brian Mcbellan Sio Dale Crevigcrï¬had one and Damn highlighted Little NHL anion with 60 whieuwnshing Chicago Glen Davis had two and ngles came mm Raymund Pollml Billy Sem on Murray Maw and Allen EL Nine Compete For Ski Honors Saturday moming at Barrie Arena Theres mom or the me the rink tonight Ex aminer Phoia GIANT Nlfl nnw nullwvlllu In 54mm rlru Innu Imlll mm vounvl llw mmfln lwrlmrln ul Um Krum anlnnnl Im In pm vrnl wmul nl ml null Inoth umm Im lam wny Irnm lhu nninn rhln nml owe II III In lmxlnu mlrl IIMJIIO The an hnx hem mm In mo lvn hml my slmrr nl llllu llullln nml Innkan hII mum Im ml mnhlnn lhnl kind mumry nny mum hut Menuer nl hanlnu Im urlllnn nllulg nkcly llc nlso In public rclnnnn nprmulnllvu nr brewery In Now Yuri nnrlncr Mlh brnlhrr In In Inuan lntlnry and mlldllmlulll vuhllc Mk llo la nnlculnln nml Wm WM ho dolng hnskcllmll nl 357 TKMTI AT COLLEGE nnslllu rcllrcd nearly wa yLnr M20 but than was hm lmz ml cul under Ms rluhl eye Thls you wnuhlnl balkch snld Ixnaillo In All Ihe mm taught never was cut under lhc eye Thl HI not from playan basketball linch Mynlml fllutnllnn Lmnnync CumKc lhu day wrek he InhL Thls llme lhu retired profes snrlalnppcnring lusllio wn wnlchlnn Dick Tiger wnrld middlcwclxhl chumpinn from levrln lrnln or hlx relurn lllln llxhl Feb with Gcnu Full NEW YORK AW11 ouch gene bespectacled cl low pccrcd up the ring and commented Im glad dont have In llghl this guy He looks ton strong other thwarted wimp by George Doorman twice Gerry McBride and Wk FA wards Falcon coach Paul Megcr de ddod gm this line lilt and deposited McBride at can Lm in Gun Gawa spoil The move mrked wondels and the trio was constant mat low years ago nnbody would have nppcnrcdlm mom Io Carmen Dasllio who once held he world wclerwclghl and middlcwclmll championshlps blank range Then early in Ihe mini frame searing leadér Whit Moussmu broke In all alone and appeared have Don beat But Rich dmwed 0m 1m and blocked the low In still another ouLscanding instance Shmpshim made our great savm one right after an other thwarted wumm Efféipï¬ï¬ï¬‚ OIDIIIIF Going into ï¬ne game the Fall ears were tied with Beadionis Mels Express for second place in ihe standings one point ahead oi Oriliiau Atlhe end of the day the loss pins Brad MT 144 slaughtering of Mid land Flyem lei Barrie in Iourih place This was tough one tolpse because for the ï¬rst iwn per iods he Noam appeared be headed for vlctury But as has been their cusiurn of late Lhe Terriers came on strung the end and Susi med their way through or the win The setback extended Bar nes loss stmk to four maight and ing sire peginnixmglogu The goaltenders on both sides saw out with supreme 2mm and deserved equal ratings as star at the Kama Don Rich did everylhingirhi power slave of defeat and Ormlas Bob Shropshire kept the visuals in the game hen the going go extremely rough Shropshirehad real busy Lime in kicking om shots as compred f0 Richs 31 116 back In idnvé manyof them spewed and dosain bullet Rich came up with two cox secuuvc sav In tho semnd with takers ling fmmpoigu By JERRY GLADMAN In one of tho besthockcy games in many moon Ihe Bane Bay My Falcons the Georgian Bay lntenmdiqte Hockey Iangue failed hold the red hot Drillla Terriers and lost 42 decision in bvuï¬me at he Ban1e Arena rough Its bad 2mm lose anything but its worse after playing well enough to win nine limes on of 10 men sxinorsmna 91 SPECTACULAR Spectator Basilio Praises Boxing PARRY Eluhle ua nlllnlum IA um Why wIv Fur Spring Ellrmrll Flllnnl 116th iLéSéffThfillér In Overtime Period numu a7952ch no It Now dolng playing inmouumoouuuamoooJ lohun Mnhuvllrll lvnmln nucyk Huslon 50 Mnhmllcll 20 lltllvcnu Montreal Younu Dclrnll ï¬hukmlu Hull Chlcn pnlr Moniyenl mndInm Chicano wnn 21 Iml It hm ll polnln 51 couple mian later Mm mm mm in again but Rid made the save only to have No minutes later fumes pmved his value to the club both as dermcaman and wing fluent by giving the Falcons lwogoal lend He cm news the blueling picked up loose puck fmmn scram ble nwund net and flipped backluxucr past PM ha hem peat the past few weeks arid is com lng Into his own 115 an esiab lshcd star In the leaguc not tho most mlar he is the mast ml kmwn player mm time parts Hourle of the Eddie Shack vuritmy and more ohcn than not he give the am something to holler abmn who the it be good or bad hy as they lgM mime loam Could bmak the deadlock and tho mm In mlmtte owfllmc ï¬ssion was called at Big Whit Mmenu dldnt walk long to glve Orlllla the land scoring at the 101 mark Whiz brplfc in plane flich one Rich and me mbber alowB trickled through the goaflea WILLIAMSON GETS HRSl Gard lladdldon by far ï¬le bat Terrier on the ice yestm day put Orillia on the score boani the 358 mark 01 the third He grabbed pass at lbesideofthenuamlcam the open corner Bud Williamson tied it up at 1506 Injlding his int goal the season his 15 IBM He look Haddlmns mm and hen Rich with ham wrist shot from on 1mm 1m Young Bowman played on of his bestgames In ngu and Himmi than lhree stars were being anrdcd he wouM have to get pick His passing was sharp his checking was hard and he skated mum Emp shire robbed the béarded one Drill played rough from the sum hammering opposition players In the board time and again There were few scoring chances 1ntheflrst Vnnd as result of steadygoallcnding it ended in scorciess Lie The leans carried flue same fast pace fluï¬dghout the ï¬rst half of the semnd period until big knis Clarke broke flue goose egg Chns look pass mm rcarguard Howie Forbes and zoode in all alone on the left wing He Inked shot and hen drilled law llner Mo the right hand corner on mm than 6m occasmn FIN5T PERIOD SCORELESS Klmrn nntyl llldnl Infllnl Hde DIHII DUNMH IT WT EQUIPMENT TRY Whon Vw Thlnk OI GARNERS 7IHTIIINO Hm nm NHL LEADERS mm Nullonnlly Aflvnlllrd ll um Our llhr Al Npallnl lvlul Ildlr IllE Rigel Edu ARLBERG SKIS SPORTSMAN CARMEN IMSHJO mjvs SPORTS CANA ll MN 233 SARJEANT MD PA 82461 THE THY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE PA um Any lcnm Irnchlnu lhn quan lerrflnnlx lhcse Hum muln evenla qunlltlu or Ihu Uculcn nnlGovcmarl Trophy QUEBEC CPIThe winner ni Ihe Quebec inlcmn lional Bunspicl is lmphics are back indny to begin deiendinx their crown in line 501k nnnnll Quebec international The complex bonspld draw dlvldcs the original licldhll year In record mksMa we events lhc Chmch and ma Omega bnson or flu Hnl mund games In them cvcnu dmp Inln lho Irancull Jobln compellllan llcadlng the In In ye champions and his yearl write Curl Ensltdnn nnk rum Burlington out whlch hnld bolh lhu Llculcnnnmov emnrl Trophy and mu Grand Aggroxnln lllle Also hlghlyrralcd John ma chnwakla crew 1mm Conhlon 0nL which won the Chlllflll Trophy lust year mam Drillia Mcaford Winners Return Penalties Edward chmg mg 791 Hinds Mm mxghing1646 Third Pub Odma Won Willjmuson Hughes 155 Drink William mum Kandy ll Penalties None mum Cam nbmsoam Mumhle Penallim None To Defend Crowns mun uenmw we namzu Graham Humm forwm Kennedy Murchlc Calhmm messcau Shmpshhe Haddlelon Gallon Kennedy Williarmn lï¬nda oFJlcmu Pmmain rel ewe Amiy lam lineman Forbm Falcom VMLr Relemu Al Prnmnll was low edln call only three penalties all comlng ln lho llrst period and had little trouble to con tend wlth Alew tlmzs Hawle Forbes came close Io tossing punches but his Ienmmalea held htm under rmlralrlt Well weFnlcons improved on hair passing their stunting and the defence was at Its slnmgesh bm they still couldnt come through wlm Ihe blg am By new coach Mega ml ably wandering what team haslo do to win game go it again Tuesday night in Orfllla and then Barrie will lay off until next Sunday when Huey host the Midland Flyem FAMONS goal Rich de fence Forbes ï¬sherman Reid Almslmng Mumis Camm an Keasi Llnrke Smith in ward McBride Fife Mr Boonmn Stoddatt 901mm llay Calhoun but ln lhe loose puck The lwn goals seemed to lake all ol the 5m an the Fulton and orillla played It sale or the remalnlng lew mlnulcs whim ummlsuumunmnma vvulNl yum minimum 70 in mm Irlnmlud wulmllm uummuu mm Suuma luv SUNUGU noon run IHE LUNG nun 1121mm gyal Asylum HIATING ou game Shudlngs Overlhne Period Flu Period 1131 HJI