Im uv slum rnry v1 in mum Innm no my mm ID hm mum Ii 7mm mum om moo1mm mum um qumm mum In MInIIn Mn mhn In on nm mm la In Amnm rm Ema nu nu um um mum um Dnllfll Mhuum nmmu In In Immm mum at Vmw numb cmm only mumu IMO ANN TM llnldlln Ill In an mm ClnuIuou 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 18 1923 Branch of Victorian Order of Nurses organized in town with Daniel Quinlan president Dr Ernest lurnbull vicepresident Wilson secretarytreasurer and first board at directors composed of Mrs Fred Otton Mrs Turnbuli Mrs Vernon Ilummer Ernest an Mrs Victor Knight Miss May vingstone 0rd Miss Emma King Co Everett Mrs Devlin Stun Min Miss El good Mrs Drury MncLaren and Young Altar raised at beauti ful dedicatory service of new IOOF Tem ple in Barrie the former Christ Church Reformed Episcopal on Collier Street Barrio Lodge No 03 oi Odd Fellows wns formed in 11170 now has membership of 275 with the lleheknh roll showing 150 Alex Cleiand is resent Noble Grand with Mrs Klgour head of Beaver Lodge Harrie Curling Club won the Tankard group beating Coiling wood in the ï¬nal Suilf Meredith ski pod his tour of Harry ook lob Step ens and ililllnrd Meredith to 1M win over ll Fryer oi Collingwood while Skip lloh Mnlmmsml wiih ll hicCon key Andy Malcomsnn and Dun uhlson bent Norman ilule oi Collingwood Glndxlonu wna 1rmu minister of laml at Holljlamln Franklin helprd rams lllu Conslllullnn of lho Unnul Stnl no Ollvrr Wendell Holmes rollrcd The Hospital for Sick Children handles some 1500 accidental poisoning cases in year The records show that de spite widesEIead impression that most oisons are ept in the medicine cab not some 85 per cent of accidental poisonings originate with products which are stored in variuus parts of the home Investigations show that at least 40 per cent of these poisonings originate in the kitchen the cupboard elow the sink being responsible for most ofthem 28 per cent in the bedroom while an other 15 per cent occur in the bath room The polsunous agents in home some at them putuntially lethal are many They include bleachcs disinfectants furniture and floor polishes lye clean ing fluid insecticides herbicides lini Good Impressions Think wlml mu wurlnl would hnvo mlsml hm rellrcmcnl even at 70 Mn unvcrxnllx cnlor Pharmadsts are conducting vigor ous campaign to reduce the number of accidental polsonings which are occur ring in many homes across the province every day of the year It is mt however that the major ity of these accidental polsonings are the result of carelessness or thoughtlessness on the pan of the parenb There is no reasonable justification for proposal advanced by Young ngres sive Conservatives to double the indem nily of parliamentarians to $20000 year There Is happy medium for increases even for our MP5 Most wage earners who would probably faint 11 their pay was doubled would subscribe to this view The MP5 of course have good case for revision of the indemnity They now receive $8000 plus $2009 tax free for expenses This $10000 cannot be com pared to similar amount received by an executive lnbusiness or industry The reason ls obvious The MP must maintain two homes one in his riding and one in Ottawa His expenses there fore are considerably above average ev en if he lives carefully But doubling Autumn4 mva In null rnI um nrnlmml um vam Ill 04 pm In In um mun IIIMuI m1 lulumy Allah Nun Wm rumm IIIIAN Ilvllfllll Huml Mlnuu Mannm nun mm num um nul Munl lull IILInl muIn Mu JOHN flaw mm in II Ilv an uulu mu my Doubling The Indemnity For MPs Is Not Justified Protect Children At Home The Barrie Examiner RETIRE AT 70 YEARS KIWaus Publisher 13mm Examiner OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publlslied by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontarlé DOWN MEMORY LANE ubllsher Brian Slalght General Manager MONDAY JANUARY Pm otlï¬ndorurnl lhe courll dlacrcllon Th nyxlum In Incl ha llrguly been adopted In number Europem wunulu 188 Philip Love elected president at Horlicultural Society Only 14 of membership of 400 attended annual meeting in 25 below zero weather Barrie now has about 250 electrle rang es in homes Examiner reporter re fused admission to cover meeting of Presbyte of Barrie when subject of Church nlen was being discussed Stroud won the District Cup beating Barrie Thistle Curling Club end Churc hill Ben Webb and It Webb skip ped for Streud Allan and Alien or Churchill ii iii Lay and Moore tor Thistles Veegar takes over as sulerintendent Allandnle division of Grant lrunk Rnilwey Manager For guson oi Allandale GTll npprentice hockey team protested less at Stratierd by 50 iie states Strattord ployor nnmed illorenz was penalized three times but refused to leave the ice Charlce llenry lIplett first warden oi Slmcoo County from Goldwater Klwnnianr celebrated iirst nnniversary with tirst ladies night at 00F Temple President George llubbard presiding Address by Mr ll luriiiope Orillin lnwycr Mrsr lttnn won the silk stockings donated on tlrnw prize by Klwenian Ves Moore Oliver Cameron gel the special prize tor club members toy automobile from the Supreme Court bench at 01 Henry Ford when pnsl no look up lhu Frrsldcncy ul lho hord Motor Congnny or lhc ï¬ccund llme and Alamo 1115 was nnmvd loutbnll Min Iho Yur AI 11 SECRICY OVIRDONI Iclurhomugh Exnmlner fly malnlnlnlnu complan lccrucy over mun prucendln lg juveniles lwa principles are volllod One ll lhul un Uca musl bo won and nlllly lhc pu Ilc consclcntc and lhn mom lhnl lllo llrnoso of law onlortemnnl II to pro minty ml and he affnnder wt nnd Perhaps llm Crimlnnl Code Ihould bu wrmun allow repom of avldenco juvonllo lrigll dllclpslyg lhgnamelqt We feel however that the chief re sponsiblllty to save many children from accidental poisoning in the home rests with the parents to see that no such in gradients are léft loosely around where they can be handled by the youngsters Dr Llllinn Martin learned lo drivn an aulnmumlu wlmn she was 70 nml nl lllu anmu llmc luumlml Ilm Old Ago Contra In San anclncn where she rc cnlvml ngml pco vlo ll nludnnln She mn unucd In llrocl tuntll her dulh ll 01 Many parents carelessly leave nrtlcles around loose in the home which appear to children to be candy It is fact that almost all accidental poisonings are suf fered by children especially those in quisitive youngsters aged one to four who think anything they see is good to eat or drinks The Ontario College of Pharmacy is attempting to combat some of the dan gers from poisoning uite prevalent in the average home by standardization of all poison containers to serve as warning to adults and children alike One of the recommendations by the pharmacists is that all $01500 containers be in sixsided stu ded glass bottle which could be immediately recognized not only by children but also by people who might not otherwise be able to read the label and the blind and also the New Canadians unable to read English If an MP is wealthy he has no cause to worry If he is dependent on the in demnity he should not feel that he is en titled to live in style above that to which he is accustomed Neither should he he asked to sacrifice himself finan cially for the sake of representing his constituents Such an increase should meet the slin ation The sacrifice aspect would be ell minated and the taxpayers generally would be eliminated and the taxpayers would probably go along with the plan the stipend is out of all proportion to need 0n the basis of living costs therefore 50 per cent boost to $15000 with $3 000 of this amount tax free should meet the average MPs financial difficulties He could maintain his own home and an apartment in Ottawa quite easily ments turpenï¬nes cosmeï¬u and many others Tho lym llmdl lhus are very uxefu Bu lhey are lika Ihn rest the body composed or llvinz mics and can be lub jag disenge ullntk These glands are scattered I11 ovu tho body with many lhun In tho Armpit neck min 11 Mar the surface at the HR and lnltmnlly at lhe root ma lung lhmuzhoul he inluflnal XIm nd tinwhey God pmmim crnltr In our needs not our wnnu Some our need an luhlmcuanl In well nddiUunI Alrehm 9053 Infected Imlh Iym gland In the heck may lwcl heeausc Ihcy are overloaded wllh ho task dil Easing lhe palsanl Or with ndly lnlected hnnd lhcro may be slmh muvlng up lhe nrm dnnzemul Ilgn meaning lhnl blood poisoning la slnrtlnl What we really nn ex 3mm now fluouxh the lymph ucll lnItcllou mononuclwsll ll noted or causlng the lymph Klflndl lo xvrell German men lcs In dulrncltrhcd by swelllnt lhc gland In the back an neck And ID on and on And my God Ihnll lupply anry and ynurl Ircvrlllnl lo hll llchu In nary In Chrlnl mumm Deu Dr Mahler wm II lymph gland one has In or nation on it what are the amt Were amlllar with the art that wa have rculauon blood We arent lamlllar wllh another type or circula ion Lymph which carrlu away various waste product and la partlcular dispose of he hyprodqm n1 inegllon Th3 lymph uselul gradu allymoving fluld follow me many lillla lymph duct the body ï¬nally reachlng lymph gland or node whlch lillm out the undeslmble mnlerlnls which then are carrlgdnhy lhg bl99d By JOSEPH MOLNEE MD TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH BIBLE THOUGHT Lymph Glands Cany Wastes From Body mks CANT WAG mama THERES LONG LONG TRAIL BWINDING iii IOPUIAR MOVEMENT 111m are mm mm MID 000 My Scout In Uniled sum Cllllldl hu some 300 Some dlmsel Huck lhu gland themulvu Tho tubercu losh urm In an Cancer ll Ir other For time the ï¬nd flier out any cancerous cells hey try to team but the barrier eventually breaks down Leu kumll Hoduklnl dheua and the run tooprevalunl Iyphlll In ether but than an many more When om or more In many lym land kick up alarm an actor want to know why II III am can of bad tonsils connected will wallet neck land he dount hm lo puzzle ovu the wnnztflon lll nbvlnul Eu whon the clun ll not rendin Ippmnl he duel Ind shuuw bggln In womjer The Removal In llnd or II or nudy no In aux mallcr We hlvn Inn at landl lmur thln Hun or ex ample mnavnl mum There are no Allenelm But HI usual very good clue cllhcr ponllnl to um urloul candmon whlch Ihould In lrcnlcd lorlhwlth or nllu In Icnrs And buldn tom mu swolltn lland whllo na luv Ing nny um almlllclnt nary In It mcdlully might be pnln and rtmovlnl calm hlnu down Dm Dr Mullen Don trun lnk lht lm uuu Vlrlcosu vtn517N No but ll Hum vrlnl nl nady exllt mulnl the 191 um nnrlvm ma nonunion below um lnm The enlargemzm or lender nus lymph gllnd can com lmm mlny cnum same very serious same only serious many limited peril norm rel atively minor 11nd hull can and In mnny circumstnnCel should be moved and lent to the labora tory or mlcmooplc cumin uon ï¬nd out wlm nil n4 germ Ind whlcb term or oma cum condlllon 62nd ANNUAL REPORT DECEMBER 315t 1962 More Successful People 6mm llia Payment and mail In Polleyholdm Bonoflclallu mum toumvulwmnwmmmmm CROWN LIFE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE SELECT THE SCAPEGOAI Dear Sir Day of election hnd loll many at the lnllhful last by tho waynldc Tan leader image had become darkened and many months of wandering In the pullle wilderness hnd Elven cause murmuan and mm hllngx Fear nnd misgivings multiply an another day lecuon appmachcth Connema Ion reigns the serum hme when saying then is lmndlery In lho camp against the lander The elder gather together in wlemn convocatinn tn consult the party oracles it hayst the may devise way oul of ther dilemma All murmuringn hath been subdued and out 01 the pminund Iiinnca the laadcr now speakcth by the shnde oi lilacdu aid this prapngnnd cometh mm without the cam ll ll he the leader that pm 2th handler with his rt who hath wrought this evil ihmupon every hand In pol iticul piety ll laid upon the head at this innocent scapegoat decllring with decree oi puri Iicnlian ha shall bear upon him nil our iniquilie unto llnd not inhabited 50 be it Yet hath their wandering in the political wilderness ceased not and bchnid the day at loction still moth By THE CANADlAh Im55 $3569844786 Thu lnmcn Prusslnn Wnr came to In and In your age todayIn mn wllh he Amanda mm ll marked he and he iim Illnut cluh between he newly unlitd Germany and France strmmlo lhal wns rrncwnd In 1m nnd 1911 War was dccllred July Is Im with Genrunny In hlnh Ilnlu ol readlnm hut Irnnw lnndcqunlcly rrrpnml Under ha cnnllu nllon France ceded AI uwhmlna lo Gtrmnny an In lhnl wn lo onlurn in both lhu Iublequrn mn mcu ms nu Punnml nll mad lrom the Mlnnllc lo lho lnclllc wns conulcltd IN $598006839 LETTERS TO EDITOR $78392566 TODAY IN HISTORY Clown Llfo Policlcs In 1962 Clown Ufa Policies In 1962 together In In consult haysly way on of POLITICO You know lhe Barde Curlhu Club should make Alderman Charles Newwn sklp That would serve hlm rlghll Recenlltallfllcliuggefl that canï¬nned bachalm are not quite tale these day 11 they used In be Nohupplly wedded gentlunen were overheard at local hlstro dllcusslnz the sulr Jecl on New Ycurs Day The mull was wager that Bl least one of thh Lilys rather numemus that All them would own nwmlm ol purummm who Inlr Inw Ihu government Ilnc an lhc Common Mum Kolnx 19 use my Influence wlm lhu Nab Ionnl rmn rl Union hcnd quarter on landnn lo lry la cure tampon meag can nflErd ah typgs Typc heInI mile of malal wont stretch Newspaper comp sitar oIIen Ilnd small open space when maklnx up mes These are nonnull plugged the page oI type may he bcked up or mat rolling by small It em known In Iha trade us ï¬ll on Usually Ihey am rather lnnocuous Item like or in Manet Ihls one In recent pue Lalw nucncn In South America ls 11500 feet above sea level They are just as subject to Iypographlcal errors mar new new type scum and prool readers be lng the human elecem just car drivers and Iable Ign nis players 11m L1 they mlss sometimes never real lzed people read them so dill gently unul nelghbor sen In clipplng wlth an nhvlaus error In data By Ihe way dld you knnw Ihal only on woman in 1150 new wear black lace panties gm Barrie YMYWCA ll sponsoring series ballroom mm clams The notic list ed among the dance III waltz fox NI samba tango and chnchncha What no twist Or how nova ML Day oulllnnd his views In mun lhnl he vuu may In Hand lll nn IndCommon Nu candldmu in nu nnxl lunrll umcnlary election and mm In or 100 likemindr lndnld ulll to do lho lamb Said Mr Day All them would own flAflNSTAPLE Dawn Devunshtrn lnrmnr who hit tuly apposed ta Bfltalnl entry Into tho Eurnpun Common Market pmposcl to stud In an antiEC candidate In thn nut gcncm election oppoxlnz new emmenl candldnln wha II In nor of entering And he llll chnllcnxed any 100 other men whu ahm hls News on thin contentious subject In Inflow hll cxamph and carry the battle nxht la the polll Wilma Day who owm Lawn Yelland Farm at he min on uenr Barnstuplc nrm we Icm Mr Day has just ended term ofllcu chairman the 10000 5rong Dommhlm Brunch 01 lho Nnuunnl Farm ers Union Ho mndu his Imu unl proposal in MI lnal lpccch Just ullcr In hm ended Ml term In that ofllcu mman the branch 1n Euler 10 OPIDSE GOVERNMENT THE FIRST COLUMN REPORT FROM ILK Mn Dny Inld ha undmlwd Thll dllcl back to the 1961 Some QuestiOns Andi Bits Of Information WALLS By MdNTYRE HOOD Will Carry Battle Against ECM Plan Worlds Series basebnl reader wanted In know why the San Francisco stadium wan named Candlmlck Park Our sport dapanmenl was an able to prgvldg unanswer thelg bul wu ï¬nally Uncovered it In where else but the St 14ml Sporting Newu tha bible basebnll Quote The name Candlestick Park mmes from tho location of me Radium near piece of land jutting out into San Francisco Bay known as Candleink Point ho mum of rocks whlch resemble cddluniism from the m1 luw water Newlplper editorial niilcee have certain taboos For in stance it wan law mund the old New York World niiiw that copies of every Issue of the pap er were to be delivered to Joy eph lulitzer the dynamic pub lisher He scanned them me ticulously One day he found sentence ln an article He sat llku Buddha cnntémplallng hi navel Oiiended the publisher etnrmed dawn to the press room Throw this page out he de manded The tornman pointed out this was lmpcselble Well yelled Pulitzer Do something it cant go out this wayi So the paper appeared with the eiiending word neatly chiselled nut and sentence reading lie snt like Buddha mntemplniing his The mlllnx nl Kempenlel has been cleared even ha bay hasnt been cleaned Now will the board of education kind ly decide about 51ch Si Speakan la Hm Davvnnhlrl hunch mrmlxfl ml hunch the union who am In duller Ionlnl their livelihood wt km Inc 1ommon Mnrktt know they would pm up light échml was supposed 7m in named after Iha mm on whldl it localcdbut 9m lqwn pap and meet sigm show wimwt an Maybe this was mistake like the In Kempenfelt year ago Hs something for Dick Steele and Dave Steel lo con sider To or no In that the National Famcn Un lon ha polilicnl mi of S210 000 la be used In emergencies Expanding bl Idea M11 urlhel bu uld There are It lens 00 par menlary Icnls In agricultural area Some are nccuplcd by MP friendly to the Agricult unl lnduslry and they would vote unlml enlcrng ho Cum mon Market on unllvunhla mm and we would not wm to apposolhem To show how determined hi on hll campalgn Mr Day It may to stand any Um an Independent candldm or Ncrlh Cornwall the sen nqw hald by James ScanHopkins plrllnmcnlnry secretary In mnilry grlcullg Fnmm Dny lnku tho view that ll Brllnin wnnl Into the pommon Magic 19 pl pgqn like to Ixhl Chm ophcr Seamus lhc minister at agricullurn mecll am Mr In but Um not Kcolrlph lca 1y paulble now Irman would be drlv en the anal Thorn would nu room or them In Industry or many of tho Imulltr mu wauld umr MANYJIUED PARK nm MINacre ltllflltd Fnrv nnllmml pm In Anznna oonlnlnl lhmunndl of rnlanw huvd erlllcd Iaul n34